HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.d. Water Tower & Well RFPW,.fey, -gid• DATE: JANUARY 14, 198$ TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O STEVE JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE JANUARY 19, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Approve RFP for Engineering Services for Design and Construction of Well and Water Tower The Utility Commission and Staff are recommending that the City solicit RFP's for engineering services for design and construction of a well and water tower for 1988 and 1989. As the RFP indicates, the City has a 0.5 million gallon reservoir and capabilities of pumping 3.6 million gallons per day (MGD). However, about 0.75 MGD of this amount is not dependable for the future because of the well (Well #6) which supplies this amount has a vibration problem due to the shaft and casing not being in true vertical alignment. Therefore the effective capacity the City has is just under 3 MGD. As you can see from the attachment, we averaged a little over a million gallons per day during the month of Junein 1987. The overall average for 1987 was 110 gallons per capita per day, or 756,000 gallons per day. To be able to accomodate the demand for water, the City should be able to supply the maximum day demand. Industry standards recommend that when planning to supply water to handle a maximum day demand that the rate of supply be between 150 and 250 per cent of the average annual demand. Using 200% as a midpoint, then the recommended rate of supply for a maximum day would be 1.5 MGD._ This is fairly consistent with our pumping records because over the course of one of the driest weekends in June we did pump about 1.3 MGD. Although this is still below our maximum pumping capacity, Staff and Utility Commission feel that the City should start planning for a new well now because of the relatively rapid rate of growth the City is experiencing. Our water demand increased 58% (173 MG to 273 MG) from 1985. If that trend continues then the estimated water demand for 1989 would be about 440 million gallons or 1.2 MGD. Then the maximum day rate would be about 2.4 MGD. Therefore, you can see that Staff feels it is time to begin the process of constructing a new well now so that we may have it on line by 1989. As for the tower, in order to provide storage to equalize the peaks and reduce the amount of pumpage required during peak hours, the industry standards recommend about 40% of the maximum day demand. Applying this to our anticipated demand in 1989 would require that we would have 0.96 million gallons of storage. Storage for fire protection should amount to another 0.24 million gallons. Page 2 Approve RFP for Engineering Services for Design and Construction of Well and Water Tower - Continued Therefore, the minimum storage that we would need today would be 1.2 million gallons. Again, because of the anticipated water demand increases, resulting from the Citys growth, Staff is recommending looking at the addition of a 1.0 million gallon storage tank. In addition to providing the adequate amount of storage, this will also allow the City to take one tower out of service in order to perform preventative maintenance task such as repainting and repairing ice damage to the inside. I will be available to discuss any aspect of this RFP with the Council if they so desire. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION OF MUNICIPAL WELL AND ELEVATED STORAGE TANK PURPOSE The purpose of this Request For Proposal (RFP) is to provide a means of evaluating qualified consulting engineering firms in order to select the most qualified and cost effective firm for the design and construction of a new municipal well and elevated storage tank for the city of Rosemount. SCOPE The scope of this project is for the site selection, design, and construction of a new 2.0 MGD municipal well and a 1.0 MG elevated storage reservoir for the City of Rosemount. EXISTING CONDITIONS The Citys' current water supply system consist of three municipal wells drilled down to the Jordan Aquafer. The total capacity of these wells is about 3.6 MGD. However, one well, 0.75 MGD, is and will be limited to emergency pumping only an should not be considered in total pumping capacity and needs. The Citys' current storage consist of a 0.5 MG elevated storage tank within operating elevation of between 1,075' MSL and 1,105' MSL at a head of 110' to 1451. Figure 1 shows the overall Citys' water system including the three wells and elevated storage tank.' The Citys' existing population is estimated at 7,000 and Figure 2 shows the Citys' monthly water demand for 1987. Attached as Figure 3 is an excerpt out of the Citys' MWCC Sewer Use Survey indicating the amount of water used by classification. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS While the City is anticipating the need for a 2.0 MGD municipal well and a 1.0 MG water reservoir, the City will require the Consultant to recommend the appropriate size of each should the Consultant feel a larger or smaller size well or water reservoir would better suit the Citys' needs. The well equipment shall be housed in a heated and well ventilated building. The building shall contain the following equipment: 1.) Vertical electrically driven turbine pump with natural gas or diesel engine backup 2.) Fluoride application 3.) Chlorine Dioxide application 4.) Microcat 9800 RTU for connecting into existing supervisory control system. The site selection for the well shall be made considering the possibility of the City constructing a water treatment plant in the future. The Consultant shall plan on providing a resident inspector throughout the construction of the new well and elevated storage tank As for timing, the City needs to have the well operational by late 1988 with the elevated storage reservoir operational by spring of 1989. QUALIFICATIONS The Consultant shall submit the firm's qualifications and a client list of references with the RFP. The Consultant shall also include the names of the project management team the Consultant purposes and also their individual qualifications along with the RFP. FEES The Consultant shall include the purposed method of payment for this project with the RFP, ie. cost plus fixed fee, percentage, etc. RFP SUBMITTALS The following is a minimum list of submittals that the City will require for this RFP: 1. A letter explaining the Consultants understanding of the project. 2. The Firm's qualifications. 3. List of past municipal well and water storage projects and clients. 4. List of project management team and their individual qualifications. 5. Outline of project schedule including task and estimated man hours. 6. Project fee basis and rates. SELECTION CRITERIA Staff will select the Consultant based on, but not limited to, the following areas: 1. Experience of firm and project management team 2. Firms accountability record 3. Engineering fees 4. Timetable V 7 1987 WATER DEMAND 32 30- 28- 26 02826 25.484 24 22 2t1 19.871 18.236 18 16.892 17.215 z 16 15.391 14 13,861 13.4 1.862 11.927 12 11.403 10 8 6- 4 2- ro 0 Jon Feb Mor Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MONTH t Survey'of Sewer Use Data f0^87 Page Three' Municipality CITY OF ROSEMOUNTt�' w` , r.r�>;4 C. ,. 5. Unit of geaSUre Mt Ga I Ions '`•' , " ' • Total Municipal Water Rapped in 1987 j '>'s'� yI Municipal Water Sold in 1987 r Second Quarter 66,395,000 y Third Quarter 128,965,000 FIRST SEM/l'gJ Fourth Quarter 42,712,000 QUARTE[t lHM raJRM AR'M TOTAL, 273,264;000:. Q QUAR'T'ER Q(lARM 2C7M t , 1. Residential27:000 26,0 40.03 7.00d 48�19�� 3�.iQlL.1.r.M0 1dF,�,j211 000 ' t� � w flow from hate water1987,`­!',, pIr supplies and estimated flaw for ;;t btiJl'1l{Li{./1.'M7 2. Institutional 2,055,000 2,491,000'' 3,898,000 2,561 A00 ' `' 11 '.005, 000 3. Coamercial 2,739,000' 4,494,000,-5,443,006 3,322,000 ' '15;9 000 2. Institutional (vo-Tech)_ l 9 658 .3 (i� `^ 4. Industrial. 1,064,000 1, 062,00013,000 1,166��,305000 r leyy 4. Industrial (Winko) 88, 2(D q _ TOTAL FCR YEAR 31, 885, 000 48, 084, 000 ` 56,5137#000 `' 39, 090,}000 177, 632;000 5. Unit of geaSUre Mt Ga I Ions '`•' , " ' • Total Municipal Water Rapped in 1987 First Quarter 35,192,000 F r Second Quarter 66,395,000 Third Quarter 128,965,000 S,. Fourth Quarter 42,712,000 .t TOTAL, 273,264;000:. Provide number of sewer connections that are furnished with flow from hate water1987,`­!',, pIr supplies and estimated flaw for ;;t btiJl'1l{Li{./1.'M7 1iVin 1. Residential 2. Institutional (vo-Tech)_ l 9 658 .3 (i� `^ 3. Commercial (Union 76) _. 41 �. 4'`' q, 4. Industrial (Winko) 88, 2(D q FIGURE 3. , .. z..• a ,p � .. .. ,