HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Animal Control Ordinance Revisions � _ — ] p[1 [�O X 'i l(1 � � � � �t l O � � ?Fi76 14�7H �T W � � f s� � «� , !/ 1,� RC�SEM(.�I.IfJ t, MINNf.,� tA .,.,Jff3 �Q����1:��41:1l.� 6t2 4.71 4411 TO: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers V7alsh, tVippermann, Oxborough, Napper FROM; Susan Johnson, Deputy Clerk , DAT�: June 30, 1989 " RE: Animal Ordinance Revisions Attached for your review and adoption are Ordinance Na. XIV.9 amending eertain sections of the city' s dog and cat ordinance and a Resolution setting new fees for animal tags, fines and kennel and cattery permit fees. I will provide a brief explanation on these documents: Revisions to Animal Ordinance; Attached you wi11 find a memor�ndum from Parks & Recreation Director David Bechtold setting out action taken by the Park Board regarding animais in parks. Dave will be at the July Sth Council meeting and will be available to review these recommended actions by the Park Baard with you. Section 1 addressing Cattery and Residential Kennel has two changes as follows: (1 ) Changing �he definition of cattery from 3 or more cats to 4 or more ca�s over 6 months of age; (2) Changing the wording for residential kennels from "a place where more than 3 dogs . . ." (which equals 4I ) to a place where 4 or more dogs over 6 months of age . . . Section 2 regarding registration provisions would be changed as follows: The present ordinanee has a provision that individual registration nee�l no� be secured for dogs or cats if kept in a rec�istered kennel or cattery. Staff discussion on this revealed a consensus that this phrase shauld be eliminated so the city can require animal tag registration and kennel/cattery registra�ion. 5taff felt that al]. animal owners should purahase tags as a means of providing proof of rabies vaccination and a method of locating the animal' s owner in the event it would get loose. Staff also felt the double registration requirement would help li,mit the n�umber of animal.s an owner would have in their possession. Section 7-4B-9 is a .recommendation from the police depaxtment. � i � � Resolution Settin Fees: Attached is Resolution 1974-58, wh�.ch is the original resolution adopted for setting out fees for animal and cat owners. There have been no changes to the original fees since this resolution was adopted. Police Chief Staats will be present at the Juiy 5 meeting to review these revised fees with you. Recommended action subject to your approval: Adopt Ordinance No. XIV.9 and then adopt the Resolution establishing fees, find and charges, etc. • • T0: Jilk / City Administrator FROM: David J. Bechtold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: June 2a, 1989 �� ANIMAL ORDIN�,IJCE ADDITSON AND/QR CHANGES NOTE - Theee ch�n�ee were diecuee�d �►t the May meeting n£ the Perke �nd RecreaCion Committee. A motion wa$ med@ and paaeed to aupport the chan$es and additiona. I. ITEM 7 - 4B - 4 RESTRATNT REQUIRED: The owner shall keep his/her dog or cat under restraint at all times. A leash of no longer than ten (10) feet �ust be used at all tines Nhen aniaral is on park property. II. 7 - 4A - 1 RESTRAINT: A ciog or cat is said to be under restraint if it is controlled by a leash; if it is under voice or signal command of a competent person, providing that the dog or cat will abey such voice or signal command; if it is within the limits of the owner'8 �roperty, or while it is confined within a vehicle being driven or parked in the street. A dog or cat is considered to be under restraint on park property onlg Mhen it ie controlled rlth the use o# a leash or no longer than ten (10') or phen it ie under voiGe or a#gnal co�and in the ezercise area in Schnara Park. III. 7 - 4B - 8 POOPBR SCOOPffit; A11 persons in control of an ani�al on park propertg ■ust have in his/her passession at a11 timee epperatue xhich wvuld be nsed for cleaning up fecee and/or a bag #or proper dieposal o£ fecee. 1V. 7 - �iA - 9 BXERCISB ARBASt The city Mil.l provide ezerci'e arer�e in Schwarr PArk. In these areas anieals do not ha�e to be on a leash. The Pooper Scooper ordinance is in e#fect and all feces �ust be cleaned up by persan in control of the ani�al. V. 7 - 4B - 9 YARt1 CLEAt� -- UPs A pet owner is required to clean all feces froai bis/her property everq twenty four (24) hours. . ' � • CITY OF' ROSIIyOUNT '�" QRDINANCE N0. XIV.9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPT'ER 4 PERTAINING TO DOGS AIVD CATS. The City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ordains as follows: Section 1: The definitions of Cattery, Residential Renne , a�'nd Restraint in Title 7, Chapter 4A, Section 1 of the Rosemount City Code are amended to read as foll.ows: CATTERY A laee where four (4) or mare cats over six (6� months of age ar.e kept or a place at which the business a£ sel�.ing, t�oarding, breeding, showing or treating cats is conducted when there are four (4j or more cats being sold, boarded or shown. RESIDENTIAL A lace where four (4) or more dogs over six KENNEL (6� months of age are kept on premises