HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Celebrate Minnesota 1990 Program . , AFPCNt)IX t C:I:L[+:I;RA7'1; 1990 GRAN7'Ai'PLICA7'If)N RESULU'fIUN AU7't10RIZtNC API'LICATION AND PRIMARY C(JNTACT PERSON /1����lic,inls �tiust a�ic���l �ur�i suhn�it ti�e fc�liawinK res«litti�an. 'ft�i.s resc�laticfn mti5t t�c a�i����tccl pri�,r ln ��iul subfiiiUecl with lhe applicatiUn. /1����lications witlt��ut c<�in4�lctect and signecl resolutions witl not t�e considered. l;e it resc�lved that �he crT°,t oF RosEMooNT act ns sE�c���s«ring app�can unit for the project identified as �RIGKSON PARK (south end) UPGRADE to be con�iucted clurin�tlie periot� Ju�:_ ��� thrc�ugh t�ecember, 1988 . (durati�n dates) I3e it further resoive�i ll�at the am�unt of the grant request is in aciditialr to the amount originalty bttdgetetl fc�r the project. David ,7. Beehtold �s l�ere�iy autllc�rizec! tt�a��Esty --~ , (Nern��t'I�rimary Cont�ct Pcrson) to the N(in��esota llepartment of Trad�and Econ�mic D�vel�pnient fUr func�in�qf this�rc�ject on behatf of c�ty of xosemount a (Ap fcant) • 1 certify that the above resoluNon was a�opted by the _�itv council (Cit Cnun ' etc�} Of_City of Rosemount �n Decemxber ��, I98$ �APPUcant) (date) ' ��cNcn: wrrrtEssr�: (sign.rturc) (signature) (titfe) • date ( } (title) (date} . . /`� . . . . � 1 � k.. �' -� . � � . . . . . � . . . . . . .. � � . . 1'A It�I�l I CLGEI3ttA'I'G 199tf CItANT AI'I'LICA'I'lUN AI'PI.tCANT: PRIMAKY C(3N'CACI'['Gtt54)N: (I} Na��ieGity of Rcasemount (2) Na�ne David J. Bechtold Address �875 145th St. West Acldress 2875 145th 5t West � Rnsemaunt, MN 55068 Rosemount;� MN 55p68 Ur�aniiation'1'Yi�c C i tY Phanc (6'�2�, 433�..- .44 5 af f�,�Q : (612) 431 - k280 home (3) W I tA'I'tS'17Jt:i.()C�t770N C�F TI IE!'RC)JE(.T SI'TG(S)?(lncludc cc�uniy,city,nci�htx�tl►cx��l�x sul�divisi�fn and strcct�yc nYad aJJcess) Erickson Park, City of Rosemount, Dakota County 145th Street & Highway �3 t.r�is{:itivc:l)istricl � Ccmg�cssic►n�l nisttict_�_____��,_ ltcgion�L� (•1) I lUW t)t)tiS YOUlt 1'1tOPt)St's[3 YRC)lGCC RBI.ATi?Tt�YOUR('t)MMItNI'TY'S l�t� c�[�I.LiiltA't'Ic�Nt S'1'a'CLTFI�C,t)A[.OE�YOUR PRt)POSCU P[tc)Jt�Ci�ANu I�G,.��liltjc '1'i{C PltO!'t)Sl'sl)1'RE3Jk'sCf.A'I'fACli A NARItATIVG�. 1'ItOJLLC'i'17'1_!: _�rickson Park (south end) LJp�r�de (5) 1ti Tti�:l'ltt)POS�D I'Rt)JCt:TCE}t�RnINATEt)WITt1 nTili�R PRt){jItAMS? Ycs x Nu__� Il�YE>.S,C1.EASG�lU[:N't'tE'Y(:t)t)ttntNA"t'ING PliOtiftllMS. University of Minnesota City Design Team stu�y con ucte to eva uate t e owntown area, entrances to t e city, highlights and landmarks of the city, etc. The study identified this revam�ing of Erkicson Park as a ma,jor project that could be cornpleted to enhance all o£ the other projects e�cpecially landmarks and the downtown area. (6) t�UliS`I'Ilt�YRt)PUSG[)PROJGC t'KG(:2UIRE't'tlG�APPRUVAI.ANl)/(llt COU!'GftA'I'tUN OFtYf1IG(t AI�fGCt'EU I'AFt1'![..'S? INDI('A7'LS'CA'1'US. ��rese�Y g�gd by the City of � : Ii�:�[tiQ1��t and �s being .114P� iIl_,,,ai�i 1 A shio� n a�,y i.S_1��3i1g p.]anned Project is t �j.ng__�Rl�JjIPCi tn rav�m= gnrj enhaprrs tha �l,dnr fi3,�].1�'�PS - and r� replace tl'IE'.fl1 � where ever necessary, (7) SUnlf�inRi"1..E:7'tiL• CU�3l.tC PAR7'1CII�ATIi)N P�tc)CE5S. The city held a public hearing on December 15, 1988. It has also included __discussions_of this�roiect at the Parks & Recrestion Corr�tittee^meeting of .1�.4.Ye � r���+_.��8$. The MaXgg a�Go discussed this ���►ceut at o�e g� the Gitizen Af�Y�S32L�t._jri£.��:L�gs �lEl� �Il N�1��.L ..��_ � _...._ .., _ _.� _ __ . _.... '.fii*AC'�:�'n"r'."�'S`T'�!!Y�'.rl+!!nwn�._Yr�r" . M.�_.n'Lf .'. .tiati+es+.o'm+w�,—�m- .....__.. .:......._ . — .. -__ . . .__...__.__�� .. . . .. :� ..i -�' � � .. _... r���i1{s.�"� ".�'._`�.. . .�n-..... ..........._._ r.�-•... . ... .. 1'11[t}�S & It1�JQtr1YC'ION tJCJ[tlH:I`I • .,.r.. �rr�t r�rnv� Novr�r�t 21 1988 �.�.�. ML�[3T1LS PIZI�ENp: Barkk�ra"IIr"ci�;m, La�-z-�, Walsh, Lois A1�Kinely, I3a�-uu�a Si��son, Jeriy Puciaty, 4�ve �3echtold (Director) �is: P1�iyor Iloke, Steve Jilk (Citp A�ninistrator), Lisa Jast (�c�ram uirector), Lirx�a Jentink (1ldministration Secretar�,j, Rick Cook (For�rtari aL Parks) M�[tatJtTS: hbtion by �3ark� Browti with a second from �eanna �o accept t1�e �ninutes as wrilten. All voted in favor. RCNCY2'r i� M�1Y�Qt I1�CC: �lnnowlced that there wrnald l�e a Citizc-m �ttitcx�e S1�xvey n�e�ing held in tt�e C�,ty CX�uncil xnans a� 7:00 P. t9. rn Navc��ber 22�x3. 1te also anncxxnc�cl tha� thPxe was an Urhan Design Wr�kst�np sc�hc�cl��.l.�l fnr �:OQ tm��l 10,30 A. M. on l�ect-��r 7th. ' i�tesn ntec�t�it�s wcni.l.cl Lc�ix�} �t��on i#:ems st�h as the trail, sys�e�n, city bc��i��i�ica�.ior�, Ex�.sslble fian� w�ork for_.�ll►�..��7��vste�n_ , etc,� ��TC M[II�1Y[�0►I'A in m��nection with t1�e 1990 olyn�ic Celebr��:ion .. e�t�irages sane kincl of � tcn�m b�autificati� project tlirouc�t� a grant aE��licaticx�. Tl� c�eadline for that a�lication is I�r.c��x 1Gtl�. �1 ��.�lic hearing �mis� be hel.d prior to that date anc� �p�,�.ic��ion. �1� •7�-�ycx�s �u� wc�rkir�g t,o have � grant tc� l�lp furjd r�ew sic3rts fo� tlie ecitrai�ces af fihe City. �e Director suc�ested that write a gxant �or ttie possibly we aauld projects already sc}�eduled in I�fckson Park fnr 1990. 'I1iat w�uld include cleariing up the poryding area, maving the t�key rinks, building a shelter, aor►structing a rHtu�/walking trail, cleari up tlie hill along the side of Hi9hway �{3, etc.. Scliwarz Park oou�cl also use stiruk�s arid larx�scapfng drne. . 7l1e 1)ir.ector will c�n�rk at writing a grant projec:t for tlie I:ricics�n P�3rk �r�jec�s_and l�ve it ready far the put�lic tx�aring ai lk�nk�..r 15tti. c�LF' CXX)f25r; I�n was tabled for discussion at�~f ture �r�ting. S[��' :�LaCBtT.IIVG�` �9� Director reparteci t}k-�t �1�e I'i���-�ix.-� [�E�rtn�att l�as k�n asked by tt�e auditars for �l�e �ast five years t� cir.r�� tl�is tyEx� o� f�uxiiny. `t1�at was due to the tact that they are rot ie�-�1 for c.fties to �k1V(? �lCCX7T��.I1CJ r0 M.