HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Sanitary Sewer Extension - Lift Station 4 to Shannon ParkwayDATE: MARCH 31, 1988 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR APRIL 5, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Assessment -City Project #181, Sanitary Sewer Extension from Lift Station #4 to Shannon Parkwav I am proposing to assess benefited property an amount of $18.50 per front foot. This rate is derived at by dividing the total estimated cost of $55,000 by the total length of pipe constructed (1,500 lineal feet) and dividing by 2 to convert into front footage. This rate would then be multiplied by the benefited properties' footage. Attached is a table of what the preliminary assessment amounts would be based on this method. One of the reasons we are proposing to construct this sanitary sewer line at this time is because of development of the Richard and Emmet Carroll 80 acres east of Shannon Parkway and north of 145th Street. The City in the past has required that developments that necessitate the.installation of utilities prior to,their actual need would be responsible for the acquisition of any off-site easements required to construct the utility. The City did this with U. S. domes Corporation with the Country Hills Addition. I would also propose that we do this with this project. I would estimate the easements would cost between $8,000 - $10,000. Therefore, I would propose that this amount be assessed to Parcel 010-12 in the southeast quarter of Section 30. The only reason I am indicating this at this time is that should future development fall through we have the ability to assess this cost to this parcel. One other item you may notice on the assessment roll is that I do not propose to assess any benefit to property lying north of the sanitary sewer line, with the exception of 60 feet of the north -south segment on Mr. Streses' property. My reasoning for this is because there is no benefit due to the ponding and drainage easements that parallel this sanitary sewer line. I do feel however, there is benefit to one-half of the north -south segment on Mr. Streses' property which benefits the northerly portion of his property. In summary, I am recommending assessing one-half the lineal foot rate, or $18.50 per front foot, to benefited properties' indicated in the attached preliminary assessment roll. There is, in my mind, no benefit to most of the property line north of this line with the exception of the north -south segment between manhole six and seven. Also, at this time there is no benefit to Parcel 014-37 because they are presently connected under 145th Street to sanitary sewer, which is in Dallara Avenue. Should this property ever subdivide then it would be responsible for lateral benefit at that time. PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL Estimated Parcel # Name Footage Amount (1) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 34 03010 010 40 Allen Gene T..& Rebecca 150 $2,775 34 03010 020 40 Anderson John & Jacqueline 150 $2,775 34 03010 010 12 Carroll Richard L. & Emmet 0 $10,000-(2) 34 03010 010 41 Hawkins John J. & Joan L. 165 $3,053 34 03010 010 39 Hawkins John J. & Joan L. 165 $3,053 34 03010 013 37 Strese Walter & Olga 427 $7,900 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Total to be Assessed $29,555 NOTES: (1) Estimated Assessment Rate = $18.50/front foot (2) Estimated Lump Sum for easement acquisition Proj 181 01 -Apr -88 u CITY PROJECT 41181 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING SIGN-UP SHEET SANITARY SEWER EXT. - LS #4 TO SHANNON PARKWAY MARCH 29, 1900 Name Address / --/) ',ems .�e����/,�/Ay � /�//✓�" /� / / �� / - ¢�' -_ DATE: MARCH 31, 1988 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI` RE: ITEMS FOR APRIL 5, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing for Sanitary Sewer Extension -Lift Station 414 to Shannon Pkwy, City Project #181 At the March 1, 1988 meeting the Council ordered a public hearing to be held on April 5, 1988 at 8:00 p.m. to consider the merits of proceeding with Project 44181. Project 44181 consist of the extension of an 8" sanitary sewer line from Lift Station #4 to Shannon Parkway to connect to an existing sanitary sewer crossing under Shannon Parkway. The required legal notifications of this public hearing have been published in the legal newspaper for the appropriate amount of time and mailed to effected property owners to inform them of this public hearing. In an attempt to assist the public hearing process I held an informational meeting regarding this project on Tuesday evening, March 29, 1988._ A copy of the memo summarizing this meeting is attached. Also attached is a copy of how I would propose to assess the cost of this development. Our Consulting Engineer will be present to provide a brief presentation of the project, scope and cost. I will be available to give a brief presentation on the proposed method of assessments. 400 DATE: MARCH 31, 1988 - TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR APRIL 5, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Informational Meeting Summary for Project 1181 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Lift Station #4 to Shannon Parkway In order to inform the area residents that would be affected by this project, either directly by potential assessments or indirectly by the construction of this project, I invited all the people in the project area to attend a neighborhood informational meeting on Tuesday, March 29, 1988 at 4:30 p.m. I had five property owners show up with one owner informing me he could not make the meeting, so I feel there was a relatively good response. The purpose of this meeting was to provide a presentation of the project by explaining the scope and discussing the estimated cost of this project. -The meeting lasted for about 45 minutes and I believe everyone had their questions pretty well answered, between myself and Steve Campbell. The two major issues that I see are the obvious, that being the assessments, and the length of time after which it is mandatory to hook up to City sanitary sewer once it is made available. Questions regarding the assessment issue are typically the following 1. Too much 2. How long is the pay back period? The issue regarding the mandatory hook up time relates to people who have just recently spent a good sum of money in revamping their septic system and drainfield. The current policy is to require hook up within three years of sanitary sewer being made available to the property. This may not be enough time to realize a persons investment of revamping a systemandI can see someone requesting to extend that period. I would think that maybe another two years might be reasonable, making a total time delay of hook up at five years. If Council has any questions regarding this informational meeting, please feel free to contact me at their convenience. «oir i f $GALE H FEE, I II �r • C x i CC 2 CIS = assessable rootage 1 I e s 013-37 $ TOTAL S7,900 �• i _-,ELN. 3oVN0AR. t 4V742 1 g,, PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER - f— �1 �J ( Sr. _... _HANN - Y' ,-r =.�— • nv o.o Y 013-37 013-37 - 010-:1 '+---*'� .... ia'a.'.' ._ •':'. . r -I: -36 i GiC-5G C'C-30 010-39 30' PERMANEN EASEMENT (S_,775) - (S -,7i5) ($3,05_) ($3,05_) 160 { 3b" 15' TEMPORAR EASLMENT I 1 L--= �150' 31W 150' >K lbs' Ibs' II PROD. NO. 117L 1ta Of Proposed from Lift Assessment -Sanitary Sewer Extension Station #4 To Shannon Parkway Map 181 FIGURE osemount