HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Fire / Police Study Reports - Recommendations� • • f'O BOX 51� 1�� � 2875-1457ti ST W ^Cn�AO1tM� ROSEMOUNT,MfNNES07A 55qG8 Va7GI�'1+ N�/L 612-423-44tt 'f0: Mayor Tloke Counci.1.meml�ers: NaPt�er Oxi�t�rnuel� Wa�1sfi Wi.ppf�r�nlnn FROPZ: Stephan Ji.lk, Adrni��.istr. ator/Cl.Prk DATE: Nov�inber 23, 198II R�: Polj.ce/Fire Stctdies Staff 1�ev;tewfRecommeiidaCion� In A��gust oE Chis year A1r. k'red lloisi�tgt:on, i,�rry Tho�nf�gnn nnrl T'�t C�ugl�li.n mac�e �resentations �s pert of the ccrm}�].�t i.on c►.f tw�� m�,jor �tc�clies invr�iving r.he Fire niicl t'r�l.i.r.� l�np;�rl:inri�ts. 'Cti��c� _ rwo eL•udies� w�res 1) 'Ca com��l.ete Rn i.n �t�pt1� �at,u�ly oC tt�e aclmi.nlr�tr�atton of t�ntlt of �I]pAA ctepr�rtm�rtk.� s�n�t dernrmi.n+� i.f nc�+ c��mt�inin� of ti�e adminir�tr�t.tnn vf b�tl� o£ those dep�rl-me�it� w€�.^, warrstrtted mnd iC �o what the Menefi:tg of tl��t ccimbl:n.-�ti.otf �ar��tl.d be Z) To com�l.ete a sC��dp to �i�terrn:i.ne the �i.7e, numb�r and 1oc�tion f�r fire sL-atit�n fsactltr_ies Ln tfiA t;1.�y a£ Ro�P�no�tnt. You h�vp coples �� bol)� of �he �lutli.es �s they were pre�e��t�d 1:v you in August. At the meeting �t wh.l.ch these vtr�clt�s w�re pre:�enteci it was cleci�iect that r_i.ty sL-af. f. slaoul�l review tiaese F.ittdtngs �nd present 4taff recommendatinr�s as to tt�ese £i.ndin�s, Pursu�nt t�s that �li.rer.ti.on T h�ve l��c{ �cv�ral. �t:�l' t' 1.evr..t ror�Pti.ngs �►ncl wc have �l.so httcl Atr. Ilti�9i.nntcitt b�ck fiU r.lari, Fy o�r��i �� �tre►��the►i l�i.� pc�s.�ti.c�n an cerL�ln 1.9.que9. A� �lity fiiricture tec:�mm�nd�tt�n:� s�re in «r�ln,r ni�d t wt. tt prrRe�►t Chem i.n tit.i� nnemc�. AJ.1 r�Lu�ty fi�tcli.►�gs sar. e �citlre�sc�ci ����t �cjrn� vpry s�ecif:ically. S�me issuns hssve �;Pn�r��. re�c�mm�ndat�c���g given. Some issu�s can h� moze eaa.tl.y def. i.neci t:h�ii c�the��s wh�.t.e s��m�, I t�elieve, �:an he i_n L-he f.c>rm of. gennr:�l 'cc�n� i_ctpr�tinr� Ecrr pursui.ng fttrther, if. q�u wi.sh. I wtl.1 I3.st c��cl� gt:ucty' g ����r. �ic�qca, �he e�nsutt�r►t' s .reeommenc�aCior� ancl st�ft' s ��3�i.t::l�t1 c�n Chn :issue. i'url:i�t�ri»ucc, Mr . llc►i :� l��f;t �rr� F� f I1 I�r� f���:� 1 Inhlr (�it� fi�rl lrri� dl.:a�;�i�a:� l.r�n �i: ��ur mer,tfn�; �>>i 'I'u<�;��i��y . 1 � � � STUDY #1 - Analgsis af Publ�.c Safetp Operations and Organization The purpose of this study was to review the operatians of the Police and Fire Departments and to determine whether j,t wauld be betL•er to combine the twa departments throu�h a s:Lngle admi,nistrator vr m�intain sep�rate de��rt�nent he�ds wtth dl.reetion frnm the Citp Administratar. STU�}Y RECOMMENllAT:[ONS 1) Maintain separ�te Police ancl Fire De��rtments. The role af �he City A�inini.�strator i.c� key to the success o.f the ac�mini.�traL-ion 'of these an� �I:tier citq depr�r�ments. An admini9trative cangolidation oE these two dep,�rtments wniil.d decrease the the adminiz�trators effectivenFss :tn dealing wj.th the Fire Department in particuiar, thus d�creasing h3.s at�i�.i.ty to e£fecti.vely implement c-1.ty pol3.cq . Absent of compelling reasons to institute such a change iiow continuation of separate departments in Rasemount will provide the most effective structure £or de�.ivery of the city' s police and fire services. STAFF RECOMMENDATION - We must always loak to the eEficiency of the admistrative structure and not at peraonalities only , when we cons3der auch options before us. �it the present time, with the personalities in place, we would have fu11 confidence in combining the administr�tion of botli of these deyar�ments under one "Public Safety Dirtector" . I believe we have a Folice Chief that would be capable of taking on this position and, I believe, that in Seott Akers Ieadersliip these departments cnuld work very we11 