HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Adopt Resolution to Receive Costs / Order Assessment Hearing - CR42 East Improvements, City Project #164 .. . + - � � ���f� �!• ****************************************�1Er10*************�r***�t***�r**�*********** llATE: SEPTEPIBER 1, 1988 T0: �fAYOR & COUNCILZtEriBERS C/0 CITY ADPIINISTRATOR JILK ( FT20ri: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DII2ECTOR HEFT� ' [2E: I'TEPiS FOR s�:l�z�:r�$�K 6, 198$ COUNCIL MEETING , CONSENT AGLNDA r ' Receive Cost/Order Assessment ltearing for County Road 42 East Improvements � ' In order to certiL-y assessments tliis year, the last date to hold an assessment h�ariug is Occ.ober 4, 19nF�. Whi1e C1►is project is not finislied, it is at a �oint - where we feel co��fident in tfie Gitys' share of expenses for this project. '�he ai:tached resoluti�u indicates tlie Citys' cost and the amount that will be , assessed to benefited property adjaceut to this project. An assessment heariag on October 4, 1988 �aould allow us to certify this assessment yet in 1988 for ttiis ', projecl. Act.ion tor Ci�uncil to consider is to adopt attached resolution to receive cc�yf%ordcr assessment heariug fqr Cc�unty Roa�! 42 Gast Improvements to be held on i)ccuber 4, t')$8 �at. ti:t)0 ��.m. x , , : e � � ���; � � � ' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ; �' RESOLUTION 1988 - . ..,.. � r I A RESOLU�ION DECLARING CflST TO EiE ASSESSED, ORDERING � ` YREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSPtENT, AND CALLING FOR tiEARING ON TIiE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT j COUNTY ROAD 42 EAST Ir1PROVEAtENTS � CITY PROJECT 164 � . � iWHEREAS, a conCract has been let for t�he improvement of County Road 42 East , Improvements, Gity Project i64, and the contract price for such improvement is i $71 ,458.27� and the ex��enses ,incurreci or to k�e incurred in the makin� �f suctt � i���l���v�ir�enl am�u�iC to $1�1,86�.41 S� that tl►e total cost of tlie improvemenl will I - (re �17�),:i1t3.6U. ' NUW TlIEI2EFORE I3E IT RESOJaV�D by tlie City Council of ttasemount Plinnesota: i � 1 • The porCion of the cc�st of sueh improvement to Ue aid b th j clecl a r e cl t:r� l�e $7 3,3 1 a.6 8, and ttte portion of ttie cost to Ue�assessed i i e r e b y I �t;atnsC b�uetited pro p e r t y o w n e rs is dec lared to be $100,aU0.OQ. i �� � � �• Assessmerits shall be payaUle in equal annual installments extending over a period of 3, 5 and 10 years depending on type of improvements, the first of the installments to be payat�le oii or before the first Pionday in January, i 1988, and stiall bear interest at tlie xate of 2� points per annum above tfie ! interest rate paid by the City for its bonds from date of the adoption of i ttie assessment resolution. ; � I i -3• The Ci�y Adminislrator/Cleric, wilti tl�e assistanc'e of the City Engineer sl�ail Ii forttiwiCtt calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such im��rc�veu►ent against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the ' district afFected, without regard to cash valaation, as grovided by law, and f he shall file a co � py of such proposed assessment in his office for pubiic inspection; at�d + BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED by �he City Council of Rosemoun ; t, Ptinnesota• 1• A hearing shall be held on tlie 4th day of October, 1988, in the City 1[al1 at i 8:U0 p.m. to pass upun such propose�i assessment and at such time and place i; all persons nwning property aFFected by such improvement will be given an o(�porCunity to t�e heard with reference to such assessment. ! � � 2• The City Administrator/Clerk is hereby direcCad to cause a notice o£ the � hearing on the proposed assessmen� to be publislied once in the officfai newspaper at least tw� weeks prior to the hearing, and tie shall state in the ; notic� the total cost of the improvement. lie shall also cause mailed notice ' to be given to Che owner of each Parcel desc`ribed in the assessment roll not i less than tw� weeks prior to ttie hearictgs. , ,..... � 4 . � i ' - « - � � 3. 'lhe awner oF any property so assessed may, at any time prior to •- ��• certiFieation of the assessment to tl�e County Auditor, pay� the wh41e af the assessme►it �r► such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, � • , to the City, except ti►at no interest "shall Ue charged if the entire assessment is paid wittiin 30 days from the adoption of ttie assessment. tie may at any time ttiereafter, pay to the County Auditor the entire amount of the assessment remainirig unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which sucti payn�enk is made. Such payment must be made before , November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the : succeeding year. ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 1988. ; , , ; j Rollan Hoke, riayor I i ATTEST: , SLephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk i . x , � � � ', 1"'"~