HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Cable Franchise Agreement . � r y .. . . . . . .. � � . � � � . � � . � . � � . � � . P.C} FiOX 510 `�1�?/ 0 2875 145TH Sfi. W. �+ny��� 't AOSEMOUNT, N►INNESOTA 55005A �JG II'l��1/��� 61?_-42�-d441 � �fiEm S� G. � , . T0: Mayor Hoke • � Councilmembers: Napper - Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, AdministratorjClerk � ;. DATE: September 1S, 1988 �: Cab1e Television Franchise On Monday, September 12th, the Rosemount Cable Commisican met in regular session. One of the topics for discussian was the , franchise agreement with Star Cable Inc. ,' the new owner/operator ' i of the cable s�stem in Rosemount. Mr. Ri.ch Penkert, ' manager of ! Star Cable for the Rosemount-Apple Va11ey-Lakeville-Farmington �i area, was present to discuss the franchise and the fact that the � company found itself without a current franchise because of the � error on their part to affirm the resolution passed by ' the city i council approving ` the transfer of ownership. , ; i The Cable Commission discussed their concerns about the areas � of �he current franchise which they _ felt were lacking, from the � city of Rosemount's standpoint and the need to "renegatiate" ' ce�tai.n parts of the franchise before it is formally adopted by I the city council. j The Commission agreed that an agreement, to be formally � adopted by the city council, granting a three month franehise to � Star Cable should be considered and recommended that the city ' council do so. Also, during this three month period the Cable � Commission would meet with Mr. Penkert and resolve outstanding i issues to be considered in the renegotiated franahise. A � recommendation for revisions in the franchise would be brought to the city council prior to the end of the three month period. � Attached is a proposed agreement granting the three month franchise to Star which was prepared by Dave Grannis for your � � consideration. The Cable Commission requests that you adopt it, ' Mr. Penkert has already , indicated that he is willing to si.gn it � and negotiate in good faith in this matter. � \ � a 1j � _..�..�..�....�..�...�.. .... , T.,.....�, ,. W� „ �,n ..: ' /�' � � , AGREEAtENT Agceement, made and entered into tiiis day of Sept�mber, 1988, by and between', ttie GITY OF 120SEi�tOUNT, a Piinnesota municipal cor�oration, hereinafter referrec� to as "City", and 5tar riid America IV, Inc. , a Wisconsin c�r�c�r�tic�n, hereina$ter referred to as "Star". WIiEREAS, Star is presently operating a CATV system in the Ci.ty of Rosemour�t without a €ranchise agreement uitti the City; ancl WIiEREAS, the City and Star desire to negotiate a mc�tually beneficial franchise agreement zn the future. NUW TIiEREFORE, in conszderation of the above and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: 2. That the City hereby authorizes Star to continue operatiug its GATV system within the City of Rasemaunt for a period of three (3j monttis commencing as of the ciate of this Agreement. 2. That Star is to condnct its operatians in fu11 com�liance with RosemoUnt Gity Oxdinanee No, XI.12, which Orclinance Uy �t�is r�f�renc� is l�er�l�y incorporated herein in ite entirety, excepta,ng Section III (c) ancl Section VIIi therefrom, IN WITNESS W#IEREOF, the parti.es hereto tiave executecl this A�;reement the clay and year first above written, STAR A1ID AtiERICA, IV,��INC. CITY QF ROS�I`10llNZ' �ay: By: Its: Rolian tioke, Ptayor �y: 13y: Its: Steph��n .Ti ik, /1cl�ni��.i.st t��ltc�r./t;lrrk