HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Storm Water Master Plan Committee Recommendationf Tb• Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann 44 FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administration/Clerk J DATE: July 28, 1988 RE: Storm Watei7,Master Plan Committee Attached is an.outline and summary of the Purpose, Role of Members, Makeup and Involvement of Members for the Storm Water Master Plan Committee. Rich Hefti and I have met with Steve Klein, of Barr Engineering, and discussed with him the committee concept and how it might evolve. The resulting criteria is a consensus of the three of us and the input you had given me at our last meeting. I am not submitting names at this time because I wish to have the final concept of representation, roles and purpose approved first. I would ask your review of this proposal, authorization to proceed as outlined and allow me to name the representatives from the various areas and city commissions I would be pleased to answeranyquestions on this matter. lj k CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STORM WATER MASTER PLAN 00MMITTEE Purposes The purpose of the Storm Water Master Plan Committee will be: to involve Rosemount Citizens from the Community, in the area under study, to provide, up front, participation in the planning and review process for the master storm water study. Citizens, city staff and citizen members of commissions will be used to obtain valid input and knowledge about storm water in the study area... As stakeholders in the study these citizen members will assist in writing into the study criteria for the ultimate plan's complements. Role of Members: Committee Members will A. Provide historical knowledge of the study area as it relates to storm water. B. Provide knowledge of other studies or work done involving the area being studied. C. Review and assist in refining drainage patterns in the study area. D. Help develop criteria for landlocked storm water basins in the study area. E. Not review or establish assessment policies or cost setting approaches to finance future projects. F. Citizens who are not designated members of the committee will be allowed to set in on the meetings but input should be to other committee members so as not to disrupt the committee progress. Committee Makeup: The committee is proposed to be made up of the following nine members One person from Section 19 30 area One person from Section 31 32 area One person from Section 16 - 18 area One person from Section 20 21 area One person from Section 28 29 area City Administrator City Engineer One Planning Commission Member One Utility Commission Member Advisor to the Committee will be Steve Klein of Barr Engineering, the firm doing the Master Plan for the city. The City Administrator will act as committee moderator/chairman, the secretary (non- voting) to the committee will be a city staff member. City of Rosemount Storm Water Master Plan Committee Page Two Committee Involvement: Following is a general scope of the.role this committee is expected to play in the Storm Water Master Plan Study: 1. Following the initial delineation of watersheds within the total study area by the consultant - 2. the committee will meet to receive the maps showing those delineations. 3. The consultant will discuss with the committee the criteria used for than delineation. 4. The committee may make physical field review of the areas delineated. S. The committee will make final determination of watershed delineations. 1 6. The committee will review the consultant's basic criteria for locating, constructing and maintaining landlocked holding basins and runoff calculations; and 7. Give input into final determination of those criteria and calculations. 8. The committee will assist in reviewing, prior to city utility commission and city council presentation, the final draft of the Master Plan Study. Meetings: The first meeting is tentatively set for August 19, 1988 at 6:30 P.M. It s expected that this committee will need to meet no more than four times.. The estimated cost for this sequence of meetings with the consultant is $2000. If additional meetings are deemed necessary by the a committee, the City Administrator will request continuation of the committee's work with additional i funding from the city council. lj L i