HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of September 6, 1988 Regular Meeting ' � RO5EtI0� CITY l'ROCFFT�IPt�S `' « REGULI�R 1�REETING S�FTEMBER 6, 19£3t3 }?urs�.�ant �to c�ue call �nc1 notice tl��r��f a re�t�lar m��t�inc� of ttln City Council of the City a� IZosemoun� t��as `clt�ly hcicl �n `I'u�sc�ay► Sent�ml�er C>, 19�3�3, �t ?: 30 p,m. in the Couneil Cl�a�nb�rs of the City IIall. Iviayor HoY.e called the meetinq t� ord�r ti�rith a1i m�rnbers pres�rtt. Ii�yor Iio}:e led tlie graup in i�he i�lecl�e o� i��..l�gi�rlce. `l'he ag�na� was amenc��c1 ta incluc�e It�rn 8(c) 1;orn3� Squac� l�i^CU:3.`"3' �(�11 Zn€3 It�m �(b� Citizen 1�dv'�:5ory Coe�mitteejTacaii Aleei�in7. City Lngineer �tich �I�*�ti regue�;tc�c� Council �titlzori.zata.c�n tn pi.t�C}t�sc a I;oseo Va.br�St�t IIT�, Vi}�ratnry 1�c�l.ler, j.n tl�c� �mc���nt oF. �11 ���i1 .�0, 7'hc: city �;n�in��r adv'i��d �I�t-tt on�.y �',5,0(JQ.Ot) e•azC hue1c��t��c7 ai��� ��z���a�,ec� tl��.� :��,OC10.00 h� u:��e1 for wh�-tt cvas }�u�lc��t�cl fax` th� r�e�7aniri�' in th� r�aintcn�iic� yarage, a�id th� reriaininc� �G51 .11(} b� t�ken f_rom tti� �.tility budget. T-iefti noter� th� mai.ntenance stor��cs� }:»y m��,z�nin� ha� b�@n post�oned since the 1 �t39 b�ic3��t� i� pr�C�c�ci�7c� to move the ���icc� ancl lunc}�room to th� soizth Y�ay of the pu1:�lic cvc�rl:s g�raq�. See Cl�rl;' s T'ile 1 �f3�3-25. Council concurrec� Item 4(e} hdo�t Resoltttion tc� R�cc�a.v� Pc�asibility IteportJS�t k�ublic ttea��ny for Cl�ip�cradal� 11ven�ae Inj�rov�rn�n�s be ��hlec:�i sinc� tiiey receiv�d th� feasihility re�art shortly 1����re th� m�etincx. �10TION by 4•lalsh to table Cons�nt 11c�enc�a Item �(e) to the Se��t��b�r 20, 19t3€3 C:ouncil meeting. SECOND by Wip��ermann. 11ye�: t�lalsh, F��i���rmann, IIoke, Iioke, Oxlaorough, f��pp�r. r7ays: 0. MOTION b�� :�Jalsh to �p�rove the Consent Agencla �rith ttie exc���tion of Item �(e) . SECIJND ' by Tlapper. l�y�s: E°1ip�,errri�nn, tIokc, c)x�o�o��gl�, I�Tapz�er, VJal.s�i. Pday�: 0. S�e Clerk' � Filn 1 3E33-?�. City 1ldministra�tor Stephan Jilk �resentee� a res�l�ttion f.or C'c�ttncil to ado�t ap�roving �h� transfer of ownerst�3.�� frar� Pletro Cab1� �t� 5tar Cable, Inc. , since St�� Cable, Inc. c�ic3 fic�f� }�rovidc a lc,tt�r of acc�pt�ncc� ta tl�►e ci.�,'� ���itl�.i.n �� c3�ys; ��^ �,z-��vir�n�1 in t t��� r;�:3t��.itt.ic�n <�c3a�3tc�f� {�y t�r�uncil ort l��y 1 ?, 19£i£3. ;�,i.r�cc+ i:hc� tir+w c��t�le� cc�mh�fny' t�icl »ol�. cc.�in��ly ��:it.ltin tf���" ��O cl��y:;, ,J i.l.k ��c1v i_s,r��'( tiic� c�v;ci��,ii�,� Ir; c�k>r����t..ict�� crit}�out a franchise in �the city. '1't�� �)z'O�C3S�'d r�so:lut�_on co�ule� e�ct�nc� tt�e ace�ptance periad" lay 2� c3ays. See Cl�rlc` s 1�i1� 19��-75: L'ouncil.rnez�ib�r Walsh, �� �I�airm��n of thc C��1-�l.c� t'c�rdimi^>�>inn, c�::i�re�st�cl hi � aissatisC�ction '�hat th� city t•�as z�ot t1r�t.:iL1���. c�f. tlj� recpri� ratc� increas€� for service by the cabl.e can��an�. ��1�1si� I�r��aos�cl tl�at eity staif inv��tic�ate r�negotiatinc� the fr��nchisn or }Jlljrltl�j th� franci�ise. .Zicharc� 1'enl:c�rt, rec�ional m�-�nagc�r £or St1r C'�-�1�1e, �;r��s ��rc�:;�nt at� t�lie mc�c�tinc� ancl acc€�i,ted �rt irivii:.��ttiorl frari lJ�il ;;l� tr� �-�.ttencl th�� r�nxt C:��t,Lc� Conttnission meetinc�, i•Sayor tlakc, susp�ncl�d th� rrgular_ ac�er►d�Z �t� £3: 0() ��.m. to allow t.}l� C:ouncil i�o cai�duct a puhlic he�ring seheclt.il.�d fo�- tl�<�:t t�ir:�e. . ;:T�yoi _IoJ:e o�Enea thc� pu1�I.i_c l�c���ri ncr to con�zclnr i_hc� �_�rnnor�d r. . � . ' . . .. � . .. , � ROSFi�9nUF�CITY PROCEEDI�IGS , REGt�L11R ETING STP`1'T:MF31;R :5, 1 988 assessr»ents fc�r City l�iroject 167, t��erL- ]Zic3cJ� 'Zncfi h��c3il.i�n .�trc*�+t �rr�cl Utility Improvements� '1'f�e ac�mini�trator/cle�k h1d a.n his pic�senc� Ltic i�f�i.c�szvit of PuUlicatioiz and nffic��'vit of Postecl an�1 r�l�ilc��_i iIc�<-�r�.ny r�aot.icc�. ' ,,r� Clerlc' s I'iic� 19t3f3-25. _ City I:a�gineer Hefti p��dented a l�ri�f preserii���Lion on the proj+�ci�, �roject costs �nd as����merli�s for t}i�+ projc�ct . 'Phere ��ere no objectit�r�:a hearc� frorn the e111<.�7.r_'IIC�C'. MOTION by �aippermann to: clas� the ��ublic lzear_,'_nq. S�COND by �:t}aaxouc�h. l�yes: FIoke, Oxborougt�, NaPper� t�'alsh, tVipperr�ann. ' T���:�ys: 0. MOTION by ttialsh ta ado�st A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSA�ENT ROLL+ VdEST RIDGE 2ND ADDITION STRE�T �1ND UTILITY ZMPROVEMENT5, PROJECT NO. 167. SECOND by ��lippermann. Ayes: Or.l�orough, P1ap���r, W�1sh, �-1i���er�n�nn, liol{e. IJays: 0. t�iaypr I-Iol;e openee� tila public Yie�ring to consider t11� prcapo aed as�essment� for Project No. 175, O'Leary' s IIills 3rc� llcic�ition �treet ana Utility Improvenients. _ The administrator/clerk l�ad in his presPnce tlle nff.iclavit o� Publication and Affid�vit of t�ailed �nc1 �ostecl Ile�ari;nc� Notice. See Gler}c's �'ile 1988-25. City �ngineer Hefti pre�ented a brief description of thP project, �roject costs anc3 proposed assessm�nts for th� proj�ct. `i'here were no obj�ctions rcceiveci f.rom �he auclier�ce. ' MOTION by 6Vippermann to clos� the public hearinc�. SECOND b� v<cborough. 11yes: Na�per, VJalsh, WiPpermann, �Iol;e, O;:l�orouc�h. Tlays: 0. MOTION by ��7alsh t� ado{�'t 11 RESOLUTION ADOFTING ASSE�SMENT ROLL, O'LEARY'S HILLS 3RD ADDITI�N STREET AND UTILITY IMP120VE1�9ENTS, PRQJECT NO. 175. SECOND by (?xbarc��.igh. 1#ye�: ';�J31sh, 6��ipt��r��ann, Iial:e, Oxborouc�h, T�Ia��er. Pdays: 0. It�gular ac3enda discussion resumed at this ti�ne. �� Council concurred the city should tzke adv�nta��� af_ tliis opportunity to cletermine whether renegotiation of the ea��le franchisc� v�ot.tic� be a viahle alternativ�. MOTION by 6�Ii��ermann to tal�le c�iscussion on th� cable� f:r�nclii_s� to t.I1e Septemb�r 20, 198Li Council meeting to allo�� t}�e Cab:E.e C�r�mi�siori an apport�.xnity to m�et with Richarcl Y�nl:ert and to ail�w st�a:Ef and the cit-y �ttarney furttier study. SEGOND k�y U��al al�. 11yes: t•Iit�p�rmann, IIoke, Oxl�orough, ldapp�r, �+talsh. Paays: 0. 2. ROSEMOUN� CITY PROCEEDINGS , � REGULA .ETING � , SEPTEM�S, 1988 City Engineer Hefti presented for author.izatian turnback agreements for County State Aid Highway 42 (Emery Avenue} and County Raad 38 between 125th Street and TH 3. ' As direeted by Council several months ago, Hefti advised he requested that the County upgrade the segment of Emery. AvenuP south of county Road 4?. in exchange far r�4tc�rincJ Emery` Av�±��t�e betw�en County Road 36 and the new alignm�►nt of Coianty Raad �2. Since the County has agre�c� to apply tlle falT chtoric�e treatment i.a th� �otith s�gment of County Road 42, Hefti recommended tt�at Council approve the agreement. Counc�.l concurred staff should begin discussions with the property awners on the narthern segment of Emery Avenue for passible turnback of the road to the owners. The city enc�i.nePr fur_th�r �c�vised the County has placed m�re gravel on County Roac� 3S between 1?