HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.k. Approval of Public Notice Summary for Zoning & Subdivision Ordinances Amendments � � �- C) � � � � �:;,i I r� �:�� � � 5 Y �)r� t�.�..('- ' P;i. ' . '. ; , ' � ��,'�('�'1�t+���� ��� . , �, , �.� . ; �� , TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1988 SUBJ; SEPTEMBER 6, 1958 REGULAR MEETING REVIEW - ITEM 4k 4k. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC NOTiCE SUMMARY FOR Z�NING & SUBDIVfStON ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS City Council has previously set a Public Hearing date of September 20th to consider amendments to both the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Since the proposed changesfadditions are fairly substantial; staff has elected to list the sections being ehanged and to briefty desctibe the subject matEer being changed rather than to print the changes in the notice verbatim. Council approval of the notice is required when changes are not printed verbatim. Included with this memo is a copy of the public notice and also copies oE the proposed amendments to the zoning and subdivision ordinances. �e5'd.r. / . . . . iF ' ��� � � �(/1�"1� O ', ` � Ft�15;FL,�(7�+I!t r,,� n r � v�cr1-�ca u��� �� , L Public Na#ice TQ WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: � NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tt�c C'iiy Council of thc Ci1y c�f !, Rosemount will conduct a pablic hearing on Tuesday, September 2�, 1988, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning ', at 8:00 p.m, or as soon thereafter as �ossihle. The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Zaning Ordinance of lhe City nf Rc�semount (Ordinance No. VII. 3). The prc��osed amendments wiii effect Seclion 1, Subd 1.3; and Sectic�n 7, Subd. 7.2.1; and wil! cause addition of Section 23 to the Qrdinance. In general the amendment effecting Section l, involves the additi�n of definitions for self service gasoline stations, convenience store/self-service gasoline stations and accessory carwashes. The change to Section Z entails adding the new uses in Section 1 as permitted uses in the C-1 Neighh�rhoc�d Commercial Distriet wiih conditions. The new Section 23 t�eing added to the Z�}nin� Ordinancc provides general provisions regarding exterior building finishes pertaining to all Districts and atso contains specific building aesthetic standards for Residential Commerciai and Industrial Districts. Section 23 also adds specific size standards and aesthetic requirements for accessory structures in the {R-1) Single Family Residential, (RR) Rural Residential and (A) Agriculture (less than 20 acre parcel) districts. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the above items wil) ' l�e heard at this meeting. Dated this 6th day of September, 1988. Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota . � � SECTtON 23 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATICINS Subd. 23.1 Bailding Tvpe and Constrpcti�n: I�I 1. General Prg,visian,� a. No galvanized or unfinished steel, galvalum or unfinished aluminum buildings (walts or raofs), except thos�e specifically intended tc� have a �orrosive designed finish such as corten steel shall be permitted in any zoning district, except in association with permitted agricultural nses in the Agriculture and Agricutturai Preserve Distriets. b. Buildings in all zoning districts shall maintain a high standard of architectural and aesthetic compatibility with surraunding properties to insure that #hey will nnt adversely impact the property values of the ahutting properties or adversely impact the community's public health, safety and general welfare. The Planning Cornmission shalt have liberal authority in evaluating, appraving or denying proposa�s with respect to this section. c. Exterior building finishes shall consist of materials comparable in grade and quality to the following: . 1) Brick 2) Natural stone 3) Decorative concre#e block - "Rock-face", "Break-away" or other types of decorative block 4) Cast in place concrete or precast concrete panels 5) Wood, provided the surfaces are [inished for exterior use and wood of proven exterior durability is used, such as ceder, redwood, cYpress. 6) Curtain wall panels of steel, fiberglasss and aluminum (nonstructurat, nonload bearing), prouided sueh panels are factory fabricated and finished with a durable nonfade surface and their fasteners are of a corrosion resistant design. ' 7) Glass curtain wall panels 8) Stucco d. Exterior building finishes of Additions to buildings shall be consistent and compatible with existing exterior building finishes, except where existing building finishes are not in conforrnance with these provisions. In such cases the Planning Commission shall determine whether the origonal building exterior shall he required to meet these provisions as a condition of issuing a permit. 2. Commercial Districts fGl C-2L C-3� In ali Commercial Districts, any exposed metal or fiberglass finish on all buildings shall be limited to no more than fifty (SO} percent of any one wall. Any _ metal finish used in the building shall be a minimum of twenty-six {26) gauge steel. 3. Industrial Park Distri„�t In the Industrial Park District all buildings constructed of curtain wall pane}s of finished steet, � . . . �. • . . � . . .. aluminum or fiberglass shall be required to be entirely faced with brick, wood, stone, architectural conerete cast in place or precast concrete panels on wall snrfaces abutting a pubiic right-of-way, residential uses or public areas. The required wall surfaee treatment on the remaining wall areas may allow a maximum of fifty (SQ) percent of the metal or fibergtass wa11 to remain exposed if if is coordinated into the architecturat design. The Planning Commission is granted braad authority in determining the appropriateness of the combinations of material selected and integrated info the design of the structure. 4. Geaeral Industrial District It is acknowledged that the uses permitEed in the General Industriat District suggest larger and more extensive uses than in olher districis. In the Gencrai � Industrial District alt buildings u� to 1�0,000 square feet of floc�r area in size eonstructed o[ curtain wali panels of finislsed steel, aluminum or fiberglass shall he required to be fifty (50) percent faced with brick wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete p�nels on wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residentiatl uses or public areas. The required wall surfaee treatment on the remaining walls may allow a maximum of seventy-five (75) percent of the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed if it is coordinated into the architectural design. Buildings over 100,000 square feet of floor area shall be reviewed under Planned Unit Development (PUD) requirements. 