�t111G'SOCc"1 State Law. Pr�s�ntly fur�s are t�ken in ar�d ent�r� in�o the Sel.f Su�rtit� �z�ea. Wl��n t1�e cha�x�� w�u1d be m�ie the fwnds would L� etz�cretii iiiEo revenue accounts in fi.he General Fund 1�coounts. There will cx�ntinue �cr 1� a track.ing of the funds, hawever, th� balances wcntld not be transferred from �:xie year to tlie nex�. At kxx.ige� t.irne each year the x�venues w�uld be cx��enses. Ot�ly those anx�unts needed to �'°jectec� z�ix� tt�e includc�. Z� �rate the �r_cxjr�n t�ild 1� presecit "cusliiori" of �ck up funds wouid t�e elimir�ted. 'D � > A . m .. �rh �-----------_:.�.�-.�-- �--- a a � 0 4 � . .� � � � � , �"""' ° Q 138th � _ , � 138 th �� V_ 138th Ct��do 139 �' P°��} � i � � , '� e"' � ,� � � � � , ' �42�as: Q �� _ � � � � �a �` 0 d ,v� � a 143 St �^,� f�j > 14 3 r d &t 'Q . `�y.. Q �n . -� � o �q3rd St C �..J Kane St ,. U > >e ir,-r.�" � . � E •�th - St � ._ 1� + � � t �4 5't h S t � u �NS .sr . ,. � � o a 3 ( m c Q �, � #} � E � 4Q6th St �+ � Bi�ca O ►. �t� � V m t t..�r.-----� a ia� xn st 13�� °' 146 t h�St a Low�sr ur , t0' i d Q a �� t Q ,x �y� � . Q 10 t�i �a71�1 St V 6l � p .� t � p► 4/ ���t�l ,�7iL 4� r� }� '�, > > � 14'7 th St E � fr� IQ � a o UP ew 148th t 148 ih St a� V c� _ , it$ Ci v �`. � . 1� �R ~ � � C f �'ti7 C tC E �....�..r� �, ;` 'o v,cy 149th St 149tt v �j � �v c� U' I49 th 14'3 t SL lower tM t ���f�r � � � AH� 42 � � � ' � 15�$� Q j � > S� ,� w, ` d � v �.� � �, � � ' . � ,, �, �� `�,4�,�, � � y�' uml�ary c G�rro �• d �� '.i�� � � � �� � � � � � � � � . .� � �s � � � � t ._ , • r � - ._ : ,. � � �� �---- � � _� -- .._.., � ' St, .. 9_a..�._T--__._ _ . __� _ ._ __ - . -�� �_--- � _ _ _ � � � I ��1� � � � .�... !�' � �i � � � 2 � � � ( � � � � ` � ti � ' �' ,i�" E �' � � , f � ! � i � , a � �� f� . � � ___ ___ ._ . ar APPBNDIY IV FBICRSON PARK (south �nd) UPGRADB There are seven ma�or items that the City of Rosemo�nt hoges to achieve through the completion of this project: 1) Provide a city landmark on the northern portion of the downtown 2) Provide community recreational area far senior citizens who ].ive in downtown area 3) Cleari up the southern portion of Erickson Park and replace this eye sore with a revamped passive recreational area for all to use 4) Enhance the City Hall area of Rosemount and increaee the citizen awareness of city government working to improve their community 5) Provide a new approach to recxeation in the Community using the 1990 Leprectiaun Days programs to kick them off a. family bike ride starting and ending at this site b. community entertainment to be conducted on a "family night" at this centrai locatian c. family picnic and ice cream social 6) Provide a healthy mfx of passive and active recreation in the 54 acres of the Erickson Park site 7) Develop the nature area that is located in the downtown More than the Celebration of 1990 this park clean up and renovation will be the start af the "celebration of the 1990's". The amenities involved in the project will be the fundamental items Ca aid in identi€ying the downtown area of our city. It will serve as one of the landmarks identifying our city as being " s�neplace special". . .l � i . . � � � . � . . . � . . . ITEM #4 A culmination planning and budgeting for Ericksan Park improve�nts will take place in 1990. Although many of the areas of this 54 acre park have been nearly completed the southern area requ3res a great deal of alterations. This fs the area af the park that is located next to the new city hall building. It is also the area of the park that contains most of the nature area and passive sites, Presently two older hockey rinks and an old warming house are the ma�or amenities at this location. �.QJEG�S SCHEDULED: • A) CLEAN UP SLOPE ALUIVG HIGHWAY #3 FROM SOUTHERN BOAR.I3ER TO GRAVEYARD 1.CUT OUT MANY OF THE DEAD TREES 2.CLEAN UP GARBAGE AND TRASH FROM SITE 3.INSTAI,I. WALK TRAIL FR.OM TOP OF SLOPE TO LOWER PARK AREA BEING REMODELED B) REMOVE OLD WARMING HQUSES 1.REMOVE OLD WARMING HOUSE FROM BEHIND THE GARAGE AREA 2.REMOVE OLD WARMING HOUSE FROM THE RINK AREA C) CLEAR AREA OF POLES AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE 1.PICK UP OLD POWER POLES AND PLACE THEM IN PROPER STOR,AGE AREAS 2.CITY PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT TO HAVE NEW BUILDING AND SITE PREPARED FOR IT D) REMOVE OLD HOCKEY RINKS FROM PONDING AREA 1.DISMANTLE RINiCS AND SALVAGE MATERIALS OF REUSABLE Qi1ALITY 2.TAKE ALL DAMAGED AND ROTTED MATERIALS TO DUMP E) REMOVE OLU LIG}ITING AND REPLACE IT WITH NEW SYSTEM 1.R�:MOVE LIGHTS FRQM POLES AND SALVAGE THOSE NqT BURNED OUT 2.REMOVE POWER POLES A1VB REUSE THOSE THAT ARE LONG ENOUGH FOR NEW LOCATION 3.Rk;VOVE THE TRANSFORMER AND INSTAI,L IT AND NEW SWITCH BOXES AT N�,W SHELTER SITE F} CONSTRUCT NEW RINKS BEHINll PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1.IfANDSCA�'E SITE BEHIND BUILDING � 2.GRADE AREA FQR DRATNAGE FROM RAINS AND MELTING AS WELL AS SNOW DUMPTNG 3.PURCHASE RINK SECTIONS THAT ARE INTERCHANGEABLE FOR EASY MAINTENANCE G) CONSTRUCT NEW SIiELTER / WITH WARMING HOUSE INCLUDED / DIEAR RINKS ' 1.SHELTER T4 HAVE I.,ARGE WAFtMING HOUSE INCLUDED THAT CAN BE USED ALSO IN THE SUMMER MONTHS FOR RECREATIDNAL PROGRAMS ESERVING FOOD OR SHELTER FROM WEATHERa '2.DESIGN T0 BE WTTH WARMiNG HOUSE EASILY ACCESSTBLE TO RINKS AND YET PROVIDE' PLENTY OF OPEN AREA THAT OVER LOOKS THE NATURE AREA T0 THE NORTHWEST H) CONSTRUCT BAND SHELTER IN AREA WHERE HOCKEY RINKS ARE PRESENTLY LOCATED 1.T0 BE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORIVER FACING NORTHEAST 2.DESIGNED FOIt USE FOR MANY CONCERTS, COMMUAIITY BANDS, CITY FUNCTIONS I) LANnSCAPE OI.D fIOCKEY RINK AREA F�R PICNICS AAI� PASSTVE RFCRF.AT].�N 1•AREA TU BE I.E1/ELELl FROM QNE OLD RINK SITE TO THE 0`t'HER 2.BLACK DIRT TO BE NAULED IN AND GRASS PLANTED 3.SLOPEll SO THAT PROPER DRAINAGE WILL TAKE PI.ACF 4.T0 BE USED FOR GROQUET, KICKBALL, AND OTNER SUMMF,R RECREATZONAI. PRE�GEtAMS 5.T0 IiAVE EASY ACCESS FROM PARKING LOT NEXT TO CITY HAI,I, WITH WALKING TRAILS J) CLEAIV UP HOLDING F4ND AREA l .PICK UP TEtASti AND I)EAA TREES 2.CI.EAR AREA SO TJiAT ACCESS IS POSSIBI.E FOR MAINTENANCE CRFW TQ USE 3.PLANT ADDITIONAL TRk;ES WI1'H USING SEVERAL VARIETTFS IN TNIS AREA K) CONSTRUCT NATURE TRAIL IN SAMF LOGAT'ION AS $I.ACK WAI,NUTS WERF PI..ANTED � 1.NEARLY ONE HUNDRED BI�t1CK WALNUT TAEES WERE P1.�ANTEi� IN I987 IN 1RA1L ttRrA 2.TRAIL SHOULU BE BLAG]CTOPPED AND FOLLOW FROM PAItKING LaT, ALONG TIiE RIDGE OVERLUOKING TI{E pONDING AREA, AROUNA TNE SOGCER FIELD ANp �Nn UP AT TIIE PARKING LOT AREA EAST OF TIiE SOCCER FIELD L) PURCIIASE PICNIC EC�UIPAI�NT (TA}3LES, GRTI,LS, ETC.) AND LOC�►TE ON SITE 1.ESTAl1LISH PICNIC SITES NEAR PA.RKING I,OT AREA QF SITE AS WELL AS OTHF.R SITES OVERLOOKING TNE PONDING AREA 2.F.STABLISIi LOCATTONS FOR TABLES ,AND CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BASE FOR F.ACH OF THEM WHERE TARLES ARE TO REMAIN "CABLED" TO SITE M) PURCI�ASE ANp INSTALI, PARK BENCHES IN PQNAING ARFA AS WFLI. AS PIf:NIC AREA 1.BENCHES Sf�DULD BE LOCATED OVERLOOICING THE PONDING SITE AI�QNG T!!E WAI.K7:NG TRAIL 2.BENCHES SNOULD BE I�CATEfi NEAR THE PICNIC SITE WlIFKE "FUTURE" PLAYGROUNU EQUIPMENT COULD BE INSTALLED N) PAVE TtiE AllDITIONAL AREA dF CITY HALL PARKING LOT FOR JOINT USF. 1.LAPlUSCAP� OUT AItEA pRESENTLY USE� FOR OVI�FLpW PARKING (}F SKATING PROGRAp1S ANn JOIN 3T TO T!{E CITY tiALL PARKING I�OT 2.PAVE ANl3 INSTALi� PARKING CURBS 3.INSTALI, PAVFD �R CONCRETE WALKWAYS FROM PARKING 1.QT ARFA TO A�7'f! SIIFLTFRS 0) INSTALI. GENERAL I.IGl1TING FOR TFtIS REMQUEI.E� SITF 1.NIG!!T I.iGt{TS Tf/ PREVENT VANI)AI,ISM StlOUI.�U I3F 1NS1'Ai�1,FD 2.GENERAI, LIGIITING Sli(fUI�D AE TNSTAI�I.Ell Tt) PIt�VII�F. V71:W1NG �F S.ITi? FROM it�C;IiWAY k') PURC}lASE AND INSTALI. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AT SI3`E 1.FOR USE DURING FAMILY PICNICS 2.OF A VARIETY FdR USE BY VERY YOIJNG CNILT)REN AS WF.I.1, E15 TfIF, OI..UFR YOUTN co�tc��rs: A) SHELTEtt RES�ROUMS AND FpUNTAINS WILJ, SERVE FOR GOUNTY BIKE TRAIL REST STOP 1.ROSEM()UNT IS LpCATED IN Ti{E GE�RAp��IG ��NTF,R OF UAKUTA COUNTY W)IER�: MANY IiIKE 1RAILS CROSS �h1D LOGAL CITIZENS USE 2•PARK E1REA WOULD BE LISTED ON MApS FOR RIU�RS ON A STATR WTpE AAfiIS TO USE B) PARK SHFLTER AND $ANp gHE1,TER TO aE i1SED AS "13EART"' OF CITY FAtiILy PICNICS 1.SUNAAY EV�NING CONCE{tTS AND PROGRAMS WOUX,D BE HELD AT THTS SIT� FOR FAMI:LIES 2.RESERS/ATONS FOR FAMILY AAiD gi}gINESS PICNICS WOULD BE MAD� Am T�IIS SITE I�UE Td THE MANy SPECIAL FEATURE THAT IT OFFERS C) 1990 LEPRECHAi�t DAYS TO HAV� I4A,TQR PRQGRAMS AT SITB TO SI�QH IT OFF 1.ARBA FAMILY BIRB RIDB T� START ANll END AT SIT� �.PUPPBT WAGON AND CONCBRT TO BE HBLA AT STTB 3.FAMILY PICNIC AND IC$ CRBAt�! SOC7AL TO BE HBLD AT SITB D) REVAMPED AREA WILL SERVE AS LOCAL SITE FOR SR. CITI28NS WHQ LIVF. IN }�IGHRISE I,OCATED NEXT TO SITE l.SR.S COUI,D USE THIS SITE FOR THEIR SUMMER WALKS ANn EXF.RCSSE PROGRAMS 2.AREA IS CLOSE ENOUGH F'Oit VISITING FAMII,IES TO USE FOR R�I.AXING Tt1GFTHER 3.AREA IS CLOSE ENOUGH FOR SR.S TOP WALK TO CQNCEIt7'S ANp CITy pRpGRAMS 4•AR�,A fiAS EASY ACCESS FItOM SIDEWALKS FOR SR.S TO USE E) REVAMP�D SITE WILL SERd$ AS WpLKING ANp PICNIC SITE FOR F.MPI.CIYEF.S AND CllSTOMERS QF DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES AUE T0 TlIE FACT THA.T PARK IS LO(;ATED IN DOWNTOWN AREA NEXT TO THEM 1.AREA BllSINESS $MPLQY�ES HAVE EASY ACCESS BY WAY OF SIDEWALKS TO US� SITE 2•AREA WOUi.D PRCIVIDE A RELAXING SITE T0 ENJOY LUNCli DRFAKS F) REVAMPED AREA WILL SERVE AS A SPEGIAL ATTRACTI�N FOR AI.L PEt)PI.F. F.NTEI2ING FROM TfiE NORTEI � 1.IT IS IACA�'ED NEAR PAitK ANp RIpE SITF: AND TNE CiiURCH 2.IT IS CI.EARLy VISIBLE WHEN EM!'ERING CITY G) UPGRADING AND AJT�RING FAR;K SITE WIJ�I., ENlIANCE TFI� ACTIYL� ARF�1 OF TIIIS 54 ACRE PARK WtIERE SQCCF.R, FOOTBAT,L, A1�D SOFTBALL FIELpS ARF. PRESF.NTLY LOGATED 1.PRESENTLY THIS AREA QF TNE PARK IS AN "EYE SOAR" 2.CONNECTING TRAILS Tf1R0UGH THE PARIC WII.L A�t,pW Fp� PFOPLE Tp WAi,K TU ATNLFTIC EVENTS OR FROM ATHLETIC EVENTS TO THE L4CAL BUSINFSSES 3.PEOPLE USING PAItK FOR ATHLETIC PUftPOSES WILL HAVE PASSIVE AREA A�nF.D F4R TfIEM TO USE FOR HAVING PICNICS BETWEEN GAMFS, RELAXING BETWEEN GAMES, ETC. 11) AREA WQULD CONTINUE TO YRESERVEA FOR WII.D LIFE IN PUN�ING AREA ANp I1IGf1 GRASS AREA NF.XT TO YQNU I.PRES�NTLY PHEASANTS AI{E PLENTIFUL IN HIGNER GRASS AREA OF Pt?ND SI�'F. 2.WATER I.EVEL IS EXPECTBD TO G(}NTINUE TO REMAIN HIGHER WTTH INCRF.ASFI) DEVELOPMENT AND RUN QFF FRQM TF1pSE I}EVELOPMENTS - TIIIS WA1'ER WII.t., RF ST(1RFI� FOR DUCKS ANU OTHER WTLDLIFE Tp USE APPENDIX 'V This praject was groposed by the Parks & Recreation Department as a part of the parks development process, Portians of the project involved in the grant such as the IIPGRADING OF THE P�OPOSED PARK SHBLTF.R, UPGRADE QF HOCREY RINK PLANS, GRII�LS, OI,D RINK AR$A LANSCAPING, BAND STAND, PARR BENCHES, POND SI1'B I�ANDSCAPINGy PAVING OF TNF. NATt1RB/WAT�CT.NG 1'R,AIL, AND PLAYGROUND BQUIP'MF1�'T we r e a dd i t i on s to the plans. The intent of the pro�ect is to foliaw the intended use of the park as designed many years ago. We merely wi:sh to redesign �ome of the areas and improve their availability for use. There are ' no other agencies invalved in this progosal at this time. The Jaycees, Lions, American Legion, VFW, and other organiza�ions will. be asked to became involved as we plan ahead for further improvements. One of those future improvements will be to put a "memorial" into this area of the park land. It would either be in the central area next to city hall or in the area on the higher elevation on the south westerly portion next to Highway #3. APPBNDIX VI There are no agencies required for input to this project. Land use, park design, and general programming af the area follows policies used wtien the park area was designated several years ago. APPENDIX VZI Public input into the concept of "Celebrate Minnesota" was received at the Public Hearin� of December 15, 198$. It was also received at the Parks & Recreatian Committee Meeting of Novemher 21, i988. A copy of the minutes of the Public Hearing of Uecember 15, 1988 is attached for your reference. Also a capy af the Parks & Recreation CommiCtee minutes of the page referencing the discussion of this subject. . � 4 ' t4! Iltil'71t1i1'Itltllit'i't't1Af1't)NIsNi;`AIJ�tlttil)(;1;1'NI�t7�StiA � , 1'1t111lit:l'. !�i 'If)4'tll�itit�il? flll�. i'ItUll:('1't't►All•t)tJ1:Nl:ti t�UANiIi'Y Ittli►t;l��. ttulCi..-t'u,rpose _Sheticr Ir�cke _. ___..�� _.._ _ _ C � � ftink..-_.Upp,rc�cic ' -�__._--__ ._ t 1?lQ,Q00.ttt� � ��� Ilc�eke . ._ y._[tipk.i.lght.li�g_- .U}�grade ..2____----.--,. .. 26,t�UQ.00 1; Lnnds�ope_�?ld..filnk._Sl:te -------� 12 ,�►�Itt,t►t� ' 1.�li�tlsctl�)e _IrOQ(�.Ltt -�_� -- x -----._. _._ ... z��it?li.t�ti � "? C...S�le�,_,�._� `i- NaCur�/Wnl.kir�p,..'1'tt�tl_.�___ � .--__ ... _. . r�,t�tlt�,iu� . 1'lcnic_'rAt�ics__----- µ .t _.._._ 17�fr�n�,tlt) j�- ...._. __�..__.._._._ :.. f'ark_ISencl�es..��-----.__- -_-- —_------_._.. . 7.�5t!{�.tl(► ' 1'l ' _ ._..._ (lanc��c�an_Crills.�.._ - .__.. .._.___.._.____ 1,11t}t1.ta�} �1it11t��..S�le�.�Cr ""'—....__ r . ,_ . _. `..i..___ ���)r)�).�)�) t'.1lygcc�uncl _l;c�ui�mretil��—�' ,. ._._.._..- .. .__ i�;tt)t��1,t1t1 - _ _- _.____ --�-________•--_._ ..___.. -....__�.__----_._�_.�_.. __..._._,__ ---__._---- Tii1)t)tF,tllt .. '�'()'1'A I,t't 1ti'1' $�a 2,3QO,UO� ' , , . � . , _ -_ -._..._.___ �.__ . . � 1'Ult S'1'A'1�1�Utii?E)Nl.Y� . — _ _ --..,. .:_ � ; _____ ._.__.._ ! 'I'atal Pn�J ` ' , cci Ct►.st ' � : " � tlivGfc��by� b iiraul hun�lc : } ` '` hl�ldi i�N�i�ls `-�-------___.._.__ , . . ., . . . .: : .:;° ;; . . _._._... i - . . . . . . . .....�..._...._�._. � � . . � � � . . . � . . . . � � ('►) SI1t)1V'I'lli;'I IR11��1'All#:1?(�t)it 1?At.'li t'(1Atl't)NI�N� . � ^T ' .- _�~.+-. i�ltt)t�t't'lit?(;�tqN'I'AWAItt1'I�Illtt)Iltiilt:UMF1.11 t)1�'i'llli{'ilt)I'i?tii�l�l'ittll!?t'i• ItI:tJINNINtJ t)A'I�t? ' 11t)N, •-`------------- i:Nt)INCi hA.�.�: ._ C'C)A11't)NI:N.I. � -�--------------..._--- -----_.___ ������ ---- —._._____________- J i� M � h h1 -.. -_ J .i __ r�ut�i _ � �. {� t� li � Purrose Sliel.tPr ' Ilar.k�y Riuk - Pfove h tt� . _.. II«ckey 11ii�k i P,�+��le !� XX - i�i�;l�t la� Move h Up ra le X• XX t,nn�iscep� t)!cl ttoeke IH�nclscn�►e Po�iding 5�tetink Sit . X, �X NnkurejWntklri X. "tX Picuie Tat�lesg Treil X YX, 1'Ark Dettcl�es �x Dnnc���uc Grills `�X. X Ifa��d Shell xx X I'LAyground Equt�,ment x• �{ X X YX} �,�hRy'�?�f..� �'1'0 'r." —...��..........�...........�.......+........._�� ._..... ' .. ...w.:.iJi�:... ... � ... . . � .. � � � .�. . ... . a. ."' . . . ~�r`... .. . . . . . � . � � . . . ..+wR.p.�..-..-, .. . '.�' . —.....-�_�...� .. .. APPENDIX.VIII A cul.mination planning and budgeting for Erickson Park improvements wiil take place in 1990. A1Chough many of the areas af this 54 ACt'P. �ark have bePn oearly completed the southern area requires a great deal. of alteratians. This is the area of the park that is locaCed next to the new city hall building, It is also the area of ttie park that contains mosC o€ tlte nature area and passive sites. Presently two older hockey rinks and an old warming house are the major amenities at this location. PRdJECTS SCHEDULED: A) CI.EAN UP SI.OPE ALONG HIGHWAY �3 FROM SOUT!lERN I30t1Ri�ER Tn GRt1VEYARb 1.CUT OUT MANy OF TtiE llEAD TREES 2.CLFAN UP GARBAGE ANll TRASH FROM SITE 3.INSTALL WAI,K TRAIL FROM 1'OP OF SLQPE TO I.OWFR PARK ARF.A 13FTNG R�htODFLFD 1�) REMOVE OLD WARMING HOUS�S 1.REMOVE OLD WARMING HOUSE FROM BEHIND Tl�IF GARAGE AREA � 2.REMOVF OLD WARMING HOUSE FROM THE RINK ARFA C} CI,EAR AREA OF POI,ES AND EQUIPMENT STQRAGE 1.PICK UP OI.n POWER 1'OLES AIVD PLACE TtiEM IN PROPER STORAGE AREAS 2.CITY PUllI,IC WORKS EQDIPMENT TO HAVE NEW BUII.DI:NG AND SIT�: PREPARF,D FOR IT 1)) RF;M�VE OI,D !10(;K�Y RINKS FRUM PONDING AREA I .DISMANTLE RINKS AND SALVAGE MATERIALS flF REUSABLE t�UALZTY 2.TAKE AI,L DAMAGED AND ROTTED INATERIALS TO DUMP H) REMOVE OI.11 I�IGHTI NG ANn R�,PJ.ACE IT WITli NEW SYSTFM 1.Kr:l�1QVF. I,IGHTS FRUM PQLES AND SALVAGE TIi05F NOT DURNFt) 011T 2.[t�MOV�; P�WER pOLES AND R�USE TIIOSE TI}AT ARE LONG ENUU(�If Ft�R NFW I.00ATION 3.RkVUVF TI1E TFtANSF�RMER ANll INSTAI.I, IT AND NEW SWITt:H 330XFS AT NFsW SIl�I.T�.R SITE F) CUNSTRUCT NEW RINKS BEHINll YUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1 •LANUSCAPE SITE BE11INll RUILDING 2.GRADE AKI�A FOR llRAINAGF FROM RAINS AND MELTING AS WELI� AS SK{)W I)UMPING 3.YURCf1AS� RINK SECTIUN5 THAT ARE INTERCHANGEABLE FOtt E:ASY MAINTENANC� G) CUNSTRUCT NEW SIiEI,TER / WITH WARMING HOUS�: INCI,tlDEl� / NEAR RINKS 1.SlIf�.I,TF;R T0 lIAVE I.ARGE t�ARMINC �iOUSE INCLUt)EU TifAT G�1N }lF USED Ai.SO IN 1'!IE SUMM�:tt MONTfIS FOR RECREATIONAL PRUGRAMS (SRRVING FOOD OR SIiELTFR FROM WEATIIER� 2.11ESIGN TO }3E WI'1`Ft WARMING NOUSE EASILY ACCESSI$�.E 7'0 KINKS AMU YF.T YRpVIDE PI,ENTY OF OYEN AltEA Tf[AT OVER LOOKS TIiF. NATURE AREA T0 TNE NURTHWEST II) GONS1'ttUC7.' AANU SfIELTER IN AREA WHERE t1UCKEY R]NKS AR� Ptt�Sl?N1'LY I.OL'ATFU 1 .1'0 131: T,G1CAxt;� 1.N TII� SOUTNWEST CpItNF,[t FACTNG N�R1'tiCAS�t 2.I)k:ST'G1d�A FdR USI: FOkt MANY GONCERTS, . COMMIJNITX I3ANI)S� t:ITY F[1NCTI�NS I) I.ANDSCAPE OLI) tt��KLY RiNK AREA FOR FICNICS AND PASSI'VP'. RECKH,ATION 1.AEtEA TO BE I.EVELED FROM ONE OLD RINK SITE Tp TH� p1'IIER 2.I3LACK DIRT 1'0 B�: HAULED TN AND GRASS PLANTED 3.SLOPEll SO TfiAT pROPER ARAINAGE WILL TAKE PLACF 4.T0 BE USED FOR CR�QUET, KICKBALL, AND OTIiEt� SUMI�lEtt REGRF.ATI�NAI� PR�GRAMS 5•Tn tIAVE EASY ACGESS FROM PARKING LOT NEXT TO CITY IiAI.L WI7'fi WALKING TRAILS J) CLEAN UP tIOLnING POND AREA l .PICK UP 1'RASf{ AAID I)F:All T'RE�S 2•(:I.�AK AftEA SO 1'}tAT ACCESS TS POSSIBLE FOR MA�NTENANCE CRF.