which are zoned and occupied for residential purposes, and where the keeping of such animals is incidental to the 4ccupaney of the premises far residential purposes. RESTR,AINT A dog or cat is said to be under restraint if it is controlled by a leash; if it is under voice or signal command of a competent person, providing that the dog or cat will obey such voice or signal command, if it is within the lzmits of the owner's property, or while it is confined within a vehicle being driven or parked in the street. A dog or cat is considered ta be under restraint on park property only when it is controlled with the use of a leash no ].onger than ten feet (10') or when it is under voice or signal cor�nand in the exercise area in Schwarz Park. • Section 2: Title 7, Chapter 4B, Section 1A. of the Rosemount City Cade is amended to read as follows: A. Requirement: No person in the City shali own, harbor or keep a dog or cafi over six (6) months of age, within the City unless a current registration for such dog or cat has been obtained as herein provided. , � � Section 3: Title 7, Cha ter 4B of the Rosemount Cit P Y Code is amended by adding Sections 7-4B-$ and 7-4B-9 to read as --- follows: 7-48-8: SANITATION: All persons in control of an animal on park property shall have in his/her posses�ian at al1 times apparatus which can be used �or cleaning up feces and/or a bag for proper disposal vf feces. The person in control of an animal is responsible for picking up his/her animal`s feces and disposing of it properly. 7-4B-9: YARD CLEAN - UP: A property awner is required to clean all feces frc� his/her property every twenty-four {24) hours in a residential area. Section 4: This Ordinance shail be ef€ective immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted this day of , 1989. CITY OF ROSF1�10UNT By: Ro Ian Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Published this day of , 1989 in the "Dakota County Tribune". ' � � "~" CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTI�N 1989 - A BBSOLUTION ESTABLISHING FINSS, FSgS AND CHARGES FOR AND IMPOUNDMSNT OF DOGS AND CATS WITHIH TAE CITY OF ROSSMOUNT AND FURTHBR BSTABLISHING LSNNBL AND/QR CATTSRY RBGISTRATION FBBS WHBRBAS, the City C4uncil o£ the City of Rosemount did adopt Ordinance XIV,4 AN ORDINANCS RELATING TO DOGS AND CATS AND PROYIDING FOR RABIBS CONTROL AND PROVIDING FOR THS REGISTRATION OF DOGS AND CATS AND FROVIDING PBNALTISS FOR THS VIOLATION THER80F on December 3, 1974, and amended said vrdinance on Ju1p 5, 1989; and WHEREAS, Section 7-4B-1D, requires that a11 fees, fines and charges for impoundi.ng be set by resolution; and WHBREAS, Section 7-4B-1A, requires that Kennel and Cattery registration fees be set bp council action. NOW THERBFORE BB IT RBSOLVBD, that the Citq Council of the City of Roaemount, Minnesota, does ordain tl2at the following is the schedule of Fees and Penalties: 1 . Registration Fee: a. Annual fee for spaqed and neutered a�imals is $5.Q0. b. Annual fee for unspayed and unneutered animals is $10,00. c . If registration tag is purchased in final six months of registration qear, being Apri�. 1 to March 31 ; fee will be one-half o£ ann�al fee. 2. Duplicate Tags; $2.50. 3. Fines: a. First Offense - $15.OQ b. Second Offense - $25.00 c . Third Offense and all successive offenses - $50.00 4. Kennel Registration Fee: a. Residential -- $25.00 b. Commercial - $100.00 S. Catterq Registration Fee: $25.00. 2 . � • i 6• Impaundment Fee: v' Actual c s a ts which are resented b th P e v e n d o r d e s i n a Y g t e d b q t h e c i ty to provi de imponndment and disposition services. ADOPTSD this 5th day of Julp, 1989. RoY1an Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jil�C, Administrator/C1exk 2 � � � � CITY OF RQSEMOUNT Resolvtion 1974-5$ A RESOLUTION ESTABLISfiING rINES, FEES AND CHARGES FOR REGISTRATION —' AND IMPOUNDMENT OF DOGS AND CATS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND FITRTHER ESTABLISNING KF,NNEL ANDfOR CATTERY REGIS'TRATION FEES WNEREA5, the City Council o£ the City of Rosemount did adopt Ordit��nce XIV.4 (AN �RDINANCE R�LATING "�'0 DOGS AND CATS AND PROVIAING FOR FtABIES GQNTROL AND �ROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION OF DOGS AND GATS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF) on December 3, 1974, and WHEREAS, Section 4,D, req�ires that fees and penalties be set by separate Council resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEU, that the City Council of the City of Rc�semount doea ordain that the following is the schedule of Fees and Penalties. i. Registration Fee, $2.00 for a full year to be prorated on a quarterly basis at fifty cent increments, Fee to be prorated to no less than $1.00. 2. Duplicet� tags $1.A0. 3. Finess lst Offense $15.00 2nd Offense $25.00 _ 3rd Offense and all successive offenses $50.00 4. Kennel Registration a. Residential $15.00 per year b. Cort�nercial $100.00 per year 5. Impoundment Fee, $5.00 per day or fraction thereo£. Adopted this 3rd day of December 1974. a�(L(�e�,� i�„ :�--� Leland S. Knutsan, Mayor ATTEST: � , Don F. Darling, Clerk � V