together. But, based upon the outcome of the study �nd upo�i exhaustive discussion on those recommendations between Chief Staats and Chief Aker I too can only recommend that we retain the statu� quo and maintain separate department heads reporting directly ta the City Administrator position. The administrative issues facing these dapartments require the leadership which can deal with them 3.n an unbiased and supportive ' u�anner. And, as we continue to grow the "separateness" wi11, we believe, prove to be �ven � mare important. STUDY RECOMMENDA'TION 2) Consicleration t►as heen given to hire addttion�I p�rs�nnel and purchase necessarq equipmenC to provide 24 hour dispatchin�, for golice and fire serviee, in the eitp. The study recom,nends that, "only as a last res��rt" should the 2 ' _ _ _ � � • STUDY RECOMM�NDATI4N 5} MANPOWER 5a) Selectively recreuiting additional firefighters for daptime response and their relatian to �.he l�cation of tlie fire station. STAFF RECOMMENllA`PLON -- Chief Aker has already taken the initiative in accamplishin$ this. It is a ratl�er diff3.cult task, In the first attempt in finding several persons avai.l�b1P � physical condition af the agp'licants grov�d to be a ciownfall, �� Locating individuals living in prox3,mit� to the atation is �].so I' an 3.ssue wh3ch w�.11 be d3.scussed further when addre�e3ng the ' lac�tion of fire st�Ci.on faci7.ities in the city. Sta£f does concur with the recam�nendation and the fire department will continue to pursue apprppriste recraiting techniques to meet the daytime response needs o€ the department. 5b} Training - i.ncrease number vf hours dedicated to tr�in3.ng. STAF� R�GOMMENDATION -- This action has already accurred and the init�.ative wi11 cnntinue. 5c) Select.ton of Department Officers - R�commended alternativea sugge�ted that action should �ccur to better balance the citp council.' s role in filZing the Fire Department of.ficers position. Al.tern�tives suggested ine�.u�ie: t�) that the Fire D�partment recommend � group of qualifiecl candidates for each pc�si.tion to the c�.tp cauncil who then woula geleet tlie candidates whom they feel are the most �ualified. B} that the department vote on a list c�f candid�tes nnd forward those reaul.ts to the ci.ty cotinc tl so that ttie counci�. eould m�ke selection £rom the li.at of candidates on the bal.lot . STAFF RECOMM�NDA`P:L�N - After much di.sc��*�s:�on hy �taf.f on this sut�;jeet �.t is very clear t}iat ttie memberg of tlie Fire Departmet�t �re concerned �hat thep would lose their say �1.n the selecti��i process £or their officers if tiie c�ty co�tncil_ would gi.mp�.y pick fr�m a list a£ c�nciidatee presenteci by the de��3rtment. Admiiz�.strat:i.on underatands the need, aa stated, verp clearly in the study, that it mu�t have more input into the o.f.ficer selection process since it is responsible for the supernising the Fire Chie£ �and who ht�s dtrect responsibilitp for the administrat3.on of the Fire Department. A clear and eoncise reeommendatic�n is not at h�tnd. I wil.l recommend at tliis Cime that we follow a more mixed and , I hope, a 5 ` i A cZear and concise recommendation i.s not at hand. T. will ' recommend at this �ime that we £ollow a more mixed and, I hape, a more acceptable aPFacnach. This wou�,d be to develap a policy an the apPointmen� o£ the Fire Chief through a process which wauld ' include setting mj.nimum requirements for �hat poeition, n method by which a interview committee made up of representatives of City Administration, Pol.ice Depar�t�ent, firefighters and a couneil representat3ve woul.d screen a list of applicants for the position. This screening process would utilize the standards sQt £or filling the position, years of service, personalizy traits and leadership abilitg. This committee would then submit the list of candidates theq would find acceptable to the department for voting on . The department would then elect the chief from that list and send it on to the council for ratifi.cation. Determination of the erit�ria to use in setting the standards for this position wiil have to come from a �onsensus af repre�sentatives o£ depar�ments as �takes up the sr_reening committee. Further, it is my recommendation that the Appointed/E].ected Chief have the ogportnnitp to appoint his/her officers which would have to be approved by citp administration and city counci.l. Development of this procsss could occur for the 19RO slate of afficers. 5d) Fu11 time chief/Fart time chief - recommendations in this area centereci around the issue o£ whether or not the position req��ired more out of an individual than could be expected on a volunteer/part time basis. The recommendation inc].uded the recogn3.tion of the time involvement and strain on the indi.viduat. It recommended that the city take the a�propriafie steps to recognise these needs and to consider, in the futurerahen the citq reaches higher population levels, the possibility o€ hiring fu11 tiime chief. STAFF RECQMMENDATION - Staff recognizes, only too we�,I the gressnre and demands put an a "volunteer chief" . It feels that at this Cime the position would be ben�£itted by augmenting the salary and supplying of certain equipment, such a ciCy vehicle, wottl.d assist $np persan in that gosition in meeting these needs. A1so, 3f a part time fire inspector woul.d be hired their would be sarae bertefits, in term�s of �raining expertise and informat�.on flow, available to the part time chief. not n�w experienced. 6 _ -� � • • . community than those distant to the fire SCt,.'T1E but are closer to valunteera to man tliem. Because the city has and c4nt3nues to develop an excell.ent �ransportation system there are no areas in the cttp w�ich c�nnr�t be served because o� tr�neportat:l.on issues. The Present fire station do�s iioG �it we11 into a sing:te or � tWa station concept f�r ttie city because of residential development occurring or �lannned in the £�iture. Tlie conclusion w�s that a new fire st�t:ton f.�c:t:lity 9hou�.�i b� cr�r�r�Lrticterl on :t45Gt� s�reet he�ween Shannun Paxkwny s�nd Chippendale Avenu�. The determinati.nn for locati.ng th� f.aciti.r,y tliere was outxined in the re��r(: and was based upan �n �ccepCable response time to axeas o£ tiie city. Acceptable can he a nebulour� term and one on w�ich a11 reaidents might nnt find eo easp to determine. The location of the �acility at Cliis lvcation w�s based unon a 6 1/2 minute response t:i.me to the ma�ority of residential developing property in our western portion of the cotnmuni�y, Ot}ier opCions were considered such as the two stati.on concept. This would suggest the construcion af one station now, south of CR#42, and a $econd �statian northeast of the present sta�ion, sometime in the fnture as development occura to the east. Other a.reas o£ discusaion included, more epecifieally, the eastern section of our co�nmunity where we h�ve ma�ar indu$�ri�1 development. There were concerns that that area was not being considered substantiallp when discuesing the 3.ocatian o£ new facili.ties. The consultant was asked to review tha� area af the needs of the c3tp and did provide an addend��m to the study $F���-��.Gal1p addressing his thoughts on the fire protection needs of that area and haw theq might be addressed. A copy of this adden�um i� attached. It is eufficient to state that sta.Ef coneurs w�th the cansultants views and a separste facility stioul.d not be considered in that area at `this time or until concrete agreemnents with private industries as to cost of facilities and the manning of tha� faeilitp can occur. We find tha� unlikelp as the industies have given the citq