HomeMy WebLinkAbout10. Zoning Ordinance Amendment �� � ��� Pubiic Hearings - ltems 1 Q & 11. 10 & !1. ZONING & �DIVISION ORDINANCE AMENi�I'1't�TS On the� agenda for the September 20th meeting are pu$lic hearings to consider amendments to both the Zoning and Subdivision Ordin�nces. Included with this review are copies of both the proposed ordinance am�ndments affecting the ` Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, Regarding the proposed subdivision amendment; Ia December of 1987 the City Couneil approved an amendment to the Subdivision ardinance which added a park dedieation requirements to commercial and industri�t ` subdivisions. The amendment also included the following statement: "In all developments, where a subdivision of land has not occurred, or where a dedication has aot been made in the past, a contribution shall be made at the time of building permit issuaace, according to a formula established by resalutia» of the City Council" An opinion by the City Attarney has been rendered that the above statement goes beyond the legal authority granted to the City by State Statute. Th�� proposed amendment to the Ordinance simpiy deletes this statement. The ofher, component af the amendment is a new de€inition for "Subdivision" which atso better complies with the authority given to the City to regulate the Subdivisiot�` of land by State Statute. The proposed Zoning Qrdinance Amendment basicatly addresses two issues: ' Building MaterialslAesthetics and the addition af self•service gasoline stations as ` an allowed use in the Neighborhood Cam�nercial District. Based upon the desire of the Planning Commission to incorporate more sCringent ` requirement in the Zoning Ordinance to regulate appeara�nce of buildings, Staff has drafted an amendment to the Ordinanee (Section 23} which establishes overalt criteria which apply to all zoning districts as well as specific design criteria which apply to comrnercial and industrial' di�tricts. The buitding materials/aestheties requirements estabtished in Section 23 are modeled a#ter similar provisions used by the City of Lakeville but have b+een tailored for �se by the City of Rosemount. The proposed changes should be self explanatory upon review of ordinance amendment. The key concern being addressed in Section 23 is the restriction of 100% metal or fibergl�ss sided buildings in commercial and industrial districts. Basically, the provisions established are geared to promoting the used of acceptat�te combinatic►ns of rnaterials in order tc� achieve more aestheticatly pleasing exteriors and to prornote construction of comparable quality on abutting properties. A key component of the proposed provisions is that building materials/aesthetics on buildings over 100,d00 sq. ft. in the General industrial District would be reviewed by Ptanned Unit Development � procedures which would allow ihe Flanning Commission and City Council some flexibility to var�y the ordinance requirements for exceptionally large structures in which it may not be economically feasibte to meet them. Also included in : Section 23 are provisions which wouid more stri�gently regulate accessory buildings in Single Family Residential Districts and the Agriculture District an parcels less than 20 acres in size. Over the past several years the Planning Commission has been reqnired to review building permit requests for many large metal pole barns which residents liave desired to construct for use as personal storage. Based upon the concerns of neighboring property owners and interests of the City in general, the Planning Commission has chasen to apply stricter aesthetic requirements to non-agrieultural accessory buildings. Typically the Commission has required applicants to construet buildings with shingled roofs and siding to match the home. Ineluded in Section 23 are provisions which Iimit the size and specify acceptable building materials for accessory l�uildings. Since the . �, provisions effecting •essory buildings would definiEel�mit pole buiiding construction on many properties, I suggest that Council c13�ely review them to be certain they are understood prior to action being taken. The other change being proposed to the zoning ordinance is the addition of self service gasoline stations as an allowed use in the neighborhood commercial district. Virtually all communities in the Metro area allow seif service gasoline in conjunction with convenience stores and, in fact, nearly all neighborhoed convenience stares which are developed these days do ineorporate self service gas. 8taff has recognized that combination self-service gas/convenience store facilities should be allawed in the Neighborhood �ommercial District sa that snch facilities can be deveioped in proximity to the resident public. The amendrnent drafted by �taff wonld ailow these facilities in the Neighbarhood Gomwereial Districk wikh adequate eoaditions to ensure appropriate siting of them. Staff will present Planning Commission recommendations regarding proposed Zoning and Subdivision Amendments at the meeting. „ � � : . C1TY (lF ROSEM(�UN� ORDINANCE Nn. X'VII. ' AN ORDINANCE AM�NDING ORI�IN'ANCE NO. Xdti.4 - SUBUIVISION OR�1�NANCE ', :CONCERNING'' SUBDt�VtSlt?1�1 OF LANU : The City Council of the City of Rosemc�unt, Minnesota ordains as fallows: ' SECTION 1. Section l, Subdivisior� 1.4 of t)rdinance XVtI.4 is amended tr� r�ad: Tkis ordinance shall apply to the subdivision of land in the City. All subdivisions in which any of the resulting parcels is Iess than five acres in area ' or 30D feet in width shall be platted. r SECTION 2. In Section 2 of Ordinance XVII.4, the definition of "Subdfvision" ' shall be amended to read: I SUBDIVIS�N -- The separation of an area, pareel or`tract of land unc�e� single ' ownership into two (2) or more parcels, tracts, lots or long term le��ehold ' interests where the creation of the leasehold interest necessitates the cre2�tion of streets, roads ar alleys for residential, commercial, industrial or other u�� or any combination thereof, except those separations. A. Where all the resulting parcel&, tracts, lafs ar interests will be twenty (20) , acres or larger in size and five hundred (SQ4') feet in width for resirlential uses and five (5) acres or larger in size for cornmercial and industrial uses; ', B. Creating cemetery lots; ' C. Resulting frorn court orders on the adjustment of a lot line by the relocatian '; � of a common boundary. ' SECTION 3. Subsections "b" and "d° of Subdivision 5.7 of Ordinance XVII.4 is ' amended to read: ' b. Dedication. In all new residential subdivisions, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside aad dedicated tv the � public for parks, ptaygrounds or other public use exciusive of property dedicated for streets and ather public ways. It shali be presumed th�t a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrdunds ; for the pxesent and future residents of the subdivision. Y€' the subdivider dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that' can be constructed in the subdivisian. The City upon consideration of''the particular type of develop�nent propose�t in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if the City detetmines '' that the present and itttare residents af the subdivision wouid reqvire , greater ar lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City, sha11 d�etermine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The , amount of the cash dedicatian shatl he determined by multipiying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedi�ated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolu.tion of the City CounciF. In all new cornrnercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presamed that a sufficient amaunt o'f land has been dedicated to serve the needs , of the resident and worki�g population if` the subdivider dedieates at least five percent (S%) pf the land in the subdivision for parks, recreation and usabie open space. The. City upon consideration af the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require , � '�� larger lesser amounts of land to be de�ted if it determin+�s that the pr�t and futare residents oP the subdl*lsion would require greater or lesser arnounts c�f land f�r such purpt�ses. The City shall dcterminc whether a cash in lieu of l�nd dedication is ap�ropriate. TMe acn'crunt of cash dedi�ation shall be determined by multiplying tMe number c�f aeres : otherwise required to be dedicated by' the average value of eomparable undevelop�d land set by resolution of the City ConnciL d. Pedestrian Ways and Trails. The C;ity chall define a m�aningful pedestrian �irculation system for each development, which eon�ects to the major trail systern, parks, schools and shopping areas. Subdividers ' shall be required to,,install such sidewalks and trails as determined by the City and according to City standards. PedesErian improvernents ' required by the City are in addition to. the land dedication in se��ection b. ' �ECTION 4. This �rdinance shall be in full force and effect from and afEex ifs pub1ication ' according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 20th day of September,1988. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: ' Stephan Jilk, AdministratarlClerk „ , ) .� { � ° f ;� �= � � � � � � � �,�� '�� �it of �Ros�mour�� ��'� �� � � ��� �;_ _ � � � � ��� Y : .. , � � I , Ciako#a Ct�unty, Minne�t� , � �; 7 # , Ordinance No. XV11., 3� ° � v� � � � ' � ��� � � � � � � � � ��� _�� ��� AN ORDINANCE AMEI�TDING ORDINANCE NO. X'U't1.� , ZONING URDINA���; _ . . . . � - g � f � �. � � .� � � � g . � . . � .. � �; . . � .. �-.. ,, . '. . . 5�$F '� �� . The City Counci� of the City of Rosemount, Minn��tst�, ordains as follows.� ' � Se�tion 1. OrdinanCe XVII.4 is amended to in�lud� Section 23 which r���s 'as follows: � , ' � � 1��� SECTION 23 SUPPLEM�NTARY REGULATIONS � f ;` ' Subd. 23.1 Building TyRe and Gonstruction: L eneral Pruvisia�s �I , I a. No galvani2ed or unfinished steel, galv�lum or unfinished alui�#auum I buildings (walls or roofs), except thos� specificalty intended to •��tvc a corrosive d�signed finish such as corten st+�el shall b� permitced f,i� any zoning district, except in assaciation with permitted agxiculkural„i�'��s in the Agriculture and Agricultural Preserve Distticts. � b. Baitdings in all zoning districts shatl m�intain a high stand�td of architecturai and aesthetic compatibility with surrounding properties to insure tha# they will not adversely impact the property values; t�f the abutting properties or adversely irnpa�t ,the cornmunity's public, health, safety and general welfare. The Plannin� Commxssion shall hav� �i��ral authority itt evaluating, approving ar det�ying proposals with re��er�t to this section. ` c. Exterior building finishes shall consist o� rnaterials comparable i� ��ade and quality to the following: 1} Brick 2) Natural stone 3) Decorative concrete block - "Rock-face", "Break-away" or ot�er types of decarative block 4) Cast in place concrete or precast concret� panels � . 5) Wood, provided the surfaces are finished for exterior use and �vood of proven exterior durability is nsed, such as cedar, redwbiod, GYPress. ` fi) Curtain,wall panels of steel, fiberglass and aluminum (nonstructural, " nonlaad bearing), provided such panels are factory fabricated` and �, finished with a durat�le nonfade surf�ce and their faster�er"s ar� oC a � corrosion resistant design. � 7) Glass curtain wall panels i 8) Stucco I, i d. Exterior buitding finishes of additions to buildings shall be consistent i and compatible with existing exterior bnilding finishes, exce�t where I existing building finishes are not in cvnformance with these }�rovisions. ; , In such cases the Planning Commission sha11 c�etcrmine whether thc � original buitding exterior shall be required to meet these pravisions �s a condition of issui�rg a persrait. :� i l i � ' , _ , � � ' i 1 < y � i�i t . � . � . . . � � . �Ey+ . � � . . . . � �� � . 2. �ommer�ai Di�t`rlcts (C-1 C-2, C-3) In, �li • Commercial I}istriGt� �hy � � exposed rnetal t�r fiberglass finish on all bt�ildin�s shall be limitet� "�t1 nn more than fifty,'��0) percent of any one wat1�; Att�y metal finish used �� the r fl �� building shall b� � minimum of twenty-six {21�� ��u�e steel. `� � � � a ;; '� � � ` < � 3, Industrial Park District In the Industri�tt P�irk District all bu��dings � constructed of cnrtain watl panels of finish�t� ste�l, aluminum or fi���lass ;� shall be required to be entirety faced with �ri�k,`waod, stane, archit��Etiral j concrete east i�; place or precast concrete ��n�la on watl snrfaces a�ip�ting � � � � � � � � � a public right-ef-way, residential ase� or publt�_ �rea�s, The �requir���'�vall � , �� surface treatme�tt on the remaining wall are�� ��}� �llow a rnaximum i�� �'iEty 1 (SO) percent o� the metal or fiberglass w�11 to' remain exposed i�'�°=�f is � i coordinaEed int� the architeMural design. , ; Th� Planning Commi��"itr� is granted braad ' authoritya in determining ,tl�e � : appropriateness �f the combinations a� material selected and int�gr�t�d into the design �f; the � strueture. �, x� t ;:� 4. Ueneral Industrial DisXrict It is acknowledg�d thaE the uses permitted i� the General Industrial District suggest targer and rnore extensive ases #��th in other districts. tn the General Indastrial Di�trict �tl buildings up to: ��1�,000 square feet of ;floor area in size construct�d 'of curtain wall pat#�e1s of finished steel, aluminum ar fibergtass shatt be required to be fifty' (50) percent faced with brick wood, stone, archit�ccural conerete cast in �l�t��e or grecast ctoncrete panels on wall surfaces �btlEting a public right-�if-way, residenti�l uses�dr public areas. The required wall surface treatment bti the remaining walls may allow a maximum of s�veri�y-five (75) percent t�f the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed if it is coordinated intt� the architect�ral de�ign. Buildings over 100,Oflt� squa,te feet of €loor ar�A .�hall � . . a.M.. � .. be reviewed under Planned Unit Developmet�t'(PUL3) requirements. �' '��� , :� 5. Single Family Dwetling Re9uirements All si�igle family detached da�llings shall be constructed according ta the following lninimum standards. �; „ a. All diwellings shalt have a minimum widt6 of twenty-four (24) feet b. All dwellings shall have a frost-free fau�dation as defined b� a the appli+cable building code, Split level, sp�it entry and earth sheft+�red hom�s shall'be considered to comply with ihis requirement. ,', c. Main roofs shall have a minimum pitch t�f 3:12 per definition t�,�. the agpli�cable bttilding code. � � � � � � � � �� � i; d. Roofs s6all 'be shingled with asphatt, wood, tiles, sod or '.�t�er comparable materials as approved by the applicable building code. ;� a� , e. Metal siding, with exposed panels exceeding sixLeen (16) inches in �vit�th, sha�il not be germitted. ,� , f. Earth shelter�d homes will be permitted on the basis of site conditi�ns, which are cnnducive to such housin�, or in areas where cha�ig�s ` to existing site conditions are complimentary to the site and adjacent - propBrties and the existing charaeter of pr4perty and structures i�h the �:: area. � y: ��, ' , i , �j ' l i � � � - i • 6. Accessor,y BuI1dInQs Maximum area permitted for prefabricated rnetal storage II building� in R-1, is 120 square feei. Maximum aggregate total for any accessory buitding(s) in R-1, District is 1,�Q0 square feet excluding attached gaxage f�ooting; and in RR and A (Agriculture - less than 20 acres) Districts is 1,20Q square feet, ex�luding attached garage footage. Any accessory __ building in R-1, RR, or A (Agriculture - less than 20 acres) Uistriets over 150 squrare feet must be constructed of materials comparable with and eomplim�entary to principal structure. Cornparable treatrnent imcludes the following requirements: a. A minimum 3:12 roof pitch. b. Roofs shall be shingled with asphalt, wood t�r tile to maCch the hvme. c. Adequate number of windovvs shall be provided to break up the sblid planie or exterior walts to simulaie the character of the home. d. Siding which is identical or closely matches the home shall be incolrporated in the design'of the accessory bui}ding. ' Section 2. '�'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Enaeted and �ordained inta an Ordinance this day of , 1988. Rollaa Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, AdministratorlClerk �� _� � , , i „ F i • �6 a � • City o# Rasemount Ordinance No. XVIi. --- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3 - ZONING ORDtNANCE Section 1. In Section 1, Subd. 1.3 of Ordinance XVII.3 the following definitions shall be added: CONVENIENCE STORE/GASOLINE STAT[ON, SELF SERVICE: A self-service gasoline station th'at offers for sale a limited amount of food and household products. GASOLINE STATION, SELF SERVICE: A structure plus an area of land that is designed for the suppiy of motor vehicle fuels, where no other automobile services are provided and the fuel is pumped only by the customer. CARWASH, ACCESSORY: An accessory building or part of a principal building equipped with mechanical equipment for washing autos (not a conveyor system} whieh is accessory to a gasotine station; gasoline station, self service; or a convenience store/gasotine � station, self service and is comprised of not more than one carwash bay. Section 2 Section 7 Subdivi lon 'I 2 1 ubsection a , is amended to read as follows: � a. The sale of goods and services conducted totally within structures and � ' including (but not limited to) food, drugs, clothing and hardware stores, � ' offices, beauty and barber shops, nursery and Montessori schoals, self- service laundries and similar neighborhood-type commercial facilities. Also allowed as permitted uses are the following: Gasoline Stations, Self Service; Convenience SCores/Gasoline Stations, Setf Service; and Carwashes, Accessory subject to the following conditions: (i) Except for gas pumps, all ogerations shall be conducted within the i principal building. (2) Where abutting an "R" District, a screen wall or fence required along I the common property line between the uses. Said fence shall be � ��roperly maintained by the owner or lessee. i (3) Parking and maneuvering areas shall be paved and curbs six (6) � inches above grade shalt be provided no iess than five (5) feet from � all property lines which adjoin a pnbtic street. ; (4) The site shall be planned so as not to permit water from a car wash � to run into a public street or accesses thereto. A drainage system ; shall be installed subject Eo the approval of the City. i (5) Pump islands and canopies shall conform to yard requirements. � (6} Artificial lighting shall be accomplished so as to have n� direct light ; sonrce visible from a public street or an "R" District. i � � • �� . � ' . � . � � . . . Ste�ion 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publicatian according to law, ,, � Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this ' day of , 2988. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: ; I Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk _ ( � i l �� i � � I I I i � i � � � , I � _ � � � � i �" .� . . ). . . 4 ...� �i . /�._.._� �(,� � , ' . � � t�l� {F� . � ' � � � ,���.� � . � . ` ' ` ' � ,xl ="�rh�. :� � ��1R'�C'Y"1�t�!����� . ..��s tr �t=i++�. . . . _" . . . . � �. . .. � � � . . . � . . Affidavit of Posted Mearing Notice Subdivlsion Ordinance Amendments Park Dedication & Pedestr�an Ways & Tra11s STATE OF M[NNESOTA ) COUNTY OF I)AKt)TA )ss CITY UF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan JiIk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says I am a United States citizen and the duly qualificd Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On September 6, 1988, acl�ing on L�ehalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 14Sth Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a public hearing for subdivision ordinance amendments regarding park dedication and development of pedestrian ways and Erails. .,- Step an Jilk _. Administratarl �erk City o[ Rosemount Dakata County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �'th day of September, -1988. .� N ary Public Q...,_.*.��v,.ar.n,�nR,•r✓�.�n•,.1n•,,�� . � � . Y .rf 's.. ';'. � � .. "t t , �; f � '! �i� � ��;•� j t, kV ;��y� flQUI,�ri� tl., . ,JI;1 �'��R.,?� (,nr,qi t(�.�i���1Y ' � tAY CC�l1ht E Xf�Ht S.tJ.":E 1 i i^'.'2 ; � . � . � �eVk'w�Vyb'�,tyylAn � S � � � . � . . �VW�A�.'V6'Vt�VL1:1,'V�nr,.,r� . _ ;; ; �� � �c.,t� �� � � � ; � , � � � �� tc(,�;F rA�,i;r:i r.�r� 1 �`� f�S['Yl�l(�1.�D 1!� . . Y,.. iI I `'a � � a:.._y Pubtic Notice Su�ivision ard�nance Amendments Park Dedication & Pedestrian Ways & Trails TO WHOM IT MAY CnNCERN: NOTICE tS IiERF.BY GtVEN, that ihe City C�uncil of the City c�f Rasemount wi11 conduct a Fubiic Nearing, Tuesday, September 20, 1988, in the t;ouncil Chambers of Ehe City Hall, 2$75 145th Street West, at 8:00 p.m, or as soon thereafter as possiMle. • The purpose of this hearing is to receivc comments on proposed amendments to the subdivision ordinance of the City of Rosemount (Ordinanee No. XV[I.4). Amenclments are heing eonside#ed which would effect the following sections of the subdivision ordinance: Section 1:, Subd, 1.4; Section 2; Section 5, Subd. 5.7, subsections "b" and "d." � In general, the proposed amendments invoive a new definition [or "subdivision" anc� establishment of new provisions which govern a subdivider's obligation regarding �ark dec�ication and develc�Qmei�t of �edestrian ways and trails. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to this item will be heard at this meetin�. Dated this 6th day of Se�tember, 1�88. SEe�h Jil.k, Ad ' strator/Clerk �� City of Rosemou Dakota CounEy, Minnesota ,, � � • AFFI�AYIT OF PUBIICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS Coun#y of Dakota ) NANCY l. GU3TAFSON, being duly swan,on ooth soys thaR she is on uafhorised a9�t and emplayee of th�publish�'of tha newspaperr known os DokoM Cpunty TTibune,ond has ful)knowiedge �P��+�C�V��rG of the focts which me shNed below: j !ll�t�C HtARNifi ' SUtq1YW0//0R01NANqAMENGiMrl17'S i ►ARKpEpICATqNi (A)The�wspoper hos complied with oll of the requiremenfs consFituting qualiKtotion os o(egd KDt3TR1AN MlAY3 i TRAHS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: n�SPoD�.as P►ovided by Minnesota Statate 33t A.02,331 A.Qf and other uppl;cuble(ows,os omended. NOTICE iS HER�BY GIVEN, fhs!the � L�ty Council of the City o[Raeemo�wili i conducE a P�lic Hearlt�, 7YKsdep, 8e�� ( ' - tembac zo,lgea,ip the L�OunCU qarmbere�af� (g)The pri�rted -- < <-���L•,.r-� tne c�cy xa}t,za�s i�st�,street we��,.t a:oa f, � ----- p.m.orasaoon thereaCt�aspcs�ble. 7'he PurPoee e[this hearing�to receive •- comments on propoaed amendmtnts ko the aabdiv�ion ordinance�the City�Roee-� ---------- ---------- -------�_---- mount (Ordlna�ce No. XVi2.4). Amend- m�te A�e nei co�idere� whien w�anid ettect the tollow�aectia�a of the wb�w ( ision ordinanc.e:5eCU�1,Subd.1.4;SeCtian � �:��g'�.5.�,s���•�b"�� which is ottoched was cvt from the columns�soid news d". DpP�',ond wos pri�Ned and pubiished once t"6�8�+t6e Prapoeed amendments in- volve a new�fiMtia�f�"suirdivision"and establishment of new provisione whMh se�ks;it wos govern a subdivider's obli�atio�f tding ' eac6�+�etc;for park dedicatian and development� -- - ___. __.__ _ d4anwayesndtraila. � �� 8uch peraons as deaire ta be Aeard with re- r, rere�ce co tn�l�em ww be t�eara,c th�r first PubNshed on Thursdor,the �y�i-�. _day of-`-�'-��>=-���'�.r� �f��'<� mDntMthtaf�!►dayotSeptamber,lYBB. — - ----------- , STEPHAN JtLK, Administrator/Ckrk � 19 _J�_ , ond wos thereafter prieted and pubiished on every Thursdoy to oed ieelu�m� city ot Rosemaw,t Dakota Courtty,Mim�eeota 395 Thursdoy,the dop of _,19�_�_: and printed befow+s a copy of the lower case alphobet hom A M Z,both inclusive,which is he►eby aeknowledged as being the size and kind of type used'rn the compositian and pub{icotioa of the netice: � abccletghij4cimmi�qrsluuwxyz e � ;-' � �. . h. '� . . . . ' BY: f�c..( �( C,� ' � �� � '�Z�C_-% TiTLE:Seeretary to f�+e Pu isf�/. '� � �� t� ` /, r,� Subseribed and swwn to befwe e on this .1 . � day o{`'_.�C-'�)�1.�'Tl�_Y'S 19 �'� . /'� i ;1 �' �-- •_.. / 4k � �� t� � �., � �` \ \[ .� /' ( ( �y) ` � � ����{.�{..l�� `!.".�"_/�vf"{,.•�1"�.:�'�.t 1�T�,r �� [� �� Notcwy PuWic ! ' - � �, I�RIMIINMMMN' :"��w�:�..� CAROL J. HAVERLAND "� .�� ''; NOYARY PU[�UG—MINNESflTJI * • �!A!{�T/� COUNI`Y z � ;r -�:-�n Expires Dec.3. f909 t�:- . , r�act s�s.�sc�a�f..a�a�a�sr � � � � �: �� ��� . � �' "" � l_ ilr� r� � �� T �. „���,� r.,r„„ i , ,, :,� �� ¢��'� �C)5t.'��11�')t���� k �f� ��' ,,;� . K3�. t �jp � . _' . � � � . � C �,''.� . . . . � . Affidavit of Po�te�l Hearing Notice Sulxlivision Ordinance Amendments SeC. 1, Subd. 1.3; Sec. 7, Subd. 7.2.1; Sec. 23 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKQTA )ss CITY QF ROSEMOUNT �) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the ' City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On September 6, 1988, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a public hearing for snbdivision ordinance amendments regarding the addition of definitions for self service gasoline statians, convenience store/self-service gasoiine stations and accessary c�r washes; addi#ion of permitted uses in G1 Districts; and new Section 23 regarding aesthetic treatment standards. There is delivery service by United States MaiI between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. C.�yC-'� ep n Jilk � Administrator/C erk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to befare me this t�th day af September, f988. . otary Pu 'c s a.+r�4�iA.M.M/4^.A1.1M�r n n 1 n,n^..1,+,,; , . . � ,��5t" a. . . . . . �. 6 p, = u7', S;.•'; '' �1 ,1{� tijy ��� 61'', - ;1 . { �'k�. - . � . . ��. . . Q � . (� '�,�. �� 1 ., . . .. . . . . + � 1 1+��. � I'..)�� �I.� �� �.. . � - . � . . ID�4'a>p:•e•y,,,..,r�,r,�•4v��/f^.,;,�,.,�.� `��..,..,�,�,..� � . . _ _._ .-.--. . _ .. . . __. .... _ ... ..___ . _. . . . . _ _ ._. . . .. _.. . ... � � --*� t� _ ��� , '2„�, � ,�;� ��� ,�b� �� � � °�l � � � �+,'t°`' 'r � ****��r******�e**�r********r1EPi0*******�rx����r��r�Fa*i��*****�*�* �� � . �Y�� h' . � . DATE: SEPTEAtBER �6, 198$ ? r ,; , �.�� ` � ��� : �' �� T0: MAYOR & C�iINCILPirPlI3rRS �:'��= t` � ��� ` " � C/0 ADPIINI�TRATOR JILK r "' ����; ' � � � �! � �� FROTi: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ���'`�� ��� € �� . �� . ,dr� 3 . Y }. .. . � � R�: IT�i�iS FOR 5��'`T��`1BER 2Q,� 198$ COUNCIT,�����1�'�tN � ,- ,. '� � � ��.� � _ � � :,' PUBLIC }IEARING �;;r ' �; fi;� Shannon Parkway, �roject 168 & 171 Assessm�� �e�rin� Attached is a copy of the proposed final a���s�lment roll for Shannon Parkway street improvements, projee� 1C�f3 and I71 . � ;-� � In determining the water residential equiv�lent assessment for the portion of Shannon Parkway south af County Road 42, we found we made a mistake. We did not run the wate�` m�in all the way to 160th street which reduced� the total number`'af acres that we could assess for water residential equival�ttt from 261.77 acres to 170.17 acres. This increased the dollar am+�unt per acre from $255.66 to $393.27. Still, this amount is rest�'than the $550 per aere that was estimated at the public improv�m�nt hearing, in addition, .the sanitary sewer residential eqitiv�lent for sewer crossings amounted to $93.43 an acre. Thisifs $ slight increase over the preliminary amount, however the to.�:�1 �ssessment still is less than the preliminary amount. I checked with our city attorney, Dave Grart�S.s, regarding the proper procedures for the city to follow be�a�z�e o€ the mistakes in the assessment roll. He indicated that �:s long as the city served the Iegal notices to the praperty owt��r�, it legally doesn't matter that the assessments are hig#i�r than what we mailed out. However, as a courtesy we are s��tf�ing out the revised amounts to the property owners that ��.h�t revision affects. The attached assessment roll includes these `�+arrections. �' � I am requesting that Gouncil conduct the pub�ic hearing, Uut not elase it until the October 4th meeting. My 'rea:�on for this is because the developer of the 0'Leary property, Steve Broback, is ' very clos�� to platting the 0'Learys Hills Fotlrth Addition� By ' doing so, he would dedicate an outlat to th�` city for ponding easement. Our policy is not to assess dedi�ated ponding easements. However, since the plat has not =�reen approved by the city as of yet, or we have not reeeived a s�p�rate easement agreement for this ponding area, we cannot mske this credit to this property at this time. ' �., ,. �F � � � ,� � ' Shannon Parkwa�f�ro'ect 168 & 171 � s Y 3 Page Two By the October 4th meetin�, the developer s�c�ulct be able to either come in wifih a final plat for the 0'��a�°y'� Hills Faurth Additipn or secure a separate document far ��e easement, Ctiereby ;�, securing a reduced assessment to either th�'1d�+t�loper or the a,�; � property owner. z;` ,e Recommended action for the couneil to consi�lc�r is to conduct a public hearing and continue it until Octob�r 4, 1988. � ,,' � � � �;�� � � � �.� , � . . � . . � � �L . � � . . . .. . . ,t . . � �� � � � i � ; � � � � . � � � . , � `i �I. . . . . j � . � . . . . . . � 4 � . � 1 f� . � � , . � . f . . t ,, . . � . . i..,� . . . . . , � �.�.... . . . . � � . . ���.�. . . . . . � i..,.. � . . � :' � . � _ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1988 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTiN.G ASSESSMENT ROLL SHANNON PARKWAY STREET IMPROVEMENTS � PROJECT NO. 168 & 171 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment far Shannon Parkway Street Improvements of 1987, Project No. 168 & 171, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $485,206.�0, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 198$-27 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefitefl by the proposed improvement. (2) Such assessments shall be as followss a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments ' extending over a :period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with generai taxes for the year 1989, collectible with such taxes during the year 1989. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of eight and two-tenths percent (8.2�) per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution nnti]. December 31 of the year in w�ich such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid grincipal amount of the assessment, c, The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior ta the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment an such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the eatzre assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such � property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in whieh said payment is made.` �.� a / � � i �. ,� . � �, � � � � . � . � � . ' .. . - .. . .. � ' ' Page 2 I �,�. Resolution 1988 - , . � (3) The Administrator/Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified dt�plicate copy of this assessment roll to tfie Caunty -Auditc�r ta be extended on the tax list of the Gounty. ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 1988. Rollan Hoke, rtayor ATTEST; ,t Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � � ; � � �f� �, ,, . . . . Y �,�. . . . . � � . . . .I��� � . . . . � �, � . . . . . . . � . , ! i . . � . xE , ��.� , i ',�) � . {� �. . t , f-'ci C�� Ml Cl. �, # ±. { � . Cf9l�.7/8£� � " �'� ' � i �� . � ; � � (��r�nan F=��r^kway �Isse�sma��� ����. � � � �� t�, r. �,� � �� � � f�s ��F��smen� He�r•iny: �ept. ��,�"` ��� � ��� �A��E�`t,, � � `��•��, � � ���ssm�ni: I)F.ia; t�c�t i�� �, z}{;���r� ;r ��� . . i p � � t � S. �� � i, '���� � YPe"iY~�.�'a ��)t^t�eit�: �.t��}� t � ;� � I.t�'{����k��� � ���_ �' � . . . �i 14; . . '�s` �°-��� �.k � � .}�:k� �,i� a � ¢� �� � , F 4� i � . § g � > � 't�i� , 7�1 1� � . 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Ci.� $ �z °'�c;��+. ���" ; � � � ,:f c;� _�� �� ;, �'. � =���: �4 81;�1�� ;���c7 c:�� Cq. WINDS CFtO;SIhiC�i, �, �,� �fi��t. h�� � � ��t�:r4. c_r,�� = �� '� .�tF 1a1.?,1c_y ��_t3i� c�a� CC�. W:{NI)i GRO£���IiV�r� 1. c�� �Fiy�f. �� ";'4t:��+. �';��, ; �::8 � ` , 34 t�1:�li� �:9ti ���c�' CO. tl�l:[NUS CRU�a�Nf�`' l. �=y 4t���+. t�� 4C��+. �7� , , - , ' 3. �'� �.' ; � '�` � ,� � , ,_,�F L-1 131 cl Wt:�c,� c_�c Ct:l. W Z Nt��i GftO..��S I N�;,t ` ` 1. �:� 4i���. t��� . .�4{��4, C�.�, � ; , f ��, ,�� � � � ; :s"�� t31�1i_� 31i� i_�u CC3. WIND� Ci�O�S tNE�'' . i. �� 4t�4. f7.�� �4i�1t, ����, � � ' ' ,�� -,� ,ri � �_ s; � ,� �;, € 6 ;.. . i 4 I ��'-. 31+ t3],..:,1�7 3�c7 c��c CO. W:[iVI75 Gf�OS�I1WEa�,;, 1. G Lt�=�t+. �:i,�� ' $c_`14» t.r� F ,; . . ��. . � , � . . �`',� �� ��y� � ..,� j � . ' � � :: �;�E t3131 t� .:,:�t i i�4_ CQ. = W I NDS CFtQS�I iVC,� ' 1. �> 4t.rr+. Cja�,� � 4C>4. c�� � ,. � 1 1 J� � .:,rE 81,?,1ca .�4c� �7c CO. WINDS CROSSINd 1. c:r �ti��t. U3� �+c=��f. ta3 34 � .=,4 (�1 W:l Cz �Si� �t��� Ct�. W I iVI7� �CF2(J�S I N� ��� � 1. C�� � 4t74. t:��� �,iy.t,t4, t7� � � � � � � �35 � � 34 {�131 cj i�:�t> ta3 COMt�ANY W X tVDS C ftQSSI iV,�,� 1, c�� 4c_>r+. G►3, �c��. t�� 1 � w4 La131t� t?;�_�� t73 COI'�'IF'�l`JY WIhII?5 Cf20�...,-'�:[NG ` 1, �:� r}i,�+, ta� '. �t7�.. t�3 ; �c �3 * 3�F �1 a�.�:� t:�:.�i� c_�3 GOh1F='fdiyY � W:t h!t)S C F�Q�S:[Nt� , i 1. c:� �E�:��+. ��� . `.4�t7f+. ��� ` � �, � � � 34 8131 i� t71�� c���+ CpMt��AIVY . W I h�in� Cf�f.}r-iS I i�IG i. t�� 4�:atE. t�3 `�4�"��+, ��>3 1 4 , . . . }�. sy �. 1 . .� i.:. f � �.e i '�; 'i , � � ;{� �� ,. � ��' � r � ,. ' ���@ �t]. �� ? � ,dti �. �k�� =s i'. C�Sf 17/ 0 �\ � � � r'� n r �' ��k x � � ��:� � �� �� g.: � ,,� ; � � �,, ��1�rtnr�n F=��rk�vay �SSPSS��,��: $�t�� l *°' , fls����ment Hear�ings�� �Sppta i ��v���� .. '��i� � � ; �� � � ' ;� � � �l�,�essment I7��e: Oct. ��.�.a �;'� � a��,� ��� f;���t; �� Y�ar�s a �r�ad � �j �..��� '"�� �,�� ��..�� S , p : �. �� ,, � . } 1�� i j �,� :� �k s '� - . >'.tis�� r. Yt k�s ,;k�.t' �-'I D NAh'I� ����'� `� LI f2f�;�`i �+ �"��'+IDUI�l�" v� �� j��#���3� .��.' � ,-� s� �,, � .� � � ' ' �e��,� :� �. � ��� r'��t ° `� � . �'z`P u :'� _ �t( +�`A' � '*�. ' � �� q �:: � "� �r. r . � t� � A �°t j�'S° ,�; � � .' f�,� _� 3�+ E313it:� l�wcy �f4 C�M�AN`v' W:[iVI�S GRQSaIC�� �p= 1*� � 1. �� 4��rtf. t�,�� �����.'