HomeMy WebLinkAbout9. Administrator / Clerk Report14b.Ali'Al, 1NOEPENOENT SCF -i l_ D15TR1CT 196 • �" L� � , �E�G r— T 14445 DIAMOND PATH ■R.J. REHWALDT ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 SUPERINTENDENT 612-423-9449 April 13, 1988RECEIVED APR 14 1988 Mayor Rollan Hoke CLERK'S OFFICE Rosemount City Hall CITY OFROSEMOUNT 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount,,MN 55068 ,Dear Mr. Hoke: In 1987 the Minnesota Legislature passed a revised election law which basically requires school districts to conform to general election laws. One of the major changes is that school district precincts must be the same as city precincts or the same as combinations of city precincts. For many years District 196 election precincts have been contiguous with elementary attendance areas and elementary schools have been used as precincts. However, we are now proceeding to change our precincts to align them with those of the municipalities in our school district. There are 39 city precincts in District 196 which we have combined into 14 district precincts. We have attempted to create precincts that respect political and geographic boundaries and that are reasonably balanced in population. In an effort to reduce confusion for voters, we are also using the same polling places used by the municipalities. A map and descriptions of our new precincts and information about the city precincts are enclosed for your information. They will be effective beginning with the District 196 school board election on May 17, 1988. I would appreciate anything you can do to publicize this change and help citizens understand where to vote in District 196 elections. If you would like further information, please contact Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Ellen Rogalin at 423-9446. Thank you for your assistance. 4R..R eZ Tt Superintendent Enclosures xc: Stephan Jilk, City Clerk L/" DELEC/l Precincts INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4199 PROPOSED ELECTION PRECINCTS March 2?, 1988 District # of Precinct Location City Precinct(s) Polling Place Eligible Voters 1 All of Burnsville in 196 Burnsville 4,7,9 Berean Baptist Church 5,800 309 E. County Road 42 2 All of Lakeville in 196 Lakeville 4,5 Parkview 4,000 6795 Gerdine Path • 3 Apple Valley north of County Apgle Valley 3 Redwood Community 2,500 Road 42 and west of Garden View Center 311 County Road 42 4 Apple Valley north of County Apple Valley 3,800 Road 42, east of Garden View, Community Center west of Cedar and south of 14603 Hayes Road 140th Street 5 Apple Valley south of County Apple Valley 1,2 Southview 4,000 Road 42 and west of Cedar Avenue 1025 Whitney Drive 6 Apple Valley north of 140th Street, Apple Valley 5 Apple Valley High 3,000 west of Cedar Avenue and east of 14450 Hayes Road Garden View Drive 7 Apple Valley north of County Apple Valley 6,7,8 Greenleaf 3,700 Road 42, east of Cedar Avenue and 13333 Galaxie Avenue west of Johnny Cake Ridge Road 8 Apple Valley north of 140th Street Apple Valley 9,10 Reorganized Church 2,175 and east of Johnny Cake Ridge Road of the -Latter Day Saints 9 Apple Valley south of 140th Street, Apple Valley 11,12 Diamond Path 3,100 east of Galaxie Avenue and west of 14455 Diamond Path Pilot Knob; and Apple Valley north of County Road 42 and east of Pilot Knob Proposed Election Precincts Page 2 District # of Precinct ` Location City Precincts) Polling Place Eligible Voters 10 Eagan in 196 west of Pilot Knob Eagan 9,10,11 Thomas Lake 5,800 and south of County Road 30 4350 Thomas Lake Road 11 Eagan in 196 east of Pilot Knob Eagan 12,13 Northvi.ew 5,000 and south of Wescott 965 Diffley Road 12 All of Inver Grove Heights in 196, Inver Grove Heights 1,2,8 Eagan Municipal 50200 Eagan in 196 north of a line from Eagan 1,3,6,7,8 Center* County Road 30, east to Pilot Knob, 3830 Pilot Knob Road north to Wescott, east to Eagan/ Inver Grove Heights corporate line 13 Rosemount west of Highway 3 Rosemount 3,4 Lutheran Church of 3,300 Our Savior (County Road 42 and Diamond Path) 14 Rosemount east of Highway 3; Rosemount 1,2 Rosemount Senior 1,900 Coates; all of Empire and Vermillion Coates Center in 196 Vermillion 2900 145th Street West Empire A polling place may be outside the precinct as long as it is within 1,500 feet of the precinct. We would hope to change to Woodland Elementary in 1988-89. NERJ1.