no indication tha� thep wQuld ctesire such arrangement� or �he need for location of a fire atat3.on in that area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION - Staff coneurs with the consultants reco�nmendation to construct a single new station on 145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Ave. There is, at the present time epen l�nd available for purchase in that area. The dev�loper of the Shannon Park Townhomes has ����aay been aclvised 3 � � • ' � by city staff of the consultants r�commendation and he has indicated a desire ta wark with citp if such a project occurs. Staff feels that the need to locate a central fire station facility which fits the needs of the grvwing community cAn best be met by vacating the current facili.ty on Braz3.� Avenue. Thpre has been �xtenstve discur�sion on other uses for the existin� facilitq whether it be bp Fublic Works, Park �nd Recreation or other city fa�i].itp needs. We are astutelp aware of the needs now be3ng experienced in the public wosks department for expanded facilities and these needs must a.11 so be addressed. Site proeurment, architectural design, and construction of a new facility would require funding through the eale of bonds by the city and that would require the passage vf a referendum. Staff further recommends that they he given d3recti.on ta gut together a package for coiincil ta consider including fire stati�n facility needs, site selection, site r_osts, prelimtnarp facility costs and information for a bond referendum to finance the station. Timing for the referendum could occur in the apring of 1989 or to coincide with the city election in the fall of 19$9. It would be our recommendation to c�iise it to occur in the spring as a separate issue. The consultant has �iven us some prelirninary cost estimates for this pro�ect of �1 , 223��00. We w3].1 be pleased to expand on these recommendations and answer any queations we can at Tuesday' s meeting, ,November 24. 1� 9 i � � . . . � . � � � � � �J��1lL.f �JL 6 II!t ll�i V IL.fV.YV�/4 I1�JL�� ���JL A��11RNPd77.AA V/V��iVR . . . � � . . l ��l V�� - . . . . . � . � . . �n August 1$, 1988, Itoisington Gr�up inc. presentec� a Pinal Fire Station LQcatian Study Report to the City of Rvsemount, wl�ich re�+�rt recommended the construetion of a new Central Fir� Station on 145ti� Street between Shannon Parkway and Chip�endale Avenue anc� a second station, as needed, on B�cardi Avenue south c�f County Roaci 38. It did not recommend the location of a fire stati�n fncility in eastern Rosemount. The pur�ose c�f this Aciclendutt� to the �riginal Rep�rt is to acldress potential irnprovements to t1�e City's fire i'ighting capabilities in eastern Rosemount. �.�'KGRQUND 1laving evatuated fire station and ec�uipment neecls for the er�tire City of Rosemount during 1988, the Consultant concluded that service eould not be improved to eastern Rosemount even if a new fire station were constructed in that locatian. Reasons for not recommending a station were ttiat there is a very limitecl resicienii�l base frotn which to recruit volunteers hnd service to the east end could be provided very nearly as well, a»d with only slightiy longer response times, from proposed stations in or near the old village vf Rasemount. The Koch Refinery also �rovide5 its own service which further diminishes the neecf fvr a �ublic facility. Generalty speaking, volunteers are not easily recruited fram industrial emplayers such as found at Pine Bend hecause af tt�e long check-out times required, volunteers are generaliy not avaitable at night and em�loyers do not wish to disrupt industrial processes to allow volnnteers to fight fires.' Most em}�loyees a}so do not live in the City of Rosemount which means that they have less than a vested interest in serving on the City's Volunteer