_5th Street and TH 3 and w�.1'1 also improve the c�rainage in sevPral key �reas of the road. See Clerk' s File 1988-25. MOTION by Walsh to a�pr�ve and authorize the necessary signatures on the Amendment To: Agreement for fiighway Design and Construction, - County Project No. 42-t0, and '�greement for Revocation of County Road regarding County Road 38. SECOND by Napper. Ayes;' Iioke, Oxboraugh, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk presented for adoption the 1989 Operating Budget and 1989-1993 Capital Improvement Plan budget. The administrator outlined the revisions made from the tirst draft presented to Council �t' a special meeting on August 23� 1988. See , Glerl�' s File 1988-25. M4TION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1989 OPERATTNG BUDGET, THE 19$9-1993 CIP BUDGET AND THE 1989 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. SECOND by� Napper. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Council reviewed the administrator' s memorandum of September 1 , 1988 regarding a request €ram School District 196 for the city to assist in funding the senior citizen center. The administrator advised tha� for the past five years th� eity has funded $6,:000 a y�ar to pay for theconstruction of the senior center activity room, The last gayment for fi�hat was 1 988, arid 'the request for further funding would be the same amount so no increase wauld accur. See clerk's File 1988-25. MOTION by Hoke that the City of Rasemount approve t'he funding of the senior citizen programs in the amount of $6i000 a year to be disbursed from 1989 council designated funds. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxboraugh. Nays: 0. „ Mayor Hoke addressed the recent accident on County Road 42 and Canada Avenue and advi.sed tha� city staff, councilmembe.rs, and Planning Commissioner Ron Jacvbson have done background studies o� this issue fram whi.ch rnany diff�rent optians have been prapo�ed. Mayor Hoke propased the question to the Councilmembers as to whether pedestrian access to the commercial district should be restricted. Th� mayor furth�r posed ta Council whether the relationship o£ the city`s residential area is so unique to the cammerrial distriet as to make it very difficult not to �rovide access for pedestrian traffie. - iROSEMO CITY PROCEEDINGS • REGULA�EETING SEPTFMBER 6, 1988 Discussion followed regarding construction of a pec�estrian hricige and that the eity shauld request cost figur�s for the l�ridqe from the County. Concerns were expressec� regarding safety in winter months, bicyclists using the bridge an�i enforcement �f ��clestrians only usi.nc� the k�ridge as an access ineans to the commercial ar�a, Council discussed the �ros and cons of constructing a fence frpm T�I 3 �o Chi�pendale Avenue and the p�ss.ible elirni_natian of i:he ex.i.stinq blacktop trail providinc� access to Cacanty Rc�aci �2. �1 suc�gestion was mac�e to reduce speed limits on CR 42 and to install tr�ffic siynal:s to allow safer pedestrian access to �he comrnercial clistrict. 1�dminisi:r�tar Jilk advised the County is conciucting an in-de��h study of this intersection, and the city will k�e provid�c� witYi the results to allow staff tn r�view and make recomrnend�tion. C�unci.l ar�reed ttlat staff be c�irected �o further study thiC issue anc� to m�Y,e recommc�ndations as ta the pros and cons of. vPhic�il.ar v�r_sus p�cic�strian traffic to the comniercial area and to laok at all th� vptions ��nc� possible repercussions. City Engine�r FIefti advis�ct the city recently r�c�iv�cl a l�ttcr frc�m an attorn�y represent,ing ttie 1'ir. si� I3aptist Cizurc.l� of izo;��m��unt .