HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Ratify HRA Stipend Payment ResolutionROSEMOUNT HRA PROCEEAS •- Special Meeting February 16, 1988 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the Rosemount Housing and Redevelopment Authority was duly held on February 16, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jensen with all members present. Chairman Jensen explained the purpose of this special meeting is to hold the Annual Organizational Meeting to elect new Officers for the year. Chairman Jensen reviewed 1987 noting that the HRA had no construction projects going during that period but was in a preparatory mode getting set for a banner 1988. 1988 Looks good as the Condo Project seems to be on track as well as the South Robert Square Project. Chairman Jensen prefaced the election of a Chairman for 1988 by stating that due to his retired status he would not consider remaining as chair of this body. He plans to remain on the board until the current projects are completed, but as a retired person he may be absent from the City more than a Chairman should. MOTION by Jensen to elect Joe Walsh as the Chairman of the HRA for 1988. Second by Tucker. Ayes Walsh, Jensen, Hoke, Tucker, Willard. Nays O. Having elected a new Chairman for 1988, retiring Chairman Jensen turned the chair over to the new elected Chairman Walsh. Chairman Walsh introduced the election of Secretary for 1988. MOTION by Walsh to elect Michael Willard Secretary of the HRA for 1988. Second by Hoke. Ayes Jensen, Hoke, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Discussion was held on the proposed resolution regarding stipend payments to Board Members, MOTION by Walsh to adopted Resolution 1988=H2 A RESOLUTION ENACTING THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE II, SECTION 10, OF THE BYLAWS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Second by Willard. Ayes Hoke, Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Jensen. Nays 0. A review of the information previously presented regarding the request to the City Council to consider joining this venture by loaning the HRA the short term construction funding needed for the South Robert Square Project. It would be in the best interest of the City and the HRA to jointly participate in this project as,outlined. Information in hand indicates that the City may legally participate as suggested and that the Long Term Lender, Miller and Schroeder wishes to cooperate in the venture by providing the long term funding needed, or both the long and short term if the City decides against participating. Information presented reveals that a considerable savings will be enjoyed by the HRA, thereby, allowing use of those savings in other areas of endeavor by the HRA. -ROSEMOUNT HRA PROCEESGS , Special Meeting February 16, 1988 Executive Director updated the board on the bidding process now underway on the South Robert Square project. He explained the reason for delaying the bid opening as a report by one of the General Contractors that they had not received all of the addendums to the Plans and Specifications for the project. This caused a concern that a problem of this kind could damage the process much more than waiting an additional week to open bids, therefore it was agreed that the bid opening be delayed to Thursday, February 18, 1988 at 2:00 p.m. Hopefully adequate information will be available at the March 1, 1988 Regular Meeting to receive and award the bids for this project. A further update will be on that agenda if indeed the award cannot be made at that time. Information is still forthcoming on the investigation of the gasoline smell at the southwest corner of the property. Hopefully, this information will be on hand by the time the bids are ready for award. This information will impact the bid award decision. Member Willard asked the Chair to consider the second recommendation in the stipend payment information, ie, salary adjustment for the Executive Director and the Assistant Executive Director. It was noted that the stipend for these two positions has been at the same level since the formation of the Rosemount HRA and consideration should be made at this time. MOTION by Willard to increase the stipend payments of the Executive Director and the Assistant Executive Director by $300.00 annually, to a total annual payment of $1,500.00. This increase to be effective at the same time as the increase set out in Resolution 1988-H2. Second by Walsh. Ayes Tucker, Willard, Walsh, Jensen, Hoke. Nays 0. MOTION by Willard to adjourn. Second by Walsh. Ayes 5. Nays 0. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Ex Dir ATTEST: Michael Willard, Secretary i it i� O ;18 5-I4r;TH ST w ROEMOUT. MINNESOTA 55068 oSeHOun 612--- 423-4411 February 17, 1988 TO:, City Council HRA Board FROM: Don Darling, Ex Dir HRA Subject: Compensation of HRA Board Members Attached please find a copy of Resolution 1988-H1. This resolution enacts a compensation program for the HRA Board Members. This will be on the Regular Council Agenda for March 1st for your ratification as called for by Article H Section 10 of the Bylaws of the HRA, i j ; Resolution 1988-H2 I A RESOLUTION ENACTING THE 'PROVISIONS Of ARTICLE II, SECTION 10. OF THE BYLAWS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Board Members have to date acted on behalf of the City at their own expense, and WHEREAS, all Boards, Commissions and Committees of the City have ! been granted stipend payments for meetings attended, and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of the Authority permits payment for meeting j attendance to the Board Members. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Rosemount does hereby authorize compensation of Board Members, persuant to Article II, Section 10, of the Authority Bylaws, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Board Members shall be compensated Twenty Five ($25.00) Dollars for each Regular and Special Meeting attended by the Member, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this payment for meetings attended be retroactive to include the February 2, 1988, Regular Meeting, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that compensation be made for meetings attended during the period, February through July of each year at the Regular Meeting in August and that compensation be made for the meetings attended during the period, August through January at the Regular Meeting in February, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this be presented to the City Council at their first Regular Meeting in March 1988 for confirmation. L Adopted this 16th day of February, 1988. Joseph P. Walsh, Chairman ATTEST: I j 1 Michael Willard, Secretary i i i i