�T 7'0 llSE 3.kLANT AUDITIONAL �REES WITH OSING SEVERAL VARIETIF,S IN THIS AREA K) CONSTRUGT NAZ'URE �'RAIZ IN SAME LOCATION A5 BLA�K WA1,13UT3 WER�. PI.ANTF.D k 1 .NEARLY QN� IIUNDRED BLAGK WALNUT TRE�S WERE PLANTEfl TAi 1987 1.N 1�2AIL AR.EA 2•TRAIL SliOULU BE nLACKTOPPED AND FULLpW FROM PAR.KTNG LOT, ALUNG TliE RInGE OVEkLt?OKING THF POIVDING AR�AA, AiZOUND THE SmGCER FIEI.11 ANl) END UP AT TIi� NARKTNG LOT AREA EAST OF T'fiE SOCCER FIE� - L) PUKCfIASB PICNIC E(�tfIPMENT (Tl1,BLES, GRII.LS, ETC.) �� I.wc�'rE ON SITF 1.ESTAIiLISN PICNI� SITES NEAR PARKING LOT AR.EA OF SITE AS WELL AS �TFtER SI.T�S OVFRLOOKING THF PONDING AREA 2.ESTABLISH LOCATIONS FOR TABLES L4ND CONSTRUCT CONt�RET� 13ASF. F�R EACIt t�F TIlEM WIIERE TAI3LF;5 ARL' TO RFMAIN "C;AIILEll�� TO SITE M� PURC1iASE AND INSTALL PARK BENCtIES IN PONDING AREA AS WEI,L AS PICAfIG AREA 1.BENCf1ES St10ULD l3E I.00ATED OVERLOOKING THE PONDING SITE ALpNG TI�F WAI.KING TRAIL 2.I3ENCNES St10ULD IiE T�OGATED NEAR THE PICNIG SITE W}l�:ttE "FUTURE" PLAYGROUND EQUIYPIENT COUI..I) BE INSTALLED N) PAVE rllE ADl)ITIONAL AREA dF CITY HALL PARKING LOT FC)R JflINT USE 1.LANDSCAPE OUT AREA PRESENTLY tISED FOR OVERFLOW PAKKING OF SKATIIdG PROGRAMS AND JOIN TT T0 T#iE CITY HALL PARKING LOT 2,NAVE AND INSTALL PAE�KING CURBS 3.INSTALL PAV�:� OR CONt;RETE WALICtdAYS FROM PARK3NG I.OT ARF.A TD B01'1t SIIEI.TERS 0) INSTALL GENF;RAL I.IGHTING FdR THIS REMOUEI�ELI 5ITE 1.NIGiiT LIGti3'S TO PR�VENT VANUALI5M SHOULD AE INSTAI,LEn 2.GEAIERAI. LIGItTING S1i0llLD BE INSTALLED TO PROVIDE V1EW3:NG (3F SIT� FR4M Hl:GIIWAY P) �'URGIWS�, t1NU INSTALI. PI.AYGRO[iND EQUIPMFNT AT SITE 1 .FUR USE D1lRING F'Ah1rLY PICNICS 2.�F A VARIETY F13R CISE BY VERY YdUNG CHII.DREN AS WELI. AS TIIF. OI.DER YOUTH CONCEPTS; A) StIF.3,TER RESTRUOMS ANll FUUNTAIIdS WILI. SERV� FOft COUN'1'Y AIKF. �"RA]i. RFST 57'C?Y 1.[t()SEFIOUNT IS Lf1CA1'ED IPI Tii� GEOGRA�'filC C�NTr.R OF DAKU7`A Ct)UN7'Y WIt1�.f2E MItNY I37K�: 1'ItAILS i:ttt�SS AIVll I.00AT. CT1'IZENS USE 2.1'ARK AIt�:A WpULi) llg LISTED ON MAPS FOR RIll�:RS �N A S'1'�TI�: WIT�t; HASIS '1'U USE i�) YAIiK 5►iFLTFti AND nANU SHELTER TU $E USED AS "11EART" t7F Cl1'Y FAAf3J,Y PIt:N7GS 1.5tlIdDAY EVENTNG GONCEEtTS �1ND FRQGRAMS WO(lI,D IfE il�:Li) AT TtIIS 51.1'E FUR FAMII�IFS 2.[tESEKVATONS FUR FAMILY ANn $USINESS PICNICS WOUI.D B� MAI)F. A9' TItTS SITE llUF. TO THE MAIVy gpECIAI. FEATU1tE THAT IT OFFERS C) 1990 LEpRECAAUi1 DAYS TO HAVE MA,Jpg, pRpG�g AT SITH T0 SHOfi IT OFF 1.ARBA FAMILY BSRS RIllE TO START AND END AT SITB 2.PUPP:ET WAGON AND GONCERT T{� BE HEI.D AT SITE 3.FAMILY PICNIC AND ICS CREAH SOCIIett, TO BE HELD AT SITL� D) REVAMPED AREA WII,L SERUE AS LOCAL SITE FOR SR. CITZZENS WIiO I.IVF 1N }IIGIIRISE I,OCATEI) NEXT TO SITE i.SR.S COlILn USE Tt1IS SITL FOR THEIR SUMMER WAI,KS ANn T�XERCISF I'ROGItAMS 2.A[tEA IS GLOSE ENOI3Gt1 FOR VISITING FAMILIES 1'Q 1tSI� F�it ItE1,AXING T(K;FTttER 3.AttEA T5 CLOSE EN(�UGfI F�R SR.S TOP WAI,K Tt� CONCF.K7'S ANll (:IT'Y PROGRAMS 4•,AREA }fAS EASY AGCESS FROM SIDEWALKS FOR SR.S TO USE E) REVAMF'�ll SITE WII.L SF:RYE AS WAI,KING AIVb PICNTC S1T� FOR EMFLOYF,F.S ANU CllSTOi�tEKS OF DOWNTOWN AUSINESSES DUE TO TIIE FACT TfiAT PAftIC IS LOCATFD TN DUWlVTOWN AREA NIiXT TO THEM 1•AREA BUSINES5 EMPLOYF.ES HAVE EASY ACCESS BY WAY �F SII)EWEiI.KS TO USE SITE 2•��A WOUI.n PROVInE A RELAXING STTE TO ENJOY LtlNCll BItEAKS , F) REVAI+1PEA AREt1 WII.,L SERVE AS A SPECIAL ATTRAGTION FqR AI.I, PE�I'LE ENT�'1tING FROM THE NORT}i 1.IT IS I,QCATEn NEAR �'ARK ANU RIDE 5ITE AND TliE G}IURE:ft 2.IT IS CI.EARI.Y VISIBL� WIIEN EMi'ERING CITY G) Ul'GRAI):CNG AND AL'1'FRI'NG PAItK SITE WILL �NtiAN(:E TtIF ACTIVF. ARF.A OF TF135 54 AGRF. PARK WtiERE SOGC�:R, k00THAI,L, ANp SOFT$ALI. FIELI)S Alti�, PR�,S�NTLY LE>CAT�n 1 .I'1tFSENTLY THIS AREA OF TFIE PIlRK IS AN "EYE SOAR•' 2.CqNN�CTING TRAII,S Tt{ROI�GH TIiE PARK WILL ALI,pW FOR FrO�'LE TO WAI,K TO I�THI�ETIG �:Vk.NTS �R FftOM A�'FiI.ETIC EVEN'1'S TO THE I.00AL BUSINBSSI.S 3•PEOPI..E USING PARK FUR ATHLETIC PURPOSE3 WILL t1AVE PASSIVE ARF,A A�I�F.n F�R TE�Ft4 TO USE FOR IIAVING PIGNIGS I3ETwEEN GAMES, RELAXING BETWEEN GAMES, ETC. !1) t11tT;A WOULt) CONTZNUE TO PRESERVEn FOR WILD LIFE IN PUNDING ARF.A AN!) IIIGfI GRASS ARFA NI:XT TO POND 1.I'NESEN'I'I.Y PlIF;t1SANTS A1tE PLENTIFUL IN HI:GliER GRASS ARE.A OF PUNI� SITF.' 2.WAT11t I,EV�L IS k:XPEC`1'ED 7'0 CONTINUE TO REMAIN lIIGIIE.R W1T}1 INGtt�.ASF,I) 1)EV�:L,4PMENT ANI) RUN OFF FROM TNOSE UEVELdPMF,NTS - TFITS WATER WI�t,L }iF. 51'(1RFi) FO[t UUCKS ANll OTIIFR WILULIFE TO USE v � � , � � � > r ' > I m p� rh -------- -- D a 0 O ` .� � • � � ti , Q 138th � ' , � 138 th / _ .��ado U_ 138th : :�.� 139 � � ,Q ord• � ---- � _ — � ,;., I�Oth' St: � `\ � � y k O `� � �� % l \ O 1 " r I' �1 � � � \ (� �� -� : � _:� �. 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' 'z-� Z>� 1; T�'' . � � �-1 , �' v ' yy� �c �y • J��, _-_____r -y�,; ' �p � �`� —/-- ----. 4 � � �'�� � � � �t'� �� i � � � �''� � �� ,� � 1 t..�„ � 6� � `� . � � f � j � # a !�� � �� � .� � W� �rP�D�Y zv E�Icxsort peRIc (soath eIIa) uPCRenE There are seven major items that the City of Rosemount hopes to achieve through the completion of this project: 1) �'rovide a city landmark on the northern portion of the downtown 2) Provide community recreational area for senior citizens who live in downtown area 3) Clean up the southern portion of Erickson Park and replace this eye sore with a revamped passive recreational ar�a for a21 to use 4) Enhance the City Hall area of Rasemount and increase the eitizen awareness of city government working to improve their community 5) Provide a new approach to recreation in the Community using the 1990 Leprechaun Days programs to kick them off e. family b3ke ride starting and ending at this site b. co�nunity entertainment to be conducLed on a "family night" at thi� central location c. family picnic and ice cream social _: 6} Provide a healthy mis of passive and active recreation in the 54 acres of Lhe Erickson Park site 7) Develop the nature area that is located in the downtown More than the Celebration of 1990 this park clean up and renovation will be the start of the "celebratian of the 199Q's". The amenities involved in the pra,�ect will be the fundamental items to aid in identifying the do�antown area of aur city. It