HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. O'Leary's Hills 4th Addition Rezoning y ' . • Public Hearing - Item 7. �. O'LEARY'S HILI,S FOURTH ADDITION FINAL PLAT/REZONING � Mr. Steve Broback, President of Parkview Inc., has requested final ptat approvai of O'Leary's Hills Fonrth Addition (31 single family lots) and rezoning of the property from AG Agriculture to R 1 5ingle Family Residential. A Pubtie Hearing to consider the rezoning has been scheduled for the Sept. 2Oth meeting. Included with this review is a copy of the final plat, Rezoning Ordinance Amendment, Finat Plat Resolution and Suhdivision Developnnent Contract. The O'Leary's Hills Fonrth Addition plat is in conformance with the O'Leary's Hills Planned Unit Development P1anlPretiminary Plat which was approved by the City in July of 1987. Council action required for this development to proceed would be approval of the final plat, approval of the rezoning and authorization for the Mayor and City Administrator/Clerk to exeeute the Subdivision Development Contract. Staff will inform the Council of Planning Commission , recommendation regardin� O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition at the meeting. �� ~� � � � "�� �� __ � � � �l �� �r�rj c�� � � � . � � � . �� � (�.`�(.'/�'��)s � ; �� „ , _� �, TO: Planning Commission & City Council FRf)M: Dean Johnsnn, 1)irector oP Commf�nity Development DATE: September 15, 248A SUBJ: O'teary's Eltlls 4th Ad�litl�n As of this dafe, no aciivn is c�ntempiated regarding lhe O'Lcary's Hills 4th hdditiun final �Izt c�x reTc►ning, No acti�n will hc recomtnended by staff antil the terms an�1 cc�nditions of tlic developrnent contraet can be satisfied. The City Goancit �vi}I hold a public hearing on the rezc�ning as scheduled. i would rec�mmencl accepting any comment that may be presented at the hearing, including staff informati�n regarding the cieveloj�meni. 1 w�ulei further recommend closing the hearin� ur�>n comrieti�n of �ny tesfimony, but that no othcr formal actic�n be taken at this time.. �, �� � , Y � k � �., • �� �t a�t� e =� ! ° "`� �,.�' 1 • � � �' �1.,'����'��,��C,'f� �.�� r �, „�.:;� � � Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice O'Leary's Hilis Fourth Addition Rezoning STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss CITY OF ROSEMOUN'T ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City o€ Rosernount, Minnesota. On September 6, 1988, aeting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosem�unt, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a public hearing for (?'Leary's Hiils Fourth Addition enclosed in sealed envelo�es, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons tisted an the attached listin$s at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places sa addressed. ....�a �i Steph n 3ilk Administrator/C erk CiEy of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to he[ore me this �h day of September, 1988. , tary Publ' �a r anw���,,.nnnn,n ,..�,n# .i11^n 1n�:�r,^.�n�,� ';.� ,�,� �t ,�':F, �� J�" �,� �' � � ��'!,� ,�, t'ttT .il:'!1��{11 �f�t! ;�t�;i?i��1 � � (1;".��i)� �f��,; `T .�6 RiY CQ,'.7D! (21 -il�,tLiui 11 i�';`,� � wl+v�wvy+yyw�,,W�,�`wv�nr.^ti . . . . : � /� � � . � . � � �,� �.� ��� �f f�� 1 � � I , 1, .. � .,� � ,� rr � t J:;�:'�'.