�4. ���; l �, . . „\:�'. �� `t����h.;�; . . . � r��r �,'j+. � .; � �..� 3�� L�131t7 1�,�� �7tf CQM�='ANY� :� � WIRI[7y Cf�Q��a�IN� ' � �'" l. tt� �+s_�rf. t�� ��, ,.. ��J4, tr�,� f . � s , ;h y a � �� � �i ,,� . . � ' '1�F�,}Y _.. ;_ I`Y L�3� . (� tl t �5 .. +. ; 7Y 'T ,:,�+ L31uit� �t���r citt CC�MF��NY , W:tN[)� CRQ a�INC�� ` 1. �'� r�t��a. �������4���, t� i r ��� � � '� �� � � � a. �� � . � � � .� ��� � �, � s ' �� � ..,?,�F i��..:,:1�;► 15if c_�t� Ct]MF='�NYr WINI?5 C'F2tlaS�N�` � t. ii 4�:���. �i���������1:��+, tl3 ` "#�,,.. � � � � ����'�t � � , ;.'4 t3.1�?,1 t`.� �,�i t t�� _� c rr� � � ,� ,,��� � �� � �� . , . � + CUC+IF"(ahlY' W:C IVb,3 CF�C],a,a Z iVC� ' 1. �:� 4s irt. ���, ��":�C�t�+, t:�_, . , , 1�# �� '� z :�4 81��.{� 17c7 t:��F Ct7MPANY, WXhlt)5 C:F�Oa�Ihdt3 '4 1. ��� �+�:,�F. �i� �,�t_t�. c_>3 . i� � � i� �:�:�i� � . 4 = � . .:,�F �31�1 t� 1�l0 {:jl+ COt�iF''i�IVY W X h1I)7 CF2tl5�T t�l� 1. tj 4i i�F. �:��` , ��{��+, �_►� � 1.� �4 �.,rf �1�31i� 1��j c_�r+ CC]MF�'F�IV'�� WINt}S CRp..�ac3Ii�iC� i. i� �fiatF. t"J� .� .�'�ia�f. �_�,::, 3,� �G- t :t; �;rF t]131c_� �:���cj p�+ C�h1F�ANY WINI?� CF�U�SIN�:.;� 1. ir �Fi.y4. C.�� r :�'t'.r4„ c7w � �� �� , , �4 8131�1 �i�a t:1r+ COM��AIVY' � ��� WrND� CR[]aSZh���;� � 1. i� � 4C�4. t��"� ��+?4. s��3 . �;< ,� �_ �� '� �� ��+ ' `" ' >; � 34 (1131�:� ����'i� t.r4 COMF�'F�IVY� . ; W�{NI)a Cftt�;iI�f� ,::'� � � t. �:) � ��ti:arN. t�'�, 'x��_��+, ��>� = .� �� � � � . � � � ,'� `��..� ,� �� � �; �� � �� ' ; y 34 81u1�:� �:3�a �:a4 COM��f�NYj� ,'� � W:Ch�DS CRC)SSINC�,� � �; �l.�i� �4�:�h.. s:�;� �Ca4. ��,', ; � �� �� ! , �t ��t C i.i 7'�' . .. . 'j f ':. � � =k . ::��+ ��i���''.r�:t_) i.:`�FI:) t�[ c+ j � , ; j� t COhiPANY . W:[N�5 C�OaSI i�t� s� � �_ �:, i� 4�=��a. t;i��yr� ?�i.r�. F��, 7�F �'�i � . . � �1 ��yy,5�� .� . T�} h�{}��r: � A ����YS� � I t� 9� e�`wR',.� �� � 3�F t3131�:� �:��i a:��+ G01�1F?AN'Yf �.� t,IINI�S Cf2(�S�S�idl���. �� �1. �.� 4t:��f, �� r �,:4t_��t. t�� . � r � � . �� i � ��� � ��°;� � �� � � � � �6S n : . �� i 34 t31�i c:� 3�t� t:lt+ COMF�ANY ,;� W�hit)� GF20SS I i�C� ;:, , � _ 1. i y 4i��}. ���� fi 1�t:�4. �:�� , �_. � � a� � .'�t� � �� ��� r� ' '�i � � k � . f��.�� � ��� r�t, ::,�f t31,.:�1 i t �:�t i �ar+ C(aMf'f�IVY ; � � t,1:[NI�� �:F?Q55 t�1C�;� , x , �. i y 4��r►. t���' , G"��t=�4. t:a� •3, �, � � �-" � �,i�� � k`r 1; , � �t;� ,'� - �. . 3�F 8131�:a 1 t��=� i a� COMF�AIVY W'[iVUS CH[]SS Ittit3�'� 1. t i 4t itF. 4�$� A e;4���+. �� �` �� " 1�7 9 � , � �; 3�F t�1.:�1�7 1"��7 t_�9 COh1F'ANY � � WINI?S CRC7�aIi�C�y '� '� 1. ir �� ��:�t�. C�� ;�t_��.tl�� ' ' �t� "q � ' ' � � � u4 Hl�;ic=� c_�ica 1c7 COMF=��hJY WxRfU� CF�qSSiNC3 ',' �.. �:� �4���rF. �>>�� 1 ��R:r4. �J3 .,# , , i 1 � � ' ` �. , � .::�4 t31ui��? C��U 1i:� COMF'�hJY I�ITPlD� rRO�SIt*1G ; 1. i� 4�:�r+, {:1� L�tta4. CJ3 ' c 1 34 t�1��1i� ia7t_� 1�� C:qMf��E11�1Y Wli�t�S GF2fJS�IN.�,�''' ' 1' 1. c_i ia�=��F. t_�� � `t�t�4. c��3 � ;s 7 U ��} L�1..?,1 c�r c_�8ca 1 c,� CC3MF�'AI`JY l�t:C i�Ji)� CRtJi"�.�3I AlC� ` 1 1. E� fFc'r�f. t�� �.t:tt+, �a?� � ` � � � . . q:�N'�' �xat� . M"f����,3tf' j. 3=g: . a � •. . .. . �. � � � . F�a L7� 1�f O. 1�3 I' it�%17l8H i 5h�nnnn F��-at,kway �s5essmpr�t fto11 A��e�smen� Hear•ing: Sp��. , ^cV, :19t�t� �lsspssment U�ae : O�t. rii 19,88 �, Year� Spread: it� ?; ' �'�ll hdAMF L. k� U R�TE 5 ��h1QUhlT ' 0 I L N { -f' �,. I ; r , 3� t31�1�a ty�i_� lt;� CCIMF��IVY WINDS CRO�SING i i. C� �+�=�4, l"�3 `�+U�. �?3 9 ; C► 34 t�1.?,1�:� 1�:�t�� 1t:� COM��AtVY WT1VD5 CF2C.l�aINC' 1 1. t=a 4c.�lt, t�� , '4't�4. i�� i.G Ct �4 t�131i.� 11�� 1��f CpMF-"�ANY WINi?S CROaaTI�JG 1 1. sr ����+. C�3 4t=��+. i�.;, i. l C� 34 L�1.�1 c� 1�=:t� i t� CqM�'ANl' W X Nn� Ct�05�I i`aG 1 1. t� 4i�l+. ��3 4�:�4. c_i� i` E� � 34 t3131 t i t..:,t� 1 tl cor��r�rvv w��vQ� CRQSS I i�1G 1 1. t:� 4�:t1+. C�3 4t'a4. ra� 13 �� ,e,4 B 131 tj 14ca l t� CUMF�ANY W T NDS iCF2QSa T NG i 1. �� ��i���. C�3 4���4, t��u 14 (.� �4 8131 t:r 1 ac_� i C� CUMPAiVY W I IVpS CF20SS I NG 1 �.. i r 4s�,�}, t:t3 4V4. t�r._, 15 �t� #� S�_�btotal �a� 64 c'J�J�. 9� ��857. 9c' f a�* 1,101-{LE�FtS : 3j+ 8131C� C�3C� �.r4 WQF-ILEFtS L.�RSY & G1-tR�:� �,. c_y ���c�►q. Ct3. � 4��4. {}3 w '4 �� ��_iht ot�1 �� . i.. t� r4i_���., Cy3 4C�r+. �:f� �� 4JC)t��� _ .:,4 �41 C��: C��3c.� tj�. WbLFE W 1 Lt�I F1M R� t�tf�htCY i.. tT 1�4. .s�. �:�4. 31 9 i ?�� S�.ibtnt�l a�� ; �, I) .c^'.'I:S�V. ..7i�. �t�ld�. ��. #aF iE �O't e��. #�3F�}F 5F38 1E.+'3/+48. wr 4$.�'.��.`�:>t�. 4 �� � , , • � y,. � _� Puet�c NaT�cE n'�'°''RO�"* �►fFIDAViT OF PUBl1CAT10N MOTKt Of MEARHIB tN1 ASSE�M[qTS FORSMANNqt1►ARKWAY3TREtT ! IMrROVlMENTSOi19q. dTY MlOfECT NO:iN f�l71 �`"TO WHUM IT MAY CONGERN: , TIM�ANll PLAGE GENEfWL 1VATURE dF IMPROVEMENTS:Natice is}rere1�y g{. ����'����"�.�"i����„���,��;, STAT� OF M1 N N ESOTA � SS fltthe City ot Rnsemuunt.Minneseta,a�the �n aay ot s�Pcemne�,Y986 at s:00 p.m..or �OU1'1# O# �CI�C01'Cl � rMg aoon thcreatt�v as pasibie.to camidet ob � jections to tix propoeed a�menfa fot f4hannan Parkway Str�t tmprevemenW p( 1887,City ProJect No.1�&171,heretotore o�aerea by tne c��y eouocti. ASSESSMENT ROLL OPEN TO IN- SPECfIOiY;The propaeed s�ent roil is 0o tile with the Admfn{etratoNCkrk and opentopuWicfnspection, NANCY 1.GUSTAFSON,aeing duly sworn, on oMh says thot she is an putho►ized agent and AREA PROP�ED TO BE A33ESS�D: •!'The a�propased to be asseseed coeelsts d employee of the pubFisfier of the newspope�keown as Dokoto Coum��Triburnoe,oad has full knowiedg� ��� v�a'1�rcei et land benetited bq provements,which Iwa been otdered of the fats wlrich me stated below: 'YYtade and b ns toliowe:a0 Ehet area dtnerat. IY deacribed as the aouth 7Q9 teet ot d�e ea�t 1iaNMthesout6west quarter tSW iM!of 3ec- �10��s'«"On�N���'��1�¢��� (A)The newspoper hos comptied w�th oli of the�equirements consti�uting quolificotion us o(egd �tialhwest qusrter( 1f4):exceP����*Y �Hills Additiw�;the west haH�tNe nartl�es� qwHer 1 NE 1l41:and the w�hai[ot the rt�+'spaper,as provided by AAinnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 o�+d other applitable lows,as amended. iWutheast quarta(SE 11�1�3ectia�9p;the west half oi the northeast quarter:NE t/�1; . /'� `�x� O'Leary's Hills AddiNon; the �u- . �__ '�(� `�c�,__.\� thwest quarter�the aaitheast quart�ISE (8)the pnnted _—. �t/�1:the east hatf o2 the northwest quarter �YN1N 1J41,and the e9at helf of the Sq1thWEst t � i�uarter cSW 1/41:exc�t Wes!Ridge(%rst _ �Additia�:of Section 31;all o[0'i.�ry's Hila '�xl Additiat:ard Vatky�k Replat.81odt 8,i.ots 5-35:Biock S.i.ots i-S;Block 4.Lule l•3&1Y-33:Slock 8.LWa 18-�9�atid Bbek 10, Lots t-15;aii in T�bip 1 ib,ltaage 18. TOTAL AMOUNT OF'PROPOSED: TA! totel amaunl proposed to pe s�e�ed � whieh is ofteched was cut from the colvmns of soid news and was �»ted m�d blished a+ee i831,061.88. PbPm'. P► P� WRITTEN OR ORAL OBJE£TiON3: Written or oral objectiaro wyl be caaf<kra! „!( at the hearing ._ � � 7 ttIGH7'OF�APPEAL•M ownet ot pcop. each week,for f_S_'L-�? _ successive weeks;it was erty to be aasesaed mayapp�#the ae�ep• �•, mmt to the disErict court ot pe,kefa puravaM to Minnesota Statutex. 3� �j'�� � � '�.f_ `�(.:�r"�' (_'- ,�.' �ze:oet by eerving notice ot the a�sl�on f'ust pu6lisi�ed on Tlrunday,tHe � of •w1 � t � tn�n�eyo�or e�or uK c��y wutda ao a.ya after ihe adoption M the a9aes�lnent and tfl- � ing such notice wlth the t�stt9M eourt wiHda �� ',`tm�days aftet service�on the 1Kaqp�er 19 `� , a� was thereaker printed ond published on erery Thunday M oed ineluding �ra�rrn�r�o�v oN aPp�a�,: ivo a�t �- , may be iaken as to the ama�t�a�q- , ,,���� Q�-.,r' a w�itten�ttanstgnNed by��� Thursdoy,the � ���`1_doy of � '�'-r�_1SJr=�-�.— .19_�`�—; ProPeNy ovvner islikd with the��p the ase�ament h�ring� �� ond pinted below is a eopy of the lowe�cqse alphubat ham A to Z,botl�iAelusive,w6ich is 1�►ebp pe+eaiding�fice�r at the haring.Aii objec- tia�to ttie qot t�eivsd�i the ocknowledged os being the si�e and kind d fype used in the compasition ond pablicotitm of the eotiar. , aeseesmeni NeaMng i� the ma�qer � � � � scNbed by Mieaesota Statxtea, SeMi� abcde(�hijkimtmpryrshrvwx.vz 488.U81 are waived,unida the feil�e to ob- jeet at the a�essmeet he�ari�is due to� . �reaeatebleca�me. . A ; '' DEFERMENT OF h$SE$S1ISHNT3: �„ � ; ! ,_ .,r ;� � under tt�e provistm,or ldlnmeota sharta BY: ' �{! '' .-��.� ; ,'� ' "S��l�,e,� ��'�f 3eCti�43.5.t90 to�SS.iS.'i.th!City Bu��,At �;�.��� ' � .tb discretion,deter thep�yment at a�ex• TiTL�:Settetar���K 11�1�,Publisl(er � menta f�an hanestead py a petxon 85 y�ss ot age a�w�hom h + wc�a be a ha+�i w m�ke u�e p.yn►enb; ��~.�� �� �tc'. . � �~ �9��� ,ish a�'�er������¢' Subseribed ond sworn ro before rne ah this_ >. _day of`-� 'f1�'• tAase3ectio�. P�'°�Dw'�M to ' ve�ea cn�aad asy�t nu�c,isea. �.v��' i' ---� � r. (" • �,�. �� � __,�```, BYORDEROF'THECII'YCOIJNCIL. � ' - STEPHANJII.K .V_�,� !C._��_,`,� .. Adminiatrator/Cktk Notory PuMie f City o[Roeemouet �' �kota CamtY�Mitaksot� I � !7-� (".M+�e.w�re�.Mr��►,��,�.�,�,N,,�« � � .� w�.... c.a��� �. Hnvcr���nio • �� '�. r.,nr:nv�uct.rc_Mirv�;c�o7A ` �� -,� �r,�c��rn cotsr�rr� � � �" . '.t.iy Cemrrissian f.x�irea Dcc.3. 1889 � . . . . �`0`�'�NMtOtl1rNNNtR.��MN1lp« . . . .7. � #�t! �.3� � • ' ��Zl��yf [..) . � . ' , � �.. �... .,>� � �. r7 � � . , ,, . , i..� . � a r��� ., ] ) /1� {?r� FM(�iit�t F:���,�'i� i �, ���,5�,,,�" 4� i X . __ ��4��i!'Il.'l.l�,�6���P . . � �'',� � . �^• � �' . � . . � . .. .. kk1. � �. � � . . . � AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTEU HEARING NOTICE SHANHOAi PARKWAY STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 168 & 171 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )�s. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposea and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Cierk of' the City ot Rosemount, Minneeota. On September 2, 1988, acting on behal�" of the said City, I pasted at the City Hail, 2875 145th Street W�st, and deposited in the United States Post Office of Rosesnount, Minnesata, copiea of the atteched notice o# publie hearinq reparding asseesment roll for 5hannon Perk�vay Stre�et Improvements, Pro�ect 168 & 171, enclot�ed in s�al�d �nvelop�e, with poestage thereon fully prepaid. �ddre���d to the persone li�t�d on the attaehed listing� at the addrea�e� lieted r►ith th�ir n�m�e. There is deliv�ry service by United States Mai1 betw�en the p2ace of mailing and the places so addressed. Step n Jilk Administrator lerk City of Ro�r�mount Dakota County. Minneeata Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5�'��7 day of S+�ptember, 1988. No ary Pu . � � � .. �.. . . _J •.r✓,.'�:� .r:,i,;w9r.'�","✓�::r.A.:...,4b . � . 'e .`+ . . . . ,. . . �.s . � . � ,`1 . �� . I1 -. . . F� � �' . . . . . . . . ... . e.. . . . . �' 1� , �...�Y '� ��. • �� ��(I�-fu;�i,S � i ,;-, i.i. tl 1 �; p � . . . � ���"'+lli�y`�i VV�/b'VWINW.J�.��fy rV'`.M"�',:'1,dti�d f.t� . .: . . . . � . . . . ` . � � ��.ii . � � � I'u ti113( ti111 � �` � . .� � tt,j t� � :��ir�, r.�r,i�i �,r w � '� � ` � � � ` rrc�st_n���irr�i.�r.��r�rjr �.��i.a��,�,��r,�s � � � �� � � � � ������� ��, r►�►c����1��4,�t��� � �;�:� ,.�, .,.,,, �� �' ����:::,� /+-<t CITY UF I2�JSEFtUITNT NnTICE OF IIFAitING (}N ASSr:SSMEN`PS r�R 511ANNON t'AF�KWAY STRE1�,9' lfiil'I�OVI:FiF;N'fS �i�' 19f37, CI'1'Y PROJEC'I' N0. Ib8 & 171 T0: 'i'IPih: ANI) I'I,AI;I? Nc�ti�r� is Itereby giver� f.i�E�C lhe City - CI�:NM.I2A1. NAI[Iitl.' OF t:cyui�cil at t_he Cily �f (tosem��int, 1MI'(20VL;Mh:N`PS: Min�iesota, will meet in ttte City tiall i.t� ti�e City of RosPmount, Minnesota, on tt�e 20tti- day vf Septemt�er, 19ti�i ��rt �3:00 p.ni. , ar as sc�on tt►ereafter as possible, to cc�nsic�er objecti.ons to the proE�ose<i assessn�enCs fnr Shannon F'arkway S�reet T.m�rovemetits of 1987, City Project No. 1G8 & 1?1, heretofore ordered by the City Council. ASSF,SSML:NT ROTL The prc�poseci assess�nent roll is on file OP�N TQ INSYFCTiON: witt� the Ac�ministrator/Clerk and apen to ���b1ic inspecti�n, AREA PRt�t�OSEp The area pro�osed tc� be assessed consists T() AF. ASSL5S(,1): o� every lok, piece or parcel of l�nd henefited t�y saic� imUr�ve�nents, wt�ich has laeeii �rdered macie and is as followss a11 �hat aren generally clescrit�eci as tt�e souGh 7t?O feet c�f. tt�e e�st half af the soutl�west q�iarter (StJI/4) �f Section 19; tf�e nort}�east q�iarter (NN;I/4) of [lie northwest qrearter {NWI/4); exce�t Cc�untry Hilis Adciition; tt�e west I�eif of tt►e northeast quarter (Nrl/G); �3r�c1 the west half of the souttteast q�aarter (SFI/4) of Section 30; �� the west half r�f the northeast c�uarter �NElj4), except (�'(.eary's 1(ills A<iditio«; Lhe so��tliwest qnarter of tlie soukheast c�uarter (5F1/4); the east lia[E of Che norCl�west c�itarter (Nt+11J4), ai�ci t#te east 1iaLf of the southwest quarter (SW1/4); except West Ridge First Addition; of Sectiorr 31 ; a11 of ()'Le�ary's lli.11s 2nd A�Idit ic���; .�nd Vr�l lc=y O.alc ite�fl�rt, 111ock 2, � � � � � l.{��t;s 5-�5; }3loc:k 3, 1.oLs (-3; illock G, � � �� � Lots t-3 & 12-33; 111ac1� 9, [.ots 1R-2Q; .T��cl 1tilc�ck Iti, Lots i- I i; ri11 in 'fowustti�� 1I5, ltati�;e 1�3. . � . f f � � � . . . . '!'O'1'AI. AM�!)N'P 'Pt�e t�lal ainount �rrc►pose�i to be assesse�l t)F PI20Pt)S�:ll is $b31,061.86. idRT'fTEN f�R ORAI. Written or oral objections will be (�13JGGTIONS: consic�ered at tt►e hearing. (tiGHT 0� Ai'PLAi.: An owner of pro1�erty to be assessed may apPeal tt�� assessment to tl�e distcict court of Dakota County pursuant to Mianesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by serving notice of the a��eal up�n tl�e Mayc�r �r Glerk oE tlie City wittiin 30 days after the adaption oF t1►e assessment ancl fiiing sitch notice with tt�e ctistrict court witt�i�t tem <lays after service upo�� the Mayc�r or Clerk. LTMITATION �N No appeat may be taken as to the amount oE AE'E'EAL; any ass�sement adoprecl by [he City Coui3cil un2ess a written objectior� signed by tt�e affecked pro�erty owner is fileci with the Clerk priar to the assessmer�t hearing or presentad to the presicling ofFicer at the t�earing. All objeclions to the assessments not received at the assesfiment hearing in ttie manner �rescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 429,p6i ar� waived, unless the failure ta at�ject at the essesament hearing i.s due t4 a reasonable cause. n1.CF.RMEiVT �F Under tl►e provisions of Mirinesota ASSESSMENTS: Statutes, Seetions 435.193 Co 435.195, the City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for any homestead ' pr��erty owneci t,y a person 65 years c�f age or olcier 'for whom it woialcl be A liarclshi� to make the payn�ents. tiowever, tt�e Gily has elected r�ot to estai�lisl� any deferment pracedure Pursuant to Chose Sections. SPECIFTC AMOIJNT 7'0 The am�unt t� t�e specific�lly assessed BF, ASSESSED against your particular lot, piece of �� }yarcel of lanc� is shown on tl�e attached partial assessment: roll . 'L ' r , i � � ' t'REPAYMEN'P:� � Yc>u ►n�y pre�ay t_Ite eni:ire assessmeEiC to the '1'reasurer of the City w�til the assessment roil is certified to the C�unty Auditc�r; after certificatio►� to tiie Co�irity Auditor, prepayments �f the entire amount rernaining due ntay be fnade to the City Treasurer at any time prior to Novetnber 15 in ttie year tl�is assessment is adopted. NO E'AItTIAL '1'he Gity Cc�u��cil t�as not suttiorized ttis ��artial �re�ayment vf assessments prior to certification of tlie assessmec�t of the first installment ti�ereof to the County At�d i to r. PREPAYMENT WITHOUT Plo i.nterest shall be ctiarged if the entire IN7'EREST, OR WiTtl assessnient is paict witt►in 30 days fram tlie iN'P�REST TO ENI) QF ti�e acic�ptio�a of tt�e assessn+ent roll. At YEAR: any time j►ri�r to N�vemt�er 15 �f any year. Following the year ttle assessment is certifiecl, the owiier may prepay to the County Treasurer the whole assessmen� remaining c1t�e witt� interest accrued to necember 31 of Ctie year in wt�ich ttie pxe�ayntent is made. INTEREST RATEc Tf the assessrne��C is uot prepai.d wittt in 30 days from tlie adoptian of th� aaeeasn�ent ra1L, i��tsrest wi11 accrue orj tt�e assessment at ttie rate o£ 8.2�. Interest acerues from the c�ate to �e specified in the resolutian levying the , a�sessmei�t, but not earlier tha�} the date of such resolutia». Daled this 30tF� day of A�igust, 19t38. 13Y (�ttDF.ft OH TIIF CITY L'�t)Nt;IL. � /� � ---,'/ a ` " �� ..._._ Y l__. ��:._..%�: . Sre��Ji��r .Ii k Administrator/{;le „ Ciky of Rosemount nak�ta Cou�fit:y, Minnesota � 3 � r /�!�c('.1!Q c� ``"��` �':�j l 1 � ��1�LM Mi R 61 �"t i.° �'u;�� ` t��r�'� -�b�,rti o�'�t+� e�s � , ,��������' �-- ►7i �� � I If iF�h:. '•.%.1 f I;� t rl{f1k::.f�ts�;C.iP�I fi 1 R':.f `t .71 II t 4:. f1l,ijj'y.. �;�:;f ti! 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U 34� . 99 'j�y. :�9 *�: :iui,Loi.a.1 A:d: 3 1. i . o ���. sf� s��. s� ��+� t,���-�wra :3�1 (i�11t11 llti(► 1) 1. l3f�()WN f,t7P1I�;L $c 1 . v 34�l. �9 349. 99 JULTANNA 5 1 '�•�?� :i��l�t,<il..� l. 4•=k ]. . 0 34�. 99 3Ay. 99 #�: 1�;l1(:ht�t�:Y :i4 ts l:i.i ti t�t,t► �.t3 I�lit'tCt,L:Y !!UW�1}tll A . 13� l. 3 . f,) �f3� . t);� �t}4 . U� ' t�t��r�t i c�� � o ' ' � • x ' ►',=��,�: ����- .:: E:►s/rir/tst3 � : �;li�iriric�r� C'��l�lcwa,y As�r�ss►nf�u1, 1.7�,13. nsst:.ssur��il. S4e-:��r:i.t�N: :;F3E�t,. :?(1, 19iit3 As��s:�m�rtl. 1)�.y�: Clcst.. ll , lf�8t3 Ye���•5 :3��t•eacl: 1() t'1 !► PJ/1htt�: C� ?_3 U 1��'1'l; Ah1t:.yUNT t) i, N ,[' K 1 ,�, h��'� :i��i�t,�,l.:� t �4• 1: . 0 40�1 . t)3 41}� .U3 ��: I�FittliAt;K :it1 ti3t�1�t1 �_►�,1t fl:.i }illts:l�flt;}C Mlt�1��1k:L, tic 1 .� �t3�. E',5 489. 65 ��EtLR1iI � � ���: .;i�t,L c>t,a 1 -F.�t: }. . 0 4€�y. Fi5 4£3'�. 65 �:� {.iUlt(, .t4 !,�t 1�, i. �� 1 r� �l l l�ilt�t.; �,Llt�f,l� & l)Ulii�'NT� 1 . 0 34y. 99 :c�{�. ,�9 �'��� �it�l:it,�,t,a l ,i:�. 1 1 1 . U 34:�. ;3�3 34�3. 93 ** E3tlf�ltt:�4�1 � ::��! k31 :31 t:i 1�lf) O l l3UC�li�:)W S�rr�.VL:N J_ l. .0 41�� . 1)3 �104 . 03- =��� �til,t<�L.al •f��• 14 ] 1 . U �t:)4 . 03 �C►4 . l)3 :�;*: C;AitItOLI., :i�i i�;i�r i ti ii l � 8U (;�1[;lt�:)I,l. Itl E:'llAl�T) & I�:Mhfl�:`i' -- - 18 97?. . rtl l 7�l9,�. 6t3 �'^�: :;i l l�1{,CJ�,r.i l. k.�. � . . � � �.C) J,J L... G� J.F `.t J 7.(l I� �. � �. . . ** �.iltl�LFt�.���l�. ����ii�j�����"�� �'�����"lc.�) � � � . � � � � � 3� l f;�(►1. ] 9f) t)2 IPJ�:C�t�.t'()ItA7'[�.li C;t1f3tZ(:)i,l., G'[J;�'1'Cli�l 1. .0 4:i0 . 46 �30. 46 tlt)ME.� l4 'L �-+- :��al�l.c�i.::�l :+ �t: �� l. . 0 �30 . 4Ei 43�. 46 �-E. (,'llll'f'I�:fJI►A[,I+: 4t? :3�1 t1::S1 .lU t) 1t► I11 1:'Ali'1'Nl+:[�.���Tf' CHIC'I'H.N11At,k. �2 - - 40 1227 . £3Ei A91�.A . 2t1 :►::}; .:i�1�r1.��L�3 1 � �� 4t) 1 2..2'7 . f3Ei 4,�114 : �0 ��= t�lflil:i't'(►E� 34 :it[ 1i►1 ti�i) 1).:i c=;iliti;�'1'(�I" t:;CtItI�ON tk 1 . � :34�i. 99 349. y9 t;c:)I.I,E;1?.'N �i 3 A�A: :i�t1.�Lc,t.�1. �:�}: l . f) 3�9 . Clt� 3�i��. �l� � � t:litlltt'Ii :i�! ft:it,r��i (i�{i� jt`� �`:It(11�.�:ll 1t2;t1!['(I � ] . t) 4Fi!� . f�!; 4£j9. fi!� :�'1'!?L'1111N.[Cs 4 2 { ' . . � . � . � � .• . � . . .. t'�t�;F: i''d.,. ;i t�tt/ii.?/tit3 :�1t�nri��ri t'z�r•lcw��y flsye�c�u��.sx�L Etull. /�.�sf.:ssn�t�rii. E1��2•.irig: :i�€�L. 1(), 1t38f3 l�ssHssnier�l, t3�:��: S)c;L. 21 , 19t1t� YHar.s :i�i;�eaci: 1�:) • ��� �' NAh1[�, t. }3 U IzA'i�l? /1MutlN�1� c_� t, N `I' K I ,� �'�� �ii�l.i t.o td.1 :f::F: l .o ��s. e:� a��. s� �:�: Ct:Si,Pdl?N 34 83t;t.lii t}f,[i 02 c;c:)(,NI�:N KT?:VI:N �3c :�(ll;Lf.,Y 1. . 0 48�_ Eifi ��i9. �5 c� 1 k�k� .�it�bl.cil,ztl �• 1 l .[) 48y . fi'i 4t3�. h5 �� GI±:A'I'('st�f 3� f,4If+2. il'70 �:i� I)L�;l►'1't��N ALAN & .1ACKLYN i: .U 494 . �!fi 4.�4 . �6 '� i �� :�,uh Lc�E.�I � -k � 1 . Q 4J4 . A6 494 . 4f �:� t)XGK :�4 t33F�t:t�:� U3t:� U3 I:�Yr1C f�Iz�:I)F:E2ICK & l . � 4t39. Ei5 489. fi5 MIC,fl�'I,[�Ta 3 :3 +�� `..itlliLcil.{�l. h�•i• ] .Q 485. Ei!"i 4�i9. 65 �� I!:I,`!'t)Pd _ :j4 ti l :3 i o r i��� u4 i+;l.�l�(►N IZc)f3E;R"t' W. � 2 .c� 4U�! . r)3 �04 . 03 (;A't'Ei�+�RINL 2�", 4 �•�• :;t�l,L c.�l.a I •F A 1 .0 4U4 . f):j �1t14 . 03 :f:•f: 1�:It 1 K>'Plt :i4 'r41.�► 1 t)��:� (i 1 I+;ktIKS'1'I2 CIi[ti:;"tAN &. } . 0 349 . �1�3 :i�9. 99 t�li�,t�tt» � � �:�: :���b t,u i.�l +�+� ,, 1 . t) 34 9. :�!� :3�!�, 99 ��� L�::;:3Wt+�(Rl :34 t3l :3l i) �:(>ll t� i L'�:,�aWl�,'l t'J [,AN1!: t�'. 1 . t) 41I4 . {)3 4c)4 . l)3 ?.� 1 =��=�� .i ci f,(:,c,t,�a.l h::}: � 1 .l) 4U�_ 03 4O4 . 0.3 ���+ !�'I:�>{II?lt :i�i t,:i I t�� ii1 :i �",; tr�;;til�:l� I�AYhit)NO i�. - - 3(� l :?f;3 . E;1 :�'%9tttl. �t'��, �-+� :��RI�1.,��.;.�1 � E� 3f� t:'fi;l. E� l :�'/�?4►t3. 4? + ' � � E'Gi�;+:i tdc,. �t - IJ13jt);:!/}fFt :'aii�rinc,r� k'�rlrwa,y /1���AsstueriC I�o.l1 t1ssE:ssn��:r►1. Eir���•i.r��: :�epl.. 1t), 1fa88 /�s5�ss�nF:riL f)uc.: ()ci,. �.'.l , l::l8t3 Yr.�r.�s :3��r•eaci: It) ����� Nt�ME L, k3 II IZA'CE AMi)lfN`T c� r, ta ,�� « � �j, �:�: i�"ItAhil±: 3�1 8't:i li) 05U Ul H'l�Ahtl? Dc)NALI) & 1 . t) �104 . O3 4t)4 . tJ3 :}:�: .`.itr}>i.�:�l:�il *.� k'I�I:GA[3E`I'H 5 1 1 . 0 ��9 . O3 40� . 0:� '¢��� f.i�l�fi.(:r���� :i4 O:j 1 l t� t)l.f� :�i. C,I�:i�tc�;I+:N I:�All()RE J . - 39 12E;3 . 61 49280. 95 ` 34 t131 1(1 t:�1 ! r�(� (a{%:lti(al+;t�� I��AI�tjlt�: J . - - `t 8 12fi:3. 61 yf33tJ9. i 7 �� .�t.�l�i.oi.a.l -�� l l.� 2�i2'? . 22 147ri90 . 1 �=+: i�i�':;Ki:' 34 t3131.() it4t) 1 u i�'[;;SKt�: r.OWTt,t. & DTANT+� ] 1 .fl 4�4 .i7:3 404 . 03 � � ' h.?k �i��t.�l.o1;U l :��: l: . O 4U4 .03 �![}4 . q3 *� CaI1±::,t,H:lti :��! �31 :31 t) 1 �i) t) 1 �;T 1+.:;;t,f�.f. C�1?�'�IIaU F!,'. 1 . t7 404 . C►3 �0�! . 03 •�.�: :;�,l,t.ut�l �t �: 16 1 l. . f.) 4:t)4 . 17::3 �t1� . (7.'� ��: (;[tt�UNL� f)t!:V . 34 [)3til:t) i� 1t) 1.? T)G:V . E�r.oc�rid ._ -- �fi ;)72. 211 49.`IrJI . ��� i�'.}; :>I.t���.t.)�.ii � $. �' 46 972. t?U 447�?1 . �t) �:� (�t�'UNA11 ;34 �t 1.31fi ��F>f► Cr 1. �.yl�I1NA(t Ii013Fs'12'T W. i . 0 4(�4 . i}3 �i)4 . n,'i �fi 1 h '� �`itl�ri,��i,<�1. h+,k r 1 . O �!t)4 _ U:3 �itl�l .t)3 ��* f1�1Nt:;�yN K1��V.�.� ;i4 ti t :i 1 ti :it��t I1 l ItliN;:;f)tJ I<h,V f N l . U 4t:t4 . (t:3 �.�� .1).� 3!i :t A��• :itaf>L��I,:.iI f: }: 1 .0 40� . O3 �t1�1 . f):.} � '� t If1N:�t�IJ f��1i�tltY ,�t� tt i :11 r► :i���a �►i IIAld�S� �N {,Afz1zY ] .�) 4c)�! . tl3 4r��( . �):i ;�0 2 Y � � P�,��-, IJ��. i, C►:�jC1.'/titt :�l►�nr�c:,ri �'a��l�wa,v Ass�ssm�r�i; CZc�l1 � Ass��ssrnc3iit [�ear.•i.r��;�: :ieL�t. 'jf) , 1:l�itS 1�ssE.s:��neii t Ui:iN: Oc,i;_ 21 , 198E3 Y��rs Spre��c3 s 1C) � i IIf NtlMl� L E3 U ItA'CI;' AhitJUN'I' O I, N T [Z T T ��: , :.�i.i l_>t,c�l,�i.l. =}�: . 1 . 0 4f.)4 . f.)3 4t)4 .U3 �+�* CI�1NVl+:i,'P :�4 li41111 lUt) !�l iIANVF:I�T I��NNIS f� .7UYC.;E 1 .0 :34J. ��3 349. 99 � � � 1U 1 � � � � ��� :iLti,l.<�t:al. 4� 1 . 0 349. 99 349. �39 �:* E{�1RI PA1, 34 F33tiqt� i71t) t7 i E�ARIPA[� C�I�[,ANj�t� & 1 . 0 48y . �ir� 4$9. Fi�� NA[�LINI:L: 1 3 ��: :�iil;tot;al. �� l .U �8�. E>5 4t3�i. 6� �� �lO)1(il��.i 14 54 1 t)} 13u � l IIC�(x:;)!,; C{F'NNCa7'fl & G�FtT� 1 . q 349. 9:� 3��3. �9 l.3 1 '��• :.i11�i�.:l:i�.F3 � ��4- 3. . 0 34�). �y :i49. 99 �#� llt�>F't�'hIAi�J :�4 tt 131 t) U7lj {)1. I1OI�'i+'MAN Mf(�Eti±;Y t�c rINA 1 . Q �l09 .C1;i 4114 . �.3 �l I. *�t: :ii�l�t.��i,::i1 h�#� l. . (� AU4 . f)3 9(1h . 03 �'�: Hi>I 11�`Pt)N ,i�t F31 :s 1 i� 2;:ra u 1 N�:)lii,'1't►�! ,l€jilN K. � GI;�A 1 . 0 4C►4 .t1:i �it)4 . 03 �'k .`3i�l.�L<it:a1 .1:k 21 1 „ i . � 4U� . (t3 �loh .�l3 ��. tItI1,lU:ift1:, 34 r31,31�) ���;fl 0�; tti)[.1,1?,t3i��> t�«�3LIZT !�. & ] .0 404.0.3 �4c)4 . 03 ll I A N!:' K. 2£; 4 %���� �it.il�I,c,l�dt =4�h 1 . 0 �104 .C13 �lCi�1 .D3 ��ti ,i�c;t�}t,.;i_�td I�UANf+; :3� �i 1 :3I�� :����� �:►n .�n�;�,13:;��N I)llnfdls� � KItI.��i�1N ] .n 4�� . 03 �ti�� .c)3 °3 f.) �t t k :aiit�t.trl...� � � 1 l . O 4[i� . t);� �i1� . �3 s 1 . � � . � . .. }':t���; IJ�� (�� i�:i.-��;�;tst_i 4ilian►i���n [.'�ArIC4Jc1,y f1ss��;sinr..nf, t��>1I. llsscs:;srt���t►i, (Ic;arit��: :ie:t,t.. :?C) , 1fft38 �S:it�::i:ilHt!!�. (31..1f3: (1t:�.,, �] � 1;��3� Yc3�i.t'5 wlj�)'Hc�(�: t.() 1'1 t) tJt1MI±; L, I3 f.) �,'.A'I'I? I1M�"ttlN'I' ��� L� N �1' K I ,l, � � ,JA�;t)I;;�CrIJ K f P�i 3�1 '.>�l 1 tJ l �1FiU 03 JA�;(lf_3,�C)1J !t I ht & r;f1C±:liYl� 1 . f) 349 . �3:� 39!#. 9� ti 3 � +� :i��I.,i,�,t..a1 :+.:#: i . 0 ��:� . ��:� 3�9.��9 ���: .r�-,t ic�i,�:,ra :34 r31.�1i► t;7C� [�1 Ji►IIfJ�:>i)N VAL n Ii(��:,ANTJ1: ]: . Q �It)4 .i�3 4t19 . (l:3 �� :i�tl.�'l,�:,t,ri 1 �..}: 2'7 l � .t� �r�� .o3 �n4 _ o3 ��: �J i.�ftic;��.ra.; :i4 tS:-1F��7ii t1'Ii:� tt:i .)k)t��;l�:t�9:.� t►t1�1NIr; & N T(,CtI.I�G 1 . C3 4£�9_ t;!; •�£i4!_6� '7 � ��� .`.itll�Lc:�l;�i1 ��4 I. .Q 4t3t� . Ei� 48��. 6r> i � KANt�A;; :i4 ti:l6ililJ 11t�1i 113 IC11h!{.;A,::> }�AViI:) & D}�'Ht�ItAEJ l. . () 4f3,). E�'i ��#�. 6� �•�- :ill�ll.�.11,�i � f.� F; :3 l . t) �1<3J. fi�"i 4F39 . Eiii �� h1+:Ntr:AI�Y ::i�! !,9 tltt �1+,,�:� il:i Kl�:lV1±;l1LY ��A'I'�2ICK &. 1 . 0 34� . ��9 ;j��3. 9� . t;YN'1'IIIA 5 3 -�� :i��1.a1.<,Lal h4 1 . 0 3�9. !�;�� ;3�t4. 99 -►.� I;i.}ht4�tcc>�� �, � :-1�1 ti I :i 1 tl :1 I tf i{� fCi►I°1�►icr�1! 1cAP�f�A1�F, r� 1. . �) Af:►� .c)3 �.���I . t):3 7`f if�,l2H':�A ;31 4 :+. �� :i�,t,l,c�i,�� l �I:A. 1 . 0 4C14 . 03 404.�3 ;•� 1�11f�'{�I+:t� :i�1 t� 1 :41 C� ;:: I lt O 1 I�tlt�'t�l�.[J [)APJNY G. 1 . p Al1�-. t)3 40� . Q�i 1�� ;;rihi,,:�t,:_� I ;# +: 2l 1 1, _1] 4f..l� . U3 A()�4 .l)3 � .+. I�At;,�� ��,� :tri !,,11tF1 t� ��i �►:i t,�1lt:3��N (;I�:fil�1,T) ;,. l . Cl 3�t��. ���� ;i�t�l. �� l 3 .. r , � � . . . '� � . . . [�r�t�f! (���i, � ',. . . � . . .. . . � . . . I):1/Il::'./titi ��ti�nnc�n F'�rlcw��,v A���F�sr,re��:nL }ic�l.l l�ss�:�su�e��►l, Ilc.at•�.ti�': :i�C�t. :'.(i, 1�3t3t3 11s�;��:;rn�nt. I)���: f.)r.t,. ��1. , 1�itit3 YYcli'S e3�C'@�f�: l�� 1�1 r► NAM(�: (, R f.1 IiA�I��� �1Mt�tINT O t. N 'i' E{ I `I' ti�t: :�r�lat.<�I,�� I +�� 1 . U :i43. �:) 3�l�. 9y �.:� I�At:PI'I+;i;: :3�! �,41C►1 u2.�:� r)1 1.t�1)�P1,Fz [.J11ZItiY �, 1. . c� 3�:�. y� 3�9. 93 �fi+;tJN11�It,l:t 2 l. �� :ita1,L<�La.l t:� l . Q 34�� . �39 34:�. 9�� �* I,TNi�is'[,[� 34 t31 :31�) i►t31) (l l f�iNl�flr:f,f� 1�IAE�K & I�t1Iz[,A ] . 1) �1)�1 . U3 �i14 .fl3 t3 1 �+��� :3��i.,t.c�1.�I �►�#� 1 . C) 41)� . O:i �ij� . 0:3 =��: I,OVf?L��V(;L; .:14 '>�ll�tl I)7(t Ct:j l.t:�V1±:1,11�:,I�: R�INA[,p & 1 _ 1) :��:�. :�.��3 34g. 99 PA7'ItI c.-.IA '� � ;��►� �,t.,l,l.�,t,a 1 +� l . U ;i49 .9.3 i4�3. 9:� �+:+. f.til�{�ti+;�L:; 1�Id't'. I N{.;. :i� :�� 1��t. rr 1 r� �:a� 'i�Jr`t:�fzt�(�I��'I'kr;l► 1�U1��3I�;IZ�; F:N7�. ]. .C� :34�). ���� 3�1.�r. ����� r 1 1 � �; :;t�1,L,,L.� I 1 +� l . i) 3��� . �19 :3�9. 9� �+ ► a,��i►w��, ::��t ti l 'i 11) 1lfill t► 1 I,i1t►W I.t� F'1ZANC l:i N 1. . i.) �1f.)� . U:3 ht:t/� . (,13 e � + ti r;�����.�,i<<., � :,::� �, 1 . (� �!r)4 . tt,3 �t�4 . 1)3 :F-�: h(11NKt}W.;li ( ;��t ts 1 :�i�� l l�) t�i F1�lPtK(>W;�[C 1 f.'i#Ai�i,i+:�� & 1 .(� 4i�q. . 0:� ��lA .U� t.�A1>f)NNA 1 1 l .}:�: �,�ii�1,�,1.:,1 � � 1 . (} �{04 . (!:i 4C1�# . U3 � �� hiAlll�t�;it ;3�! l ��rtt) 1 1'/1) U�'. MI1fJf4}�:f� 'Ffli:')M�+1�:; J . l . 0 4:311 . �1fi 4:3(1 . �ii 1 'I ? .ti:�: ;���I�I,��1,;� 1 tt 1 . 0 �:il) . �lE; �1:lti. 9E� r j . ' � � � . � � � . . � . .�� . 1'�.i��;t; tJ�i. ti �itiliJ;'/tit3 :;Ite�nrai:,�� t'�r•liwa,y Ass�s.sm�,rRt, }tol.l Ass,-sss�u��,iit, lf�s�ir.i.rF�: ue��t.. �(1, l.it38 A55t,�,�e►►f�nt, T)��N: t:)c;fi. �'1 , l�£iti Y�at•s aprc�aci: 1(� F'� �r NAMI� [, }.3 U }tA`1'I! �tihft�tlN'I' t_l [� rJ 'P lC I .I, h��� t•1 ta:t ti�i;F I .3�1 t3] :i 1 i) ir:iit l�r t�11�:[;;�;1f ,IAt�l+:S M. 1 1 . [� 4L��! . t�3 4[t� , 03 . 3 t:) �►��� iul.�L�.>t.�i1 :}:h: 1 . U AO�} . l):1; hli�I . 1);� �#� h11�.[:;li:NflO{,[��:1� 34 ti l :•31 U 1 8�► I:l 1 hft�.l;:�t�;NliE:)I,i:�i{:ti ,;tJSAfi� C. & MACLY 1 . U 4(}4 . t)3 4L74 ,p3 1$ 1 �* S�il,tc,k.a l ��. l . 0 4C14 . U3 ` �04 . 03 �+:�: h1<�[)t)NNE:LI� :3�1 1 EiQCt 1 1 '.;�t► �)? h1+�Ctt)NNC:[:.1, t'117'EtTC;K �. 1 . U 93U . 46 �l30. 4�a la � h � �`.i�Ifrl,c�L��I k._�; l. _ U �t�0 . �1� 430. 4�i + �. NAI'i'f�:l� :�� Fi 1 ;31 U 1 :�t) (�1 t�l#I:�l,I�;l� i`'A'I'Ttlt;lp l. . t) 4�14. _t►� �tt)4 .Q3 1.3 1 : �•� .`i��1,1..c,i,a L #.k: - , �/ l . 0 �t��! . t):i �411� . Q3 '+� N I�,t,�;�r�J ;t�l 23 1 .i t t► :31�� tr l fJt±:l„;(�FJ 'I'l�;lllttlNf;tt. I,. h�. 1 . p 9f)4. t)� �tl�� : (),3 (,1+.;7t1 :i l l, ��� :i�l�al.c.�t,�� � •��-k 1. . 0 �l t1� . C13 �ll�l .C13 ���� IJ li:l l'!'l � :��1 ti 1 :i i�:� :l;��i t) ! fJ1,;11'1"J, i�►�V1 I+ L. h l. .C) Ai)4 . 03 �t14 .r):3 (.iNl)Y t�. 3'� 1: �'+� .`;iit►k,,,i,fal + �� 1: . 0 �1C►4 . t):3 40h .U:i t t: �►' 1►t>Pdt�it:l,l, :►1 !,11�►:; i�:ii► u ) t�' Iu►rdN1�:1�1� 1�1tt;{i111�;C, ti� 1 . t1 ��)4 . 46 h94 . Af; I{A'1'I11�l+:N;N 3 l }. I t���l,t.,�L�, I i 1 t . �� a:��t . �f� �:a�t . �r; ► h t>' I,W;fl1;,Y :i� �►:11 1�, r� l ;i 1 '/ t�' (,t�:�tlrY ['�l?fJi�T:, -1'. .)i� .. _. �?l i �:?F>:i . F i ?.'l'I�.l��. 51 � , � , � � � � � F'a�;e N�:�. .i o:�/t�z/t:st3 S!►�r�nc:�i, P��rlcwriy �:;s�ss�m�n1: Itoll AssE�ssni�nl. [tearira�: S�;pi,. 20 , 19f3$ A;�s�asFuent 1:�u�: Oct. 21. , l.9tSi3 YHaz•s :���x•�dcl: �U ��I i'� NAME I� f:3 U RA`t'E AMO[tN'1' U L N '1' I{ I T �� ��ik,toLa] �� 22 1263. 61 27799. 51 �:� C>Ft['I'I�:E� 3A f� l;ilt) �4[� tit i)hii'i'I�:S �IIANNUN M. 1 . 0 40� .03 404. [�3 �* uub�«La1 �=t: 24 1 l. .f3 4U4 . 03 404.Q3 �* O::��Cl�:)zt3f±;t�G 3/! �i41.c71 O�U ()l t):�'I'�FiE3ERG 'I'IM(3'TFIY & 1 .0 34�3. 99 349. 9� KkISTi 9 1 ��* 5t�l�i�.ot,al ��: . 1. .Q 34:�. �� �49. �9 �:* f.j:i`l'1!:It,I,A�� 34 i.31�:I U lU�) IJ 1. U:�'I'i±:IZTAU �1NI)R.L+'W W. 1 . 0 404 .Q3 4t�4 . p3 �� :3ul,t,ut�l ��� 2.t7 1 �. .0 4q4 . 03 �L0�4 .t�3 ** !'Af�M 34 t3l::ili) 23U Ui. FAl.h� �IAhf1+.:3 Tt. & ]. . D 4�4 . 03 4�14 . 03 LL.ftOY A. 23 1 ;}.�; .`3111>C i,L��l. �k•1; 1 . 0 404 .i)3 404 . 03 ��* I'AILKc�ItIt;L:N TNt�. 34 5� I U�� t►;;t3 l►1 INt�t_)}tPURA7'L'li PAIZICGRI:LN 1 .U 494. �6 494 . 4F ��F: �i[�l�l.��t,�a l #:�; '' 5 1 l .q 4�4 . 46 494 . 4Fi �� 1'A({KV 1 t:W l tJf;. 3� !i�i lu�: () l�� tr]. INt;c.�1�1.'oftA'C�t�:l) E�At�KVl:1+;W 1 . 0 494 . 96 494. 46 1 1 34 541t)2 G2U t31 INt;c:►FtF't�FtA'I'T:U P�IRKWI�'W 1 . U 494 . 46 494 . 46 2 1 :34 ;:��11U,� tlEi(} 01 �Nf;()t.E'()TtA7'L17 F'AI�KVTI+W l. .(3 494 . �Ei 4�l4 . 4G Ei 1 34 5� 1i11 ()8() t)1 INc;UTti'(�12ATHll PARKVIF:W i .0 4�4 . 4� 494 . 46 t3 1. :34 l.;4tCI'�? t� 1ti (i� fNt't)ft�'i7iZA't'�:I) F�'AFtKVI�:W l . 0 4��1 . 4fi �l��4 . 46 34 5�1C��: �Ji'(� t)�' itdc;t�l;E'c)12A`I'T.:I) FAIiKVI[:W l ?. 1 � 49� . �4fi 4y4 . 46 A ,� � � . 1 q . . . � , � . :� I'a�;f: FJo. 1(t O..�/l);'/t3f_i aii�ntian �'��rkwa.Y 1�5SG-'SSlI1�G'il�: I2o] 1 �1ss�ssm�ti t �It�ar i tig: �c�r,i. . ZC� , 1�R8 ASs�ssinertt. Uu�: C�ct. 21 , 19E38 Y�a rs S��read: 1 U }'1 I>� N�1ML�: L� t3 U CtA'I'E AMc7l1N'C O I, N 'I' K 1 `I' 34 'i�lta2 Q;3C► U�? '[N(�t}���'t)��A7'�I1 I'A�'iKVIF;W 1 .t) 434 . 46 4�4 . 4fi 3 2 :i4 ':;41p�� t14t1 �l� �[NC�C)ttl't)R�`i'l�:l:a C'Ai�KVIt!:W 1 . 0 494 . 4R ��4 . 46 4 2 34 f;4�t)2 05() f)�! IN(:;UIiE'Uli!�'1'L�:C:) F'AItKV'II:W f . 0 494 . 46 4.34 . 4F� 5 � 34 �41U� OEit) t�)2 INGf)ClE't�RATEI) YAkiCYIEW 1 . 0 4�4. 4fi A9�. 46 6 2 �4 541c)� 070 0� TNc:,t.�lil'OI�ATkI) PAFtKVT�;W 1 . 0 494 . 46 494 . 46 7 2 ;i4 �i41t)'l, t)lq t:)3 T.►JCf3CZl'(:)��A'I'L;D PARKVIL:W 1 . () 4�4 . 46 4�34. 46 1 3 34 541()?. 02U ()3 TAlt-,c)TiFOItA7'T.f� PAI�KVTEW 1 .0 494 . 4fi 494 . 46 2 3 34 fr�10? 03C1 f):j ItJ(,(i}21'OltA7'F'1) PAkKVIEW 1. .0 494 . 46 494 . 4f 3 3 :�4 !i�l lnl (l�0 C)�3 CNt:,'t)l{[='CfFtA`I'G:T) I'A1{KVIF:W 1 . Cl 4�34 . �Ei �94 . 4� 4 3 :34 ::4102 i�5ti 03 INC,t�Ftt'c)liA't'LI� Pt�FtKVTEW i . 0 494 . 46 4�4. 46 5 .i 34 �41t)2 t��E,tt i)3 tNC,t:)t:tE'01tA`l'FI) PAItKVi1jW 1 . 0 4�4 . 46 494 . 46 6 3 :34 Ci4lf)�'. �'►'IU ()3 IN(:t7TLi'(�FtA'PtF:D I'ARKVTI�'W l . f� 4�i4 . 46 4�14 . 46 '1 3 .:i4 t,�1�:� t G6U (li TNCc�IiErC)ItiAT1+.l) PAtiCiVICW 1 . 0 34:�.39 34�. 99 Ei 1 34 :i41U1: 0'7C► U1 CNt:t)RF't)ItA�'f+:t) }'�AIZKVT�:W 1 . U 349. ��9 3�9. �� 'l l :3� !ihl(.)1 ()t;U 111. CNt,tllz!?C)hA`['t�:I) E'ATtKVTLW 1 .0 :349. :3;) 3h9. 99 8 1 34 54101 �4b �)2 T'Nc�c�ltE�c�RATED €�AIiKVI�W 1 .0 34'9. 99 3�9. 9y 4 2 34 ;i4tta] �7�:(► �)3 IN(;t)ft��U1tA'['F:U i��IiKVi[:W 1 .0 34�. �39 349. 99 � 3 34 'i41t)1 c):s(i ti:i TNt",'��Tt1'OILA`t'L:l) F'AI�ECVIFW 1 .0 349. 39 349. 99 *+� .ital�t,cit.a] -kk: � � 2� 1. l Ut.lO . ?� l :1 C)Of! . 2.,2 �'�: t'Alt'f'I�t[[)(�t+, :3� :>411►3. t)3t► u2 I'Ait'P1tII)Gt� (;1��#CtGt,�, Ft. Jtt. j. .0 3h9.9�7 ;i49. 99 � 3 �� � f ;•ii,t�l:�,i,:�l �:f � I . 0 3�I�. :��� :1�9. �39 � � � t � ' � , . � � . � . C'r.��t: I'�l). 1 .t . . � . C):�/t�2/£i8 :;Iianricsri }`'�r•ltw��y flssessmeril:, iZ��.l. Ass�ss�u�nt Elearin�: ue�>t. 2() , 1y8£i Assc�ssmc�rit lliz�: l)c1.. 41 , l:i$t3 Yeazs �i��r•eac�: 1t� l�l:ll N�1ME I. I3 ll 1zA'Pr AMt�1lN'P C3 T.� N �p K I 'i' }F:� t>AtILI;> ;�4 f3:�3Ei(:1() 1f)17 !)3 Ft111(�C� ALFX L. & NAN(�Y 1 .() 98y. Fia �t3�. Fi5 *� S�a l:�t,ca i:a 1 *.� 10 3 1 .� 489. E�',i AF3�. 65 �* I'ICtlt+'Lh1 :i4 8l :31C1 2;��t U4 PIt:;[i�!.'LM MICHA�;L & 1 . 0 404_ �3 4Q4 . 03 MN:I,TNt)A 29 4 �'�� Sul:�l,c.�ta.l �:� l . U 4t74 . 0`3 �lU9 .03 �:�: �>rr�l�.�cEi :34 ] Ei4l}1 1:�() ()1 PII!:7'.s.'�(;(1 f)t)UfilaA.ri 1 .C) 9317. 4fi h30. 4Pi �* :i{ai,tc�t.3.1 4:* � 13 2 1 . U 43f� . 4Ei �30. 4 .F, �* }iA Ut�1ACf 11�:�i :iA :i41t11 t)2i� t�12 1Ztl)�M�1C;ilIi:R !)AN1:Ft, d� (,LII�.IZYC, 1. .i1 3�9. 99 ;1�t). 9� �, � �* .i�a1�l.uL�.► { f:A� • t . 0 34y . :��i .����.99 '+�: iti�:l;; :i�l ti",If�t�1) 1 !►!i !):3 It{�:1f; J(3lIN & t;1ili;Ct[ l. . 0 4£�� . fi'i �il:�. Ei!'� =+��+� :;��I►1.E,i.�:�1 -t�+: 15 3 ,, l .O 4f3�. F.5 489. 65 +�+� 1;i Itil fl�a:� 3�1 �31 :31t) .?�JU U9 Itll�:)UI�.a Izf�E3L'fZ'I' & SEIL�:RaY 1 . 0 4U� . �3 4U4. 03 2.0 � -+�-F :�u I�Lc�l,�:�l ���� i .o �o� _ a� �a4 . u3 ��: ltr")t,'}4(!; r :i4 ts 1 :3 f t) I lt1 tl l kE)l'ilE � (�j���N'FfZEY & � .� 404 . 03 �04.fl3 STL�Yt� ] � 1. �� :iuLttctit��i 1 �� l .l� 40�1 .�3 �ltl4 . O3 � � Zi(?��fl :i4 :�41t12 C►�tt) O1 i�()I`11� St:;("�'I"1' & MAHY 1 . 1) �l9�( . 4fi 494. 46 4 1 , > , � � F'a�;� td��. l� t)�i/OZ/f38 Sliarinor� Par•kway Assessmerit, Ro.l.l. l�ssessrn�i�t; Elearin�': :���t. 21)� 1.9F38 tlssc�sstn�n�. I)iae: (:)c-L. 21 , l��€Sfi Yeax•s SYieac�: 1O f':1[► NAMF L t3 U C�A`I'F: /1fi�nUN'i' U G N 'P K I �� ��� :i1.1�.1�'.t.7�.cl�_ '��A� ]. .0 49� . h� 4�� . 46 �� Iit1.iF:Mt)UNT E'itC7E'I�14�1�Y 3h 1h4�)1 r)].�� ui MINNh��f�C�[..I�� �t(3;��:Mc�t)NT �. . 0 43U _ 46 430. 46 Yl;'.C)P�;1�`�'Y OF l l 34 1Ei411] U'r.'.tl [)l MINPIG'AFC�I�IS [tc�)�}+:hf0[1NT ]. .t7 �3t)_ 4� 430. 4F YI�()P�:IZ'i`Y (7[� 2 1 34 164fl:1 �)3U D.1 h1Tt�NT:APUf�IS I2t:);;E.'MOIINT j . t� 43t1 . 4fi �3U. 4F PRUI'I�:12'['Y ()F 3 1 34 1 Ei4Ul. 1)4() 0 l MTNNLAPOLIS f�U:iEh9UUN'�` 1 _0 43f� . �Ei 430. 4fi I'I�UL'1+:12`['Y t�F 4 } ;34 l#i401 O�iQ 01 M:INNI�:APOI,I:-; I�i3�;�MUUNT I . 0 �.3Q . 4Fi 430. 4fi YItUi'LFLTY OF 5 1 :34 164Ut U6U t)l MINHI!:APC)[,IS Rc);;EM()UN7' 1 .0 �t3t). �6 �3�. 4� l'Itt:)PH'R'I'Y OH' Ei 1 34 1tiRf) l i7Ytl itl M:IfJNl�.tit:'t)l,f:; liC��l:MOt1N7' l. . q 43Cl. �tfi �3i). �fi I'ILU�'L'.iZ`!'Y t)E' 'T 1 34 1E�Act l: C)t3�i t�I t•f TNNI�:AC'(:>I,T�� Itt);;�MQt.ItJ'F 1 . t) � 430 . 4C 43� . 46 f�'ltt)I'f:1t'1'Y nf' f� 1 :j4 1 E��tti I �i.�u Ct i Ml t�Nl!:!!f't)f,i�� Itt):�l�:hiOUNT l . U 4:j0 . �F, �:lt). 46 ['i�tit�C'I�;l�"1'Y C)t�, 9 1 3�i l f,�ll) 1 l lr�� i► i t°11 fJ�Jfi�;111't:)(.,1�, It�)t�I+:MUClN7' l . O �!3(l. �E; �l3C). �4fi 1f1�C)i'I�,I2'CY C)i�' l t7 1 :��1 1 h-11� i 1 I t� u t r�r ra����:AE't?!,i,� }�t►Sf�:Mt)llN'f' 1. . O 4 30. 4i3 �13f). �lf� ('!�t)t'I�.It'1'Y O1►' i :l l ,i4 1 ti�lta 1. 1'�'U u 1 �1[NNI+:AP()f.,I:3 1ZC1:;i?MutlN'1' 1 .(1 ' 430. 4Ei 4:30. 4fi Pltiu!'E:�t'I'Y Or 12 1 3E! 164i�1 l :iC) Ul. MIP�Pdf�:�1PC)[.�T.3 ftnSEhlt�[ItJ'I' 1 .0 430. 4Ei 430. 46 t'kOPT:Ft'1'Y Ot� 13 1 34 lE;�IU] 14(1 t)1 M'TNN�:A�'UI�Iu IZ()SH:MOUNT 1 .0 43f). 4Ei �30. 46 E'F�OPL+'R`f'Y UF 14 l 34 16�1)1 t)1[) 02 MI�NN�'AE'OI�IS '� Fti�>FMOt)N7' 1 ,U 430. �6 43t�. 46 Pitt)E'N;R`CY OF 1 2 34 1ti9(?1 t)2l) OZ MTNNEAE'OI:,IS RU�LMC)UNT 1 .0 430 . 46 430. 46 PRf)YERTY OF 2 2 �4 16�()1 03U U2 rfINNEAPULIS RUSEMOUN'r 1 .Q 43b. 4Fi �30. 46 PFtt)PER`I'Y OF 3 2 :3� 1Ei4(►1 f)40 t:t2 MINNH:AF't?[.I.3 I�t�:�EMQUNT 1. . 0 �30. 46 43�. 46 Ykf)F�ERTY QF 4 2 34 164u1 UEit) U� M1NNt�:A�'C)C.I:.> FtOaEMt�UNT 1 . 0 43� . 46 43�. 4E; E'RUf'I�R't'Y t3E' 5 2 :3�! 1t;��tt t)ta() tl1 MI�JPIr�,AP(1[,I;3 I�t��E:Mt)Uh11' 1 .{} 43t). �6 43t�. 46 �'i{t�Pl±:}�`t'Y QF F 2 � 3A �1_1i4��1�11 C1'l�i) Il� M1t�NC!:/1!'Uf,IS � 12U��tt:Mt.)E1EaT � � 1� . 0 430_ 4fi� � 4:3f1. 46 � t'!tic)t'H:ft'I'Y UF 7 2 , � r � � � �:'��#t,e: N�,. 1 :i u;►/�r.:/t4fi .�}rac►ri�_>r� !'��rliw��y �iss�ssmE�raL Itu1 L Ass�55tri�t►t: He�r3.rig: i��t,. 1t7 , 19t38 A:;s�ssu��:r�i. ll�ie:: C)c�t. 2:1 , 198t3 Yea:rs :.i�reac]: 1 t) C'T L) NAM[: [� }3 tl i�A'I'T+.' }1MU(7N'r 0 C, N 'I, K I . . �. � . . . . : � . . . �r� . . . � � �. 1 34 1F4[:)1 �7t3c� 0� MfNN(�:APnI,I�� FZU:��MnUN'I' l .� 430 . 4fi 430 . 45 F'Rt�YEIZTY OI+. t3 2 34 1 �4�.)1. tii��) ()2. Mt:NNi�,AYC)I,l� F�uSTaMt7UNT 1 .0 43�. 4E� �30. 46 Pf2t i�'�;R'1'Y C��' 9 2 :34 1 �4t)l l0U ()2 MI.NNL+:A�OI,IS Rc�St+:Mt�UNT l . Q 930 . 4� 430. 46 Pl�tl�'N.aTY �I�' 1 Q 2 ,34 l.Ei4t�1 IIt� U2 MtNN}!:APOLIS RtJSEM()UNT l .d 430. 4Fi 4�0. 4f� �'1�U�'[�.k'I'Y UF l.l 2 34 1 Ei4()l 121:1 02 M I NNi��£'vl,t� }tUSEMU[1NT I . 0 430 . 46 43t1 . 46 • YI�OP�:R`I'Y OF 12 2 34 I Ei401 I t30 t1�^, MINtJI�:AE'U[,ia F1C)SI:MUUNT 1 . q 43(3 . �6 4�0 . 4�i FR(»'r;R'FY UF 1$ Z 34 lEi4(�l 19t:) ()2 hiTtJN(+:Af'OI,I� FZC)..�"iEMOC7NT 1 .0 4:30. 46 430 . 4f f'f2C�P[?.`f�'i`Y vF 19 2 34 1�i4U1 Zt)v t12 MINN1�`A1'UL,I:i FtUuL:h1C)UNT 1 .0 430. 4fi 43U. 46 PR(7PEkTY C�T' ZU 2 34 1G4ti1 2.1(� 02 hi1NN1�APc��I�� F�UaH:MUUNT 1 .0 43U. 46 43q.. 46 PiZt�►PL+'i3'PY U� 2 i 2 34 1 E�4()1 p t t) (t:3 NIINNL+:AYUGI� RU:.i�;MUUN`I' 1. .0 43t7 . 46 430. 46 PItOPER`I'Y t7F 1 3 i4 1 Ei4()1 0�t) U3 i�1TNNL;APOLTS Rf.):.;L:MnUN'I' 1 .(� 430 , 4�i 43Q . 46 PIZC)1'I�,'FZ'I`Y OF 2 3 34 1Ei4til t�1;30 t)3 MIfJN1�;At'Of,ra ac��;�:M()IlNT 1 . p 430. 4ti 43�. 4fi E'Rt���'N:I�7'Y t7i� 3 3 3� l G4t) l ()1U ()::i MINNL+;AP(�LIw3 �L��%,JL:Mc7UN'f 1 . 0 430 . 4E� 430 . 4� PI�tJPER'1'Y C�F 4 3 34 1641.)1 O5U 03 NIINNL+:APOLIS RC7SEMOUN'1' 1. . 0 430 . 4f.i 430. 46 �l3U�'EF�'PY UF 5 3 34 1E�4t)1 t�E�t:) U3 M1:NNiaAPULIS � FtC)�EMC)tfNT 1 . 0 4�0 . 4Ei 43p. 4� PFZUf'EI�'I'Y OF 6 3 34 lfi4(jl U7t) t)3 M,I.IVN�;APOT,IS 17C)SEMOtJNT 1 .0 430 . 45 43C1. 46 PI2UPET�'i'Y UC 7 3 �4 lFi�lt)] UF3(:1 ()3 M:1NNL:APOC,I:i RO�.�`iL+'M�llt3T 1 . 0 4��. 46 43f?. 46 YIZDPE�t'1'Y 0�' £3 3 34 I E;4U1 u:�c) t)3 MINNI�:APOLI;� RQSEMVUNT 1 . 0 430 . 4b 430. 4F PRO�'ET�7'Y dF � 3 34 1(i�ll).t ]!)O ll� MfNNC!:Af?OC,l'S RC);iLMU(INT 1 .0 43n. 4fi 430. 4Fi �'FtOf.'E!�'1'Y OC l t) 3 34 1Ei401 1.1c) 03 M(t�INI!:E�E'C7LIS �2USF'MC?UNT i . 0 430. 4Ei h3t). 46 �'ftUi'L.R1'Y OF 11 3 :34 1 t;4()1 12E) t�3 hiI:NNE;APUGIS ItOSLMOUNT 1 .U 430. 46 430. 46 � � f-/{.���71�'..[1! I �P 7 � � .. . . 34 1 E:�[�.i t�tt) tit) Ml Tdtal�;Ai't)t�I:3 Iti3:,1�:Mf3C1t1T A 13 12'Tfi4 . �3�3 � 27f4 . :3£3 YE�(at'I,R7'Y (?F 34 lE;4f11 U:?tl c`)f) MtNN[�,AE'()Lta FtC>5Fh1(�()N1' B 13 12.?..]:0. 83 12 .7.t0. f3;i �'Ftt:)['F�;[t7'Y OI� 4 '�� • � � � � . � � � � . �:'ilE;r..: N�:1. � � 11:1,/11:'./titi :il►�rir��u� 1'zi�•ltw�y A�sr�S�m�,�ri1. I�s:�l.l �1�s��_;u�E��iL He�x•i.r��;: ae�t. �t), 1�tit3 ASs�ss:anrc�rtl. Ui;��s: Ct�;i,. 21 , 19t3F3 Y�r�.rs .i�,react: I l) L'I.t:� NAMl�a l� �3 U It11'('}! hMOi)N7' r.� [, ' N �P K I ,r +�� ,��ai��,�,i,�, i t + fi8 430Ci5. 14 43Q#"i�i. l.3 ���� ItYACJ :i4 ti 1 ;31 t'� I:iE� U l 1tYAtd ,it)ltN I�'. & j . U AIi� . tt;i 9C►� .113 , MAftt;'ll�. M. 1.� ] '#��F: :ital�t.riL'al. ��k ]. . U 404 .t)� �04 . l)3 ** :�A 1;.1�,�, 34 �il.:�lt� 2t30 C)1 ;3AEtt�'L�' llI;I3RA K. 1 . b 4t�4 . C):3 A�4 . 03 28 1 �� at�fjtoLal. h�� � 1 .U 4U4 .l)�i 404 . 03 �:� SCtIM['['Z 34 ttl:jltt �l�i:► l►4 ���.;IIt�I'I'Z I)AVIT) & CARUL 1 .C! 4ll� .C)� 4�t� . 03 2 � �h� :.it�t�t.c�t.�a I ��� 1 . 0 4U4 . 03 404. 0:� �� :',f;N:i 't'Elit;[LE;:iA :14 t�131 U C�;�t) �11 �;L;N�a 'I']�Cl�r�',SA 1 . � 404 . 03 �0� . 03 r 9 1 h•A: :i�tl►l,c�l.�� l a �• ' 1 .� 404 . [)3 hU4 .d3 ���: .;1+;N., `1'O1)I) �4 tt1 :3.1t) I:�(f Q.1 :�>LN:� Tf�DC) �. .0 4O4 . 03 404 .03 15 1. �* Siat,t.ot.al �::� �� . 1 . 0 404. U3 �44 . f33 �:* :�I�;NtJM ;i4 t�131(l '33f) i.�]. ;;L:NUM WILLIAM J. � .0 40� . 03 4�4.03 33 1 �� �ubLc�t:a1 =k�: 1 . I1 404. 03 �b4 . 03 ��* �HANNt)N PAIiK 7'oWNtIraMF::; i� Fa7:�tai� f.�].r� f)1 F�Ati�i'N�k;�E�II' SI�I�NNN�N PAIZK 1 .0 1;33E. 7� 13�36. 7A - 'PCfWNC�UU:;E 1 1 ;i4 Fi7i�411) i)�t) (�1 I"A1�"I'NI�:[ZSHI�' :�E)ANNNON PAI�K l .0 133Ei. `tt3 1.33F. 7� TUWNHOUSE 2 i 34 t;lE�t)0 [13t�) f1l I'AFZ'T'NF;I�:�EIIP .";k1ANNNt►N F'AF�IC 1 . 0 133F�. 'lf3 133fi. 78 '1't)WNIIUUSF 3 1 � °' • . � � . � � . . : . . k>��ti r��,. i 4, i)9/t►l jttfl .;}ianr���ri E'at•Ecway �ssessm���t. Pol.l ASsesstnen t �l�ax•.i.�►E;: aH�>t,. 2t:1, l y8t3 Assessm�rit 1)�ad: t3ci�. 21 , 1.�£i$ Year.•s :��x•ead: 10 t"'t t) NAMI� i:, Ii U RATC. AMt)[INT U L N �p K I �j� 34 6760U Q4U �.11 I�AIt`CNi!;RSHIP �tIANNNON PARK l. .0 1336 . ?8 13;j6. ?ti `PUWNII(�tJ.�T+F 4 1 ��F: :iul,LuL��} �=-+: 9 . p 534'f. ] 2 53�'I. 17 �f�k :>Iii�:L+:tlAtd 34 t31:ilii l00 �)1 ��F1T'l±:i1AN WTI,LIAM & I,INL3A l .t) 404 .t)3 4U4 . 03 :��: :;u 1►t�.,i;a l �+: 10 1 j .0 4U4 . �3 4C)� . t�3 � '�`T• i)��.�r�t�l . � 3�1 *�41�)l 1��r:� 01. ;h1I'I'ti PA[lf�A 1 .0 349. f�9 3�l�3. 39 12 1. �* Sul�tot.a.1 ��� 1 . 0 349. �):� 3�9. �39 :�:+: 'i'k{Af�1�l l? J4 83Eit)l:) O:iU 0;� `I'IZAI�i+IE AN1:)F�EW & 1 .0 489.65 489. 65 � YA`�1tIt;IA �r 3 �� fi�.tlit,c�l,al �k� 1 .0 4t3t�. ��i �1t39.65 *� 9�SAlil?A�I'I 34 t31:�11) u�t) lU '1'5�11�I+'ATI �'i�'R�13M & EGLEN 1 1 .0 404 . t]3 4U� . 03 IL. � � Q� . . � �� St.tt�tot.al. �-�k 1 .0 4U4 . U3 4U4 .03 �* U. S. [-lOMT:a 34 t):3t)10 Ol`L �5 i�+lt�. U. S. Elomes - - 3. 2 10U7 . �36 3�25. 47 ��� Siz}�tot.al h��t- 3. 2 1007 . 9F 3225:47 < �:* V1f:liI3�NA 3� ��41.(1 i ();'it) Q2 VI:IZI3ANA MIE:HAN�L & 1 .U 349. 99 349. 99 ` CYN'PE�IA 5 2 ��: a�_al�l;t�t.�1 *�k 1 . 0 349. ��1 349. 99 ��� VItA'I':l:�t)V�KY :�1�: Fs3f�i►u lE;t► t1:3 V1ZA'l'1 :;t�V:�KY MAt"tK r. 1� L�fIANN �. . 0 48�. 6.�i �it3�. �i5 J . ��; � . � r . � I'a��: t�i��. 1 ta tl;l/1)�?/Fifi :.ii►ar,tior� I'�rkway Assessmdni. [201.1 AsseSsit�diit fi��ring: ie�t. GU, 1�t3£3 As�essm�:r�t. 11ue; Uct. 2'l , l�JBb Years a�re�ac�: 10 ����� NtiME I, T3 U I;A7'I+: " ttMf}EIN 1 O L N �1, � I 'P �F:.� :i�.tL�t.c,t�l �:1: � . 0 4t3�� . 65 �if3�. 55 ��t: WAt:;Nl+:lt :i�! '.�4 l UI 1 l U (?1 WAtal�l!:(t IZIC;!lAE�I) t� '1'I�:CtTZY f . Q 349. ��9 34�. 99 �* aul�i;��t;al �� 11 1 1 . t) 349. 9� :��9. 99 *� Wt1taNL+'It tIOML+:S :j4 16�01 ].E�U U2 NOh1I:;� WA��aNl;ft 1. .0 430. 46 430. 46 ** .�'iubtot;al. �� 1b 2 �* W�:H�:Ft � 1 .t� 43�. 46 A3C). �4fi 34 t31��U 29t7 [�1 WF�,[3�±:F� MAFZK & I�HUNDA 1. .0 4f)�. (l9 �04 . 03 �+�� Sul�Lota1 ��: 29 1 1 . 0 4U4 . O3 �E�4 . 03 *+� WI�,N::�htAN I1F,Ai,'I'Y :34 t3:iE;()U C�I.0 Ol. Etl�A1,7'Y WEN.�MANN 1 . � 489. 65 489. 6�i 1 1 34 £3360t1 t):LO �1 1tL;AL,'1'Y WENuMANN 1 .0 489. 65 489. 6b 1 2 34 E�:360(i O�u 02 TtL:AC�TY WENSMANN 1 .0 48�. 65 489. 6b 2 2 34 83Ei0() C14() U;3 TZI?Ai,'t'Y WENSMANN ]. . 0 489. 6� 489. 65 4 3 34 8360�t t:180 i�3 �tH A[�TY WENSMANN l . � 489. 65 489. 65 f3 3 34 f336t)() 090 U3 RT'AL`['Y WEN�MANN 1 .0 4a9.65 4$9. 65 9 3 34 836Qc} 1lc) 03 �t1;A[�TY WEN.�MANN 1 .0 489. 6� 489. 65 il 3 34 a360() 12U U3 R1�.AL`I'Y WENSMANN 1 . 0 489. 65 4F3�. 65 12 3 34 fi36U0 140 Q:3 R�,AL'I'Y WENSMANN 1 . 0 4'89. 65 4£#9. 65 1�! 3 34 £i3r�r�U 18�:a a:j �zLAG�I�Y WEN�MANN 1 . 0 489. 65 4�9. 65 i s :i 34 fi;3f��i�) l 9[} Q;3 RI�:AI�'I'Y WrN�MANN 1 .t� 489. f�5 489. F5 19 3 34 t33f�0() 20t) u:i �tf±:,Ad,9'Y WIsN:�MANt� �. . tl 4Qy. E�� 489. f,5 2 t� 3 f t� % � � . . . . . � � � . � L��c��f': jV l 1. .� �/ � ' � (.�:����.:��tSL3 � . .�}iar►riori �'drkway AaSf.;5StllE?Tl�, 1{al.l Ass�ssm<:3n F, [Ic�a r.•i ri�: ;;dpt. 2�, 1��t3E� Assc:ssm�r�t U{�e: Uct. G] , 1�8t3 Yc�ar s �pr�eati: 1� !'l U NAM(+� I. F3 U ItA`1'F: �iMC)tINT t) L N 'I' (t S �n i 34 E33r-;ou 210 �)3 IiI±:Af.'PY WT1'N�MANN i . 0 4£39 . �i5 4�39. fi� ?.t ;i 34 83f()t) �2ti 03 it}�;A[.'l'Y WE:NSMANN 1 . U 489. 6F> �89. �a , l2 3 34 83EiUt1 23Q 03 RT'Af,'1'Y W(�.NSMANN 1 . (l 489. 6� �L£i9. 6� � 2:j 3 :�1 t33Eit)() �4i) ()3 I�L"+:AI�'1'Y Wia'NSMANN 1 _0 489. t�;5 4Fi9. 65 2� � 34 �i360t:� �:50 t73 I��;ALTY W�NSMANN ]: . 0 489 , 65 4�39. 65 25 3 34 t336()() t)10 U4 TtL:AC�'t'Y �` WE;NaMANN 1 .Q 489, 6� 489. 65 1 4 ;i� £336C►[) 02U O4 1c�:AL`PY WEN:�MAhtN 1 .0 489. 65 489. 65 2 4 34 Ei36()� Ct30 U4 RN,Afa'1'Y W[�;N.�MANN 1 . 0 4£39. G5 489. 65 3 4 34 E�36()0 u�lt) �4 FtL:A[,`C'Y W.�'NSMAAIN 1 .0 4$3. 65 489. 65 4 4 34 83600 05O U4 ItEALTY WENSMANN 1 . 0 489. 65 �$9. 65 5 4 34 8360c) U60 fi4 IiEAI,TY WEN�MANN 1 . 0 489. 65 489. 65 Fi 4 34 t336t)U 0`TO U4 Itti;A[.�`CY W1±:NSMANN 1 . 0 48�3. fi.'i 4£39. B5 7 4 ) 3�1 F3360C� Oi30 U4 �tN;Afa`1'Y WE;N.�MANN 1 . 0 489. 65 4f39. 65 $ 4 34 83bUt1 0:�() t)9 RI;AL`CY WENSMANN 1 .0 489. 65 489. 65 9 4 34 fi36U1 c?lU �1 krAi.`PY WI:NSMANN I . 0 446. 54 446. 54 1 1 34 f�:j6():1 U2(l Ul F��:AL`t'Y WFNSMANN 1 . 0 446. 54 44B.54 2 1 34 83F01 t13t7 U1 R�AI,TY WL.N�MANN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 3 1. 34 £s:36i)1 0�0 u.l F{1+:AI,`CY WENaMANN 1 .0 44Ei. 54 446. 54 4 1 34 836()1 C►';t� U1 FI;'A4'PY WENSMANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 5 1 34 �33�;(il t�FiO (11 R�:AI�`I'Y WEN�,MANN 1 .0 446. a4 4�6 . 54 , 6 1 34 83E;(ll 0'lt) U1. FtF'AL`I'Y WEN�MANN ` 1 . p 446. 54 446. 54 'r 1 3� Fi:3t>i►1 titit) O1 ltl+:t�C.`I'Y WI±.N;iMANN t .t� 44F. 54 �IAE�. 54 8 l. 34 t3.iti�►1 �19t) ()1 ]tl+:l�I,`1'Y WT+.'NSMI�NN ] . 0 44fi. 54 �l46. 54 9 1 • ��.� � . � � � . . . .. I'��;�<a N��. 18 1)yJ1.)2/F3f3 ;iliar�nc>z� I'arkway Assess�nerii� F�r�1 1 Assess�nc�iit fledri.rig: :ie�t. 2E1, 1�8$ �lsses.�m�;riC f)i�e: Oct. 21 , ].yt3£i Yr�ai•s Spread: 1() C'11) NAkiL f.� li U E�i1'1't. AMC)tlN7' E) t� N '1' K T 'P 34 $:3fi01 O10 t)�� I{T�;Af�`PY WEPI:jMt�NN 1 .0 44ti. 54 946. 54 1 2 3� £33titi l U'r.'C) 0'� li(±;AI,'CY Wl�:tdSMANN 1 . tl 446. 54 44�i. a4 2 2 34 fi3Fit)1 Q:3t) nz k(l:AC�'I'Y WENSMANN 1 .Q 44fi . �i4 446. 54 a � � .�4 t336�)] (�4v 02 I41:At,`PY wE:N�MANN 1 .0 44Ei. 54 446. 54 34 836(31 05t) t)2 1t1±'AI,`FY WENSM�iNH � � 1 . 0 44Ei. 54 446. 54 5 2 34 83Ei01 460 02 F��:AL`PY WENSh1ANAt 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 34 83b01 070 U2 REALTY WENSMANN 6 2 1 .0 446 . 54 446. 54 34 836U1 Of30 02 REAL'I'Y WENSMANN ,, 2 1 . 0 446.54 44ti. 54 8 2 34 83601 OS0 02 'FtEALTY WENSh1ANN 1 .0 446. 54 448. 54 9 2 . 34 t33Ei�1 100 U2 IiLAL'1'Y WENaMnNN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 10 2 34 f336U1 11() U'� I,'L:AG`CY WE:NSMANN 1 .0 44B. 54 44f. 54 11 2 34 t3:3hU1 l '�U 0?. i�tF:AC�`fY W�;NSMAtdN l . � 446 . 54 446. 54 12 2 34 836U1 1:3c) c72 F�1?.AL`['Y WENSMANN 1 .0 448. 54 446. 54 13 2 34 836C11 140 U� T{k;AL`PY WE:NSM�NN 1 .Q 446. 54 44fi. 54 14 2 34 83601 15U Q2 FtFAL'1'Y WEN�MRNN 1 . U 446. �a4 446. 54 15 2 34 83601 1ti0 0� �2EAL`I`Y WEN�h1ANN 1 .0 446. 54 946.54 16 2 �4 83bC�1 170 02 IiEA[�'i'Y WENSMANN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 17 2 34 t33fibl 180 Q2 ItEAf,9'Y WEN.�MANN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 1£3 � 34 t3361)1 190 U2 ItE:t�G'i'Y WFN.�MAPtN 1 . Q 446 . 54 446. 54 19 2 34 £i3Fi01 20t:i �2 RI;'Ata'i'Y WF'NSMANN 2 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 ?_.0 2 34 £i:34�tiI 210 02 Rla'AI,'I'Y WEN�aMANN J 1 . a 448. 5�! 446. 54 ?l 2. :�4 £3:3fit11 22(1 i)� I2E:t1[,`t'Y `W�±;N:aMANN 1 .0 446 . rti4 ��16. 5� 22 2 3�1 ti,3tiU1 ct1 u t)3 Til!nr�'i'Y W!±'PJ:,MRNN 1 . t1 446 . �4 ��(F,. ti4 l 3 . � `� �x � � � . . � . . E'd�;'� No. 1 3 O:�/Ul jt3f3 S}iar►r,c>n �'�x•kw�.v Ass�ss�rier�t I�c,11 Assessm�cit, kieax•:i.t��; S,�pL. E?0 , l.SlE3t3 A.�.iS(3aSI11Qt1I; Ui.ie: Oct. 2.1 , 19tit3 Years ���read: 1C1 }:'T T� N1�ME L B {l 1��1'1'T: /iMOUNT C► I; N `1' K I ,I, 34 83B01 C1�0 03 REAI,'TY � WENSMl�NN 1 .0 44b. 54 446. 5� 34 f336�1 1)30 03 REAG'I'Y WENSMANN z � 1 . 0 44G. 54 44B. 54 3 3 34 E336Q1 040 U3 It�:�LTY WEN�MANN 1 . 0 44b . 54 446 . 54 4 3 34 F33601 f150 03 TtL:AL't'Y WEN�MANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 J � 34 83601 C16O 03 FtN:At�`CY WENSMANN 1 . 0 446 . 54 446. 54 6 3 34 83b01 0'TU U3 Rr.'ALTY WENSMANN .1 . 0 446. 54 446 . 54 7 3 34 £33601 t)10 �4 F{EAI,TY , WENaMANN 1 . 0 44B. 54 446. 54 1 � 34 £3:iEi01 �2f) O4 fiI:AI,'I'Y WEN:iMANN 1 .Q 446. 54 44fi. 54 2 4 34 f33Ei01 �30 ()4 RE1�I�TY WENSMANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 3 4 34 t33601 U4t) U4 RF'ALTY Wk:NSMANN 1 .0 446. 5� 446. 54 4 4 34 83601 050 04 TtEAL'PY WENSMANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 5 4 . 34 83601 U�0 c)4 I"��:AG`PY WFN;;MANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 Ei 4 34 83bt�1 07t) 0� kt+:ALTY WL:N�MANN 1 .0 448. 54 446. 54 .l 4 34 f33Ei01. OlU 0,'i ItEAI,`l'Y WFN�MANN 1 . 0 446. 54 44C. 54 1 5 34 83fiU1 020 t)5 FtT+�'AC�TY 4JENaMRI�iN 1 . 0 446, �4 445. 54 2 5 34 t3:i601 03Q 05 'kEAI�TY WENSMANN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 3 5 34 t�3EiE)1 ()4() U5 RCAC�TY Wi?NSMAAIN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 4 5 34 83E3U 1 tit;0 t)5 }tt:'�E,'I'Y WLNaMANN � 1 .0 446. �>4 446. 54 5 5 34 83ti01 c)60 �5 TtN:Ai�'I'Y WENSMANN 1 .� 446. 54 446. 54 Ei 5 34 t3:36U1 b70 05 REAi.�'I'Y WENSMANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 7 5 34 €i:jESt11 ()£i0 U5 T�GAL7'Y WENSMANN 1 . 0 44f. 54 446. 54 � J :lA (33ti(li (�:��tl t)!i ttl.'Al,'YY Wt�,N::�MANN Z .0 44f. 5� 44G. �4 � 5 �4 f3:3�i01 i t)C► tl:"� Etl+;liCa't'Y WLN.�MANN , i . 0 446. 54 446. 54 l0 �i , ,a � • I'��;'c� Plc►. �.i1 O:!/t).�/fit3 ,�.�'1►�nr�c�rt ParlcwE�,y tlsses5�n�nL Rol1 Assess�i�c�r�t: Hearir►�;: .�epL.. 2(�, I.988 �Ass�ssment Due: Uct. 21 , 1�St3 Years u�read: 1v ' i,i l) NAMi, C� 13 U 1tA'1'G: AM�UN't' v L N 'P K I r � 34 836t:)1 11� t�Ci 1tF;AC,`1'Y WCN,;t�ANN 1 . 0 44Ei. 54 446. 54 ].1 5 34 83601 120 05 FtEAC,`PY WF'N�MANN 1 . 0 446. 54 446. 54 12 5 ' 34 $3fi01 l3n t15 ItT±:AL7'Y WL'N:�MANN 1 . 0 $46 . 54 446. 54 _ 13 5 34 E33�n1 140 «c; Iz[:AL"t'Y W�:N�MANN 1. 0 446. 54 446. 54 14 5 34 83h01 15t) 05 RE:AI�'['Y WEN��MANN 1 .0 446. 54 446.54 15 5 34 836t11 1.6n l)r> F��'AL'I'Y WENShiANN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 16 5 34 83601 170 U5 REAIaTY WENSMANN 1 .0 44Ei. b4 446. 54 17 5 34 83€i01 1f30 Q5 �2EALTY WENSMANN 1 .17 4A6. 54 446. 54 18 5 �4 83601 190 f)fi PI±:AL'PY W�NSMANN 1 .0 446. 54 446. 54 19 5 34 £33FiQl 2p0 t�b IiL+'ALT'Y WENSMANN 1 .0 44�. 54 446. 5� 20 5 ��� .�'�ul�t.oi:a:L ��� 91 41756.00 41756.U0 ** WI;NSMANN 34 t3,jEiC)() 030 t)2 WT��N.�MANN EII�FZT3I:EtT 1 . 0 483. Ei5 489. 65 3 2 ** :iiabLutal. �k�, 1 .0 489. F5 489. 65 *� Wis'N:�MAN �tL+'ALTY �4 1);�11.t) C12t) 2;'i ,W}±:N:;MAN I2FAI�TY - - 5. 5 126�. fil 6949. 88 *��: w��ai,l.ota:l �� 5. 5 1263. F1 6949.8£i ��: WIN[i:�i (;tzt'):a:ilNt; C;(I. :3� 8131 u (J li1 03 t:;�:lt�lYANY WIEJD�� C1�t,�;SING ]. .() 4f)4 . U3 404 .03 1 3 3� t31:310 U2U U3 t:OhiPANY WINI).3 CIZUSSINC I .� 404. t13 4()4.03 . .. . . . 4 wl � . . . 34 S1:31 il 030 �3 E�f�Mt'ANY WIN�S GFZO>;ING 1 . Q 4�4 .03 ��� .03 3 3 34 H131O t71�� t)4 C;I�MI'ANY WINI);� C;ROS,TNr, i .p 404 . C)3 �0� .0.3 1 4 34 �313]t) ]?t) t'i4 t�C}MI�ANY WTNI)a GRC�SSTNG 1 . p 40�# . 03 404 . �3 12 4 ___ _ __ _ _ r . _ _ _ � � .� J Y H � � � . P���-� N��. �; O9/t)4?/tsfi r Sliannc,r� Parkw�ry AsseSsm�nt Rc�11 Assc�ssr►��nt flearir�g: 5epl.. 2U, 1988 tiss�ss�►iHnt. I)liB: UC�,. 2� � 198t3 Years u�i•ead: 1O F'I11 NAhi1. L �3 U ItATF AMOt1N�p O L N 'I' K I T 34 81310 ].�f.t 1() Cc:)t•iPANY WI�dI)u C;F.OS�INta 1 1 . 0 404 .U3 4C74. 03 3�1 E31310 ] lU 1�1 �;C�t1l�ANY , , . 10 0 WitdI):_, C�ItOS�INC; 1 1 . 0 404.03 4p4 .03 ' 11 U 34 E3�`L:3�0 1 1li 10 t;C)Mk'ANY WINI)S CRU�SINf� 1 1 .0 404. t�3 404 _03 1?_ D 34 8131U 130 ]0 CC)Mf'E1NY WIND,,ri GI'Z05aING 1 1 .0 404 . 03 4U4 . 03 13 U 34 F3131O 14i) lc) CUt�(E'ANY WINI►S CItOSSTNG 1 1 .0 404 .43 4Q4 .43 14 0 :i4 F3131t7 150 10 CUME'ANY WINDS C�tvaSING 1 1 . 0 404 .03 404 .03 7 15 U � *=k w)U�J f,O�.c31 �%� 33 13332. �9 13332. 99 �* W(�Ni,l,lt5 3�! 81310 Q3u 04 Wc?IiL,i�ILS G�F�aY & CIIRI� 1 . 0 404. 0� 404. 03 *� Sub t.o�.a 1 �� 3 4 1 .0 404 .03 4U4 . 03 �* Wt7LF1� 4. 34 541Q2 O;iC} O1 WULI�'F' WII,I,IAM & NANCY 1 . 0 494. 46 494 . 46 �* Sul�trri:a l ��� 9 1 �h�:4: T��ta 1 ��* 1 . 0 494. 46 494. 46 5$8 16tJ£39Fi. 6 48520Fi, 7 „ . . . ...��... ,. .. :,�t ,:�, . .�. . .., . �r . - .� .� � • P.O. BOX 510 2S7S4145TN ST. W # ' Z�� p FOSEMOUNT, NiWNE,St)TA 5506$ � � 612-423-4411 , osenfcoun� ; . ; TO: Mayar Hoke Item 13 a. ; Councilmembers: Napper i Oxborough � Walsh � Wippermann � FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk f � DATE: September 16, 1988 � �� � f . Old City Ha11 Sale I On Friday, September 9th, Dave Grannis and I met with representatives of Dal�ota County Vocational Technical Institute to complete the sale ; of the old city hall property. At that meeting we disr�ussed several items which needed clarification decisions on pr'ior, to the conclusion o£ the 'sale and the transfer � of the property. They were: � , � 1 ) completion o� the potable water source to repiace $ the existing well which has a small. trace of , nitrates in `it. � 2) the control(not ownershi ) of the sof tball f ie�.d at P 1 the site. 3) removal and relocation ot the air raid siren now located next to building. f..�. . . . . � � � . .. . � . . . . . � . � . . . .. . � . . � 4) clarification of the easement for the 3ocation of ` � the proposed wells and access to them for the rural $ water system to be constructed by the university. � 4 ' � Without going into a lot of detail in this writing I would simply : say that these issues have been .all resolved and I will exp]:ain � ` further at our meeting about their resolution. � Completion of the sale and transfer of ownership should be taking � place next Wednesday after formal approval of the details of the sale can be accomplished at the Dakota County Technieal Institute 'board meeting on Tuesday and aur city council meeting on Tuesday � evening. I will have the documents for your consideration at the "meeting. � I apologize for nat having these documents for your teview at this t�.me but tl�ey are being completed to pick up the changes agreed to on last Friday and the Vo-Tech needs tv complete the sale very saon in order ta comply with their fund�.ng program through the state. I am totally confident that all will meet with your approval. � � - _ . . • �.� " • ' .�� �,f� g A N � � � ,� M E M O gTRATOR'8 OFF=CE � COUN'rY �MINI � center _, , DAROTA �overnmesat Dakota Ci560Yx�gh��Y 55033 R G�.r� 1 V �� ` H,astinQ$� � 612/43a..441a +��� �b � ��9�� , 41 19$8 ��,.��I'��� ������ ; $epte�er 12� CITY OF R05EM�UNT IS ,` DATE% COMMIS5IONER ,�DING ���ISgIONER • �ER D +�� 1,,..�' � �� T�. i COM1�iI5SI�NE� gTREEF� t�'. ISgIONER ! CD I5SIONE� VOSS Adminl�trat�� � L�le D, WraY, �ountY co�erY • eering res°ur�e re oM� usti in ng�n e�tl t . S atch las FR ! �om1?1itY n conn �ut e5s Di � . eerin9 ; SUBJECT faci 1 ne st, paul p ut�Combus eco erY A�th�r�t Y' ti�l e a.n t tra c t d l s p o u r e e R }r p, new� p orted on t h e Connecti4ut Res t h e r th� en�n�th�t � . �,,reek . 'with ��, to9e betw� iis ha�ln9 ��ces d the a�ation► W ho s the �y aK ta Counthaula be �se�ul For Y rauna sheet onetplannea f or acts• This S '; bacK9 eontr , the on• ok facilitY e apetween a a�o t the s1tuat� we sh�uld 1°bu�, differen� estiOne th� two prO�ects, a�tl�l di�� are � e ` ou newspaPer � G . . . ... �� � � �� . . if Y e going tO at ves► as the stranqer ar mu at not on1Y tti�e5g � �ont���t ha5 countY� cess�.ng t S r� al�O the p�ota Coun Y rotect tl�e eedin9 �he p tua11Q all _ Dak tee5 to p � zs eX� s�d V1r e: ' uaran t plan., roces ln Jun ; an has P , Y ,�he Conn��el ievels► to it Sln��odif cat�-Ons eed s '�� ' guarante �erea cilitY eX� deli made �' the w lone�ng ineer to i Sur� th�= f a � as _- Co�s�own e�Pense► �ountY for +k� gakota t2Ye Plant . ct � Stanaart e' service f r CE t� °�di�f erent� t� ;�� gecau5e . calls eS are , elates em�nt neqotiatedthe ineentiv ect��ut � 'S agre '4 20 years e dispute inbut DaKota n�n�,estin9 �Or � �_ Much of t�ce testinq t accePta e the � acceptan �enti�es tO � a� ,d es tn and �ted in M�Y-Jun,ener9Y a�O1ds �ondu both szd ts for a U'S' was��'tO _ e era re orded _ Envir�nm t t! b��ila.tY• fa ...�. i . . . . . . � � . . . . . . . � . . - . . . � ; ��. � .. . � � � � � . . . . . t�.� . . . . . . . . . . . � . , .; � � �A � ' � � � � � While the technology will not be the same for the plant to be built here, it is reasonable to expect that CE's experience in Connecticut and their commitment to limiting emissions will benefit Dakota Gounty. . LDW:MWC ; � i � ,, . � , , � _ � 1 . � ' , , , f . . . . . . . . . .. � . .. . . . .. .. �. . .. .. .. . �. .. . . . � . . . . � . . �� .. . . . . . . .. . . � . . . .. . . . . j . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . �� .. � � � �. �1 . . . � � � � + . . � ) . . � .�. .. . � .. �. � � . . . . . . � � , . . � . � .. .. � .. . . . 'i � . � . � � � � . � . � .. � . . ... . �„ � � . � . . . . . . . ' � � � . . � . . . . � . . � . � �.. . � ... . . � , � .. � .. . . � . . . . . , . . . .. . .. ; . . . . .. .. . � . � �... .. . . . . . .. . . + . . . � � .� � . .. � . . . . . . . . . � . . { � . �� � . . . . . . . . .. _ . . .. .. . . . . . . . �.. . � . � � . � . � . � . . .. . . � � � � .. � ' �..� . . . . . . . . .. . . ... i , . �� . . . . . . � � � . . � . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . !. ..:� .. . . . . . . .. . � � � � � � . ��. . . . � . . � �. . � . .. . . . . � � . ! �� ... ..� . . � � �� � � . . � � � � � . . . . . � . . � BACKGROUND INFORMATION ;s Differences between the Combustion Engineering plant in Connectieut and the Dakota; County � plant i Conaecticut Dakota County :.. Facility RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) = Massburn- CE's first experience CE's affiliates have used with RDF technology in over 100 faciiities � worldwide Operations Power plant only Entire facility CE is designer, builder, operator Contractunl No long-term performance Guaranteed cost of operations Ob�a.qations guarantees Guaranteed processing of waste Guaranteed environmental compliance Guaranteed energy Contractual Two entities involved CE provides full service with , Arrangement (Public agency operates limited County involvement ; RDF faeility, CE � operates power plant � � Acceptance Connecticut Resource CE advises when ready for acceptance tests, ; Testing Recovery Authority but retains responsibility for �. � allows acceptance tests, operations for 20 years r then assumes fuZ� � _ � responsibility for ° r� operations � Default after CE has no responsibilities CE must meet operating guarantees 4# Acceptance at the RDF plant so for 2p years - Default results in k' cannot be in default County taking aver operations with � CE payinq damages; ` or at County's y = ogtion,' CE paying off indebtedness and a � lump sum payment, and taking ownership � � ��: r ; ' � , t + i r ;� � ,� I 1 ' `�.�.�:.�' - -- - - - - . � ;- .- i • q�'�o�A CoG�'�'.L _ � r � _ ��� S w�sr�:T,,PNe� . � � � Volume 1, No. 6 July-Augus#, 1988 ' rCe ReCover Plant County. To Proceed With Resou y , On 7uly 12, the Dakota�County Board of Commissioners awarded a contract for an 8Q0 ton per day solid waste processing plant to Combustion Engineering, Inc., of Windsor, Connecticut. ; Three public meetings on the resource recovery facility were held last spring, but testimony at a June 28 hearing on recycling again focused on the $126.6 million plant. Speakers voiced their concerns about potential health risks from burning solid waste and the proposed size o# the facility. At the July 12 meeting, County staff and consultants reiterated their findings on these issues. "Solid waste combustors of �11 types are perhaps the most tightly regula#ed and carefully scrutin- ized combustion facilities of any kind," said a representative of Maleolm Pirnie, Ina, in a letter zesponding to the concerns expressed. Before the facility can be built, state and federal permi# procedures require detailed environmental impact statements; air quality tests, and a health risk assessment "I# they do not prove the facility to be cornpletely safe, then the faeility cannot be built", the representative sta#ed. 'i It has been stated that the facility, as planned, is a disincentive to recycling, bu# a representa- ' tive of Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. sta#ed that the plant capacity was based on estirnates of the County's population growth, projections of solid waste produced, and xeasonable goals for recycling. Continned on Back Paqe � ,� � ��� � -� �r �a � ': : g � �„y4�.�� � x ,� � ;' �� � �-� � �`�� � ��' i '�a$y�` °k � �' ""y � 6 k ��� �� �.�F,�., . ir� �� a, L Y " � Q � � 3"x `N s`.�. � �^'� �.� 4 K� _� � �. � � � . v.u. } X .f 1 Q � . .#,�p���t,� �, ; v ' � n#�"�+c��' �' �. � a {{ �y, ;$���. q ���F k �� € ��a . ' �-� ��T������»����*;� I � ��",� ��.��`�s,�T� .��„_:.,�-- ,, - ` �'°5 � . �i� ��`s �r��'�x E � '�a � � � - T� F �; �t� � �s ,s`"���" ,��`� ,2�� � � �9 z� � � t q � � :?�` .� � r�� - .s �� r. � �,� � � c � � ����g G�,��.������..� � r= . a+-.. � � .. �. ., s !�.' � +� � �..,�, ,., ti � .. �, ,�,� i. . , e..,:,�. . ....:,, _„d'� `4u r -� Y�<< ': . �kfi'�`,?.-. �'V',� z � ,.:. .•.=� ,...a. � .� ., . ��. . S . .,a.r . �FE f � • ,.,,�,. , � ;.� "�x�. �, t. .. .. ..; :.r„.. i � ,;.. *.�_.... � . I . '^" ...::. I il DQKOTA COUNTV SOLID WASTE RESOURCE RECOVERY FACI[.17Y • Printed on Recycled Paper • � � - i • Public Education Plan FoCuses On Recycling Attitudes And Awareness '"People have to undezstand garbage is a problem but I 'don't want to how recyciing affects the fufure drive somewhere to drop-o'ff my recy- ' and then they'11 reeycle." � clables." Participants said special containers and curb-side pick-up would encourage "Until it affects people in their thern to start recycling or to recycle rnore. pocketbooks — until it affects " therre persanally -they wan't �@ TOUgheY �A US zecycle." In contras# to the "make recycling These comments, offered by Dakota easier" comments, there is��support for County residents as part of an opinion mandatory recycling, saying a lot of peo- research study represent the different views ple just won't recycle untii they're farced regarding awareness of the recyeling and to." Other restrictions, short of martdatory other solid waste issues in fhe County. recycling, that are supported include �� charging extra fees #or household waste Some of the preliminary findings from beyond a certain level and setting_a penalty _; the Dakota County research are: - for putting iterns such as car batteries in�" „regular trash." Landfills Cause Pollution There is a strong feeling that landfills WhOS@ pCOblelit TS lt? � cause a number of problems, primarily While there is agreement that today s because "there is no control over what goes "throw-away society" rnakes recycling impor- into landfills." They are primarily viewed as tant, many participants voice statements a necessary evil at this tim�, but other solu- indicating "It's not MY problem." Some tions are needed for the future. greater, undefined en#ity is responsible. Composting Awareness Is High A Broad Solution Ix Necessary Composting is weil accepted as a means ��There's no one solution — we need a of eonverting waste to a useful product. combination of inethods to handle our gar- Awareness seems high on how to create a bage problem." This viewpoint was widely compost project at home, and several resi- accepted as true. Waste-to-energy is viewed � dents had developed a compost pit but as a better solution than landfills. gave` it up because it was "too messy and s m el ly.'' T h e re i s b ro a d s u p p o rt f o r a Ed11Cdt1011 Cdlt MdII@ A R@11 Dlff@t'�ItCB community central composting facility. � ��Education helped me find ou# simple things like used oil is harmful if thrown R@CjICiIAEJ IS IItt�OTtd11t out." It is felt that community residen#s ' " It is felt that recycling cannot address all need to be told how, whet and where to Qf the �ounty's was#e---problen3,-bu#-recy - - ---�- recycle.:_Also, citizens need. to be made -- rt; cling is viewed as one of the primary aware of the difference recycling can make. means of waste management. A countywide recycling educational eam- paign will be developed, based upon the Md�[@ ReC�Ci111 J EdSI@Y xesearch xesults. For more information on "I'd recycle if it were more convenient" the County's recycl'zx�g educational efforts, is a common statement. Also: "I agree please call the Department af Planning and ' Program Management at 431-1.158. vPDATE ls publl�hea by Dakota Three Additional Househoid �dous Cc�unty, to serve the purpose of in- forming interested parties of the ' Wd�@ CQllQCt10I1S SC�t�111� County's progress with its resource recovery and recycling program ef-` Three more household hazardous waste ; forts. For more information, contact collections for I988 have been scheduled : the Department of Planni�g and Pro- for residents in Dakota County. The first gram Management; 7300 West 147th collection, held in the Lakeville-FarmingtQn Street; Suite 503; Apple Valley, MN ' area, resuited' in seven tons of various 58124; (612}431-1i58. hazardous wastes being diverted from land- filis. £an#inned on Next�'age ; � ,- . _. � � � � REDU�E � � . RE SE I v � � I REGYCLE . , , = r ; [ i , I ` Mana in Home Wastes � � g g ;� . � . � REDUCE Do I need it? Can I buy it with less packaging? ' ' ` ' REUSE ' Can I compost it? Use it again? Give it away? RECYCLE Can I recycle i.t? . . _ � ' { G13SS Clear, brown, and green separated by color. l Met81S Cans of aluminum, tin, bi-metals, and steel. Aluminum foil and trays. i Papel" Non-glossy, newspapers,junk mail, windowless envelopes, and , . ��a��a. Yal'd WaSt@S Compost or mulch grass:elippings and leaves. , SpeClal It@t'11S White goods (stoves, refrigerators and other major appliances}. , <. Some plasrics and textiles. These items may be picked up or you may ' need to take them to a spe�i�c location. . ' . . ' • ' • ' . . • • f . • ' • • f • . Paint products Auto tires,batteries, waste oil Household cleaning products Garden chemicals Hearing aid batteries Publication developed by Shirley L.Bafber,Mitmesota Extension Service,Ramsey County in cansultation with Minnesota Extension Setvicefaculty and Metropolitan Gouncil ataff."Ihia�wblic�ion waa suppoftsd by a grant from the Metropolitsn Councit,300 Metro Square,7th and Robett St�rcets,St Psul,MN. University af Minnesota�Minnesota Extension Service ' The Univeraity of Minnesota i�an equat opportanity educator and ere�loyer. Prtnted on 10096 Rec'ctabie Paper � � � � , The second collection will be heid in Inver Grove Heights on September 17 from .', � _ , . � . . , . , 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the City Hall, ; " 8150 Barbara Avenue. This collectian is ` sponsored by Dakota Caunty, fhe City of �� ...make itser;�ond nature.t * Inver Grove Heights, and Pine Bend Land- filL A third collection will be held in �►: . '���� � Rosemouni, at the Municipal Building, � 14450 Brazil Avenue West, from 9:00 A.M. /.��� to 4:OQ P.M. on October 1, sponsored again �� � by Dakota County, the City of Rosemount, � , `� '� ' � :.. and I�och Refining Company. - . . .. .. . . .. . . . . :;1w . . . � , . The final collection in• 1988 will be , ,� ... � ; � � �ctober 8 at Fairview Ridges Hospital, 201 ' �` '�'"�' . East Nicollet Boulevard: from 9:00 A.M. to 1 y�� - _. 4:00 P.M. This collection is sponsored by �� �-�� Dakota Coun#y, the Cities of Apple Valley —^ and Burnsville, and Burnsville Sanitary Paperf Ca.TdbOa.rd. LandfilL ' ('aper makes up ainiost haif oE c>un c��uschufcl For further information on wastes that cr:�sn-a quartcr cyf�ehici7 iti nc��•s(�.�t,cr�na��ti��i�- will be aceepted at the callection sites, Cdll cardecl aft�r a single dar. Since rtc}•ctabic cartl- 6oarcl and other naper prc>ducts are remanufae Dakota Cout3ty Publie Health Department ture�l herc in Minnescjta,thc��havc ncf�lacc in��ur {450-2793). tan�ifilis. p Office �a�er, nea�sE�a4�ers and c:trd6oarci are Fun p naturak for rec}�cling. Th�}�'re c.is}' t<7 pre}�are, dia F or . Local Rec clin Pro ams , . , , � J � � storc anci reprocess,.�nd reec•eiin�thcse nt.�tcr�.�ts - Appr��ed Bp �e 4V�#�r BD�d saves h�xh Energy�anci nattrcal resc�urccs. tn (.rrt, � �� uEj tt�65 percent less cnerg}� is reyuired tc>m.ike new paper€rom v�•astepaper than frc�m c�ir�;in wdod �'auiClelln2S �OI c3 fUnC�ing piOgl3m t�'lat fihers.E3y recycling a 45 inch pile of nra��papers, - will provide up to $2.2 million to commu- Y<>u'�'e conscrvcd in naturat res6urces the tquivva-` nities in Dakota County to establish and ��n� c�f a �z focj� p�ne �ree. operate recycling proqrams in 1989 were approved by the Dakota County Board of • Curbside collection o# materials; ' Commissioners on July 26. This action is • Yard waste compost sites; viewed as' an incentive to communities in' � • Gollection of household hazardous the County to start local recycling programs waste; in 19$9. • Promotion of comrnercial/industrial source separatian; ,.� . Communi#ies must submit a work plan • Office paper recycling in public sector � and budget by November 1 to the County, facilities; and and rnust also demonstrate that an office ' • Special wastes handling and/or paper recycling program is in operation or will be operational in the city/township Processing. - offiees by December l, i988. If a cammunity dves not begin develop- ' ment of a prograrn by 7uly 1, 1989 or does Reimbursement of up to 100% of a com- not complete implementation of a program munity's eligibie costs is possible. The by January l, 1990, the County will imple- amount of funding will be determined by ment a program and assess the residents of performance in establishing residential that community for costs to set up and recyeling programs, meeting residential operate the program. recycling goals and, in urban cities, pro- moting and encouraging commercial/indus- A number of cities are in the process of #rial recycling activities. planning for recycling programs to be in d place early in 1989. It is expected that the Projects that are eligible for fundinc� from ' ` new recycling pragrams that wi11 be aper- Dakota County include: ating in 1989 will greatly increase the • Education and promotion activities; County`s ability to achieve an overall goal • Drop-o#f centers; of recycling 15°fo of the wasts by 1990. . r � � Resource Recovery Project Facts • Combustion Engineering, based in Windsor, Connecticut, has 75 years experience in the design and operation of solid waste combustion and steam generatian systems. The cornpany is currently develaping similar resource 'recovery systems in Hawaii, Michigan, New York and Oregon. • Canstruction is expected to begin in August, 3.989, with the system operational by 1992. Environmental Impact Statements are being prepared for two different sites near the Pine Bend Industriat area in Rosemount. • Gombustion Engineering will design and construct the facility for $92.3 million, plus a con- tingency fund and escalation eosts of $7.7 million. Approximately $26.5 million will be earmarked for financing costs, 'insurance and other associated projec# expenses: The totai project cost will be $126.6 million. • Annual operating and,.maintenance costs for the facility are projected to be $5,4?3,000. The costs will be paid through revenues from the "tipping fee", estirnated at $66 per ton, and the ' sale af electricity,'with estimated revenues of $4 - $5 million per year. ;, . . _�.�_.;� _ . • The resource recovery facility will be one of the first large-scale, publicly-owned facilities in the ' country. It will be awn�d 100 percent by Dakota Gounty at the end of 20 years.; • Currently, 256 resource rec�very plants are in operatian in Western Europe, where the tech- . nology has been in use for more than 40 years. 7apan has 361 waste-to-energy plants, ac- cording to the National Solid Waste Managernent Association. In the United Stafies, there are more thaz� 100 facilities either operating or in different stages of development. ! R�ource Recovery Plant Continued from Paqe I , The Minnesota Legislature has required that counties develop a solid waste plan and imple� men# alternatives to landfilling their garbage. Dakota County's Solid Waste Master Plan includes three cornponents: • Waste reduction, including product reuse and decreased use of products, is expected to reduce . waste by about 14,0�0 tons per year by 1992. • Source separation or recycling programs (including the composting of yard wastes} are : expected to reduce waste now going to landfills by about 36,000 tons per year. • The waste-to-energy facility will process up to 234,000 tons of waste per year for conversion to , electricity and possibly, in the future, steam. ' - ..� , Dakota County Department of ' �--� � +n � - _-y:_..._;,, � � :; w.i���, r, , , Planning�and�Program��Management��� � � � � ��'� � � �� �� � ���a ; ,.,i:.�,t �: � � 730� West 147th Street; Suite S03 s�a t�•aa �* .="` 4� ;-: � �PPIe Valley, MN 55124 � Y .: ,� ; r ,« � � � ��; �t�-�,, Fa '! .;� �;' .� ._._._ �« j la ; _ ___.� 1 _ , ___ � Stephan 3ilk i Admir�i.str�tc,rfClerk , � 2875 1�t5t h St. W. � Rc�sernc�urrt � ��o�A . c�L�.� ►�N 55U68 o - � � �'� � �° _ �, ,; `'�s�.�P��' ,i , �; • Printed on Recycled Paper �► (,� i . ; � • i -k- : ; t � ` � � j��.,..� •G l� • . � � I � i � _ 4 * � j 1 . I � � � ! i � � ' � � `, � � ' � � • • # 1 I 3 Inside RR 4 Ash Disposoi in limbo rtR �b Facility Design Important ' ' RR 6 Integrated Programs Not Always Popular RR 18 California Landfill Monitors Methane Gas Rrt s BNis To Regulate Ash Testing/Disposal Rtt 20 Choosing a Vendor � tttt 10 Recycling Gains Ground ttR 22 Contracting for Energy RR �1 Recycling:A National Etfort RR 26 Siting a Facilffy:A Public Officit�l's View . . . . . � � � � � � � � fi � ; Americon CHy&Caunty/Resource Recovery . � RR i � _.__ ; f r n� �, ..., — . . _.�. . _ �°�. '�=���_'' �,�� � ��' �� 1� _ ��� � � � � � � ���� }�. t � . ,>z�. yt`"�,���, 'F�ak . . . . � A � � � �� � � � � � � � � . . . '�� ���� � � � . � �' , S�• . "�� . . :� �. . � � � �� � � �. . � � � . . . �:�� . .. . � ' . .. .. � ��0�� . . .. .. �.. .. .. � ..,'��,.�-J�� �� . � . . . . � .�,.,_ � . . . . .. . . . � � . . . � � � . .;..�. ._. . . � � � . � � . . . . . . � .�..� � . � �. . � � �. �... . s �s sa �n im t � By Lyn Corum ef another barge is providing a potent symbol for the Committee on Environment and Pubiic Works, and Subcocn- most recent problem in America's ongoing munieipal mittee on Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Substances have led to sotid-waste crisis.The Khian Sea returned to Philadel- the introductibn of five bills(see box). ' phia in February still carrying 15,000 tons of ash after The Environmental Defense Fund (ED�has been a leading an 18-month journey through the Bahamas, to Latin America advocate during the hearings for legislation classifying ash as and across the Atlantic to West Africa, looking in vain for a hazardous.Municipal and industry representatives want the ash place to dispose of the ash legally. ; categorized as non-hazardous. The argument is nat mercly se- The long journey was part of a volatile history culminating mantic, however. Designating the ash as hazardous could in- in Philadelphia residents suing the city to compel removal of crease the disposal cost from an average of$20 per ton to more thousands of tons of ash piled up near two waste incinerators. than $100 ger ton. At that price, industry representatives say, ' The U.S. Environimental Pro- : ' the resource-recovery industry tection Agency{EPA) noted " will shut down. high levels nf dioxin in the ash. ' Throughout the hearings, Ash disposal has become a ' EPA Assistant Administrator � comptex and politically vola- J. Winston Porter was ques- tile issue for cities, counties tioned about his agency's role and private owners/operators �� ��„;', '�'°� . T in regulating ash disposal and bf resource-recovery piants for � � `�,�;.fi`���' ��� ��� �� ,�� �'�", �wlny the agency had not been � several reasons. First, no stan- � M more forceful in responding to dards exist outlining what k,t reports of toxicity test fail- eonstitutes hazardous or non- . � 4Mf ures. Porter responded finally hazardous ash. Current tests �.��'� that EPA would be issuing used by EPA in determining , , , � guidance"saon." asM toxicity produce confliet- , .�'` s ��„ �' � Porter said the agency ing results. f} r �y� would propose the handling of Second, the quality of ash ,�,., ash as ,"special wastes," and its toxicity vary with in- ° ,P.=r��'�; somewhere between hazardous cinerator feed material and � � ° and non-hazardous classifica- operations characteristics, ,�: :tions. That portion of ash �a� leading to highly vaziable test �;„��` known to have more serious results. Standards ta deter- � •^� � 'f �� metal concentrations, such as � „ , t ; mine how ash should be dis- , „ �� , ` " fly ash (estimated to be abouE , posed, managed or reused do '�._ �� 20 percent of total ash),w,�utd not exist. Some owners/oper- �s�`.:� = be disposed of in speeially de- ators are disposing of ash in . ��x f; 4� � �signed, dauble-lined monof- lined monofills (reserved for � � ��� � �ills. The praposed regulations that special waste), while oth- � ��� �.���,; #� ����are due out this summec, ae- � � : �� ��� ers use the ash as cover in mu- ; cording to EPA.' nicipal solid-waste (MSW) lan�ifilis. Local and state regula- Once the controversy surrounding ash disporsal is dealt with, tions often are developed out of emotionat community reac- what are the bene�fs to burning MSW? First, incineratian re- 'tions to the issue. duces the volume of solid waste by 90 to 95 percent, and its Finally,'environrnental groups and residents near landfills or weight by 75 ptrcent. Eddie dennings, manager af the Waxa- resoarce-recovery plants are increasingly active as they perceive hachie, Texas,incinerator plant, which was buiit in 1982, says local, state and federal agencies not responding to their con- by incinerating the city's 500-ton/day residentiai and commer- cerns about environmental and health safety. Two environ- cial waste,the lifetime of the nearby land�il has been extended mental groups, fctr example, sued Chicago's Northwest incin- from eight to 60 years. Four tons of ash are landfilled daily. erator plant to force the city to stop dumping ash in a nearby Second, many uses have been identified for ash-- from ag- quarry. gregate for concrete to road cover,to combining with slnd$e io In the past year,both houses of Congress have held hearings make bricks. But politicat and tegal liability probtems stymie on the issue. Hearings by the House Subcommittee on Trans- ash recycling. Biil Englander,solid waste program manager for partation, Toarism and Hazaidoas Materials, and the Senate the Bellingham, Wash., Public Works Departm�nt, �sks, "if RR 4 ; ' American City d�CountylRssaur�e Recovery � , � � � � it's a cinderblock,is it not dangerous anymore?" products. "�nce you make something with lead,it"s there for- Not onty are municipal administrators like Englander eager ever," says Sussman,an acknowiedged industrial expert on ash to sell their ash,buf others such as Peter Knox,manager of in- disposal. "You reduce the toxicity of was#e by reducing the ' 'dustrial and hazardous-waste engineering at Engineering Sci- toxicity of the components of waste. Getting rid of traee met- ence, Arcadia, Calif., and David Sussman, vice president for als in paper will alsa clean up the siudges that aze a by-product environmental affairs at Ogden Martin Systems, Fairfield, of paper recycling." N.J., await congressional Iegislation and EPA regulations to Michael Herz, staff attorney for EpF, said in his testimony answer Englander's question. before the House Subcornmittee on'Transportation, Tourism `Third, and perhaps most important from an econamic and Hazardous Materials, "... if, in fact,we truly need exten- standpoint, incineration means power production and sales to sive incineration, ... the ultimate solution is not to ignore the `lacal utilities,'or steam sales to local industries. Manicipal rep- problem altogether, but to avoid creating the high-metat con- ��,„�,�����, ,_ xesentatives and o�vners/ centration�in the ash in the firat place,which means recycaing, �' �� operatacs say energy reve-• or ultimately substitution of the dangerous constituents in con- ,� r nues from incineration . -sumer and commercial praducts with more benign sub- , � ou : � � '�` plants often make the stances." � ' �� � �'r� plants acceptabte to com- How are municipalities and owners/operators dealing with , � _ _;, munity residents. the current situation? ' Recycling and source- Jennings says EPA visited his plant this Mareh to review the separation programs recentty have become attractive as ways to operation and testing procedures.He says the ash there is tested remove contaminants from MSW because they eliminate such ;irregularly, and results aiways have been under'the maximu►n items from the waste stream as ferrous metats and lead.Front- allowable limits. EPA allows the plant to use ash as a daity end separation systems in refuse-derived-fuel (RDF�plants are cover on the landfill where the substance is mi�ced with MSW, less successfuL Some local agencies are mandating recycling or although this is not being done, While the p}ant does nat have source-separation progcams when resource-recoverq plants or a front-end separation system, operators do rernove"any kind • landfill-dispasai areas are granted operating permits. of inetal," Jennings says. The commnnity has undertaken a '' In addition, industry and environmental representatives are small recycling effort,primarily ta'recover aluminum. 'lobbying government officials to remove materials such as tead `J.J. Arnold, facility manager of an Ogden Martin-owr�ed and cadmium (found im batteries) from short-lived consumer and operated ptant in Tuisa,Okla.,says the eommuniry has no � � � »� �,� a��� S �€� �;� }� � � �� :.�� � ` . !nt 4 rrc�tt�d�P ra s��Not�Alw�y��Popular� � .} q � :���� , � � �� �. �� # � � � � �'.��* �3�"r�'�.°9.:� ��s'�i #:. n 'ze,;: �...�� r' g �,.,,�`'�'� �,y�a a '*�`�� �i,:� � "�5� he'ro�d t��a,'publ�Cly'�a�c�ptable Iz�ng tefrt�.�vaste�tiis *ITunder�gY�ly .��o�l��!cond��ans�and���!era�te��sabie�lec=�:{ �pnsal`plan:hw�s nvt bee�t eas;���a�r>��7e�.por��News,s.�u�'�ti�cit���: ,�°.� � .,,. .k ,� ���`��". : �° s as S� ��.. �ck zc��`. ubl��acceptan��was the'greatesc obstacle lacai ��ri��lU.years���itq affi��als t�ave�l�n'sear�ban� fc�r an���� I> P �� te���tive�to'`>�c�tnplei�,xe1��►n, �' n���cl;f ing��t�d�e��� �Eof�ci�l�'�ac�dved a mass b�rn fac�Y would rpoltut�a theair���; t��rkas"t�c�.t n�e���C����.��,� � ,�� ��,�.�'���,.;r���sadents�bel� � � � ��dec�tsion��t�'a�resident�al�:�ut�bs�d�"�re�ycling`.pro8rarn��and�furttter°endanger=:the''�envirc�nme�nt�throuBl��fand�lling� � d ci�i�st�ucf���.�rf,a'650�ot��pe�da3"`(�d�r�s�r��°ce-reco� � �th��ash��byipmduct Annt�ar c�ttzeaa`group a,rSu6d wa�t� �ry' fa+�ilit}���s�e�pe�t�d`°�c�on��Alt�n�'the;'uvayi"�cit���officials�it��enei�gy"te�Rnology`;iva�'=unsafe,�i�sisting`the�iti�r���d not��� � ���r�ve�,faced�v�rca��cipPasit�an t�ti�the.�latter�b�en�'a�cused�ot`�'�niest�gatedxec�ycling adequately.as�an�atte�rn�tiwe�. � �� � not��pttrsuing th��fo me�'��vigdr�usly��n±�ugh,�an�l�,urg�d,`ta��'� �.W�th a�public�edcication catnPaiBn�airead��n"futl���wingf�k� � ��yr�`�;,���r,�����'� ' ��t �'�'� x� �s�vmg'�t�t �als"�°�tt�e�T��`�nd.�tat�re��laf�ry�offira�ls.:b�gan�sEtessing the ' � ��or+ery' ,;: "������'., :integration'��f���e�"Ychr�g��resourc��;re�over,��and��landfitling�� � 'V�hile`�te�ycl�ng°�h offered tt�e'`polttxc�llyi�xpeci�ent'°an�x�They d�str�but�i�'fa she�ts�`emph�si�inB th�`�prop+�sed,�fa �� � vu�e�ta:�h���it .�s`�tvaste•iiis sal'`��ne�ds�� �ss�stan€�Czt �Man��..`�ility had�=bee�t'��iz�accqidmg'�.�o$the�perr,entagc,t�f"�vaste�� � "ger�R ���,Y,;:Hilc��brat�dk�sa��ee�`c��ng�s"c�nl�part ts�`��thc��:�r�maining��aCt+��"diqersaon,:thrt>t�gh���so�rce�par�tie�n�pra��'` � �salut�o���e��+elmg�and�vasti�reductit�n�pr�grams�ca� ;�gram�:Hilderbfarid�.h�s�prr►pased''�cstablisla�ng �.?25�percent ��� � �h�i+e�t�nly=�`a��mall'`im act��,th�����lid�vv�sfie�pro�blem�`�t the ;statewid��;re�ctirig�goal��at�d�instituting����.Salid-�VVast�e�Re� � ��� �(1C8�ICitel����l�:'���tk�C�.��511�?C�DT!]Tkli�C4�CY�f�1�'rU`t'dt�'��$15�c31.L11'B` :C(fYBI`�`��1y�ttO��}?�� C�.`i7111�3�QT741C` �;�&�BtA� �V34�1�F�6` G�1#1�'jyRC�1�`��, � . � a��$e�at�tnb+� ;�`�t�nIess t�e�e�sr�m,a��rr���g��anc1 m�rkeL gram�� t : .•., '���'�'r ` � � � -� � � .�" �h n e�' 'hic � � n ou ��. ' t, a�� lac�l gc� er�ment p� .�1�hd���la�8eba�te ovet�'��d$�+ast�piari in�te�+par�:t*�ews� �` b ng"abnut g�,� � � �� "��'�� ctiptinues;'c�ty c�f�r�al�;h��+c le�rne�1 t�lctng�rd actian t��d�� 3 :,: . ., 'Ir�div3dua11y�,��lacalB+�Ver�tm�nt���av�'littl���rifluen��rn'= _`�ir�ss;�land�'ills°�near,ngrcapacity����n1�t��►lusr�tiily`�eatpe�r�� � m�rrkets��td�r�t���ractic�l�ability<.�r���onstt�uct�and`+�perat�� ''ez�t�:Officials°�hould b�n �pared�fcfr,n+eg�t�ve�teaCtions�but��; �u€fxclent��angei+��'�publlcly�`ciwned'Ye�roc�essi� �� la�#sj�i� ��i�o��sur�rised by��them����r�knowledgeable�aEy��st�ft�shoulcl � � at�dl��o+�r�ast����rea�ii '���iildeb���tdt��a�ds.������'��"��� �support��el�cted'officfals�and�be'prepar�d tc���fsc���oPPos� ° ;'=Given�#t►�s`�i�et�ma����-1�t�wp+oz�-'Ne�+s�tyy�ouncil'd�� �`tionv:in:'addrtron;�acp�cting`�le�ted�tf#ici�is fi�bear'the tv �� �hveloped�a$�,�4=��ltrtsn.�omp�ebensxv���waste man�gement �fal burden;�far`pushittg`�i+�ed�d�wasteydi'spo��l=�facilities:�a ;str�tegy-last�A�rzl�"fhe�ct�un�il,�h�red`�a:�pubii�-inforrnation���`urirealistieF��on�roversiat���ts�ues�such`�s��vastetnanagem�nk �� ��� � �� � ,�fl����,�.� �������, ���; ;�a�n�ultan#anc�<��rtstit�tteci< +� " �� ��� ask�`�rc�;�G"�"F"j�r��t re�uir��2h��n�ut`nf cominucuty�re�idenes� '� � � :3plid=Wa�tt T�sposal� . � ����"`��.,, ��������� �'Without the°dedication csf�cify staff�members �nd th��� �� a >�'Th�task�force,��oniprised�tf��ud�ctors,"professors�'chem'��,commitmen�tsf�offieiats�ta publ�d�duC�t�an.and involvay ista,"�ngineer����nd s�vic leade�rs�=r�y+`iewed feasibilit�stadies���m�nt,�.mast`-waste=dispos�l`fa�ilit�esf;'ar�� ot����9.t4� � on��lan�it`illing,<ree�ctirig'�nd re�trurce�rEco�+er�tt��reEom� xdtai+v�n�board�wh�le trash k�eps�p�n8�}� �,;m�nci`a��solid�wast�pl�n��foP�the;+i�t-2�-�y�ar���.'T#►e.cityxalsa�� r :�� . �. � ��� ; � � � t�indncted��a�ti ai n"t+�`educate.r�ti�aen�about;tha disposal���- ,s anict�was�►vr�tr�_�Y����Edetrur�"�r publ���"�_`�'��9'°����` ��� � �. 8 i`� �� .i � _tr,chnaic�g�Cs�under�c�nsideratiOr�r A,mas�-barn re�ourcQ=re � 1�ormntlo���nsullarex wlt�Hare�d��re����'t�'`� ¢ "` CQV�CI'}�";�SCillt,�'�'MVAS+`feCOlritIlCI1i�C{�y`"Wt11C�1TWOU�tL'bL1C11s�X85�1 �`"�,x�18)YS�„��tr;���t����r�`�"r,�"�`� ��*�' ��{;� tY��''�`�'�_~"��`�-"n�,"��, � .�� � � ' _ _ i RR 6 � Arosrican Ci#y i CouMy/Resonrce Reeovery , � � �" �,� �� � � y� , � , � � � � � �� �. � �� �` �►�r� . �.RF�OURC��� � � � � �� � � � � � � �R�t�Ii�RY�� �� � front-end separation and no active recycling effor[,but ferrous some answers. Industrial representatives support Indiana Rep. ' residue is removed magnetically from the fly ash.This ash then Thomas Luken's bill. 5ussman calls it "reasonable, scientifi- is combined with the bottom ash and disposed of in the munic- cally valid and environmentaily sound." The bill establishes � ipal I�ndfill, along with sotid waste. The plant burns 100 per- standards for ash as a non-hazardous waste and sets minimum cent of locai residential waste and 50 percent of commercial standards for disposal-liner requirements, he adds, while ad- waste. Arnold says the ash has been tested 30 times since the dressing technical and economic issues correctly. ptant became operational 2'h years ago, and has tested consis- , "There are technical solutions available," says Knox. "The tentty within the maximum allowable limits. question is whether the public and our politicians will have the The Ames, Iowa, RDF plant is fueled with 20 percent MSW guts to teil their constituents what the costs are."' and 80 percent coal. The fiy ash is tested continuously for sul- He says environmentalists are absolutely right about remov- fur, contributed primarity by coal. When the plant was devel- ing contaminants from consumer products. "There is potential ` oped in the late 1970s, the original plan was to sell the ash to for heavy metals in products to leach out of ash into ground- recoup coal costs. But the sulfur content of the ash has ham- water. Americans, in general, need to develop better habits in pered sales efforts. Some ash has been sold for aggregate sup- separating garbage in their homes. As the price of garbage dis- plement in concrete,however. posal goes up and people are educated as to what alternatives At the Marion County;Ore., resource-recovery plant, oper- are available, hopefully they'll begin doing this." ating since Mareh 1987,ash from the mass-burn process is dis- Unclear yet is whether Congress will enact any of the bills to posed of in a specially designed monofili. regulate ash disposal this year. However, pressure is maunting Ogden Martin, which owns and operaies the plant for the from within the industry and environmentalists to ctarify how ' county, is considering installing a magnet to enhance metal re- ash should be managed. 0 i moval. EPA has tested samples of ash and leachates from the monofill, and the plant has done its own tests, finding lead contents below maximum allowable limits. Lyn Corum is a correspandent Jor American City&Counly The RDF plant in Dade County,Fla.,is owned by the county �ased in Sama Monica,Catif and now operated by Montenay Power. The company is re building the plant, and Charlie'Strong,vice president of Mon- � ' ' =a � `��',�"�� � � tenay, says as the old county-operated plant deteriorated ��x through lack of maintenance, the quality of the ash also dete ;�'�S�rT��;� ���} ,,,�'r riorated. The renovation will include shreddin e uipment to „ ' ���. � `' g 9 '�As h Te s t i D is p�o s a l replace a wet process similar to paper making that contributed � ��to the condition of the ash.� � � � �� � � ... ���. �_ � �, � �, > .�� � :_ �_ The plant removes ferrous metals before shredding. Once he following b�lls p�ndtng u►YCongte�s Vvc+uld regulat� renovation is completed, officials also plan to separate glass ,�; ���, � � �� � � � and aluminum�for recycling. According to Strong, ash is sam- �?�►testing and dispasal:`"� ,�� t��-� pled and tested daily. Bottom and fly ash are combined and •''���517 would require EPA to est�tilish-3tandards ` disposed of in a county-owned monofilL =�and testing procedures for owrtetslt�petators'oC municipal� According to Kevin Stickney, director of public affairs for 'waste�carnbustion anit�r The bill also wauid tequire EPA to Wheelabrator Environmental Systems, the management and . y$sue pernuts to thesC opet�tfing�nits ac►d treatment fac�lt ,° � � �disposal of ash is�a critieai element in communiiy acceptance � ties. `��� ���+��" � � ����=� � ��" �> •'� �'' �� '� �� ��. and environmental compliance. �HR4�55 amends the Solid Waste`D�sposal Act to pro , At a 13-year-old plant in Saugus, Mass., ash and MSW are 4`vide for safe management of municipal incinerator ash landfilled in a co-disposal site next to the plant. State environ- ���4357'•�vould �rnend`Subtitie D of the Solid Waste"'. mental authorities have permitted the plant to use the ash as ` Dispos�l`Act;to�regulate rnuniaipai solid-wastC incirferators:� cover for the landfill. Stickney says plant officials Cest exten- " and ash.The biil directs EPA tc►'develop rule5 for recyeling sively for potential heavy metals at every plant.Also,leachate- '�`a�d teu�e of ash within 18 tt�onths,:and to pul�lish guide- ` monitoring weils have been installed around the Saugus land- �lines for removal of items ar'materials tliat should t�ot be fi1L ` burned from`solid-waste str�arns before inciner�tion. The Stickney says separatin toxic wastes from solid waste at the ; bill woUld spectfy in�i�f�rator ash should be"regulated as a . ;sepasat�vr�t$t�under Subtitle D, thus mak�ng it non-haa- source (for example, in t�e home), and not front-end separa- ;� ��,.�,� ,,.� ;� � � z��s .a�`�, ; tion, is most effective in im rovin the ualit of residues, in- ,�'dous. � ' � � cluding ash. He says expe rence with mech nical, front-end ����`� �������'Ould�amend�the'Solid�Wastc DispasaT Act to �� separation at the piant has not been technically Feasible and ,<�tablish municipal-incinerator�sh standards.;Introduced in : poses'hazards to employees. The company's long-term plans June'1987f the bill has been incorporate�into:S1894.' are for monofilling. �`` •S1894 wtiuld amend the Gle�n Air Act ta�stabflsh riew;: , �t requtrements far areas that have�r�ot yet:attained health� . At the company s newest plant in Millbury, Mass.,the mon ':protective, ambient �ir-quality standarda."tn �cldition, the ofiil is designed with multiple liners and leachate systems, and . �ill woul+d�ontrol existin$and tt�w'saurCes af acid depasi�. reflects the most up-to-date ash management. Stickney says alt ; tion.`The Senatt +Cornmittet on En�+irur►ment and Public of Wheelabrator's new prajects are designed to integrate with _;��r�� �p��� �=Abill iast'yt�'� but"th+�fW1:Senate has , � � locat recycling projects. � � �;�not deslt�with the meastu'e ��°" , ._ �� ?� Everyone agrees the problem of ash disposal,at this point,is largety political. And everyone expects Con$ress to provide ` RR 8 , Americcw�City d�CouMy/R�source Reccvery .�„--..-__--__-___�. ..._ � � ' . � � � � f ��- . � � . , W � �� , � � ��� �: � � i ��� r � '"'�� � ""� Y� - . , �; � I � � ,� � � � � � � � u, , � � ■ ■ ec c in . ains roun � By Anne Magnuson ( heep rancher Ed Filbin of Westley, Calif., believes in disposal attack: waste reduction, recycling, resource reeovery ; keeping spare tires. In just three years, he aecumu- and landfitling(especialty of ash and unburnables),in that or lated 40 miilion of the rubber rings.Today,a$41-mi1- der. Currently, New York'operates seven trash-to-energy ` lion, privately owned energy system in Wesdey burns plants, and state officials predict up to 38 will be operating by ?00 to 800 of Filbin's tires an hour—enough to produce elec- the year 2000. Two are under construction in New Jersey, tricity to power I5,000 homes a year. where recycling is mandatory, and the state stresses future re- "I always figured that if you collect enough of something, soUrce recovery. there'll be a market for it sometime," Filbin says. Wilton, N.H., with a 1979 Consumat incinerator, made In C(ifton Park,N.Y., landfiil manager Louis Gerard stores $32,000 last year recycling everything frorn yard elippings to tires, hoping to salvage them someday, and recycles white Styro,foam paekaging,and saved$40 per ton by salvaging scrap goods,newspaper,giass,metals,building materials,car batter- metal. "Recycling reduces the volume of the burn," explains ies and motor oil. "We don't recycle for the money per se,but Donald Chambers, co-manager of the Wilton Recycling Gen- save on space and handling," he says. His county is under state ter, "and it changes the nature of the burn. Keeping out metal pressure to build a 400-ton-per-day(tpd)capacity waste-to-en- and plastic makes for less potentiai toxic ash and emissions." ergy plant. At a 3,150-tpd mass-burn plant in Pineltas eounty, Fla.:op- Recycling programs that make good use of all types of solid erators extract 25,000 tons oF metal a year from the ash,saving waste are a welcome adjunct to resource-recovery operations, $37.50 per ton in landfill costs."We have soid the metat under � lowering the cost of burning trash, improving combustion, ap- contract since 1983 and hope ta remove 40,000 tons per year peasing envieonmentalists, protecting water suppiies and pro- from the ash in 1989," says Robert Van Deman,county direc- moting recyeling industries. tor of solid-waste management. "Absolutely, there is a national trend to recycle along with The keys to successful recycling are the market, collection resou�ce recovery," says Allen Hershkowitz, president of the and public relations. Unsteady markets may crash, and a three- Municipal Recycling Association in Elmsford, N.Y. Cities, or five-year purchasing contract is difficult to come by, recy- townships and counties proceed with numerous schemes to re- cling coordinators say. • , cycle and burn on the drawing boards, but few put these ideas An Albany,N.Y., environmental consultant,Gordon Boyd, into operation. �, says intermediate-processing facilities{IPFs), also called mate- Hershkowitz, formerly of the New York-based environcr►en- rials-recovery facilities, represent a new trend in garbage-dis- tal research group Infor�, urges communities to hire recycling posal efforts. speeialists, not just lawyers and engineers, when setting up a Whether publiely or privately owned and operated, these recycling program. Obtaining good advice is the biggest obsta- centers take care of sorting, baling, cfeaning, shredding, stor- cle in taunching a recycling program, he says. s�,�ing and marketing recyclables. Industries buying used « �' ' °�materials prefer clean and sorted goods in large, con- Sometimes there is an inversian of sound econom- ,�� ics, with siting of waste-to-energy plants, before recy' � �sistent quantities,made possible by IPFs. cling is underway, as in Albany and Westchester � Boasting the country's largest recyciing program per County, N.Y., and Boston," Hershkowitz says. One% ,�househoid,San Jose,Calif.,serves 180,000 homes with solution is to create a recycling blueprint before the; � ',55- to 60-percent voluntary participation. Garbage dis- costty system is built, lowering the amount of garbage ��posal in San Jose does not utilize waste-to-energy teeh- � � guaranteed by the community and decreasing the burn` �nology,but it is a showcase of iPF efficiency. plant's votume. � Cans,glass botties and newspapers are collected from to a rivatei rbside and trans rted p Y a ur- ron ed� three bins at cu P� New Y rk romote fo New Jerse and o P 8 Y P :����r�a, RR 10 ';RFiC��Y:; AmeNcan Gity d�CouMY/�esource Recovetr ,� _.. _ .. . ' . .. . � p`{ . . . ..... .. . . � � '�. � .. � � ✓'� � �. 'b�d � , _ 'owned processing yard. "The city does the ublicit ," , n`�into eight separate eontainers. We wi}I give them to p Y notes recycling program rnanager Richard Gertman, ;;'�residents, and they will purchase others as needed," "and the contractors do all the rest of the service — �,,�Saugus will recycte piastics, glass, newspapers, metals, hauling, processing and seiling the materials." �`�aluminum and tin cans. The IFF charges San Jose$1.8 million a year or$10 ` � '� Michael King of the Massachusetts Division of Solid per househoid. Citizens pay $5.99 a month for inclu- . _;Waste Management says the state wili position 12 IPFs, � sive garbage service, and the IPF receives profits. The R}�Q���with the one in Springfield to be state-owned yet pri- � city recycles 8 percent of its garbage,and the collecting �vately operated by 1989. To bring in the recyclabies, � company pays the city the avoided cost of$8.03 per ton � '�Y�trucks wili be pardy state-funded. � 'of recyclables. The processing center returns money to � �y �"# « `='"��° The biggest disadvantage of IPFs,according to Boyd, San Jose based on the amount of recyclables recovered and is "sometimes having to travel handreds of miles." Another current market prices. major IPF pitfall is disposing non-recyclables. Even shreclding Saugus, Mass.,began recyciing newspapers nine months ago a junk car Ieaves 25 percent unusuable waste; This is the cost j to complement its 12-year-old resource-recovery system: Ex- of doing business, Boyd says. y pecting public apathy, the city plans to advertise recycling reg- Mixed recyclables can be transferred best directly from curb- � ularly to maintain interest, according'to administrator Joseph side to be sorted and upgrad�d at xhe processing center. "By f Giancola. pulling out valuabies, the volume of waste can be reduced 30 � Eventually, Saugus will transport its reusable materia(s to a to 60 percent," Boyd says. � state collection center in Springfield. The state will buy the The number of pracessing centers expands to cover }arge waste from Saugus at a market price, so profits will fluctuate areas or deal with large populations. A new IPF is on-tine for week-to-week, says Giancola. New York in Queens, and a $4-miliion IPF is under construc- "We will need to obtain trucks, either purchase or lease tion in Brooklyn. them, or remodel our trucks, or buy compartmentalized ones The more-common collection methods, either curbside or to coliect curbside," he says. "Collection will be difficult, as drop-off centers, create logisticat problems. "If you can't har- the public must be educated to separate {trash) at the source vest it,you can't market it," Boyd says. t � Commentary � � �� , � 9 ��I �Y.� �*� . r t : _. _ �c °,�*�s ��;k� �.+- �,� �'�g�r ���+� '�a . . �/ 5/ g !� � b � � � 'y�t�,j0y'1 5 `}� � #� S ;f�o-�1. ����''��f �' ��ional Effort Y µ�a2^5 i4 ���ky�3'�i���'�-1�������1�t � . . r x �� d c i � �1 �� �`��° d� �f,�t�x��3' � � %P� � � "v a x . . . �. ' >.s`��, 3 �} : z �.. � ., . :,,;, ',''':. x �,a��� F'�� � i �� . �w �- . � t ��`� �"y�+�?"`€ '� i ��. t . .� sa9 x+ �r �`'i."�d^�e� �f x.x��'„��" �'�; r a � � . s ��5����'�'�i �� !r i 5?�u"'��'t"�✓ r'� �, 4 B,�J Winston Porter'� �W��x� '"�'��� � �,�' s '` �Lf r�$�S'13�*.M��2 n�y�v rR� �.� .. . � . � 'c"��s 9!�r4�`4,� � ro 1. � �, A � + ;�.�� �4� ��' �.:�t'� �:^� �d.� �,�y'" ,� �p�� ^` �, ,�. .�x� �� ; � ..> "r � . �""' � . �� �;* ith�more than 80 percent of all household and for composting;hut��these efforts are.minimal �: �� �� �� � � �� ��� commercial�'garbage today'end�ng up�bur�ed m `�� .� �A�25-per�ent�recyr}ing goai should��nat be i'igidl��dhered',�� ��� �� � landfills, America is head�ng for�a ma�or�solid-:; `to in�every comrnu�►ity and �very state BuE f�h8t gcxal as re � �� �'�w�.st�disposal crisis, i =� ��` ' �`��'" � :, � � ` �`alistic for the���cpnntr}���a whole �� � _,, �� � ���The United 5tates produces more than 150-miltion tons nf,. Government of�cials can ptay an�important role 1n halp �. � ��,.�garbage per�year, By th�year 2000, that figure could m-`, ing solve the'garbage problem: Mt�ntc�palities shouid plan ; ��,crease`By 40;miltion.Nearly one-third of this countr�'s curz �_ for collection and recx�ling ftt�rket$and oversee�he opera �n; �° tent landfili capacity will be fu}1 within �ve'to six years. In ' tion of alls faciliti�es�'State governments shonid provide ': ' �addition;obtaining citizen approval to tocate new`waste-' statewide solid-waste'plannir�g,and develo nec�ssary laws, � v � + r�,..�'� � �.� .�t c; ; ; °treatrnent ot d�spos8l:facil�ties has`become,increagingly dif-;� regulationg,`and"enforcement. �'�c`� ���° �F ; � ' cult� z =" '� ` � � ��.