HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. City Hall Remodeling Project s - � � : � � ITEM 6.e. T0: Mayor Iioke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wi permann ' FRdM: Stephan Jilk U Administrator RE; City Hall Remodeling Pro�ect In an attempt to provide additional work space for sta�fing in citp ha11, staff has cansidered the more efficient use o£ cextain ��'e�is in the present bu-tlding. Presently one of the rooms downstairs is being utilized by the police department as a "quiet room". This area is �ust off the kitchen area and ad�acent to the conncil lounge. The police department utilizes this area t� bring £amil�.es and youths in for meetings, interrogations etc. in a more relaxed atmosphere, which they find very beneficial 3n same casea. Some staff inembers also utilize this area to take their scheduled work breaks. Again offering a bit more of a relaxed atmosphere. In the police department area o£ the downstairs we have two prisoner holding �e11s. When the building was designed it was felt that the city had an opportunity to implement this type af prisoner service. There were considerable problems in getting these ce11s "certified" by the Minnesota Department of Corrections which oversees a11 £acilities o� this nature in the state. Because of improper design regarding heating/cool3.ng and aecess for thoae cells; the cel�s have not been certified and thus never been used. In discussions with Chief Staats �s to whether to prpceed to correct the deficiencies of that design and i.n consideration of the lack af sufficien� work spaee for fciture staffing here, we have co�ne to the £o11ow3ng conclusi.ons, 1) The holdings cells are no� essential to the operat�.on o£ the police department at this time. if city ha11 is expanded or another facilitq is utilized to house them in proper design and constrnction of holdings cells shauld take place. It would not be "monep we11 spent" to take whatever steps are necessary at this time to make the existing ee11s "cextifiable" . 2) The police quiet room is a £eature of the operations of the police department �hat the dep�rtment finds essent�.al. 3) Additional office space for suppart sta£f is needed. � y ,w ' � • 4) The existing hol.ding ce11s can be reasonabky remode�.ed into use as office areas. The fallowing recammenci�t9.ons �re madet A) Consid�r the use of. rlie exist:ing "quiet room" for su�port staff in the community development department. Possibly the part �ine fire inspeetor and a building inspector or secretary can be located there. B) Remodel the existing holding cells into an office area equivalent to the are� now being used by the Police Sergeants. C) Relocate the Police sergeants into the holding ce11 area. D) Relocate the police "quiet room" to the area now bei�g used by the police sergeants. With some discussion on estimated costs £or the remodeling of the ce11s, staff feels that th3s cvuld be accomplished for less than �1Q,000. Thie amount of money has been budgeted for in 1989 £ox pro�ects like this needing to be accompl.ished thie yeaz . With your consideration and approval I would ask pour directive to have staff receive quotes from contractors to accomplish this and present them to pou fpr appr4val. 1j