HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Shannon Hills Utility & Street Improvements r ; • � �-�-�.�-, �. **********�***************�r****�**�:r*�tr1Er10******�*�r****�*******�t*�*��*�r�********* DATE: S�PTEAtBER 15, 1988 T0: PiAY�R & COUNGILrtEPiBERS C/0 ADrtiNISTRATOR JILK FROM; CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEPiS FOR SEPTEFtBER 20, 19$$ GOtJNCIL rtEETING PUBLiC HEARING Shannon Hills Utility & Street Improvernents, City Pro�et 19Q This public improvement hearin� for utility and street improvements wiChin thE Shanr�on Hills lst Addition resulted in Council ordering a public hearin� based vn receiving the feasibility xeport an August 16, 1988. This project is a 1QQ� petition project, which the Council received on Ju1y 5, 19$8 and set the wheels in motion by ordering the feasibility report preparation at that time. The legal notices have been published in the official paper and also maiied to effected property owners, which in this case is the developer. Representative from our Consulting Engineering firm will be present to provide a brief presentation on �his project. Recammended action for Council to eonsider is to close the tiearing anci adopt ttie attached resolution approving the project and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for Gity Project 190, Shannon Hills t3tility and Street Improvements. „ � / � 1 ` � � � � ! i i I ` i i � � . ,__..... � . . . � . I CITY OF RDSEMOUNT I � R�SOLUTION 1988 - � ;. A RESOLUTION FOR APFROVAL OF 3t�AA�HON HILLS ! UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, � ; CITY PROJECT 190 � I ; , WHEREAS, the City Gouncil of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from � the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a fe�sibility report for utility I and street improvements in Shannon Hills Addition, Gity Project 190; and � � � � � � � � � � ; WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on ' City Project 190; and i WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. ; ; NOW TIiEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount f her�by orders the Shannon Hills Utility and Stree�. Improvements, City .Project 190. j ._.__ ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 19$8. , i � � Rollan �ioke, Atayor i ATTEST: ; ; � Stephan Jilk, AdministratQr/Clerk " � � � � / �. � � i ; ; i , � � ; _ �, _ � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ; I � RESOLUTION 1988 - ; � ; � A RESOLUTION ORAERING PLANS AND SI'ECIFIGATIONS OF ' SEIANNON HILL5 UTILITY AND STREET IAiPROVEMENTS, j CITY PROJECT 190 '' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has reeei.ved a petition from ; the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a fessibility report for utility � and street improvements in Shannon Hills Addition, Gity Project 190; and j , � WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on ' City Project 190; and ; ' WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a put�lie hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the plans and specifications for Shannon Hills Utility and Street ; Improvements, City Project 190. ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 1988. , i �tallan Hoke, Piayor ATTEST: i � � � � � � i Stephan Jilk, AdministratorJClerk �� • �_ � ?� '� � � � . . � � . Ili i� ,I' . .F � �,) _�_ � � . ��5��' ,t�l� C:)� , ,� �ii , ,. � .� �. � � � � Ilf?�tF'�9(ii ft t� Ra�p.ipi� ���,1� . �:��, ��°�'��"�� ,���� US�.��()��j��� �.� � , >� �,� , �`;� �� ���, _ .�:.# AFFIDAVIT OF MAILEU AND POSTF,D H�ARING NO'1'ICE SH�NNON FiILLS STREET AND UTTLITY IMPROVEMENTS PRQJECT 190 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DARflTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) a Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Glerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, On September 8, 1988, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hail, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosemount, riinnesota, copies of the attached natice of public hearing regarding Shannon Hills Street and Utility Improvements, Project ��190, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon ful.ly prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States rtail between the glace of mailing and the places so addressed. ��t '�- Step n Jilk Administrator/Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, riinnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this ('� day of September, 1988. ,, .r N ary Pub . . � . � . Mqn_.,,:r„"�.���;ltn.•,htio�.1�.1.1i1.,S�'��An.�h+'..-.,.. . � . . . �.,,. •,,y �. ��iN.�� !�`'.. ��1 t; tii. 1!)� ��i(?�i � � � � � ��n�"�?'� �rilTFit1 (Ufi!!f �`S'taP;f;i0i�4 ?� ��l�`+i� (1l�KOTt;(.{i)iilY e R:1V Cf�"w°A EXPiRES JllhE 11. 1�32 � � ir• .... _ 'Y � • • . � � . P '� � � � � i��, ►„�� �,►�� � �.,l�f� (.) .,�,��, �.����t� �;t tv � ) Htt:;E Mu11N I. titltJt�11 �:r��n ��.�aN,�� � � ��, °� � <�>�� � � � � � (.�.�il'�'j����«��l � t��:� �a,��� •i•r 1 i :.:.� ��; � � M4u✓ . ��w. � � � � . . P U D L' t C N U T I C E Nn'[ICE OF 1'UIiI,IC HFARING t)N I!'iPROVFMENTS S11ANNflN NILLS STRF�'f ANU UTILITY IM['Et0"UEMGNTS �'' PItOJE:CT N0. 190 'PO Wii0P1 IT l�tAY CONCERN: • ! NO'fLCE IS lIEREDy GIVEN� tt�at the City Council of the City oL Rosemount� � Piii�r�esota, Nill meet at f3:�E) o'clock p.m. , Tuesclay� Sept.ember 20� t988, in the � ��>�i��ci 1 Cl�ambers vf the Ci ty Hal l , 2t375 145th Street West, to consider the i folluwing iniprvveiuents: Pr�jeet //i90 - Shafrnon Ilills Street � Utiiity Intiprovements 'fl►e t�Cat esCia�aCect cost of said improvements is $175,000. T1�e amount to he Assessed is estimated to not exceeel $t15,000. The area pro;�osed to be assessed Eor the foregoinp, improvemenCs wouid generally be all tlt�t area generally deseribed as the west 1/2 �f tl�e rtortl�east i/4 of Secti'on 3U, T1 t5N, Itt9W, Uakota f:otinly, �tinnesota. Such pers�rz as ciesires to be hearcl with reference to tt�e proposed improvements will l�e heard at this meeting. WritteFr ar oral opinions will lie considered. Unted t(iis 6Ch day of Septeinber, 198a. , IIY QItDEIi OF' '�'11E CITY COUNCIL. Step an Jilk Administrator lerk " City of Rosemount Dakota Cou��ty, Ftinnesota � , , , . � � SHANNON HILLS 6T�2EET AND UTILITX IMPRQVEMENTS MAILING LIST , Ground Development 1550 Utica Avenue S. � ' Suite 975 � ' St. Louis Park, MN 55426 ; � 34-03010-010-12 X . � G . � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIQN r STATE OF MINNESCITA � SS County of Dokota ) NANCY 1. 6USTAF501�1, beim�duly sworn, on oath sars that she is on outborized agent and employee of the publisber ol the newspoper k�+owe as Dokoto Goumy Tribvne,ond has fuN knowledge PU�I.IC NOTICE of#ie facts which ore stoted below: NOTICE Of tUtUC HEARING ONIMMtOVEMENTS SNANNON HILLS STRE[T AtiD uT1uTY MIPROVEh1ENit (A}The newspnper has tomptied with oif of the requirements constitutinq quolificatian os a leqol rR01ECT N0.190 TO WHOM IT MAY CANCERN: newspoper,as peovided by Minnesota SMtute 331 A.02,331 A.OT ond other oppiieoble laws,as omended. NOTIC� 1S HEREBY GiVEN tHat the City Couneil�the City oi Rosem�unt,Mio- nesota,will meet at 8:00 o'clock p.rn.,7'ues- �_ � , L\ Py) daY, September �, 19�� in tl� Cauncil (B)The print¢d. �. �' 4hambe�a of the City Nsll,�75 145th Street � / —�— -- West, to consider the following improvr � meMs: Project Rt90-Shannon Hiiis S`treet�Uti- . lity Improvemenfs --- — The totat estimated cost of seld improve- ments is t193,000. The amouM to be assessed ia estlmated to rat eicceed;t75,000. -- ------------------------------------- The area propased to 6e assessed tor tfie — toregoi�improvements wen�ld generapy be whieh is eriached was cut hom the columns of said newspaper,a�d wos p�inted and Qublisfied once ali tfiat area generally descrlbed as the west 1/8 of the northeast 114�Section 3p,'P115N, R19W,Dakota Connty,Minnesota, Such peraon as desires to be fieard with re- eoch week,for V. �..��-;"<) suceessive weeks;it was ference to the proposed im{uovements will be Meard at this meetin�. Wrftten�aa) t--, opinions wiii be ronsidered i Dated this sth day otS�p�mb�,1988. first pdblished on Thursday.th� (' �'��. doy of_ _-��-�l I!:-%i�`���C'��� BY ORDER OF THE C1TY CpUNGryi,. • STEPHAN J1LK Administrata�JClerk City of Ra�emo�mt �� nakota County,Minneaota 19 � � , antl wos theredter prieted ond published on every Thun�oY fo ond '+nclut�ng 399 2&29 � ,:� k c.� Thwsdoy,the _.> �'{r� �� �.,.J' ,?( � ('�, y,��,��(;x^ f'" ,19_'_"_�: --�-�- amd prie�ed below is a eopy of the lower eose alphobet(me»A to Z,both inei�nive,whieh is(+ereby ock�ow{edged as beieg tfie sise ond kind of type used in the compositioe ond pubikation of the no►iee: a hcdefghijklm nop�rstuvwu,yz � � �� � e�� .1�,� f�i i� �;- l � � BY: ��(.0 - ! � �l��°' ^ �� TITLE: ry to Ru sKe. % / .� 1 r�. .-, c, Subseribed oad sworn ro before me qa lhia � �{-• dop o#"`-v(` ,j.)�F-�`c�r^'�`�"`�ty t) �, ! ,T_ ' ; � s � � ,o � _...:�_ � t; ,,, � � � � � � �_ �.�.�'�. �_ fk C- �' ��+���t:�t!-t'����k'r�..,��t�..,,,���.' Notory Public � q � �: � +��a �.••`, CAROL J. HAYERIAtV� �tw�� /�TARY AUpLIC—MiA+tdESOTA '` DAKOTA COUNT'Y �� ... My<%ommiaaion F:xpire;O��c.3. 1939 . . � � �N�O�'I'O'6'N6�1fi-0ff11f . � ..