HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. College of St. Thomas Study / Resource RecoveryTO: FROM: DATE: SQBJ: ,,- �f 6?i 1, Of (�Kosemount Mayor, Council, City Administrator . P.O. H S 510 ?875 -145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 612--423-4411 If -M 6e C. Dean Johnson, Director of Community Development February 26, 1988 College of St. Thomas Graduate Research Project 0 Attached are copies of two cover letters from Dr. Frederick M. Zimmerman, Director of Graduate Programs in Manufacturing, background information on the graduate programs at St. Thomas, a grant application to the Blandin Foundation and my letter to Dr. Zimmerman. Let me try to summarize, briefly, what this is all about. I met Fred Zimmerman about three years ago. At that time he was a private consultant in the manufacturing field. Mark Dayton, former director of the former Department of Energy and Economic Development, hired Dr. Zimmerman to find and evaluate potential users for the recently closed Brockway plant. Dr. Zimmerman called me three weeks ago about the Blandin Foundation and the potential for studying the Brockway vacancy issues. After explaining that Brockway had been sold and was being utilized, one thing led to another and I suggested that a study on the resource recovery facility would benefit the community. I met with Dr. Zimmerman and John Povolny, volunteer executive to the college, on February 17 in Rosemount. We toured the Pine Bend and CSAH 42 resource recovery sites, and I gave them a bushel basket of information. The major issue at hand was not interest, it was timing. The grant deadline is March 1. There has been little opportunity to organize this effort or share much information with anyone. I have encouraged Dr. Zimmerman to proceed with the application and have promised I would recommend token funding from the City for this project. There is no obligation whatsoever to approve my request for funding; but, I think you will all agree that this project will provide very valuable information to the City. I think it will also illustrate the City's desire to seek a second opinion on certain aspects of the County's proposal. Specifically, I am recommending that the City contribute $2,000 to this study. This represents 25% of the total grant application of $8,000. It also represents a match of the funds set aside for faculty direction. As the application states, any additional funding from the City would be utilized to increase faculty involvement in the study. If the application is approved, the final report would be available by September 1, 1988. I will be at the March 1 meeting to answer any questions you may have. • lll...11! 4 �� j + c R(Vr EMO IN I, P i iFi�..• , ir,F 1,Y1 lift February 25, 1988 Dr. Frederick M. Zimmerman, Director Graduate Programs in Manufacturing College of St. Thomas P.O. Box 5009 2115 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 RE: Blandin FoundationFellowsFellows Program Dear Dr. Zimmerman: I wish to thank you for your reception to the idea of a graduate research project pertaining to the proposed Dakota County Resource Recovery facility. I enjoyed meeting with you and John Povolny, personally, and truly appreciated your willingness to tour in Rosemount and discuss this proposal. I have had the opportunity to review your draft application of the Blandin Foundation and find it very complete and within the scope we had discussed. As I suggested in our meeting, I am going to recommend that the City of Rosemount participate in the funding of this study. Consistent with your comments under ProposedBudget of Project Costs, I am asking the City Council to match the funding for faculty involvement and direction. Informal response on our end has been very positive. Formal council action on this proposal will be taken on March 1, 1988. I am very excited about the prospects for this project. I am truly grateful for your interest and immediate action, as well. As the objectives in the application state, the purpose of the study is to evaluate the aspects and availability of energy from the proposed resource recovery facility and identify the potential use of the energy by existing and/or new industries. This information is extremely valuable to the community, as we begin to assess the impacts of the resource recovery facility. We are largely incapable of evaluating broad sweeping claims about the potential spinoff of industry. We also lack third party, unbiased opinions related to siting criteria for new or existing 'industrial energy users, or the waste facility' itself, The benefits of this particular study will go well beyond the local community. The issues facing the City of Rosemount will be experienced by dozens of communities in the near future. Solid waste disposal is a critical and emotional issue across the country. Waste -to -energy facilities are increasingly favored alternatives to land disposal; yet, there are many unresolved questions regarding this alternative. This application to the Blandin Foundation is very timely and very credible. If there is anything else the city can do to enhance the application, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you again, for your interest and personal support. ,Sincerely, Dean R. Johnson Director of Community Development P.O. Box 5009 t,ollcgc of tit. 'Phomas 2115 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 COUEGE OF 111 Graduate Programs in Manufacturing Systems Engineering 612-647-5566 • February 23, 1988 Mr. Dean R. Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Dean: Enclosed is the first draft of our proposal to the Blandin Foundation. Please feel free to write all over it. We are very interested in your input. We wil need your comments by early next week in order to make the deadline. Best ishes, d i� '4\ Frederick JM. mmerman, Director Graduate Pro ms in Manufacturing MRMinnesota Private SUMMER Foundation 1988 1988 BLANDIN FOUNDATION FELLOWS PROGRAM Application j Namc or Applicant Dr. Frederick M. Zimmerman (pr./tir./Pla.) (First Name) (Initial) (Last Nam) Position Director 1)cparunent Graduate Program in Manufacturing Svst Engineering 647-5566 College College of St Thomas ' Phone Nunrtbcr What courses are you teaching during 1987-88? ME 631 Automation Systems in the U.S. and Over MB 690 Business Strategy and Policy Development (MBA Capstone Course) _ ME 899 Thesis Project Course (MMSE Capstone Course) What percentage of time are you employed at the above instituI00tion? � what type or rcllowshil) are you applying for? 1A regular rcuowship or up to 58,t)t)o O supplemental fellowship of up to S3,000 Project Description 11roiposed '110c Dakota County Waste -to -Energy Facility Economic and Industri a1 Support_ Study Project Abstract The purpose of the proposed project is to study the feasibility of utiliz output of the soon to be constructed Dakota County Solid Waste, DisRo_sal Faci1_iTy t_n __— surrounding area and by investigating which other industries would be particularly supportive to the health of nearby existing industries. Fellowships received by faculty are subject to rederal and state taxation as suppieniental income as provided under the 'lax l(crorm Act of 1986. Please refer any questions about tax n:unificatium to your personal tax advisor. chief Academic Officer Signsuurc 1)atc generate additional industrial activity and employment in the Rosemount area./% The s»ecif objectives of this proposed study will be to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the energy expected to aste-to-energy be available from the Dakota County waste-to-energy-- facility facility and to develop a list of potential industrial uses by considering the potential for employment in the region, the needs of the industries already established in the surrounding area and by investigating which other industries would be particularly supportive to the health of nearby existing industries. Fellowships received by faculty are subject to rederal and state taxation as suppieniental income as provided under the 'lax l(crorm Act of 1986. Please refer any questions about tax n:unificatium to your personal tax advisor. chief Academic Officer Signsuurc 1)atc College of St. Thomas Proposal to Blandin Foundation 1 A. Purpose of Proposed Activity and Intended Outcome The purpose of the proposed project is to study the feasibility of utilizing the energy output of the soon to be constructed Dakota County Solid Waste Disposal Facility to generate additional industrial ac- tivity and employment in the Rosemount area. With the passage of the Minnesota Waste Management Act (WMA) of 1980, the State of Minnesota Legislature required all counties in the metropolitan area to act to insure that no unprocessed waste will go to landfills after January 1, 1990. Dakota County has prepared a Solid Waste Master Plan which outlines the measures that must be implemented within Dakota County to meet the legislature's goal. The approach chosen by the County is a balanced system for managing solid waste which includes recy- cling, composting, waste reduction, landfills, and a waste -to -energy facility. Dakota County has chosen to develop a waste -to -energy facility, as have numerous other cities and counties in the United States, as a way to dispose of solid waste in a cost-effective and environmentally sound way. Beginning in May of 1987, Dakota County conducted a detailed site screening study involving a review of criteria such as sensitive environmental areas, existing and future land uses, distances from large residential areas and schools, highway access, locations of parks and historical areas, topography, and parcel size. Two potential sites were identified. One is near the Koch Refining complex in the Pine Bend area of East Rosemount. The second site is one and a quarter miles South. Dakota County is requiring that the latest state-of-the-art control technology will be provided in the waste -to -energy facility to insure that air emissions exceed the standards of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in order. The equipment consists of a fabric filter bag house to collect particulates, and an acid gas scrubber that will control acids and other potential pollutants. The plant will be designed to handle up to 800 tons of solid waste per day. During the early life of the plant, about 600 tons per day of solid waste are expected. It is estimated that about 100 - 150 trucks per day will haul waste to the facility. Dakota County Waste -to -Energy Central Processing Schedule Percent of County -Wide Solid Wastes Processed at Central Facility Source: Dakota County Planning and Program Management Department, September, 1987 Waste will not remain in the facility for more than two days. The facility will be entirely enclosed and will have negative air pressure to insure that any odors that may exist remain inside the facility. Because Percent of Projected Tons Solid Bastes Processed By Projected Processed Central Facility Total Tons Year Residential Comn'l/Ind Residential Comn'1/Ind Processed 1985 0 0 0 0 0 1986 0 0 0 0 0 1987 0 0 0 0 0 1988 3.5 0 3,629 0 3,629 1989 3.5 0 3,684 0 3.684 1990 3.5 0 3,781 0 3,781 1991 22.6 19.9 24,615 25,621 50.236 1992 80.0 80.0 88,235 105,530 193.765 1993-1995* 80.0 80.0 271,436 334,847 606,283 1996-2000** 80.0 80.0 474,834 619,102 1.093,937 Source: Dakota County Planning and Program Management Department, September, 1987 Waste will not remain in the facility for more than two days. The facility will be entirely enclosed and will have negative air pressure to insure that any odors that may exist remain inside the facility. Because 2 College of St. Thomas Proposal to Blandin Foundation of the state- of -the art pollution control technology, potential odors from air emissions are expected to be virtually non-existent. The two most practical methods for processing large amounts of solid waste are the mass -burn and refuse -derived fuel methods. Very stringent requirements were identified when the County requested proposals for design, construction and operation of the facility. Ten proposals Were received. Following a lengthy and detailed evaluation, three companies were selected for negotiations. All three. provided mass -burn technology and all have the financial and technical capabilities to meet the guarantees the County requires during construction and operation. Mass burn technology Is a reliable, proven tech- nology in use with at least 1500 plants throughout the world. The availability of a modern state-of-the-art solid waste disposal facility can be an economic asset to the communities It serves. Waste -to -energy systems are able to produce a broad variety of energy products and other reverable materials. Steam, electricity, hot water, and refuse derived fuel are primary products. Recovered materials such as aluminum and other metals and glass are additional byproducts of the waste -to -energy process. Each of these markets has special requirements, which can be secondary sources of income for the community as well as the nearby supply of important raw materials and energy. Typical Steam Production Rates (lb./hr.) for 100 Tons per Day and 500 Tons per Day Waste -to -Energy Plants Steam Steam 100 TPD 500 TTD Temp. (F) Press.(PSIG) Incinerator Incinerator Saturated Steam 307 60 26,600 142,200 338 100 26,000 138,700 388 200 24,900 133,200 Superheated Steam 400 160 24,300 130,000 500 250 21,800 116,700 600 400 19,600 104,600 650 600 18,800 100,000 Steam is used widely in industrial applications. Steam can be utilized for generating electricity, to drive machines such as compressors, and for space heating. Industrial plants, dairies, cheese plants, public utilities, public buildings, paper mills, tanneries, breweries, and many other businesses have steam needs. When assessing potential markets for steam, the following fiactors are impotant: I. Since steam usually cannot usually be economically transported more than a mile, the poten- tial market should be as close as possible to the waste -to -energy facility. The installation of a pipeline to connect the facility with customers can also be prohibitively expensive in certain cir- cumstances. 2. Facility problems such as slagging and corrosion increase with higher pressures along with the expenses of handling higher pressures reduce the useability of waste -to -energy products. 3. The customer normally requires a very competitive price, usually some fraction of the price of reliable uninteruptable conventional energy sources. Ref: Great Lakes Regional Biomass Energy Program, University of Wisconsin, 1986, p50-51. • 0 College of St. Thomas Proposal to Blandin Foundation Estimated Electrical Generation from Waste -to -Energy Systems Plant Size Steam Flow Power Generated (TPD) (ib/hr) (MW) ( wwron) 100 18,000 1.4 034 200 40,000 32 038 300 60,000 5.0 0.40 400 80,000 6.8 0.41 500 100,000 8.8 0.42 Footnotes: steam pressure 600 prig, temiperature 650 F, condensing turbine. Power actually available for sale will be less due to incinerator, air pollution control systern and condenser power demands. (Ref. Second International Small -Scale Municipal Waste -to -Energy Conference, December 4-5, 1985, Chicago, Illinois) 3 The specific objectives of this proposed study will be to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the energy expected to be availabile from the Dakota County waste -to -energy facility and to develop a list of potential industrial uses by considering the potential for employment in the region, the needs of the industries already established in the surrounding area and by investigating which other Industries would be particularly supportive to the health of nearby existing industries. B. Description of Special Qualifications Since its founding in 1885, the College of St. Thomas has been unusually successful as a provider of high quality value oriented education. Enrollment has more than doubled in the past ten years and the Col- lege of St. Thomas is now the largest private college in the state of Minnesota. The present student body consists of 4,800 undergraduate and over 3,500 graduate students. St. Thomas was recently ranked seventh among comprehensive institutions in the West and Midwest by a poll published in US NEWS. The College is also committed to serving the urban community in which it resides. It offers graduate programs for working adults including a Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, a Master of Business Communications, a Master of International Management (MIM), a Master of Software Design and Development (MSDD), and the Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MMSE). The College also has post graduate programs in pastoral studies and education as well as an evening un- dergraduate program for adults. The St. Thomas Master's Program in Manufacturing Systems Engineering is designed to provide prac- ticing engineers, production supervisors, managers and others involved in the manufacturing process with a systems approach to modern manufacturing. The program emphasizes the use of new state-of- the-art tate-ofthe-art materials, new manufacturing processes, total quality assurance, a mature approach to automa- tion and the attainment of manufacturing economies at modest volume. The program offers a multidis- ciplinary perspective involving technology, human resource management, operations management and manufacturing methods from both the U.S. and other countries. Although the Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MMSE) program is only two years old, the program has become established and well respected as a post graduate engineering program that is aimed at one of America's most pressing problems - that of competitive effectiveness. Enrollment in the program has steadily grown to the 200 graduate students enrolled in the Spring of 1988. 4 College of St. Thomas Proposal to Blandin Foundation The average age of incoming MMSE students is 32 years of age. The student population is 87% percent male and 13% female. Undergraduate backgrounds of the students are overwhelmingly technical. The Graduate Record Exam is required for admission and the test scores are impressive. The companies with the most students are 3M, Honeywell, Hutchinson Technologies, Unisys and Control Data. However, many smaller firms are represented. As one of the largest graduate schools in the Upper Midwest, The College of St. Thomas has on its full time and adjunct faculty staffs many individuals who are qualifiers to be involved in appropriate scien- tific and engineering oriented research projects. Some of the faculty members who will be available for the waste -to -energy study will be the following: Mr. Ronald J. Bennett Ph.D: Metallurgy - University of Minnesota M.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering - University of Minnesota B.Sc. Physics and Mathematics Summa Cum Laude) - University of Wisconsin Vice President Teltech Inc. Member - Minnesota Task Force on Research and Technology Dr. R. Stanford Nyquist Ph.D. Business Administration (Minor in Ind%trial Engineering) - University of Minnesota M.Sc. Industrial En�'in� eering - University of Minnesota B. Sc. Engineering = University of Minnesota Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St; Thomas Former President - Photo Systems, Inc. Mr. John E. Povolny B.Sc. Chemistry - College of St. Thomas Volunteer Executive College of St. Thomas Former Vice President - 3M Company Board of Directors - InternationalTape, Association Dr. Glen A. Thommes Ph.D. Chemistry - Michigan State University Adjunct Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering College of St. Thomas Former Director of Research - E. I. DuPont de Nemours Company Dr. Matthew M. Yen P.E. Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - Purdue M.Sc. Mechanical En 'neering - University of Idaho Assistant Professor o ngineering and Physics College of St. Thomas Dr. Frederick M. Zimmerman Ph.D. Manaement - University of Minnesota Director of 8raduate Programs in Manufacturing Systems Engineering College of St. Thomas Member of the Board of Directors - InterCim Corporation Member of the Board of Directors - Minnesota Wire and Cable Corporation Member of the Board of Directors - Numerex Corporation Member of the Board of Advisors - Productivity. Inc; Certificates of Appreciation - Society _of Manufacturuig Engineers .e - r- r- r- -11 INDUS FAIR PLAY AND EFFICIENT PRODUCTION t I College of St. 77ionias Proposal to Blandin Foundation C. Proposed Time Schedule The study will begin April 15, 1988 and will proceed according to the following schedule: 1. Evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the energy expected io be availabile from the Dakota County waste -to -energy facility. Both electricity and steam are to be investigated in cooperation with County conducted and funded engineering study teams. (To be completed by May 1, 1988) 2. Develop a list of industries and/or industrial uses that could effectively utilize the energy and other products of waste -to -energy facilities of the scale planned for Eastern Rosemount. June 1,1988) 3. Narrow the list of potential industrial uses to the most promising five candidates by consider- ing the potential for employment in the region, the needs of the industries already established in the surrounding area and by investigating which other industries would be particularly sup- portive to nearby industries. (June 15, 1988) 4. Investigate in detail the economic and technical feasibility of utilizing the energy and products of the waste -to -energy facility to support or develop each of the five most promising candidate uses. (July 15, 1988) 5. Examine any specific waste -to -energy site or design requirements that might be relevant to the utilization of wast -to -energy products by the rive most promising candidate uses. (August 15, 1988) 6. Prepare Final Report which will be issued September 1, 1988. 41 It will not be an objective of the study to recommend a single most preferred use of waste -to -energy products but rather to provide County and City planning and administrative organizations with a manageable list of possible opportunities to develop over a longer period of time. D. Proposed Budget of Project Costs The budget for the study will be as follows: Faculty stipends for direction of the study.....................................................................$2,000 Graduate student wages for the data collection and compilation tasks: .................... $51(m Expenses............................................................................................................................. $11000 The College of St. Thomas will make sufficient faculty time available so that the study can be properly conducted and supervised Additional funding from the City of Rosemount will primarily be utilized to increase the degree of faculty involvement in the project. E. Evidence of the Project's Likely Impact on Minnesota Communities Many observers of the economy see manufacturing as the segment of key importance in revitalizing a region's or a nation's economy. In a recent update of studies done in 1954, 1962 and 1973, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce studied the impact of 100 new manufacturing jobs on the general economy of the community. Their conclusions were that these 100 new manufacturing jobs would mean } 0 0 6 Cofte of St. Thomas Proposal to Blandin: Foundation • $1,948,353 increase in aggf egate personal income • $1,477,453 increase in retail sales • 45 jobs in wholesale and retail trade • 7 jobs in transportation • 3 jobs in finance, insurance or real estate • 3 jobs in business service * 3 jobs in construction • 3 jobs in public administration Manufacturing is an important central core of business activity in the Upper Midwest. Increased effec- tiveness of this important core activity is dependent upon efficient utilization of new manufacturing techniques and attention to the interrelationships among product design, development,production,value engineering and quality. F. Description of Student's Role in the Project Under faculty supervision, College of St. Thomas graduate students in manufacturing systems engineer- ing will conduct the data collection necessary for completion of the study and will prepare the draft of the final report. The final report will then be reviewed by faculty who will prepare it for final submis- sion. G. Evidence of Support from the Community Involved The City of Rosemount made the initial request to involve the College of St. Thomas in this project. We are enclosing a letter from the City of Rosemount which discusses the possibility of augmentary funding for the study. P.O. Box 5009 College of St. Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 r Graduate Programs in Manufacturing Systems Engineering 612-647-5566 0 StThomas February 11, 1988 Dean Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55608 Dear Dean Johnson: It was interesting to talk to you on the phone regarding the possibilities for business expansion in Rosemount. The project you describe sounds very interesting and from my understanding also will be appropriate for the Blandin Corporation Fellowship Grant Program. I will look forward to discussing the matter further. In the meantime, I am enclosing some information on our engineering programs here at St. Thomas. I thought you might be interested. Bestwi hes to you. Sinc ely, Frederick M. Zimmerman, Director Graduate Programs in Manufacturing cc: Lauren Morin Quent Hietpas Matthew Yen Some General Information on the Graduate Programs in Manufacturing Systems Engineering at the College of St. Thomas January 26, 1988 0 0 i 2 For the U.S., the combination of modestly growing exports and rapidly growing imports has led to a serious trade imbalance over the past several years. The U.S. Balance of Trade has reached record levels in 1985, 1986 and 1987. In particular, the growing trade imbalance in manufactured goods has begun to rival that being experienced on petroleum. PROGRESS OF THE MANUFACTURING PROGRAMS Although the Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MMSE) program is only two years old, the program has become established and well respected as a post graduate engineering program that is aimed at one of America's most pressing problems - that of competitive effectiveness. Enrollment in the program has steadily grown to the 180 students enrolled in the Spring of 1988. A few of these students may ultimately transfer into our closely related program, the MBA with a manufactur- ing concentration. The average age of incoming MMSE students is 32 years of age. The student population is 87% percent male and 13% female. Undergraduate backgrounds of the students are overwhelmingly technical. The Graduate Record Exam is required for admission and the test scores are impressive. The companies with the most students are 3M, Honeywell, Hutchinson Technologies, Unisys and Control Data. However, many smaller firms are represented. The following tables provide a statistical tabulation of the growth of the program: Student Population Summary Statistics Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 Students attending class 70 112 123 170 185 Registrations MMSE Students in MMSE classes 97 148' 156 186 215 MMSE Students in other classes 0 0 10 24 20 Total MMSE Student Registrations 97 148 166 210 235 Average # classesistudent 1.38 1.32 1.35 1.17 1.27 Others taking MMSE classes 2 24 27 34 30 Total Registrations in MMSE Classes 99 172 183 220 265 Average Class Size (Students) 16.5 19.1 20.3 18.6 22.0 SPECIAL GRANTS FROM CORPORATIONS The MMSE program has fortunately been the recipient of significant equipment and monetary grants from Honeywell, 3M, Valspar, ADC Telecommunications and others. The Honeywell grant was a com- bination of cash and equipment which is now installed at the College. This equipment will support general college needs and some particular courses in the MMSE program. The $500,000 grant from 3M is for the James A. Thwaits endowed chair in technology. The $100,000 grant from ADC is over four years and approximately $40,000 of this money has been used for library materials and equipment. 3 PROGRAM STRENGTHS The strengths of the MMSE program are primarily related to its close association with industry. The following key points may be of interest: • Top people from the Minnesota manufacturing community have been involved in teaching in the MMSE program. Bill Iacoe - Director of Manufacturing at Onan Doug Hoelscher - VP of Manufacturing & Engineering at Tennant Bob Brattland - Director of Manufacturing at ETA Systems John Walker - Plant Manager at Honeywell Ron Bennett - Vice President at Teltech Dennis Wilson - President of Nicollet Process Engineering • In addition, the MMSE program has benefited from the dedicated and thorough efforts of members of the full time St. Thomas faculty who have been involved in teaching in the MMSE program, preparing the adjunct faculty or in service on the MMSE Academic Council. Among the most helpful people have been: Dr. Stan Johnson - (Ph.D. Ind. Eng. - Minnesota) Dr. Matthew Yen - (Ph.D. Mech. Eng. Purdue) Dr. Eugene Audette - Education (Ph.D. Education - Iowa) Dr. Thomas Mason - (Ph.D. Industrial Eng. - Purdue) Dr. Robert Woodhouse - (Ph.D. Mgmt Systems - Iowa) *Members of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and other professional or- ganizations have been helpful in getting the program established. Among the most helpful have been: Mr. R. M. Johnson - Past National President of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Mr. John Pietruszewski - Director of SME Chapter 11 and an MMSE student Dr. Fred Zimmerman, Director of the MMSE program at St. Thomas, is a mem- ber of SME and has been active as a speaker at SME meetings. • The MMSE program has enjoyed a close relationship with industry due to: Mr. John Povolny - Volunteer Executive (Retired Vice President from 3M) Mr. Lauren Morin - Volunteer Executive (Retired Vice President from 3M) Dr. Fred Zimmerman - Director of the MMSE program and a member of the Board of Directors of several corporations Advisory Board made up of representatives of both large and small Minnesota companies. Many, many company visits. 4 • The industry sponsorship of the MMSE program has been quite gratifying for anew program: Percentage of students with tuition refund about 93%. 3M grant = S 500,000. . Honeywell grant = $750,000 in equipment and funding. ADC grant of $100,000 for equipment & library materials. Valspar Corporation grant of $50,000. Other gifts and grants. • Several other compaies have donatedtechnical and management time as well as the use of their facilities and equipment. Productivity, Inc. (Largest machine tool distributor in Upper Midwest) Numerex, Inc. (Manufacturer and exporter of coordinate measuring machines) InterCim Corporation (Supplier of factory automation networks) Allen-Bradley Corporation (Manufacturers of production control equipment) Onan Corporation (Manufactuers of Electrical Generators) Honeywell Corporation (Aerospace and Defense) Andersen Corporation (Manufacturer of Windows) Remele Engineering (Manufacturer of Special Machinery and Components) The MMSE administrative staff (Steve Hehnueller) is constantly in touch with students and takes care of their problems in a sensible and hassle free way. • Curriculum of the MMSE program seems to be well matched to the expectations of students and company managers. A survey of students who had taken five or more classes rated the program as 43% excellent and 57% good. No one rated the program fair, below average or poor. We work very closely with the management of our client companies in their educational programs so that a greater fraction of "the promotables" are sponsored for St. Thomas programs. The College of St. Thomas MMSE program actively seeks individuals who already hold or are progressing toward leadership positions in their companies. • We plan to develop industry oriented'courses in support of several key industries: Food Processing Electronics Medical Technology Process Industries Chemical Industries 5 THE ECONOMY OF THE UPPER MIDWEST REGION Many observers of the economy see manufacturing as the segment of key itnoortance in revitalizing a region's or a nation's economy. In a recent update of studies done in 1954, 1962 and 1973, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce studied the impact of 100 new manufacturing jobs on the general economy of the community. Their conclusions were that these 100 new manufacturing jobs would mean s $1,948,353 increase in aggregate personal income • $1,477,453 increase in retail sales • 45 jobs in wholesale and retail trade • 7 jobs in transportation • 3 jobs in finance, insurance or real estate • 3 jobs in business service • 3 jobs in construction * 3 jobs in public administration THE MARKET We project that the market for the Master's Program in Manufacturing Systems Engineering will be composed of three market segments: 1. Individuals directly engaged in manufacturing activity. 2.Individuals with manufacturing companies who wish to increase their understanding of the manufacturing process in order to progress with the firm or to work more effectively with the manufacturing function. 3. Other engineering and technical people who wish to further their after hours post graduate education in an area that is more technical than is available through existing after hours programs. Number of Manufacturing Firms The Census of Manufacturers estimated the number of manufacturing firms in our surrounding states to be the following in 1977 Establishments 20 or more employees Wisconsin 8,678 3,163 Minnesota 6,637 2,126 Iowa 3,783 1,245 South Dakota 740 195 North Dakota 571 145 v 6 Not all of these manufacturing firms have access to the St. Thomas program because of geography. A reasonable estimate is that within the outer limits of the tributary area of the College, we probably have about 5,000 total manufacturing establishments with about 2,000 with 20 or, more employees. Total employment in this group of firms is probably about 300,000 people. Industry has supported the program with enthusiasm. Several companies have donated equipment or the use of their facilities and personnel. Other contributions have been made. Most importantly, repre- sentatives of industry have actively encouraged participation of their personnel at company expense. Within the next few years, we expect this program to continue to grow. The St. Thomas MMSE Program is the largest formal graduate program in manufacturing in this region of the country. There is excellent corporate backing and a respected staff with both practical and academic experience. We have the interest and support of the professional societies. We expect to have several hundred students within four years. Manufacturing is an important central core of business activity in the Upper Midwest. Increased effec- tiveness of this important core activity is dependent upon efficient utilization of new manufacturing techniques and attention to the interrelationships among product design, development,production,value engineering and quality. The St. Thomas MMSE program will provide an opportunity for persons al- ready employed to upgrade their skills and knowledge in these areas and hence will make a significant contribution to the enhancement of industrial performance in the region. Our perspective on the importance of manufacturing is composed of three propositions: 1. Manufacturing is an extremely important ingredient to the economy of the region and the na- tion. Improvement in the health of the region's manufacturing sector represents the best strategic approach to improving the region's economy. 2. Current managerial and technological practices within the field of manufacturing are NOT up to the levels required to meet world competition. 3. Newer managerial and technological practices must be taught which represent practical and applied approaches to improving manufacturing in the short term for the industries that are presently a part of our region or are likely to be in the near future. In response to these principles, the College of St. Thomas initiated its Master's Program in Manufactur- ing Systems Engineering in January of 1986. 7 THE PLANNING OF THE ST. THOMAS MMSE PROGRAM The planning of the St. Thomas Master's degree program in manufacturing was an involved process ex- tending over a two year period. The present curricula of other established programs in manufacturing were systematically reviewed. Many faculty members at existing schools made useful suggestions which were incorporated into the program. A series of separate meetings extending over a years period were held with representatives of industry. Approximately one hundred people from industry were asked to comment on the need for such a program and to make suggestions regarding what topics should be covered. An outside organization was chartered to do a survey of the business community regarding the feasibility of St. Thomas becoming involved in an engineering program. Two subcommittees of the Col- lege Board of Trustees were appointed to review the matter. Separate meetings were held with the sub- committees of the Board, the Executive Committee and the Full Board of Trustees. A separate Ad- visory Board was set up explicitly to provide further input on the structure of the program. After reviewing the program with representatives of companies involved in manufacturing, the cur- riculum that emerged contained some interesting features: • Applied emphasis. • Multidisciplinary approach to the individual courses. • Well educated instructors with extensive industrial experience. • Extensive use of video materials and field visits. • Strong emphasis on Cad/Cam and modern production technologies. • Covers foreign as well as U.S. production methods. • Appreciative of the manufacturing requirements of this region. • Reasonably flexible in course sequencing. • Systematic cooperation with other technical institutions. • Courses offered in the evening or on weekends. SUMMARY We feel the College's Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering program is off to an excellent start. An excellent faculty has been recruited. Acceptance in the community is excellent. The program is affordable financially. We now need to take certain measures to maintain the momentum, to further im- prove product quality and to enhance the reputation of the College of St. Thomas as an engineering school. On a long term basis, the MMSE program could provide an opportunity to offer additional technical opportunities to our undergraduate students. 8 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering: The St. Thomas program in Manufacturing Systems Engineering consists of fourteen three (3) credit courses chosen from the following list of courses arranged into five groups: 1. The Systems Aspects of Manufacturing (four core courses required) ME 501 Manufacturing Systems Design ME 601 Process Design ME 621 Computer Aided Design and Computer integrated Mfg. ME 631 Automation Systems in the U.S. and Overseas 2. The Resource Aspects of Manufacturing (three of four core courses required) ME 505 Measurement and Accounting Systems for. Manufacturing ME 605 Management and Control of Raw Materials and Parts ME 655 Manufacturing for Quality and Reliability ME 698 Materials Engineering 3. The Managerial Aspects of Manufacturing (three core courses required) ME 500 Managing the Manufacturing System ME 510 Excellence in Manufacturing ME 600 Managing Human Resources in the Manufacturing System ME 620 Improving Productivity in Manufacturing 4. Elective Courses (three of seven courses required) MB 633 Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining ME 646 Manufacturing in the Process Industries ME 650 Project Economics and Effective Purchasing ME 674 Metal Processing in the 1990's ME 686 Micromanufacturing Technology ME 688 Advanced Design of Assembly Systems ME 799 Seminar Selected Topics in Manufacturing Engineering ME 898 Directed Studies in Manufacturing CS 638 Software Engineering in Factory Automation 5. Thesis or Engineering Project (required) ME 899 Capstone Project Course 9 SECTION U PBKOSOPHY AND STRATEGY In order to provide information to the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board, we are in- cluding some selected excerpts from the planning documents for the MMSE program. Systems Emphasis The courses stress, as the name of the program implies, a "systems" approach to manufacturing. This concept of the manufacturing system necessarily extends somewhat into the areas of product design, employee relations, the relationship of suppliers to the manufacturing process and the acceptance of products in the marketplace. Incremental Approach The program deals with the updating and improvement of existing manufacturing installations as an in- cremental approach to "the factory of the future". We believe this incremental approach to improving manufacturing effectiveness is of more practical benefit than systematic description of an ideal without the incremental steps. Applied and Theoretical Emphasis There is a strong interest in an "applied" emphasis combined with meaningful theoretical underpin- nings. The course material, video tapes, plant tours and equipment demonstrations should be strongly applications oriented but the courses are structured so that they relate to important fundamental prin- ciples of manufacturing which are not likely to become out of date. Among these are the basic prin- ciples of industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, operations research and organizational studies. Visual Emphasis Because of this need to have the systems emphasis be specific and not too general, the program is quite visual. The program features video tapes, plant visits, guest speakers with exhibits, models of manufac- turing processes and other approaches to providing the student with a visual perception of what needs to be done. Words and general concepts alone aren't sufficient to describe the manufacturing process. For these reasons we have obtained several primary sources for up to date video material on manufac- turing. Among these are; • The Society for Manufacturing Engineers • The Institute of Industrial Engineers • The American Foundry Society • The American Society of Mechanical Engineers • General Motors Institute • Higher quality vendors of manufacturing equipment and systems Provisions have been made for these expenditures in the budgeting of the program. • 10 Instructor Quality The material in the MMSE program is technical. Practical experience with up-to-date manufacturing methods will be an advantage for an instructor. Yet, it is of equal value to have a sound basis of en- gineering principles. Also, we must have instructors who have a track record of being good teachers. A large number of top quality experienced individuals with excellent academic credentials have ex- pressed an interest in teaching in the MMSE program. The number is growing each month. We have been able to be highly selective in the recruitment of adjunct and full time faculty. We run class evalua- tions against a controlled set of questions and norms at least twice during each course session. The ratings have been very favorable. Appreciation for the Type of Industy The St. Thomas embodies an appreciation for the type of industry we have within our region. Food processing is a major industry as is chemical processing. Our program therefore has some electives tailored to manufacturing in the process industries. The computer and electronics industries are strong. So is the medical technology industry. Therefore, some courses have particular emphasis on manufac- turing products which are very small and where quality is of extraordinary importance. The manufac- ture of agricultural and other machinery is still, and will continue to be, important. We will need some courses covering group technology and advanced methods of fabricating metals. Plastics and plastic products are very important here. We have courses which relate to materials engineering, computer aided product design and computer integrated moldmaking. Appreciation of Appropriate Scale Economies An additional dimension in our market rests with some important considerations regarding the ap- propriate economies of scale for our region. Some of our products have national and worldwide dis- tribution. For these products, large scale production may be appropriate. But, this area also has a sig- nificant number of smaller volume plants which serve primarily this regional market. Unfortunately, judged by national or world standards, this market is not a large one. Western Wisconsin plus all of Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas together account for about 4% of the nation's population. Our programs should address this reality regarding the question of economies of scale. We will not be providing what the region needs if we make the assumption that all efficient plants have to be large ones. AFG, Motorola and some other companies seem to have perfected the ability to get high rates of efficiency in very small plants. We will need to emphasize knowledge of that type of micro plant scale economy to adequately serve our market. Managerial Courses within the Program Some management courses were present in all of the manufacturing engineering programs at the other institutions we reviewed. Many of these managerial courses were general business courses. The St. Thomas programcontains about the same mix of managerial and technical courses as other programs at major engineering schools. What we have made an effort to accomplish in this program is to have the management courses that are contained be explicitly oriented to the management of the engineering and manufacturing functions. We have had favorable comments from industry regarding the courses we have selected. 11 SECTION III - ORGANIZATION AND FACULTY GRADUATE PROGRAMS IN MANUFACTURING ADVISORY BOARD The staff of the MMSE Program Office continues to work with knowledgeable people from industry who are providing input to our program. The members of the Board at this time are listed below, with a partial list of their credentials Dr. Donald Davidson Co rate Specialist - Technology Development Con-irol Data Co moon Sc.D. MechamcalvE ring MSc. Electrical Eng�ee ring; gU ty of Miissouri Ity Registered Professional Engineer Dr. Stephen R. Davis Provost and Dean of Faculty GMIEngineering & Management Institute in Flint, Michigan PhD. Mechanical Engineering - University of Illinois MSc. Mechanical Engineering - University of Delaware BSc. Mechanical Engineering - Drexel University Mr. Thomas P. Glisczinski President InterCim Corporation BSc. Electrical Engineering - University of Minnesota MBA - University of Minnesota Mr. Thomas G. Herschbach BSc Mechanical En�meeri��nngg� University of Minnesota Former President - Data 100-Corpora�ion Former Vice President of Manufactun�� - Data 100 Corporation Member Board of Directors - Netw=rk Systems Corporation Member Board of Directors -Z_ycad Corporation Member Board of Directors - CPI' Corporation Registered Professional Engineer Member Board of Directors Manufacluuring Data Exchange Corp. Mr. William Iocoe Director of Manufacturing Onan�i ROM( BSc. Elecfr ( . Engineering - Milwaukee Inst. of Tech; BSc. Industrial Man ement - Northern Michigan University MBA - Western Michigan Certified Manufacturing Engineer by SME Mr. Robert M. Johnson Manager of Technology, Planning & Productivity Honeywell Inc. Attejuded University of Minnesota 1940 -1942 and 1952-1953 �& VaQntauvc - nmr,1 ftc xcuitauon %-ominittee - Institute of Prnduciinn FnoinPPrc lFnalanAl 12 Mr. Gerald A. Johnston Manager of Manufacturing Engineering Control Data Corpgration BSc. Electrical E eering - University of Nebraska MBA - College of t. Thomas Registered Professional Engineer Mr. Robert J. Pitel Chairman of the Board & CEO HEI Inc. Former Product Line Manager - IBM T � •1f�tf___ 1f incwvcr • t�mcncan GieC[i'OmASSOpa On Member - National Association— of Man acturers Member. MinnesotatiQn of Commerand Industry Member - Minnesota�yy Tece chnology Council Member of the Board ortirectors -Ring Computer Mr. Ronald Ray Director of Manufacturing Advance Machine Com any BSc. B. A- - Miely� reechnological University MBA - College of t. Thomas Mr. Robert L Robarge Supervisor of Mechanical Engineering Research Shop (Retired) University of Minnesota Dr. Dean S. Schroeder Asst. Professor of Management University of Massachusetts BSc. Mechanical Engineering - University of Minnesota PhD. Management -University of Minnesota Former President - Schroeder Specialties Mr. Hans Sprandel President & CEO Numerex Inc. Studied Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at Rudolf Diesel College - Auisburg, Germany Member - Minnesota High Technology Council Mr. Daniel Stenoien President & CEO Productivity Inc. BSc. Mechanical Ei * cering - University of Minnesota Former President - Numeric%achining Mr. Charles L Svendsen 3Manufacturing Technical Training Manager BSc. Industrial Engineering - Univgrsity, of Minnesota B.A. Business Administration - University of Minnesota Mr. Frank D. Wells Supervisor of Corporate Quality Assurance RosemountInc. BSc. Electrical Engineering- American last. Eng & Tech. Officer - American Society -for Quality Control 13 ACADEMIC COUNCIL On matters relating to academic protocol, educational policy and overall program quality, the MMSE program is also governed in part by an Academic Council composed of members of the College of St. Thomas faculty. The members of the Academic Council at this time are the following: Dr. Eugene J. Audette Ph.D. Universa��yyrr of Iowa Professor of Education College of St. Thomas Dr. Robert E. Garhart Jr. Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh B.A. Duquesne Assistant Professor of Economics College of St. Thomas Dr. Joseph M. Hallman Ph.D. Fordham Uniyersi yy MA. Marquette Umversil Assoc. Professor of Theology College of St. Thomas Dr. Eric Jaede Ph.D. Applied Mathematigs & Statistics - U. Minnesota B.Sc. Mathematics & Physics- Rensselaer Polytechnic Assoc. Professor of Quantitative Methods & Computer Science College of St. Thomas Dr. Stanley C. Johnson Ph.D. Industrial Engineering - University of Minnesota M.Sc. Industnal Engineering - University of Minnesota Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas Dr. A. Thomas Mason Ph.D. Industrial Engineering - Purdue University M.Sc. Industrial Enngg?�eering - University. of Massachusetts Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas Dr. Satu Suominen-Troyer Ph.D. Industrial En eering - Purdue University M.Sc. Engineering Production - U. of Birmingham England Senior Human Factors Engineer 3M Company Dr. Thomas N. Tommet Ph.D. University of Wisconsin M.Sc. University of Wisconsin Assistant Profejsor of Physics College of St. Thomas Dr. Robert H. Woodhouse B.S.M.E. & M.A. - University of Iowa Ph.D. Management Systems - University of Iowa Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas 14 Mr. Frederick M. Zimmerman Ph.D. Management - University of Minnesota Director of Graduate Programs in Manufacturing Systems Engineering College of St. Thoma Member of the Board of Directors 0 • is FACULTY As one of the largest graduate schools in the Upper Midwest, the College of St. Thomas has on its full time staff many individuals who are qualified to teach graduate level courses in engineering, business management or operations analysis. To supplement the full time staff, an adjunct faculty of exceptional experience has been recruited. In addition, the MMSE program invites visiting professors from other leading institutions and manufacturing professionals that have established reputations in the manufac- turing field. Mr. Ronald J. Bennett Ph.D.- Metalurgy - University of Minnesota M.Sc. Metalurgical En *neeM - University of Minnesota B.Sc. Physics and Mathematics (Summa Cum Laude) - University of Wisconsin Vice President Teltech Inc. Member - Minnesota Task Force on Research and Technology Mr. Robert D. Brattland B.Sc. Industrial & Mechanical Engineering - North Dakota State Manager - Manufacturing & QuAty Engineering ETA Systems Dr. Larry A. Casper Ph.D. Surface Chemistry - Lehi Univers'ty M.Sc. Environmental Science - �n'versei oI Alaska Manager Advanced Sensors - Honeywe Author��tICboofiL.E 7??cla% PROCESSING: Organic/Polymer Materials Characterize - ion an er anDubca ons Trustee - Federation of Materials Societies Mr. Gordon Foster B.B.A. Personal Management - University of Toledo M.B.A. - University of Minnesota Industry Consultant Former Vice President and Chief Financial Officer - Van Dusen Air George G. Gleeson B.A. Business Administration - University of Minnesota Graduate Stu dyy in Industrial Relations -University of Minnesota Industry Consonant Former Vice President and Chief Financial Officer - CompuTool Corporation Mr. Douglas R. Hoelscher - P.E. B.M.E. University of Minnesota Awarded Bush Fellowship - Harvard University V.P.E. gmeering & Manufacturing - Tennant Company Co-author of WEST FOR QUALITY Mr. William F. Iacoe - C. Mfg. E B.Sc. Applied Science - Electrical Engineeringg Milwaukee Institute of Technology B.Sc. Industrial Management - Northern Mictiigan University M.B.A. Western Michigan University Director of Manufacturing Onan Corporation Chairman of the Consortium on Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0 • 16 Dr. Eric Jaede Ph.D. Applied Mathematics & Statists U. Minnesota B.Sc. Math matics &Physics,- Renssea Polytechnic Assoc. Pr "Cr of Quantitative Methods & Computer. Science College of St. Thomas ' Dr. Stanley C. Johnson Ph.D. Industrial Engineering - University o Minnesota M.Sc. Industria! Engmeeru�g -University o Minnesota Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas Mr. John B. Knauff B.Sc. Business Administration - Macalester College Extensive graduate work - University of Minnesota President Knauff Associates Dr. Albert J. Macek Ph.D. Experimental Psychology - State University of Iowa MA. Psychology - State University of Iowa Human Factors peciahst Honeywell Dr. John G. Malinka Ph.D. SBstems Enni�nneering - University of Washington M.Sc. Electrical Enhr&eermg - University of Minnesota Vice President Aeration Industries Former President and Executive Director - Minnesota High Technology Council Dr. A. Thomas Mason Ph.D. Industrial Engineering- Purdue University M.Sc. IndustriEngineering - University of Massachusetts Associate Pro essor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas Dr. Daniel E. McNamara Ph.D. Industrial Engineering - University of Wisconsin M.Sc. Industrial Engineering - University of Wisconsin Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas Mr. Donald R. Mittelstadt B.E.E. University of Minnesota Product Assurance Manager Control Data Corporation Fellow - American Society for Quality Control Dr. R. Stanford Nyquist Ph.D. Business Administration (Minor in Industrial Engineering) - University of Minnesota M.Sc. Industrial En, * tering University of Minnesota -Pr B. Sc. Eng* n �''aaeering --University of Minnesota Associateofessor of Business Administration College of St; Thomas Former President - Photo Systems, Inc. 17 Mr. John E. Povoiny B.Sc. Chemistry - College of St. Thomas Volunteer Executive Collegeof St. Thomas Former Vice President - 3M Company Board of Directors - InternationalTape Association Dr. Robert 4 Raymond Ph.D. Mathemztics - University of Minnesota B.Sc. Case, Institute - Asst. Professor of Quantitative Methods & Computer Science College of St. Thomas Dr. George B. Richter Ph.D. Ph ical Science Education - University of Minnesota MA. - University of Minnesota Ad'unct Assistant Professor of Engineering Graphics College of St. Thomas Dr. Albert J. Starshak Ph.D. Chemistry, - Illinois Tgchnical Institute M.Sc. Chemistry - Case Institute Senior Quality Engineer Rosemount Inc. Dr. Thomas P. Sturm Ph.D. Computer Information Systems - University of Minnesota M.Sc. Computer Information & Control Systems - U. Minnesota Assoc. Professor of Quantitative Methods & Computer Science College of St. Thomas Dr. Satu Suominen-Troyer Ph.D. Industrial Engineering - Purdue University M.Sc. Engineering Production - U. of Birmingham England Senior Human Factors Engineer 3M Company Dr. Glen A. Thommes Ph.D. Chemistry - Michigan State University Ad'unct Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering College of St. Thomas Former Director of Research - E. I. DuPont de Nemours Company Mr. John F. Walker Hi1aher National Certificate in Production and Mechanical En'neering - University of London cOatrl' National Certificate in Production and Mechanical Engineering - S.E. London Techni- o ge Plant Manager Honeywe( L Inc. Member of Institute of Mechanical Engineers - U.K Member of Institute of Production Engineers - U.K. Chartered Engineer - U.K Mr. Robert C. Watters B.Sc. Engineering - Iowa State University Extensive Industrial Experience ; Director of Manufacturing Training (Ret) 18 Mr. Dennis C. Wilson B.Ch.E. Chemical Eng�'neering - Northwestern University M.BA. -University of Chicago President Nicollet Process Engineering Inc. Dr. Robert H. Woodhouse B.S.M.E. & M.A. - University of Iowa Ph.D. Management Systems - University of Iowa Associate Professor of Business Administration College of St. Thomas Dr. Matthew M. Yen P.E. Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - Purdue M -Sc. Mechanical Engg�'aecrmg - University of Idaho Assistant Professor ot-Engineering and Physics College of St. Thomas Mr. Frederick M. Zimmerman Ph.D. Management - University pf Minnesota Director of Graduate Programs in Manufacturing Systems Engineering College of St. Thomas Member of the Board of Directors COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS WITH OTHER INSITIMONS The available video materials help students visualize how modem manufacturing processes take place and what equipment is used. But, for some students, more tangible applied lab work is of interest. In order to fulfill this need, and also to gain access to other needed resources, we have developed mean- ingful cooperative programs with other well known accredited manufacturing oriented institutions. These programs include: • 1. The supply of instructional materials including video tapes. • 2 Occasional sharing of faculty in the form of guest instructors. • 3. The offering of combination programs as ancillary program options. 0 0 19 SECTION IV - PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS Degrees and Certificates Offered: The College of St.Thomas offers three programs in the specialized field of manufacturing: 1. Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering degree program. 2. Master of Business Administration degree program with a concentration in manufacturing. 3. Certificate of Completion in Manufacturing Systems. The College of St. Thomas seeks applicants for the programs in Manufacturing Systems who have a strong desire to succeed in improving the manufacturing effectiveness of their companies, the country and our region. The Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering degree program is a distinctly applied program in modern manufacturing systems, methods and engineering concepts. The MMSE program is an interdis- ciplinary program which draws upon the fields of science, engineering, computer science and manage- ment. Each course is structured so as to include relevant material from several disciplines. Value sys- tems are considered and the objective is to improve the manufacturing effectiveness of our entire region. The program is desined for individuals with an appropriate undergraduate degree in engineer- ing, operations management or one of the related sciences. Applicants with acceptable degrees in other fields may be asked to take appropriate foundation courses as prerequisites for the courses in the program or may be referred to another program. For those individuals who are interested in acquiring technical knowledge in the field of manufacturing without completing all of the requirements for a Master's Degree, a Certificate of Completion can be granted based on the completion of ten courses totaling 30 credits. Individuals who complete the Cer- tificate Program are awarded a Manufacturing Systems Certificate of Completion. 20 Program'Content - Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering: The St. Thomas program in Manufacturing Systems Engineering consists of fourteen three (3) credit courses chosen from the following list of courses arranged into five groups; 1. The Systems Aspects of Manufacturing (four core courses required) ME 501 Manufacturing Systems Design ME 601 Process Design ME 621 Computer Aided Design and Computer Integrated Mfg. ME 631 Automation Systems in the U.S. and Overseas 2. The Resource Aspects of Manufacturing (three of four core courses required) ME 505 Measurement and Accounting Systems for Manufacturing ME 605 Management and Control of Raw Materials and Parts ME 655 Manufacturing for Quality and Reliability ME 698 Materials Engineering 3. The Managerial Aspects of Manufacturing (three core courses required) ME 500 Managing the Manufacturing System ME 510 Excellence in Manufacturing ME 600 Managing Human Resources in the Manufacturing System ME 620 Improving Productivity in Manufacturing 4. Elective Courses (three of seven courses required) MB 633 Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining ME 646 Manufacturing in the Process Industries ME 650 Project Economics and Effective Purchasing ME 674 Metal Processing in the 1990's ME 686 Micromanufacturing Technology ME 688 Advanced Design of Assembly Systems ME 799 Seminar - Selected Topics in Manufacturing Engineering ME 898 Directed Studies in Manufacturing CS 638 Software Engineering in Factory Automation 5. Thesis or Engineering Project (required) ME 899 Capstone Project Course The admission test for the Master of Manufacturing Systems Engineering program is the Graduate Record Examination Test (GRE). See note under program entrance requirements. 21 MBA with a concentration in Manufacturing Systems: The St. Thomas MBA program with a concentration in Manufacturing Systepns consists of fourteen three (3) credit courses chosen from the following list of eighteen courses arranged into five groups: 1. Self Assessment/Planning Course (required) MB 590 Management: Challenge & Purpose 2. Foundation and Core Courses (five core courses required) MB 500 Financial Accounting MB 520 Managerial Accounting or ME 505 Accounting for Manufacturing MB 510 Statistical Methods MB 530 Aggregate Business Economic Analysis MB 600 Managerial Economics MB 610 Organizational Theory & Behavior ME 600 Managing Human Resources in the Manufacturing Systems MB 620 Legal Environment of Business MB 633 Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining 3. Functional Courses (three or four courses required) ME 500 Managing the Manufacturing System (required) MB 640 Financial Management MB 650 Marketing Management MB 660 Personnel Management 4. Manufacturing Courses (three or four courses required) ME 501 Manufacturing Systems Design ME 601 Process Design ME 605 Management and Control of Raw Materials and Parts ME 620 Improving Productivity in Manufacturing ME 621 Computer Aided Design and Computer Integrated Mfg. ME 631 Automation Systems in the U.S. and Overseas ME 646 Manufacturing in the Process Industries ME 650 Project Economics and Effective Purchasing ME 655 Manufacturing for Quality and Reliability At least four courses from the Manufacturing courses (ME designation) including manufacturing core courses must be taken to complete a concentration in manufacturing. 5. Capstone Course (required) MB 690 Policy Formulation & Implementation The admission test for the Master of Business Administration with a manufacturing concentration program is the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). See note under program entrance requirements. 26 Courses in the Managerial Aspects of Manufacturing: ME 500 Managing the Manufacturing System ' This is the basic introductory class for the program which discusses the mission of the manufac- taring organization and reviews common manufacturing system decisions such as production planning and schedul* ng. production methodologies, material control and bill of material processing, resource u tion and personnel management. The course then examines the ef- fect of these decisions on financial performance, market penetration, organizational behavior, co rate planning systems and the attainment of company objectives. Also covered are the spe- cial problems surrounding the interface between the product design and production systems. ME 510 Excellence in Manufacturing This is an advanced course in selected operations management concepts which are essential to achieving true Excellence in Manufacturing. Topics covered include: The development and im- plementation of a coherent strategy for Manufacturing Structuring of the production process based upon the specific mission of the plant; Just In Tune concepts and their practical applies - tions; Total Quality Assurance, and its interdependence with JIT; and an overview of contem- porary logistic systems. ME 600 Managing Human Resources in the Manufacturing System This course is an advanced course in leadership, management and supervision. Topics covered include the early attempts at Scientific Management, modern industrial engineering, the employ- ment of overtime and part time labor, Japanese manufacturing techniques, the General Motors Quality of Work Life Program, incentive plans and a special in depth section on motivation and goal integration. Special guest speakers include representatives of management from successful companies and representatives of organized labor. ME 620 Improving Productivity in Manufacturing This course focuses on the practical aspects of making lasting and accepted improvements in manufacturing productivity within the framework of a coincidence of interest between the worker, management, customers and the competitive position of the'firm. Topics covered in- clude understanding and managing change, modern principles of industrial engineering, work ar- rangement systems, ergonomics (human factors), motion and time studies, strategic planning for productivity improvement, input/output analysis, process flow analysis and productivity analysis, measurement and evaluation. Particular attention is paid to the involvement of employees in un - proving productivity and the role of the older worker in the work force. Case histones from both the US. and overseas are employed to relate how companies have improved their productivity. Thesis or Engineering Project Courses: ME 899 Capstone Project Course The Cappsstone Course is a combination seminar and thesis project course designed to provide the graduating student with a long term perspective on progressive trends in manufacturing while the student completes his or her thesis. The seminar provides an integrative and empirical- ly based approach to the formulation and implementation of manufacturing strategy and policy including the analysis of objectives, identification of sources of problems, analysis of environ- mental factors and the generation of strategy options. The material in the Manufacturing Sys- tems Engineering Program is reinforced by actual case histories in the field of manufacturing plus an examination of expected future trends. A manufacturing engineering thesis is required as a part of this course. 27 Elective Courses in Manufacturing Systems Engineering: MB 633 Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining ' This course consists of a comprehensive review of labor and management experience in the United States together with a comparative study of some European and Oriental labor/manage- meat systems. Topics include the current labor law,practical operational considerations, typical bargainuq� unit organizational structures and operating practices and a review of common mutual objectives. Actual case histories are used for much of the course material. Emphasis is placed on the need to cultivate a coincidence of interest between workers and the organization. ME 646 Manufacturing in the Process Industries Topics covered are unit operations, process plant des'distillation column analysis, polymer Processing, Process optimization and control along with a brief review on the latest pertinent en- vironmental regulations. ME 650 Project Economics and Effective Purchasing This course centers on the economics of make or buy decisions in manufacturinf and the development of effective working relationships between manufacturing companies and their key suppliers. Topics covered are supplier selection procedures, purchasing procedures, coopers- tive programs with vendors on quality impremeat and the integration of the suppliers capabilities and objectives with those of the manufacturing firm. Also covered are the relation- sliipsbetweenthe purchasing function and the group technology and MRP capabilities of modern manufacturing computer systems. ME 674 Metal Processing in the 1990's Topics covered include a general orientation to machine tools by manufacturer, the selection of the appropriate machine tool or process, optimal feed and speed combinations, cutting fluid and cutter characteristics, electronic discharge and laser machining, extrusions, diecasstting, sandrasting, nesting techniques in sheetmetal and fixturing. Also covered are the relative throughput rates of each process for sample materials. ME 686 Micromanufacturing Technology This course is specificall tailored to the special problems of manufacturing both electronic and mechanical products which are very small. Topics covered would be the processing of Semicon- ductor materials, thin and thick films, fibre optics, optical couplers, micro machining, reliability testing and quality control. ME 688 Advanced Design of Assembly'Systems The objective of the course is to provide an in depth synopsis of the most efficient and effective assembly systems existing in the world today. Topics covered include justintime inventory sys- tems, work cells and other advanced systems existing in the U.S. and in industrialized - countries.. A special section cowers advanced fastening and bonding systems. ME 799 Seminar - Selected Topics in Manufacturing Systems Engineering 28 ME 898 Directed Studies in Manufacturing Systems Engineering This course is a faculty supervised project course involvi research into manufacturing methods, systems or procedures which relate to real worIcT manufacturing situations. The specific project to be undertaken is chosen by the student with the approval of a member of the faculty and is to be appropriate to theam of study of the individual student. The methodol- ogy employed in the project is guided � faculty member. CS 63S Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Based Systems Provides an understanding of the current interest in knowledge engineering and expert systems; basic concepts of knowledge engimeetmg including commonly used knowledge representation and inference techniques; concepts involved in capturing human knowledge and using it in programs such as an expert system. Hands-on experience will include learning thetax and primitives of either LISP or PROLOG and writing programs in one of the language CS 638 Software Engineering in Factory Automation This course focuses on the design of robotic workcells and the control and feedback communica- tions required for workcell operation. Topics discussed include robot architecture, control, and Programming and workcell design, control and communications. Extensive use is made of slides and videotapes to illustrate various concepts. Students gain experience working with both train- ing and industrial robots; class tours enable students to sea industrial robotic workeells in opera- tion.