HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Receive Feasibility Report, Chili / Chippendale Intersection, City Project #179DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1988 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 16, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Project X179, Receive Feasibility Report Chili/Chippendale Intersection At Staffs request and recommendation at the December 1, 1987 meeting, Council ordered the preparation of the feasibility study to determine the engineering feasibility and the estimated cost for reconstructing the Chili/Chippendale/145th Street Intersection to make a new 4 -way intersection. This would replace the two existing offset T-shaped intersections that are posing traffic problems and hazards. Our Consultant has completed the feasibility study, a copy of which is attached, and found that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint at an estimated cost of $80,000. Council should note that the total construction cost does not include cost for obtaining the necessary easements for the proposed realignment. Staff feels that this proposed solution to the current traffic operational problems and hazards which exist with the current alignment should be put before the School District for their comments because the extent of the operational problems are the result of the school using Chili Avenue as a main access. In pursuing this with the School District I would, with Councils authorization, request the School District consider contributing to the cost of this project. If the School District considers making a contribution that we feel is equitable, which would make this project more palatable, then I would like to meet with the affected property owners to inform them of the proposed project. Therefore, I would recommend that Council receive the feasibility report for Project #179, Chili/Chippendale Intersection Improvements and direct Staff to pursue a cost sharing arrangement with the School District. FEASIBILITY REPORT ON 145TH STREET INTERSECTIONS AT CHIPPENDALE AVENUE AND CHILI AVENUE ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 179 SEH FILE NO: 88123 February 16, 1988 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State ofiMinnesota. DATE: January 22, 1988 REG. NO. 9089 REVIEWED BY: DATE: [J J 1 1 ENGINEERS ■ ARCHITECTS ■ PLANNERS January 22, 1988 222 EAST LITTLE CANADA ROAD, ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 612 484-0272 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 145TH STREET, CHIPPENDALE AVE. AND CHILI AVENUE INTERSECTIONS CITY PROJECT NO. 179 SEH FILE NO: 88123 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Attention: Rich Hefti, City Engineer Gentlemen: In accordance with your authorization, we have prepared the attached feasibility study for the intersections of 145th Street at Chippendale Avenue and Chili Avenue. This report updates information previously gathered as part of other studies in the area and considers in more detail the long range permanent solution to the operational problems with the divided inter- sections. We will be available to review this report in detail with you upon request Respectfully submitted, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. 00� Steve Campbell SDC/cih Enclosure SHORT ELLIOTT ST PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRICKSON INC. MINNESOTA WISCONSIN TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORIZATION SCOPE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS COST ESTIMATES PROJECT DISTRICT APPENDIX A - DETAILED COST ESTIMATES AUTHORIZATION The City Engineer/Public Works Director in a letter dated December 2, 1987 requested the preparation of a feasibility study for revising the intersections of 145th Street at Chili Avenue and Chippendale Avenue into a single, four-way intersection. A work program was submitted to the City on December 21, 1987 and, following a January 11 meeting, was revised and resubmitted to the City on January 19, 1988. The report was authorized to provide information relating to the cost, potential property impacts and operational considerations associated with the final improvement to the intersection. 1 SCOPE This report is based primarily on a single alternate considera- tion which is to realign Chippendale Avenue and Chili Avenue to a single intersection at 145th Street. The intersection of Dodd Boulevard and Chippendale Avenue would also be realigned to provide maximum distance between the 145th Street intersection and the Dodd Boulevard intersection. This study is a follow up to previous studies, meetings and deliberations by the City staff and SEH staff relative to operational problems at the existing intersections. Some conceptual designs have been prepared for revising the two separate intersections to provide for better turning radii, providing turn lanes on 145th Street and relocating the Dodd Boulevard and Chippendale Avenue inter- section. Operational studies included the potential for signalization of the two intersections, evaluation of different methods of stop sign control and a combination of flashers and . warning signs. After review of the many alternates which are available, it was felt that a final study of the realignment of the streets to provide a single intersection would provide the best permanent solution. 1I L 7 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Chili Avenue was constructed in the early 1970's as a typical residential street 32 feet wide. It provides a connection to the west entrance to Rosemount Senior High School and also provides access to a residential area. All adjacent residential properties face the cross streets, such as 143rd Street, but several have driveways which access onto Chili Avenue. Chippendale Avenue was formerly County Road 39 and was rebuilt by Dakota County approximately ten years ago. In conjunction with the reconstruction, the intersection of 145th Avenue, Chippen- dale Avenue and Dodd Boulevard was reconstructed to provide a single T intersection on 145th Street and a second T inter- section immediately south with Dodd Boulevard. 145th Street is approximately 40 feet in width east of Chili Avenue. Through the intersection. area, it becomes wider before ultimately returning to a 24 foot width west of Cimarron Avenue. The area in the northwest corner of the intersection is largely an open field and was part of an older farm type development. Some trees remain. The area in the southeast corner consists of a single family residential unit with a significant side yard between the building and Chippendale Avenue. There is a rather large triangle of old right-of-way from Dodd Boulevard which still remains in the southeast corner. Most traffic on Chili Avenue is associated with the school or the adjacent residential complex. At times, there is a significant amount of school bus traffic and school related volumes become quite high. Chippendale Avenue to the south also carries a significant volume of traffic as it is a major connector between 145th Street and County Road 42. The importance of Dodd Boulevard has significantly diminished because of its cul-de-sac near the County Road 33 and County Road 42 intersections. The connection of Shannon Parkway between 145th Street and County Road 42 will further diminish the importance of Dodd Boulevard as a carrier of traffic. The close proximity of two major intersections along 145th Street creates a number of operational problems. The most noticeable problem is the weave made by traffic which utilizes -both Chippendale Avenue and Chili Avenue. The weaving movement requires traffic to pull out into 145th Street, accelerate and then quickly decelerate to make a left turn to the other street. This start and stop maneuver in heavy traffic can lead to some driver confusion and potential accidents. There is also potential, and sometimes realized, congestion which reaches from one intersection to the other. In the morning rush hour, left turning traffic to go north on Chili Avenue forces some backup of traffic to and sometimes through the Chippendale Avenue intersection. The reverse is true for evening rush hour, left turning traffic to go south on Chippendale can back up to the Chili intersection. A third concern with the split in the intersections is the pedestrian paths. Some pedestrians utilize the south side of 145th Street to either eventually cross at the east side of Chili Avenue. Other pedestrians cross on either the east or west side of Chippendale Avenue. Occasionally, pedestrians will cross between the intersections taking advantage of either a gap in traffic ory stopped traffic. There is also backup on both Chili Avenue and Chippendale Avenue caused by either the offset or the heavy traffic movements. it is very difficult to make a southbound left turn in the morning rush hour. Any left turn will significantly backup traffic because of the lack of gaps in both eastbound and westbound traffic on 145th Street. Similarly, northbound traffic on Dodd Road has a difficult time making a left turn because of the backup of eastbound traffic from Chili Avenue and the restricted 1 sight distance this backup creates. The backup on Chippendale Avenue will occasionally completely block the Dodd Road inter- section. Similarly, the lines of traffic on Chili Avenue in the evening rush hour can extend back and block 144th Street. The City recently installed stop signs on 145th Street stopping westbound traffic on Chili Avenue and eastbound traffic on Chippendale Avenue. This temporary measure has reduced some of the congestion which has occurred on 145th Street, primarily as a result of backups associated with left turns from 145th Street. However, this measure also creates some driver confusion because of the unusual arrangements of stop signs. Motorists who approach an intersection see a stop sign for one conflicting movement and assume that the opposite conflicting movement also has a stop sign. This obviously is not true for southbound Chili ' Avenue traffic since the westbound traffic stops but the east- bound does not A supplementary sign beneath the stop sign has attempted to alert motorists to this abnormal situation. This temporary stop sign measure also does not reduce the weaving 1 problems, only slightly reduces some of the accelerate/decelerate concerns and problems, and has no impact or possibly even a negative impact on pedestrian movements by leading pedestrians into a false sense of security. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS It is proposed to revise the intersections to a single four-way intersection on 145th Street. A conceptual alignment is shown in Figure 1. Chippendale Avenue is slightly relocated to the east and a single curve south of Dodd Boulevard will permit the relocation of the centerline of the intersection approximately 50 feet to the east. The angle of intersection of 145th Street and Chippendale Avenue would be approximately 70 degrees. The relocation to the east will require some additional right-of-way in the corner of the property. L� Dodd Boulevard would also be relocated further south to a new intersection on Chippendale Avenue. A single curve on Dodd Boulevard would result in Dodd Boulevard being realigned to an ' east/west alignment at the new intersection with Chippendale Avenue. The angle of intersection would also be 70 degrees. A reverse curve would be constructed for Chili Avenue between 144th Street and 145th Street. This would permit the realignment to match the relocated centerline of Chippendale Avenue. A tangent section would be provided at both the 145th Street and 144th Street intersections. The width of revised Chippendale and Chili Avenues would be increased to provide for two lanes of approach to 145th Street from both northbound and southbound directions. The additional 1 width would be necessary to provide for turning movements and, in the case of Chippendale Avenue and Dodd Boulevard, would provide for a bypass of left turning traffic. ' RIGHT OF WAY AND BASEMENTS Right-of-way will be required from three separate parcels for the proposed improvement. A small triangular area of the property in the southeast corner will be required for the realignment of Chippendale Avenue. A triangle of property will also be required from the side yard of the single family residence in the southeast corner of the intersection of Chippendale Avenue and Dodd Boulevard. This also will be a relatively small area. A major acquisition of right-of-way will be required for the relocation of Chili Avenue. This taking will remove a signifi- cant portion of the buildable area which is now vacant. As part of the right-of-way acquisition, the existing driveway from the inplace residence should also be relocated to Chili Avenue. In conjunction with the acquisition of right-of-way, some additional right-of-way could be available for return to private Ji ownership. However, there are several private and public utilities which exist under Chili Avenue, Chippendale Avenue and Dodd Boulevard. The return of property to private ownership would therefore be subject to easements for utilities and it is doubtful that any buildable lots or additional buildings on existing lots could be provided. The driveways for the two residences on the east side of Chili Avenue will need to be extended. The driveway for the property on the southeast corner of Chili Avenue and 144th Street would need to be extended a short amount because of the curve in Chili Avenue. The driveway extension for the residence on the northeast corner of Chili Avenue and 145th Street would be ' increased by approximately 60 feet. 1 COST ESTIMATE The construction cost of the relocation of Chili Avenue, Chippendale Avenue and Dodd Boulevard is estimated to cost approximately $80,000. This does not include easement acquisition costs or costs for any relocation of utilities, assuming that all would be left inplace except those which must be moved for construction. PROJECT DISTRICT The following properties and entities would be most impacted by the construction of this project: Carrollton Addition Outlot A Motz's Addition Block 1, Lots 16, 15 Rahn's 4th Addition ' Block 1, Lot 1 Section 30 1 34-03010-030-95 Independent School District 196 ESTIMATE OF COST CITY PROJECT NO. 179 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 1400 1.50 $ 2,100 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION C.Y. 2600 2.50 6,500 2105.521 GRANULAR BORROW (CV) C.Y. 3100 4.50 130,950 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) C.Y. 300 8.00 2,400 2211.503 AGGREGATE BASE PLACED, CLASS 5 C.Y. 700 10.00 7,000 2341.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE TON 35 175.00 6,125 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIX. TON 320 14.00 4,480 2341.510 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE TON 320 13.00 4,160 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN B618 L.F. 1450 5.00 7,250 2575.505 SODDING S.Y. 2700 2.00 5,400 SUBTOTAL +10$ CONTINGENCIES ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST +20$ OVERHEAD & ENGINEERING TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $59,365 5,635 $65,000 15,000 $80,000 144 TH' ST. W. _ J 2 I � ' EXISTING R/W ::�i EXISTING CURB LINE III I I I NO SCALE DR#WAYS PROPOSED CURB LINE 700 145 TH ST. W. _ REMOVE EXISTING J STREET SURFACE CONCEPTUAL ALIGNMENT FILE NO. AAW 145TH STREET a CHIPPENDALE/ CHILI 88123 ENGINEERS 0 ARCHffECTS.PLANNERS INTERSECTION REVISION FI Gi R E.