�t.atinc� tt�� church cloes not �-�gree to the city �ppraisals for utility anc3 c3rainage �asements within the ehurch pro�»rty; ancl thereforA r€�c�u�stec� that the city initiate eminent domain proceec�inc�s. The city �nc�ineer reco►nn�nncled t11at Council adopt the rE�soliztiori �c�i�F�o.rizi,rrg conci�rnn:�fi:i_on proce�dings fcar u�ility anc� clrainage �as�ments. See Ca.erk' s E�'ile 19£3£3, 2.5, MQTIQN t�y PJapper t� ac�a��t A FtES(3LUTION �1UTHORIZING CQNDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR UTILITIES 13NQ DR1�IN1�iGE EASEMENTS t)VER T'IRST BAPTIST CHURCH PROFERTY, SECON� hy Ux}�orou�h. �yes: E�lalsh, I�Ti�pexmann, Iiake, Oxborough, Na�per. Nays: Q. I�ayar Iioke referred to a rec�nt artiele in th� "�t. Paul ��i�neer Pzess and llispatch" regarding the hlinnea�aolis F3oTnk� Squad site c�n Unive.rsity of h9innesota property in I�osemount. M�-�y�r Tlokc� ac�viseci th� article rnade reference to several ongoing constructic�n pr�jects, ancl ex�res,ec1 his dissatisfaction af the officials a� tlz.is site continuinc� to not. infarm the city af any expansion anc� constructiori pr�jects. �3�yor Eiok� felt lack of communication fram the Minneapolis Bomb Squad afficials ana the university all.ows no control, benefit or input by the city. �iayor tIoke suggested that the city initiate a process to close the homb squad site. Following further discussion, Cauncil ac�reec� a letter sl�oula be forwarded ta the university reqtiesting university of.ficials to close down tl�� bomb squad site. I ollowing c�iscussion on llow tlie city can have control or juri.sc�iction over sites locatecl on the university prop�rty, it was the consensus of thc� Council to cansider annexation of the UnivPrsity of hlinnesota ��ro►�erty in its entirety. Councii directed staff to research annpxatioii procec�tar�s anc� t}ie 1ega1 requirements. See �lerk' s File 19£3£3-25. MOTION by floke te� rec�uest that ti�e Un�v�rGi t:y of Pii.nnc��;c�ta hr�ak the le��:;r_ wi.tta i�}tc� Minnea��cslis 13ornt� Sc,�tt�`tc1 ari<3 tc� 1►.�v� t.Pin c���t�2��1t ic�r� t�c����;�. Y � ROSEMO�I' CITY PROCEFDTNGS M REGULAR AIEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 198$ SECnND Y7y Napper. � t�yes: t°lipperm�nn, Hal�e, OYYar�rc�ug}1, I�1a�����r, � t�Jaish� � TJays: �. I•Iayor Iipl:� provid�d �n update of the joint meeting ti»tc�een the City Council ancl the Caunty Board of Cornraissioners reg�-�rc�inc� the resource recovery project. Mayor Iiok� pro�ose�l tti�t toux-�; he set u�s to tour �xistinc� resourc� recovery i'acilities ancl t.o rnc�et ���ii�h city c�ffic:t:�ls to c�ain more in�iytzt anc� Uecornc3 �norc� �c.quainti��c.� witli al1 the� issues concerning �r�ast� energy facilities. Th� ac�r�ini:;trator coas instrttct�d to cont�ct city adminis�ra�ors and of.Lici��J.s of- P.ed t^7ing, P,�cl��ster, 4�7inona anc� LaCrosse, t°7iaconsin, where pres�nt f_acilitie� exist. Piayor IIo,:e upciatPc� Council on th� mei+�k.��rshi_�� anc7 f i_rst mc�etin�� of thP Citiz�n 1�dvisory Committee, 'I'he mayc�r ac3vised t�he `Poo�ri I1�etinc� e�ili be held oiz Octoh�r 1 1 , 19Ei8 at P,os�mount Iiigh Sch�ol. Tlie administrator advised t11e D]innesota 1�o1.?ution Cont7-ol nc�ency 4�i11 be conc�ucting a meeting on Ser�ten�l3er f3, 1938, at 10:00 a.m, at City Iiall regardinc� the �'CB cleanup on th� University of �Iiiine�ot� property. 11c�ministrator Jilk advised tl1�.s me�ting vras rc�c�Unstr�cl aa a fc�llow up to a meetinc� on June 23, 19II£ cvhere p�rticipants of the m��ting rc�c�uested that the Pi�CE� provide in gre�ter cletail tYie pr�ce�s to h� involveci in the cl�anup plan. MOTION by P3ap��r to ac�journ. SEC(3ND by [°la.�����rm�azit�. Ayes: 5. t�1�ys. 0. �:E�S�?�yr.°�Lll�.�.17 Sll��iil7.���!?C�� Sus��n fl. Jcax�n�e�n, U�}aut,y Cl.r�r.l. 11'i"I'1�ST: Si:epl�an Jil}c, 11c�ministratorJC'lerk I'ublislleci this aay of , 19Fi�,, in Ua};ota County Tribut��. ��