HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. DCCAB PresentationWN FROM: DATE: • C�City of osernount Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk April 15, 1988 P.O. BOX 510 2875-1451-H ST. W. ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 612 -423-4411 RE: DCCAB Discussion/Presentation Members of the Dakota County Citizens Against Burning (DCCAB) will be in attendance at our meeting to make a presentation to you regarding their concerns about the Resource Recovery Facility, recycling, and composting as methods of handling this county's waste. In the Mayor's response to their request to appear before the council to state their case on this matter the Mayor advised them that this meeting would be an opportunity for them to present their position, allow discussion, but it would not be a time to expect the council to enter into debate on the matter and that they should not expect the council to take a formal position one way or another on the resource recovery facility. The DCCAB group will be pressing the council to take a position, I'm sure, because that is their purpose on being here. They want support against the mass burn facility. They will pursue the avenues of recycling, composting, education and materials separation as alternatives to the mass burn facility. They question the need for the mass burn facility and claim that it will cause more harm to the environment, through the emission of dioxins, SO2 and other toxic elements, than would occur through other "more responsible" methods of handling the county's waste. Most of the questions raised by them in this area of discussion have been responded to by the county staff and their consultants. I don't believe we are capable of responding with any greater level of "expertise" and should not try. That is not to say the answers supplied by the county are totally accurate, but I don't feel we are any better prepared to respond to them. (You have a copy of the questions with the county's responses.) Their drive will be to pursue major recycling, composting and materials recovery programs which will eliminate the need for such facilities as is proposed for Rosemount -Dakota county and, I believe, they will attempt to discredit the visible efforts of the County and/or city of Rosemount to work towards those ends. Council Memo April 15, 1988 Page 2 Again, in an effort to assist you in discussing some of these issues I would ask you to consider: 1) The project, although located in Rosemount, is a Dakota County project. Any serious effort to stop the facility from being built and operated should center in on Dakota County. Getting the city of Rosemount to be against it may move it out of Rosemount but into someone else's back yard. 2) The county is beginning extensive programs to develop recycling, composting, education of the public in this entire process and to gain input from the public on recycling. You have additional information, prepared by Dakota County, pertaining to the recycling, composting, education effort being staged by them and what is expected to come from that effort in response to concerns about alternatives to just "burning our garbage'. 3) What is the city of Rosemount doing in this effort and furthermore what are they doing about the mass burn facility? Since the County began discussion on alternatives to landfills, the city has been involved in the education on alternatives. It has, through its staff and elected officials, snt time, effort and dollars to a) tour facilities in Europe; I attend resource recovery seminars in Oregon; c) prepare and request proposals for conducting recycling programs in Rosemount; d) commit staff to staying abreast of the Resource Recovery project by attending county meetings, county/consultant meetings, touring facilities in Olmstead County, forming an Ad Hoc Committee to deal solely with the project, to send staff to an upcoming national conference on the handling of ash; and e) have worked with county staff to develop a recycling pilot project in the city to assist in determining the best approach to a full recycling program for the city and, possible, throughout Dakota County. The city has not sat back with a carefree/careless attitude. It has been concerned and active in this area of resource recovery and will continue to be, so that the best approach to handling our waste and the best interest of the city are addressed. ij