HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Transit Opt-Out / Joint Powers AgreementTO: Mayor, City Council & City Administrator FROM: Dean Johnson, Director of Community Development DATE: May 13, 1988 SUBJ: Transit Opt Out Attached are copies of the draft RFP for consultant services, a new six cities "Joint Powers Agreement" and resolution to adopt the joint powers agreement. I won't burden you with any details or comments on the RFP, however, I will answer any questions you may have at the meeting. This joint powers agreement is necessary to allow the six cities to enter into contractual agreements with the RTB to receive the grant and with a future consultant to award a contract and disburse funds. You will note the City of Rosemount is maintaining its lead coordinating role for this project. It is our intention to advertise and mail out the RFP the first week in June. Proposals will be due June 30, and a consultant should be selected by late July. I would recommend the City Council adopt the resolution approving the joint powers agreement and authorize the signatures thereon. CITY OF ROSEMOUIo Resolution 1988- A Joint Resolution for the Area Needs Assessment/Transit Study WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Legislature pursuant to Minnesota Statutes (M.S. 473.388) has provided Minnesota cities with the authority to investigate alternative forms of transit services and systems, this authority commonly referred to as transit "Replacement System" or "Opt -out"; and WHEREAS, pursuant to M.S. 473.388, Subdivision 2.C., the six cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage have submitted a "Letter of Intent" to "opt out" on or before the July 1, 1984 deadline; and WHEREAS, the 1987 Minnesota State Legislature pursuant to M.S. 473.388, Subdivision 2, has authorized the termination of replacement transit service by July 1, 1988, or by July 1, 1989 if a transportation evaluation study is being conducted; and WHEREAS, the cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage must initiate a Needs Assessment Transit Study before July 1, 1988 to investigate alternative forms of transit services and systems and to comply with "Replacement Service" deadlines as enumerated in M.S. 473.388, Subdivision 2, Paragraph C, Clause iii; and WHEREAS, the Regional Transit Board (RTB) has granted up to $50,000 to fund a consultant to assist the Technical Work Group and coordinate with the RTB Staff in the Transit Needs Assessment Study; and WHEREAS, the Transit Needs Assessment Study shall be completed by March of 1989; and WHEREAS, the Joint Powers Agreement will dictate the contract with the consultant, the relationship with the Regional Transit Board and the six cities and the relationship among the cities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Councils of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage agree to adopt and work within the responsibilities set forth in the Needs Assessment/ Transit Study Joint Powers Agreement as attached hereto. Adopted this 17th day of May, 1988. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk i *EDS ASSESSMENTJTRANSIT SA FOR THE CITIES OF PRIOR LAKE, SAVAGE, ROSEMOUNT, APPLE VALLEY, BURNSVILLE & EAGAN JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between the cities of Prior Lake, Savage, Rosemount, Apple Valley, Burnsville and Eagan; WHEREAS, the cities of Prior Lake, Savage, Rosemount, Apple Valley, Burnsville and Eagan are Minnesota municipal corporations duly organized and licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, each of the cities desire to jointly enter into a contract with the Regional Transit Board (RTB) and a hired Consultant to evaluate transit needs and to identify, analyze, and recommend transit alternatives; and WHEREAS, combining the Needs Assessment/Transit Study will, through the Minnesota- Joint Powers Act,(M.S.A. s471.59), allow the cities to save tax dollars and provide a more comprehensive study to the transportation problems of the entire area, and the needs of individual cities; and WHEREAS, the Ant pursuit of a trans* study and need assessment provides the cities with a unique opportunity to identify transit alternatives that offer the cities the ability to operate a,cooperative and/or independent transit systems; and WHEREAS, the RTB has approved a request for assistance from the six cities to perform the study. In the event that the study should exceed the RTB assistance, the cities have agreed upon a cost sharing formula; and WHEREAS, each City which enters this Joint Powers Agreement is obligated to complete the study in cooperation with the other Cities; and WHEREAS, each City,will be provided the opportunity to evaluate the study and determine whether that -City wishes to independently Opt -Out of the Metropolitan Transit system. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. The parties jointly approve the Work Program/RFP to perform the needs assessment/transit study, and authorize the necessary signatures on the contracts with the RTB and the Consultant to be selected. 