HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. O'Leary's Hills 3rd Addition Street & Utility Assessment Hearing, City Project #175 f . . . . . � .. . .. . . . . � . , �.�.w . �... _. �.., � � .. . . . . � . • � . . . . ��� � ************************,t***,t***********I'iGP10**********�r,t*****�****�************* � DATG: AUGUST 30, 198a T0: PiAYOR & COUNCILI`iGrtDrRS CJO CITY ADr1INISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINE�R/PUI3LIC WORY.S DIRFCTOR tIEFTI RE: ITEPIS FOR SEPTEP113�R 6, 1988 COUNCIL P1fETING . PUBLIC HEARINGS ' Project �F175, 0'Leary's Ilills 3rd Adc�ition Assessment liearinp� The Public Works Department wili present a stiort presentation on tlie project, project cost and proPosed assessmetrts fc�r the a�mprovements within this projPct. All necessary legal notices have l�een mailed and pul�Iislied i.n the le�al newspa�er to meet tt�e legal requirements for this public tiearing. Recommended action for Council to consider is to close thP public heating and adopt the attached resolution which adopts the assessment roll.. � � z ' . � V � � � PagF� No. 1 Ofi/19/n8 0' Ge�ry' s I-ii.l.ls Thi.rd Itcicliti,or� ASSPssm�-�nl. I�c�J.l. . ..,.. Assessment F�earin�� 5ept;. 6, 198fi flssessment bu�: Oct. 'l � ].988 , Years upread: 3 I'ID ' Name I,oL 13].k Un:i.l, ltal.�. /1n�c,t�r►I, *� Basic I3uilders . 34 54102 040 01 lne. Basic BuiJ.ciers 4 1 1 'T7l 1 . 23 'T'�1 ]: . 23 ; ** Subtotal ** 'l'I f.i. . 2 3 7'T 1.1 , 7.3 �* I'ax•kp'r.F��n i 34 �i�102 080 U1 Inc. I'arkgrArn 8 1 l. 771 l . 2:� 771.1. . ?.3 a ** ariUli♦:Ot:ci�. *�C , 'l7l 1. . 2.3 7'Tll . 2.9 ** P�rkview 34 541.02 01� Ol. Inc. Fa.rkview l t 1 'T'7 I 1. . �:i 77 i l . :� 3� r�41n2 U?0 01 Ir�c. I'arlcvl.c�w ;? 1 l 771 .1 , ?3' 7.�1 � . 7.:� i 34 54107. 030 O1 Inc. P�rkview 3 1 9 '17 a..1. . �3 7'l l ]. . �3 I 34 5�107 Q50 01 Ittc. �'�r.kv3.ew �i t 1 ./,lt .t . ?.3 '�7li. . 2:� 34 59102 06U Q1 Inr. Parkv3.ew F :l l 7'71 l. . �3 '!�� 1.1 . :'� 3� 54102 090 01 Znc. i'ar•kview 9 l t '77I.:L . �,3 'l7l 1 . �:i 34 !'�4102 010 02 Inc. Parlcview i. 2 ] '�'1].1 . ..^,3 'T'�l:l , ;'3 3� 54102 OZU 02 Inc. Parkvi.ew 2 Z 1 '�'71.1 . ?.3 'I`ll l. . ^..3 34 .5�i.02 03b Q2 Inc. �'arkvi.ew 3 2 1 7'T i. 1 . 23 '17 t 1 . 7 3 34 64102 040 42 Inc. Parkview 4 2. � '7x71 .l . ?.:� 77.1 I. . �?3 34 5410? b50 02 Ine. Parkview f �i Z ` 1 '1'7.11 . 23 '171.1 . 23 34 54102 060 02 Ine. Parkvi9w 6 2 1 '7711 . �3 'f`11.t. . 23 , 34 54102 070 02 Inc. Parkview 7 2 l ?7 t."1. . 7.3 7711 . �3 3�# 54102 010. 03 Inc. Parkview 1. 3 ] '771.1 . ^.3 77t 1 . 73 34 54107 020 03 Inc. Parkv3.ew 7.. 3 l '17}.1. . ?.3 '1'l l.l. . .7.3 3.4 54102 030 03 Ina. Parkview 3 3 1 •i71 t. . 2.:� 7'71.1 . Z:j 34 54102 040 03 Inc. ParkviAw 4. 3 1 '17.1:1 . �3 '171.#. . >3 34 54102 050 03 .Inc. Parkvi.ew 5 3 1 77:t t . 73 '771 .t . 23 34 5�102 060 03 Inc. Parkv3.Aw 6 3 l '�'1tJ . ?3 771.1. . 7.3 34 ;.i4102 C170 03 Inc. Parkv3.ew 7 3 1 771.t . 7..3 77� l . ?_3 �k* 5ui��t.otal ** , 154225 154?.2�� ' ** T3.mberwi.nd Contr. � �4 541.02 07t� Ol Ir►e. Timberwind Con�tr. 7 1 1 7'l]. 1. . 23 'l7l.l . ?.3 ** Subt�i:a1 ** *�* TvL-a1 *** '17].1 .?.3 7 7.t 1 . 2 3 23 ].'1'1.3!if3 1773!i�3 .32 i . .. . . �� .. . � . . . .. I r -. . . ' � � � � .. � � � . � .. .. . . . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT� � - RESOLllTION 1988 - ARE SQLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLT� 0'LEARY'S IiILLS 3RD ADDITION STRECT ANU UTILITY ItiPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 175 4JHEREAS, pursuant to notice dtily given as required by law, the City Covncil has � met, heard and passed t�pon all. objPcti.on4 ' to the propaRed Assessme�it far 0'Leary's }�ills 3rd Addition Street and Uti.lity Impr�vements �I 1987; Projecl: No. 175, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci.ty Council of ttie City of Rosemount, Piinnesota, as foYlows: ' ' (i) Such proposed assessment, a copy �f which is attaehed tieretcs and macle a �art � hereof is hereby accepted and shall constitute the speciai assessmenC against the lands named therein, and each tract of 1an�l tirerein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. � (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: ; (a) The assessments shall be payaUle in equal annual inst�llntents inclucling ; principal and interest extencting over a period of three (3), years, witl� � interest at the rate of eight ancl t�ao-tenths (8.2%) percent per ann��m, i in the amount annually required to pay the pr.incipal �ver such period � at such rate the first of said installments to be 'payable with general taxes for the year 1989, collectible with such taxes during the year ; 1989. _._ _ (b) The owner of the property so assessed may at any time pr.ior to the certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay to the City , � Treasurer, and thereafter at any time pxior to November 15 of any year ' pay to the Gounty Auditor, the whole oE the prin,ci�a1 amount of the assessment on such pr�perty �ravided that no' sueh prepayment shall be accepted without payment of a11 installments due to and a�ncludin� December 3I of the year of prepayment, and the orxgi.nal principal amount reduced only by the amounts of principal inclt�ded in such installments computed on an annual amortization basis. ; (3) The Administrator/Clerk shalt forthwith transmit a cPrtified c�uplicate c�py of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to Ue extended on tlre tax list of the County. . i ADOPTED this bth day of September, 19£i8. Rollan iloke, ltayor ATTEST: ; , j Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk I __-__ 4 , { i \