will serve as ane of the landmarks identifying our city as being " someplace special". , ITEM �4 A culmination planning and budgeting for Erickson Park imprave�nts will take place in 1990. Although many of the areas of this 54 aere park have been nearly completed the southern area requires a great deal of alterations. This is the area of the park that is located next to the new city hall building. Tt is also Che area of the park that contains most of the nature area and passive sites, Presently two older hockey rinks and an oId warming house are the major amenities at this lacation. P80J8CTS SCHEDtILED: � A) CLEAN UP SLOPE ALQNG HIGHWAY #3 FROM SOUTHERN BOAitI3ER TO GRAVEYARD l.CUT OUT MANY OF THE DEAD TREES 2.CLEAN UP GAR.BAGE AIdD TRASH FROM SITE 3.INSTALL WALK TRA3L FROM TOP OF SLOPE T� LOWER PARK A.Rk:A BEING REMODELED B) REMOVE OLD WAR,MING HOUSES 1.REMOVE OLD WARMING HOtJSE FROM BEHIND THE GARAGE AREA 2.REMOVE OLD WARMING H�USE FROM THE RINK AREA C) CLEAR AREA OF POLES AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE 1.PICK UP OLD POWER POLES AND PLACE THEM IN PRQPER STORAGE AREAS 2.CITY PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT TO HAVE NEW BUILDING AND SITE PREPARED FOR IT D) REMOVE OLD HOCKEY RINKS FRQM PONDING AREA l.pISMANTLE RINKS ANp SALVAGE MATERIALS OF REUSABLE QU�I.ITY 2.TAKE ALL DAMAGED AA1D ROTTED MATERIALS TO DUMP E) REMOVE OI.0 LIGHTING AAiD REPLACE IT WITH NEW SYST�M I.REMOVE LIGHTS FRQM PQLES AND SALVAGE THOSE NOT BURNED OUT 2.REMOVE POWER POLES A1VD REUSE THOSE THAT ARE LONG ENOUGH FOR NEW LOCATION 3.REVOVE TIiE TItANSFQRMFR AND INSTALL IT AIVD NEW SWITCH $OXES AT NEW SHELTER SITE F} CONSTRUCT NEW RINKS BEHINll PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1.LANDSCAYE SITE B�HIND BUILDING � 2.GRADE AREA FQR DRAINAGE FROM RAINS ANA MELTING AS WELL AS SN�W Dt1MPING 3.PURCHASE RINK SECTIpNS THAT ARE INTERCHAN�EABLE FOR EASY MAIAITENANCE G) CONSTRUCT NEW SHELTER / W3TH WARMING HOUSE INCLUDED / NEAR RINKS � 1.SHELTER TO HAVE LARGE WAR.MING HOUSE INCLUDED THAT CAN BE USED ALSO IN THE SUMMER MONTHS FOR RECREATIUNAL PROGRAMS (SERVING FOOD OR SHELTER FROM WEATHER� '2.DESIGN T0 BE WITH WARMING H(JUSE EASILX ACCESSTBLE T(3 RINKS AND YET PROVIDE PLENTY QF OPEN AREA THAT OVEIt LOOKS THE NATURE AREA TO THE NORTHWEST H) CONSTRUCT BAND SHELTER IN AREA WHE1tE HOCKEY RINKS ARE PRESENTLY LOCATED 1.T0 BE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNER FACING NORTHEAST 2.DESIGNED FOR USE FOR MANY CONCERTS, COMMUNITY BANDS, CITY FUNCTIONS I) LAN�SCAFE OI.I) HOGKEY RINK AREA F�R PICNICS AAI� PASSTVE RF.CRF,ATI.ON 1•AREA TO BE I,EVELED FROM QNE OLD RINK SITE TO THE 0`t'11�R 2.B1.AGK DIRT TO BE NAUI.ED IN ANp GRASS PI,ANTED 3.Si.OPEll SO TNAT PRflPER DRAINAGE WILL TAKE Pi.ACF 4.T0 $E USED FQlt CROQUET, KICK$ALL, ANp OTHEIt SUMMER REGREATIONAI. PRElGRAMS S.TO FiAVE EASY ACCESS FROM PARKING LOT NEXT TO GITY }lAIaI, WITfi WALKING TRAILS J) CLEAN UP HOLnING FOND AREA l .PICK UP TEtASfi AND I)F.AA TREES 2.CI.EAR AREA SO THAT ACCESS IS POSSIBI.E FOR MAINTENANCE CREW TQ [iSE 3•PLANT ADDITIONAL TREES WI7.'H USIN� SEVERAL VARIETIES IN THIS ARF.A K) CONSTRUCT NATURE TRAIL IN SAMF LOGATION AS BI.ACK WAI,NUTS I�ERE P1..ANTED 1.NEARLY ONE tiUNDRED BLACK WALNClT TREES WERE PI.ANTED IN I987 IN 1RAxI� AR1:A 2.TRAIL SNOUI.0 BE BLACICTOPPED AND FOLLOW FRQM PARKING LOT, ALQNG THE RIAGE OVERLOOKING THE PONDING AREA, AROUND TNE SOCCER FIELD ANp ENp UQ AT TtiF PARKING LOT AREA EAST OF THE SOCCER FIELD L) PURC}IASE PICNIC EC�UIPMENT (TAIiLES, GRII�LS, ETC.) AND IACATis ON SIT� 1.ESTAIiLISH PICNIC SITES NEAR PARKING LOT AREA QF SITE AS WELL AS OTHF,R SITES OVERLOOKING TN� PONDING AREA 2.ESTABLISII LOCATIONS FOR TABJaES ANp CONSTRUCT CONt;RETE BASE FOR F.ACH OF TH�h1 WHERE TABLES ARE TO REMAIN "CA$LED" TO SITE M) PURCIiASE AND INSTAI,I, I'ARK BENClIES IN PONDING AREA AS WFLJ, AS PTCNIC AREA 1.BENCHES SNOULI) BE LOCATED OVERLOORING THE PONDING SITE ALONG Tl�E WAI.KING TRAIL 2.BENCHES SHOULD BE I.00ATEI� NEAR THE PICNIC SITE W11ERE "FUTURF" FL�#YGROt1NU EQUIPMENT COULD BE INSTALLED N) PAVE Tt1E ADDTTIONAL AREA OF CITY HALL PARKING LOT FOR ,JOINT USF. 1 .I,AIdUSCAPE flUT AREA pRESENTLy USE� FOR OVERFLOW PARKING AF SKEITING PR(1GRATIS ANn JOIN IT TO Tf{E CITY tlALL PARKING I�OT 2.PAVE AND INSTALI, PARKING CURBS 3.INSTALL PAVEU O�t CONCRETE WALKWAYS FROM PARKING 1.OT ARFA T� Aa7'li SIiFt�TERS 0) INSTALI� GENERAI. 1.IG1tTING FOR THIS REMOUEI.ED SITE 1.NIGJiT LIGtiT5 TO PREVFNT VANDAI�ISM St10UI.�U JfF. 1NS1`AI,1.F.D 2•GENERAI, LIGlIT1NG SHUUI.D BE INSTAI.I.Ell TQ PR�V71)r VIF.WING QF SI'TE? FRtJM i11CftWAY Y) PURClIASE AND INSTALI. PLAYGRUUND EQUIPMF:NT AT SIT`E .1.FUR USE IH7RING FAMII.Y PICNICS 2.OF A VARIETY FOR USE BY VERY YOUNG CNILnREN AS WF.I.T, AS xHT�; UI,I�Elt YOUTN : _ . . . , _ . _ . . ' • . . • _ : . , _ . . Y , . . • _ . - lt . ^ . . . , _ .. . . . . . . . _ .. . _ _ .. . , , ._ . , . _ . . _ , .. . , . _ . . i : . . ,. . . .. . _ , . . � � � . : - : . i , . . .. � . � : j 1 NEIGHBC?RHtJC.�D� , ■ST.PAUI WES7 SIDE �� 1 � VERMIILION■ MENDOTA tiEIGHTS• AOSEMOUNT s ■FAAMINGTON . SOUTH ST.PAUI■ a HASTINGS 4VEST ST.PAUI� � •lNVEFi GROYE HEIGHTS 9 S7.PAU�PfONEER Pf�ESS DISPATCN VI/EE�NESDAY, DECEME3ER 7, 1988 • 3 � . � l �I� �Cl �:�' i�.I1 � �'�.i�4� � O S� �f.� S ���' By Larry Miilett � �. ' � � A���s/',� urbs to the so�th. To dri�e through this spread-out Fublie officials ia Eagaa, Apple Vallep and scar�w�te� . warid af subdivisioas. shoppiag malls and industrial Rosemouat realize their communities need a stroaqer 4 new worid is being creaced aznid th�waqded hills � _ parks is to go on a;ouraey wittrout Iandmazks, alon� sense of identitp and are wor4�ing toward that goal in aad waterp hollows soutti of 5� Paui, aad rna every- Much of the 9rowth in the Twin Gities area is in rnBdS L1�3t seeIIi tA le�d t0 SOWheTe Iii paztiC111at. vaT�ing w�y3- fasi growing suburba such as Eagan, Apple Vatley �� jyjp ane thinks it's a pretty sight. � - ; ; �•�. . . rrish, director of a new urban design Eagan, where the lac� of focus is most obvious, ' �and.Rasemount. This has br4ught bath opportuni• ��r at the Uaiversity of Minaesota,saqs this sort of hopes that a new citp ceater aad high school wi11 help It is here — in cammunities lik� �pple Vallep, - �� and problems m the area of urban design. in g�����lOok Ch�T3Gteti2e.4 mOst f�5t-grow- bring the coaimnnitq together.Apple Valleq is tcyiag Eagan and Rasemounc -- chat. ra�id papulauon.•.'•�this artic�e, �arr�r �inett, arChiteCture CritiC for the ` growth is shaping an urban environment a�.once� = �� Pioneer Preas Dispatct,, takea a criticai ioak at �$���II��- to create a downwWa out of a callection of malis and ' precisely planaed and curiousiy chaa�ic,a kiad of soa- how these communities are attempting to cresie a ���c methad of urbaaism now is platting and �burbaa o�ce bail+dings.Rasemount is striving w en• � trolled sprawl that offers almost.e�erything ezcept a Sense ot place in the midst ot rapid devefopment. ��g�letLilig develOpet3 Sell pSTCe13 wi#hout atlp �� its ezisting dowatown and retaia a small-town 1 ,. cronvincing sease of place. ..• relationship fram one 1 to tt�e next," he saps. atm�phe�e. � An old citp Iike St Paul has monumenu and public "Bnt t�e process of aua '�g cities and Loa+ns is more Achieving a sense of place in these communiti� spaces�—the Capitul,the Cathedral,Rice Park—t6at instant identitp. thaa just platting iaad aad building houses and s�vim- aviil not be easy. 1'liey are, for bett+er or worse, cap- define it as a parricular place aad �ive it a kind of But ttiis is not tae case in the new,sprawling snb- miag paols aad malls." Piease ses SprawV 2 4 *` . - . , . ,._ . . -.,_.. i . .i . . . . _ , . . : . . .. ... . . . . ... . . .. -- •. �. _ �� Co�tinued from Page 1 = �. �.. � �, ; : . , o . . ` . _ , . • . . r . cummuaitq by the sLandards of its fast•gro�ing aei � _ . • tives of the autamotive culture, organized around a " ' �"�� bors.Bnt out ia the flat ffeids around this old farming � sparaous grid of high speed roads that'.make traditioa- .�� � � ' town, subdivisions are growing the way crops once ai forms of urbanism almast impossible. � � ���`�'' did,and c�np e is clearl in the wind. � � . .,,kP• �, __Q p• And ev�n though all three eornmunities are zoned to • _�. � _ -`�a Unlike Eagan or Apple Vatley, Rosemount has an the hilt,they are anly beginning to develap Lhe sort of ,' ; ..,, '��. identifiable core — a small downtown left over from , comprehensive design staudards that might impose a � .�� e � �"" �,�; its days as a farrning village. measure of visnal unitp on the free-for-all of private ;���� ' .� . �R �} _;, ��,�= However, a good deal of commercial acavity al- development. �� � �x�.�_ ready has moved to a strip along Countq 42.This strip ■ • • - ` � _ ,� ; ' x�������.� � ��;�_ is the only pan of Rosemount other than down�own Eagan, the state's fastest growing community, � ,, °� : �-���.�`x°�,.��;� �` that is zoned for commercial use. seems very much a city in search of itself. � � v "'� -�.���'�a.` : � ;� . "w"�,�_ �` Yet even though it has lost some of iu comrr:ercial Sprawling over 35 square miles of some of the pret- � �` ��:R� �r ' ,,, �._ -- vitality, Rosemonnt's old downtown — dominated by t i e s t h i l l a n d d a l e c o u a cry in l�linnesota,it is a commu- ' � �� R �� � � the im ressive Gothic stee le ,x� p p of St. Josepn's Cat�olic Aity with no elear focal point or commercial core, no �' �"} � � �, .�"#� � Church — manaaes to convey an uzimistakable sense real landmark buildings and no sense of strong ties ^"'""'""~� � ` ,: " _ � �--- - � of place. among its scattered neighborho4ds. Unfortunately, the church and severai nearbr�rick � _ _ - �ithough it advertises ikseif as the home of North- R _ �;,-_ � '� �;���, commercial blocks are aot matched bv bui:dia;s oi xest Airlines and the site of the world's largest Coca - � ` equal quaiiry. QuonsEt auts, metal pole�buiid:n��. im- Cota bottling pian�.Ea;an is not a place that coajures _ plemenc shesis,and a areadful collec:i4a of wiii,e con- up 3ny distinctive imagery. �� � crete block buiidings line much oi Highway 3 -arough Perhaps the city's prime attribute is its rugged to- ���.,.._..; _ _ downtown, and there is 4othing like the solid �ati oi pography. There is a pastoral quaIity W the southem , building found along many other small-toam ;nain part of Eagan, where big houses nestle in the wouds streets. alon�curving roads thai dip into secluded valleys and . ' . .As a result, Rosemount's downtowu has the �oose. wind around shimmering duck ponds. �� ..�� ' scattered feel o€ a rural crossroads, as oppased co a ': $ut t4 the north. large industrial and of�ce parks M�rk Marson/Statt Photographer �e small t°a°°commercial core. predorninate arnid an anonymou� landsrape of free- jf Appie VaAey is to have a dvwn#owrt business distric# it wilt likeiy be at the intersection Still, Rosemount's young mayor, Rollan Hoice, real- ways,subdivisioas and huge apartment compleaes. izes the old dawntown�s worth fighiing for,and�e has The citp's incredibie growth dces much Lo e lain �f Couniy Road 42 and Cedar Avenue. . enlisted ldorrish's aid in ho g qs p pes of findin wa to re- its ram,uafinished Iook It is very much a+comm nitq � serve it as a communitp focal painG stili in the making.and time as much as atiything else �d even thou h a lar e cammercial hub ma nev- biii of turnin this "�en pou ask an old or a aew resident what at- maq smooth some of irs rough edges. g � p tY g Pedestrian-hostile environment �acts them to this commuuity. they will tell von it's er esist in Eagan,the city has encouraged commercial into something like a downtowa �e ��-�� atmosphere," Hoke says. "�+,nd we "We're stiil sort o# tike a gangly teen-ager," sayYs development in three separate areas. In its report,the firm recommeaded chaages in land have a visible aspect of that because we have a do�vn- r Tam Hedges, Eagan's city administrator. "The ques- Mostl thou Ea aa is uon is what do we waat to be when we�row up." �� � g ���$P��up its im- use and zoniag poIicies,suggested developing a more to�war. I thin� we can build on that. What this daavn- There's no uestiou ;.hat Ea an is age by regulating commercfa!deveiopmeat along Itt- cieariy #acused "riag route" around the intersection tvwa meaas to peopie is a sense o# communitc and Q g growing up iu a teistate 35E aad major arterial roads,requiring high- aad calied for�iesign standards to cr�ate a more cohe- conaect��,�° •harrp. in i980, it had barely 3,000 le, � a peoP $p 1980, er design siandards for new housing and apartme�tt sive iook Marrish arill hold a design charette in Rosemount in t,�at number had risen to 20,OOQ.Taday,the popuiation p�j��, �nd seeicing What Eliison calls "quality not So faz, however, these recommendatians are oalp earlp Decemher.The charette —an infarmal meeciag is 45.