2 0 • 2. Designate Mr. Dean Johnson, Community Development Director with the City of Rosemount as the Study Coordinator, with authorizations to execute contracts with the RTB and the Consultant on behalf' of the six cities, and be responsible for receipt and disbursement of funds, notifications of meetings and updated information to the study participants, and retain all pertinent records and files. The City of Rosemount shall be named as depository of funds, and shall disburse monies on behalf of the six cities. 3. Payment of this study shall be covered by the RTB grant fund. Any study costs incurred in excess of $50,000 shall be shared jointly by each City as set forth in the previogs Joint Powers Agreement. 3 Adopted this _ day of , 1988. CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By• Its: Mayor Attest: Its: Clerk Adopted this _ day of , 1988. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By• Its: Mayor Attest: Its: Clerk Adopted this ` day of 1988. CITY OF SAVAGE By• Its: Mayor Attest: Its: Clerk 4 9 Adopted this _ day of 1988. CITY OF BURNSVILLE By• Its: Mayor Attest: Its: Clerk Adopted this _ day of 1988. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE By• Its: Mayor Attest: Its: Clerk Adopted this _ day of 1988. CITY OF EAGAN By• Its: Mayor Attest: Its: Clerk . ! i STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 19 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared and to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. (S E A L) Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of , 19 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County,• personally appeared and _ to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each dial say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF BURNSVILLE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. (S E A L) Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of _ 19 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared VIC ELLISON and E.J. VANOVERBEKE to me personally known, who being each by .me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF EAGAN, the municipality named in the foregoing instruction, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed .and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. (S E A L) Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT. ) On this day of , 19—, before me a Notary Public within and for sal County, personally appeared andto me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each_ did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and. sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. (S E A L) Notary Public _ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of 19 , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared and to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. (S E A L) Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY.OF SCOTT ) ._Qn this day of , 19 before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared and to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF SAVAGE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. (S E A L) Notary Public t REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL' �tlJ!'1 �o • for Consultant Services V on the Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount and Savage Needs Assessment Transit Study I. INTRODUCTION Background In 1981 the Minnesota Legislature enacted legislation which enabled certain communities in the metropolitan area to "opt -out" of the Metropolitan Transit Commission's (MTC's) service area Communities were eligible if they met the following three criteria: o Community is within the metropolitan transit taxing district; o Community is not served by the MTC or is served only with MTC bus routes which begin or end within the applying community; and o Community has fewer than four scheduled runs of MTC bus service during off- peak hours as defined in Minnesota Statutes. The communities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Rosemount, Prior Lake and Savage were among the sixteen communities submitting letters of intent to "opt out" of MTC service prior to the July 1, 1984, deadline. In the 1987 session, additional legislation was passed which provides a sunset provision to the "opt out" program. Under this legislation, communities who have previously submitted letters of intent must submit an application by July 1, 1988. A twelve-month extension may be requested if the community notifies the RTB before July 1, 1988, that the city is in the process of completing a study assessing local transit needs. The six cities will conduct a Needs Assessment Transit Study (NATS) to determine if current transit services are meeting the needs of residents and employers, and to determine the most advantageous method of providing these services, including "opting out" of the MTC service area. The cities have requested and received funding from the Regional Transit Board (RTB) for the purpose of conducting the study. Purpose and Approach The purpose of the Needs Assessment Transit Study is to provide an overall evaluation of transit needs and services in each of the six cities. This will be accomplished through an examination of existing and future transit needs of area residents; evaluation of existing services in meeting these needs; 0 -2- identification of transit strategies for unmet needs; and evaluation of service delivery options, including the advantages and disadvantages of "opting out." While the six communities are working cooperatively on this study, it is realized that different needs may exist in different communities and, therefore, different transit strategies may be appropriate. It is expected that NATS will build on previous studies of transit needs and approaches within the six cities. These include the RTB's 1986 Transit Service Needs Assessment which, together with addressing approaches to meeting transit needs from a regional perspective, also evaluated needs and strategies by community and subarea. This included identification of unmet needs for the six cities and strategies to satisfy those needs. In addition, all of the communities except Prior Lake were the subject of a 1982 study which examined approaches to implementing new service. The intent of the service needs assessment is not to duplicate work done in these and other studies but rather to expand upon those studies, focusing to service delivering new and innovative approaches. Study Organization and Responsibility Recognizing their common transit needs, the six cities have developed a joint powers agreement for the purpose of conducting this study. Overall management of the study will be the responsibility of the six cities through the joint powers agreement. City councils of the six cities will be responsible for setting policy and adopting the final service program. The RTB will also be an active participant in the study, funding the consultant and providing technical assistance and reviewing and approving any management plan which may result from the study. A private consulting firm or firms will be employed by these six cities to conduct major elements of the work program. The consultant will have primary responsibility for the needs assessment, survey research, evaluation of existing services, identification of service options, as well as preparation of necessary graphics. It is expected that the consultant will perform in a coordinated team approach and will develop strong working relationships with representatives of the six cities and the RTB. The consultant will be expected to attend most bi-monthly PAT meetings. In addition, the consultant may be required to meet with and make presentations to each of the six cities and attend other meetings as necessary. City managers for the six cities will serve as the Project Management Team (PMT). This body shall be responsible for advising the respective city councils on transit policy development and serve as an interface between the technical work group and the city councils. The Technical Work Group (TWG) shall consist of representatives from the six cities. The TWG will be responsible for execution of the needs assessment and for transit policy development. This body will also be responsible for advising the PMT and respective city councils on the status of the needs assessment and related transit issues. The technical work group will meet on a regular basis for the course of the study. t -3- The TWG will provide the overall management for the study. It will be responsible for finalizinthe work program and developing and issuing the request for proposal (RFPgj for consultant assistance. The TWG will review the proposals and select a consultant. A Project Advisory Team (PAT) shall be created for execution of the attached work program. The PAT shall consist of representatives of the six cities, the RTB and the consultant. Representatives of other agencies will be invited to attend PAT meetings when appropriate. The PAT is created because the cities acknowledge a need for expertise in transit planning and assistance to perform the needs assessment transit study. -4 - II. WORK PROGRAM AND PRODUCTS This section identifies the major activities to be conducted as part of the transit needs study. Each of the major work tasks is described as well as anticipated products and timing. For each task the responsibilities of the six cities, RTB and consultant are specified. Task 1 - Initiation of Study This task involves the activities necessary to initiate the study. These include finalizing the work program, issuing a request for proposal (RFP) for consultant assistance, selecting a consultant, establishing a project management team, and initiating work on the study. Each of these is briefly described below: o Finalizing the Work Program. The draft work program will be reviewed by representatives of each of the cities and the Regional Transit Board (RTB). Any necessary revisions will be made and the work program will be finalized. o Organize Project Advisory Team. This group will be comprised of representatives of each of the cities, the RTB and other agencies as appropriate. o Issue Request for Proposal (RFP) and Select Consultant.An RFP will be developed based on the final work program. Proposals will be reviewed by a consultant selection committee composed of representatives of the six cities and RTB which will recommend a consultant to the six cities. o Initiation of Study. This will include executing the contract with the selected consultant and initiating the study. It is anticipated that some of the data collection activities will be conducted by the RTB during the consultant selection process. Products: o Draft and Final Work Program o Request for Proposal (RFP) o Recommendation on Selected Consultant o Contract With Selected Consultant o Membership in Project Management Team (PMT) Responsibilities: Cities - Develop Draft Work Program and RFP - Adopt Work Program - Identify Project Advisory Team Membership - Issue RFP and Conduct Consultant Selection Process - Negotiate and Execute Contract With Consultant -5- RTB - Initiate Primary Data Collection Activities Assist With Issuing RFP and Participate in Consultant Selection Timing: o RFP Issued by June 1, 1988 o Consultant Selected by July 21, 1988 Task 2 - Examination of Existing and Future Transit Needs This task will focus on examining the exisiting and future needs for transit services within the six communities. Existing information, such as that used in the Transit Service Needs Assessment will be expanded upon by using the Metropolitan Council's 2010 forecasts and conducting other surveys within the communities. While not anticipated to be a major focus of the study, the possibility that a new regional airport site could be located within the communities should be considered. Specific activities to be conducted include: o Analysis of existing and future projects for the following transit need indicators: population and employment concentrations and potential future transit generators the concentration and distribution of transit dependent market segments: o elderly (65 and over) o youth (under 18) o low income o households with no automobile available travel desires for work and non -work trips - highway congestion o Special surveys of the transit needs of employment concentrations and other activity centers within the communities Products; o Technical Memorandum on Existing and Future Transit Needs o Technical Memorandum on Results of Any Special Surveys o Base Map Responsibiliies: Cities - Provide Information on Future Transit Activity Centers - Assist with Preparation and Approve Technical Memorandums - Project Advisory Team Minutes and Meetings RTES - Gather Primary Data and Assist With Preparation of Technical Memorandum on Existing and Future Transit Needs - Assist With Special Surveys Consultant - Conduct Special Surveys and Prepare Technical Memorandum on Existing and future Transit Needs - Develop Base Map Timing: September 12, 1988 Task 3 - Identification of Existinq Transit Services This task will document all of the existing transit services being provided within the communities. This will include identification of regular route services, park-and-ride lots, paratransit services such as rideshare programs, and the specialized services provided in the communities. These services were identified in the Transit Service Needs Assessment. This information will be updated as necessary. Products: o Technical Memorandum on Existing Transit Services Responsibilities: Cities - Assist with Preparation and Approve Technical Memorandum - Project Advisory Team Minutes and Mailings RTi3 - Assist With Preparation of Technical Memorandum Consultant - Prepare Technical Memorandum on Existing Services Prepare Necessary Graphics - Identify All Planned or Programmed Transportation Improvement Studies Timing: September 12, 1988 Task 4 - Evaluation of Transit Needs and Services and Identification of Unmet Transit Needs In this task, the results of task 2 will be compared with those of task 3. Existing and future transit needs will be evaluated against existing services to identify unmet transit needs. Products: o Technical Memorandum on Unmet Transit Needs Responsibilities: Cities - Assist with Preparation and Approve Technical Memorandum - Project Advisory Team Minutes and Mailings -7- RTB - Assist With Development of Technical Memorandum Consultant - Complete Analysis and Prepare Technical Memorandum Timing: October 15, 1988 Task 5 - Identification of Transit Strategies This task will focus on the development of the most appropriate transit strategies to meet the unmet transit needs identified in the previous task. Strategies identified in the Transit Service Needs Assessment will be reviewed based on the additional analysis conducted as part of this study. Products: o Technical Memorandum on Transit Strategies Responsibilities: Cities - Assist with Preparation and Approve Technical Memorandum - Project Advisory Team Minutes and Mailings RTB - Assist With Development of Transit Strategies and Preparation of Technical Memorandum Consultant Identify Transit Strategies and Prepare Technical Memorandum - Identify All Planned or Programmed Transportation Improvement Studies Timing: November 15, 198$ Task 6 - Evaluation of Service Delivery Options This task will compare the different approaches to service delivery methods which the communities may wish to pursue. This will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of "opting -out" of the MTC service area and other methods the communities could pursue to make the transit improvementsrecommendedin Task 5. o Comparison of the cost of providing existing transit services within the communities with the property taxes earmarked for transit generated by the communities and other funding sources. o Review and evaluation of the different approaches to transit service by delivery methods including establishment of a separate system by "opting - out" of the MTC service area, making transit improvements within the existing structure or other arrangements. 