HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Furniture Equipment Purchase � �. � � � �June 30�, 1989 � � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � Tf�; Mayor Hoke Counc�.lmember�t Napger �J�bax9ugh Walsh Wipp rmann FROM: Stephan Jilk Administrator/C1erk R�: Furniture Equipment Purc ase Staff has been reviewin� addit�.onal needs f4r furniture purehasing in the areas not addressed previously to eomplete the updating of furniture and equip�nent from our move from olci city ha11. This review also inGluded items needed to address equipment needs not now being met as a resuTt of addit�.onal perAonnel added in recent months. Atl items presentec� for cons3.deration £or purchase were budgeted £or purcilase in this year. The furnishings presented here wi11 all be utilized in the a�eas being used by Je�f May, Diana Korpela and Denise Werner. This area would he that o£ the Deputp Registrar and Finance/Aecounting Departments. Some of the £urniture wi�.l be replacing old furniture from o1d citp hall and some �ail1 be used to make the area, now bein� c�ccupied by the Iarge license tabs/pintes cabinet, more efficient and still a11ow Jeff Maq to reeeive furnishings which wi11 give him ef.ficient use Af. his area anc� the computer equipment uti,lia.ed there. In the other two areas affected being Diana' s and Denise' s this purchase will simply be the completion of storage and work areas which were not part of previous orders due to budget constraints or the incomplete status of design for those areas. We are submitting one quo�ation £or pour conaicleration here. The c�uote is from Fa3.rbook Office Supply of Hastings, Minnesata. We have r�ceived individual item quotations £rom other vendors. Fairbook is the only vendor offering � complete package and the discount from 13.st to our priee, that we are reallzing is the best. This discount is approximately 377 off list and 3.s usually what you would realize on much larger orders in the range of $10,00fl-. to $15,000 per praduct line. k'airbook has indicated further reduction is possible from one of the vendors and I will know that before �lednesday evening. I have listecl each item we are requesting for purchase on the attached sheet and the total costs. I would be pleased to discus� th3.s further at our meet3.ng on Wednesday and ask your cc�nsideration to proeeed to purchase the items listed from Fairbook Offatce Supply of Hast�.ngs, Minnesota in an amount nat to exceed $�3668 . Attachments � . � a CITY OF ROSBMOUNT FURNITURE PURCHASE - FINANCE DEPARTMENT Deputy Finance Director' s Office Jeff May 1 !+ Drawer Lateral Cabinet (17X48} 1 4 Drawer Laterai Cabinet ( 17X36) 1 Panel 43" h3.gh 1 Fpst (end trim) 43" high 1 Adapter Post -- 43" to 73" 1 Bi-level Desk (h3X30) 2 29" Hi.gh Uesk 2 Storage HuCch 1 Drawer Pedestal (26"high) 2 Pencil Drawera 2 90 degree Corner Connectors Finance/Deputq Registrax Clerk Diana Rorpela 1 3 Drawer Lateral Cabinet ( 17X36j 1 Ad� . Height Keyboard Pad 1 12" Fane1 1 Post (end trim) 1 t�ork top with cut outs (4$X24) 1 tdork top with cut outs (1$X64) 1 3 Drawer Lock License P1ate Area 2 Flipper poor Units ( 12-1/4X44X12) 2 Task Lights fi Flipper poor Locks /+ rlipper poor Units ( 12-1/4X44X15-3/4) �� Left Brackets 4 P.i.ght Brackets 2 Panels (72X12) 2 Posts (trimmed) 73" Deputy Registrar Denise Werner 1 Lateral G Drawer Cabinet with Lock 4$"