HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Cable TV Franchise ;y � r�r� ��,Y sio � �,..J1� O�� � � � � �e;s-i�,7�� 7�r tiv�. ep � 't ROSEMC)UNT. MIiJNE'S�)i�� 550GR � �c7G����lf�� B1? 42:� 9�11 'P0: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FR�Is Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk , r� DATE: September 2, 1988 . RE: Star Cablevision T.V. Franchise �' On May 17, 1988, the City passed a resolution approving the ownership transfer from Metro Cable to Star Cable Inc. for the operation of the Cable T.V. system in Rosemount. The format of the resolution was proposed by the company and upon our review of it, we found no probl�n with it. A �0 day aeceptance clause was written into that resolution whereby the company had 90 days to formally accept the resolution to advise the city it would canply with the franchise ordinance as it is written. The company failed to reply within the 90 days and in fact has nat done so at this ti.me. I have contacted Rich Penkert, manager of Star Cablevision, and advised him that the original motion was void and the company was in fact operating without a franchise at • this point. He requestcd we adopt a revi.sed resolution to recti€y this problem and agreed to appear at the cauncil meeting on Tuesday to formally request its' adoption. I have attached the revised resolution with a 20 day clause in it which I £eel, at this time, is reasonable. I recommend its adoption. lj . . ` CITY OF ROSIIKOUNT " RESOLUTION 1988 - A RESOLiTI'ION APPROVING THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF ' �- METRO CABLE, INC. , A MINNESQ2A CORP(?RATION, 'PO STAR MID AMERICA, N, INC. A WI5CONSIN CORFORATION, ' SAID FRANCHISE HAVIRIG BEIlV ORIGINALLY GRANTED BY ORDINEINCE N0. XI.12 WEiEREAS, the shareholders of Metro Cable, Ine. ("Metro") have agreed to ' sell alI of their shares of Metro to Star Mid Am�rican IV, inc. , a Wiscansin corporation ("Star"); WEiIItFAS, as a result of such sale :�tar will controZ Metro; and ' WHERFAS, at khe request of Metro on b�half af Star, and in the best interest of the Municipality, it is de�ned that such saZe is hereby approved; and WHERFAS, Resolution Na. 1988 - 40 was adopted in May, 1988 apprvving this sale requiring a response by Star Cable to accept the Resolution by August 17, 19$8 and as the company failed to respond but intends to do ' so, if allowed a shortened time frame, and the City is still agreeable to this sale �o Star Cable; 'iHEREk�ORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TgiE CITY OF Rt?SEMOUNT: SECTION 1. That (?rdinance XI.12 (which is in full force and effect) ich granted to Metro the ri.ght and franchise to erect, maintain and ogerate a CATV system in, under, over, along, across and upon the `�`� streets, avenues, sidewaiks, alleys, bridges and highways and ather ` public places in the Municipality far the purpose of transmission and distrilxition by wire or cable CATV programs, various comnunications and other electronic services for sale to the inhabitants of the Municipality, and any and all amendments thereto, remain in full force and effect and that the transfer of stc�.k of Metra (the current holder of the Franchise) to Star, be hereby ratified and approved in al1 respects. SECTION 2. 'Itzat Star may assign or otherwise grant a security ' interest in an ien upon the capital stock and assets of Star anci any of the rights, title and interest represented by the cable franehise held by Star as collateral for their financing. SECTION 3. 'Ihat this Resolution shall become effective anci valid between t e Municipality and Star when the sale contemplateci hy that certain Stock Purchase Agreement dated June , 1988, by and among Star, Metro and each of the shareholders of l�tro is consunrnated and Star £iles ; a written acceptance this Resolution agreeing to cause it to continue to ' adhere to and perform all of the terms and conditions of Ordinance No. XI.12, atxl any and all amendments thereof. If. wr_itten acce��t�nce of thi.s Resolution is not €iled within twenty (20) ctays after pass�ge of this Resolution, then this Resolution shall be void. �. � __ - _ _ . ■ 16900 Cedar Avenue, � Telephone � Hosemouni, MN 55068 (6 f 2)432 2610 � Star Cab/evision Brlgnl • Ctear • Excrting September 6, 1988 Honorable Mayor Hoke: This notice shall serve as written confirmation that Star Mid America iU, Ir�c. accepts the resolution passed by the City of Rosemount apprQving the change of control of Metro Cable, Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation, to Star Mid America IV, Tnc. Star Mid America IV, Inc. agrees to adhere to and preform all of the terms and canditions of Ordinance Np. XI.92 and any and atl current arnendments thereof. Yours truly, �,,----� .•- ,,..�c''��.�c��,�' Ric ard Penk�rt Regional Manager Star Mid Ameriea IV, Inc. RP:br