HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Computer Purchase Recommendation - Fire Department• P C) fix{iy YO ty of t OSE'3'Yi,�uyt �c�sEnnour�T. n+aNr�r>rf x,4411 61- ,�i�., AAa Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk DATE: July 29, 1988 RE: Fire Department Computer Purchase i As part of the ongoing effort to utilize personnel time i efficiently and to respond to the ever growing requirements for j information storage and handling by our departments Fire Chief Aker formed a committee to review that departments needs for computer equipment/software. That committee has made their recommendation. Copies of Chief Aker's recommendation as to funding the purchase of that equipment is attached to this memo along with excerpts from the committees recommendations. I'concur and support not only the equipment purchase but also the funding approach. The Fire Department has prioritized the computer need above the storage (mezzanine) need and in light of the Fire Station Facility Study being done, I see no reason to proceed with the mezzanine work at this time. State and federal mandates on information collection storage and control, and ongoing Fire Department information handling and report processing has demanded the need for computerization. Ihis equipment will give the department that capability. We ask your approval for the equipment purchase and funding method. 13 ROSEMOUNT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 TO: Steve Jilk, Administrator/Clerk FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief DATE: -July 6, 1988 RE: Reallocation of CIP Funds On February 23, 1988 p,committee was appointed to study the computer needs of the Fire Department. On June 28, 1988, this committee reported their findings to the membership of the RFD. The committee recommended the purchase of an IBM Express XT System at a cost of approximately $2500. The specifics are outlined in the report which was submitted to you earlier. At this time we would ask for authorization to use the $2500 remaining in the CIP Budget, under Mezzanine, to purchase this computer system. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. • BFCOMM NDATTONS QF. Tom. COMMITTRR The requirement of the State Fire Marshal's office for access into their system really dictates the type of computer that the fire department will purchase. The current type of computers being use by the City of Rosemount also match the state requirements. The committee will make separate recommendations for each of the following areas. 1. Computer equipment 2. General software programs 3. Special fire department software programs 1. The Rosemount Fire Department should purchase a P.C. Express XT Perfect Computer system with the following: A. 640K Ram (memory) B. 360K Floppy Disk Drive (5 1/4 ") C. 720K Floppy Disk Drive (3 1/2") D. 30 M$ Hard Disk Drive E. EGA Color Card with Parallel Port F. EGA Monitor G. Enhanced Keyboard H. 24 months parts and labor warranty on computer I. Keyboard drawer plus power surge protector J. Epson FX -286e wide carriage printer K. Printer connector cable L. Everex 2400 internal modem M Clock Card N. 2500 Sheets of Paper 0. Extra Printer Ribbon The current cost of this system is about $ 2500.00 This system is compatible with various City computers and will meet the requirements of the State Fire Marshal's system. 2. The Rosemount Fire Department should have the following general use type programs for use on the computer. These programs are for the general operation of the department. A. PFS: Professional Write (word processing) B. Instant Pages V (form making) C. Print Shop (sign, letterhead making) 1). Print Shop Companion (calendars, others) F. Lotus 1 2 3 (spreadsheet) Computer Committee Report, 1988 Page 5 DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARS* MARKET HOUSE 289 EAST DTH STREET A ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONEt (612) 296-7641 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Dear Mn. Fire Chief The State Fire Marshals Office is developing its new computer system. This system will allow us to complete yearly MFIRS reports and provide data on fire related issues in a more timely fashion. Starting with 1988, Fire Departments will be able to use one of the following methods to submit MFIRS to the State Fire Marshals Division. 1. Regular paper report form (as always). 2. 5 1/4 inch Floppy Disks (360,000 or 1.2 Meg format). Departments are encouraged to contact Mark Huge at the number below for details. 3. In the near future, Telephone Modem (300 or 1200 baud). We are currently testing this system. Please contact Mark Huge if you are interested in this mode of data transfer. the criteria below will enable you to report MFIRS by way of 'i'loppy disk or modem to the State Fire Marshal Division. Use it as a guide to determine if your present COMDUter and software will be compatible with the Fire Marshals MFIRS* system. It should also be used in specifications for new equipment. The scftware vendor or seller will have documentation by NFIC Q4atlonal Fire information Council) if the software has been tested and approved. The manufacturer of the NFIC approved software should then recommend the t_%'Pe of hardware, and these recommendations stjould t,e followed. ,ls:ir)c !ir.'1C Ipproved software is the cni3L way for data to hr, tr-Atir.fel7red surel.y and accurately. date you will f 'ind a.11 of NFIC approved reporting S'01*tware is W-itt,?n f0r* 113M or truly !F"M cOmPatible hardware. (lf_ f sortie o!)e L,. -rites and tests an acceptable program for another. .V crutoij.")uter type or oy,E:rating _c:rmat, Ile will be glad zc) -take a look at it to insur-� its cora--atibility. However we know of none to date.) ;J.ere is also Fire incident Reporting software E.Vail&ble fr(DRI IiFIC throlic7h the State Fire Marshals Office at the cost of $200.00. 1,I)is software is the same software that is used in our office to enter reports turned in on paper. It can be ordered through our office. The equipment requirements for this software are as follows: A. IBM or Guaranteed Comp4tible Computer with 6409. of RAM AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER B. At least one 360,000 Floppy Disk Drive and one hard disk drive (size will depend on number of runs per year and other software you plan to use. (usually the bigger the better). The NFIC software indicates you may use two floppy drives, however it will be necessary to change one of the four program disks when ever you want to perform a different task. C. A'Parallel Printer, preferably a wide carriage (132 character). Summary To report MFIRS to the State Fire Division by floppy disk or modem, your software must be NFIC approved, and the hardware must be IBM (or guaranteed compatible). We encourage the use of computers with NFIC approved software and will support you in every way possible: Please give Mark Huge a call if you _would like to submit fire reports using floppy disks or via modem or if you have any questions and/or concerns. State Fire Marshal Division Market House 289 East 5th St. St -Paul, Mn. 55101 612-246-7641 Yours for Fire and Life Safety V. Thomas R Brace State Fire Marshal