5. Sin�le Family Dwelling Requiremen#s All single family detached dwellings shalt 6e constructed according to the following minimurn standards. a. All dwellings shall have a minimurn width of twenty-four (24) feet. b. All dwellings shall have a frost-free foundation as defined by the applicable building code. Split level, sptit entry and earth sheltered homes shall be considered to comply with this requirement. c. Main roofs shall have a minimum pitch of 3:12 per definition af the applicable building code. d. Roofs shall be shingled with asphalt, wood, tiles, sod or other comparable materials as ap�roved by the applicabie building code. e. Metal siding, wit6 exposed panels exceeding sixteen {16) inches in width, shall not be permitted. - f. Earth sheltered homes wiil be permitEed on the basis of site conditions, which are conducive to such housing, or in areas where chan�es to existing site conditions are complimentary to the site and adjacent properties and the existing character of property and structures in the area. b. Accessory Buildin�s Maximum area permitted for prefabricated metal storage buildings in R-1, is 120 sqt►are feet. Maximum , agregate total for any access�ry building(s) in R-1, District is 1,OQ0 square feet excluding attached gatage f�oting; and in RR and � y , . .. �. � . . . . . . . � A (Agriculture - less than 20 acres) I�istricls is 1,2�0 �hoarc fect, excluding attache�i garage foatage. Any accessory huilding in R-1, RR, or A (Agriculture - less than 20 acres) Districts over 150 square feet must be constrncted of rnaterials comparable with and compiimentary to principal strueture. Comparable treatment includes the following requirements: a. A minimum 3:12 roof pitch. b. Roofs shall be shingled with asphalt, wood or tile to match the home. c. Adequate number of windows shali be provided to break - up the solid plane or exterior walls to simulake the character of the home. d. Siding which is identical ar closely matches the home shall be inco�orated in the design of the accessory bnilding. Add to Section 1, Sub�3 the following definitions: � . , CONVENIENCE STORE/GASOLINE STATION, SELF SERVtCE: A self-service gasoline station that offers for sale a limited amount of t'ood and household products. GASOLiNE STATION, SELF SERViCE: A structure plus an area of land that is designed for the supply o[ motor vehicle fuels, where no other automobile services are provided and the fuel is pumped only by the customer. CARWASH, ACCESSORY: An accessory building ar part of a principal building equipped with mechanical equipment for washing autos (not a conveyor system) which is accessory to a ', gasoline station, gasoline station, self serviee; or a convenience store/gasoline ' station, self service and is cornprised of eot more than 4ne carwash t�ay. Add to Section 7, Subd. 7.2.1 the following permitted uses: Gasoline Station, Self Service; Convenience Store/Gasoline Station, Self Service; and Carwash, Accessory subject to the following conditions: (1) Except for gas pumps, all operations shall be conducted within the principal building. (2) Where abutting an "R" District, a screen wall or fence required along the common praperty line between the uses. Said fence shall he . properly maintained by the owaer or lessee. (3) Parking and maneuvering areas shall be paved and curbs six (6} inches above grade shall be provided no less than five (5) feet l'rom atl property lines which adjoin a publie street, (4) The site shall be planned so as not to permit water from a car wash to run into a public street or accesses thereto. A drainage system shall be installed subject to the approval of the City. {5) Pump istands and canopies shall conform to yard requirements. (6) Artificial lighting shall be accomplished so as to have no direct tight � source uisible from a public street or an "R" District. r , . � � • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORUINANCE NU. XVII.4 CONCERNING SU�DIVISION OF LAND The City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, ordains as follows: Section 1., Section 1, subd. 1.4 of Ordinance XVII. 4 is I� amended to read: ' This ordinance shall apply to the subdivision of land in the City. All subdivisions in which any of the resulting parcels is less than five acres in area or 300 feet in width shall be platted. Section 2 . In Section 2 of Ordinance XVII. 4 , the definition of "Subdivision" shall be amended to read: SUBDIVISION -- The separation of an area, parcel, or tract of land under single ownership into two (2) or mor� parcels, tracts, lots or long term leasehold interests where the creation of the leasehold interest necessitates the creation of streets, roads, or alleys for residential, commercial, industrial, or other use or any cambination thereof, except thos� separations. A. Where all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests will be twenty (20) acres or largez in size and five hundred feet (500' ) in width for residential uses and five (5) acres or larger in size for commerciaZ and industrial uses; B. Creating cemetery lats; C. Resulting from court orders or the adjustment of a lot line by the relocation of a cQmmon boundary. Section 3 . Subsections "b" and "d" of Subdivision 5.7 of Ordinance XVII.4 is amended to read: b. Dedication. In all new residential subdivisions, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the publie �or parks, playgrounds, or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. It shall be presumed that a suFficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds for the present and future residents af the subdivision. If �he subdivider � � � �� .. . dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that can be constructed in the subdivision. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger ar lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if the City determinss that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of the cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of eomparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council. In all new commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be pr�sumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population if the subdivider dedicates at least five percent (5�) of the land in the subdivisian for parks, reereation, and usable apen space. The City upon consideration of the particular type of devel.opment proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if it determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multipZying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council . d. Pedestrian Ways and Trails. The City shall define a meaningful pedestrian circulation system for each development, which connects to the major trail system, parks, schools, and shopping areas. Subdividers shall be required to install sueh sidewalks and trails as determined by the City and accordinq to City standards. Pedestrian improuements required by the City are in addition to the land dedication in subsection b. r Section 4 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this day of , 1988. ROLLAN HOKE, Mayor ATTEST: STEPHAN JILK, Administrator/Clerk -2-