HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.h. Storm Sewer Connection Charge• � She::;Vt 7 h. DATE: APRIL 14, 1988 TO: MAYOR & COUNCILMEMBERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JI K FROM: CITY ENGINEER HEFTItf RE: ITEMS FOR THE APRIL 19, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Storm Sewer Connection Charge At the April 11, 1988 Utility Commission Meeting the Commission recommended establishing a storm sewer connection charge for new development. The connection charge that the Commission and Staff is recommending is $200.00 per single family unit. This connection charge would be collected from new construction and subdivisions platted since 1985 or existing subdivisions in 1988 that are less than 90% developed. The need for this charge is to finance the core storm sewer facilities such as storm sewer oversizing, pond acquisition and development and pond control structures and overflow lines. With the storm sewer connection charge the City can be more equitable in dealing with developers that are required to dedicate a portion of their property in ponding easement as opposed to the developments where no ponding easements are required. The developments with dedicated ponding can be allowed a credit to the connection charge while the developments that do not need to dedicate any ponding would pay for the necessary connection charges. For example, this would help equalize the burden of a parcel that has to dedicate ponding easement with a parcel that does not have to dedicate any area for ponding easement. Attached is the map and a list of the subdivisions which meet either the 1985 platting requirement or the greater than 90% developed in 1988 requirement. The $200.00 figure is our best estimate at this time as to core facility cost. However, once the master storm sewer plan is completed, then we can reevaluate the connection charge with respect to the core cost. We are requesting to implement this charge now so that we will not lose out on about 200 building permits we plan on receiving this year, or about $40,000 in revenue. For multiple and commercial establishments I would recommend using 1.5 and 2.0 times the residential equivalent respectively. The residential equivalent would be based on net acreage at 3 residential units per acre for single family. Then single family would basically be $600 per acre, multiple would be $900 per acre, and commercial would be $1,200 per acre. If Council has any questions, concerns or comments regarding this proposal, please feel free to contact me at Councils convenience. STORM SEWER CONNECTION CHARGE LIST DATE SUBDIVISIONS PLATTED SINCE 1985 MAP SYMBOL 03/28/85 Oakwood Estates 2nd Addition A 12/31/85 Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addition B 05/08/86 Westridge lst Addition C 08/18/86 O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition D 09/03/86 Evenson 1st Addition E 11/07/86 Country Hills 1st Addition F 04/30/87 Stonebridge 2nd Addition G 05/14/87 Shannon Park 1st Addition H 05/20/87 Westridge 2nd Addition J 07/30/87 Country Hills 2nd Addition K 09/16/87 O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition L 11/02/87 Wensmann Addition M 02/29/88 Carrollton 2nd Addition N •SUBDIVISIONS PLATTED SINCE 1983 07/19/83 O'Leary's Hills Addition I 09/20/83 Rosemount Hills 3rd Addition II 10/05/84 Evergreen Acres III 11/14/84 White Lake Acres IV SUBDIVISIONS LESS THAN 90% DEVELOPED AS OF MARCH 1, 1988 Valley Oak Replat 1 White Lake Acres 2 South Rose Park Addition Replat 3 South Rose Park 2nd Addition 4 Rosemount Hills 1st Addition 5 Rosemount Hills 2nd Addition 6 Broback Industrial Park 7 0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1988 WATER AND SEWER RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS I. USE CHARGES A. Water Consumption Charges The amount due and payable by each water user within the City for water taken from the water system shall be as provided below, payable quarterly and deposited in the Utility Operating Fund: RATE SCHEDULE Quarterly Rate All Sizes $.95/1,000(M) Gallons MINIMUM QUARTERLY CHARGES Meter Size Minimum Charge All Sizes None 1) In case the meter is found to have stopped, or to be operating in a faulty manner, the amount of water used will be estimated in accordance with the amount used previously in the year. 2) Any pre -payment or overpayment of charges may be retained by the City and applied on subsequent quarterly statements. 3) Each quarterly billing for water service not paid when due shall incur a penalty charge of 10% of the amount past due. 4) For turning on water, where service has been turned off, a service charge of $15.00 will be made. 5) Water billing shall start at the time of installation of the water meter B. Water Meter Maintenance Charge A quarterly meter maintenance/replacement charge shall be made for each meter as set forth below and deposited into the Utility Operating Fund: Meter Size Quarterly Meter Maintenance Charge 5/8 $ 1.25/Quarter 1 $ 1.50/Quarter 1-1/2 $ 3.50/Quarter Resolution 1988 - Page 2 2 $ 5.00/Quarter 3 $ 6.50/Quarter 4 $12.50/Quarter 6 $28.00/Quarter 8 N/A 10 $56.00/Quarter C. Automatic Sprinkler System Charge Where a connection is made to an automatic sprinkler system for standby service only on municipal mains and private lines a charge for such service shall be made on an annual basis as follows, and deposited into the Water Core Fund: Size of Line Charge 2 $ 45.00 3 $ 61.00 4 $ 90.00 6 $122.00 8 $152.00 10 $245.00 12 $380.00 1) These charges shall apply in all cases where automatic sprinklers are installed and where fire gates and other outlets are sealed. 