Fire Department. `, r � . � � � . . . . . . � .. . . . . . . . Do to the lack of a reli�ble residential base, and, therefore, quick respanse times, such a station improvement w�uld be very ex�ensive relative to benefits received with }ittte improvemei�t in fire service. It is gea�rally �referable to have volunteers travel longer distances in fire vehicies than to have to access the fire station from western RosemounE vi� peXsonal cars. Not only is the res�onse time likety to be very long but volunteers are �lacec� at gre�ter rjsk because of their need to use �rivate vehicles for access to the east end station. There will be no improvement in i'ire service insura�rce ratit�gs fc�r east end properties witt� the lddition of a fire st�ti�r� niid rel��tivety few benefits will accrue t� nro�erty t�wners duc f� liavir�� a fire station in the east end. Actually, public water service would be x»�re beneficial to fire service than a new station facility. EVALU�TION Since completion of the study, it has corne to our attention tt�at there m�y be an i»terest on the part of soitie ne�r-terila new em�iloyers (Dakota County Resource Recovery Facility, Oxbow Power Company, Dixie Chemical, Koch Refinery Expansion) to i�ave the City �r�vide improved fite serviee within the Pine Bend Industri�l Park. tt rtily ' aiso be possible that the City's Econc�mic nevel��ment Prc�gr�m may bc enl�anced by improving fire service to the east enc�. 13asecl c�n our c�iscussions with City Staff, it may, also, be passifile tliat a site, building and some equipment may be able tv be made available by some of these new employers, thereby substantially diminisl�ing costs to the City. Of rnajor importanee wilt be #he Caunty's resotirce recovery facility where lands could be made available for a fire station facility. , A new fire station located in eastern Rosemount wi11 have an estimated daytime turn-out time of six to seven minutes and a total ela�sed response time of 11 to 12 minutes (res�onse times were nvt computed for an east end station) which represents ap�roximatety the same response time as for the west end station. One of tMe major advantages of such a station if recruitment is sucessful, is that it will have a daytime fire fighting ca�ability due to its reliance on employees for volunteers. This is one of the major de[iciericies of any volunteer department. 2 . ! � For the sake of com�arison, an east enc� station would require a purnper/tanker, grass rig and a rescue vehicle. Costs to ec�uip the station would approximate $200,OOfl to $25�,t�0�. RECQMENDATION Tt�e Consultant recommends as follows: 1. The City should investigate the need and desirability of im�rovecl fire protection services wit1� east end bu�inesses and industries. 2. The City should seek to get commitments €rorn employers for land, building and equipment, a�d employees as volunteers prior to proceeding with the concept for an east end station. 3. The City should give serious consideration 1n 5ltipg a fire stztion in the vicinity of the Pine Bend Industrial Park preferably in ttie northeast quadrant of County Road 38 and State Trunk ��ighway 32/56. Such a facility could im�rvve daytime res�onse times for rescue incidents related to tf�e State `I'runk �Iighway systen� xn eastern Rosemount. 4. The City shQutd investigate the development of � }�uhlic w�ter system for eastern Rosemovnt and establish how such � �ystern rn�ght serve to implement its economic develo�ment objectives. 5. The City should recruit valunteers from Coates at�d surrounding rural areas as well as em�loyees of the Pine Bend Industriat Park. An adequately staffed station could improve daytime service to the east end by two to three minutes. Novetnt�er 21 , 198� Hoisin�ton Groun tnc, 7300 Metro Blvtii. Suite 525 E�iir�,MN 55435 (Gi2)835-�?�9(i0 3