HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Accept Feasibility Report / 1988 Sidewalk Replacement, City Project #186DATE: MAY 12, 1988 RE: WEMS FQR MAY 17, 1988 OWNCIL MELTING Accent Feasibilitv Report/1988 Sidewalk Reolacement. Citv Proiect #186 On April 5, 1988 the Council authorized Staff to prepare a feasibility report regarding repair and replacement of existing sidewalks. Staff has completed this report and a copy of this report is attached for Councils information. The major issue regarding this project concerns funding. The City has the authority to notify residents whose sidewalks are in need of repair that the resident is responsible for repairing that sidewalk. If the resident does not repair the sidewalk, then the City has the authority to repair it and bill the resident. However, I believe there is precedent in having the City share in the cost of repair and replacement of these sidewalks. Tb the best of my knowledge this was a 50-50 split. I would recommend maintaining this policy for sidewalk that we have to remove and replace. However, in areas where the sidewalk is in good condition and is out of alignment at the contraction joints, then I would recommend that the cost to repair (by mudjacking) be 100% of the City's cost. I feel that the repair of misaligned joints is more in the area of repair and maintenance and should be a function of the City. If the Council agrees that the cost for repair and replacement should be split with the property owners then the recommended action would be to receive the feasibility report and order a public hearing for June 21, 1988 at 8:00 p.m. If Council would decide not to assess any of the cost then the appropriate action would be to receive the feasibility report and not make any motion for any public hearing. Staff would then have to work with existing and future budgetary restraints. If Council desires I will be available to give a brief presentation on this project. If Council has any questions or concerns regarding this matter prior to the meeting, please feel free to contact me at Councils convenience. � s FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT IN TUE CITY OF ROSEMUUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 186 MAY 12, 1988 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer u er the laws of the State of Minn'psot i. DALE: �l �jrs> REU. NO. l REVIF14ED BY: DA'L'E: TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Authorization 1.2 Scope PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Location 2.2 Project Area 2.3 Existing Conditions PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 Sidewalk Replacement and Repairs PART 4 - FINANCING 4.1 Cosa Estimates 4.2 Assessment PART 5 PROJECT SCHEDULE APPENDIX ESTIMATE OF COST DRAWINGS 0 r T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY `City Project # 186 provides for the replacement of severely cracked and deteriorated concrete sidewalk in the City of Rosemount. This improvement consist of all concrete sidewalk within the cities right of way or declared as part of the cities maintenance responsibilities. The project is located in Section 29 within a perimeter of Chili Avenue thru Burma Avenue and 143rd Street West thru Lower 147th Street West. The project is feasible from an engineering standpoint. The project includes approximately 8,000 square feet of the total 108,000 square feet of concrete sidewalk in the City. These figures are approximately 7.5% of the total sidewalk. The total estimated project cost is $40,658. PART 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORIZATION On April 5, 1988 the Rosemount City Council, upon recommendation by the City Engineer, authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for sidewalk replacement. This project has been designated as City Project No. 186. 1.2 SCOPE The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering feasibility of this project based upon the review of the data available, and to make recommendations and provide cost estimates for the replacement of severely cracked and deteriorated sidewalk. PART 1 - 1 PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION The project area is located in Section 29 and lies between Chili Avenue thru Burma Avenue (West to East) and 143rd Street West to Lower 147th Street West (North to South) as shown on Drawing No. 1 2.2 PROJECT AREA All badly cracked and deteriorated concrete sidewalks within the project area of the City of Rosemount. More specifically, the sidewalks on 143rd Street West, 144th Street West, 145th Street West, 146th Street West, Lower 147th Street West, Burma Avenue, South Robert Trail, Cameo Avenue and Canada Avenue. 2.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS Staff surveyed the conditions of existing sidewalk within the project area with respect to levels of cracking, spalling, pitting and differential settlement of adjacent sidewalk panels. Staff classified them as light, moderate or severe. It is the severe areas that Staff is recommending repair or replacement of. The project area is currently used as walkways for residential and commercial purposes. For reasons of safety for our residents and liability of the City, all areas of sidewalk which are unsafe because of being in poor condition should be repaired or replaced. PART 2 - 1 PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 SIDEWALK The replacement and repairing of existing city sidewalks will be either by mud jacking or complete replacement. Mud jacking will be used in areas of differential settlement between sidewalk panels. The lower slab will be raised to meet the grade of the adjacent slab. Sidewalks where severe spalling, pitting or cracking exists will be completely removed and replaced. The standard replacement will be 4" thick concrete, mix no. 3A32, except for driveways where the thickness will be 6". PART 3 - 1 ESTIMATE OF COST SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT CITY PROJECT NO. 186 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2104.503 Remove sidewalk S.F. 8,935 0.75 $ 6,702.00 2521.501 4" Concrete walk S.F. 7,100 2.25 15,975.00 2521.501 6" Concrete walk S.F. 1,600 3.25 5,200.00 1 Concrete Raising S.F. 1,400 2..10 2,925.00` SUBTOTAL $ 30,802.00 +10% CONTINGENCIES 3,080.00 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 33,882.00 +20% OVERHEAD 6,776.00 TOTAL ESTIMATES COST $ 40,658.00 v PART 4 FINANCING 4.1 COST ESTIMATES Detailed cost estimates for all improvements proposed herein are included in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on projected 1988 unit costs and include allowances for contingencies and anticipated overhead costs. A summary of these cost isasfollows: Sidewalk Removal $ 8,847.00 Concrete Sidewalk 27,951.00 Mud Jacking 3,861.00 TOTAL $ 40,658.00 4.2 ASSESSMENTS Staff recommends assessing the benefited property owners for a portion of the sidewalk repair and replacement. Resolution No. 1971-29 was passed October 5, 1971 establishing a method and procedure for billing for sidewalk repairs and replacements. However, this resolution did not specifically' state what portion of the costs were assessed. We are assuming 50 per cent. Applying this procedure, to this project, would mean the City would pay 100% of the concrete raising cost and 50% of the sidewalk removal and replacement. The benefited property owners would pay the other 50% of the sidewalk removal and replacement. See maps in the appendix for benefited property owners. The total estimated City share would be $18,399. This estimated assessment rate based on 50/50 cost sharing would be as follows: 4' Wide --------------------- $ 6.00/l.f. 5' Wide --------------------- $ 7.50/l.f. 4' Wide Driveway ------------ $ 8.00/1.f. 5' Wide Driveway ------------ $10.00/1.f. PART 4 - 1 PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for this improvement is listed below. This schedule is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the Minnesota Statutes Receive Feasibility Report May 17, 1988 Hold Public Hearing June 21, 1988 Approve Plans & Specifications July 5, 1988 Receive Informal Bids July 19, 1988 Award Contract July 25, 1988 Begin Construction August, 1988 Complete Construction September, 1988 PART 5 - 1 s/ f o 4 3 R g -IST LJ 1rV. 3n • i 2 - W !- to i Ibo th St. J; f Si SIDEWALK ' _ .. REPAIR SITE tj 51 F• a ff.'2 W irf tS " K4 ST vVilJ •�- 5. 4 4 = e 6 IF ss� STREE�r suj— LO E 147 TH T 3 2 t LR 14 TH - S T MI 7m n. F -7 APPROXIMATE LOCATION 1$6 kili� o PROJ. N0. osemount OF SIDEWALK REPAIR FIGURE 2 0 a,w T-7 a•f 3- �y r\r ,tr38 rrl. `r') (�taJr� ol • r. mt-ee—__.__.—.__ 1�•T., r, 9 ,♦aa r +rrr�. t\t!'Itl r•t!t),t' � w I-41 . is �, SIL i 'r" Ta acy SIDEWALK LOCATION/ arr 42 Nu SIMII W ct AV + . , r . r(� Ad 4iH0 st 7 r4' 41 51 ET W �1.J:r ' a ,1•M i • Y yiN 41n. 51 LCOl 140 TN STMET • w , + • r u • ry / CO RD 42 fit i1 w ors -•o A J �i • , 7l . _ �• r psc i ' �"_ as i ,� � -,, , 4 _ - `F•, 7 a 3- a�-rro m1••O wydj,y�•:+ i ± J'r '.. �' • �? r- C 3 ,"_l t} �3. +- .- 146 A, ST u � "r• a'.. t t. 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(pily O PROJECT SITE 186 �,osemount FIGURE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1988 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT OF CITY PROJECT #186, 1988 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT, AND CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project X6186, 1988 Sidewalk Replacement, as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by our City engineers' office; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer said sidewalk replacement project, City Project #186, is feasible and should best be made as proposed, and the city engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that a public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #186, to be held on Tuesday, June 21, 1988, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1987. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk f