HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Assessment Discussion - Project 181, Sanitary Sewer ExtensionDATE: JUNE 2, 1988 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL C/O ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT I i?e RE: ITEMS FOR THE JUNE 7, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS Assessment Discussion for Project #181, Sanitary Sewer Extension At the public improvement hearing held for this project last April 19, 1988 Council directed Staff to review the proposed assessment policy for this project and try to find a more fair and equitable method of assessing benefited cost to these properties because of their large size and undeveloped status. The proposed assessment policy was to assess on a front foot basis the entire benefited frontage of a parcel, excluding the frontage adjacent to storm water ponding and drainage easements. Staff has met, along with our City Attorney and is proposing to modify this assessment policy as discussed within this memo. One alternative would be to attempt to examine the benefit the property owners derive from this project. That is to assess property based on the potential for the development of the ultimate and best use of their undeveloped property. For instance, if the best use of property is single family, then we would be looking at how many single family residences a particular parcel could be subdivided into. Then we propose to assess 90' of each potential unit. Because these type lots are larger than average residential lots, the 90' would correspond to a regular corner lot. The corner lot would generally be the largest lot of regular subdivisions because of side yard setbacks. If adjacent parcels are owned by the same owner they would be considered as one in terms of identifying their development potential. Applying this policy to Project 181 would result in the following assessments: ASSESSIBLE OWNER PID # #UNITS FOOTAGE AMOUNT Allen 010-40 1 90 $1,665.00 Anderson 020-40 1 90 $1,665.00 Hawkins 010-34 3 270 $4,995.00 010-41 Strese 013-37 3 270 $4,995.00 020-35 Total $13,320.00 This would require $41,680 from the sanitary sewer core facility fund. PAGE 2 ITEM FOR THE JUNE 7, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING Our City Attorney was going to review this situation more thoroughly, but as of this writing he was not able to provide any additional information or ideas. In any event he did support this concept. If we receive anything by the Council meeting, I will relate it to Council.