�1 t',�11 !:� r ' ._ � ,�;: _ � �._:.; Pubtic Notice O'Leary's Hitis Fourth Addi#ion TO WHOM iT MAY CONCERN: NOTtCE tS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Counci) of the City of Rosemaunt will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 20, 1988, in the Council Chambers of tfie City Halt, 28?5 145th Street West, beginning at . 8:00 p.m. or as s�on thereafter as possibte. Thc pur��se o( this hearing is to consider a rezoning from Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential of the prnposed .O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition, an that property legally described as foilows: Beginning at the northwest corner �f Lot 6, F3ioek l, said O'Leary's Hills Third Addition; theace easterly along the northeriy line of said �'Leary's Hills Third Adcfition to the northeast corner of Lot 7, Block 2, saicl Cl'Leary's Hiils TAird Addition; thence South 89 degrees 4A minutes 49 seconds EasE a ciistance of 60.00 feet; thence North 0 degrees 36 minc�tes 32 seconds Easf a distance of 169.78 feet to a point c►f curve; lhence along a curve tn the right having a radius of 7$5.38 feet, a central angle af i� degrees � 09 minutes 07 seconds, an arc length �` ]34.16 feeE, and a chord whieh bears Norih OS degrees 41 minutes �6 seconds East; thence North 7� degrees 1a minutes 20 secnnds West a distance of 60.0� feet; the�ce North 83 degrees 49 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 125.00 fee[; thence North Ofa degrees 04 minutes 39 seeonds East a distancc ot 329.72 feet to a point on the narth line of saicl Southwest (2uarter o[ the Nor[heast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes 31 sec�nds West along said north line a distance o[ 1074.58 feet to the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of � lhe Northeast Quarter; thcnce Sot�th Ot) ciegrces 2!i minutes 40 seconds 'UVest, along the west line al' saic� Southwest Quarter �f the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 511.97 [eet to a �oint of curve; thence al�ng a curve to the teft having a radius of 634.i}7 feet a central angie of l6 degrees 0� , minutes 00 seconds, an arc tength of 177A7 feet, and a chord which bears Snuth 07 degrees 32 minutes 2Q secands East to the point of beginning. „ Such �ersons as c�esire to bc hcard with refcrence io this item wili be hcard at this meeting. Dated this 6th day of September, 1988 Step�i'an Jilk, A �nislratorl�'Ierk � (;ity o(' Rosemai�nt Dakota County, Minnesota� ,.- � . . n�d�� I'ark�recn Inc. an Rc Jacklyn Ueatc�n �iliam .S� Nancy 1�Vn1(c �hO-^�• P.O. Box A �53 154th Street W �963 14.5th Strce! W L:�S� Rosemount, MN SSOG$ Rosemounl MN 550(8 Rc►semount, MN 55(1f,R Dennis P. O'Leary Jr. Chirnenclalc 42 Pinrship Wensni�nn Really 15291 Chippendalc W. 14605 Johnny t;akc Rict�c Rcl. 1434t1 Pitc�t Knnl� Rd. Rosemount, MN 55068 � . Ap�le Valley, MN 5512A Ap{►1e Vailey, MN S.S124 Alex & Nancy Pavlis 4042 152nd Court W. Rosemount, MN SSOfi8 .. . � � � � .. � . . . . X . . � . � . .. . . � �. . � 1 �11 i i � . � . ' . . . . . . ��.�. i . � � . � . :.(.., 1 �� � . . . . . . . I�. �:�; i� � I;�;i, , �. ,��, � , i... . I; ,�, ; • „ e a . � � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County o# Dakota ) PUBM.IC NUTICE «�.�,�►«,,,a O`itAR1F'S INLL�fOlAllTtl AQ01T101! TQ 1YIiOM 1T litAY C(iNCERN: IVfYftC� IS HEREBY GIYEN, Ehe City �1i��Ci��wE111wM r NANCY l. GUSTAFSON,bei�g dul�swa»,on aaNr says tlraf s�is vn auti�wis�d a�nt and � Y��eDte�►bet�e, 1911d, V1 tM�Council GFwin6era ot the Clty Hatl, ffi7S t45th Street West, b�inrdne et �►P�oyee of the publisher of tMe newspoper krtown aa Dokata County T�ibune,ortd fias fuN knowl�edge t:UO p.m.or as aooa Eher�fter sa pa�sibie '!'f�e Perpae ot this I�Nng is to conBidet a of fhe focts which are sloted below: mi��ident�l�`�ttae to A-1 Sin�k F'a- Hii�Fauih Addition,am fhat�prapert�, le�al- h'���f��: (A)The r�ewspaper has complied with alt oF the requirements constituting quolification as a legol Bl�ock�l,�said 0'E.�northwest Cornet af F.ot e, �*����trya Nii�Third Adcll• newspoper,as provided by Minnesota Sfiutute 331 AA2,331,�.0T and other opplico6le lovrs,aa omeeded. Y �����ly llne d saW Q'Leary'e Iiilis 79drd Addition to tbe northeast curmr�Ia�t 7 Bloek 2, -. 7 said O'Leary'e Hitls Th)rd Additi�: t6eoce South 89 d�grea 48 mimttes�9� d6)The p►irMed__ ...... '�' ` _�.-.f'._.. Cads Eaat 8 dista�xe oCeQ.00 teN.;thence � ---------— ---- Na��thh 0 degreea�mimitsa 32 aecont�L�eat a dislance ot 1�.78 teet ta a point ot Curve; �- thence along a curve to the right having a ___ _ _.. __._ ____ --__. ----- _.._ _..._ -- ------- - -__. radh�s�783.�feet,a central ar�le�f9 de�rees 08 mim�tes �J aecoa�, aa src �Nortfi 65 feet;and a ch�d whlch de$rees�1t minutes OB ee- cen�East; thence Na�th 70 de�rees I� '.'— ^-- ---- �i'��°��0"��'�tA����.� which is ottacbed wos cut from the columns of sad newspaper,and wos pri�ed a►d pubtist�ed once teet;thence North a3 degeees 49 mfautee S4 aecor� W�t a distance � 125.00 feet; fhen�ti Naa'th 06 degreee 04 minutes�ee- conc�East a distance of s29.72 feet to a a�h_�ok�for- ------..sueo�va�eeks;if wos p�M oa tik north line��aid Saithwest �uarter�the Northe�at Qwrter;thenca ------------- - --- NorEh 89 degrees 46 minufss Si seca� �. Weat nior�said nonh Iine a distance ot 1m4.58 teet to the northwest corner ot aaid firsf published on Thursdoy,the � �'� day of=:,.�>i_: -����' r _ SoutMweat Quarter�the IVnrtheast Qwr- ter;thence Saath OQ degrces 48 minutee 90 eecaais West,along the west line ol esid C Southwest Quatter d the Northesat Quar- T9 ---_--. , ond wos theroaker p►iMed ond published on every T6ursdoy ro and inclwGeg ter,a dista�e ot 611.4?teet to a polnt� cum; thence alarig a eutva to the left haviag a radiva�634.C7 f�a central ', angle at 18 degrea oo minutes oo seeonde 'i Tharado the an are kngth o[IT7.Ui teet,and a eiwr� Y, —______---d°y°F____--------.- -___.._. . .____ ..._....._-,19---- � _.__.._ _, whichbdtnSout1�47��y 91 mim�te�96 and pri„ted M�low is a copy�N�e lower cose alphobet kom A to Z,both inclusive,wl�ich is I�eby eeConda Eaut to the poinl�beginning. �������e 10������ acanowled os bei the size and kind of po pu ference to this item will be heard at thia 9� ^9 lype used in the com sition�d blicotion of the notice: ���ag. abcdef hi ktmn rstuvwxyz ,.�tedthis6thdaye�Sl�lfe►nbd�4198d. ;, A � J �Pq- STEPHANdfLK, AdmiMsiratoelG7erk 1 � Citq of Roacmaunt „ � r ,, /� , �Dakota County,Minneeote 1� / f�.'� � � B�: ���(.�t / � t 2 � � � TITLE:Secretary tct.. �si�er � � t. Subscribed ond sworn to before me an this_�day d`t�, '_��' "�tlj��,19�",' . � �..} s �\1 �_� _— ��—���--=1� r�_�..�Y<�„�!_�.,�j,,,`�,�c � =:�'.-' Norory Pubiit l! ��wwrMe���sw+++�ss��tsavvs.��v� cn���. a 1#tiV�i�LAND� . �� '. r�oiA��r ru u•,—ri�ar .:;oia � .s . -r , ; DA!;r'3"r A C!'aLli�d�'Y � � `•, : t';('rmmir3�—n F.xrire;U�r 3, ifl99 t«rr�ic �o�+r�ca•c�swoscs.W.�eacsss::