HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of August 16, 1988 Regular Meeting �_.., ,. • ROSEM�U�CITY PROC�EDINGS REGULA�2 MEETILVG AUGUST 16� 1988 Pursuant to due ca}:l and notice thereof a regular m�eting of the City Couneil of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tue�day, �lugust 16, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamhers of the City Hall. , 1�ctinq Mayor Walsh called the meeting ta araer witti Cauncitrn�mbers Wippermann, Oxborough and Napper pr�sen�. Mayor T-iake was �hsent. Acting Aiayor �Valsh led the grou� in t}xe Yledge of I��,Iegiance. The agenda was amended to include Item 7je) 1ldopt Resolution Deelaring Intent to �xtend Shannon Parkway. MOTION by Wippermann to ap�rove the consent calendar subject to changing the bid opening date �or Lift Station #5 to Sept�mber 16, 19F3f3, at 11 :00 a.m. SEGOND by Oxboroitgh. nye�; 4Vipperm��n�l, Wal.sl�, Oxborough, Napper. Nayss 0. See Cl�rlt' s File � 9£3f3-23. The final plat and development contract for Shannon Oaks was �resented for Council review and approval. Community Development llirector Dean Johr�son advised the P�.anning Commission approved the plat subject to an , executed developm��nt contract. See Clerk' s File 19F3�3-23. MOTION by Wippermann to adopt A RESOLUTI(J►N APPROVING TEtE SiiANNC3N OAKS FINAL PLAT, subject to execution of th� developm�nt contract. SECOND by Gdalsh. Ayes: Walsh, Oxboraugh, Napper, Wip�ermann. Nays: 0. MOTSON by Wippermann to approve the developm�nt contract for Sl�annon Oaks b�tween the City of Rosemount and TI�E Great Stock Cc�rporatic�n and to authorize the necessary signatures. SECOND by Walsh. 11yes: Oxborough, Napper, triippermann, Wa1sh. Nays: U. City Administrator Stephan Jilk c�iscussec� e�ith C�uncil th� pi-oposecl Community Direction & Development �ldvisory Committ�e mernbershi�� �nc� alternat�s ana recommended that Counci� approve the �nembers}iip as s�bmitted by the mayor. See Clerk' s FiZe 19£i�3-23. M�TION by Wippermann to appro�re the Commuriity Direction & Develo��ment Advisory Cammittee members as submitted by �layor fIoke. SEC�ND by Uxborough. Ayes: Napper, S�ip�ermann, VJaish, Oxborouqh, tda�ys: 0. City Ae�ministrator Jilk presented th� �aro�osed �nembership for the ArmoryfCommunity Facility Committee and requestea a�proval to cantact these persons to ascertain cah�ther they would he willing to serve on the comrnittee. Jilk noted that although civie organiz�tions ��ill not be represented thr4ugh membership on this committec, recomrnendations and concepts wiil be given to these c].ul�s for tt�eir input. It was tlle consensus of the Council that an additional two positions be allowed on the committee to be appointed at a later date if it is desirzhLe. See Clerk' s File 1988-23. MOTION by Napper to a�prove the 1lrrnory/Community �'acility C:ommitte� memberslZip as recomrn�nc�ed by tl�e administrator c�rith ttie r�ossi_}�iltty �f two ac�ditional �pppintmerits if detF�rmined necess��ry l�y tlze city council. SECl3ND by Uxborouc�ll, nyes: t�)i���ermann, t�T�lsti, Ox}ac�ro��gh, Napper. Nays: 0. � > • ROSEMOU CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR�ETING AUGUST 16, 1988 �1 bxief recess was callec� at 7: 57 p.m. with i�he meeting Continuing at $:00 p.m. Acting Mayor Walsh opened th� �aLxblic hearing scheclulecl at t1�is i�ime to consider a rezoning from 1lgriculture i�o Itur�l itesici�ntial of the Shannon Oaks subdivision. The I�t�ministrator/Cler3c had itY liis ��rP��ncP tt'�e �1�:f_-ic��vi� of: _ Publieatian and �.he Affidavit of t•iailPd anc3. Past�ci fl�arinr� Natice� S�e Clerk' s File 1�88-23. Community Development Director Dean Johnson ac�vised tlie city received a request to r�zone from the c�eveloper of St�ant�on Oa}:s subdivisi�an consisting of twelve singl.e family lots located �t Sh�nnon Parl;way ancl County FZoad 38. Johnson preseni:ed the Pl�nning Camrnission' s recommendation to a�prove the r�zoning. See Cl.erk' s Fil.� 19€if3-23. MOTION by Wippermann to close the public he�ri.ng. SEC�ND by Na�p�r. Ayes: 6Jalsh, Oxborough, N�pper, Wippermann. Nays: 0. R�IOTION by Walsh to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XVII.85, AN ORDIN�INCE AMENDiNG ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3 - 20NING ORDINANCE. SECOND by t�ViPpermann, l�yes: Oxborough, NapPer, Wippermann, t�lalsh. NaYs: 0. Discussion ensued regarding th� fire station stucco proj�ct and Council' s direction to delay a decision on th� �roject until the fire � station study by fioisington Graup, Inc. �aas complet�c3. City l�dministrator Jilk aduised Council that FIoisinqt�c�n Grorip, Inc. was unable to compl�te the study by this date� and therefor�, t�»' 1flw bidder of the project ��ould not have to honor his bid b�yonrl tl�e specifa.ed time in the bid speci£ication. City Eng3.neer Ii�fti �dvised the law bidder is reluctant to do the project sinc� his }aid w�s based on his availability to do the projPct at thQ time the hic�s wPre l�t. Jilk and Iiefti recommended that ttiis project ��� taUled ur�tzl thn �;��rinc� of 1989 but will look at cloing some intc�rim re�airs on the lauilding �his fall. Jerry Shannon, Springsted, Inc. revi�wed with Council tYie recommendations for issuanc� of :�7_,750,000 Genc�ral vblic�ation Improvement Bonc�s, Series 19�3t3B to fund several city impr�vement projects and for the issuance of $1 ,395,�00 General Ohlic�atian-Revenue Water }3onds, Series 19$8C to fund the constructian of a new well anc� storage reservoir for the city'� water �ystem. Council t�nanimously agreecl the revenue water bonds sale be tabled until more s�ecif-ic requirements for the well and water tower tYaue been cieterminc�ci. See Clerk' s File 1988-23. MOTION by �lalsh to adopt a RESdLUTION PRflVIDING FOR THE PUBLIC SALE OF $2,75�,000 GENERAL �BLIGATION IMPR�VEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1988B. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Napper, Wippermann, �Valsh, Oxborouc�h. Dlays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to tab].e the sale of the revenu� w:�ter bonds until a recommendation is received from the Utilities Com�nission. SECOND }:�y �°�ippermann. 11yes: Wipp�rmann, t�alsh, Oxbe�rough, ida���Rr. t�ays: 0. 2 , _. ., � ROSEMOU�CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR EZ'ING 11UGUST 16, 19£�F3 City Administrator Jilk rec�uestec� that Council co�isider his and c�tf�er interested councilm�mber' s attend�-�nce at ttze rtatior�al L��yu� of Cities Conference in Boston, tYtassachusetts, i'�c�c�zTjher 3-7 , 1t�F3ti. 5�� Clnr•1;' , I'ile 1 �f3£3-23. MOTION by Napper to a�prove the �ttenclat�ce of th� ac3mini�tr�tor �nd any councilm�mber to att�nd the National T,�ague o.f Citie� Conterene� in Boston, P�t�ssachusetts, Dec�rnbef 3-7, 19�38. 5ECOND by Ux��orough. nyes: t^]alsh, Oxborough, Napper, Wippermann. Nays: U. MOTION by Walsh to authorize staff, community dev�lapmen� c�irector, planna.ng commission members anc� couricilmernbers to ai:tend tlle ���11 Regional Planning Conference, Sentember 1 �-1 '7, 1 9�iF3. S�COND hy Oxborvugh. Ayes: Ur,borough, Napper, t-lippermann, t•F��1s11. Itays : 0. Council reviewed the city administrator' s memoranc��zm of �lugust 12, 19£38 regarding the purchase of compu�er ec�uipment. See Clerlc' s FiIE 19£i8- 23. MOTION by Wa1sYi ta authorize t11e city administrator to purchas� thn equipment as described in the �ugust 17_, 19t3�3 n�emor�nclum re:garding tlie purchase of com�uter ec�uipment. SECOND by Na�pF�r. Ry�s: Na�p�r, 6Vippermann, Walsh, Uxborough. �layss 0. City �ngineer Rich Hefti aa�i��a t}iat befar� tlie P�tinnesota Department of Transportation will approve the plans anc� specifications to 111ow the city to receive state ai_d for Shannon Oaks Street Im�rovements, they must reeeive formal action from the city showing' the eity's intent to complete Shannon Parkway from County Road 3f3 to 160th Street. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION DECLARiNG THE CITY'S IN2FNT T� EXTEND SHANNON PARKWAY SOUTHERLY TO CONNECT TO A MSA STREET. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Wippermann, Walsh, Oxborough, i�1ap�Pr. Pdays: 4. City 1ldministrator Jilk requested t31�t in addition to buac�et presentatians at the �ugust 23, 198€3 speci��l c�uncil meeting, presentations by Fr�d Hoisington and Larry Thompson of Hoisinc�ton Group, Inc. be scheduled for 6: 30 p.m. regarding the fire station facilxty study and the palice/fire administration rP�ort. See Clerk' s File 1988-23. MOTION by Walsh to approve presentations k�y Hoisington Grau�, Inc, at 6:30 p.m. � at the August 23, 19-8$ sp�cial council meeting. SECOND by Oxborough, l�yes: Waish, Oxborougt�, Napp�r, t4ipperznann. t1�ys: �. City Administrator Stephan Jilk updated Council rcgarding the rural water system advising the city engineer has reviewed the plans and specifications for phase one of th� syst�m and that staf_f is currently revie�aing the draft agreement UetU�een the University of ��linnesota anci the city in reqards to taking ov�r the system once i:t is construct�c�. Cauncilmember Napper advised the resi�3ents are stil]. n�c3otiating v�ith the university on tlze pro�osed agre�rnent that the university cac�ttlrl like the resid�nts to sign, N�pper further advisec3 he met c��ith the 13oarc3 of 3 �� � ROSEMO� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR�NIEETING AUGUST 16, 198$ P.egents, and th�y authorized continuecl negotiations with �he residents I, for anothex 30 days. '' MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND hy Gdippermann. �1y�s: 4. Nays: 0. R�sp�ctfully submitted, 5usan A�. JoYlnson lleputy C1er}: �T�rEs�r: Stephan 3ilk AdministratorfClerk Published this aay af , 19Bt3 in Dzkota Coun� Tribune. �