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Limerick Way Rezoning Preliminary Plat � � � public �earin9 _ Item $• ., , prtiNG tor the 1ViINP*R� �'�'AT��E� a prelimtnaae�e1opmen�ouses t,[MER1CT��AY pREL; es, �n�' has ���Stt Tb�s S�a�°n Ye x eop es n the of $` on pssoc�at xes�ta1 town South °f vie� at tloox p�a�' J acobs tely this T� ns and moUnt 32 units of �edia Witt+ ¢le�atio of RQse �idilliam ��tes imin�lude�1 b��ldiag C'tty es �an"r�y af developme►�t three �an, �ith atea °p paYkwa'3• a �ng p Qima�►�e b�ittea, aO acks and be sita an�o� ianasc p �� �onf as S� ard setb �Sed lat Site pta�' bn,itted, �S � Site p�wed de"s�ty+ din8 �he pt�p abutting Sb � SU ,�h inaYY•� Y p�at' as ,nents. ud�ng a110 �ents ie�ar Yeiim u�xe �a� p �fla � The prelim �Ydinance te u�re�►ents in� d�tional �ultiple, Suba�vasion �� Yeq, v'tde ad the tneeting• in °ratnaStaf{ w�lt ��estheties at to Resid�ut�20���o�ses with zon g ba ticu�tur Sb nnon �'aTk uide pla�► d arking• ilding req�scap n� p�`�n ana cc�perty f T�de�e°��e�e C°m�'xehen to��G omm°�tbe lan o{ the p utting riat nin� ab cop �est�on Serying gegar�ing r�2 that base�l up��inity) and appYoperty in 9 and streets a�d it is ests the n� the � UtiUdes Ve�apment i� t�� Sta�f sugg encs in to reza public Q{ de witb & other apathat �t 15 �°gYcavelogn'ent' osed density whieh has �its ��` Sba�nits the �iOp id tow�hO'�se un ation W��ouse de this 4YOpeTty teasin� °� ° a�'e' pTOp°Sized to �`ccotn�°n atv occux on e�Ys. Ra�' fpr rental e� to conti��� axe �evelop for manY y �acket �ts wi11 h � Qunt. iag��a� to,a�ban SeYvic��w� thatof ent�towapa ne�,aca�ers t� ��Sem wauld be a Ya k�T n naaa t ap�S�evelopm o� far residents� this Pr°��Yova� 4�0�����n� �g L�e �xists a other ho�sinB °p e TeAu�red �O�at an� apP viae a° to ptO b inary p • le, �ch w��ld pTelim �1tiP action w� e�c'uT QaResidential� Cou�cil of the Lim a�pToval �Qr� Agiicult PrOp�r{� _ ,� ` � • City of Rosemount • Resolution 1988- .: � A Resolution Approving The �imerick Way Preliminary Plat ,. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has -.. . reviewed and forwarded its recommendations on the LimeriGk Way preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held to receive public input on the Limerick Way preliminary plat. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLUED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Limerick Way preliminary plat, subject to detailed utility recommendatians and park dedication recommendations. Adopted this 20th day of September, 1988. Rollan Hoke, Mayor - ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administratar/Clerk � � � City of Rosemount t?rdinance No. XVi L An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. XVII.3 - Zoning Ordinance The City Council of the City of Rosemounf, Minnesota ordains as follows: SECTION T. Ordinance No. XVII.3, adopted October 19, 1972, entitled, "ZONI1�tG ORDINANCE,VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT,DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA," is hereby amended to rezone from Agriculture District to RM Residential Multiple the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, to-wit: That property described as Limerick Way. SECTION II. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. XVII.3 as that certain map entitled, ' "ZONING MAP, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA," shatl not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's Of fice for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information "-� shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of ' this Ordinance. : SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 20th day of September, � 1988. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk _ � f � p/ � • . .`F . .. � �• ...� �� �1 !./ �..p/ . . . . , . . . . ,. . � ��?w r �^�-� �� � � � �� . . �� �.. �Y�.ji�. A���1 .�0 � ��& . .. .. A . ��k ' _',� � -" . ... �Y� . . . . . . . . . � ":�. � . . . . � . . Affidavit of Posted Hearir�g No#ice Lirr�rick Way Preliminary Plat & Rezoning STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF UAKOTA )ss CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States cilizen and the duly yu�li ficd Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. '� On September 6, 19$8, acting on be,half of the said City, I posled , at the City Hall, 2875 145th Stre�t West, and deposited in the United States Post Offiee, Rosemoiunt, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of publi,c hearings''�,, for the prelirninary plat and rezoning for Limerick Way, enclo'sed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon futly prepaid, addtessed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresse$ listed with their narnes. There is delivery service by United�� States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addres�,ed. � / � Ste' an Jilk Ad',ministratc�r 'ierk Cit'�y of Rosemount Da'kota Cc�unty, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �h day of September, 1988. � ,� N ary Pnblic . m:�..�.t,i.�•C,PtiKA�W�rlb^,A!�.".,1.�M1^,'.AR��.',�"„�� � � � . � � '�='b+,y K y,� f' " 3 r f)',� r" � ;��..�'�i� tvJi�� .i'+ � .i;1 � � , ' ,, ;;,a+. � . . . �, ... Fir C,(';�"ri :�-'; � : �., +���? � � . . . � �`V'�e"�k�a c71`�P�tsRt's��thR a`. �9!I\Y.�s''r,. �r.:,fi'..r"T . . . , t � , . , , ,--- � • � 1�l� t) • .,,,� ; �—. Itt i`�1 D;1����i;I �;II; . � � �� �.:c�,�('}���'t��td}t� ... �t' ,�,a� Public Notice � Limerick Way Pretiminary Plat & Rezoning TO WtIUM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREIiY GIVEN, that the City Council af the City o� Rosemount will holci Public Hearing, Tuesday, Se�tember 20, 19fi8, in the Cduecil Chambers of the C:ity Ilalt, 2875 145th Strcet Wc�t, bcginning a�t f�:t)(l p.m. or as soon thercafter as rossihle to considcr ihc items listed below which bath pertain to that �roperty Iegally descrihed as follows: i That part of the N�rthwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of SecEion 30, Township ].IS', Range 19, Dakota Caunty, Minnesota described as follows: Comrnencing ai the northwest corner of lhe Northwest Quarter �f the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3(�; �hence N�rth 89 degrees 48 minutes 59 seconds East on an assumecl bearing along the north line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Seation 30, a distance of 432.35 feet; thence South 1 degree 00 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 593.00 feet to ' the point of beginning; thence South i degree 00 mi�tutes 55 seeonds West, a distance of 32�.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 59 seconds West, a distance of 410.02 t'eet, thence North 1 degree (JO minutes SS seconds East, a distance of 320A0 , feet; thence North 89 degrees 48 minutes 59 seconds East, a distance of 410.02 feet to the �oint of beginning. Item 1: The purpose of this hearing is to consider a rezoning (rom Agriculture to RM (Residential Muitiple) o( the proposec� Limerick Way subctivision. Item 2: The purpose of this hearing is to consicier the Limerick Way preliminary plat. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to this item will be � heard at this meeting. � „ Dated this 6th day of September, 1988, tepl�a Jilk, Admi 'strator/Clerk City of Rc�semoun Dakota County, Minnesota ,�,...� �.,_,. ...., i Dav�d ��C Maxine Tronnes Ronald .iackels .loycc L,cc 'L,�~O 14572 Dahomcy Avenue � 14584 bahomcy Avcnuc . 1�15nR U�hc►mcy n��cni�c � ��{ Rc►seniot�nt, MN 55068 Roscm�unt MN .550(►R it�scni«un(, MN 55O(,R Vcrnon Fi Sharr�n Folven James .ir. � Sally Om�n Richarci ,cc ,lc:�neltc �T,�ch�► . 14C20 Dahomcy tivenue 1464fi Dahc�mey Avennc 14fii�(1 t)�h��mev Avrnnc Roscmc�unt, MN 550G8 , Rnsemo�int, MN .55i1(�H Ruscmrit�nl, MN S5(l�+ft Theoclore RL KaChleen Gwillim f4C7ti IjaMorncy Avenuc Roscmou��t, MN SSOG8 �` Sliannon Par.k Townhouse ParCnr. Ri.chard L & F.mmet Carr.oll c,lo William Jacobson 4485 Oak Chase 1,ane � 9979 Valley View Road Eagan, A1N 55123 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 f►• , . i�i� , I.�, . , , , , !�I 'i r;.,,. . � . II ,.�, , ���, . �:��� � . . ' �� \ � ,, . � � • AFFIDAVIT QF PUBlICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS Cc�unty o# Dakota ) PUBLIC NOTICE w.��,� uMERkKw�rMt�i�M�t��RY NANCY). GUSTAFSON, being dufy swo►n,on oath says that she is an auNwri:ed ogent and rlllTi RKpIp1i�D ������Y�N��' cmpioyee of the publisher of the newspope�known os 6okota Couety Tribune,and hos full knowledge NOTICE 13 HER�BY (itVLN, that the ��i���� °t�°lOQ��'� of the focts which qre stcted below: I hold Publk tiearing,�Y� �be� ,70,I�BE,M►the Gouncli(�ambers et the City+ Ha11,48T5 1�5tb Sh eet Weat, Degi at '�t:6a m.ur as so�U�tter as po�►�to U�e ite�liated betorv ve6ieh p�th (A)The newspaper hos comptied with uii of the requirements conslituting qual�cotion os a legol i�in te that property legally describdl u ! '�0�� newspaper,os p�ovided br Minnesata Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 ond other opplicoble lows,os omended. 'It�t part�the Notthwest Quarter�at the Suut!►east Qwrter o[Section 3@,Tpwaehip t I75,ite�e 19,Mkota Camty,M�an�ot� {/ tk�cribed ae fa�imrs: {B)'6he prinled_ `1. '���'.—"•� . �nmeacie�g at the eord�west catner ot — � ������s�.0 ( � iQ�+.rca or eaw sec�gg;�t�e rveren M , � degrcea 4e mim+tee 59 secoraM�Sst en a4 --- N��Q�rter�U+e����_ ter at said&ectbn 8�,a�Staaee��t.� � teet:tl�eoce Seuth i d�cgree 8R rnint�es� seeunds Wat.a dlstaaoe ot�.00 te�to ������;��i� which is attoched wos eut from tl�e columns of sad news B+ree 68 mlautas!�aeeoede west,a�a- DaPee'.m+d was prir�ted ond pubiished onee tanoe ot S7o.64[eat; tl�nce 8outh!Y do- gre�ee�mi�tea�sxa�dt Weat��tgs- tanCe at 410.09 feat.tl�nce North 1 tirg�+ee e9 minutes SS eecont�East,a�taace at eae6-weck;fa sutes�ssire weelcs;it wos SfD.Oo teet; t6ence Na�th e! mieutes 59 secaa�h a � �1693[eettothepoint��' a nee ot ��a P�'P�M thb��6esriog ie to first pubiished on Thursday,the � '���, dar of "—�'{1 ����r 1'"Y���s'•"� re�a�i�i'uiN�p n�cul� ' AM(RasiAentisl M t.i�icx war aubdivWon. ,�—..� t�auid�qr�the L�m�°f w�°����0 19 _t3� , ond wos therea(ter printed ond published on every Thu�ador ta ond intluding _,_, Y P'elimlerry �h Pe�as desle+e to be heard wltt�re� terenee to this item tef�l be haard st f� �tNs ethda d' Thwsday,the ----d°x°f -------- .19-------% S'fEPHAN,iItdC, �b�,19A8. ond printed belaw is o eopy of the lower case alphobet kom A ro Z,both incfusive,whiel�is lure6y IWm Ri�q�oeemamt� '�����y,M�� aekirowledged os being the size oed kiad d fype used in the composition oad puM3cotion of the�otice: a bcdefghi jkimnopqrstuvwxyz . _ _ , .- �A ,. � } � � � BY: � � ��1�l t t{ �S�_ TITLE:Secretary�o:�blishery' G`� t. �.,� � � �f��� J�� � Subsuibed ond sworn to before m�oi1 ifiis�(,1"���_doy of"_:^--.��J• �►;' �14 �•+�,_ i j, - � 1 _...� �� �'}��.�, .� ,�<,,,, r a� {� ��_ N�r�wK ,,,t -�"-�.�. - �„�,.,...�.....(1��„�....r.E rn�vr�AMt� � �� ��•o�r�,•,•rt��i_ic—t��r,�hr.soiR � 1 C��'1}�"3�i'A COIi�dTY , � '.C!y Crmr is,��n f.xpires Oec.3. 1989 � � � � � � asa"J1�C'�0.�'Md1'I�KO��C�YN�"K"ti�Il�t��INI . � . � .