0 i -8- . Products: o Technical Memorandum on Service Delivery Options Responsibilities: Cities - Assist in Evaluation of Service Delivery Options - Develop Recommended Approach - Approve Technical Memorandum Project Advisory Team Minutes and Mailings RTB Assist With Evaluation of Service Options and With Development of Technical Memorandum Consultant Conduct Evaluation of Service Delivery Options - Prepare Technical Memorandum Timing: December 15, 1988 Task 7.- Preparation of Final Report This task will involve the preparation of a final report on the study. The technical memorandums will form the basis for the final report. The report will include appropriate recommendations and follow-up activities. Products: o Draft Final Reports o Final Report Responsibilities: Cities - Review Draft and Final Reports - Project Advisory Team Minutes and Mailings RTB - Review Draft and Final Reports Consultant - Prepare Draft and Final Reports Timing: Draft report completed by January 30, 1989. -9 - III. PROPOSAL GUIDELINES AND SCHEDULE A. Time Schedule The anticipated starting date for consultant work on the HATS assessment is July 25, 1988. The timeline for completion of the various work elements is outlined in the RFP, with completion of the final reports by January 30, 1989. B. Maintenance of Records and Reports The selected consultant will be required to maintain records necessary to complete monthly reports on the contract activity which shall include the kind of service delivered, the period of time involved, and the projects provided. C. Requested Proposal Content and Format The consultant proposal should include the following: 1. Cover Letter. This should include the name and address of the lead consultant and the names of other firms or individuals participating in the proposal. 2. Introduction. The consultant should indicate their understanding of the project, its goals and key elements. 3. Project Organization. This should include the proposed approach, the identification and roles of the lead consultant and any subconsultants and anticipated interaction with the six cities and proposed committees. 4. Work Plan. This should include a detailed outline of the tasks, target dates, responsibilities, hours, hourly rates, professional classifications, expenses, and a description of the products for each task. Consultants are encourages to suggest innovative or alternative approaches to the work elements outlined in the RFP. 5. Project Staffing. This should include identification of the individuals directly responsible for executing the project. A brief summary of their experience and education should be provided. Of key importance will be the qualifications of the project manager. 6. Experience and Qualifications. This section should include a brief description of each firm, area of expertise, work on similar projects, and location. 7. Project Budget. This section should include the proposed budget for the project. Included should be person -hours per task, hourly rates, classifications, equipment and expenses. • so C 8. Client References. Five client references, from projects of similar scope, should be provided for each of the major firms. 9. Project Timeline. The consultant should provide a timeline for completion of each of the work tasks and the total project. 10. The proposer must demonstrate utilization of affirmative action employment policies by supplying the current composition of employees by race, ethnic group and gender. D. Proposal Submission and Consultant Selection Process 1. Requests for proposals will be issued on June 1, 1988. Proposals must be received no later than June 30, 1988. All questions concerning,the RFP should be directed to: Katherine Turnbull Planning Manager Regional Transit Board (612) 292-8789 Please limit contacts to either June 14 or 15. 2. Submission of Proposals All proposals must be sent to: Dean Johnson Director of Community Development City of Rosemount PO Box 510 1875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 3. Budget A maximum of $50,000 has been budgetedforthe consultant to preform this work. 4. Selection Process Members of the Project Advisory Team will review the proposals and recommend the selection of a consultant. Interviews with finalists may be necessary and would be held July 14 and 15. Finalists will be notified by July 8 if interviews are necessary. The selection process will be completed by July 21, 1988. -11- 5. Evaluation The consultant will be selected based on the following evaluation criteria: a. Project cost detail, including person -hour commitment, billing rates, and commitment to complete the project within the proposed budget and timeline. b. Expressed understanding of project objectives, including issues, problems, approach and team concept. c. Qualifications of firm and personnel, including relevant firm experience, project team composition, management structure, qualifications and experience of key personnel and commitment of time to project. d. Project work plan, including comprehensive approach to proposed elements, innovative approaches, understanding of the key components and overall structure. E. Cancellation of Solicitation This request for proposal does not obligate the six cities to complete this project. The six cities reserve the right to cancel the solicitation if it is considered to be in its best interest and may reject any and all proposals. HB/RFP/TX2