HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Authorize Purchase of Mobile Lift � f ..._1 � • � • . . City of Rosemount M E M 4 T0: Mayor & Councilmembers, c/o Adm�.nistratar JiI �'ROM: Public Works Director/City Enqineer Hefti DATE: July 3, 1989 SUBJ: Authorize Purchase aF Mobile Lift This item consists c�E asking Counci.l to authorize use of �ome excess GIP funds tn purchase a mobile hydraulic lif� far cars and pickups. The ].ift is built by American UNIC with a Zifti,ng eapacity of 5, 500 pounds . The pr.iae quote f:or this �iece of equipment is 56,300 . Attached is a copy of a sales brochure and price quote. The r�ason for this request is that our existinq hoist is broken . Cost estimates for repair of that hoist are between 55,000 anct 56, Od0 . In lieu of the uncertainty of the future location nf our public works faeility, maintaining the most flexibility for the future seems very reasanable. Besides, underground hoists are becoming a liability because of Zeakage of hydraulic oil . Alsa the portability of this unit is an important factor because of oi.zr limited space in the Public Works garage. We have tried one of these lifts out and found it to work very well . Dean Sandstrom and Bab Barfnecht did some brainstorming during that periad and came up with other uses for the lift. One such use would be to make a simple �ig to use to mount snowplaws and wings on the snowplowing equipment. Our research inta this lifts inrli.cated that American UNIC is th� only company we could find that makes a mobile iift. Otherwise we wauld have had another quote far comparison. Recommended action for cnuncil fi.o takp is to authorize the use of Sf,, 300 of excess CIP funds to purchase a mobile lift. # , • • � � � AME — ❑ e RICAN � =:UNIC=_ : . . THE LIFT PEOPI.E O ' � ' ; � _� fn, � � � , ti:�: �}' �': .. fi .�.��� % . . . ��S � ; �d `' MlNM�SQTA �.I�FT� � � �'s: ��� 5�55� Eliason (�r. � � ' Bloomi�gtan, Minn. 554�� (612) 8�4-54A7 1-80Q-336-2'1'78 • 4 MODELS AVAILABLE 4400 LBS. - 770Q LBS. �dea� for. • 2 YEAR WARRANTY . • NO DEDICATED FLOOR SPACE • QUICK REPAIRS • RELIABLE � COLLISION DfAGNOSIS • SAFE • TIRE AND BRAKE WORK • VERSATILE • GENERAL REPAfR • COMPLETELY MOBILE WHEN LOADED • MOUNTING CARS ON • ALL MODELS AVAFLABLE WITH 220 VOLTS AC POWER REPAIR SYSTEMS STANDARD OR 12 VOLT DC POWER * LUBE AND OIL GHANGE + �������1 r�a e No. of Pa e8 MINNESOTA UfTS DlSTRIB(ITpRS FOR: 5556 Eliason Drive � Bloomington, MN 55437 AM�i . _ (612)884-5447 � GNE YOUR SHOP A 't IFT' PqOPOSAL T • SHIP TO: OATE: , , ' c'� �� � fN�6�N� � . ADD ESS: CUSTOMER P.O.N: CITY,STATE ANO ZIP CODE: EST.SMIPPIN(i OATE: ��ISI� PHONE: SITE PMONE: Al . �' , �- <<t S'2�t S�rs• W E OUOTE THE FOILOWING: h � � _..^ L L�' � �- ' L �� ��, i � /'� 4. j � �- ' ..-� �'.h1 1 All equipme�t la eotd on t C.O.O.hasis unl•ae p�br ananpements hava besn made and epecitted. All aalea are aub�ect to Minneaota stats asies tax unleea ofhervviae noted. Manufacturers auqpestsd rstaH prices,apeciHcatlons and awilabllty are sub�ect to ch�np�wlthout notics. Our produeb �re a rp�elNed Ey nNnuhetwa. Any dt�ratlon a dwl�tlon hom apov� AUtAOH2ld . � �eUlcNlo�• Involvir�p•xtn cost•wUl 0��rrcuqd only upon wHtt•n oM�►•,.�wIn 8lpnatun r D�com��n��U�eAup�owr�nd�bov�IM HIImN�.AN�p�nH aonilrppint upon�Irikn, aeCldMl� or Ml�y� b�yond oW CW�frol. QwnM f0 Crry Ih�.IA�N HW ofhN nM��Nry M�unne�. Note:This prOpoul m�y bs wifhdr�wn by w 11 nol accepted wlthin days Att��t�lttP Qf �ri1�OB�t1 The abovs P�css,epectlicatlons uM condltbns are satistactory�nd aro heroby acc�pt�.You us autho�lzed to Sipn�luro ship as epeCltled.P�ymsnt wlll b�m*de as ou!llned abow. Dab ot Accepi�ncs: Slpnatun