2) Installation shall meet the requirements of the State's plumbing code. D. Sewer Usage Charge A charge is hereby imposed upon every person whose premises are served, either directly or indirectly, by the sanitary sewer system within the City, for the use'of the facilities of said sewer system. The charge for residential use will be based on the amount of water used during the lst quarter months of January, February and March. Commercial, institutional and industrial charges shall be based upon the amount of water used during each quarter. The charges shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Utility Operating Fund. 911 Users Quarterly Charge $1.25 /M gallons Charges for sanitary sewer users without municipal water or metered non -municipal water shall be $25.00 per quarter per unit. Resolution 1988 - Page 3 E. WATER SURCHARGE A surcharge will be made for debt service of the core water facilities. II. CAPITAL CHARGES Capital charges for connection to the water and sewer system are adjusted annually on January 1, based upon the Engineering News Record. A. City Water Connection Charges A connection charge shall be imposed for each new connection to the municipal water system. The charge shall be utilized to pay for the cost of core facilities (water supply, storage and distribution main oversizing and etc.). The charge shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Water Hook -Up Fund: 1. Single family detached homes, mobile homes, and single family _ attached homes with individual laundry facilities: $909.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and single family attached homes with central laundry facilities: $727.00 per unit 3. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional: Water Service Size 1" 1-1/2" 2" Connection Charge $1,515.00 $3,032.00 $4,549.00 a) The connection charge for water services over two inches (211) shall be determined by the City Council. b) A connection charge shall be made for each individual water service line, based upon the minimum line size required according to the fixture unit calculations in the State's plumbing code. B. City Sewer Connection Charge A sanitary sewer connection charge shall be imposed for each unit connecting to the sanitary sewer system, or for any unit for which a building permit is issued and which is located within the City's 1990 sanitary sewer service district, as determined by the City's last comprehensive plan as approved by the Metropolitan Council. The charge Resolution 1988 - Page 4 0 shall be utilized to pay for the cost of core facilities (trunk sewers, lift stations, forcemains and unusual circumstances). Any unit involving a single family structure which is located on property greater than 13,500 square feet, shall be charged one basic connection charge unit for each 13,500 square feet of property area or fraction thereof, but in no event shall a charge result in more than 2.5 basic units for each acre of property. Ponding easements, scenic easements or other extraordinary easements will not be included in the square footage of the property area. These connection charges shall be deposited into the Sewer Hook -Up Fund. 1. Single family detached homes, mobile homes and single family attached homes with individual laundry facilities: $909.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and single family attached homes with central laundry facilities: $727.00 per unit 3. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional: The connection charge shall be based upon the number of equivalent. single family detached dwelling connections taken from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, as stated below (the equivalents for uses not listed shall be determined by the City Council): TYPE OF FACILITY Arenas Athletic Clubs Auto Service Center Barber Shop Boarding House Bowling Alleys Car Wash (Automatic) Car Wash (Self Service) Churches Cocktail Lounge General Office Bldg. Hospitals Laundromats Motels and Hotels Nursing Home Restaurant (Drive-in) Restaurant (Fast Food) Restaurant Restaurant (w/Cocktail Lounge) PARAMETER EQUIVALENT CONNECTIONS 110 seats 1 2 courts 1 2 service bays 1' 1 5 beds 1 3 alleys 1 1 stall 3 1 stall 3 275 seats 1 25 seats 1 2400 sq.ft. floor space 1 3 beds 1 2 machines 3 2 rooms 1 3 beds 1 9 parking spaces 1 22 seats 1 12 seats 1 9 seats 1 Resolution 1988 - Page 5 Retail Stores 3000 sq.ft. floor space 1 Rooming Houses 3 beds 1 Schools (Elementary) 20 students 1 Schools (Secondary) 15 students i Service Station gas only 1 Service Station w/service center 2 Service Station w/service center & car wash 5 Swimming Pools 900 sq.ft. pool area l Theater 75 seats 1 Theater (Drive-in) 55 parking spaces l Warehouses 14 employees 1 C. Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Service Availability Charge The City shall collect, in addition to City connection charges, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) Service Availability Charge (SAC), as set forth by the MWCC. D. City Storm Sewer Connection Charge A storm sewer connection charge shall be imposed for each unit a building permit is issued for new construction provided the unit meets either of the following criteria: a) The subdivision, in which the unit to be built is located in, was platted since January 1, 1985, or b) The subdivision, in which the unit to be built is located in, was less than 90 percent developed by March 1, 1988. The following is a list of subdivisions that meet either of the above criteria: (a) Oakwood Estates 2nd Addn Westridge 1st & 2nd Addn Evenson 1st Addn Stonebridge 2nd Addn Wensmann Addn (b) Valley Oak Replat Addn South Rose Park Addn Replat Rosemount Hills lst & 2nd Addn Rosemount Plaza 2nd Addn O'Leary's Hills 2nd & 3rd Addn Country Hills 1st & 2nd Addn Shannon Park 1st Addn Carrollton 2nd Addn White Lake Acres Addn South Rose Park 2nd Addn Broback Industrial Park The charge shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Storm Sewer Connection Fund: 1. For single family detached homes, mobile homes, and single family twinhomes being considered as a unit, the connection charge shall be $200.00 per unit Resolution 1988 - Page 6 2. For multi -family developments such as apartments, condominiums, and townhouses the connection charge shall be one and one-half (1.5) times the rate stated above in D.l. for each equivalent number of single family residential connections. The equivalent number shall be based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the connection charge shall be: $900.00 per acre The minimum multi -family connection charge shall be for one (1) acre. 3. For industrial, commercial and institutional developments the connection charge shall be two (2) times the rate stated above in D.I. for each equivalent number of single family residential connections. The equivalent number shall be based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the connection charge shall be: $1,200.00 per acre The minimum industrial, commercial and institutional connection charge shall be for one (1) acre. III. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES, DEPOSITS AND PERMITS A.Water Meter Accuracy Check A Consumer may, by written request, have his meter accuracy checked by depositing the amount stated below with the Utility Department. In case a test should show an error of over five percent (5%) of the water consumed, the deposit will be refunded to the consumer, a correctly registered meter will be installed, and the bill will be adjusted accordingly if the error was in favor of the City. Such adjustment shall not extend back more than one billing period from the date of the written request. The charges for meter testing are as follows, and shall be deposited into the Utility Operating Fund: For testing 5/8" - 2" meters $ 30.00 For testing 3" meters $ 36.00 For testing 4" meters $ 70.00 For testing 6" meters $100.00 B. Sewer and Water Permit A permit must be obtained to connect to the City water and sewer system or to construct a private sewer or water system in accordance with Section 1.12 of the City Sewer and Water Ordinance. A fee shall be charged as established by the City Council, which covers the cost incurred by the City to process and inspect the system installation, and shall be deposited into the General City Deposits. C. Property Assessments Resolution 1988 - Page 7 If a lot or tract of land receives abutting lateral sanitary sewer or water benefit, a building permit or connection permit shall not be issued until one of the following conditions has been complied with: 1) A lateral sanitary sewer and water assessment has been paid, levied, or will be levied in due course, or 2) The applicant shall pay an additional connection fee for lateral sanitary sewer and watermain service per lineal foot of assessable abutting property based on the rates in effect at the time of building or connection permit application. The 1988 rates per lineal foot are as follows: Sanitary Sewer 21.80/l.f. Watermain 18.70/l.f. These rates shall be adjusted annually on January 1, based on the "Engineering News Record" index. These charges shall be deposited into the Sewer Hook-up Fund and Water Hook-up Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the "City of Rosemount Water and Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits" is hereby adopted this 19th day of April, 1988, effective with the first billing period of 1988. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that adoption of this Resolution hereby repeals City of Rosemount Resolution 1988-18. All Amendments thereto. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk