HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Hawkins Pond Project - Request for Moratorium - Neighborhood Meeting..... • • I () I1 1 -,111 .; ?A15 It",tll',;1 1h' . RWJ Moi IN MINI -I! ;1 ti fl ';',�11 l. ti Vosevnou n-1 tI4; �A•!11 � Y t r ' AGE MA ITEM 5 (b) TO: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann �} FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk ~y� DATE: June 29, 1988 1ZE: Hawkins Pond Gentlemen: Attached is a letter I've composed in response to Mr. Arlyn Cope's letter dated June 13, 1988. My response outlines to him my recoinnendations to you on the letter and Hawkins Pond construction. This includes holding a neighborhood meeting to discuss the issues, not setting any kind of moratorium, ordering bids on the project and consideration of a "review" committee for the master storm sewer plan being compiled. Please review the attached letter for further detail. I will be pleased to discuss this in further detail individually or at our meeting. h, �•� �"'1 `' 1i()`;EMtx11N1. M�r�iir June 30, 1988 Mr. Arlyn Cope 14717 West Danville Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Cope: Thank you for your letter of June 13, 1988 regarding storm water facilities planning in Rosemount. Your desire to be part of the process for these projects is well taken. The many decisions involved in the Hawkins Pond project and other storm water projects require careful, thoughtful decisions to be made. City staff and city consultants wish to put together only the best project for the entire community. In response to your comments and questions in the letter, I would submit the following for your consideration. (1) The city has selected a private engineering firm to develop a master storm sewer plan for a portion of the City of Rosemount. The study area for this plan will. be the western three (3) miles of the city. This area lies within two major watershed districts, the Vermillion and the Gun Club Lake. The general scope of the study will be to develop a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan that will accommodate future storm water runoff within this study area for a 100 year frequency storm. The plan should be consistent with the objectives and requirements of the Vermillion and Gun Club Lake watershed plans and those of the Minnesota DNR. It is expected that the preliminary report on this study will be available to the city by August 15, 1988. The entire process includes the consultant's presentation to city staff, city council and a yet to be scheduled public hearing on the study's results. This meeting will probably be scheduled in early September of 1988. Information to conduct the study will include, but will not be limited to: (a) Two foot interval topographic maps; (b) Land photographs; (c) Existing storm sewer and culvert dimensions and material composition; (d) Elevations of storm water culvert inverts (inlets); (e) Culvert lengths; (f) Elevations of existing vegetation lines; (g) Low point elevations of roadways or overflows in vicinity of all culverts; Mr. Arlyn Cope June 30, 1988 Page 2 (h) The city's storm water drainage plan of Sections 19 and 20 prepared in June,, 1979; • • (i) The city's storm water drainage plan of December, 1978 of Section 31; (j) The city's surface drainage and storm water plan for project 1971-1; (k) The Hawkins Pond drainage plan; (1) The Wachter Pond drainage plan; and (m) Field survey work. Based on all of this information and the use of a computer program developed by the consultant, watershed divides within this overall study area will be defined, field verified and modified to field verification if necessary. Runoff volumes, based on 10 year and 100 year storms, will be calculated. Ten year volumes will be used to size storm sewers and 100 year volumes for detention basin design. As the study proceeds it is not the intent of the consultant to redesign existing facilities or projects already having studies completed such as the Hawkins Pond project.. The consultant will utilize these in their broader study; and if inconsistencies arise, they will be brought to the city's attention. The many studies, already completed by the city over the years since 1971, are valid and it is believed will "mesh" into the overall study of the complete western three miles of Rosemount as it is compiled and presented. (2) You've asked that a moratorium be placed on changing the city's current storm sewer plan until the "master" storm sewer plan is completed. I will recommend to our city council that no such moratorium is necessary for the following reason. The projects, such as the Hawkins Pond project, although only a part of the overall storm water facilities plan for the City of Rosemount, are in a sense a stand alone -apart and were designed "into" the overall system. The construction of Hawkins Pond does not constitute a change in the "master" plan for the city and is a necessary and integral part of the overall system for storm water control. Completion of it is necessary and should be done now. Decisions on assessments and future storm sewer piping to bring in such smaller detention areas such as Twin Puddles, although part of this project's scope, will be made at a later time. Holding up the work on the pond is not necessary to maintain the integrity of the overall storm water planning for Rosemount; and I would recommend it not be done. (3) Citizen involvement in this process is welcome. At the time the study's results are presented to the city council, a public VMr. Arlyn Cope • June 30, 1988 Page 3 hearing will be held which, of course, will be open to all who wish to attend and comment. Part of this process will also include a review by our city utility commission. If the city council would like to see a committee formed, such as you have suggested, I and my staff will be pleased to work with that committee. I would foresee it as a review committee with some responsibility to take the consultant's information and comment on it for city council's benefit. I surely would not consider such a committee to be placed in such a position as to consider changing data, revising engineering design consideration or evaluating engineering data, but only as a study's results review board. Again, if the city council would desire such a committee formation, I would certainly entertain it and work within that direction. (4) In order that you and the citizens you represent may be kept informed on the master storm water plan concept and the Hawkins pond project, I will be recommending at our next city council meeting on July 5 the following: (a) A neighborhood information meeting be held at city hall between July 5 and July 15 on this subject. This meeting would be an open invitation to you and your neighbors. It would allow city staff to review what I've discussed in this letter. We would have city staff, our city consulting engineer and the storm water consultants Barr Engineering present to discuss these issues. This meeting would not be a place for city staff to defend a specific action or design factor for Hawkins Pond. It would be, I hope, a chance to listen, discuss and better understand all that is happening on these projects. (b) No moratorium be placed on changes in the "master" plan for the city since that is not necessary at this time. Construction of Hawkins Pond is not a change but part of this plan. (c) On July 19, at our next regular council meeting, the city council order the receipt of bids on the Hawkins Pond' construction project. This project would be the pond construction not any piping to outlet Twin Puddles or the Broback Industrial Park pond or the smaller pond off Shannon Parkway --only the work necessary to complete the Hawkins Pond as described in the report and hearing for Project #176. .. J Mr. Arlyn Cope June 30, 1988 Page 9 The neighborhood meeting held between the two council meetings should give us all a better understanding of:this whole process. The action the city council would take on July 19 would not require a public hearing although public comment could be made. Decisions on assessments for this project would come" later at an assessment hearing. Again, I appreciate your input on this, your offer to be.involved in the process; and if council approves, I look forward to the neighborhood meeting. Sincerely, Ste0han Jilk Administrator/Clerk smj cc: Rosemount City Council June 13, 1988 Mr. Steven Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Jilk: RE �`IVED JUN 15 1988 CL.Eh,� � +s.1rt�ICE CITY OF HOSEMOUNT I am the representative of a neighborhood association consisting of 200 homeowners in Rosemount. We are informed that the City recently selected an engineering firm to develop a master storm sewer plan for the City. We commend you for your foresight in undertaking a study designed to create a master storm sewer plan. We have long believed our City needed such a plan. We would like to request that the City Council declare a moratorium on any changes in the City's current storm sewer plan until the new master plan has been developed, reviewed and approved. We believe a moratorium is the only logical way to insure the accuracy of the planning process. Please let us know if the City Council will consider our request. We would also like to be involved in the master storm sewer planning process. We believe a committee of interested citizens, elected officials and City staff should work with the consulting engineer to make sure that the best possible result for the City is reached. Please let us know if the City Council will allow us to be involved in the planning process. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Arlyn Cope AC:jh cc: Gerald Duffy Rich Hefti Mayor Hoke David Bechtold Councilmembers Dean Johnson David Grannis