HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Administrative Changes Discussion � � a � .� � . . � rl lS!1A ,IIl� i!. '' L �� � �Z�t� n � ti r 11 �t1 f S'.` � °�� ` Fi(ISFMOl�N i. A41NP!! �;(�i� ',�.��f;!� � : �,US�YYLO L�GYZ� �;�.� ,:�t :,��, �� � ������� � � � � � � � � Py,'• ` T0: Mayor xolee Councilmembers: Napper �t�rough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerlc DATE: October 28, 1988 . RE: HRA BYLAWS ADMINISTRATIVE CHAI�TGES Pursuant to the direction given at previous City Council meetings and HRA meetings staff has made revisions to the bylaws for the HRA which wi11 reflect changes in admin�_stration of HRA business. These changes wi12 provide for the following. 1) The Executive Director of the fIRA will be the City Administrator. 2) The Assistant Executive Director will be the "Economic Development Specialist" hired by the City. 3) The City Finanee Director, under the direction HRA and the Executive Directar, will have responsibility for the financial functions of the HRA. This wi11 allow the financial activities of the HRA to be handled throughCity of Rosemc»unt checking, savings and investment accounts with proper accounting and auditing procedures in place to insure that proper aceounting of funds takes place. It also requires that the city Fxnance Director and the Mayor sign checks for HltA e�enditures once approved by the HRA t>oard. 4) To insure that, in case of vacancies in the Executive Directors' position and the Assistant �irectars' position, there is continuity in administratian, language is in place to name the City Comm.mity Director to these vacancies in interim status. These proposed changes are reflective of the direetion �iven to staff in adopting the job description for the "Econ�ic Deveiopment Specialist" positian and the autharity given to proceed to hire ta fill that Ixasition. They also reflect your approval to a recomrnendation, of September 20th, to place administrative contral of the HI2A under the position of the City Administrator in order to provide a more centralized approach to economic develo�xnent in the city. At the special meeting of the HItA/City Council on Tuesday the HI2A board will be asked to approv� these bylaw changes and to accept the resignation of Don Dariing as Executive Director. By virtue of the verbiage in the revised bylaws Dean Johnson will automatically stay on as Assistant Executive Director until • the Economic Develo�xnent Speezalist is named. We will also be asking that the HR1� at�thorize the funciin� of 50% o� the cost of the Economic Development SpeciaTist Position. We wouid ask that this amount be set at "up to" 25,(300 for 1989. Upon the HRA approuing these changes your actian wott.ld he to agprov2 the HRA bylaws a.s ar�er�ied. This would ec�mplete the changes to acccxnnplish the recommendations we sutxnitted on Septernher 20th. • s BYLAWS OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROSEMOU�TT, MINNESOTA ARTIGLE I - THE AUTHORITY Section 1 , Name of Authoritv. The name of the Authority shall be the "Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Rosemount, Minnesota." Section 2. Seal of Authoritv. The seal of the Autharity sha].1 be in the form of a circle and sh�.11 bear the name of the Authority and the yeax of its organization. Section 3. 4ffice of Authoritv. The off3ces of the Authority shall be at City Hall �.n tha City of Rosemount, Sta�e of Minnesota, but the Authority may hald its meetinqs a� such other place or places as it may designate by motion made and carried at a Rec�ular or Special t�teeting. ARTICLE Iz - OFFICERS Section 1 . Officers. The officers of th� Authority shall be a Chairman and a Secretary. Section 2. Chairrnan. The Chairmail shal.l presicle at all meetings 'of the Authority. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution af the Authority, the Chairman shall sign all contracts, a�ea� and other instruments made by the Authority. At eaeh mee�ing the chairman sha11 submit such recommendations ar�r� infor►nation and he/she may eo�isicier proper concer��ing t}ie business, affairs and golicies of the AtiitI�ority. 1 � ' • • Section 3. Secretarv. The Secretary shall perfor� the duti�s of the Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman; and in case of the resignatian or cteath of the Chairman, the Secretary shall perform such duties as are imposed on the chairman until such time as the Authority shall select a new Chairman. Section 4. Executive Director. The Authority shall employ an �xecutive director who shall have general supervision over the administration of its business and affairs, subject to the direction of the Autharity, HeJshe shall be charged with the management of the housing projects of authori.ty. This person will be the eity administrator far the City of �tosem4unt. As assistant to the Secretary, the Exeeutive director in his/her own name and titie shall keep the records of the Authority; shall provide by himseifJherself or �hrough staff serviees as Secretary of the meetin�s of the Auth4rity to r�cord all votes, and keep a record of the proceedings of the autharity i.n a �ournal of proceedings to be kept for such puxpose� and shall perform all duties incident to his/her office. He/she shall keep in safe custody the seal of the Authr��ity and sha11 have power to a�fix such seai to all con�racts and instrume�zts author�.z�d to be executed by the Authority. Under the direct supervision of the Executive Director, the City Finanee Directc�r shall have the care and Gustody of al], funds of the Authority and sha].1 deposi� the sarne in the narne of the authority in such bank o� banks as designated as afficial depositories by City cauncil Resolution. The City Finanee Director shall sign all ordQrs and checks for the p�yment of 2 � � . money and shall pay out and disburse s�xch moneys under the direction af the Authority and the Executive Directar. A21 such orders and ehecks shall be counter-signe� by the Mayor af the city. The Finance Director shall keep regular books of �ecounts shawing receip�s and expenditures and shalZ render to t�a Autho�ity, at eaeh regular meeting (or as often as z�qu�st�dj , an �. account of hisjher transactions and alsfl of the financial condition ot the Au�hority. He sha],1 give sueh bond for the �a3thful performaneP of his duties a� the Authority may de�ermine. The eompensation o� th� Executive Director shal.I be aetermined by the Authority. Seetion 5. Assistant Direetar. The Autharity may empl.oy an Assistant Director wha shall assist the Exeeutive Director in the administration of the business and affairs o� the 1�u�hority. This person will be the persan �illing tl�e "Economic Development Specialist" position �or the City af Rosemount. The Assistant Director shall have the responsib3lity to eoordin�,te meetings with public and private developers, pursuant to redevelopment projects and general busin�ss 4f the Authority. The Assistant Dir�ctor shall also be responsible for reviewing and updating the Redevelopment P1an and written reviews of all rAdevelopment proposals which come before the �uthority. Said reviews and other memorandums shall be directed to the Authority through the �xecutive director. The Assistant Direct�r shall sit at regul�r or special meetings of the Authority in the Absence of the Executa.ve 3 � s • Director, and shall attend other meetings as requested by the Autl�ority or the Executive Director. The compensation of the Assistant Direetor shall be determined by the Autho.rity. Section 6. Additional Personnel. The Authority may from time to time employ sueh persannel as �.t deezns neeessary to exercise its powers, duties and functions as prescribed by the Municipal Housing anc� R�devel.opment Law of M�.nnesota applicable ther�to. The selection and compensation af such personnel shall be determined by the Authority subjpct to thp l�ws of the State of Minnesota. Section 7. Additional Duties. The offieers o� �he Authority shall perform such other dutiPs and functions as may from tirne to time be required by the Authority or the bylaws or rules and regulations of the Authority. Section 8. Election or Appointmsnt. The first Chairman and Secretary shall, pursuant to their appoa.ntments, serve in the capacity of their offices until the enc� of the first cal�ndar year after appointment. Thereafter, �he chairman and Secretary shal,l be elected at the annual meeting of the Authority from arnong the Co��m�.ssioners of the Authority, and shall hold o.ffice for one year or until their suecessors are elec�ed and qualifipd. Elections shall be at the Annual Meeting. The Executive Directar shall be appointed by the Authority. Any person appointed to fil.l the of.fice of �xecutive director, or any vacancy therein, shall hav� such term as �he Auth4rity fixes, 4 � , � . but no Commissianer o� the Authority shall be eligible to tha.s c�ffiee. Section 9. Vacancies. Shauld the office o� Chai.rman crr Secretary become vacant, the Au�hori.ty shall �1e�t a successar from its membership at the next regular me�tin�, and sueh electzon shall be for the unexpired term of saia office. Upan t�e occurrence of � vacancy in �he 4£�ice of �xecutive Airector the City Cammunity Development Director will assume the position of "Interim �xecutive Director" until � SUCC�3SSOL' t0 t�"1E'. Executive Director is appointed. Upon the accurrenee of a vacancy in the office of Assistant Directar �he City Comm�ifiity DeveZopment Director will �ssume the positir�n of "Interi�n Assistant Director" until a successor to tl�e Assistant Director is appainte3. Section 10. Compensation of Commissioners. The Co►nmissioners are entitled to received expenses and rnay be paid up to $25.00 per regular and special meetings, not to exceed a total annual payment c�f $1 ,5Q0 per member, as provided in Minnesota Statutes Section 462.411 . The amoant of compensation and schedule for payment ta Commissioners shail be se� by the Authority by Resolution, subject to the approval of the City Council. 5 , � . Al2TICLE III - (KEETINGS Section 1 . Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held on the second Tuesday in January at 7:30 o'clack p.m. at the regular meeting place of the Aiithority. Section 2. Regular Meatinas. t�lonthly m�et3ngs shall be held without notice at �.he regular meeting plaee of �he Authority on the f3.rst Tuesday of each month, at ?:OQ o'elock p.m. unless the same shall be � legal holiday, in which event said meeti.ng shall be held on the next suceeeding day. Section 3. Speciai Meetincts. Special meetings of the Authority may be called by the Ghairman, or two me��lj�rs of the �uth�rity for the purp4se o£ transacting any business designated in the call. The cal.l for a special meeting may be delivered at any time prior to the time of the proposed mee�in� t� each mernlaer of �he Auttiority or may be m�iled to the busin�ss or home address of each membex of the Authority at least two (2) c�ays pri�r ta the date of such special mee�ting. At such special m���tinc� no busin�ss shal�. be considered other than as designated in the call, but if �11 of the members of tl�e Authority are �resent at � special meeting, any and all. busin�ss may be transactpd at sueh special meeting. Sect3on 4. uorum. The powers of the Authority slzali be vested in the Commissian�rs thereof in office from time to time. ' Three Gommissioners shall constitute � quorum for the purpose o£ conducting its busin�ss and exercising its powers and for aIl � other purposes, but a smallc�r number may adjourn f.rom tinA tc� time until. a quorum is obtaiized. When a guarum is in attenclance, action may be taken by the Authority upon a vote o£ a maj�rity of the Cor�missioners pres�nt. 6 � • • Section 5. �=der o£ Business. At the re � gular rneetinc�s oE t11e Authority the following shall be the order of business: 1 . Call to Order 2. Approval of the minutes a£ the previous meeting(s) 3. Old Business 4. New Business 5. Bills and Communication 6. Chairman' s Report 7. Executive Director's Report 8. Adjournment All resolutions shall be in writing and shall be copie3 in the journal of the proceedings af the .Autharity. Section 6. Manner of Votinq. The vating on all questions coming before the Authority shall be by roll call, and the yea and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting. ARTICLE IV - AMENDMENTS Amendments to Bvlaws. The bylaws af �he Authority shall be amendPd only with the apProval ot at least three of the mernbers of the Authority at a regular or a special �neeting. A11 amendments to the bylaws of the Authority shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. �3y-Laws of the Rosemount H.R.A. as revised, approved and adapted at a Special Joint Meeting af the H,R.A, an3 City Council on November 1 , 1988. Stephan Jilk, Execut.ive �t�-ector 7