� ; :-. � � ` '��' � � 7'he federal government�shauid�oondtrct research and de- `'. �"t`here are�no�simple answers to this�very seriou�probiem,.��-�`velopment,��serve as a clearinghouae'for�mformat�on, pr�t '` � �� � €��nd�aolvingf it��viti requure nevv attitudes abouC solid waste on;': vide'a national perspecttve t�t�the�ssue�and develop�ertain -` � �.the p�rt��bf�ail citizens.'Ultimatety����s ccrnsutners, everyor�e,_ �undertying regulations� �" " � �° '` `���� '���� � `�` `, � � � � � ��naY�►avo ta ci�velnp�new behavior patterns.r< �.� ''` �' �� � ,� �The United States�:�annot achitvey�this�25�percent�goal by '�� �� � --���=F'irst,��no'"matter how hard Americans�work to�change�= governmenE�efforts'atone, howeve�` lndlvidual c�tiz�ns and -, � � ; ���heir behaviori municipal land�lls and trash incinerators will businesses must begin to take �more�ct�vx,rol��� Ch�x� ;� � �. �� �� ,,� � .���� �. �.<br needed Pbr year§ to'eome. By`eutting�down on th� cycling process. � ��'� ^ `�"� �� - ����F �. ���� E,.. � `��amount of trash requiring'disposat in the �rst place, how-�_ ` Tnvolvement cran begin with participation'l�a�sout�ce�sep ;°` <��ever,�'U.3.-cihzeng can decrease their reliance on;these dis-�:�'.aration pro�ram�.Most r�cyc,ling efforts starf�With'the��n ";'.� '° posal�options��. ��� '� �m` - '� � sumer sep�ratang refuse mtu�su�h�elements �s�net��glass, � � � � � � ���r The U.S. Environmental Protection'Ageneq (EPA) fa � papei`and plastic �,�`@�� ` `�,' " "`�" ' ��� ��``� " � . � `_�vtsYs an integrated solid-waste management strategy that m x . To a large extenc,'increased 5eparation in�reases`the value z' i . �¢Indes:ieducing the amonnt`of solad waste'generated, necy-', of rccycled ttiaterials:Therefare;}ocai hozn�own�r�,rentera;:; �, ung,as much refuse as`possi�le,=incincrating somegarbage '�'and businesses Bhould Coc�per�te'with separation pragt�ms. ,;4�` �# ��� th�approptiate'environmefital controls�(usnally"with en-' �Wher� existing racyc,ling�"p�ogr�arns`'dii�not���exist,'ejtizen����� � ��etgy iecovery�,and.continuing safe land�il practice�: :' , should push for them with lo�al offie��ls,priaate f�r�ns,ser-? '�EPA is'promoting^a`natiiihal four•yeaz gaal of reductng : vice c�rganizatiaas�tr'non-profit groups '��`�� � ' ������ `��the$mount�f manicipal�Sotid wast��bound`for disposal by�? `�Nd single'group.can do t!�jab`,aloneg�but the�eqt(ectyve`;-� �h � ' �25'percent. �vrrently,the LJnited�tates recyeles t�nly about ;:, recyclmg effatts of�everyor}��tvill hei�r so��+e�thC garbA$t :.; "���10 percent of-total rtfuse natianwide;>About�half of all alu� � problem � ; � r ! � ,� �,, ���������, b ;. � � �titlAUt11 CR119��(9FlE���1tI'C�Of 11CWSpSpCTB�8t1C�A�30llt ��p�PCCIIf ;�e� �� � ,ia�� ��i'� as�. ""�' rt� � � �#�t glass battles ar�recycleti�urrently� ' `� � `��° ' � '� � 1 '`���In��ontrast, only about one,percent of`a}i pfastic goods�' ,�.�Winston Porter ts assrsrant r�dministrator,>'or,SoHd Wu�t� � �`�� � . t � � and very few`rnbbet`::products, such a� tires; now are reey-- '°and Emerg�ncy Responsa,tJ S Envtronztt�n�at Prof�ctro�t:, � ��r ;�sled�':A few�ihnovators are colle¢ting yard and food��wastes '.�-Agenry F =-� � � � Ame�icon CNy 6 Counfy jResource Recavery RR 11 � . ; . � When impiementing collection, "the first hurdle is how to ure to inspect for compliance demonstrates government indif- integrate the historica(service in your town with what you want ference,some planners say. ` to change it to," Boyd says. "If people have taken papers to In Old Lyme, Conn., if residents do not source-separate the church each week, do you want to interfere?" he asks, cans, newspapers, magazines and g(ass, their garbage coltec- adding politically strong leaders can develop popular plans that tion may be suspended by local ordinance. Other communities induce cooperation with haulers and the public. shame errant householders by putting brightly colored stickers "Source-separation entails work," Boyd says. "I'd rather on their trash cans. � talk about not mixing. Would you throw` :��;��'` In rural Saratoga County, N.Y., admin- your beer botdes into the laundry basket? � *� : ���0���� �strator Chris Callahan says the recentiy Mixing makes an unmarketable product." � enacted bill requiring mandatory recycling In Champaign,Ill.,administrators found � F'° for newspapers and white goods al(ows re- � the recycting container makes a difference. =���RY �yciing to begin slowty. The�county would .� � ' Collectors deposit newspapers, cans and� •� � _ - � = like to crawl before�t walks, he says. , glass at curbside. "When we first started, we didn't have any Saratoga, which voted down a $60-million, 44)0-tpd mass- � containers, and participation was about 20 pereent," says burn ptant last December,avoided spending miilions of doilars I : Generai Serviees Director Samuel Chandler. "When we gave to burn trash like some larger cities. Lawmakers support recy � ; everyone a`blue box,'participation went up to 80 percent,and cling because it appeals to those for and against the burn piant now it's down to 60 to 65 percent on a monthly basis." The Where source-separation is voluntary, various imaginative blue box is square so folded newspapers layer the bottom,and schemes lure participation. In Columbus, Ohio, officials con- brown bags of cans and bottles fit on top. duct a monthly lottery, asking residents to labet their curbside The Community Recycling Center, funded by Champaign recycting bins with their name and address for the drawing. County and the eities of Urbana and Champaign,also markets "A weekly pickup becomes so habitval,residents get used to corrugated cardboard, recy- doing it, so it's nothing spe- � cled oit, high-grade office� � � �� ������;�a si,�� ���;���.���e a � C18��» 3$}�S �,'�18II(��Ci. «Y011 paper, computer paper, and � need consisEency, a sepazate high-density plastics such as � �4 '>MQ�Q�Q�$,RQ�;QV'(^�� day for recycling, aiways the milk 'u s and bleach con- " " `' same da " � � PaperJCot'dboord,4.0'�► �' � '�'� y. tainers. � ���Other� �'� ''�` 'Aggte�eats 4 5'!G ��� Pilot studies are usefut Champaign's program Mqteritils � � 'y - sometimes as in Columbus,a aims at 50-percent waste re- ,t 5.5'J4 `����� city with voluntary recycling duction in five years. AI- ,,,{ a ; �������,: and a 2,00(?-tpd, refuse-de ready, aggressive composting � �, �, -, { � .��;� rived fuel facility. Public reaps 20 percent from the � .'`�' '��`��� � works officiais provide spe • waste stream. Yard waste is '��a��'�� � "' � ` � �� � cial collection bins to some collected curbside once a s ' Perrous Metais 53 39ri homes but not to others, im week in the Pall, two week- Aluminum/ `����'�£�;� tiate recycting in both low- ends in winter for Christmas � Other Metals 23.6% : �;� ` ��� �§ � and high-income areas, p(ace trees and in the spring. ; , ��}�,;� � ����;� polyurethane refuse bins in Chandler says Champaign {��»$' ` ��;=s alieys, encourage cnrbside ; soon will target high-density ' �.�.;,� � �� ''' ' pickup in other parts of the ; environments such as high- �d� , city, and try out auEomated rise apartments, dormitories } ,, � • r },� vs. manual waste collection. and multi-family dwellings gpURC��"`9488 89"Resauree ReCovery Yenrbook�'Of th� .' W�th these pilot-study pa- for drop-off sites. City plan- '"sdrytp��pt,2t12 reSource�reCcsvety faCilities„904 sald they re- � rameters involving 3,000 ners will provide large, deco- .,;�lolrth t3n�br'mote of the t�te#lais dbove Nc► '.. �1'MI�cNt3�,; households, policymakers rated, labeled trash cans this ��`:E��Y�[ed�t7� 3 site� � �;,5,���€:�'�,. `'�`' '�' � ���w'�` hope to catculate what works SUIT1fl7CL . . „ :�. ,r a�:��,�fias�„�..t �a�x f�'+,�`„�,�r�� "' q r . `��; � . . .Y� ;�„ . � �. �� �F-ti" best for CoTambns. With seven different sani- The city anticipates theft tation eompanies competing of recycling bins in aliey- , !� for Champaign householders'trash,one problem the city faces ways, however. "Mom and pop scavengers may pick up the : is discontented haulers who are losing money. A separate con- aluminum cans and glass," says local analyst Dennis Laroche. " tractor hauls newspapers, cans and glass. Although surveys show greater citizen partieipation with This hop-scotch system wili end when Champaign initiates curbside collection, Wilton,N.H., residents defy odds With a r profitable zones for each hauler, collecting recyclables on the population of 9,000, 60 percent of its residents take reusabte ; same designated day. Haulers wili be required to buy a license materials to drop-off centers. � and participate in the recycling program. Wilton, which plans to add a turbine for generating electrio- � Chandler advises cvmmunities to hire a recycling coordina- ity to its incinerator built in 1979, has a long list of recyclables � tor whose sole job is to implement and run the recycling ven- that will not burn in its trash-to-energy plant. The city recyctes ture. "Recyclin& eosts a lot o money, and someone must 40 percent of its wastes—newspapers,magazines,corrugated- � manage it, committing to mo�e than two or three hours a cardboard and brown paper bags, mixed clean paper, colored � week," he says. ledger paper, glass, high-density polyurethane plastics, clear ; Transportation is critical also for the Pinellas County, polyethylene terephthatate (PET), green PET, Styrofoam ; Tampa Bay, Fta., metropolitan area, which encompasses 24 packaging, aluminum and tin cans, aluminum foii, car batter- j cities. "The cities have the trucks and the county doesn't,"says ies, light iron,exhaust systems,wire,galvanized cans,valuable Van Deman, so cities with municipally owned or contracted metals s�ch as copper and brass, reusable goods such as sofas � colieetion vehicles develop the recycling systems. The county and appliances, ctothing and rags, kitchen scraps, leaves, and � recycles internally,he says,by recovering paper and selling ob- grass ciippings for compost. ` � solete equipment. Wilton makes its point: Recycling is cumbersome, but cost- � " ' Connecticut, Rhode island,New Jersey and parts of Oregon effective. C1 ` ' mandate recycling, along with some counties, tawns and cities ���; ,,f such as Philadelphia. Mandatory recycling shows government Anne Maguson is a correspo»dent for Ameriesn Gity&Gonnty commitment to saving money and the environment, but a fail- based rn CiiJlon Park,N.Y. � RR 12 �Americcn CH�r&CouMy/Resounce Recovery f . _. __ _.� __ - � � �� �. . �� � �'3 ' �k� 3.� '�° 3=.� 1 . � y ► *.; �!$ , � �� ,. �� �� � � � � � ��°,t ` ����� ' �� �` ������i • �,`���.F ��R_.9.��«��.:�wS��`,��s'� + � � _ , ; ' � � � � aci si n m an . � � By Kevin Walls � ; he aesthetics of resource-recovery facilities are gaining Requests for proposals (RFPs) for resource-recovery facilities an increasing emphasis. Without proper atkention to its developed by cammunities and their consuitants often require appearance, a facility may not "fit" the surrounding the facility to look like "an office building," such as the pro- environment and, due to the size and shape of the posal requirements developed by the consuttant for a 1,200-ton- structare,overpower the local architecture and become an eye- per-day(tpd)plant near Lancaster, Pa. sore. The Pennsytvania State Arts Commission reviewed the aes- Various structures on the site can be located strategieally to thetic requirements and stated: "To have a facility of this type be compatible with the massing and spatial development of its and size appear to be an office building is not appropriate and surroundings. This does not mean the structures should be should not be expected."The chosen aesthetic theme btends � camouflaged or designed to conform to the local style or era of with the open country around the facility site, meeting the ; architecture. Through the use of comptementary and contrast- county's intentions. The aesthetics rnust be discussed in terms ing colors,sizes,textures and shapes,the facility can"betong" all parties can understand. to the environrnent. A 100-foot high facility designed to look Site landscaping design is a significant and criticai part in like a Victorian castle does not make the structure biend with a ensuring the aesthetics blend with (ocal surroundings:The se- Victorian-era residential area. lection and placement of plantings, as well as piacement of Each facility must be unique unto itself and to the site and eart6en mounds or berms and drainage ponds,can modify the neighborhood. This uniqueness helps the facility to be identi- shapes of the buildings. fied easily while b(ending with the local environment. The Existing vegetatian should be retained where possible to plant's aesthetics should involve form, color and texture to maintain harmony with the area. Piacement shovtd accent § mold the process equipment and various structures into an inj areas, serve as buffers to a�ljacent activities, provide a human teresting, unique sculptural statement invoking viewer faseina- scale to the structures, allow for lines of safe vision, and give ' tion. This statement can be created best if the architect is in- new and softer shapes to frame the hard lines of the structures. �� volved in the development of a ,� �4 � ti , The architect is an essentia► ' project from the outset. �, ,�`� �� " ��'"d�,, „ �, member of the desi�n and itn- ' ��• � lemerrtation team for a re- ; � �The Walter B. Hall Re- '���.��a `� � w � ���� r�� � � � � � ; �^ � t . ` source-recovery faciliEy, en- � source Recovery Facility in „������,,� '��� �� Tnlsa,Okla.,was developed in � - � Y;�,,� � ; ,�i�& , � s u r i ng t h e protection of the � � an industrial setting�predomi- _ � ` � �"`��'�`+���.., �general public s safety and ; welfare. This objective is • nantly consisting of tank �; farms, refineries and similar achieved through: aesthetic �d process facilities.The aesthetic development to ensure com- ; theme was to blend in color, patibility'with the surround- ' �� shape and texture with the � ings and acceptability to the '� structures in the area. Con- � owner and the public; adher- ��' versely, an Indianapolis facil- enee to the buildirrg, safety i� ity, located in an indusirial and fire codes and�regulations; 1� park near the city's airport, development of the buitding �� took on the high-tech appear layout providing for process � ance and colors ta conform t� � �-�,,..,,,„,,,,� and personnel requirements; E� its surroundings. _ "----�=""` '" coordination and eooperation (� Both facility processes are •z��� with building and Zoning offi- i� similar, with a stark contrast �, ciats; selection of materials �� � 've and ct� . tra r ble at re du a � that a , , ,, , ,;� � ,� in layout aestheties. Each of ., � � these unique facilities blend > appropriate for the uses in- , � with the environment they in- c tended for eacfi area; and '� habit. If the aesthetic themes 4 �dentification of and coordi- '� were switched on these facili- z nation with special community '� ties, neither would fit its new o groups that can influence Ehe i� sunoundings. � design. i� Aesthetic reyuirements are the aesihettc fheme ai lhe Tulsa/ael►lty biended co/or, The aesthetics af a resource- ;� dit'ficult to define in writing. shape and/exture wHh tHe surroundfngs. recavery facility can be devel- fi RR 16 Americ�t Ctty dr CouMy/Rasouree Recovery � � � � � � � a � � oped by any qualified,licensed architect. This architect may be dor's architect during, or prior to,contract negotiations to as- employed by a full-service wasfe-to-energy company chosen to sure the design philosophy will be carried through;considering design, build and operate the facility. Some companies have an open public forum in the initial design phases to discuss encire engineering groups within their organizational structure. aesthetics with the architect, allowing for non-members of the Others employ established engineering firms to design the fa- CAC to have input; and altowing intermediate design-review cility. meetings as the design develops into final construction docu- ' '��` � ' Allowing locat input is a ments. . , � �► �' ` : major factor in the success- The concentrated cooperation between the CAC and the ar- �"' R�OURC�, ful implementation of a re- chitect will resuit in designs reflecting the community's con- �• -source-recovery facility. cerns while allowing for a respect of arehitectural and process R�'��' Rx�Many residents have legiti- requirements. i } mate concerns and claims When Hillsborough County, Fia., issued an RFP for a re- that cannot be ignored and often produce superior imprbve- source-recovery facility in Brandon, a suburb of Tampa, the , � ments to the facility design. This input can be formal through proposed site in the Sabat Offiee Park Development was con- � organized, appointed citizen advisory committees (CACs), or sidered carefully, representing a challenge ta the architect. can be informal through generai publie hearings and work- The county and its consultant developed a document placing � shops.A vehicle to allow input on aesthetics from the public to stringent aesthetic requirernents on the fuil-service vendors. In the architect must be in place in the initial phases of the proj- addition, the county formed a Citizen Advisory Committee, ect design to enhance public acceptance of the facility. whose purpose was to allow for input by concerned citizens on The CAC for a resource-recovery facility should follow some all aspects of the project. basic guidelines to ensure committee concerns are part of the The shapes, colors and textures of the 1,200-tpd operating design process. These include: developing basic verbai require- faci(ity have proven to be an asset to Sabal Park and Brandon. rnents and concerns that can be included in a requesE for pro- The predominantly biue color scheme with horizontal lines and posal; insisting upon reviewing the proposals and analyzing the square stack reflects the southern Florida skies,white the terra- aesthetics from all standpoints; meeting with the seleeted ven- cotta, toned tiles give a base to the structure, echoing the : California'Landfill Monitors�M } : k ��5 i �� . T � ethane Gas . . � - � � �egular, run-of-ihe-mill disposal sites for household specifitd air contaminants. To comply4with the legislatian, ' garbage,are causes for loxic concern. Flammable $KK collects samples 2d hours a dap at`periodic intervals. methane gas develops from decomposing organic ` Specially designed equipment is installed at each location ,,'matter,;and carcinagenic substances enter air and water to collect emissions. The"samples are �rrotected from sun- ' sources: ` ' ' ` light and temperature variation to prevent`compound To date,there is no real solution.Currently, the public is changes before or during analysis. In the la�b,.a special best protected by careful monitoring of all classes of land- Land�ll;Analysis System developed bq:Yarian; Palo'Alta, ' r fills to ensure toxic gases are not . ' " ` Calif.,is used to test samples, r``migrating into'nearby commu= �� � When the sample`t�aches the ' 'nities. California recentl ' '� �_ _.. �" � ;_ �Y passed - _�.lab,'it is logged in�and assigned .. �� � ..the Calderon Bill,requiring sach - a batch number;through the - ;_, monitoring. Unfortunately, � ...,, . data'station, and ihen is l�aded ' �� � �;: �many site operators'have had;� � into��an�an�osam�ler�and`fed � � . ���., �;trouble mee#ing monitoring . �.�°: into a gas chromatpgraph. ` ; ' ;standards due`to iack of ade-, Fr�Then, the sample muves into a : �_. yuate equipment prouiding low. ; £�cold'absorbenE trap, which col- � � ��� detectivn limits and,reliable re�.`` �:]ects and caneentrates ali the � � � �sults. ` ��' ` � ' „. � :compounds: Tt�e tra� tben is`�`. � `�"Accarding to Harshad Gajjar;`' `.` heated to220 degree3 F,�nd the . ,sshief chemist and safety direc- . � `resulting gas is desorbed onto . � ��`tt�r for BKK L�ndfill�in Vl�est�`�; � ��� � > the'analycical�colutrin.� �' � �,. ,- � ;�orvina, Calif., avail�b(e ° �� � The system is re�iablef��Ac-'- �� � ; <,equipment was'either too ex-'. cording to Gajjar,: ineorrect � � ' Chle/cher»Is�ond safeiy dlrecfor Harshad GojJar, ,,,measurement results'are hi hl pensive or simply unable to de- ,� 'tect low levels of toxic gas. � 'co/leeis gosaamp/es ot BKK tondtl/► � Y ' �' � �� �:'.�unlikely witt� the landf�ll-moni-.� �� � "'' "Originally, BKK was a Class T (hazardous waste) site, toring system. ' ' -`' ':. � but we voluntarily stopped taking hazardous wastes in 1984 After the analysis is run,"the results at�transferred to the � a n d�;e m ai n open to day as a C lass III (municipal waste) data station and hardcopy repocts"are`printed. 'Chese`re- �" site, he says. Careful rnonitoring is essentiat to our up- ports inctude information such as retenEion time, indieating � • eratians and, thanks to�new equipment, we are`able to de- :which'compound is present4 The data�t�tion then ealcu- �� ��u tect cnethane and other gases with parts-per-trillion sensitiv- lates and prints the compaund concentrations,if any,in the ; f� �' �,ty on our 1S0-acre site." sample. :The printouts automatic�lly are forrnatted for>�1�,. ;� � _°` AE BKK, like`most large disposal sites, methane gas is a ing with the loca(air-quatiry management district. ;� ��,,.�majorr problem.'It can se�ve as a carrier gas,'transporting >Gajjar`s$ys a series of underground'pipes is colleoting 10 ; �3 �:other toxie air contaminants present in commonly used to !S million cubic feei of inethane gas per daq presdnced by,�" � ';household items such as farniture polish, cleaning solvents the disposal site. Some of the'gas then'ia cleaned and sold a � �� ^ .=and p�ints. When these products are takerr to the locat to Southern California Edison for power generat(on. i� � dump, carcinogenic substances, such as bentene and chlo-. " "We will continae rnonitdring aur site �s long as neces• " ,� �<< roform,`can escape into tbe,aif and inta local water sup- 'sary," Gajjar says. "With a little luck and the t`ight equip- � ,., � .� �� � w Plies.' �� '' � - '° ' -'� .;- � �ment,we��rnay�'also be abte to�nd new uses for t3re xefase of � �� ; The Calder�n Bill requires dtfferent te5ts for methane and an industria!society." : �:' . p ;a � ,� y RR 18 Americcn Gty�r Count�r jRasource Recavery $ ,: �-. � �.��..� �� , � � � �� �+� � .� �,� � Spanish influence in the area. Extensive landscaping` +Y 4��the CAG an developed a scheme for the RFP docu- � and naturally shaped ponds blend with the Sabal Park a � '`r ;:�ment. motif. In addition, existing and planned additions; ;� In some situations, a local architect is used by the within Sabal Park now are being modified to duplicate; � ��municipality or the futl-service vendor for the facility the color scheme and aesthetics of the completed facil-� �design. An archikect may be retained by a citizens' ��y, � _ ��group or the municipatity to act as a consultant on the = The Bristol, Conn., area is typical of construction in� ��aesthetics and architecture and to review the contrac- � the Northeast with concrete-framed commercial and;��i�r�tor's design. This'merits considerat'ion on some proj- , industrial buiidings. The approach to the 650-tpd re- ����ects, whereas the design of other pro)ects may be han- � . source-recovery facility features various shades of gray� ° ,,, • e >+�dled adequately by the waste-to-energy company's ar- metal panels arranged to complement the box shapes formed by chitect. � " � the concrete-framed structures. The aesthetics combine with a The municipality may stipulate the local architect work in � compact equipment arrangement,allowing the facility Eo blend . conjunction with a CAC to act as a consultant on the aesthet- with the existing environment, even with the facility}ocated at ics and architecture. � � one entrance to a local theme park. For an industrial facility to be successful from a cvrnmu- Some full-service companies may elect not to use an archi- nity's viewpoint,the aesthetics of the structure and its site must � tect or limit design expenses by offering options from previ- be safe, good-looking and appropriate for the neighborhood. ously developed "generic" aesthetic themes. This results in Local citizens dernand input and adherence to their sta�idards, completed facilities not adequately reflecting the specific site in addition to building fire and zoning requirements, to tfie and its surroundings. Local communities should be aware of point that some viable projects never reach the construction who is performing the architectural design and the planned stage. With proper attention to aesthetics and early involve- philosophicai approach to aesthetics. ment of the architect and community in the design process, re- In iMe development of an RFP, some municipalities have source-recovery facilities can provide safe and dependable ser- opted to have their technical consultant generate a common vices in concect with the physical and visual environrnent. � aesthetic theme for all proposers to follow. Fairfax County, Va., retained a consultant to develop its RFP, which included Kevin WalJs is principal architect for Ogden Martin Systems, a specific aesthetic theme. The consultant's architect met with Fa;rreld,N.J. �u`�' ��.�e�s�,,�';� ,� o �,: , x, �. ��.s.; -: � � '�� *������ � � �`# ��� ' � � '� � > � ; Cho�sin a Vendor����'� �� ` ���� ���� � � � � ���� � � � � �. �� s�; r + � �� ��� '�'� x �, '�" Ri.��yt' � ., ���;�,� .�����"�yu�ty�r ��� � �t �' � �& ff � � ���Bankers Trust Company' , � .� ' ��� �� � � � � � � �,��` �� `� � �� ; � . � f}� �nvironmental�Container y�� . � ���� ��_ � �t��e �Bankers Trust Co.is a worldwide mtrchatnt bank that provides ad� E'nvironmental'Container Cor,p.�3?0201ndusitlat A�+�.�Hentet, %'visory and�inaneing services tc�corporr�tions,financial institutions "'Cnl�j 9�'343�(71�)4���3,�9�'�°'������������� �;� `������; :� � :and overnmenis, Fof resour�e=recov�t ro ects Baflkers TrnsE � ������`�",�� �����"�*��� �� ������ � � ' , '��art praeide f�nancial advice�access Che equty ms�ket,strttcture and� =KT��EI1@t'�+���+,r�, r�k..�.a�= . ._,�a ,.„„. ;, ; ,,.; �: t�disttibute debt issues,'nnd arrange credik and credit support.Bank= -'KTI'Energy is an experien�ed deVelo}ser"`o€,resouree�xec�svery Atoj$ » � �.ers'7i�ust Co,`r�80 Par/r fivet,.;New Y�l�'k,N Y `l4017, (.�'l�2)830- ��ects.:Tht�ompeny's�nit-serv�r.e apprtl�ch'�and�proven i`eFuse-de=:, � 1,�gg , � '�` � �: ` _�`" " �� ',riv�d-fuel technology afftr eommurift9es ldwa�isk�environrnentaity� " ' � � ,. � < , � ��OUDf Ett@I'QY Q@80U�C0', � - p�� safe,tong-ter'm snlnt�ons to salid-waste disposaT probltms:K9'7 Erk �=, ,,;� " i : etgX:tna,{Four G`rty�tt�ty Pot'tland,Ma�e O�dIQI� , .7)-.7l 922#�<�c �r �: ���« �i-� s�v�, �,� z $lount Snergy Resource,a Blount In�;company,is a full service � ���; ��` � "�, � i+endbr�of resoarce�recoverq`pt��ects`uvith'imh�snse capabilities to :�@fl����'��C�i�� :';����� �, ,: "�_� w, - . _ <..�� :, �.�r, � .: : � ngineer, deslgn, construct and operate waste-to-energy.facilitiest The Municipal Matktts Divisi�of"Mern1t LynGit�Lapiti��+Iarkets'�4 ;lJtoant Energy Resourc�+Corp.; 4320 Frecutlr�Park Drive,Mont- �;. offers,e�p�rien�e'In�fivane��►g°�dt�grsfed�tilid��a�f��yst�iris`In-" �, 'gomery,"Ala.,36192, (2Q,3f 244-3484x��,: ` � � , elud�s wa�tt'-trr=entrgy►`facititie�'<franging'iri`9izt�f�C+�i=300 ipd to� ' � � �r,a��_;��-� ���::�, ����`�;, ��r� � .�; � .3,000 fid T!'I�er�tl LyncH,�i#'et/d"�"'inandnl �_ �wer,>,��, � �� � � �iUM�@f+��d9 ,r,�:' ti : '`� � ., , _ ;^ � ,�New York.�`Ny11�S1,�.120�2,�`�'J'2 ���0�6?Q �� �� �5 = � � � � � � � ahler�Miag's rrsource recavery systtms ailow up to 85 percent of ,���t�BD Mdf��11 Sysf@IYI�" �� ,� , . ��� ,; '' � x:mnnicipat waste streams to be`treated and re�faimed.A;large pet� �, .: ; _ + ;� ; . ` �_ ., � � � °��tntagt�an.be processed into high-qaality compost,and recyclabie Ogded Martin�aystemd�s'a 1Gading Fult ser^�ai`�'tesource-iCGc►very : � mated�s can.be separated from regular'waste:BuhFer-Mtag Ine:; systems cant�aetor"with morC§thrtt►`20 pian���fn°'ripe�`atibn, under� llUO Xenieem Lane,4>P 0 Box 9d97�Mmneapol�s, Mfnn ,SS4R0, „construction nr awarded..Ugd�n htarttn Systtms Inc:,'40:+�un� . � ��IS �tB��OQ��� �,��"� �612}b�4S-1401,.�i. ��� � s x� � , � � �Rodd,tCN261S,Frri#�l�et�IV.J��(l,�,D�� ,��� �,w�:�,� � �Church�&;Dwight '� � �`� ��"' � � `��'�� �� " � ` � � Ritey Energy 5ystems, ��'���'� r.�. , ,��, � �'`� � � �� � �� Est�hlish�d ih 1846;�hurch&-Dwi�ht Co,isrythe leading�U.S,sup- �Riley Energy System§'providte full�serYl�e,`wagte�-W��'BY�P���.���� � i � � ptier of sodium bicarbonate,`ammonium bicarbonate and potas� including plant�permitting, de�igd, mana�aCturC;�itt�tatl�tiori"9nd ,: � sium'carbonate:'Church&bwight Co,inc, 469 N Harrison St., ,� long-term�piant aperati�tn�nd m�iptenatlCe"�Rit�y�ei'`$,�`�.Ysterns� ii�Ceto�t,_1�J.,D8�43,{609}t�83��Q � � �Cal�p�, 3�V�{�orrs�t�S�;�;�"�l�'�18�' 1Y+titc&�t�`,�N�fi01�13, � � . � � � � �Combustion Englneeti�g � ` `- ; � � rsns��sa���oa,;��,���� �� �� � � t� � �� �a� : � � ��� � ' �e Reuter Resource:Recovery�,; ' ,, , ���w�, . �� ��� � ' .Cbmbust�om Engineermg�s a supplier of both mass burn and pre k ° � ' '� � � . � ;par�l-fuel.systems to�the resttnrce�recovery mdastry.�The company ,'`The ReutCr��ecyclin$���piant�ya'ttta most,�mbdern`�►1d"mt�t.mecha �.;�� est i�; drarvs t�pon a t�etwork of worldwide license agreements for pra .1, nized waste�proc+essing,attd recycling�installatfan'tn'th�United�; �� '�rietary puwcr genefat#on and gratt t�chnologies Gombustion�'n, �`Stafes:Reut��Rr.�aurce�"Re�t► �1�11��"�t4'vd`1`�Sottal'�t`��ap,kins,��� (� ^� lne�ring Inc, l000 Ptospc�ct;Hrll Rt�bdr Wrridsar. �dnn D609S, �,Mit�n�:SS�d�3�(dl�)5+�5�f921� r,, ,, '�; ,�,,,a � ,����,�� '; {��3J 185-99�4,�� ���`.b��� �.;,~� � �"����*�}� +� ' � , �, �Wh@@�OE11'Qt01'�11N�Fnti(�1@11tt1�SYStBM�,�� �� ���°�`� , ' ,.;:� .. �._ �� � ��� � :Drexel Bwnham�Lambert a ����,�" ��� a.�� �. n ��� ��'�. � � � � �'Wheelebrutor"Envirrfnmantai�'�yatema'has'�igitt•�iesdui�ae�r�cu�ety�, "� 'brtxet Bur�iham Lambert is a diversif'rcd interaational investment factiliti+cs eurretltly�operatlag,`'which have the'caPxcltY tc�h�d1Q u�► ` � ,� � 'ba�nking and securities firm�wifh 52.2 billion`in capiEal. D�xel '�te I4,450 ti�ns`ot`"t�fn�'ctail}+�'a�tcl�genCratttnott thxtt 38Q mx'�if : � ' �'� Burnham Lambert,b0 Broad St,Ncw�York,N.Y lOW4,(2t2)48(k ,�.electricity:Wheetabrator Env3rnnmentat Sy�e�it����SS,Fcrncro.�t <� � � ��-6IbS ; z . Road,Danvers,�=Mc�s.,°O19�23t;(61?j;�1?2.20��� ��=r, .�: � ,. �� , ,� ., � �,. � . ... , . . ,y �, .... , , _ . � . ..� . . �i. . ....�., . �. . .. . . . � � � . � . � RR 20 American Cify i Caw�ty/R�saurce Recovery { . .. . . � . . . ... �x 'fvm!"�+' � w. � . . . . � •--*��. ^� - . . � . � . . . �r"�' .�.��` 1,`�� . . . � . � . � � > � . � �.. � � . �� � �� .*� . � . �� . . . . . . . � t . .. . . . . 'R'.�.:�� . . .� " , . . . . � . �-K . . � . . . .. . .. . �kLA�F'.. . .. � .. . . . � . . � . . . . . . . '.. _�� ', . ��� . .. � . � . . ��•�. . �'.� .... . . � . .. . . . . . . . . . � .. . � � � ��;���Y . .. � . �. ... � � . �R�I�V�RY . . . � . . . �3�F� _ 5.�,rni�J`o-ad� . . .. . , . . � � . - � � � .. . . .. . �. . � � � . .. . . .. . � . .. '. � .,, . . � . . � � �. .._ ._. .. ". . . . . .. .. . . i . .. � . . : � � � . . � i . . � .. � . • . . .. ... � . on rac in or ner . : By David Sokol hen municipalities implementing waste-to-energy (OPEC)still controls the bulk of the world's oii supply, crude projects begin to develop financing plans, the oil prices have fal(en to approxitnately$(4 per barrel. In addi- ' electrical or steam sales agreement represents a tion, an abundant hydropower supply, coupled with utilities' critical component in stabilizing long-term dis- abitity to transport power over long distances,has led to greater posal costs. The disposal cost often is referred to as the "tip- economies of scale, making a stronger case against alternative ping fee," which is expressed on a per-ton basis. Typically,the power. tipping fee escalates annually, and this variable controls the While economic incentives to pursue domestic oil explora- economic feasibility of the project. tion have vanished,alternative fueis still play an important role To maintain a reasanable tipping fee and minimize residern in diminishing America's reliance on foreign oiL As this nation tial and commercial rate hikes, local gavernments and project enters a new decade, PURPA, as the critical fegislation ena- developers shouid work bting municipatities to together to obtain the best � stabilize their tipping fees, � Cents/Kilowatt-Hour� paid��x for Electric � possibie electrical or �„�� ��� � ��.�. �''' is undergoing significant steam sale agreement. SGMpI@ � � �k � �Mean Minimum ���VIaX1Mt11Yi; changes that may weaken �Because energY PaY- ��All FCiGfli#ies�� � -� .