-2 Precincts 4/13/88 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 *Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-4 RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION AND CALLING AN ANNUAL ELECTION THEREON BE PT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District 196 as foilows: 1. It is necessary for the 'district to hold its annual election to elect two school board members for three-year terms. 2. The annual election is hereby called and directed to be herd on Tuesday, May 17, 1988, between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m: 3. The voting precincts for said election, and the polling places within the respective precincts, shall be as follows: PRECINCT NO. I The portion of the City of Burnsville in District 196, west of the Apple Valley/Burnsville corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE - Berean Baptist Church 309 E. County Road 42 Burnsville, MN 55337 PRECINCT NO. 2 The portion of the City of Lakeville in District 196, south of the Lakeville/Apple Vailey corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE Parkview Elementary School 6795 Gerdine Path Rosemount, MN 55068 PRECINCT NO. 3 The area of Apple Valley south of the district boundary, east of the Apple Valley/Bprnsville corporate boundary,north of County Road 42 and west of Garden View Drive. POLLING PLACE - Redwood Community Center 311 County Road 42 Apple Valley, MN 55124 PRECINCT NO. 4 The area of Apple Valley south of 140th Street, east of Garden View Drive, north of County Road 42 and west of Cedar Avenue. POLLING PLACE - Apple Valley Community Center 14603 Hayes Road Apple Valley, MN 55124 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 Oosemount, Minnesota 55068-41* RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION AND CALLING AN ANNUAL ELECTION THEREON BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District 196 as follows: 1. It is necessary for the 'district to hold its annual election to elect two school board members for three-year terms. 2. The annual election is hereby called and directed to be held on Tuesday, May 17, 1988, between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. 3. The voting precincts for said election, and the polling places within the respective precincts, shall be as follows: PRECINCT NO. 1 The portion of the City of Burnsville in District 196, west of the Apple Valley/Burnsville corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE - Berean Baptist Church 309 E. County Road 42 Burnsville, MN 55337 PRECINCT NO. 2 The portion of the City of Lakeville in District 196, south of the Lakeville/Apple Valley corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE Parkview Elementary School 6795 Gerdine Path Rosemount, MN 5506$ PRECINCT NO. 3 The area of Apple Valley south of the district boundary, east of the Apple Valley/Byrnsville corporate boundary, north of County Road 42 and west of Garden View Drive. POLLING PLACE - Redwood Community Center 311 County Road 42 Apple Valley, MN 55124 PRECINCT NO. 4 The area of Apple Valley south of 140th Street, east of Garden View Drive, north of County Road 42 and west of Cedar Avenue. POLLING PLACE, Apple Valley Community Center 14603 Hayes Road Apple Valley, MN 55124 . PRECINCT N0. 5 The area of Apple Valley south of County Road 42, east of the Apple Valley/Burnsville corporate boundary, north of the Apple Valley/Lakeville corporate boundary and west of Cedar Avenue. 'POLLING PLACE - Southview Elementary School 1025 Whitney Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 PRECINCT NO. 6 The area of Apple Valley south of the Apple Valley/Eagan corporate boundary and the district boundary, east of Garden View Drive, north of 140th Street and west of Cedar Avenue. POLLING PLACE - Apple Valley High School 14450 Hayes Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 PRECINCT NO. 7 The area of Apple Valley bounded by the Apple Valley/Eagan corporate boundary on the north; Cedar Avenue on the west; County Road 42 to Galaxie Avenue, north on Galaxie Avenue to 140th Street, east on 140th Street to Johnny Cake Ridge Road on the south; Johnny Cake Ridge Road on the east. POLLING PLACE - Greenleaf Elementary School 13333 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 PRECINCT NO. 8 The area of Apple Valley south of the Apple Valley/Eagan corporate boundary, east of Johnny Cake Ridge Road, north of 140th Street and west of the Apple Valley/Rosemount corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints 5940 134th Street Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 PRECINCT NO. 9 The area of Apple Valley bounded on the north by 140th Street from Galaxie Avenue east to the Apple Valley/Rosemount corporate boundary, south to the Apple Valley/Lakeville corporate boundary, west to Cedar Avenue, north to County Road 42, east to Galaxie Avenue and north to 140th Street. POLLING PLACE Diamond Path Elementary School 14455 Diamond Path Rosemount, MN 55068 PRECINCT N0. 10 The area of Eagan in District 196 south of Diffley Road, east of the district boundary, north of the Eagan/Apple Valley corporate boundary and west of Pilot Knob- Road. • POLLINGP- - Thomas Lake Elementary School 4350 Thomas Lake Road Eagan, MN 55122 PRECINCT NO. 11 The area of Eagan south of Wescott Road, east of Pilot Knob Road, north of the Eagan/Apple Valley and Eagan/Rosemount corporate boundaries, and west of the Eagan/Inver Grove Heights corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE - Northview Elementary School 965 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55123 PRECINCT NO. 12 The area of Eagan south of the district boundary, east of Rahn Road, north of Diffley Road and west of Pilot Knob Road and Eagan south of the district boundary, west of the Eagan/Inver Grove Heights corporate boundary, north of Wescott Road and east of Pilot Knob Road, and The portion of City of Inver Grove Heights in District 196, north -of the Inver Grove Heights/Rosemount corporate boundary and -east of the Inver Grove Heights/Eagan corporate boundary. POLLING PLACE,- Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 PRECINCT NO. 13 The area of Rosemount south of the Rosemount/Eagan corporate boundary, east of the Rosemount/Apple Valley corporate boundary, north of the Rosemount/Empire Township corporate boundary and west of Highway 3. - POLLING PLACE - Lutheran Church of Our Savior 14980 Diamond Path Rosemount, MN 55068 PRECINCT NO. The area of Rosemount south of the Rosemount/Eagan and Rosemount/Inver Grove Heights corporate boundaries, east of Highway 3, north of the Rosemount/Empire Township corporate boundary and west of the district boundary, and All of Coates and all of Empire and Vermillion Townships in District 196. POLLING PLACE - Rosemount Senior Center 2900 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 4. The clerkereby authorized and directed* cause notice of said election to be poste at not less than three public and conspicuous places within the district, including one to be posted at each of said polling places, at least ten days before the date of said election, and to cause said notice to be published in the Dakota County Tribune, at least one week before the election, said newspaper being the official newspaper of the district.. The notice so posted and published shall state the question to be submitted to the electors as set forth in the form of ballot following, and shall include the description of each established precinct and polling place. 5. The Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause printed ballots to be prepared for use at said election in substantially the following form: OFFICIAL BALLOT Annual School Election Independent School District 196 Tuesday, May 17, 1988 INSTRUCTIONS: Put a cross mark X in the box next to the name of each can- didate for whom you wish to vote. You may write in the names of up to two candidates on the blank spaces provided. Do not vote for more than two persons, including write-in candidates. SCHOOL BOARD -MEMBER (Two vacancies to be filled for three-year terms) Sally Smith John Doe I f Bill Jones f / Reverse Side: OFFICIAL BALLOT May 17, 1988 Election Judge Election Judge On the back of all ballots shall be printed the words "OFFICIAL BALLOT," the date of the election and lines for the initials of two ,fudges. The printing shall be so placed as to be visible when the ballot is properly folded for deposit. DELEC/1-4 Resolution Lone Oak Rd Independent School District 196 Rosemount, Minnesota Sso68 fY s 56 V JJJJ J JJ T JJJJ) ••• BU • . %• �• r �� - �� JJ. J.b JJJJJJ JJ J JJJ ••• .• • • •.. .. • -L- JJJ JJ JJ TJ J J • •. • JJ • •,', , • ,•t - ._ JJ JJJJ �t11ilLLJ •�. •••i'•�•'••••a• • ' •• .� �_ J-)-j 104 - .JJJ, J J JJJJ -J-)-jJJJJJJJJJ �, �:.— ,J -• :• • •• •.• •� J J J� J J J J � • , .. � , • moi• • •,• • -_ J J - -' JJ JJJJ. JJJ,JJJ,.J �. •� ,••�� �•.• i��i�••••;.• • J N. •;. _ �•, � • � i • •=.`� _ � -4r YJ-vM •1JJJJ +JJJ ••..�� , Y.• _ - •�. _ ` 3 x © ,♦ Apple wv ' JJJJV • 132nd 5♦t. ;. ,. •,.. Rosemount 55 �J J : •• : •'.�i •.• :: 33 . •• 42 JJ ... • �;.. ' 42 Burnsville JJJ •• •+ "� :� ••'•• 42 .•::•::•••; 1. \I�� ♦i♦�, IIS • •.i. •, : , .• ••.�' �'♦�, Crystal Lake A421 �•.�`I` C< rid 1l ♦ 1 .., t•:•: �. +:' : :tee•• •: :•::, . • .• � � • • , :� l'--- q ': /a • . �•' q .. -- ---- 46 - _160 S1 ---- 1 ' ------ -- Coates HIGHWAY LEGENa — .moi T — 3 Empire i 1 Interstate Twnshp. i- 56 ---, U.S. Hwy. - �— Vermillion l Twnsfip. Q State Hwy. 0 County Hwy. 11 0 BOX 10 t ^�? / �gZJun ROSEMO )N 1, tAINVA + i r. ,t)608 �Jer��'�bl , _' 4411 April 15, 1988 TO: Council FROM: Don Darling, Treasurer Subject: Building Permit Program Proposal As the undesignated Computer Guru for the City of Rosemount I have long been a proponent of computerization. For the past three years I have suggested and supported the concept of computerizing the Building Permitting Process. Even back beyond that in 1982 I specified a License and Permit Program as part of the RFP for the system we have been using since 1983, except that the Vendor, ComputoService, Inc has yet to find enough interest on the part of their users to cause the preparation of such a program. The Building Department has searched out and found a program that is running in Bloomington that can be reconfigured to fit the needs of Rosemount, providing essentially two extra people to assist in that department. That is what my brief review of the program capacity indicates as a time saving, process upgrading benefit. Many hand operations will be eliminated, as well as monthly, quarterly and annual reports are almost an automatic extra benefit from this system. The information received shows that part of the package is a 286 Computer. It was my suggestion that this be made part of this package now to allow that department the proper equipment to run this program on as well as providing part of a future networking system. This 286 Computer would be the File Server for a Networked system here within the City Hall Offices. Also, as part of this package is a special program that can be prepared and delivered shortly after approval to allow starting the set up and input of data files to be available as soon as the program and equipment are installed. I support this acquisition as a timely and necessary upgrading of the City's programs and equipment. PERMIT ISSUANCE AND INSPECTION TRACKING SYSTEM INVESTMENT QUOTE FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PC SOLUTION SYSTEM uanit Description Price 1 ATI 286 System 1MB Memory 60MB Disk Subsystem 1.2MB Floppy Disk Drive Monochrome Monitor/Adapter Enhanced Keyboard 1 Epson LQ -1050 Printer jAiosO 1 Permit Issuance/Inspection Tracking System 100 Hours of Modifications Installation Training TOTAL INVESTMENT $11,350.00 w +C.c,,,-+ Pr". ,L4 -e r 10) 300.OLS OPTIONS: Quanity Description price 1 80MB Hard Drive(Instead of 60MB) $ 275.00 i Creation of Standalone PC to Enter $ 450.00 History Information and then Transfer to Main System J 07-A L-- W /00T' + I ! Q 25 i