HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Celebrate Minnesota4 ITEM 3(B) TO: Councilmembers: Mapper Walsh Wippermann s FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk/1', DATE: July 15, 1933 RE: Celebrate Minnesota Information Mayor Hoke will be presenting information on the "Celebrate Minnesota" statewide celebration planned for 1990. Attached please find some introductory information on titin for your review. smj Attachment NIINNtASOTA Gol 1, S'F. PAt i t, 55155 Ill DY PFRPICfI I RNoir July 8, 1988 Dear Mayor: About a year ago, I directed planning to begin on CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990, a statewide celebration of our values, our heritage and our pride in the places we call home. I'm pleased at the results so far, including more than two dozen communities who have signed up as charter members. Now, it's time for every community in Minnesota to join as an official member of the celebration and begin planning for 1990. As the accompanying brochure indicates, there are three steps involved -- identify a project or activity that helps your community, sign up that project as part of the preparations, and then celebrate! Build your town's activities around a reunion or homecoming, and show off your community improvement project. If every community does something to improve itself, we'll change the face of Minnesota for 1990. We'll shine for the thousands of visitors who'll be here for the U.S. Olympic Festival -'90, but we'll also invest in the future for our children. It's a chance for every community to look good, feel a sense of pride and share a sense of confidence in the future. Sincere00 l , RUM PERPIC Gave nor j; MINNESOTA` - =� 1990 July 8, 1988 Dear Mayor: In about six weeks, you'll receive a CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990 idea kit, a packet of ideas and information about participating in our statewide celebration. The kit will include an application form for a CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990 matching grant program authorized by the 1988 Legislature. But I hope that you'll take the time right away to read the enclosed material and fill out the application form to become an official participating community. The idea is to get a discussion going'-- in the City Council, Chamber of Commerce, Lion's Club, or in the community newspaper -- about what this town needs to look better and improve its economic potential. Once you've decided on a project, or a series of projects,, we want to include them in a listing of what communities are doing for 1990. Then, you can apply for a grant, or you can proceed on your own. Or, you can enlist the aid of other state/volunteer programs. Then, in 1990, you'll have a project to show off, something to take pride in now, and in the future. We hope communities will hold reunions and homecomings, and create bigger and better summer celebrations. Think of it - all 855 cities in Minnesota making changes and then celebrating those changes in 1990! Write for more brochures if needed, and use this one as a poster for your office. Watch the mail for your idea kit! Sincerely, GERRY NEL N Project Director P.S.: We have a 10 -minute "Celebrate Minnesota 1990 videotape available on loan for showing to your council or other groups. I1ttftl 900 Anwriton ('enter ItniI(Iin}; • I5(1 1 K lliI I •tit. t'actI, NIituu sntI I I A program of the M14inncm,ta Dcta+tinu•nt of 7radv an,i E-nomw D(w0opnu•nt APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990 (This is not a grant application) Minnesota will have a statewide celebration in 1990, built upon the activities of communities throughout the state. There are three steps toward becoming an official participating community member. 1. Set a celebration goal by identifying a project or activity which: * Preserves the community's heritage, or * Enhances the current quality of life, or * Invests in the community's future 2. Sign up the project to become an official participant. You'll: * Gain statewide publicity for your project * Exchange ideas with other communities * Become part of the statewide network by using Celebrate Minnesota 1990 symbol and other special materials 3. Make a special communitywide effort to invite friends, relatives and former residents - and everyone else - to your 1990 celebration. Some suggestions: * Create a special reunion or homecoming for 1990 * Dedicate an existing festival to Celebrate Minnesota 1990 * Expand or enhance existing events * Use postcards, letters and publicity to promote your events ONLY OFFICIAL MEMBER COMMUNITIES WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR SPECIAL HIGHWAY ENTRANCE SIGNS, USE OF "CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990" LOGO AND LISTING IN "CELEBRATE MINNESOTA" PUBLICATIONS. HERE'S HOW TO JOIN: YES, our community would like to become an official member of Celebrate Minnesota 1990. Here is the information on the project or activity we would like listed as part of the celebration. Name of Community: Name and type of festival planned for 1990: (turn to back of page...... ............. ..... Description of community improvement project or activity: (Use extra sheet if necessary for fuller description. Use as much detail as possible, but project need not be in final form. Your goal is what is important. Many projects can be undertaken without grants, especially by using volunteer -based programs such as Minnesota Beautiful, Minnesota Community Improvement Program and Minnesota Mainstreet.) Name of organization which will supervise project. Project can be undertaken by a service club, school or other organization, or many organizations working together, but must have endorsement of mayor or city council Approved by mayor or president of city council: Title: Persons who should receive mailings from Celebrate Minnesota (include address and ZIP code): Date: MAIL TO: CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990 900 American Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 631Y O 2875 -145TH ST W. ROSMOUNT. MINNESOTA 51Vose oVn 612-423-4411 City of Rosemount P R E S S R E L E A S E Contact Person: Richard M. }ie ti, Public Works Director/City Engineer There will be ribbon cutting ceremony for the official opening of Shannon Parkway at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26, 1988. Thct ceremony will be held on the south side of the intersection of County Road 42. A reception will follow at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. The $1.2 million street improvement project was recently completed by Arcon Construction Company from Mora, MN. The new street will provide a major north -south roadway from 160th Street to 145th Street West. This will provide better access for major new residential. development: in the southwest corner of the city to the rest of the city. ME v