��� 5,$0�: 1 49��`���� ���»'12'77����. its original intent substan- ments from the purchas- p�pnng�y�acilitfes ` 6.'I 1 : 1�85',��������';"12�7?f���x�k Y P ��'�_ ' tiall . What im act will , . ing utility often represent ���ti11g�FOCiliti9S `-, 5�25 1,�t9��� "�°'`����'1��0��;;����� these changes have on the � ���� � �� ' � �� � ' ��� h in fees munici aUties � 35 to AS percent of a �� � � � � PP 8 P ,��~��.SGUf2CE: i988-84 f�saurce 13ecbvery 1'earbook CN ftr�`,�35 �'�� �� projecNs annual aperat � �� �� g g � � �� }"�����' must pay for waste�dis- � � S�� �'�wvaste-to•eMer y projects enerr�tin electrlC �,+er�fiO4 �.,p€���„� ing revenue, the influx of � furnished price inlormation. ` posal? etectrical revenues during '1'he majority of waste- a facility's operating life is an important factor in determining to-energy projects generate e(eetricity that is sold to an inves- tipping fees. Due to federal legislation passed more than a dec- tor-owned utility or pubiio-power district, To facilitate long- ade ago, waste-to-energy facilities have been able to qualify as term contractuat arrangements, these projects must be ap- alternative power sources. proved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), insti- prior to project financing. If approved, they are referred ko as . tuted under the National�nergy Act of 1978,created a market qualifying facilities(QFs). for power generated by private,non-utility developers and ex- Since a community's waste-disposal service contract extends panded opportunities for energy-production pioneers. The act usually for 20 to 25 years, the electrieal sales agreement must mandated investor-owned utilities and publie-power districts,'as cover the same term to ensure bondholders are paid, and che , well as their wholesale suppliers, purchase a certain percentage municipality is guaranteed a revenue stream during the proj- # of their generation capacity from independent power produc- ect's life. Most waste-to-energy projects are based on dual rev- � ers. enue streams to cover the project's costs. Ideallq, tipping fees At the state Ievel, public utitity commissions (PUCs)exer- generate 60 to 70 percent of total revenue,while elecCiicai and! � eised Flexibility and determined whether independently pro- or steam sales aceount for the remainder. � duced power had to come from renewab(e resources(i.e.,'lvind In a typical transaction, the city or county receives 90 per- power,hydro,biomass and sol�waste),or could be purchased cent of energy revenue, with the balance going to the private � from large industrial concerns`that provided their owrrsupply contractor. Electricity contracts must stand alone and be at- and had additional capacity remaining to seli to the utility. tractive to the host uti}ity as a:reliable, economic souree of �' Sawmills, oii refineries and chemical companies represent the power — without using the enforcement implicit in PURPA, � latter. mandating a percentage af the utility's power be purchased � Most PUCs felt PURPA should give smatl entrepreneurs a from private developers who use renewahlt resources as fueL � chance. As a result, the early 1980s were marked by a prolifer- Nevertheless, different types of contracts exist. Without the ;�' ation of small developers,joint ventures and partnerships anx- power of PURPA, some utilities may be unwilling to take on � ious to enter the independent,power-production market. additional capacity, even when it is more eeonomic than their 's Since its enaetment, however, PURPA has become eontro- own: � versial. During the past 10 years, the international politics af- The types of electricai agreements vary from projeet to praj- ji, fecting the supply of imported oit have changed significanfly. ect. Alt, however, involve an energy payment based an kilo- .ii AitF�augh the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries watt-hours(kwh)the facility delivers to the utility.in additian, `' RR 2Z . ' American C�y te CouMyJResourte Recovery � �. � � - � _ � capacity payments are made to projects for rnaking available land, N.Y., utilrty's appeal of a PUC-set avoided-cast rate of generating capacity, should the utility need it. six cents per kwh has sent a confusing signal to staie PUCs. Although the heat content of the waste, and amount of en- The ruling revoked previous interpretations bq stating utilities ergyproduced,may vary from season to season, capacity pay- involved in interstate commerce (Orange & Rockland and its ment is fixed for 20 to 25 years. The energy payment varies an- associated customers supplied power to part of New York,New nually at a rate defined by a cost index,or on the basis of other Jersey and Pennsyivania)can no longer be forced to buy elec- fuel costs. tricity for more than the cost of generating power alone. The 1,125-ton-per-day Walter B. Hall Resource Recovery Since 1981, New York has required utiiities to pay certain Facility, located in Tulsa, Okla., primarily provides 240,000 independent producers six eents per kwh for electricity;�range • pounds of steam per hour to an oil refinery located near the &Ro�kland says it now can produce that amount for 2'/z cents. facility. Should the Public Service Co. of Oklahoma(pS0)ex- The ruling appears to have pre-empted the utility company perience a major outage and need additional power, the re- from establishing minimum prices for avoided cost. In partic- � , source-recovery facility would be obligated to provide PSO ular, FERCs decision seems to reserve the original intent of ; with ib megawatts(mw)of peaking and emergency power at a Section 210e,which gave state PUCs authority ta set their own � rate of 6.36 cents per kwh from the facility's 20-mw turbine. minimum and ma�cimum avoided-cost rates. ` ' Under PURPA, numerous state utility commissions, most In working with utilities, tailoring the agreement also is � notably the California Energy Commission (CEC), allowed helpful. Most electrical agreements have clauses for on-peak utilities to enter into standardized contracts, called Standard anci off-peak power purchases. A utility's demand curve usu- Offers (SOs), that provided the same terms, regard[ess of the ally peaks between 7 a.rn. and 1 t p.m. Svme contractual ar- type of fuel used. From the independent power producer's per- rangements provide a higher avoided cost For energy supplied spective,SO No.4 contracts in California represented the most during hours of heavy usage. Flexibility is a necessity in nega lucrative deal because they paid the highest rate per kwh,based tiating an electrical agreement; na two are exactly alike.From on the avoided cost of building additional natural-gas or oil- the private contractor's perspective,what is good for the utility generation capacity. Subsequently,California utilities praved to also is good for the private operator and municipality. the CEC hydropower can be pur- Through the benefits af the chased fram the Pacific North- e� . �`� �',����� � Public Utilities Holding� Act, west at significantly lower rates. ;� some investor-owned utilities are ` ,�7� SO No. 4 contracts no longer ex- ,;- �� � 4 � entering the independent power ist,and the market for non-utility �""°" �_� �`�" '"' " ` i, " tnarket and developing waste-to- � �. _. � � � -� �� � energy projecis through separate�� , < subsidiaries that provide tax ben- ` ' °'R " sOv���j� , <, y efits in the form of accelerated- � � = �� ' -. . �"'�- � depreciation rates. Waste-to-en- ' �� � ...� ��. �-1 � •` � , ergy systern contractors, how- ._R�COV�RY.�; `' ' . Z ever,should not perceive this as a power in California is unattrac- " ' � competitive threat. � In the future, waste-to-energy tive. w Located near Modesto, Calif., o systern contractors likety will the 800-tpd Stanislaus County o team up on projects with inves- Resource Recovery Facility will tor-owned utilities. The systems begin commercial operation in early 1989. Under this SO Np. cantractor could operate the plant for 20 to 25 years,white the 4 agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), the project utility would retain ownership. Many municipatities with lim- will receive a capacity payment of$167 per kilowatt-year and ited boniding capacity could rely on their local utility to finance an energy payment of approximately T.3 cents per kwh, esca- the facility by contributing eyuity. lated at 7 pereent annuatly during the first 10 years: For the re- This potential business partnership furkher reinforces thc maining 10 years of the contract,the payment will be based on need to strike an agreement mutually beneficiai to both par- PG&E's full short-run avoided operating costs. ties,rather than using the co�rcive power of PURPA to obtain Stanislaus County is one of the few successfully imple- the most lucrative avoided cost. As a private owner, utitities ' mented waste-to-energy facilities in California, in part, be- should hire an experienced operator. • cause of the attractive energy price,which has helped affset city At this point, determining how and to what extent the Or- and county tipping fees. ange&RockTand decision will affect the financing of waste-to- In working with utilities during the feasibility and imple- energy projects is difficult. As the recent ruling works its way mentation phases of waste-to-energy projects, knowing the fael through the judiciary appeals process, waste-to-energy devel- � mix of a utility's capacity is helpful. If the utility is in the pro- opers will have a better idea whether F'ERC has pre-empted the � cess of bringing a major coal-fired or nuclear-power facility on- state PUCs by exempiing quatified facilities from the Federal � line, it will be paying off a long-terrn debt. The utility will ar- Pawer Act, the Public Utility Holding Company Act,and cer- � gue any additional generation capacity will have adverse, irre- tain state taws. versible repercussions for ratepayers. Judging from the waq the NPRs and the recent decision are With the over•building of thermal capacity during the 1970s, written, waste-to-energy facilities will not be granted spec'tal many investor-owned utilities have surplus power margins as protection or preference. a ments F high as 15 to 20 percent. Consequently, they have been a61e to The impact of recent rulings on alternative energy p y � prove to state commissions atternative sources would impact municipalities and private operators receive from waste-to-en- � their rate base negatively,resuiting in higher consumer rates: ergy facilities cannot yet be determined. While the electricity j� Waste-to-energy system contractors need to keep in mind agreement plays an important role in stabilizing disposat costs �; utilities have worked to earn a "good-neighbor" reputation during the life of a waste-disposal project, the dramatic in- � based on their ability to provide reliabie serviee. Given their crease in landfilling fees incurred by local governments -� in- � long-standing relationship with local residents, bringing utili- ctuding the expense of hauling wasie out of sfate to find a dis- � ties into the implementation process early on is wise. posat site —justifies the need for a long-terrn solution Oniy❑a �� Many�state PUCs have a more open, flexible approach to al- waste-to-energy facility can provide. ; ternative power, and wilt provide more flexibility in requiring `� investor-owned utilities to purchase from qualified facitities. David Sokol is president and chief executrve off'icer of Ogden .� '�' But a recent FERC ruling pertaining to the Orange&Rock- Martin Systems,Fairfield,N.J. RR 24 ' ' American Ctttr 8 Coue�ty/Resource Recov��y . . , ESOURCE RECOV Y PC�I'iCIfY1C1 Cilty B1,11�C�S water and sewer lines in the construa instrumental in converting 1,320 tons of � WOSt@•tQ•Ener Plant tion of the center to allow for park ex- trash per day into 36 megawatts oF elec- 9Y pansion. tricity. The plaztt is being built on Ter- The plant will be a source of incame minal Island by Dravo Contractors. • �anama City, a resort community for the community as well.,Benefits in- Generated electricity will be sold to on the Florida panhandle, is clude: $2 million in yearly revenues Southern California Edison Go. proving that sun, sand, surf and from generated electricity; revenue from garbage can coexist. In 1979, leakage the sale of steam to industrial park ten- Charleston,S.C.: Foster Wheeler,Clin- into Bay County's groundwater supply ants; $1.5 million in salaries for opera- ton, N.J.,has broken ground on a$60- from its landfill was found. The city re- tion and maintenance personnel; in- million waste-to-energy plant.The plant ; '- acted by teaming with Westinghouse creased tax revenues; additionai gar- will burn 600 tons of municipal refuse Electric and building the Bay Resource bage-disposal revenues from outlying per day to generate steam for the U.S. Management Center, a waste-to-energy counties and military installations; rev- Navai Base at Charleston and electric � piant capable of burning 510 tons of enue from the sate of recuverables; and power for Carolina Power & LighL ; garbage each day. reduced landfill expenses. Completion on the project is planned ' Faced with disposal problems and ex- for the end of 1989: i pected population growth, and a deter= ; mination to diversify the county's in- BR'f�$ Lorton, Va.c Ogden Martin Systems, come and employment base, Bay Fair�eld, N.J,, has begun construction County commissioners decided to make on the largesf electricity-generating, re- the center the anchor for an industrial Long Beach,Calif.: Imo Delaval,Tren- source-recovery facility in the country. park outside of town. Through an ton,N.J., has assembled a new turbine The plant will burn 3,000 tons of mu- agreement with Westinghouse, arrange- generator at the Southeast Resources nicipal solid waste per day and serve 1.3 ments were made to include additional Recovery Facility,The generator will be million residents. O � � a k"�"A $r 'y �; °'np d°` f't' :z]'i" '��=O�a`��yra r R i��,�i �8 a Rws�"& �,1[��.��"c�e�� ,a �. i ■ �� ■ �' r • ■ x�"a k�����x�� � � ��t �,Srt�ng� a Fac�irty: A�Publlc Official�s View �� �� ������, �= ti Y�� J S u` G l �.�� � �^x<<� .�tY �yR.kx�h�' � . . �� h�most difficult aspect of sit� � sory Cnuncil (SWAC), was estabX` �'�,;regulations, and°the opponents' ' `���' lished to review and analyz� solid� �`�� : ` `'+{ � h��,� �ng a waste-to-energy facility is � ` � �measute w�s defeated �x��� �tot technical, but politicaf. But wast�-disposal issues over a two=year ti �� ' Ogden Martin 5ystems,°Fair�ield,>t � �,t6ere is politicai.iife after�siting such ' period. At one point, more than I50 � :`, N.J., began'construction;and the � `�a�'acit�ty = ` people were involved in SWAC aC s'' `first wa�ste was combusted`in May � °`Irt��1974� the Oregon Department �tivities. ���. �� �' � � �� � .1986.�While only 20 tnonths w�re re- { � � ��oF Bnvironrnental QualiCy notified ` SWAC recommended supporting "rF quired for"tt��facilit}�.t+�be built and';' �Marion'Cour�ty itS major_landfill „ the construction of a waste-to en ..�:T,-operational, 12 years were needed ta' �%i .. . . . . ; ��� k"`.''. ,�would h�ve`to be closed, The.state ,, ;ergy faciiity.Marion County 9 Board provide a long-term answer,to-the . .�,���said:the landfill did not tneet state r ..:of Commissioners issued a formai �,:, county's solid-waste ctisis �4. = ��`and��federal��fandards, cziuld not � .`" .,�request�''for prbposals'for the�facili �T��� ''��In retrd�pect;��two lesson� see��_`� � ��.e�cpanded acceptably, and presented ty's construction.A prospective`ven a r ciear,"�'irst,'public:offieials must da° ° ��, �a,,threat to nearby Willamette River; �, dor was selected in January 1982 ' their homewdrk in siting"solid-waste � �F`Marion County; anticip�ting the� �` ':County residents, however, were ��'' disposal facilitses, understattding the= ���landtitl cla�ure, �vas instrumentai'it� _��°� wary: � , r����,-�issues invoived, studying the.various� . �forming a fve-eounty.regional oom= The project's`opponents filed an • ',options alnd exploung the technicial' � � k�°mittee tt��develop'an economically � initiative�that would have made the A�� risks:^``�`���-." �"`�` `'`�� �:��` '� `�� � � �'fea��ible� solid-waste-manageme�it �����Facility's siting��nearly`�impossible `�'�'" ` Lesson°t�vti is rnoi`e dif�ictialt. 'To-`�, � ;�plan to address�ach county's needs �''Fhe county hired a public-relaclons .{;s-;,day,;many potitical issues are cen� �; ��Tfie;solution was to implement sev'- ';,firm to"survey residents about the t} eered on the'`NIMBY-syndrnme and '. �. ..,eral large; regional'uv�ste�to-energy ' waste issue. Energy recovery'was n�f'public officials must underst�nd this.` �' '��,facilities to take advantage c�f the ~shown to be preferred over a land ¢ reasoning.'Many`o�the issues proj>- �, ���conamy af scale ``�<, ` ' ` fiil, but one-in-three were concerned ect opponents rais�are.legitimate. ` � ���`-Marion County began hear�ngs(on � about the environmental impact`: j �=°'In c�rder`�tc�`prbvide a long-term � =ihree potential landfill sites in 19'i7 � :� Maintaining controt of the sitmg solution for�waste�disposal prob� � � ��:Already in''ptace was a flourishing ,process is essentiai. Within a two �=. lems, thete must bc a eommitmenE T��recycling program; Oregon imple % month period, potentiat sites rvere =�A along with siaying power,Across the � � ��� � '�'��mented the Eirst bott}e bill in the na �.narrowed down,�and�the d�cisaon �countrq,��stories of�public"�officials � : ��tion in 1972:But Marion County still was made to locate the facility'out ; �who have side-stepp�ed the issue are . � ��`�toduced �nough trash each month side urban areas. An internai man $�:comrnon,'But public afficials owe it',' �'�� ', �to 3�ut�r four football Ge1d5, SS feet �agement��tearn'�was���established,��and '`�`:to"th�ir�ommunity�to exp�ore tt�e�� � �`� � ;deep `� � =�`� �r�:�another�advisory com�nittee,the'Cit ,u.�`�options"fully, choose tht best.solu-��. � � � � �• � ��=r�y .1979,����the county's��waste-dis � �izens Committee to S'olve Mar�on ��.�tion and.stick.with i�� �- l��� � � � ,pasai�problem was reaching ctisis County's Garbage Crisis,` was � �; ��proportions.�Volatite public�hearings ����formed.=They�mv�nt�ed a law=kep � "'�yts artic7e wa�written by Randall �� � � ,� •��c�m=landfilis continued. A'citizens °'. carnpaign to assure residents the fa w � 1�`i�anke,a thre�e-timervrruni�ianetfor � ��. ��,camtnittee;:the Solid Waste'Advi- �"�cility would meet all;environm�ntal� ,�; MarionCvuntx,Ure::�;� � ��� �� � ° � nr. . . . . . ... . .. � .... , . .. . . . .�' .'. .. �. �... 2. II. � ,.�: . :.... �... . ��:, .,... : ... f . �� RR Z6 ' AmeNcan Gffy 1k CountY/Resource Recovery d f.. . � . . . . . . . ��. . �� r . ww , . ..: �Y.. �� � 1 . P Q BOX 51C� �' C��t1.� Q 2$75•�t45T}i ST. W ? R�SEMOUNT.MINNE�OTA ,Sp6H QS�/I`f�0��� 6 t 2-423-44 i t t TO:` Mayor Hoke �"t'�»? r3 C. " Councilmemberss Napper Oxboraugh , Walsh Wippermann } FROM: Stephan Jiik, Administrator/Clerk ��'� i DATE: 5eptember 15, 1988 i RE: Employee Benefits Plan � Staff has received a ' presentation from a company outlininq a me�hod by which, complying with' federal tax laws, an employee ' can 'reduee hisf�er federal and state tax consequences. The approach, allowed under Section 125 of the F'ederal Internal Revenue Code, gives the 'authority to deduct from an employees gross wages, and therefor before taxes, such things as employee costs for heal.th insurance, health care and ehild care. This, of course, would�reduce the tax consequences �or an emplayee. It would � also, where the employer pays its share of social security, reduce the I employers benefit costs. j : # Companies, such as this one making the proposal to us, charge a plan setup fee and a monthly charge for each employee in the program. There are no requi.rements for minimum numbers or percantages of employees to be in the program. An employee may choose to �oin or not� with no i consequences to the city or other employees. I i The cost to the city for this program would be an initial £ee of $540 ! plus $15 per employee which choose `to sign up. The monthly service �ee i is $4.50 per employee ` in the program which we recommend to be split � between the employee and the city or a manthly cost of $2.25 'to the ` � city. , ' { Based on an estima�te of 75� of employees signing up for the program the '� initial cost to the aity would: 1 �( Setup Fee $500.00 � 30 Employees 450.00 1 Total $950.00 ' The ongoing cost would 30 x $2.25 = $67.50 per month or $810 a year. � The ongoing eosts, based upon how much individual employees deduct from their gross wages for this plan, could be made up through the lowering in soci.a�. security taxes paid by the city. I wi11 go into further detail as to how this plan works at our meeting on Tuesday. I will recommend that the city approve this plan so that it can be implemented for 1989. It seems to be a very inexpensive approach to offering a nice benefit to our employees. { �� � .�.� ' , w.. � ` � //�� � P.Q LiOX 510 � �✓�L2� � 2875-i4STH ST. W. ! �1,� RCISEMOUNT;MINiVES�TA 55�6$ } �SQ7I'I���/�.� 612--423-d411 � � �.-�'�rv-� 13 d. � �: t�ayc�r xdce , ; C7our�cilmembers: Napper � f Oxboraugh Walsh � WippP.xmann � FRCM: Stephan Jilk, A�3min4.strator/Clerk OA�: 5epte�nber 16, 1988 , ., RE: F�cxa�uxnic Devel�t , Tn April of this ' year, wl�en d�artrnent heads made tY�eir p�esentatio�s 'to explain the operations of th�ir individual depart.�nents we discussed v�ery � �oriefly tt�e position of Ec��nie Develo�pnerit Direct�or. �a�o tmnths lat�r yau wexe given a presentatian by Attorney R,oger Knutson an ' the rnerits of having the city obtain tl�e st,atais of Po�rt Autl�ori.ty. We talk�ec�, at that time, about � options open to the c3ty, as to eoor�ic develo�m�t, ianler the status of a p�rt authority. We di.scussed tl�e fact that the city has taken great strides in acoomplishing evonanic developne�t in tl�e c�awmtawn area � with the existing staff and available resc�urces. We also di.scussed the fact � t11at the tools ava3.lab7.� �ler the Tax Incr�ner�.t Law� are slawly bei.r� taken ; `away by the legislature and in fact aPxtain prwisions ot the ].aw have sunset ' ` �ccyvisions to th�n an�d will cease to exi.st in a �ew shart years� Tax inerement finandng has been tt�: ma�or t,00l used by thi.s city to pravide the i.nv�ntives �s�Y � ��9 �Y Pa'a�eet8_SUCh a8 SOutl1 RDbGtt Squ�ar.�r the oo�i.ri3.ta[t ' I�ra�eCti'and the rest of the Svuth R�ert Pl.aza to reality. Withcnxt it, these � I�oroj ects m�st verta�.nly would stil�. be in a dream stage. � ' _ � Tb coritinue ar�d to e�nd t�e evor�ni.c developnent L�rc7gz'am 3.n �nt, at a � time whe�z it seems to be ��cxar�� turn and at a time when w� must c�onsider a � ba].ancing ot cunrercial and industrial gro�ath of our tax base to oaax' e�idin9 : i re�i.+dential base w�e must develope �w t�ools for the effort. , ,{ Following are my rec�oc�r�ndations to cor�sider to e�atzd and aoorc�inate a �ew , �ra in Rosgnanant�s eoonanic c�evelo�xnent lar'ogram• � 1 ) Prooeed with the effort to gain status as a Pcart Autt�ority. Ziiis wi.11 re�quire, as already advised, special legis]:ation to be pass�ed by the legislature. �is effort will be a canbination of labor:by aur city staff, legal Caunsel and l�ying efforts at the legislature. We have alra�dy advised the cx�unty boarcl that woe will be turning to the�m for assistanve in this area. 2) Proc�eed to hire an "ao�nom3.c deve].aRne�ltn persoa�. 'I�is p�rscm wauld assist in facilitating several aspects of the eo�o�nic deve].�t p�rogram Y�re including, but definitely not limited to bn�.sine.ss liaison, marketing inforn�atio� c�anpilatian, industrial/oamnercial develo�pc�ent planning and HRA /�art Aitthc�rity I�o�ect deveiv�ment and man�ag�t. More specific inforn�ation c�n , this pasitio�s' duties and responsibilities are outli.n�d in ttie . attachecl i c�b descripti.on. _ _ __ _ -. _ � � � CITY C�F ROSEMOUNT r 1989 '' JOB DESCRtPTION ; , , ' JOB TITLE: Economic Develapment Specialist � � DEPARTMENT: Cammunity Devel�ment ' � Salary Range: i � � ; ' � Job Summary: i ; This is a highly responsible position within the Community Development Department. The Economic Development Specialist must be capable of independent work with minimal supervision. Duties include the preparation of detailed staff reporks, oral presentations, preparation of plan e�ements, grant administration and coordination of the City's economic ' development. Performs other duties as assigned. Job Duties: The Economie Development Specialist: 1} Meets with citizens, boards and commissions, local businesses, developers, prospective , bnsinesses and staff [or matters related to econornic development. 2) Coordinates fax increment, deuelopment incentive and other public/private proposals in the community. ' 3} Prepares detailed staff reports for the Housing & Redevelopment Authority and City Council on economic development proposals. 4) Is responsible for HRA agendas, meeting material packets and packet distribution. 5) Undertakes economic development studies and other projects at the direction of the Director of Community Development. 6) Coordinates all deuelopment related grant programs, including the Community Development Block Grant program. 7) Is responsible for the creation and updating of an economic development pian and the updating of the HRA Redevelopment Flan. 8) Will assist in and may coordinate the establishment and operation of new boards and committees �d further economic developrnent opportunities. 9) Maintains records and information and suggests improvements in the ec�nomic development division. � 10) Provides marketing information and assistance to businesses, industries and developers on all economic devetopment matters. , � 11) Attends a11 HRA Meetin�s and attends other meetings as required. 12) Performs other tasks and duties assigned by the Direcior of Community Development. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- � _ • • Item 13e. 13e. SWANSON METES AND BOUND5 PARCEL DIVIS[ON A request has been made on behalf of the Matilda Swanson Estate to divide two ten-acre parcels from a '1?-acre parcel of property located at the intersection of Akran Avenue and 135th Street. The desire of the property owner is to sell the ten-acre parcels as homesites. The property is zoned Agriculture and the propased divisions do meet minimum ordinance requirements of a maximum density of one home per ten acres and minimum of 300' frontage on a public street. Included with this review is a copy of a letter requesting these parcel divisions and a certificate of survey indicating the proposed parcel boundaries and legal descriptions. Also included is a capy of the Resolution required ta autharize the divisions. Planning Commission recommendation will be provided to the City Council at khe September 20th meeting. Staff recommendation to City Council is that division of these Metes and Bounds parcels be approved, subject to the dedication of seventeen (17) feet additional right-of-way along Akron Avenue. ; / ; � i pC� � f S ' � E �' j t, � r /� �: � �� 1�j a � o�rso� ; Mat ; �� � � :� � � S ; � � � , �--��n ,, �; - AGREEMENT •; '�„ This agreement, made and entered into this '. day of � , !' September, 1988, by and between the' City of Coates, a munictpal ; i � eorporation, hereinafter referred to as "Coates", and the City of Rosemount, a munic�pal corporation, hereinafter referred to as . . , "Rosemount." '',: , � Whereas, each of the parties has, by appropriate action, j authorized its offieers to enter into this agreement. Now, therefore, it is mutually agreed by and between the , ' parties hereto that Rosemount will, upan request by the Coates � ' city clerk, p�bvide its building insp��tor to conduct any 1 � ; inspection of a building site within the territorial limits of Coates pursuant to the issuance of a bu3lding permit by Coates. It is further agreed, that Rosemount` s building inspector will � also act as the building official for Coates and review and ; � comment on all building permit applications submitted to , ' Rosemount' s building inspector by the Coates city clerk.' , ; , It is further agreed, that Rosemount's building inspector will , , conduct , all inspections and plan reviewals pursuant to the ; Uniform Building Code� � ; It is further agreed, that in consideration of the services , ' performed by the Rosemount building inspector, Coates will pay � Rosemount eighty t80�) percent of each building permit fee � collected under the Uniform Building Code's fee schedule, such payment to be made on a semi-annual basis commencing September 1 , aa 1988. � } r � , .. I 5 µ � � � # ! It is further agreed, that Coates will indemnify and hold Rosemount and its buflding inspector, harmless from any and a11 ; claims, suits, damages, costs, losses, expenses including ' , � attorney' s fees in any manner resulting or arising as a result of � this agreement. It is further aqreed, that the term of this Agreement shall be y' '. � , � for the period commencing September 1 , 198& and endin'g August 31 , ` 1989, subject to termination by either party upon thirty (30) days' written notice served upon the other party; and that both � parties shall review this Agreement starting July 15, 1989, for , , ' the purpose of �negotiating it for another term. � In testimony whereof, each of �he parties hereto has caused ; : �this agreement to be executed on its behalf by its respective � ; , . �' officers as of the date and year first above written. : ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT a' , Stephan Jilk, Administrator Clerk Rol�.an Hoke, Mayor , ATTEST: CITY OF COATE5 Marge Karnick, Clerk Treasurer Karen Mogen, Mayor + r 1 � � ! � . � � � ���-�.v, I 3� • *x**�r******�***********PiEA10*�**�*********�******�t***�r DATE: SEPTEPiBER 16, 1988 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILr1EPiBERS C/0 ADriINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEriS FOR SEPTEAiBER 20, 1988 COUNCiL MEETING CONSENT AGENDA Receipt Petition/Order of Public Hearing to Consider Vaeation of Utility Easement Lot 1Z, Block 3, Broback Fifth Addition Pir. Robert Olson, 14590 Danville Avenue West, is petitioning to vacate the northerly ten feet of the southerly ten foot drainage easement on Lot 12, Block 3, Broback Fifth Addition. The reason for this request is because Atr. Olson's garage encroaches on this easement. Mr. Olson is attempting to refinance and the bank and title company spotted this discrepancy, therefore resulting in this request for easement vacation. As I understand it, Mr. Olson did apply and receive a building permit to construct his garage as it is presently located. I am not aware of the circumstances which caused the garage to encroach on the easement. � Recommended action for Counci2 to take would l�e to receive this petition and a set a publie hearing date of October 18, 1988 to consider the vacation af this easement. �� � '4 • • City a�' Rosemount Petitior� to Vacate L•'xistinc,t Lasem�nl/E2iyh�-ot-way_ To the Rosemount City Council : I «e� , the undersigned, b�inq the ma�ority of the landowr�er$ afid the owners o�' at least SOX oi' �khe land area abuttinq �.1�(o���T ; hel�ek�Y r�quest th� city to vacate the Lallowinq leyal descrip�inn of �ublic; eas�ment or rtgl�t-oC-way (Fjl�ae3Q 9tt;ACI1 sketch) : � ,z c.Y� r�E r— ¢� rr� �- . -----�--..�s2� Z�_C��?.:L Y - » �007- -D �--� i " - _�.,�,_���iv-r- o>v l -T- /Z� Gx p,�G � _, Si ai:ur -." AddrEss �, x 1 .._ ��� / ��?�.____._��Z> /Z C�1�.�- ���,� z. � 3 . ---..----_.___ . � _ .�__��_ ---------- k'or City use only i Date Rec'd: ! -----------------___-------------------- , "----------� �_�%��__�L'__T°_Council : � � ' . � . S n� 1" � i _ _. � I : i ; � ��r iz � � I 1 �c.a ? , ,I G,� .� �� I � ��' . i �o�A�K � rrt I �1 �f���G7 J%� RI�J i l.l._.E ��l.,,,r. � i � l I ; i �11 � ; J i � .�' � '2`��.q� f �:*.�4 t r!�+Yr �2 � i1+� � � . ,i �.�. •T I iY�M41�'����•iikf�'�l�.rl': .J. ' �� r{ , _� _..�..c� _ .. .tt�=� . � - � �.:.. __._„ - '� ----------------------_ _ \ i � , 7 ' : � � �. \\ rA � . 4 .. ..... .. _ .. . . � �. , � � ,l . _. � ^ ___. .. . ._ . . . .. . �, . . . { . . . .. � , � : I ; —..�-_. _.___.. -t-t, . . . . .. � __..._.... .._ �.r . . � — _ ( 4 � — S-T- � ._. � ; ___ __ _ , ✓_ _ _ I � ; • ; � ; ; ' ���..��� �RoF e�s E L> �i4 SEME�✓T � �:�.:� s�t .,�� i Vj�-�-r'�f�N i � ,, ; � � ; , ; , i � a ; � � � � � i 4 . � . • � . . .� . . . � . f't� fiOX 510 �2�� �) ?A7S 1A�T11;f W ` �/ � HUSFMONN f, MINNf�;O t A !�r�t7C,la ��S��-Q1/C�� Fi12- A73 A41f ���, 'i'U: Y iayor IIoJ:� CQUT2C1�.IitGI:l�J-Gal"S Td�3���>�1 � O„t�oro�,g}i G;�_lsi� ;��i pr��rm�irtn ?_,P.O�i: St�phan Jil}:, A��:rriinis:trztor:/Cle�:�; . �, r � ll:�1L: ueptember 20, 1 ��� • l�L: Cor��parak�le s5lorth Pres�nta#�i on/Uiscussion I�t.t�Cf�1G-'C� %1Y'E.' S�Vf?l�ll lt�l;l�i Q:� lI1�C)Y':':l�_1�1OT1 Y'n ��]":�'•.li1C;` �il�.`. �.ni€lj:�=1]'r����� ,�•,orth Study anc� r�commenc�.�tion for acLi.ozz ��� ?.rn;�1f>>;,<,z1i.�,�ion �f �h�.t reco��i;�ic�rlc��.tion fo:� ti7e City oi rZosern;�unt. Iri Mu��.n�?�izing �11 of-. tlli� for =�ou, l ��lirvr ,�r },,;��,�•, 1_.c���c `7��, �.•�11 c�n �'il-C' �^�;1�_ 1"E�C�Ulr�itlCTl�:i� OU2:' i@S.^.c1Y'Cll r t�lE? c.j';�?r'C)�C''1 �J'� tlrr��7 �z1 cl�velo,�in� OLl�' zpr>ro�.ch an:.� :Cinally some �.l�ouc�lit:- ori cc,mr,l_�.�z�icc. I 'n sure t;�at in reaclinCs tl�roucjii thiC r���orl-. anc� tht� acl:}ustr���t��lco�t �c�ction t.li�tt r�as been cr�ra�?ilc�r�, yoii eaill t��ve c��x��:tion�. �SSIlC'S SUCil c`�S t�'1C?aC dY'n S{7I'!�G'tliil?S Cluc�1 <1S CY'�..^��:���_ f01 t�1C�S'? b� US tllat �1av� W�ork�a on tha_n� �c�r pea-ic�c1� sp�trrzir?c� r►ont11.^ ; ;�ut ror tho�� o� you tiiat ;aill only n�ca deal ����ii�ll tlic� is�u�s, tl1c� ,_rit_=,i,�, ti�e prt��ess anc� th� ramificatit�n� can k�� a l.jzt c?izzy%.nc�. I�:�},c�j�r.,l1y� t}ie �tt�r.h+�c�. in�armation c•rill �ut it ��11 into ��rspectiv� for ,�c�«. `3'lie purpo:yc� of �rovic.�in<� tliis inforr7►atiori i:: tL�o-J o1,1. F�'irsi::, to c��_v� you the l�`�,t uncl�r�ta�zclin�� t�e c�n of tli�� coi.�;�l.�tc:� �,r�r:�;�._. an�1 t�i� raz:�iiications of Lrle �al�n :if ��c1c�;�fic.�ci. �,c�co���ll�, fic� c;<iin r,ric,�,;.ion ca:� : t�ie ;�lan for itnp_lecn�ntZtion. ` - ��11t��:��;OIJTII� In 1 y�� tlie �iinnesot;� le;islatur� a-,assecl t?lr Cai�i::�7r�.r:��.� ;9ox tii La��� ���1i:zc�i re�:�uir�s puk�lic e�n��lc�yers to coricll.ict a jc�k� �valu�.ti.hn sttTc?.y, c�c�terT}iii�e "co.n��arak�le wor}c� valuc�" basecl on ;;z3ot�lec�icJc�, �.�n,�or,�i3�ilif.y, hLfor� <�►�c� E�,7c�r1;�n� c�nc?ition:� ancl �st�}�lirh "re�son.a}:-,ln cbrn,�-�r��;�ltic�zi relation��zi.r�s" for all ��osi�ions, c�itti tfie �:�ccp�tion of r.�l����#-c�c� ofi'icials a�ic� certai� F�art-tim��, i.�et��l,or�.ry �n.c� s���cc,.rztaf��le �:_�i�l.oy�<�.�. In estZ;�li�Iiing "re�-�sonaJ�le rc�lationsxiips`° c�in�,lo1c-��.� ar.� tc� eon�=ic�er interrial anc' eV�.ernal co:�IpC`I1Se?�1[?21 rel�zf�i.oiznhi.��:� }��t�:�f�r_.n ,-�11 L-�osit.ions, tdli::�l ��CO�;ljic"+:Cc s)a.G' 4,'d:k"}� V���.LiE'f� ,?�111t� cl ��3"].1;111"1� C't�T"1::,�_t�F:'I"�l�:lC)Tl. � � • * l�urii�c� Liie 19�3t3 �ec�isl�tive s�ssion i�}ie l.egi�,l.�tiu-� Z:�as^r�l a �,�,il.l. ��rl�ici� �roviaes a penalty for n�neompliance in tll� fr�tr� c�f: :in ��r��ncint� t�:a:: l.�vy li�tiit anc� rec]uced St�t� aic�s. 'I't�is nec� le�_if;�.�tic.�ri rec�i.�ir��; �:l���t �� plan �or compliance be c�evelc�p�d �nc� re�E�c�rtnr� tr.� tt�� Comrnz�s.i.�,i��z aL L"rnployee I?elations hy Uct�l�er 1 , 1 9£33. �l'he ��I::�ai f.nr i�nr�l�iTi�r�f�itxc# �quita�le con�}?ensatioii mus� provia� f_or corn�lr�tc� i?�pl�}n�rltati.c���t n�t lat�r t�ian I�ecember 31 , 1 991 ,�unless a lat�r clatc� li�s h�eri <,.����rt�y��� U�r thn Com-nissioner. COI•?�'L111T�C� 11PP�t011CFI�S US1��� PY CI`I'II�S AT.0 Cl'i'fIL;?: }?UPIaIC LiI��►,(JY�',I�S t^lhile tli� 1954 Comparable tdort}z Law iriclt.zdes �ritueria far r.���in�.�1y "reasonablc� com�ensation r�lations}aips" tlie L�v� clo�s not c�aril�s�tin s��cific prc�cedtir�l c�ireci:ives ree�ardinc3 ho�a c�mplianr.e is t.o ���: achiev�d. Durinc3 the 19£3£i legivlative session � nrc�posc�cl }�i1i °�ri�ulci have r�c�uired employers to raise the av�Lagr� er�F�ii�ryn,a�ioi� for �emal�- dorninatec� classes to the average eompens�-�tir�n for m��le-dc�mi_n�-�t�d ' classe�. In other c�rords, tltc� pay tr�nc� line f�r m�zl�-c��mi.nat�c� cl��sses c��oulcl have been thr rec�uir�d stane�ard for �ay ecxuit� ac3justi�ents. '1'h.is bill c1ic1 n�t �ass. 2'Iany pu)�lic �mployers, inclu�ling nizn�erolis cities �nd. col�ntin�+ I1�ve ai�aly,:ec� �,�y relationship� by cieuelopinc� �n "�l._l. �r�nloyc��" p�-�y �r�r1d line anc� usinc� tha.s line as i�he standarrl for F��y ec�tzity acl�ctst�n�n#��, Tliis pay tren�.� line is c.ievelapec� by constructinr� � scztt�er�rarn in �rhicll cor����r�zbl� ��orlc values (job evaluation points� ar� ,�lotted ac��inst salaries (usually salary ranqe midpoints or ma.;i�nu���s) . n "lin� ofi }�est fit" far_ th� �lotted �aints is then cl�t�rmin�e3 hy a ''le�ast sqiz�r�r�s" multi��le� rec�r�ssion �nalysis, `.['his line r�prc�r�rit�s tt�� p�y tren� lin�. It is �ypically adj ustea at the up�er �nc� b�r ac3cliriy sc�zne f�ci:or ta t}i� lin� ta include consideration o� noncom�ensat�c� o��rti�ne f_or ��:er:ipt emplc�yee, Linc�er tlie Tair .Labor Stanclarc�s 11c.t. Thi� ��dju�;t�n�iit i� niacle ta recognize that noncompensated overtim� is 3 ",��or};ing conc�iti.bn'' not ac�aressed in ttie job evalu�tion stuc�y. "Com�»irable worl; value," as definecx zn the �tatute, is to includ� consicZerati_an o:E knoti�ledge, effort, responsiuility anc� warking conditions. �>inre noriex�m�t emPloyerC kaith considerable ovc�rti_me/com�tir��c �nay e�rn an ��nnttal salary �ahich �r,c�eds that of e:�em��t supervis�ry }�e�sozi��elr consirier��ti�n c�L noncorR��ens,�tec1 ov�rtime as a cuarl;iny c�ndition a� n�3�c��c1 to cl�veloZ� i�hc� "proportipnal" relation,hip of point valci�s to co�����enCation c,rliicl� is requirecl hy law in tlle aefinitian of "reas�nalale relationstii1��. " Recoc�iiition at noncomZ�ensated overtime will h�lp tc� r�l.ieve t�Z2e s�].ary compression for supervisory and man�gem�nt positions cvliicli l��s been c�ocumer7tecl in t61p comp�nsari�n studies concl��ctec�t by ti�y ancl i�s yociates for tZ�e i�iii2nesota �egislature. Follo��.ing determinZtia;� of a p�y trencl li.ne adji�si�cl to coz�sic�er nonc�rnz�ensat�ci overtime far e;:�m�t emplayees , f���� ".��l�ry rorriclarr'� of + 10� are construct�c� �rounc� tlie pay trencl 1 ine. 7'lies� cort.icic�rs ��r� i�ased on t:l�e settletnen� of a �ay ec{u.a�ty c�ir�,i�tc� ?��t �,��,n� f:i"1� City c�L ';an Jose, California and a ��u}�lie ernr�l�y�e unic�n, i1T',,� t'.'i.i;. T3iis c�nf.lict 2 , � • � resuli�ecl iri a strike; settlernent terms inc7_u��ec? pr_ovic#i.r�g for init.i:�l pay ec�uity ac�justrnents up to tl�e 9t)o c�r.ridor for �.11 t�<�.��_t9.c�ri:� for t•�liieli comp�nsation fe11 beloc�. Iiased on i�his 'conc�pt, �:nd a�cattse a c�rtain amount of varianc� iror�� t3ie ��ay trr�ncl line is ex��eci.�cl c�ttn to �rror� of r�leasurement in assEasing jo}� valu� ancl other factors, mariy pu}�lic em��loyers have �do�t�c� salary corriclor� a;; a meznc of c�eterrnining �•�liat pay equity �c�justments are neecleci t� acfii�ve eoinplianc�. SQme �m�layers have ac�opted a pl�n f�c� ac7jusi_ �l.l sa'larzc�s to the 9f)� corziclor for tli� f�.rst yryar, to tlle' Q5"; corric�c�r tor tlYe s�con�1 ye��r anc� to tlYe 1Ot�`� corriclar foa- t}�� tizi.rcl y��-�r. . ����r }�la,n implc�cn�nts adjustments to brin� �11 ���ositi�n:> ��e�lo��.= tlle 1 pp°; lxn� to that 1in� in a t��o year }�eriod: onn-h::�lf in 1 �E3� ancl ozie-I��-�lf in .1 930, I;LCOi�IIiLI�1DEU L'LATd FOI; COtiPLI11i]CL; �OR ��'I4� CI'i'Y O� l,U:�E<IULJPIT �Zose�nau�lt hzs com�aliec� t�itn �he leqal rF�c�uirernet�tr L-o co4�plet,� a _j��? evaluzt,ion study anci c�eterinine "cc�mp�ral�l� :-�ork v=z�u�" Lor al1 ��osit:ions l�y particir��tin�� in the Joint Ci�i�s' S�ur3y c,�}�icl� incluc��cl c a��proxirnatel�� 13U citic�s t}iraughc�ut the ;;�tate �f Iiiizne::�t�, City of P.os�inount mic�point saiaries ]zave l.�een plottc�d ag��%n�;{� jc��� �valuztion poini:s and an "�11 errz�lc�yee" ��ay t�enc3 liiie I�z��s 1_���?i1 c�1.ev�lo�ed witli coinputer �ssistance. S��lary corridors o� 904s �izcZ t�a; I:�ave hc��r� construct.:�a a�ounc� tlie 1 QO o pay trend lii�e. F�:hi��it� � nrc�viclQs a scatter�r��m shocring tZie oric�inal jab evalu�tzon� anc� "all er�:���lc�y�e" p�y trend lines ancl 90� an�3 110� salary corridors. 'rTe lia-�� revi�wed setting tf�e 1 0�, 5� and som� ,,Li.>�cl" snt,�zzatian l�vel of comk�en�atic�n between f:1-�e ex�mpt ancZ nan-�:�e.��7t� l��v�1; of nur personnel structur�. �V� tiav� revie�eae�a �tie n��<� tc� ,��a�.nt.-�in sont� l.,v�1 af cli�ference l�etcae�n theC� l�vc�ls �in���ly tc� r�a9:3.�ct� tlic c�xtra tit:��, trhic�i i, «ncom��ensatc�cl, f4r th� eY�mpt pnsi�iasls �izzl <�l_sc� tl�e n�e�l to ins�.irc> tliat a po�itioii �ia� tl�c� �t�ilii�y to r�cc�iv� c�r.t�a�,risai�i�n reflee�ing tlic� nature of � su�ervisor, niid-r:1at�,ac;�rnnnt l�vel I;�ositiUi� versus a general. stzff �osition. t�Ie� recomm�ncl the in�tiio;l wliich s�t� �t c�o�la� �-���t�t�ni_ �v�i�fc�r�nc� l��tV���n tli� lac•rest. level (t�oint valu�) cle�artment �i�a�,� t�c,si.'ci�n ���i�1 i:.h� t�itJt�est rinn-�::em��t' ��osition in tkie structure. lli: I>re�ent t}�c�re c��:.ists a :��,U00 c�i�feience. '1'his cii�ferenee i��� !�etarminecl throticJ?i a s��l��r_y �rlc� k�en�fit review v�hich c�as ultimately aclo}�teci t�y tl�e ci�:y cauncil last _ idover>llaer, 19F37. `Chat reviec� reflecter�l position value in thc city s�a:E� struct�.�re, st�zf.f < salary ppsition cotn�ariuons ��nd market (ott»r 'ci�y) sallry lc�vc�l comr�arisons. '� The ap��ro�ch w� pr�sent here is just�ifia)�ln f_r.e�a-:� �-rc��li #�21�� ��zi;�l-oYc�� ancl enl��loy�r vic�e�point is as follows: 41 ) Set :�omc� specific dollar clifLer�nce ( t� b�.� �naizit�zin�rl �:; �alari_��C � � . J � . - � � . � . � 4 ' . � are unnLially adjustecl) b�t���c��n ParY � Pc�cr�at:in�7 f�i_r�c#�or ��o�it_ion and I?arl. Foreman, (Lowest e,.e�pt t�� Yli��hn�;t r�o��-c�;:nr�pt. ) {2 } I�cljust salaries for pasition5 a'�c�ve th� I> � �: Diic�ctor }j��;;�c� u��on �oint v�-�Iue at the A t� P. Dir�ctor �o�ition ancl �tie aclr��c� p���i�s to the higher position�. t 3) The folloc•�inc� a�nroach v�as us�d: Ea.j .Set an initial difier��zc� lani:i�e�n th� f:irr� nr;exlz�t �cj�ition (P f� R �irectorj anc3 the hic�h�st non-e.{�i�a��t x�o^ition (Foreman) . Th� initial di�f�rc�nce clio�e�� t���s r5, SpU. '�')i� ��5,5�0 amount was l�ased upon �al���t cre �ot,nr� ir� our revi�.-� of positions in the marY.�t in 1 �F37. (i�) S�ttiny this difference cat�ses tlze P �< !; l��i.rr,r_tar i�c�.;i.ti�n base salary to b� $�1 ,226. Thnn diviclit-�c� 1?�iii�: vz�.iir�� f�r that positio�i into :�41 ,??.G (�41 ,?.?.6 c�ivi�lec.l }�y 99 � ct�2� . Adding 42.? to `��1 ,22G for each ��oint val_�z� abc�v� �9 t�� z�tlect �oint values for upp�r level posi.tir�ns caL�;;�s s<�lar.y �`�c�justments sl�own b�lo�o. �i'o f_urth��- rnflPct a rnorc� r���ti�:tic ( ?,500 is sliown in �;:isting plan) aif_f�rerice l:�et:����c�n the City 1ldministr��i:or position anc� cle�artrn�nt h�a��i pr�c.it�i�n�, � miriimum of a $7,QOQ dif.ference i.� tiz��:� cli�f�z:nnc� �•�}iic13 c•�Qi.�lc1 �n th� �ninimtim m�int,,lin�� is r�comrnenc.Z�c�, `.t'he rc�rultin�� sal�ry sc�le is shtiwn b�low. Point. E�ist. F'ro��a:,c�c� ,�cl.j , c Value Position P�;ic��oint tlic�r�oin� I�rnount 118 City Admin. :�47, 5Q0 ' ��0, ��'3 �3, 3t�B 1Q5 F,trJ. llir, 4'�,000 �l3."�II 3,�3�£� 1 03 Colnni. llev. �U,UOU n,?,9fi� 2,n�n. 1 01 Police ehief_� 40,o0U 42 , 1 �U 2. ,1 ?.t� � a�� Finance Dir, 40,QQC� 41 , G�t� 1 �{;j8 `�9 P 1� R Dir. 40,OQ0 41 ►??.6 " 1 ,7.2� �4 Foreman 3�,UOQ �5, 77� 1 77(i , 'i�l�e differ�nce uei:c�c�en this prot��sZl ��nct c�tlic�rs cc�n��ic7t�rc�c1 is :;l�oc��n beloc�r. �'1r�otint of hc�justi:�ent �� � �? :, 1'l i:t?U C'ity 11rlr�in. � 5,735 µ� �, 270 � 3, 30� P.ta. 'bir. �3 ,t17� G 172 3 ,>i)fc , , Comm. U�v. ?, �S7 1 � , £�'�O :?, <)G�� T'c)lice C:l�ief: 1 ,5£35 3.56(i ,'. , 1 ZO 1�inat�ce llir. 9�;G ? , 937 3 6°(3 �' � �2 Dir. 39S ?,31 (3 1 ,?;,r, `I'ot�� COsf� �`1 i� 5f3� �;?�� 1 1 _', "� ,-,� � ;?,� � �� • , IL- <<�e u,ec1 � fix�t� amotint c�n �t3e nnn-p�rc�nt�c�� ac�juri:z��r�t �nc�t?-�or1, ���� can aeco;c�pl.i�h a s��re�cl, allevia.tirzc� tlie cox����i���;a.c�n r�rcai�slnrn �� the� up��er ievel, cvithout cauainc� tl�e "tift" affc�ct :�n 1oc�c�i Posit.i�nC in tt�e structure. This a���roach brinc�s all �asi#�ions midpoint sa1<�ry ��nges to �;rith_in + 1 �� of thn "��11 em��layee liile" , �.nc� z�co��niz�s l�pa,nr lc�vel "�„�r�n�,t" — Z�asitions. d"1cljustni�iits ���otilcT net�rl to I3c� ixt�r�� t� :�c���i� 1 G of t%�� 31 �tt�tfi ?�c��ition�; . '1`}i�s� a!�i7u�tmc�rits xanc�c� tr_o;� �-� lc�;r c�f `.''?;'.O, fr�r_ tl» ���roc�ra�G� cli�ector iri� p�r1.s ancl tlie ��sist��nt �������.�1_y �.���i�7t_rr��-, i.�� <�t hi��1� �� � �or tl�e ��u��lic works ciirec�.o:r ��c��5_tic��z of- �>3,L�(?�. 1� total a�l.j ustinen� cost to �ccarn�li�}i t�l:liC ;•rnt�7.�1 t,� �,?�', 1 `l?. i�� 1 +a;;`> �?01.1��rs. nr�proving ttie sal�ry Plt�.ri in Tlov�•;1�����-. <?'; �?c�,?; , t_i�c:_ fi.i:-.>�, 1 _ 7 I:. t,r , r �i�ep ii�z tti� aver�ll �rocess z�itli tlic� n:cccptic�t� o� i:},,f, ��Tiio�i r,c>:-�zt�io�zr o.c :�jec}ianic IZ/Ilaintenanc� I7 , I�S��c}l�nic ITT/t�t�-�int�r1,,�1<�^ t1'T �ricl f-1�� of�fic�rs in tlic paliec� unioii �•�tiicli reinzin )�it�l�. ;lc.l�?i.i-.i.�n�'!_ ,�c1ju:;t:.�,�F�►IL-�, ar.�� zlo;: 1��iia�J co►�tc�mC�l��L-ec1 sn tliat I.li�� ti�i_ju�;l-.rn(�r�t-.:: i����ctc� I �i�-i� ycri�-, ii� aclol�tinc� Z crc��i}�1�, long term �ir,�,�r��-�c1i tc� ��-z.t.i.ry sclicc�ules/ac7justmetits, �u.rnecl out i�o be .� vi<�?�le �_�r�cl. cr.•r.cli?�l.c� :����,zo��ct�. Tn tl�at� s�lary pl�n adoptec� irx T?oveinl��r, t�i� rc�c.���rri;�erirl.�rl a��Y�rc��ci� to :nal:incJ af�.justments correl�i�ea ���itli t.ze cone�r�t o�� nrovinf� all �m��].oyees to �.he :niclpoint of tlieir sal�ry r��nc�c �,�ithi.n tkir�r ��earC �f th�ir I tiirin�; c3�zt�, titne in ttiis po�.itian, or in �;r>;nc� c:.��r��,, c�l��t-c� rr�n�j�x aclju:i:r:i�z�t� c�aer� to l�e m<��1�, ��itl�iti t�,r� �e<1r; 1:rc,i;i i_}i� ��c"lo}�tic�ri c�.€ tl�� nev� }�olicy. 'i'l�e pt�r��s� of ttiat ��z�ro�r_11 :�a:� �.wo-Lolc1: to n�t �ul�jc�ct tlie cit�r to large ��ay increase costs initially an-1 ��conclly ��' recocnize the efforts anc� ak�ility af emr�loyces by s��tint� a t},ree year ��eriod as a minimum for an em��`loyee to rc�aeh c� 918tzZI1d�rc1" or r:�icl-r�nc�r-_" perforrnanc� level. CVitli tl�is cornparahle e�orth implernentation �la�i, �ome ac�_j�z�tinEnts �a�-e requirec� to bring po�ition salary micipoints to the iPrnidc3le z�.ri�e" or +1 fl� fram th� all employee linc�. Rattier then Tnake all of the requi_recl acljta:;{,f;1E321t�; �incler t}iis I�lan witllin a �ne year period c�r immecliately, I rccor►F�iei7cl �h� rZ�1j ust�r��ni.s }�� macle ' ov�r a t��riod bf t���o ycazs. This c•Jill ,�lso a.1._J_ac•� us to m^rt stat� reqtiiremeni:s to complete adjustments hy the encl of 1991 . I�lease understand that these acljustm�nts ar� to �h� mic�P�int c�� the ��l�.ry range for th� �ositions. In some easrs tlie em��loy�e l�as re�ctin� tlleir midpoint anc3 so the statec� mic�poiiit is their salary. 5ott�e e���le�ye�s have not reached their midpoint, and the r��3j ustments for com;�arable caorth i•rill �e to' their eristing salary along v��i.h th� adjustments. t� bring the employ�e ta their mielpoint as alreac,y �p�rovecl in Ftc�v�n�k��r of 'l9�7. Ti�e result of this tt��� y�ar �.c�just��ent �lan is shovrn an the� attach�cl spreldsheet. (r;xhihit l3) 5 . . .} . . . . .. . . � : .. � . � 'A .. . - _ F.X H 1 S t Ty f�C�SEM � UNT PAY EQUITY ANALYSIS F� R 1988 ORI�INAL REGRESSfON LiNES - �7/2�?�8$ 6t? 55 5Q � �` � 45 ... w � ~ h � �� o 0 W p Q � 3 � �� Q °� � a � z 30 '�, Q a 25 � � a � • �i 20 15 40 60 84 100 120 PQfNTS � PDSITION , � �-1 +- � �'rs5 � �'5 � � � �S � � oor� � c�•, a0000 � o � oo � � dCc� � � � ^� � � � cLl .- ,'�� . . . . . .� � � � � �' r� � � � � � � � � � rr- i- r- e- r- �- r- c- r- re- a- rs- �- r- �- �- �-- �- e- e- s- �- Nra- e" a- � t"1 � � V . r . � � . � . � . . .. . . . . . � �. r � � . � . � � . . . _ i" � . . � � � � � � � � F � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � p.m.N.N. . . . . .q.� �^... . .t^�.. c�.t�. .�.y .t�. . . . . . . . . . . � Un �1' `�' V� d' V�' � � � !'� N � � NNN � NNCV � � � NN � a1 � t0 � � � � isf ��Z`Sc� � � � � ao �� � "� 0000000000 � � c.s53`�$ r- .- .- r- .- r- .- �- r- ,- .. .. .. .. . ..' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. � r� `� oS� o +� 000rJoaooao� tlidti3ti �� � ~`�' ,,�`� � ����� � � � � r � � � �. �.. �. .- - - . . . . . �� � � �- � �. � � � � V r- �"- �- t- s- r- e- s- �- � i- �- � e- r-- e- r- e- s- e- i- r- a- e- e- r- CV a- i- r' e.. � � � �, � � � � � T � � � � � � �S �iw � � � 2� � c � �� �� �525 ��S � � �i �'S � � d'; c� � � � � � � ��\ �* � \p� \ 1 sy�+ S�\+ t��4 � \�`�.�(v�\ \�('♦� \ �►{(�♦ i i \ ♦ �► \ � ♦ � � y . � . . . .� . . . `4t � . . . . . . . . � � � � . . :;' d� '� � ef` �� ch �t�'1N � �NN � CV � NN � U'IalNN � Of» l(� � tp M t7rt}+ d' d� � OOOOOOOO � d � � CT � � � ����� �� � � €��� � r � - . . . . � �- �- � �- � �- � ••�•• *r,'�• • ♦♦ •• •• ••.�• •�.•• •s �• •� r � �*♦ •• .•� �• ♦• •• •♦ •• �• •• •• •• •• •• a•. •• �• +• .� . . � � . � . � �r � � � O � �� O� � p O � � HO � C� SssO � er- e�- CV (V � � C' • �� � • • • • • • s • •.. • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • � • • • • + • . . . .. � . . .. � a000aa00000000000a000000c7000000 . � ...i � . . . . . � . . . . . . . �� � •� ••:i� •• ••� •• •• •• •• •1 •� •• � . . �� •• •f •� •• •• .•� •• •i •• •• ♦♦ •• •• •• •• •• •• •• � � � ad � � � �fitik: � � � � o� aooaoo � � oo � � �� � � � �- w .- .- rr r ► • � w � � r � � � C�'SMryNr- e-- i- r- e- fVN a-rMC+"1('NN *• .• •• .. .. .• .• .• .• .. .. �. .. .. .• .. •. •• .• •• .• •. •• .. �. .� .• •� .• +• .. • � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � �� �� � � �� � � � � � � � � �� \� � �► w � � � �. �. �.� w � �. � r w s. �, � � ♦ � w � �. � ♦ �, � � "� `� `� r r �R " `� � �'i'�"v �i �ic"� K3 �3 "c.� N `c�l � °�' �s.' � � � a�, � oron � .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. �- .. .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • � � � ������������:������������������� � et' � Q"C' �J' � � � � � N � � N � � (V N � � � � N N rC�- a^- �-�- � e��- e�- � � � O '�IO � � OlC71I'� � � � � � � tO � lO � � t17lJlt!) tf� lfl �fSt7) ll� � �l w r r y- e- i- w �: � aw .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . � � � •�: �: ._� �; � � � � � �, � � � www � � ww � � � � www � �caw . . y .•• �• •♦ •• •• •• •• •i •• •• rM.,u �• •e •� •• :•• u •� •• •� •• •• •• H •• •• •• •• •� � . . k� Wf�7 W W W � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � z � � � � � .. .. .. .. .. .. .. «. .. .. .. .. :.� .. .. .. � .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ��� �� � Cy L-�,!.� � � � b ►-� � � � � � � � a � ��� � � b H � I � � � � � � � a �. � � e � � � � � � � � � .. . . . .. �j � • � �,��-�- ��:=,�.� ` : �.�... � � ; � :: . � . . .w > � . P.t). EiOX 54� ��Z(.Z� O 2875-1dSTH ST. W. O�Q��,`�� RQSEMQUNT. MINNESC}TA 5506H G VG 612—:423-d411 �� h T0: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough ' Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Ji1k� Administrator/Clerk DATE: September 16, 1988 RE: Comparable Worth I will be presenting, in final format, the proposed eomparable worth plan and implementation proposal for your consideration at the meeting on Tuesday. In order to present it in final fc�rm, certain computer runs are required and at this writing I have not received those. Reviewing, the entire package without them may, be misleadirtg and certainly inappropriate. It is hoped we can have your finaL approval an Tuesday for the plan. ` Lacking the final report at this time should not affect our ability to adopt it Tuesday since no conceptual changes are being made. dw a f rii ~ . .L � � ' . rvA f��� � .. � �� + x r t; ���-.--, �3 � ���� � � � � ��� � � � � >' rtEMORANAUM , , � � >s� ��a, . . . ��Y�, . . . . � C�u 5� . � � r . . . � � '�sla � . � .. . � � �''� r 1 � � � '$e� . '���� . � � � DATE: � Septemb�r 16, I9$S � � � �} ��` . � ��. � � � T0: Mayor & `Councilmembers �"� "p U �x� �' c/o Adma.niatrator Jilk ��Y�� ��� ' � �� ��^; k � ,;' � � ^ � ,� � � � � �s� ' �� � t 1 : FROPt: Ci�y Ert�ineer/Public Works Aire�i�, �� f���ti ry�; � r � � ,r. ° �" � ; ' SUBJ�; ITE1+1S �0� COUNCIL AtEETING -� SEPT ',,Fr��il� ��,� 1988 � p ��.� � � � �'��°;.�. � �� � � i � � � � � �� _ � �� F,' Approve �'lans for County Road 42 :���Ce P�th ,, � � The Cot�nty has been planning for sometime t�� �onsC�ruct a bike � �k;� � � trail to connect the existing bike trail al��t� Cauntry Road 42 in Apple Va11ey and 'T�Cunk Highway 3 in Rosemou�SE. This plan provides for tfiis �onstruction, The plan s;��+� is too bulky to distribute with the paekets, but anyone wis�iing to loak at it prior ta the couneil meeting is welcome to �tt city hall. The County is proposing to construct the bi�t� trail on the north side of Gounty Roed 42 from Diamond Path te�.Ch�ppendale Avenu�. From Chippendale Avenue to Trunk Highway 3 `�he County proposes to construct the trail on the south side of Gdt�rity Rnad 42. . . � . . •y . . . I have no problems with this alignment, ev�f�, thbtt�;1� it does slightly disrupt the concept of a straight ����rrf.d�r. But bikers will have to cros� County Road 42 at Trunk;��g�it�tty 3 no matter ,�•' which side af County Road 42 the traiZ is �+���ftetl. Shiftin�; the ;:� location on the south side of County Road 4� ��tkes ser�se because , of the potential trip generation the comme���$1` property south ofr County Road 42 will produce between Chipper#�g�.e Avenue and Trunk Highway 3. � , � � � ���, � '��� � � � A representative fram the County will be g��e�iC to discuss any = questions or con�cerns regarding this plan.!'� �{� ' � �F��. , � � r 1 I ' Action for Council to take would be to app ot�e' the attached �-� ` resolution approving the glans for the Coti' iy Road 42 bike trail � � ; between Diamond Path and Trunk Highway 3 i� � � , �� ;t � � � i�� �� � � � �; � � � � <� , ;3 f ; � , i� ;; f ? ,� � �, ; t. : � �+ � � � ti �. � ;,, � ' � �� j� '� ' � '; . �- � � ; . i � CITY �1L' ROSFPiOUNT ���,_ � '': RESOLUTION 198F3 - � t ..'___.__ ..�"' d + � A RESOLUTION APPRQVING PLANS FUR '�1i� i CONSTRUGTI�N OF A l3IKE TRAIL ALONG G�h�l 42 � � WIIER�AS, plans £or Dakoti� County Froject No. 42-52 �1ltawting pr.o��sed � f � ali�nment and erc�ss see�:3.ons for ttte constriacti_on �vf �i� �ipl�k fo�t �wide �� ��� i bii:uminous bike trail aibng Lhe north sicle of Co��r��y State Aid tii:ghw�y 42 Uetween GSAfi 9/33 and Chippend�le Avenve and alt�i�p Llie south gide of � CSAii 42 between Chi(rpendB�Ie Avenue and Trunk liigt�x�►�, 3 witl�in thP limits o£ the City of Ro��mount as a Gounty Project ��ve bPen pre�ared ( and �resented to the City. ; � I � NOW, T11rREFORF, Ar IT RFSOLVFD by the cicy c�����it c�f' Ro��mount , I riinnesota that said �1ans be in all things ap��ravPd and th�t the City will be responsible for maintenanc.e of ttie hike trail »p�n cc�mpletion � of the construction. i � AbOPTrU tiiis 20th day of September, 1988. ; ; ; ; � i Rollat� Iloke, Ptayor ATTGST: j i � i i I Ste�han Jilk, Adminiatrt�tor/Clerk �( I � , � ; , � � � ' ; a , i ; ; , ' ( � ,� ; „ f I I I i i I , , �� I � l � � r �. :>,, .. ,;: r . , I p + • n • , P.n, F3QX 510 � (✓�l� 0 2$T5-14STN ST. W. �O��M�^��2 ROSEMOUNT. MiNNESt'1Tn .�i.50Fi8 /I4��.J L 612-423-4411 . . , TO: Councilmembers: Napper ' Oxborough ` Wa1sh I Wippermann ; , � FROM: Stephan� Jilk, Aclministrator/Clerk DATE: September 16, 1988 ' RE: Citizen Attitude 5urvey Vendor Consideration/Approval � Mayor Hoke has discussed with you the idea of conduating a � citizen a�titude survey. ' In January of this 'year he first � d3scussed the idea and presented the approach other cities have taken in this ��gard. Since then we have seen many of our neighboring cities conduct their ` citizen surveys and used them j very effectively� in their goal setting programs for their eities. � � Mayor Hoke has been working w3th a company called becision i � Resou�ces in putting ' together a proposal to be considered for conductiag such a survey in' our city. The propc�sal, from ; Decision Resources ' w3.11 be presented for your consideration" and � review on Tuesday. , � Mayor Hol�e' s request is that upon review and discussion by the ; council at our meeting on "September 20th, in a preliminary sense, � this proposal be again on the agenda for October 4th. At that ; meeting a representative of Decision Re�ources be present tv discuss ' with the council the approach they would take in ! conducting the survey and how the information would be utilized by the city. At that t3.me a request for app=oval af this �I proposal would be given, , � , { 1� � 1 i 1 � � r � , � � � � � � � l ( 1 , �' � � � J \.0 tl i� (1 � �r;, ���.t�r �:i w ! � �����:I nn���ira� M►Nrit't:.r�►n �„��n �,�����Y�`��)����� � r���^ ac�;� eqt� , � ' �crrrdn zTrM ��e� �7anuary 1 �, 1 9E3ti 'I'O: City Council anc3 Staff PROM: Itollan Iloke, Mayor . R�: Citizen nttitude Survey . Many of you have expressed inL-erest in � prof.essionall.y dane citizen a�ti�ude survey. In order to e�3ucate myself tn the ' benefit of such a survey, I talked witii representatives o� th�ree city staffs, Shoreview, Raseville and Inv�r Grove iits. , all o� w11ic1� have recently conducted pro£essionally cione citizen . attitude surveys. The three cities that I talked ta, inclt�ding citics of Cottage Grove and Idaodbury, have a11 went through � vendor called Decision Resources who conducted t}�eir citizen attitude survey. I woul�� ].ike ta share with you a few c�f. the respon�r�s fram tlte three c3ifferent cit3,es. Th� city manager of Shoreview felt that it would have t��ken their staff years to cj�nerate and formulate questions that woulr]n' t be bias and to even conduct sueh an attitude survey. They were also very pleased with the quick turn around. Once the survey w�s farmulatec3 ancl the questions composed, it only took them two weeks to r3o th� survey ancl compulerize the resu�ts. Ron Morris of tt�e City o£ Roseville advi.sed the cost ta them for their survey by Uecision Resources was $7,7,0�. fie respc�ncled the survey gave them excellent inform��tior�--clemocjr.�iphic .lnt�rm�L-i�n and information ak�out services. "Phey also foucTd l-.}�e resuTts very helE�f.ul in lonc� range planning, �'or ex�-�m��lE, he fnun�] t1�1t tl�ey didn' t have good sources of information to the pul�lic. IIe also found out that the peanle did not kno�r the focus of economic development in their community. tIe was a�so very c�►nplimentary about tt�� so�histi.cation of the resuli:s which inclucleci cross tabulations of re��onses so you woul� kt�ow w1�o said yes �-�nd wha saicl no; anc�' excell�nt analyses, as he put il, as I�e felt thc�y really c]ig into tl�e c]ata. ite also stated �h�r� is a very quick turn around once you det�rmine what ynu wartk to finc7 out. 13ruce And�rson from the City ot Inver Grove Ileights s�ic3 tt�at they ��aic3 $4,SUO. Th�y were very plea�ed with the results. fie saicl that- "it' s as much data as I 've seen for '�4,50�. " IIe too was impressed wi.lh ttie way they Y�roke each question dor�n by age, incom� level anc] otl�er. c�m�one►its. ile �;��irl " it is v�r.y pracL-ic�l, it is t�ot something ttilt is gai►lg tc� sit on Lh� s}�elf." " CiLy Council and�atf � Citizen 1lttiitude Su�vey Page ?. I taiked with Oiane Traxler, one of the �sso+�iates of becis�,+�t� Resources. in her discussion she conveyec� to 'me th�y are v��y willing to come out for presentations to' the cauncil., to sta€i` t�r both. They will come to meetings until �verydne is cvmfortttt��.�. The proeess general'1y us�d fs that each d��artment, commissi�n and committee come up with their vision t�f wh�t ti�ey want to learn from this citizen attitude survey. t3y telling Decisiv� Resources what you want to leaarn, they pt�se �nd formulate tli� questions to find out what you want to kr�ow. There are four main components in th� assessment: First Camponent: The Use Assessment -- gener�l questions abvu� the s�rvices the city provides. Second Companent: Parks & Recreation Third Component: Development -- questions that help survey where people shoP. where they would like to sho�, what kinds of othe� development they would like to see or not see.- I'ourt-h ComQonent: Referendum Probe -- woulc� give tl�e city svme background on what kind of tax referendum or bond referendum you might want to run, whether it would be successful or not, based on the results of the survey. While I realize Decision Resources is not thP only venclor and that we need to �erhaps look at more, I was impressed a�ith th� willingness of Decision Resaurces to wark with �he CQuncil and staff before the survey is conductec�; and especfally important, after, to help interpret it, to work with citizen aclvisory committees, and to review the data. There is just a whole raflg� of different are��as with which they are wi,lli.ng ta I�el�. � am eonvinced a prof�ssionally done survey can give us L-he input necessary far setting goals and constructing a vision for the ci.ty' s �uture, The aotion I wouic� recommend at the J�lnuary i9 Council meetinc�, Item 7(c) , is to recommenc� to have s�:atf research various ave�ues or methods of conductfng citizen attitude surveys. „ The Cities of Shoreview, Roseyill.e, ancl tnver Grove ttts. have a11 senl- me copies of the citizen attikude surveys and the tabulation of results i£ anyone is interested in seei.ng those. smj • • ��_.�1 rj'� ������V� � ��z3. Z ,��y��,��,� 1��,,,� R��ource� L�i�. � _ _ , .� r: , : . � ���$_ � g � �i ;� January 12� 1986 Mr . Rolland Hokc? ' Mayvr of Rnsemount , � . C i t y i-la 1 1 1367 ]45th Street East Rosemount, Minnesota 55(>bf3 Dear Mayor Hoke: Thank you for your recent i rn�t�i ry i nto tFie s�r-v i cQ� pr-av i c�Pri cities by Decision Resources, I_td. ror ydur- inE�rn���tic���, J f��4�r� assemb]ed th i s k i t of ma ter i a l s on our comp�r�y� I t {�r-e�v i rJes �t.; summary of our capabi i ii;iPs, recFnt c l ient } ist . ��am{� 1�� afi c�1��� work , and several newspapPr ar t i c les c�var- i yita .� Cc�w of t��ar pro jec ts. I hope i t prov i des a yoc�rJ vver�v i pw fi�r yn�.� . Dec i s i on Resources, t_td . , i s i n ti�e t�t_�b i i7�ss n C r c�ciuc#i�c; uncerta,inty for ci�y c�ecision-makers. W� ar•�+ a ieii 3 -Serv��i'�, ' mart<et and survey res��rr..h f i rm s��c i a l i z i nG i» ria�ci� as�e��m�►tti.��" and quality of life studies. W� pravide �ler_t�tl o-fi .icials �►ric;f c i ty staff wi th unb i ased i n�'arma t i nn �h�iEt i:ti�' a t t i tuciPs i�t�ri expectations of city residents. � Hut , bQycind ,qu+�t Lhe "r�t�mber+�t ", we work with city officials and st�ff iri d�r3vinq r�alis��t�P' strai:egic recommendations based �pon the data. k,,, U��r i ng the past t i ve year s, UF21_ h<�s r_�inclur_ Fr��i a-,Fei�i i�s f cir �� w�ri��;' ' ranqe of Twin Ci �:ips st3t�t.rrt�s: 1'Iymc�ul:i�, HlrttSm�irt,��ori, f�ivr�a f;r ���� I-feights, Cottage Grave, Woodbi.�ry, �hor�vir�w, C.���;7ri, S��r�t." , Ar�thony, Little Canada, anti RoSevi I le ar� ne.imt�erprl am��rica c�t#�` ` clients . Each study was inciividuaily tailorec:i for- tf�� neecis nt+; that community. In some cases, prc,nomic riPVPlc�rment ir,�, hePra k13� main focus� in others, re�reational rie�t�s nr` r_ it:y ser�vic��. � 5everal municipalities 4�ere i�iter�sted iri c�trrpnt sP�vice br facility usage� data; �thers warii;ed guidarice ft�r ful:�:ire pc,lity;: directions. Very oft�n we ar� al�le t;o" combine ser ies c�� questions inta one stucJy anci �rovide answE?1'5 tc� rni.ilti��l�= cil:y concerns. ,� } ; . . . . . � � , k ;�... . .. . One of the strengths of our com�ariy i5 the abi i i ty #:nt realistically and atcurately ��ro,ject c:�_4rrent at;tit;�.icies atir.l opinions into the fut��re, t3acausP c�f the many cii ffer�„t t;y�es of C 1 �1 P5 we have worWed wi tii, ancl se�-era l Mef:r�nJ�o l i i;ari flr�a-wi t�,r�' studies we have chmniet�d rece�ntiy, a,E� ar� ` at�lP i:n dPrfvk�; implications about thc� sh��pe of f�i:ur�e d�r_acfe for a cr�mmc�rTit�+;.' F�s you may know, suburbs fo t l oiu a pro»c�t�ncPc,1 ,' 1 i f P cyc: 1 �" --: I7C�tL.: .3�f.�i� 1)f',i ltl �.()1"3!'� • (��I!1t 1(',i��X)�1'i, tiE11111t',ti(?�<1 ri)��•��i 'r (f ilt.�,�� �T.�'()-():�,'�% ' � , ; � � � � � �' � a f . . �� � . . � has worked with mu»icipalities at vario��s ���q�� �f f��Pir 1 � �'e� cycles. Cor�sequently, we are able tn antir_ i�t�tt' �3robable charit��� �;,; arid it5 affect on resitlential needs an� pE'f����1���t�-r'► (3`�Sp�j ��►�� ` ��� � the present . � a` '.�'. �� '� � � � � � ° � �;: � �;' Usually URL is ret�t�ned to cflnr.i��r_ k a cia��#� ?�`GI r�r�clom �am}a�Cfi�, ; survey of city resittents, to S�eN o�ini�ittl� Csn r_urr �r�l: C1� ��`, ' services, policiesr futL►re {�rotal�ms, anci eh�"tttt�irtir� clFmr�qr'a(����t"'� t��: ' the populetian. We rttommend ttiis metl�aci �,�*t�u�e it is Lhe cyr"it �� ' way Lo assure a stat��ticat ly sotir�tl reprta��tiE;�l��t�n of ci ty--w3tf�. views. The questionnaire is assr-_ml�l�ci . ;�tur� 3riU a �>e�� i�a t��, meetinys with city c�i'i'icials and staffi . �1� t��r�Y 1< v�ry c: lo�r��1! wi LI� c i ty persnnnel to �355tIT'P ti�r�#: i:t�P rn����'C'�t' ������1. i c���^� �it��;�. tiave are ful ly and accurately answ�r�ec1 by ` 1:1�� ��.��-'j�'y. �� ���' telephone interviewir�g by our trained a►-id 5��►���'vi�c��f �,tic�n�r s, �i1�+ company prepares a �f inal wr i tt.en � er�or t � whic•h a�se�G�G �t��` current state of the t i ty �rid �r�spec Ls for"- Llt+� fi�+l.��t'n. �JP �'� '�i verbally� present the hiql�I iqht.s of t;tie #'��rtt��t�q�� tc> •� ���'��t��` specified by tl�e client anci wili wc,rk wii:i7 cit.y �,itiri ,� l� �t�ti staf fs unti 1 they are comf�r- t;at�le wi �!i t1i� ciat.a ar�ci � k;� implications. DRL prid�s itsel-f an the amnunt of i �►dividuati �eci al;tenti�n wc� provide clients. As part of �t�r coni:ractc�al �rranqemer�ts for' titt� s tudy, we are ava i l ab 1 e� f or- bo i:l, wor k sha� sesti i o��s a�+tl presentations thereaFter . Nat-urally, �5 questior►s ari��• telephone aid wi i i be pr�vidPcJ on an on-goinq basiG. 4)e do nc�1� believe in droppiT�g ttie dat:a �ff, col 1;�� �it�g our fipe, ,��� d i sappear ing ! I f survey researcii i s tc� be �ilc�t+�ssfii 1 , t:F�e im�1+��; ment�tion of the fine�ings is j��st as im��artar�t as ti�P rneti�r��i- blogical quality. I hope this kit contaitns the ininrmatior� yoit rtip�+ci . if th�r� i� anything else we can provi�le, nle�se cio �ic►t I��+si tate tr► con���t. either Diane Trar.ler vr me. . WP Wt]U�CI ��I mbst ini:erPsted ' ��'+ working with you and the City on i:his stra��q�t plarinir�c� pro,�+�t�,: It �is unfortunate tFS�t ott,er �me�raici�alitit�� �t�.� +�n� �{��pr�4�c#�� ����� � ';�P" issue with the same care and consideratinrt!: � �_; . � `.� -,� ,�i.� 7hank you again for your inquiry. " � z , . . � � � . � 5? � � . � f SinCerely� � . ��� A,i � � • • � i � � 4 , } ;� f � � � . . • . .� � � . � William D. �Morris, PF�.D � � � � � � � ('resident ` , ! ,' � �E f � . .. � � q � ;:�:.. . .. . ... � .. J . . � . WI�M e bbk S '' PT1C 1 5 . f � � �� i $ • a � � ' t � � � � � � � � � ` , f �� t � 1-` � t . . �k . . . �` . • 4 � � �� � ' � � . .. . �� ��� � ,fi . � � �� � � 'ia"t- � � Re�c�ur�es L� �� �i � � ��.: � �} ✓ . , � . �t�.,.. � . ; . . . �; N . �t . .F �. } l . � . _��{ � ; .. � �� k��sE." � ��t a . . . . 'i� � {f ��_E ,� �,.�t' � { . . . � . a.Y-.. . . . .. . � ii� t �f�i��� � '� . � � � . 4_E i 1` .. aZ � . � � � � �A�"�#BI�I1fIES �1�#TEIPI�IN��� : �� �� ��' � �'��� � �. r� _�:�' k� r _i he F= i r m F �� _� � � � � � � ����� � � Decasaoxn IResou�-c�es, ����IL�td_ � is a f�all-�Prvi��+ t�+rE���!«t anci r �!�� #�.�Ir � � ���: � , f ir•m. I7Ft� was 1nCbT'(lorAf:et1 i r� ] '�83, .-iiit,�, �'��'� a l � e,��ly �;�#�•r��i ' c l i er�ts acrc�ss the n�t i or� i n tt�p pr i v�t:c�, ;�sti�rl i e� . �-�rrfi �,o l i �t���'�t 1 sPc tors. the f ir-m'; , ,> 5 main o�f�fic�s ar�F 1t1��tt;�c�� ir� I�tinn���(xd� ��"• M i nnPso t a , and U i v i s i o ria i Per aorine l r Ps i ci� �;�t ��i 1. t:5t�t�r qla . �'i�ttY�- s_y l v�r�i� . . �r � kJ! ' . .� . . . � It , fls a full -servic� firm, ai l N�ord prnc�5Sit1x� � rlt.i{� l ic�at ion. �t� ����� inq , sampie selectiCtri, int�r-vi�e•i tabtal ��tit�r�r ar�d re�mp�il:r-i ��t�+,� 1y� � sis ar-P unclertak�±n ot��--si te. � Al 1 tel��l�c•rr�' �tiir���vey�s ar�e r ��1,d��,t����� � at the DR!_ phon�hank iacated in Saint �'�ai� 1 '. I�1inn�s��Ea . I_nr.-�i!{;. 9t�- iiome and elite/specializFd intPrvir-ws are z�tlmiftz,tr-�T-�ct t�y �-ri���s�a`t��w pt?r sonnel . In adclitiar7 tc� ir�terrial 1BM r�mp�i,r'�r fac: i I i tie�� ��� ���� firrr� also ha� a remntP entry �cr_ess t� t;hEE+ [wYf3Ff� sy�stPn� �it ��°,i� � UnivPr si ty of MinnP�ota . � � _�, , ��-�: ��� ��,� � o :� '�� � .� � n ��. �t .. . T he cam�ai�y i s c-omposed ot f i f ty f�.i 1 1 t i rltt'� ��.�►�cl ��a�. t i; i mp" ���. � IoyePs. The main �rinci��zl � of tli� f ��'tFip,x :�nr�;cc�s�; �r. tp�-��' ,1'�� back, rounds in marketin y g� �"i g g , p�.�hlic aff�i, S. ,1 16t��r-vt� r��ear �h, � �',�t �1 statistic�l methods. T�I�is cross-�ii�ci�, i i�!1�1'j++ t�sac- 1-c�t oiinc� a�;�„ti}�1� D►R�. tn approach researc-h prohlPms:, from m�r-�y �Jy f finr-ent �.�Pr��� ,; � tivc=s. and ta eval���te pni;ential st� �at �*r�t�++.� from a myr i �r,� ,�p, �� , ;�, the�reticai bases. , ; �g ,, � �� � � � � �r ��a � , � ���;a � ��� �- � ° ,�. _ Recen L an�j [.ur r Pnt G 1 i er��� � ; � � . �.' __------- _.. ._ _-- � �, � �` � I�rivate and i'�ut�3 ic S�tor CI ients: ? � P ` , ;' ��� i � � � M}anyi� i�al i t ie� and State Gov�r nm�r��t: � , :;� � � � � � i ��� � �; ' . �_ ._____ ___._._ _. _..__, __ ..., _ , , , �, ' i � Ci � c�f F�1 mcf�a�tt�, 4='�r{c F2�??fPr•pnfii_�m llna 1 � . � �� Y X Y�i �� f�lymci�Ji;t� � f'lirtnr�st� �+ ' t'ity ci-f Plymot.�tt�► , City S�rviee� �1�ressmPr�t,` �'lymo��tii , P1ir�ne�tir�� ' ` City of Plymouth, tJuality �f t_ ifP �tuciy. F'lymouth . Minr���r,�� � " { City of Minnatonka , Quality of 1_if� St��r1v," Plinnet:nr�i<a , h1in,i�!�c�ta► City af Blnamingi;c,n, ta��� l 'zty of t_if� St�adyy `Aibaminqt:�n, � ? i ht i nneso t a � � ; City of InvPr C�rovP Il.eic�F�ts, �;eit irt �r�ri 1larzarda«� IJast.P C}isp���l Study, I�vPr Crove I�PIC�FI{:5; . �lir�r»�ot.a � ` Ci ty of Inver Grnve Heights, �''arks and R�rr��ti��ti.�l f ar_ i 1 � ��s P�leeds (�nalysis, Ir�v�r [;r-c�ve 1lPiqi�fi.r, Mipnrt��oi�a � ' f:ity of fZosevitie, QuC-�1ity �f l_ife St�_rrty, f#r���svill �, i�li,�TirGc�t�a�,; Gity of Shnreview, CJiaal i ty c�f 1_.i fF St;taciy , .�"itior�vi��v, f�li��r,r�rot� : .31�?t� t�c���r� (:c>urt • R�11C111C`rl�)<)I15. ��11f1C1('.S(>lil J�4��i • (iil�?) S)�<:,�t)-t).�37 � ��_- ~.�. � � t � � �:� �, f � . . i .i �� � � � . ���� t� ,ifF��� . ��. . '¢ � ��,Jt� . � .. . . �t 4a � � 4 fi V � �� � � . . "�.4j P�t a r+ . � � �N ,- �� ���� ��' : � City of Cottage Grov�.+> Econc�rni� i)evelo�m�n�����1,ttty, C�t, taqQ (�� �,, � k {� � � � Mir�nesota � � ,,��� � � � � a �` � ; � � , � , ���� � �� � , N, City of �Eag�;n, Park+,s �ar�d Re�reational f-'a��� 1st�:X�� Nee�is llnal��'�"���'� �� ��� � Eagan, Minnesot� � � �x, �, � d� � 4.. Ci ty of Flymouth, : Qual i ty c�i i_ i fe Tr.��(�'�t�1;� �>t:���fy. f�lyri����,�:t . �� � Minnesota , ' k' � � �� f� . City of Chaska, Ct�mm�inity (:ri�1:�r N��rt� r:# �tii'y�.$ i:t�a=.I�� , t1i ��n�r3t'� �` , MinnPsota World Trade CPnter , Reqi�nal F�?���li "t l i ty, rtuciy, '���i.rit Pai_�1 , M i nneso t� y �. � '�� ���� ���- � • �; � �� �'.;� • i,} „� � Ftel ig ious t7rgani zat i�t�ns � � ---- -- __ ___ ___ __ , Archd i ocPse of 5a irtit Pau 1 ariri I°It TlT1P'i(lC� I i �� �?r�*v�1 ri��nieT�l, Cl}';�'�3 ��, G�nnt��a1 C�tholit /an�eal t'1ar!<�i: rPnin��i��� 3i�r+ (lr�a] y�ir. ;���li�,rsl; � � i'au i� . M i nne�o t�� � � ��_ �, � � � Sehool Sisters of �lntre Uame, Commur�i i:y �7n'cl Nlir�i��t.ry Satisf���t3tti�r� � St�.ady, Mankata, Minnes�ta Business Or ani.2ations . _ _.__9.--- -- ----- - Gr-eater Mi nn�apo 1 i s Ct�amber- a f Cnmmef-� �. P�9a jnr }_�aq�_�r= fta��h�1 l Task Force, TwinS M�rl*.�t Stiady, hiir}rir��pc�l: is , MirinP,ot��a ' G��ater Minnea�olis Chamh�r of (.:ommP�-c�. � ,Lorivention C:t�tx��r Preference Stiady, Minnea�ol i�, t`linnn��Et�`'. :• ; �,�..j�': Minn�sota F'ro jPct ot-t C�ar�t�rat�p Res��nr�51�s3 1 � �y , 1 c^�ti+�rshi��,, �` �i�� Transition �tuc�y, MinnFa�e�iis, MiTin��#it� ; : Minnesota Association nf C:ommprce anci Ir��tts+l�`�r�� Mpmhe� Ct� i � 5�i�rv'i�y 5er i es, Sa i n t f'au 1 , M i nneso t a � ,�!' ,:: � � � � � �> ;: ;' � � � �� � s _`� � � Non-Prof i t and Cul tural /�r ts Clr-r�ar�i zat i_���ic, � _ ._ ..... ' {, ,; ;., t ���I" �,,.�r RamsPy County Fii s tar i t a l Sor_ i ety , MPmber-�Fi�� �u��-vFy anri t�dew � y � ° Mernt3er Dr i vF+, 5a i n F Pa��1 . M i nrirs��t a �, ! ' +�; � , O'Sha���qtine�sy Dance �5er i�es, Ma�-4�et SE�camrrit�� �t��i-►'� l�r����l y��i � . ('n } �?�'��� ! of Saint Ca�:heritie, 5ai.vat F'aul_ . 1�1� rirrp��t�`�,� � `�,,.. ' � ThP Minnesota Qpera, Potenttal F��iciipn�t� . �!5i;�.��1y. ilPVPlc��,�$�¢�:� � i Office, Saint Pa�ul . t�lir,nes�ta � �} � , `i �° � � 4 Sv ; b � ! � � � ���t�. Financial Institution� anr� Re�aitor, � � • ' ___. _ _ _ _._-- --- _ . --_...---._._.�_ ._. __.. . , ; � . . . 3� 1.1:� . � F�r anl< 1 in ,�'-�tatt� F3ari{< , Rur��l Vi :il� i t i I�y f�.;t �i�ty'�f, '�'r'at�kl i��,. Ptit���p�t���. .�� Twin City �ederal Savinq, and Loan, i'1ir1<E��: '�tuc�y, f1inr��ar.�E-+filx� . Minnesota � ;Jam�s Hoffman and AsSot= i ate�, R�.�r �-�1 1lc�ti�inq .��t:�iclyR , Wi l 1C�►r�'r , Minnesota � � � � � First E�ank Minnea�o] is. Mei;rn�al i tan Ilr�� .aQ��,�1 i ty of I i fi� ��tac�y, rirst B�nl:s SystPm, hlinri�a�:�r� l i„ I�i ��rir��;r��,� � .`° , 7� f . : . ' � . . � . , ( � .. . . . . . . � . t � . � . � . . . � . . } . � � . . . � (�� � �'�� i ' ����i ]t ��'. t". � . ��4r. �'�� Z . ��. � �, � � � F � ��' '�� i�� ' #�, '� � � �� ��= � � ��°,� , ' Cor orations � � �� � a� ""` � � ___P____ _____ � �, �� ��'' � � •� ' � ,:��g, ��,��,, �� � �,,r��� � � '�..�. �� �� w ,� , , � � � � � �.� Cowies Comm��nicatiort�i Ir�c . , T►��at:r F• Itar �!+�t, ��r��:�m�nt�it�. i �r� 11i;t�{��;;� <, 5 1 S y M] YlTlf?.�(lCl I � �S r M1 T11"if?rfl I 1 �� ;' p! �1n. '�;.. :3M, F'�.ah1 ic RPlat ittt�� I)P(Yr1� t:tllf'ilt: • I�(11 �,c9t'�l��, 't.:��l t,�ir P fliial ��k� � i ' z � � S�z i nt Pa�u 1 , M i rtr�E+so t..� � , � � 3M, I ssues Mai�aqc�m�+{'it Tawk F��r�-�, i rnarjt�► �t���� ��1 «ue�� (lna t�Y��'k4i� Saint Pau1 . Miytr7�sot;a ?'� °'' 3M� Publ ic �telatiol�� Uep�r tment: . t:r r����� ��i�t`ri 1 i f�.at; icir� M�1.!`r�tl�� 5aint Paul , Mir�r`r�€�sota ` � 4�#, �•�. t�'� :�iM. P�+bli� Rplatic�r�5'�� f.)e��aartmr-��f: . inl��, ri��� ,f �ItK��tti���iir ,�t�icin�; f.'1 �1t�'�di Sair�t Paul , Mirrriesnta � ��,: � � � s 3M, Pubiic Relations Dep��rtment , E.xt�� r�al �'r�hiimi.r��icatic,ny F,t��t1�' Saint Paul . MinnPs�ta ' � ' ��t; C.:�S-Minnesota, Inr_ . , Plarininy a�nd t:f,mm�ir���:�tli�ns F'�,cii, €;t�t�i+� � Sess i ons, Go l den Va l l Py; 4�1 i r�neso t� CFS-M i nnesota� I nc . � Se;�ua] I�ar-�s�mFiii. ar►r� {.O��roC,r i �F.P f?elt��',�ttir F=�r_us Group Se�S i ons, �a 1 rien Va t t r�y , t�1 i nr5+3�:o t a � � � � ;; ,,� ,:; � ,� , Poliitical Sec#or Cliern�s,t � `, ��� s i' Aarbar� Hafer for County Cc�mmissinr�Pr �� ' �Y� �Pf�I1PTtY Cot.�t"���r� Pennsylvania ( 1983, 19fl'7) �;^ f "' ,�: � 3im Van�� Slyke for Cctij'i�ress, K.�r�sas�� 5�cc�rifl ;��t�f���`,�+�sional f)is��`���� �' � ( 1984 ) ; r = �� � �°� �_� � Mike I�avnukl is for ''� ConqrPs�, rlor icta ` .�"`��+v�#��tl�i (:or�q�esslh'+t�,�I- ,' � District E1984 ) !� � � � ��� ���.i��� Jim Calbraith fior � ConqrFss, Washincatc���� �` ,{� ����F. Conqres5�it��4��1 � Distric� ( 19fl4 )� '�� � � ��'� ��� ,'� Har l ey Wi 1 1 i ams fo� fYoriqr cass, Mar y I anci f`�,�s t Coiiq. ess�C�.���1"' ` � Dist;rict t 19�4y ,q 1986 ) � � �.��,� �,; ,�p � ,' �:,� ,,� G�mmittee to Re-Eie�� � R�sporisitil� IJ.S. '���� '�r , St;at� o�in�� ,� �� . � � ( i�84 ) r�� ,��� F §' �� � � , � �� ied Noble for 5tate Ftppr�spr►tative, Ilc}i��� �)�y� , ict E,c�H. St���, � �f ;. Minnesota ( 198�+�' '�� ' ' � � � � , � �� � ���" �� � �� Friends c.�f Jim floffim�n, S�r_retary c:�f �itatt��, �at� ��i Minrrt�3�t��:�t � � � t 1985) ���, � �, , � �, � � �� :�,` � �t r . ; � � t �� � � � ���� JamPs Lind�u for GouE!rnor . �State of Mir•�r�psci���';' �'��b) � � �� ;�' � � �'� Barbara Hafer for Lieutenant t;ovnr-x�c�r , � ��;�:�: ►� f Pennsylv rt� �^� 'g ( 1�86) � ��� ,a�' � � � ° 1,�f ,, `� a }�� �� G. ��: Bi i i Bel�nqe� for 5tat:e SPriatp. For ty- f�X�`�'�i ? �eriate Ui �tr ��� y � ; State of Minnesota ( ]4�3b) � . � f�` Fritz 1<naak for State Senat€�, Fifty-ltiirci �P�r�te Distrir_ t , 5�a�c� � �3:: nf Minnesota� f 1�995) � � � ,+ � � � ' Elaine Farmer for State (1ssPmhly. lwentV-Eig�tti IIOUSP I)15�1'',�C� , , State of Penrisylvar�ia ( 1�?f-16) � ti� {, � � �, � �, , �' _� ��� '�'�,F #�� �i ���; � �x �+�'��� � ���,'a� , . . . • "i �� � � 7 E d �. � � _ _. . .. �� `����� . . . tiI ri � �� �:.� . � , � r. � ,-� � �� . . . .�' �A. . S . .. � .. � f �4 Re�t�► r � Y u Ces L� £ � 1 � f.�,r � � � . .i,Y� ����' � 6�3` J,��• . . � �,1�,' L 'z . S . . � �.,�� � )� .. 'Y . . � q ,ga $�i ,�t; � '�� r f �� � � � � � � � �{ "� � : ��yl ���. ���. � ;��. � . A LIST [l� N2ECENT �MtD CUF2RENT �1t1N��tMM'�"�1t. CLIENTS ,�� ,�� �f � . . , . .. � � . � .. Plymouth � � : � � � ' ' � � .�# � � � �.� � � ���` � '�� �'���� URL has undtt`taken fo�_ir residential �Ctlt'�1P5 dur- ir,g tt-,+�� �k�5t V decade. lhe tcapfCs have cover-ed �r� a���srti'ri�nt nf iss���� �l-t�m parks and recreatitin needs t� t�valu�t ior��' r�� 'r_ i tv r_c�mm��rii���9t'�r� efforts. Referenc�! Mr . James Wi 1 l is. C'ity` t'ianar�er- f559--�E��tJt � Y � � Inver Grove Heiqhts vuring the pa5t ttiree years, URL tia�' cqr�idur_ tt�ci two r�+�idl�t-r tial surveys. The studies have centPr�d �r'�und tFte issu� ' '�i# waste management , in the first , and recr��atfr�nal r-�eed�, i�t�t ,�tre secand . References: Mr . Rob Scl-�aeffer , �it� `Admiriistr-ator ' Mr . Hruc.e Anclerst�ns - Uir�r, t:or nf Rarl�� � ': and Recre�tinn; ' 44'�`7--211 } ) ;. ; `�� " � �r 6r; � �,, ' � � �„ � �Cottage Grove � � � � i;"�� � , i �� � � - ,� bs . 1 � i �F:�.. - . � . I � i ` � . URL com leted � ; � p , gener�l residential �#ilr�r�� wt�ir.h r-ont�i�i�t�: � section assessing etbnomic development �r���t�i�}►ces, partictl���; 1y retai 1 shopping beh�;vior . � � �,��� � � � .���� � � f�eferenc�s� � Mr . Richard I_Qwis. F��t�rf��mic DevPlo�m�+tr� s��j � � � Dir�ctor (4`�8�'' � � �+� �, � � . . � w;����' •,'��. . ,-`#�� �Y4 { ���', I � � 3 fi �'� { i:r � . �,r{�� ��i< �a� � . . �.i��� ��� �' :�.j i � � S�'lOY'RV1@W 3 � �s� t. j � � � ���t '� � d+� ��- � � � �'' � � � � �.. p °P, . .� ��a ; . DR� conduc ted ; a three-component r���i���nt i a l study$ .�, �,he ; questionnai�e Eonsidered �econom�ic dcveio��ri�n�'��nci �1anr�inq, ;��►�irk �' � and recreatiQnal n��ds, and gPr�eral q�ality� c�� life. References; Mr . Michael Hlacl: , '�i �y P}anner �, P1r . Gcralcf Haffeman,` Ij�r-ectc�r c�f F'arkf� �ncl Recreation f4E�4=3353) Saint Anthony DRL, is conducting a qc�n�r-a�l r. i ty �a�trvir.�� 7T�c1 r�c► i �ci'�+� assessrr►ent , fcaeuse3cl on thE+ chanqiny cl�fhQgr�apliSr- �rePcis of; �h� comm�enity and �he c�ev�lopment of � � �hr�t-ketir�q str��et�y . [Completion date: December 31 . i'�877 '� ' Referpnce: Mr . I)avici [:tti lds, Ci ty Manaq�r ( 'ii��--£-�l�E3# ) „ � � � ,, 3Y.:,'� Dc�r�r� C;c�uri • 1�1ir�nc�����c�{is, �4ir�nes�t�� ��16�+ ((�i2) <.12c)-(�ti33'�:° � dd,,, , � . . � p�.� � ;-��.��;� t��.�;�a � k�; r . . . �t_ . . �t �i . � . .i�: . � .. � . . � t� � r; a � . � . � : . � � �,� � . ��� �� �.. : � . � . ,p;;� }"!'> . oe� ra � � � � � � '�` � � Rr . � � . � . . . � . ' r � .. 'r a � E � Rosevi 1 le '�� „ �� �� ' : � , � ' � � � �: � � �; � �,'� � � � � y }�� �� � . . . � „ . � .. . �4 4 y . � �. A s� . U�2L completa�d a rc�sidehti�l s�irv�t� t+i�, �ch ce�ntain�+� R �#h �� track i ng i tems i`r`ctm a prwv i ous s tudy �n}� t�E..� �t i�ns ahai_�� �,i `�rit � ;;t � � ��+ � � ��� i ss�es fac i ng th�+ �t'i ty. � : �a� , ,; � e � � � � Referet�iC�+��: � Mr . F2c�r► �Mc�a�� s�+, 11t��il�t�€��ratiti•P F�s�i�����. � � � � � � • � � (4 E3��--3:�71 ) � ��� r ��; � �� �� # #„ t r,.� -.: ,�i, � � � . � � : . ` tME �� }fi' . . �< � . �G �f � . e' i" l� ittle �Canad�a � � �� ,�� � � � i� . � s _� _ ' � .s � ��'. � #rt ``, ����� ���;� � ' �RL is deve2'tiping a resic�ential s�ir���l�� :�)n r,ati- t< ar�c� � .,��a '�{-� � tionai issu�?s. 7he`� stuciy wi l 1 as�Pss F�r-���i C�t�t�rerit s�rvir.�+ � �rri�l ,� �+ and future r►eeds. C[:om� letinr� date: ("pEi�'t,���"�'+�, 1 `�H€� 1 ,��$� s • ,, Referen[�; hls. llPv �ca 1 z�, I: i #:� tiL1;�,�nc- i I 1°t�mt��r ,�;��`,� . � � �� � � � (�r 84-�"�'1 7'7> ` � � � ` �� �:��� 4 � � i� I . s� ,� ; ��3 . �,� � �3. � � Woodbury `' ��� � ',� °-��" � DRI_ is currently r_onc�uctinq a s�irvc�y' �t�'; �i=�itiP�it r�ri � i'��pC�6��'� eif c.Tu�l i ty o# l i '�� iss��e� . fitrF ����rqt'�.t�t���-��i r -r rv,�mi rir��y:z �'� f �' G�i. vices, ec�n�m11� : d�vetr���m�r�t: . at��i t 1�'�sb�s'�r��'t, tr, :� ��r €�',��"C�`�r+�1 ,. referencjum elec#. ior'�. It:cti��� l �i. ic�ri rlatr: �l�krit�+�ry. I`i. 1 'lftfil ;; `' Referenc�: Nlr . k:en 4iar t�.rriy , Ile�fi�if1 �}�rativ� 11s�i���r'�� �. (739-S�r'7�? ; ��� :, ;� ' ' �$ �r "Y � F�: , � � ��.� � � �:��, , ti P E�a � !� � �� i �` Ploomin,gton � ,�� s � ; € ��' �� Uf�L_ undert�q{t a 1arc�r �raie r r-A�,i����t�;,�.al �I,rrriy c�# ,���i�`i tv services, economi� cievPiopment �ality , �t7t���nmmciriirat; ion��k� "` fi11Q questionnaire al�t� centered nn the F•lall 'ta1" '�'timei ir-a �i�v�{r.��aritt�►�t: aricl reac t i ons t�� i � . " fr � � Referen�l�Et �� Mr . JamPs Linda�i, � '�� �� � � � � ��� �� 'y, � "� ,�� � �� , �� s°�� � t HS i -a f�1 l ) � ,`'' .� " °��' � � ''�� ���' � : '; � � � � f� �� � .;� � ���� a ti � ���' ����� � � � :��� � ��,; Eagan ; � � w r= ' � ��f' � �� ��� �°�r, � � + � i ' � I)RL is conducting a� Atudy of rPsid � ^ ,� attit���ips � � ''�r �i E�ark and recrea�,iona] activities. p U " dia� y fncus .� � � nrr referendum �� plannirrg f�r a t�ommuni � ecreation `� `; �t�r . � � � CComp}�etion dates ' �Jar�uary 15, �'�883 � � �� � �� � � � � �,� '�, � � Referen�e: Mr . k:enneth Vraa , i�3r��;�t�r- c�f Parks ��1d' i Rec_reataori (rfS+�t-8�o-t�0) ,,� ,(; � i r�� � �: i��� � - � ` . .�� � � � . .j� . ... } . . 1 � ��. � . . � F� . . . k � � . . �+� #� . ;. ��/ � f f3�� ��� E � k ,� � ��� ; � �- �� � � � �� � � `� "� '� � �� �� � � y �, ; P �, � � . . . . . Y��4{������ �4#���' 4�..� . E F'F .r , . x ��:� � ;,�; . • � ., � _ . �t b� : e�:, �` . x �� .�` � �� � �a� k. 1 " � � f � z ��� S;]� � � �i � '"�sfff � � . . , � .. . � �.�� . � . � � �\ E '� � i i� �.��.��' �`� �i �; � r �� � � �i� Fr x� ���'` •, � � '.� ' � � � � 9,' � ; � � ' r � � f��, �€ � � f ��, �} �'�' ��.' � , � ��.�St � J� �,�, PR[1t-ESS i C1N/1�l RF!�t��� � �' � ` � 4 R . }` . � ; B .. � [r , � �� ��$� � •�� � � F(��: . � � � � � N I LI_[1�t1 D_� f 101RR i r"r ��� ' �., ��� �"'�i � °�` tp � x �� �" � �r� .f � EMPLOYMENT H I S7�ORY ' �� � ' _ _ , � � f� � � �� � ,;: � � P{i� . •+j� i �983-Present �t"wS ' rir- n t; )_ _ • �;• r ► �'��tr� $��- I t ri . ' N`� `` ' , , j , ( rc i � n i 3ty.,�, �l,�,. , � � � �. �� i�1inneapolis, M3;r�r�esc�t�-� . ;x�' � i` k � 19H7-Present� L.�c turF�r , [)e��ir t:ment «f,. �t5� �i i i � � I � $ ° � � + � �� Science, t�ugsbury [:nlleqe. Minn����,�� i i?�, M�C�nF�r,ta . , 1985-1987, Ad,junt� Ins�sruc tor- , De�rar ttnr�i��' r,t Politi�al Science, Cotleg� c�f t;airri. �ttibm�f�a; Sair�t F'�au1 , Minnesota . �(� fr � 19e1-19i33, Sta t�' Cha i rman, I ndepentlE�Y�� =�2lb{�l�Li I i c s�ris o f I`tinnesota , Sairtt Paiil , Minn�sof.a . 1974-19e1 , Ass�.stant f'rc�fess�r c�f P��1,�, � ��;9�1 5r_ iQnr� . �� ;, n�partment of 4'bl i ticai 5cience, Ur�iv�r��G�,�` :�y ofi Miriraesn��$'; ��,� M i.nnea o l i s, ` � � �� ; , � M�tnnesot;a . fi ����; � < � �. . 1 : �� .. � .. k ii� �,. �A k..' . �97'3-1974, In�trur_tor o f Po 1 i t i�a 1 5�: ��ii, . and ManaqPm�?i'� 1;.. Systems, Depar'tment af F'o 1 i t ica 1 Sr- i��t��►� rd �chc��1 of �, �;, Economics and °Management , ()aklarid l)n��V�K�x ,�#�;y, (��r.t�Fster � ' �� Michigan. ' � �; �� �` ��, ,E'���' � i; � � �; � ��,� � � � � � � ;a EDUCAT I ON �#� j � ;:, - ��, � ; � ,.: � ;� �,; � � � �,� ���� �;� B.A. E Magna Cu�rtd Laud�e) , f'o 1 i � i c a 1 �c �t ��r�c� I�la t:fiPma ti� r �it � �,��� Oakland Univer��ity, (RochestPr , hi�rh� � t ,, ��.agust , t`?'PC,��� � �`` ��#"� � � � � � �� � '�� ,. , � � , � Pt�.D. } Urt�an �t'id Put�lic Affai�-s, C�arw'itq�' Mel lc�n l)r�iv�+�' , �';f (('itt�burgh, l��nnsylvania ) , Juri�, 19 ��; � '�, ! ,'� �� �°, j� ���'. � s ��;� '�� „ � ' .B . � �" � s AWARDS ; � � `� � '� � 9 � � ,' �� � � �� � �� � ` � � � } ' � Ford Mo tor Coht� ar�y Fund Scli�1.3r . � •� ' � �� � :f t �� . . . � �4 � ��. ��: a . e.� A � z; '. . E � Woodrow �Wi lsqrl National fFel lc�w. r� �� M i � � � � �t � � �t i � � ' �, �! � �1i �`� �' `�f � °i � �d ��� e�, �i'� ���� ��� � � � 1 ,�� �i �� �� �; �� � t �' � � , � + � : � ; ��,. �, { �� ` �� � �, F F�: ��_ �s . _ � , , � �,�� � �� Y � � "� � �4`�. ��� `� �� + � w !�,� �� •� � . . � � � •f� � �i:£�$ . y �.1.i ' . � SELECTED PUHL I CAT I ON� , ,���� ,� �`�,. ' s' : — ��;� �a ,'�:� ' t �,�'.�H, ��kt fihom�s W.. Casst�����s and G)i 1 1 i �m U P'� '� t t�F C'�.�he� i_ � � , � ��, and the Uecompo��ci Electoral Systc�m, "'=': iar� Journal t. h�. , ri �i. ' ti Political S[ i�y"tG�.', tDeeemher } 1�7�') ;��� � ,� P ,� �,; ��?.�� � — - — — . ,; s r �� ��` . v : i i �� �.' k . �' . � �' �� Wi lliam D. M�rt`��!��, ,�-fhe� F'i iqht c,f t.t,d '�}f1 �,, ,t �t;anciiclatP:� „, .� �1 �"�, k�. �.� Spatial Ar�alysii5� " (\ntliropo.loyY ar�d ���k,� i:ic Intere�� 4 , , ,� .� --- - � ; .., ed i ted by F'e99�r.`�. Sanciay, ( 1 '�?f,) . '.'�^� �� `� ��`" : � � �t � ''�^ t: ._ i s : �� � f� -r . 4 � � � " � � � � �� , � � �� ,� � Ro ger f3en jam�n� �Gli ) 1 i�m h1or r i C, ar�i1 k;�tt� i�;' . "� flc�dei ca �'� �" ,; Fac t i ons i n tli� ;�a��ariese l. i ver a l !)��a�c9 � � 1-'ar t y . ,� t�ua�P ' ' ar�d Quantity. ���riter , 19'i8) . ��„ � �; 4' , ��, ----- - ------ �� � ,�' .� ;o �.. ' �t � , , ' � x . , <,�� a � � LJi 1 X iam D. Mor�-�� and � F2�qer 1�. Mar� , �`'�i`t9�`'�` tni 1 1 t�ci Ohl i�► � � �, .� � fihe Fa�e of ARp�►inted Senat�r-s. f'ubl�������Wir,ter , 1��E3f �,; �h��� �.+ � � ,� � ��r �, � � ��,��! � � Je�'frey W. Steim�` �1 and 6,I�i 11 iam D. Mnk'',��.�+�, �� �'�, l�r..l:or al F�i�� ' '�� r ' I�. ictn i����e, "=, ���, ' 1or�: F1n Empiir tal E'xamir�,�ti�r� c�f t�� �., � �., #{-�� , Yale �aw and Pca�licy f�eview, (��� 1 1 , 1"���� r � . � �. : -- -_ .___ __ _ : - -- - - - - ,�, ;� * . ;, W i l l i am D. Mtjrt',`:�5� ��Ttie I3EST ��f 1"i mp�� 1'Y' � 1�1�)R��1 o F �f i m� ��}� x.' " Minnesota Husi�n�ss News, (Rlov�mh�r . 1'���+ ';� �� �`�`, _ �_ . ___ � . , Y } { . � . � . ���•,f�".� . . {��C ! . . . , �'� � �� ��^ � . . . . ' .� �pi.� . . � �. . . . . . .�.d �.5: �'� . {_� ',�•�� . � � RESEARCH INTERE57S �. �.�' � � ,. - �� ;�,� � El�ctoral Beh�M+}Rior: Vc►t; inq FlPt,��.�� ���� :mG,t. ical / `', '� f�;�� ; S��rva RF+� ' ���, � � � � Ra t i or��l Cho i Ct� Mo�ip l s r �c�e i�a--1)emt���r,� t� ; + Y -' , , .i'� �'��,} : G� :� '' '.� � �' � '�� Product and �3��`�vice t'la�rketinq: S����#��� • ��n• � , y . �.• i�ositioningr llR,istributic�n Cti�-�r����ls. • ��tt itiv� ct;rat.t�� � �.;�' f . . C:: '. . . :i , �. �� . q 4 k ; pT y sy�t�ms, " � �� � Pubi i�c Pal icy �#�Irrwalysis; HAa 1 E;h t�'tar � ; ����',, '' � ��: � lfousing. Urb�r °-5ub�irban F'nlicy� . F.] Far�;� �Ct ;`�r' ,efor-m. . �+ ; , � �, �, � � � �4` .�'. �'� �, i: . 8usiness anid ` , 'blic Policy: t,.,,�r�� .., ����rit: cyKi.Pm` '� �. � , � � Co�porate Im���� f'r�i icy �'tar-1<�� i�ny �� , ,�� �� � ;��, � ^ `���� � ' r „� { �� �� ��, , � Coiwpax'ative �"�Ilitics: State Gov�rt� ` r�c1 i'c,l i ti�syis � , �? ' � �� .� .la aneSE�j�� ` ,'� 4•lestern Euro��an Pol i t ir_s. Poarer 5��" , � P � � � P�1 itics. �, ;, � � � . �: . - . 1'.� � �F; . . J � ��� . A. , � Methodo��o9Ys' �S�atistics�, Matt,emati�r.'-' 1 '. ; � -9�amniir��q . t3�� ` f` . � � � � � �Theary, Econ�m�trics . � ��,� � .� ; t � ? � � � ,� �;� + � � �' � , � � � � � � � �� �� 3y� � t � i � . . . . a: � . � . �` �� 4. . . ,� j �,' . � t . '7 s �� ;� � � � � ������s � ; �� � ����� �� � � � � ��� �� � , + � � ` � �� t.� . y.:� , ,� � �� �;� ' �.�,;� �� ( �{ � ��'; `� � � � � � .�; ���� � � � � � � � '' �� � � �� , ��n �� � � ���� �: � ���. . _ `�, .,:� � < <r, � • � • , � ! 7�ONRriOU�BE8 �I Y'✓U�/�.–�- �� EXIS71dG � _ _ _ . }��_'�'�'�---------------•��--------------_.�-- – ' -- _ � � I '���'--�'�'�---._.•�–_._,�–_ � –�w 1 `i \ I` � � _ , I � _ ` i \ � _ r '� 1 ��rt T + � ' ?� � � -r`, � \ � , , , � , � �` -� / � i �,�o� v �"� 'J� -�� �' ',*� --�� � ._� i�/ � ,./ ` \ `,�"." L� � .�� � � � � � �� � ��� � ' � ' ;/_.^ � Vti,_ 3 ( '\ \: ���A� \ � K[r GF i ' ,�Vr wA y � ., ` \ � �� , �-� � � � I � � , � ` �j: �r � � ` � , !.. { _ , ,�Y � _ , - �� , ;\. , . � � � 'i � . , . -, ,\; � � . . I �ij. P'� � �, i �,� \ � � j,�' / � i i �, �� � ` � ` �` - , � '� � � �r � . � � � - �. -� � . , � - �. \ � � � 30 TOWN61p(�E IM�IT'S OR /��,• �J � � � . Pl�(„K:SA�E'�$(�,�� � � � FUTURE DEYELOPMENT /��. �� . \ � � . � I . � . � � � A80,900 sf. 11 acres � . . . ('� . \ . j UNITS ALLOHED • 165 �/�; � �� � \ , � UNITS PROPpSED �:120 \ !f � ALTERNATE DEYELOPMENT �\�' n �` ' � � � � � �{�,�� � I - PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING _ � � . . � RS � •., . 90 TOMNHOUSE UNITS �_� _ \ . � .. � � PROPOSED PLAGROIA�D + , `� �. ; � tp � , ` ex�sra�c� wns.�n- � � � �� —— �� �� s�� �� �� FAMB.Y 20NING • F�O MG TM ��320' �� �� V 280' o P _� r tst��'�` �'�'��-- � � \ \�\ I __ —_ _ ` \ � , , _ r � ; o � � - ; � � � ► I � ��� � , � I , , , _ , I - , , , _ , � � � , � , , _ - , , � ; - , � , _ . , , � I SFIAMpN PAflK,n � ' , — I � , '� � j WNi0l�E8 --- ----� 31L.WAY IQyyN'��. g _ 1 I � � OI�i�PLEXES , I , \ \ I � � � UTUItE fOUR-VLE%E �� \ \ � � / — Y 800 if, 2.)2 a ` � � � � �� \ / � uHt u�am -si \ � , . � � � \ � ' - ITS SED• ` � ' � � i � _ I — ' -- ( + � � \ � I ` I 1 � ♦ � ` i _ � \ � _ � _�.��.� ,�,�,��—��.�� �� �_ � �� �� �_ �_�_ �\�\ \�` _ � ' _ '�\ �—� �� ��\� �� �� -- ` – \ � � \\ -- �;– �� �� ��� \ \ — _ _ Q_ Q � � � - a� _ "'� �-----_ - — - � � � ! � I - t--- � � � �-�au�.r x�s � � \ � t aeo s. � r � �s�-a , , • I =«����_ � , i. ��r eunou�s � `-� I � ' � �' _��� r Y50-e 1 _——_ . . . - . N . . . ETMEEN OYEIIl7KS�_0�8�,'�ELQY Ff115T iL00R EIE� i l���..��.�,�� 8 F'�F BUILDlR65. AOVE � .. I i r , �'�•'�a�•�•��r �.,.�,�����.—•_= _ �'--�._. _.��_` 3 .� a . . i0 OMtll TOMARD EIfISTi��TAMAY iqryf PMKtM6 AR! � 1. . i � � I . __. . ��..�..�����..��..�.�j r 4 �_ 2. FAS�ND OF�pAR�N6p piro��1p1 PAR�IM�E�qOMt CRONM ME � � 4•�CONC tUU.K . ��. � . � �i� �� � 4 � �ES TO MEET GRADES SiDIR�OPE PAYIN6�OqM EYENIT FROM I � . ' . � CENTERLINE OF DRtVEYAY. ' j� Z I i% ' 1� y %I-8:'�\� ' ',i /' ' �' p, 3•� �aMSTRUCT CURB OPEN(N6 AT SNplppq PqqlypY PER CIT1'�SPEC! + i � i i I I I I �'.a , ��� .� . . . %!-8 %ll� l ��"'kx.�; . +•. EINFOAC(NG.�t•eX,, WIDE X!'COlICRETE M(TH YIRE MESH ; j � ' i z- .. :,, , ;� °� � .:. . m �— . . �YEIIING ENTRANCE ppppSST00V5 7YP[CAL AT ALL VAIRS OF ` �: ,:..: , . ._.. \ _ . � r ' + _._ _ ; .< ,�i ' � � / � ` �) �- `�^' ...,' ,. . � .. �__ � . S �I�8� x10• CONCRFTE SLAB UIIDER RE�E7AREA . � �.��' : � �, v ,. . .:. f �,,_. _ — ��-_ -. STAGGERED BOARD FEHCE ON 6%6 S.YtTH I • , , 1�— �s SHo1a�. . ; �:�.::«�,;. ..U�� ; _ _ �< _li_MlITER �,.:: . ��; . ! i ._ � 6. i07 LOT SNAIL 8E 30' OIMIETER YITN 1 / � , ���` PLAY SET BY ALLUHANCE. � � , ... , �� � � _ �I.�,..�Qy�' �.�.t:- / I 7. 500 ENTINE AREA OF SITE NOT WVERED BY BUIlOINGS ANO I . / I f � AiYIN6, PER SPECIFiGitONS. VROYS�E��K BEDS / ae ,n � � .:.. , z; . i � .. ... �� 8 6IIRAGES ANO BU IDINGS VER UNO iL00R PLAN � _ � . ... �� . , .. ,..- �c . E1RERIOR ` 5. � / U �,:.__... ., �� � . . /�._. W I .:�. .• .:�,_- : s I Wlll BE ME�tYSYAVpR MI�DI �RAGE BUIlO[N6S 5 10YMHWSE I{HD , , I - . � � � �. � - fACN Y(RED Tfl Dtf'FERENT Ulli. I /� � �/ Nt�.+I � ,�r. � ONE iER OYEllIN6 UIIT, U•O SMOKED 6LASS 6L08E5, d I � .... ::.. . .... � el / i u , . I � . � / � --�� ...�.... .. � � UT[UTY SPECIFICA7[ONS �a� ". %1 f f� � City serer esin exists in SManon Parkwy and is stuC6ed in[o ti � � % � CRUSHW ROLK %t 4� ��NC�MALK , . � „� I 962 / . _ , � %1-8 � �� / � Droperty r2p� {�s�dQ af Pro�KY�i�e (tontnttor to verffy I z , - -� � ..-- buildinct�r shail desi n and construet serer service to ncA I � � �'�-� •�° ...... ..• ' ,`,.. NW / I ;. . .. / f�eiC �ldnd of syb� Provide 4"droin in cmmon tre�h .... 1� � aM Y Co�strvot wMqle _ � h �z I fIRE 961 I ProWde 6' ll�neefrrow��enMle to�ctty sWb. � m I I �„" HYDR - - , Sewer li�s shali�be VYC o� State of Minnesota and StarMa�iy Utijjtiesd5�����°ts of � � � � � � o � City Engineera Association of MinnesoW. �if��allons of � � � p 90Z and 95f Nodified Proctor Oenslty for 5�°ct trcnehes W � G— — _. � -- "�"�u, ��1��4 b�Y�(��'y'�dl� 91��' k�i�1�fu �Iw� I��t�'� �r���9�4�����% C' ubgrade Delow Wp 6' SEWE MpIN �I �"�1 Ilii i�L��q r� ��V�yyy I� ineludie 9 3' of trench resDectively. Caqleta constructien, 9 Aateriais, canneetions, cleanouts,slopes, joints, � i ---- � and testing shall be perPormM in full e � � \ ' I aM sWte o^41Sance with local 1 � / �f � / ; Q i rMutFements. codes and ordinance:. �' Mew rwter inein rith stubs to indiv;dual buitdin � � - -� - -�� m � ��—� m— \,o . ��'. . �� runninre hydrents will be wnstructed by city in asementjarea . I � �� `� � . a' o� � � , � °' ,-o, ��-�fid- �� I ---�'k- �shalt 9�rth to south in cente�of site. This contractor . ' C�'ovide.water service fron nsi�to eacA building, p7� � � � %°' �+ater services sha)7 be 1}• toDOer, T Y � � � m shall Ae installed with a continuous coe K. Water service (r . � . � BITUIINOUS DRIYE ? I Q ation cock to cit VPer Dipe frae corpor- �U1 PARKING • u�-- -----�-.� �O d�� y curb stop. 1 Q � 4"NHti�l[NE � � °� . 0 �,7p a � �� � � � / / N "�I withrei�r shall coordi�yte his�rater and sewer construction 43 ��� M each servi e�to'erif��f�t e r m a 9 o, Contractor shall check I � � � �� � � / _ �7.n . . Y that each corporation wci is full I � �L �30' � oPan before backfilling services. A71 water services shall � � Z �. I - 960 8 x;..:::- / � � � . . . �u S�n�.aecordance with local and sWte health department � � f I 'c �:.�z HYOR ' , �I . � " . ...: ;��� � � xx I I , . . ', ..;. �`x��r Y����X`�'���}�a�',��x��.W ' - �. - I .:,. :..Y h�, �' , ... �� .,:• - . . .:_.„_ . _..I_,_,� tlANHOLE COVER � I � AND FRA1��' � ��" . ._ .. .... Q. � � NEENAH Hpp�R-1772-E � CRUSNEp ROCK � 961� �%1 � � � 8ITU1tN0U5 ORIVENAY , I ��� 961 � . / an 4� CONC MAIK � 1- 962 1 i EL. 988.00• / CRUSNE�ROCK i � � � // i I � , � � .. _ __ � `I _.: _..; �F- . � I . , Y / a . %1-8 g6 I i � --- � < W ' � �.,p, Q � 2'At1JUSTiNG RiNGS � . . I o � '�r- 1 Q.I --_ .�- AS REQUIRED. , i -:..� .. „>�- <4�, .:.��.: :_^ � � ��W:. N � �� � � , �a�... , . � . . ' � , ,. � �. B . .��, :.,., .. , -- - ---- ---'f- � , I V � � , N' PRECASi CONCEHTRIC � � � / � . .pt;i�wa'< .. � . � 26"�[N. CONE SECTIOM. I � . ./ � "-. � .% . . I . __ � / � 'g ,_ � li"WA R � � � I . I .� � � I I � / � i}"WATER z. ..�'. ;� . BOTTOFI SECTIINI OF �p'id R�i� � d q �� � � � i p y� � � � g g 1 J' � ri �34y�sy'S jtp��i���r ��i�Sl�n �( 'I�i ��q 1 �'S � ��� il �d��� k���� . . . . � 4 " _ HEQUIREU LEtIf,TH � . � � ��� � �` ����«,i��'�������i����t��F��� . . . � Q� �� IWIE TO ORDER NIiH I ' I CUT OUT$AS REQ'D. � I I . \ . I � � � . � :.i CUT OUTS AS P.EO'D. i � F4R SAqITARY SEHER PIPING. � / ; � � 61-8 1 CRUSHEU�ROCK �i 961-8 � �..>. _— � �IN_Y_ER7 Er�=� .PRECASi�BASE. . . I . / . . I . � \� � � � 961 961-8 . ' . - y'�.00 SECTfOfI 8O oO� ���--_ . . � ,� . ,__ 961 ' 0 � VERIfY IMVERT EL. O � PRIOR Tp INSiALLATlON f �������� \ � . . ' •'�. . -.• . . I :g � t ���.���� ����� �� I. � . i I - i\ . MA �, � ! 1� 1 � �IOLE DETA� � �i7!"F I i \ ` 330.��r ������������������������ ---�"-'�----------�7-b _. � \ � . ----- �-�_.�'4. � � 43'-4. . .. --._ �_'- ey-r_4 ` � � �` � � � � . . _'— —��—961 � . . _ SCHEDIn E OF DRAWIN � 1 S[7E PLAN SITE SURVEY L1 LANDSCAPING PLAN 2 FOUNDATION i FOOT[NG PLAN 3 FIRST FLOOR PLAN - BL.p6 A 4 FtRST FLOOR PIAN - BLD6 B 5 SECOND FLOOR PIAN - B�A 6 SECONQ fL00R PLAN - BLD6 B 7 DlTERIOR EIEVATiOfIS 8 p(TERIOIi ELEVATIONS 9 SECTIONS i DETAILS 10 SECTIONS �DETAfLS ; . � - . `. . � �y � _. . ... ` e�S� � � . . ._. . . . „ :, . . . ': � • _ . �• ..w�..� . . . ^.' x�:. . "» : .' 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Ail ee�4ln�r�br1�i to At�rorn fe eont�IMr ' w`� I � f � - i ar�c l�ndar st:�ontln. iwnnW�rr pLnt�w/al 1or ' i 1 '/•� � �� ,w.r fia�eNe of wpsLantt�t ee�l�tlaa. bvalr�11 Aa�w�g�rp Prpp�nY ha yi�nttny op�nttons at � � � , f �� I ro coss w she o�v. �p or000sea otmss sh.i� a touc.e � a�nrutiy as snorn o„u,e ot�ns�ne sNi1!e�ppro�b yY q� � � Archfuct befon fnsull�clon. CwitneLor r � �y � I � � rcMn�.�n��0 Mterf�i Yfinq approprUte tlse trye tpaA�for � � � I I . �_ . + � BiB MitA ArM1Uct'[�YM'owl. � � � � � � � Y...— All pLntinp�rq��tWr�g 9raMd tw,er.perynnlals. � � � .� � �nnua(1/�tapsoft s�/���efi/''rtfx Ot 8"MPth pl�nt I I � �� � , � rnAr all Lnn and sMrybs I � �s� ! I � ���ln[lOed�tth`p1�Mt�l��r. 1 = ' - � ' � . � ��.. - � � � ,��' All Pl�ntirps shali receSve fertilfur a�foila.c: , � � � ' � �\ f�� � �~ .M : � . t�� � . ,$:�� Su�er Jnd feil plmtin9. before vtnter fntae-uP. �Pply � � j � , • �-� � . � ; . i I � � 1 .j__r_y_1 }e; � �� .� . 0-20-20 gruwtar Sn caucer aroun0 piant at�ate of 1-12 I Y b � .�,y,i : �� � �„y ; Mw p � . oz.ue per 2-3`troe. arM 1-6 oz. un per shrub. I �� ��__ . • : � • � � j � ° N �:� � foliw uP Mith sase ap;mt of 30-30-SO fo'larieg spring. � �' f , � � ' s Y' �96� 961 CRUSHEO��— � . 4�� � 962 s/r � � .� �� Mr�D all det4duous trees with wterDroof t,'Me P+Per M'+or reeove after tyy 1, �° � � - � �'� . � - -, . 3 I � � to Det�rter 1.aM . . r � � ' � � - yy���<�- - . . . 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PRA1(INUS PENNSYLYqNICUS - `" } �*AItlClN6 � _..__ t .� :�O SLUGAR�CHA ; �i /�.�_ ....._... , . . . . � _ �LEADER NO "Y" CROTCP � ; ' � �_ _ , . ` _ . .-� ' . i ' ' � � � � '� � � - s"fiMI�1 . �` . �O . S R! 2 ~ pp �•y��CROTEADER ; M Q.A. 6'-8' HT CIXIT. . Q� , �:•� , k � � . � � ` � � t ' . . . � ? th POPU.US TRfMULOIDES STRAIGHf LEADER � . �"` � � . � . , � � . . �--'I NO'V"CROTCH I �� � Z I � ' �. . ` � .. ' .�, , _ _ . � � Y.Y. F� I ' :. ..�. � i— . — �. . NIOBE IIEE'�i ING YILLOW O ; . � fi ��51 i i �;: j . y �. � SAIIX X BLANDA M(IOBE" z��CILL. 8d8 Flp.�, � 1 Z� ! N �--�_ i ; -� FfRE� , � �"'.. �a, �wr` � � � . i. � �� I r '�` ; �:, .� ! `�.;� ,.. ::. w. �' NrOR r.� �g "'��.\ � ._9E: LL . S.C. SNONDRIFT CRlIB � 1 . •� � Q ! I . �' � `y � .. - �' -..,, . .�. � 1 ��`-.: �: , 962-4___ . 2"CAL 686 S IGHT LEADER ',. .� : � ' "`2'_r -�,t „: „„= ' � ., �_ � -.— . .� , ! s .. � , .�..'�, " � � �, ' -„ � . . � ..._. .___� . , B58 FULI FO ROTCH . . ( (n . . � ��_ i-4 --- _..-�i � _ y,! r C.B. LOLORADO BLUE SPRULE 4� , NO"Y"C /�i �......._ CRUSNED ROCK �� ' -- ... _ •� I :.�-q_CANC YALK � —.. ." �2 xt, �� s, . ; . PICEA PUNGENS GLAt1CA 6� � RM TO 6RADE � . ' � , . . - — .. .: ; , _. .-__. .. . , � � . ± . i 1 q�� MN sKc *,M ' ,CRUSH DGk � ; . . A.L I{MERICAN IINDEN 2}" CAL. 65B . . . i L.._ ( ., ' ��jt • Sn� : _' _ '-- 9� r-.._ __%Y- � TILIA AMERILANA NO "YG CROTCH� . . I � � r �J •�.. .,,.. ; I ��1 � A.M. AMlat M11PLE � ) ; i �'� to.� ." :..�., �a`aM; i . , N _'� 1 ACER GINNALA 3� M CONT. MHRb83 CANES R 4- �. . . � � ' .' � ' '��'�� ��, ?�"��� �* �a� ,� � � ' � ----+ - � � 5� SEAGREEN JUN7PER . ? _ ; . 1 . �` . z. ..,x � _�. �" �sn� � .. a <�� ,�;€ z� JIMIPERUS CHINENSIS 24 �CIM. (J GAL) � .. � j . , �- � ,�� �, ,�. .�" ��' `�. � . � . .I � . � ti �� �`�" . -� ` . s�" x�'�M�� '�T.�L :�,.�,_� -, .�' `�" �� �"' S.J. SCIIHDIA JIMiPER � '�6!_ � �" �' � �� ��' "� �,� � J�JNIPERUS SABINA 'SLANUTA24� CONT. (7 GAL) � . , �� � �� ':F� `� � :!r� .a� �,�i`�.� '�:a 4 �-� ""�."'`- �.'s' x^ + . . . , �9 �;. � � � ' ���y?' .y� n__,.w-��� � �'� ?9''� � �vc,: •Sr+ � . o, . : ; . " _, ; � i � . ^ , :. :. .., : � • . ' . . . � .�,�� k.�� � �k����°�'F ��a\ . .. .. . . . - . . .� . . . .... ._.._ _.... _.... _.__ ___ ._ :- �� � I . . . �0�---� . . � � i � "--'r.x �'.�t'�' ` � . . 1 � . , . � , I r , , .. � , : . � , , � : _ __ . . � . , ��, , � , . -��_� ___ _ �,�_. ___ ---�� ���x �� _� ,�-0- � � � _ I � : , _ � __ - . � , .. : ': � 1M � ._.._ n __ � � ___._._.... . - _ • �y �'%�_ f62E -%, .`. 80100. � ,r;,� i � .. � �.�.���������������������as .k' � K . _.. _'_ . �. . � . � . � I � I , 3 �'__._.___.,_-----,.._...,..--_,,,_,____:_._.� .�..,..,„.,. �...«.,,. �,�� - - .�:��.�� . . � �rwwtiMl�Yp ��.L.�Yra��� � - �t MYl1Yr� . � . �l�l��lrf< �a�Ifr������Y . Y . •��i�1r01 " Yv�f!~���1�ii�jr • � . . �'rt���MIW��� � J..' . ._. . . . . � i�w�Fl�iY�l � IIM�1� �I�4��O�� ``� . 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OYP ID TEJITURE �' � �t � ��� IIYIMi IIOOM CARPET M000 CY��D EMlEL CY�/D TEItTURE I � i—-T..�..—++--�—� `1 _� DININC ROOM uuv�r woo �rr�o �uwu srv eo r�xTunE L--�� I(ITCIEII SHI YIN MOOp � iY►!p ENNFL� GYP/D TEXTURE � . . . . I �� �" L�I/�Rr SIR YIN MOOD 6Yi!0 ENMEL GYi!D Tf%TURE � . .__.._.. -_ . I � LLOSET SHT YIN MIX1D C1'►!D ENMEL 6YP!D TEXTURE : . �.��� L��-i � . . . �� . . . . . I � . � I 1 � � STAIR ClIRPET M000� 6YP!D ENNEL 6YP!D � TEXTURE I - MRLI GIRPET WOOD GYP!D ENAlEL 6YV BD TEXTURE _ i i � � BATN SIR Y1N MOOD GYi!p ENAtE� GYP W� TE%TURE . � ��"� 1--�.,_ . . . � � � I �� � BEDROOM WtPET MOOD 6YP!D ENAlEL� 6YP BD TEXTURE . ;.... . 1'_-��''-'"+-—-}-—i--"��_�' i . �� i � I � CLOSET GRPET MOOD GYC!p �EtU4EL 6YP!D TE%TIptE � + � ; � I . NOTES: FlooNnq tn closets shatl be same as roon�tnw rhfch they oxn. -----�' -�-- -�-- �-- - ----- . '��' : � � I Grpet tn Mnd1uD uMts sM)t �eet loul Mndtuo naWra�ents. , � %� �i I�� _- _- �� . _ i . I I 5'-0 hlgh terewit t11e on walts abore Mthtu6s. . � I f � - _;�'! i 30'rtde piazttc laminate grcase shfeld glued to wail above ranoes. I � % � � � I I - I � \ ; - - ' i � DOOR SCHEDULE i � i � � � `{l\r - - - . �:• . \� " �'�IO�' 'I�I � LOCATION DOOR SIZE OOOR TYPE FRAME TYPE CLOSER LABEL � � ' . / � 1{ l ._' I �J � I � ' 1-i > i� � i O O � . '-- .��� .-, �� I�� � I OUTSIOE ENTRY 3-D x 6-B METAL CLAD MOOD�:. - , ' - I ' I I � .� :.' � I ; i tNTERIOR EMTRT 3-0 x 6-8 S.C. WOOD MOpp YES 20 M!N � . � .. . . ' i I TYP. BEDROOM 2-6 x 6-8 H.C. WOOD XOOD� � ' � -� ����� � I i HCP. BEDROOM 3-0 z 6-8 H.L. MOOD HOOD ' ' i � � � W -{ W +- I '1� . . � ; \\- � I ��- I - � � ' I I - - �u� �� ` TYP. BATH 2-6 x 6-8 H.C. 4700D WOOD ' - � I I \ I --------- - - - - - i � � - � � �- � �- --- � -------�-� - - --- -- - --- -- - - --- - - - - --�OI HCP. BATH 3-0 x 6-8 H.C.�NO�. M000 ' - .� �� .,. � � - - i;� �� ���� - �i ' ��� CLOSETS SIZ S YAR H.C.N000 BIFOLD TRACK ' ' . _... _.. __. �� E Y - . � � � .;I�i . � . � - 1f�.._f-�I� �J i J I �� . � --- --- , �� �. j LAUBDRY 6-0 x 6-8 LOUYEP,WO BI FOLD TRACK I. � � � I � , � ./ ���� � - � \ � I I ' NOTES: A71 doors in Aandicap unit 3'-0 wide, provided with lever handles.� � � . . .. I . - .� _ i. . � � � �� � '� P � �- � -- � - � Firc ratin label d 7ies to c J� „�i�r �--- v , 9 PP ompiete door an0 frame assembiy. � L .-� - � � �\.` � � '�2X6 N000 STUD PAR;ITIOk � � � � � -,-.--I �-- �J) ! �. Exterior mtry doon shall�include outside�storm-screen combination y- �- � `AT LENTER BEARING NRLLS. ---F - �� � ��i - --{ � � and metal threshold. _ � i� � plL OTHER PRRTITIONS 2X4 I — - , .� . __ I� _�� ��`� � . �� 'Y 1 i ,� _ -- - - - - -- _ _ -- � -i ; �; .�I � ri it--�- � �I �,-,�� I . � i r=�� . , -- i -- :, 1 .���., . i � � ; ��• i� � ( i Ni ! � i � i j I - ��� ' �� , � r� ' � . ; (J I � ���`/ ' �_�', . n!J � .. i '� � I I 1 \ I � / I� � � � � � �� ~ -- / I � � . � � � .��. � � . -- -- � . � � . � ,. 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