HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. League of Cities ConferenceLeague of Minnesota Cities 0 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 551.01.2526 (612) 227-56M (FAX: 221.0986) MEMORANDUM May 4, 1988 TO: Mayors, Managers, Clerks FROM: Chuck Hazama, Mayor, Rochester LMC President SUBJECT: Registration for 75th Anniversary LMC Conference This week your city is part of a state-wide celebration of the people, communities, traditions and culture that make up the League of Minnesota Cities. The League is 75 years young this year! Take time now to register to be a part of a very special conference and join in spotlighting the League's 75th Anniversary. Enclosed please find registration forms and information, including Host City activities which both city officials, families and guests can enjoy in and about the City of St. Paul. Be sure to note the deadline for sending in Host City activities reservations. It's May 131 Take a look at the conference program schedule printed in the April and May issues of Minnesota Cities as well aim the information enclosed here. We have some wonderfully lively and exciting events planned beginning with a Rick off Program at the World Theatre in downtown St. Paul (just a few blocks from the St. Paul Radisson and St. Paul Hotels). There, the City of St. Paul will help us raise the curtain on our observance of our 75th Anniversary with arousing Welcome to St. Paul with Noah Adams and the Good Evening Band. Taken directly from the airwaves of KSJN public radio broadcasts, you will be treated to a special live program, free to delegates and guests on Tuesday evening, June 7. That evening program, beginning at 7:30 p.m., will be followed by an old-fashioned ice cream social in the sparkling Town Square Park, inside the fabulous Town Square development in the heart of the city. The conference program we have planned will also give special attention to contemporary as well as traditional observances. We will hear from a very special Keynote Speaker, Professor Joseph Amato, Chairman of the History Department at Southwest State University. Professor Amato has written extensively about the rural culture of our countryside and will share with us some of his special insights into the diversity and fabric of our urban culture. A special general session has been planned for Wednesday afternoon, June 9, when Mayor Henry Cisneros of San Antonio, Texas, will join us to add his perspective to the role of cities in this waning period of the 20th century. Mayor Cisneros is regarded as an effective and and articulate advocate for cities as well as an inspirational and insightful orator on the pressing needs of our urban communities. Cisneros is also a Past President of the National League of Cities. City Night on Wednesday evening is also scheduled to be a very special time for city officials to celebrate the arts as the City of St. Paul Salutes the Arts at Landmark Center. Delightful performances along with the chance to view art gallery paintings, sculptures and even antique instruments will be combined with a fascinating array of tempting food items sampled from St. Paul restaurant kitchens. There is more to come: on Thursday, you can look forward to some very practical helps by way of workshops on communicating with the media, serving your constituents, and improving staff morale. Or take part in a special Issue Institute on Municipal Finance. Be sure to take time to attend the Mayors Association/Mini-Conference Luncheon and let Doug Kiker, NBC national political correspondent for the Today show, give you keen perspective on presidential politics in '88. Many of our general sessions will also feature 75th Anniversary observances as we acknowledge and recognise the great leadership of many current and past public officials who have led their cities and the League during the last 25 years. The evening banquet this year will be a very special affair. On Thursday evening, you will be enthralled and amused by the wonderful comic approach of our entertainer for the evening, Susan Vass, who will bring a light-hearted touch to the evening's celebration. Susan Vass has appeared as a regular with the Dudley Riggs All -Stars and is perhaps best known as the star of "What's So Funny About Being Female?" She is very special - bright, fresh, and funny. And you won't want to go away Friday morning until you have had a chance to hear David McNally, successful businessman and award- winning film producer, who is also a highly regarded speaker and lecturer. He is going to let you know about "The Power of Purpose," an enlightening and important approach to achieving your own goals and developing a personal sense of purpose. 1988 LMC Annual Conference Registration Form General Delegate Registration June 7-10, 1988 number total Advance registration (before June 3) .......................................... $130.00 Registration at Conference .................................................. $155.00 Registration fee includes badge, admission to all general sessions/workshops, and tickets for meal functions on the general program: Wednesday and Thursday coffee in exhibit area, Wednesday and Thursday lunch, Thursday banquet, Friday coffee and rolls. (This registration DOES INCLUDE THE MAYORS/MINI CONFERENCE LUNCHEON on Thursday.) If your spouse attends, that registration is complimentary, but you must purchase meal tickets for your spouse. You may do so in the EXTRA CONFERENCE MEAL TICKETS section below. If you pre -register you'll receive a postcard acknowledgement to be presented at the advance registration desk to facilitate speedy registration. (Please print or type) Daytime City: Contact Person: Telephone # Am co& Frill Name Nickname Title Spouse (e.g. William) (e.g. BiH) Mini -Conference Registration Thursday, June 9 number total Advance registration (before June 3) ........................................... $60.00 Registration at Conference ........................................ .... $70.00 Mini -Conference registration fee includes badge, registration, coffee, and luncheon. If you pre -register, you will receive a postcard acknowledgement to be presented at the prepaid registration desk to facilitate speedy registration. Mini -Conference delegates who plan to attend the Thursday banquet should purchase tickets below. Registered delegates to the General Conference are welcome to attend Mini -Conference sessions and do not need to purchase special registrations. (Please print or type) City: Daytime Contact Person: Telephone # Am coag Full Name Nickname Tide Spouse (e.g. William) (e.g. Bill) Extra Conference Meal Tickets Order extra meal tickets below. Be sure to indicate the name of the person(s) for whom you order the tickets, or the name of the delegate who should receive the extra tickets. Spouses' complimentary registration does not include meal tickets. Order below. Mini - Conference registration does not include any meals except the Thursday luncheon. Luncheon W edesday Number Total .............................................. $9.50 for whom Mayors' Luncheon/Mini-Conference Luncheon Thursday .......................... $12.50 for whom Banquet Thursday......................................................... $21.00 for whom Total Advance Registration ................................................ $ Send registration and payment to Gayle Brodt, League of Minnesota Cities, 183 University Ave. East, St. Paul, MN 55101. Make checks payable to-, League of Minnesota Cities April 1988 17 LMC ANNUAL CONFERENCE "Cities Helping Min Vota Grown PROGRAM SCHEDULE Unbeatable Workshops, Sessions, Receptions � All Conference events are in the St. Paul Radisson unless otherwise indicated TUESDAY, JUNE 7 LMC Board of Directors Meeting 1.30-4:00 p.m. Special Kickoff Program 7:30-9:00 p.m. "Good Evening, Live From the World Theater" Featuring Noah Adams and The Good Evening Band 9:00-10:30 p.m. "Old Fashioned Ice Cream Social" Reception, Town Square Park, a few steps from the World Theater WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 Exhibits open 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (coffee available in exhibit area) Welcome/special program 8:30-9:30 a.m. "Minnesota and Its Cities" Keynote Address: "Reflections from the Countryside: A Look at How Minnesota Grewf Joseph Amato, Professor of History, Southwest State University, Marshall 75th Anniversary Observance: League Charter Cities Host City Welcome: Mayor George Latimer, St. Paul CONCURRENT SESSIONS I (Choose One) 9:45-11:00 a.m. SKILL SESSION: INFLUENCE SKILLS Developing a Flexible Influence Style to Match Your Situation . Look at leadership development Situational leadership: overview and its applications in city government Environmental and behavioral clues: guide to recognizing the needs of the people and the situation . Yellow Brick Road: three major styles . The right style for the situation: application in real situations --practical exercises SKILL SESSION: LEADERSHIP SKILLS Conducting Public Hearings . Purpose of public hearings • Legal requirements . Mock public hearing - do's and don'ts of the hearing process ISSUE INSTITUTE: TIMELY TOPIC Future Trends for Minnesota Cities Recent demographic trends affecting people, organizations and communities . Information/tools available to help cities . What your city's role could be in responding to these trends . Key questions to ask to prepare for your city's future, especially in the area of housing SKILL SESSION: MANAGEMENT SKILLS What Organizational Change Does to People . How organizational change affects people . How to avoid unanticipated but unavoidable reactions by others How to plan for the effects on people of organizational change CITY BUSINESS: Legislative U date Summary of major '88 legislation affecting cities, including:` . Property tax reform Pay equity . Water surcharge . Volunteer firefighter reimbursement Highway funding . Workers compensation Tax increment financing SHORT SHOTS I (Choose one) 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Lease -Purchase . Lease -purchase as a financing tool . Potential uses for cities Reasons for considering lease -purchase . Legal limits on authority to incur debt Examples of lease -purchase agreements . Case study: financing City of Lakeville city hall construction Metro Recycling Mandates . Description of legislative mandates . Differences in recycling requirements for metro and greater Minnesota cities Overview: Twin Cities metro recycling mandate . Metropolitan area recycling programs that work Greater Minnesota City Recycling Mandates . Description of state mandate Distinguishing features of recycling mandates for cities outside Twin Cities metro area . Effective recycling programs in greater Minnesota An Introduction to Municipal Electric Power • Facts to know about public ownership of electric power . What public power is, facts to know. . Key differences between private, consumer -owned and municipally -owned systems • Politics of public power: political structures of municipal power systems and the pros and cons of each . History of public power: comparative rates • Anti-trust issues in the electric power industry . Benefits of public ownership . Case studies CITY BUSINESS General Legislation and Personnel Committee Role of committee members Introduction to new policy development process 1988 Legislation: Implications for future policy Policy development work plan Elections and Ethics Committee .Identify issues for '88 policy development • Formation and work plan for task force on ethics . Outlook for 189 legislative session EXHIBITORS' LUNCH 12:15-1:45 p.m. GENERAL SESSION 1:45-2:45 p.m. Henry Cisneros, Mayor, City of San Antonio, Texas, Former National League of Cities President "The Nation and Its Cities - A New Federal Agenda?" SHORT SHOTS II (Choose one) 3:00-4:00 p.m. Contracting for Services • Contracting out vs. using city staff . Anti-trust considerations - one or many providers? • Contracting/bid requirements • Termination of contract • Assuring contractor provides satisfaction • Monitoring contractors' performance • Contract administration Legal & Charitable Gamblin' . Commission philosophy and mandate Review of current regulations (emphasis on new rules effective Spring 188) • Practical problems for city operators - What to look for and how to monitor • Examples Of city gambling operations Implementing one -call Notification • Overview of statelegislation• Implementing statewide system • Organizational process, local issues/procedures • Rate structure How Cities Can Make Effective Use of Pooling? how-�to's 7of��artiiiic_i-Pating in Minnesota Municipal Money Market (4M) Fund Minnesota Cities Capital Equipment Borrowing Program Benefits and savings of CEBP 4M Fund performance and comparison of investment alternatives CITY BUSINESS Development Strategies Committee • Role of Committee members - • Introduction to new Policy development process • Impact of 188 Session on Policy priorities • Committee work plan for policy issues for 189 CITY NIGHT 6:30-10:30 p.m. St. Paul Salutes the Arts at Landmark Center "Cabaret Night" OA Taste of St. Paul" THURSDAY, JUNE 9 8:00-9:00 a.m. 75th Anniversary Observance - LMC President's Breakfast for Past Presidents EXHIBITS OPEN 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Coffee available in exhibit area) CONCURRENT SESSIONS II (Choose one) 9:00-10:30 a.m. SKILL SESSIONS: INFLUENCE SKILLS Communicating With the Media o,erview/definitioiis- Elements of persuasion Identification of message and audience Crafting message to audience and medium How to place your message Crisis management Communications planning SKILL SESSIONS: LEADERSHIP SKILLS Serving Your Constituents - Part I . Meeting Master, Part I . Focus on non -council meetings . Deciding when and when not to meet . Targeting meeting objectives . Designing an agenda that works (Beneficial for both elected officials and staff) ISSUE INSTITUTE: PERSONNEL Signs of Employee Dissatisfaction/Improving Staff Morale . Indicators of dissatisfaction . Strategies to detect dissatisfaction and identify causes • Establishing trust . Identifying problems and players . Providing benefits • Employee input system ISSUE INSTITUTE: ECONOMICS Insurance Issues Recent and upcoming LMCIT coverage changes - Punitive damages - Inverse condemnation - Pollution - Workers' compensation/employers' liability coverage Risk management and contracts - Insurance requirements - Hold harmless agreements - "Additional insured" listings - Joint powers contracts - liability and coverage issues CITY BUSINESS Land Use, Energy, Transportation Policy Committee Introduction to neww—policy development process Review of impact of 188 legislation Development of committee work plan Future policy issues BREAK 10:30-10:45 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS (Choose one) 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. SKILL SESSIONS: LEADERHSIP SKILLS Serving -Your Constituents - Part II • Meeting Master, Part II . Focus on non -council meetings . Promoting good attendance . Getting others to champion your cause (Beneficial for both elected officials and staff) SKILL fIESSIONS: MANAGEMENT SKILLS The Tosk of Leadership in a Time of Change • Building concensus on defining goals • Assuring results orientation • Assigning accountability . Giving direction to achieve goals ISSUE INSTITUTES: ECONOMICS Economic. -Development In Rural Areas--City.Initiatives Focus in on the how-to's - Steps to follow such as . Meeting with city and community leaders . Coming up with a budget . Determining whether to establish a port authority . Establishing a loan pool . Identifying potential land and buildings for new industry Working for possible expansion of existing industries . Knowing what economic development tools are available ISSUE INSTITUTES: TIMELY TOPIC Implementing Title III at the Local Level History and purpose of Superfund, Title III requirements . Hazardous materials emergencies: a special report (video tape) Organizing Title III in Minnesota . Development of local emergency plan - Planning requirements Procedures for developing local emergency response plans Chemical reporting requirements and data processing systems CITY BUSINESS Revenue Sources Policy Committee . Analysis of property tax reform: impacts on cities' current and future fiscal status . Levy limits: implications for future policy development and expectations for FY '89 city budgets . Presentations by state finance and legislative leaders MAYORS ASSOCIATION/MINI-CONFERENCE LUNCHEON 12:30-2:00 p.m. Douglas Kiker, NBC-TV Political/News Correspondent "The Stakes for Cities in the 188 Election" CONCURRENT SESSIONS IV (Choose one) 2:15-3:30 p.m. SKILLS SESSION: INFLUENCING SKILLS Marketing Your City . Taking a community profile . Involving staff and elected officials Marketing techniques Media choices . Organizing the communications effort SKILLS SESSION: MANAGEMENT SKILLS What Every Elected Official Should Know About The Budget . Strategic planning Goal setting - Council's role and how to assess performance . Legal requirements for preparing a budget Identifying budget responsibilities ISSUE INSTITUTES: ECONOMIC Municipal Finance Today and Tomorrow . What's happening with city financing . Supplemental revenue sources under current law . New sources of revenue - what's been tried elsewhere . The aftermath of property tax reform. ISSUE INSTITUTES: TIMELY TOPIC AIDS: Policies For Cities . Hiring . Retention and job reassignment . Emergency response/testing . Training and education of work force . Treatment facilities LEAGUE ANNUAL MEETING 3:45-5:00 p.m. 4 LEAGUE RECEPTION AND BANQUET 6.30-9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Final General Session 9:00-10:30 a.m. David McNally, "The Power of Purpose" r St. Paul plans events for 1988 Annual ConferentfVe 0,41a Landmark Center and Rice Park 14 Tuesday, June 7 Welcome to St. Paul 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. "Good Evening, Live from the World Theater" St. Paul and the League invite all conference delegates and guests to a special program (free admission) at the World Theater featuring Noah Adams and The Good Evening Band. The evening's entertainment, produced by Bob Feldman of Redhouse Records, will feature guitarist Pat Donahue, vocalist Ann Reed, and the Mando Boys with Peter Ostrousko. For fans of MPR broadcasts of "Good Evening" as well as those who harken back to memories of "The Prairie Home Companion," this kick-off program will be filled with familiar voices and will highlight a real St. Paul 75th LMC Anniversary welcome to city officials. At 9:00 p.m., St. Paul opens Town Square Park, just a few steps from the World Theater, for an old-fashioned summer ice cream social Strolling musicians and perform- ers will entertain delegates and guests in a casual and relaxing indoor park setting. Shuttle buses will be available to transport city officials and guests from the St. Paul Radisson to the World Theater. Wednesday, June 8 Host City Night 6:30 - 10:30 p.m. "St. Paul Salutes the Arts at Landmark Center" A "Cabaret Night," featuring a variety of performing artists, including vocalists, instrumentalists, jugglers, mimes, and other street artists, will fill Landmark Center with the sounds and excitement of lively performances. Landmark art galleries, the Shubert Club antique instrument museum, and other areas of the building will be on display for city officials. Along with the sophisticated array of artists and their works will be a food extravanganza where delegates can Rample "A Taste of St. Paul," sure to rival, on a smaller .:ale of course, the famous "Taste of Minnesota,' ` Minnesota Cities 0 Family programs Wednesday, June 8 9:.00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. LMC Dai at Valleyfair Valleyfair's lively theme park is a perfect way to celebrate the beginning of summer. With 65 acres of exhilarating rides, gang -buster entertainment, and a kalei- doscope of attractions for kids and grown-ups alike, Valley - fair activities offer a day of enjoyment. Lunch options on your own are available. Admission fees include most activities as well as transportation to and from the park. Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult. Cost: $14 adults; $10 children under 48 inches tall. Wednesday, June 8 12 Noon - 5:00 p.m. Golf at Como Park Don't miss the chance to tee off on the brand new and exceptional 9 -hole or 18 -hole golf course at St. Paul's Como Park. The new clubhouse is sure to be one of the Twin Cities' finest. Tee off for the 18 -hole course will be at noon. Those planning to take on the 9 -hole course should start earlier in the day. Pre -payment is not required. Reservations are needed to accommodate the number of spots available on an hourly schedule. St. Paul suggests you provide your own transportation. (Maps will be available). If you can't, alternative transpor- tation may be available. Thursday, June 9 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Morning at the Science Museum of Minnesota and the William L. McKnight 3M Omnitheatre. The Science Museum of Minnesota blends the excite- ment of natural history and the futuristic exhifiration of the science -technology center. Take time to view the special exhibits, too, featuring "Dinosaurs," a realistic setting with authentic -sized prehistoric reptiles, before viewing the Omnitheatre feature film, "Niagara: Miracles, Myths, and Magic." St. Paul will suggest locations in the area for lunch on your own, within walking distance, or available by bus or car. Cost: $5.50 adults; $4.50 children 12 and under. Friday, June 10 7:45 - 11:30 a.m. "Twin Cities Live" TV Shots and Tour of KSTP and Bus Tour of Historic St. Paul "Twin Cities Live" studio welcomes you to take part in a five broadcast of the one-hour, Channel 5-KSTP feature and talk show, which focuses on current topics, nationally - known celebrities, and ordinary folks with unusual or moving stories of public interest. The show's host is Bob Bruce, local TV personality, who has been with KSTP-TV for 15 years as a sports announcer and now feature program anchor. Bus transportation from the hotel will be available to take those with reservations to the TV station studios and then on to a tour of the Summit -Crocus Hill area of St. Paul. Cost: $5.00 per person April 1988 Family P >�' b ro aim re istration form Reservations for Day at Valleyfair, Wednesday, June 8 @ $14 for adults @ $10 for children Reservations for Golf at Como Park, Wednesday, June 8 _ for 18 -hole course for 9 -hole course need transportation Reservation for Science Museum and Omnitheatre, Thursday, June 9 $5.50 for adults = $4.50 for children 12 and under — Reservations for "Twin Cities Live" and Historic Bus Tour, Friday, June 10 @ $5.00 Name(s) Address City Phone 298-4323 for more information Please send reservation form and payment to: Barbara Jeanetta, 367 City Hall, Budget Office, St. Paul, MN 55101. Deadline is Friday, May 13, 1988 Make checks payable to: City of St. Paul 1988 LNk Annual Conference Housing Housing Information SINGLE DOUBLE CABANA Radisson Hotel St. Paul, 11 East Kellogg Boulevard.........................................$60.00 $72.00 $90.00 St. Paul Hotel, 350 Market Street........................................................................560.00 $72.00 Note: The Radisson St. Paul Hotel on Kellogg Boulevard is the Headquarters Hotel . Conference Parking: Radisson St. Paul -- 235 spaces -- $5.50/24 hours for overnight guests; $6.50/8-5:00 p.m. for others. Civic Center Parking Ramp -- 300 spaces -- $3.50/842 hours, $4.00/12-24 hours. The Civic Center Ramp is four blocks west of the Radisson St. Paul. Important Instructions Rooms will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. The earlier you make your reservations, the better the chance you will have of getting your first choice hotel . The Radisson will hold the room block until May 24, 1988, and the St. Paul Hotel until May 20, 1988, after which regular room rates will be in effect as available. A deposit equal to one night's lodging per room must accompany this housing form. Credit card preferred. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO HOTEL OF YOUR CHOICE. You will receive an acknowledgement of your reservation from the assigned hotel. All changes in reservations or cancellations must be made directly with the hotel . Housing Reservation (please print or type) Name: City or Organization: Address: City: Title: State: Zip: Arrival Date: Arrival Time: Departure Date: Hotel Preference First: Second: Special Requirements: Names of All Occupants: Do you wish to guarantee payment for arrival after 6:00 Credit Card Preferred P.m.? Credit Card Company Card Number Yes No Expiration Date Enclosed is a deposit equal to one night's lodging per room MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO HOTEL OF YOUR CHOICE AND MAIL TO: IOU Radisson Hotel St. Paul St. Paul Hotel 11 East Kellogg Blvd. Reservations Department St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 350 Market Street Attn: Sandy Sauve St. Paul, MN 55102 The Hotel is authorized to use the above card to guarantee my hotel reservations reserved by me. I understand that one night's room will be billed through this card if I fail to show up for my assigned housing on the confirmed date unless I have cancelled my reservations with the hotel at least 24 hours in ad- vance. Cardholder signature Date