HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Fire Station StudyCoverage From A New Central Station Relocating the station to the west has two advantages (Figure 4). First, it can be centered in an area having a high recruitment probability within two to two and one half minutes of the station. ' This would assure a six to seven minute response gime for the largest geographical area. Second, a larger portion of the City's urban area will be covered by the six to seven minute response area of this station, increasing the level of service over the ' present station's capabilities A relocated central station could serve'Rosemount's fire protection needs for 20 years or more before another station would be required. ' Two -Station Concept ' Two fire stations (Figure 5) will increase the six" to seven minute geographic response area to include the majority of Rosemount's residential areas plus a substantial portion of the rural residential areas lying in the northwest; quadrant of the City. ' The recommended sites will not, however, cover all of the northwest corner or the bulk of the rural areas of the City. In the two -station scenario, the timing of building the second station will have an important impact on where the initial station is placed. As part of a two -station department, the relocated ' station should'be placed further south than if it were to be the only station. To establish the more nearly ideal two -station concept without building the second station immediately will mean a reduction in service levels for the residential area lying north and 'east of the present` station. Under this scenario, the second station should be built within five years or a temporary measure could be taken to continue to use the present station as either ' the primary or secondary facility until anew satellite station is built. ' Locating the central station further north along 145th Street will maintain the service level to that area but it will then be closer than optimum to the second station when it is built. Under this scenario, the two stations would be relatively close but the 1 service level will remain the same for more of the City. The need to build a second or satellite station in conjunct -ion -with a more northerly central station becomes less imminent. The 145th Street' ' option will maintain excellent short-term coverage while keeping options open for improved service levels to northwest Rosemount in the future. 12 COST ASSESSMENT ' A new central fire station should be slightly larger than the present one, totaling approximately 10,000 to 12,000 square feet. This would accommodate some of the additional equipment which is ' presently contemplated to be added by the Fire Department, making it sufficiently large to satisfy the long-range needs of the City. If a second station', is to be provided, it should be approximately 7,000 square feet in size and would house a pumper, a grass fire fighting rig and a car or rescue wagon. If it were known in advance that the City were to pursue a two -station concept, it could reduce the size of the new central station to approximately 10,000 square feet. Of course, if the present station is to be used, it will need an additional apparatus bay. The following represents a cost comparison between the one and two -station concepts: COST COMPARISON ' EXISTING NEW TWO STATION STATION STATIONS LAND COST 0 $22,500 1) $37,500 3) CONSTRUCTION COST $75,000 $1,200,000'2) $1,500,000 4) EQUIPMENT COST N/A N/A $200,000 ' STATION SIZE/ADDITION 1,500 5) 12,000 10,000 7,000 1) 1.5 acres @ $15,000/ac 2) $100/square foot 3) Satelite Station - 1.0 ac 4) Satelite Station @-$75/square foot 5) $50/square foot 13 14 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Development is concentrated in the west end of the City and due to the presence of MUSA, nearly all development will continue to occur adjacent to the old village of Rosemount. By year 2000, the number of dwelling units located within the 2000 MUSA will comprise 92% of all residential development` in the City. Because of this concentration,,a maximum of two ' fire stations will be required to provide excellent service to all of the urban °portions of the City of Rosemount plus most of its rural residential areas. 2. No matter the number of stations, fire coverage cannot be improved with additional stations in central or eastern Rosemount. The lower level of service available to these areas is appropriate to the life style of those who choose to live in agricultural areas. ' 3. The City has an excellent transportation network which provides the maximum of access to all areas of the City of Rosemount. There are no areas within the City that cannot be ' served due to transportation deficiencies. 4. The location of the Department's volunteer fire fighters is the primary determinant in locating stations. Free standing 1 stations which have no volunteers nearby offer a lower service level than those which are distant the fire but provide an adequate supply of volunteers. To build stations ' in the agricultural or east end industrial areas would simply impose long turn -out times on the Department's volunteers thus decreasing the travel times from those stations. ' 5. Whether one or two fire stations are to be built and maintained depends on the level of service to be providedto the northwesterly rural residential areas of the City. If the presentservice level is considered to be -acceptable, -one station is all that will be required to satisfy the needs of the urban areas of Rosemount. If improvements to service in ' the northwest quadrant of the City are deemed essential, a second station will be required to achieve this objective. 6. The present fire station facility' does not and will not fit well into a two station concept given present City growth trends. Because of the type of land use that immediately _ surrounds the present station, it also will not serve well as ' the only fire station. The inability to recruit volunteers over time will continue to shrink the size of the service` area while increasing response times to all sectors of the ' City• 14 1 1 7. Rosemount's immediate and short-term fire protection needs can be best served by a new central station relocated to the west and centered in a residential area which has the potential to yield a larger number of volunteers who live within a two to two and one half minute turn -out time from 1 the station. The areas where it would appear ;that volunteers will be most readily available are those north and south of the old village where most new residential development is ' taking place. 8. If the more nearly ideal two station concept is desired to 1 improve service levels to the northwesterly quadrant of the City of Rosemount, the second station should be constructed within five: years of the construction of the new central station. 9. Because construction of a new central station on or near County Road 42 will temporally increase response times to ' some of the already developed areas of Rosemount, the Consultant recommends construction of a new central station on 145th Street betwen Shannon Parkway and Chippendale ' Avenue. This will maintain excellent short-term coverage to the urban re-sidential areas of Rosemount while keeping options open .to build a satellite station appropriately timed to satisfy new growth and the perceived need for improved service 1 to the northwesterly rural residential areas of the City. 10. The fire code should be enforced at the University of Minnesota property with priority given to: a. A maintenance program for the hydrant system, and 1 b.'Installation -of building addresses and street signs. The Department could increase the effectiveness of its ' tanker and grass rig operations on the University property if the school would install a rapid loading device from its water tower for use by the -City. 1 11. When the new fire station is built, a recruiting program should be implemented, concentrating primarily on the area ' designated as the two minute turn -out area and secondarily on the two and one half minute turn -out area. The greater- the number. of -personnel living within this area, the larger the six to seven minute response area will become. i 1 1 15 ' 12. The City should consider implementing l m nting Appendix Chapter 38 of the State Building Code. It contains a set of more ' stringent automatic sprinkler system requirements which can reduce the demand on the Fire Department. This Appendix is an optional item for cities which want to keep their public cost of fire protection at a reasonable level. For example, the building code does not require sprinklers in retail buildings unless they are over 12,000 square feet in size Under this Appendix, the City would have the option of ' requiring sprinklers in such buildings when they are over 2,000 or 5,000 square feet. About 24 cities in the State of Minnesota have adopted Appendix Chapter 38. Background ' material on this has been given to the Rosemount Building Official for review. 13. Since daytime response will continue to be a shortcoming of ' the Department, two steps should be considered to improve daytime service. First, -the -City should encourage City employees to serve as volunteer fire fighters.. It is important to note, however, that the Fair Labor Standards Act presently prohibits the use of City employeesunlesspaid time and one half for overtime or a weighted average of their ' regular pay and the more nominal fire fighter's pay. Pay differential could create problems between higher paid City employees and volunteers. Congress is presently dealing with this problem. Second, the City -should consider arranging a reciprocal automatic response from Apple Valley for daytime structural fire calls in Rosemount's-residential areas. The volume of such calls will be very low and will not impose a ' burden on either department.` This would provide Rosemount with a pumper and four fire fighters to augment Rosemount pe-rsonnel, an important advantage when the number of available' ' fire fighters is below standard. 14. The Fire Department strength should be increased by ten members in order to meet the Department's long-range needs. ' Doing so will provide the following.advantages: a. While the Fire Department is reasonably stable it will experience times when manning levels drop. Up to 50% of younger volunteer fire fighters can be expected to resign within the first, five years because of a job ' change or family relocation. Twenty-four of the 37 current fire fighters have been members less than ten years', the time period of highest turnover. Adding ten more fire fighters will assure the Department of having ' an adequate number of experienced personnel as older fire fighters retire or younger fire fighters resign. This will mean that the Department will be slightly ' over manned at times, but it will also mean that the Department will haveanadequate number of experienced fire fighters when the manning level fluctuates downward. 16 b The manning level will be more critical if a second ' station is built. Adding fire fighters now will insure enough experienced fire fighters to man another station. c. Recruiting additional fire fighters around the relocated station will expand the six to seven minute response time area to its maximum size more quickly. ' 15. Consideration should be given to the purchase of two automatic defibrillators to increase the effectiveness of Police and Fire Department members on medical calls while waiting for ALS service to arrive. 16. Fire station facilitiesgenerallyshould not be located at the intersections of major cross streets. It will be highly preferable for stations to be located on one major street some distance from the cross street to insure the minimum of conflict during fire and rescue incidents. 17 - � .........� A ti fn "Wow 0 1 � i < o A I x a P { i 3'., nr '>�' at4 liner L x N F Ri � h �.t. •� � 5 fid+ }� �; ' f � � >• •� 'r, � ai•^ r Pt Af �'h r r r 'rr t 1:82 I n{ >• r s •. .F x r+, i t� •"s� ��n P� Yr i` d 3 rt •�� F4, ">s y� ii� " lr ,�� 5• '' � ,,�2o r 4 �# $ �,�,x�•' ,•. �t � ,'.'o'�' y :u. f { •r i` '}, of :&CtL a h t " s � y P i•'' �� ? Oy '! 'ht,g err". ? T; t _ '• .� c �F;y ':Y �� ,Y�;'� sr. t rt �`� ig 'J ` s ng .. hr8 .r r �. '46 - = h iT: '1•r e T• :1 ._.�....�. .0 `':.F:..�`.•€ it!...'c �r si=b +. b �" Y� z �rw 4r t, _ ... • e If otuft t 0#0 iota* t ....it t gu6*ltom► f . 2000 MUSIA+ # 2�( k 4 .. r� i r 1xsiY sr `� �t•F;,,<i'tti a'�s ttfi.N". y wgrg..� ,;� �� {� '4"ot t' q�' ���� _� � ,. � t� � � f , r >a J' '�. �il 44` Hsi• ,L .( j� t Y : k ra P•- '�� • . 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Fire _Station 1 FIRE STATION LOCATION STUDY ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA ---------------- VC RMOLL UONnl Figure 1 20{00 GENERALIZED LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION DETERMINANTS HOISINGTON GROUP INC. EAGG°N0.204 50/60 .. r .:Q O 2% 1% _ - - ' , F5! A4 . _ I , . I « - _-- 1- �- _4 6 - 1 0/1 0 d 16/16 '6% 3% 1% 0% 200/700` - 65/565 .4 �.` 1-7- 7. Il I 23 2�_• - -- r \\ IIA13/15 1- 9! Y 200950 _ 1% 0% r_ r� 8% 17 _ L / ° /o o �� 2017-• - fi=� - - _ ._. ''' � � 400/600 30_ ���.: .� � _ -• 29 __ ���!j -• ... ... / 2 17% 11% $00/1250 •_ T 33% 22% 60/60 2-12 2 - } % 1 _ UNIVER � �I I MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL , ROSEMCUNT 2. 10 00 RESEARCH EXPEF1IMENT - « 350/1100 _ /' o 0 i 15% 20% •, � 0 % 0% CENTEF I L MP8 E Legend 0 3000' 6000i FIRE STATION LOCATION STUDY ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA VERMLLOON Figure 2 DWELLING UNIT DISTRIBUTION INII HOISINGTt�N GROUP INC. I . :r }: :: J. ,:{. _ f .4ti::. •r%} .,.,4:+::,.... ::•}" v -•S7• .... ..... h•: .--.-.-- ...... -. .v „+:: fhr: Jrr}:, .4..t-'ttta} :•:. .h: r • >. 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