�00 and ciimbiag fast Bp the time the city fills quantitp." er its boundaries,it could rival Bloamiagton as the'Pwia an idea, although Branning conta.nues to have higa at which architects gather to sketch quicx proposals Gikies'Largest suburb. Whe�er any of this will translake into a more cohe- hopes. for design probiems -- cvill foeus on Rose.*�ount's sive and attractive enviruameat in Eagan remains to ge believes a sort of four-part downzown can evea- downtowa Eagaa's sens+e of disjointedaess stems in ppart frozn be��, tually develoQ around the intersection, with each qua- "We'II be runaing through a lot of �cenar:os 3nd conditions beyoad its coatroL Ti�e rity did not grow n . out of an esistiag smali town aad thcis never �ad a �at is certain is that as Eagan comes of age, the drant havin�a dis=inct character aad such ameaities lookiag at what the downtac�en's role is,"�Iorrisa savs. city will have to pay more attention to de.si�issues if as sidewalks aad s ial landsca in . dawatowa ceater. It ;s �alit arnocig three schooi dis- it ho es to avoid becomin � p �' Hoke says he asked for�+Iorrish's help because "�e tricts.And the city has been nnable to develop a large nowhere land. � �'e� �°��z suburban gTanning ��risioas the northeast quadranc. �here felt we aeeded a little�ore comurehensive pic�ure oi commercial�ub because its greatest gzowth came af- , Dakota Countp glans to build a new regional goverr- �v�at we want :�is toavn co ',�e. ?t's a reai assec cc3 .�is .er major shooping ce�ters were alreadq established �ThE public has been tel�ing �s in ao unee*taia ment center, as an office and government sector. communiry to have a do�scown and .�e �ant :o :ake - in ne:ghborin�comrr.u�iues. terms that it is aot hapoy with Eagan lootdng tike c Commercial uses of rarious k.inds, mare or:ess se;�- every measure we can .o mak�sure that are des:5n ;� - little bit of this and a tittle bit of that,"saps Hedges. gated by quadraat,�ould fill out the rest of the area. rgh�^ In some ways. however. Eagan's own planning poli- � , cies aave encouraged a sease of isolatioa among its �The publie is saying let s not let the development ����town :�ople Valley ccill be :our conee�ts in- Coneera aoout all asaeecs oi urban desig�a. :n :acc. worid build Eagan." cor rated into one,"Braanin re ' neighborhoods. Parits are an esample. lrfost of the po g p dicts. seems to be �owing :n Rosemount. and Ho�e :ays ; cizy s par�s are smail paui�es of greenerq hiddea in But the sease oi *nsual chaos in the area is aueaa� city residents are deterTM.,ined nat to �ec r.6eir cor..mu- ; :he midst of ;ubdivisiors, and thns seem more 1ike ■ • ■ so powerfui that evett the best-(aid design plans face nity's identity disaapear because oi chou�htless Ceve!- private than public spaces. The citp is noar emphasiz- apple Vailep, perhaps best known as the home of an uphill strnggle. and ic may be many years be:ore oQmea� � ing 1ar�er coincnunity �ar'tzss, but there is still nothing the 1�linnesota Zou,is another rapidlg growing subur� "docQaWwa �pple Valley" is aaything iike a distinc- °�Deveiopers are st�arting to ;et the :nessage .hac � iike a genuiae public realm in Eagan. trying to earve out a sense of idesstity for itseif. tive plaee. this eammnnicy �Il �ot �ake jvst �npthing, Hoice irlayor Vic IIiison saps city leaders are "cognizant with 34,000 people aad 1?s+quare miles of land�p- ■ a s says."We're in the drivers seat mare than we were 10 oi the fact that r+agan�asn't developed its own identi- pje Vallep is smaller aud denser than Eagan aad a bit W�ttt about 8.Ofl0 ueoole, Rosemouat is still a small y�'s ago•" �y."3ut�e says a nuraber of upcoming projects should more homogenous beeause mucfi of it cvas deveioped ; ; aelp remedq this situatioa. as tracc housing by a single builder. i = :# new high schoal uader constructioa ia the soath- �nd ut3like Eagan,APPIe Vailey has the semblance i � � ) �sL Part sf Ea�an �i11 bear ttse city's name and ' of a "downtomn." not to mentioa a maqar who seems ; J should serve as a sirong uaifying foree for the com- to be a city bop at heart. � mtuuty,Ellisoa saY�- 1�Iayor Willis Branniag's dream is to create aa at- � �Z� F i e a l s o i n t s t o f t r a c t i v e a n � l a n g o r e ' ' ' d c l e a r d � P Q P =P��g t h e e s t s t t a g l y e f i n e d d o w n w w n a t C o u n t y ; Raad 42 and Cedar Aveaue. maa�cigal campas at th� intersecriact af Pflat Knob i aad Westcott raasls. wh�re the city hall aad a I'3aJ�ata It woa't be easy.T3e downtuaa-ta-be is aow a jnm-I Q S�E:CiBf C�'it"lS�ti13S �ff8f Conatp library are avw Iocat�d. If vot�s approve a ble of stores,of#ic�#�nii+diags,c.Er de�i�erships a�r�es� Youra far only 22.s0 with anY Qizabeth Arden purc�ase of St5 or mare. Ievy r�fermdum,a c.wmmnnity center will be added to taurants set ia a s�ea of ' 1�a�!loose3 - � . . � Paz'�S y flr8aa- _. the campvs. ized azound two wide,high speed roadwaps.. ; T}�e city aL4o is bniidiag a bike trail sysket�a desigaed I.ast year, the city hiced the plaaning �rm of _ W iink its maay sca�subdivisioos. Dahlgrea,SSardlow and Uban 1nc,to stndy the possi TT '* �