HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Newly Elected Officials ConferenceConference Officials for tewly Elected League of Minnesota Cities Saturday, February 6 Ratnada Inn North* Brooklyn Center This is your conference where you can get basic inforination about your new responsibilities, and how to get help when you need it Topics Programs to get you started: • Councils -- what they can and cannot do • The Minnesota Open Mccting Law and Data Practices Act • Personal Liability and Conflict of interest Break-out sessions for small,medium, and large cities (Cities under 1,000; 1,(NX)-5,(X)O; and over 5,(16).): • budgeting and finance • planning and zoning • personnel and labor relations *Thc Ramada Inn North is located at i lwys. 194 and 094 in Brooklyn Center (just three blocks from Brookdalc Shop- ping Center). The name of the hotel will change to holiday Inn Minneapolis North before the conference takes place. fire -conference We're adding somcthitsg extra this year -- an early morning; pre -conference welcome to file League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. Come meet the folks who work for you. LMC and AMM staff and board members want a chance to get to know you. Visit wills our LMC Insurance Trust (LMCiT) staff, learn about LMC research and inquiry set -vices, and find out how you can help the, League lobby for cities. Also, discover what fire League's 4M Fund offers as an alterna- live (o improve your city's investment earnings. Regis(ration The rcgistralion fee for the Newly Elected (Officials Conference is $45 per Pelson including, lunch. Prc-conference seminars (held Friday, February 5) are extra. Information on those daytime and evening programs will be available in the January issue of Afinitesofa Cities and in the program brochure. Registration materials and conference program brochures have been mailed to newly elected officials. Complete regislralion brochures will be available front your city clerk in nrid-Uecentbcr. Or call fire Government Training Ser- vice, 2112 Minnesota Building, 40 E. 4th Sircet, S(. Paul, MN 55101, 612/222- 641Y) or Poll free 8(91/652-9719 for a per- sotsal mailing. i lolcl accommodations al the Ramada Norah* are $50 single or double accom Illodat ions.