HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Minutes of January 19, 1988 Regular Meeting• ROSEMOUNTTY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR M2WING JANUARY 190, 1988 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, January 19, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor Hoke led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Due to inclement weather, Mayor Hoke requested the agenda be amended to table the following items until the February 2, 1988 Regular Council Meeting: Item 4; Item 6(a), 6(b), 6(c); and Item 7(a), 7(b) and 7(c). There were no additions to the agenda. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar subject to a correction to the January 5, 1988 Regular Council Meeting minutes. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented the low and only bid opened on January 13, 1988 for the street sweeper, advising staff readvertised for a 1988 street sweeper or a 1987 demo unit with less than 100 hours as directed by Council at the December 15, 1987 meeting. Hefti advised the bid complies with specifications and requested that Council award the bid to MacQueen Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $55,780.00. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to accept the bid and award the contract for the 1988 street sweeper to MacQueen Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $55,780.00. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed the bids received on January 11, 1988 for the fire department tanker retrofit. Fire Chief Bob Turek advised the fire department recommended that Council reject all the bids opened and cited reasons for this recommendation. The Administrator recommended the project be readvertised with bids to be received by February 5, 1988, at 3:00 p.m. and to be considered by the City Council at the February 16, 1988 Regular Council Meeting. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to reject all bids opened for the tanker truck retrofit and readvertise for bids with a bid opening date of February 5, 1988, at 3:00 p.m. SECOND by.Oxborough. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Community Development Director Dean Johnson presented the Carrollton 2nd Addition PUD [Agreement and Development Contract ROSEMOUNT JWY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR ME NG JANUARY 19, 1988 and advised the developer has executed both of these documents. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Carrollton 2nd Addition PUD Agreement and Development Contract and to authorize the necessary signatures SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Administrator Stephan Jilk requested Council to approve the job descriptions for the positions of Mechanic I, II and III and to authorize the amendment to the existing labor contract to include these positions. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to approve the job descriptions for the positions of Mechanic I, II and III and to authorize the amendment to the union contract as outlined in the administralk--or's memorandum of January 15, 1988. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti advised Council the Utility Commission and city staff are recommending that the city solicit RFP's for engineering services for design and construction of a well and water tower. Hefti noted site selection will'be considered based upon the possibility of the city constructing a water treatment plant in close proximity to either Well No. 7 or Well No. 3. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to authorize request for proposals for the design and construction of a well and water tower with the proposals to be returned by February 17, 1988, at 4:00 p.m. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays 0. Council reviewed the letter from the County Auditor and the certificate of classification of forfeited land regarding three parcels in the City of Rosemount. Council concurred that one parcel be conveyed to the city for storm water holding/street right-of-way purposes, and the other two parcels be classified as non -conservation forfeited lands. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to Adopt Resolution 1988-7, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED LANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386, LAWS 1935 AS AMENDED, SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to Adopt Resolution 1988-8, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION BY GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR 2 • ROSEMOUNT OY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 19, 198$ CONVEYANCE OF TAX -FORFEITED LANDS. SECOND by Napper. byes: Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0 Community Development Director Dean Johnson presented for discussion the City's Applications for Reduction in Assessed'` Valuation of Real Estate for two outlots located in White Lake Acres owned by the'City of Rosemount. Johnson explained that due to an error in transferring ownership when this development was platted, these two parcels were listed as private ownership rather than public causing taxes to be levied to ' the listed owner. The approval of the application would cause this property to be tax exempt and abate the taxes that were improperly levied. See Clerk's File 1988-2. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1988-9, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR REDUCTION IN ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. MOTION by Napper to adjourn. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully Submitted, Susan M. Johnson - Council Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk Published this day of , 1988 in Dakota County Tribune. 3