HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. 1988 Operating Budget iI . . ,� 'j � � , {'O. RC?X ,5t0 I (�i[t� Q 2875-145TliST. W , ROSEMOUNT, MINNF�nrtA 55Qf:A � ' fii?- �171�4A11 OSentaurt� � �. ' DATE: September 1, 1988 . 'P0: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper ,' Oxborough � Walsh , �i Wippermann i , I FROMs Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk ` I il RE: Request for Funding ,;, ; ,. � ;. ' Gentlemen: � I have recently met with Jo Anne Ellison, Director of Comrntnity ` �' Education for School District #1�6 and Jan Stoven, Coordinator of � SEnior Citizen Programs for Canmunity Ed. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss their request for consideration of the � Gity of Rosemount to assist in funding the seniar citizen program , ; in Rosemount at the Center in the elderly housing high rise. ' i ; Please find two letters, one from Jo Anne and the second from ' Jan, outlining the request and the meeting we had to review it. � , � I recommend that you positively consider the request• an�lcapprove � ' the funding for 1989. 'Ihe dollar amount requested wil�. not be an increase in expenditures from years past for this amount y�ras expended out the previous five years. When the high rise faas constructed the city entered into an agre�nent with the owner which allowed the construction of the Senior Center activity � rooms. The cost to the city for this arrangement was $500 a ' month or $6000/year. 'Ihe ].ast paymer�t for that was 1988 and so �,' if we support the ongoing programs at the Center at this same , , amount no increase would be incurred. : � With the revised budget, as presented to you, there will be � ; sufficient funds in the cauncil designated account, in addition to the �30,000 requested, to cover this request for 19$9. . ; � ; , ti . . I � � , . # ,; ( . j ' , � � • � IN�EPENDENT SCHOOL QiSTRICT 196 i 14445 DIAMON(� PATH ■JOpNNE EI.,.LISON ROSEMOUNT, MINIVESOTA 55068 DIRECTOR OF C�OMMUNITV EDUCA'i'IQN 612-423-9400 ANO DI�TRICT DEMOGRA�'HER � , RE��IVED ; , Qu Q A 6 ���� " � August 4, 1988 . i I CLEFi1�C'S O�FICE j GITY OF ROSEMOUN7 Mr. Stephan Jilk, Administrator � City of Rosemount P.O. Box 510 � Rosemount , MN 55068 � i � ' ' Dear Mr. Jilk: f ; The Rosemount Area 5enior Center (HASC) has been in existence since � 1976. In the beginning, the seniors met in a room an the lower level � ! of Ken Rose Center. They functioned as a club. i ; � ; ; i As the number grew, the club needed larger and more acceeaible s�ace. � � About this time the Rosemount Plaza was on the drawing bosrd. The ! City of Rasemount recognized the needs af the area seniar citizens and worked with the Stuart Corporati�n to construct an aciditionel raom in ! which the senior group could meet . This room allowed the senior club � to have rent free space accessible to the handicapped gnd slso the use : 1 of the adjoining Plaza community room and kitchen.xx , i ; From this point on, the club's membership increased. The clubroom ; became a senior center. Community fiducation began p'r�oviding pro�rams , � nnd helping the group coordinate their activities. As the numbers and � ; needs increased, Community �ducation could not provide the sole � support. A M£sfiD grant application was approved and a part-time ,. i coordinator was hired. i , ^; In 1985, Community gducativn app.lieci for and received a Tit1e III Federal Older American's Act Grant from the Metra�olitan `Council. The � grant provided for a full-time coordinator for the center. The grani: was available for three years. In its final year, it provided $12, 475 ii towerds the coordinator' s salary. Community £sducation was the fiscal , � agent for the grant and also pravideci matching financial` support . , � Funding through the Title III grent was completed on June 30, 1988. j At this date, Gommunity Education is funding the entire program. " i , 1 i � I ( + � � i � , , � , - j � , � .... , . . �. , . . .. .. . . � .. . - . .... ... � . . . � . . � � . � ... ... . . . . . � �,. . . � . . ,. � . Y . +�� . . . . .. . . � � . . �� .. . � . � . � � . . � � . . � . . . � .. .. . . . . . . _i. � . .. � . � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . f. ... � . � � . . . � .. .. � . . � . ���.. 1 . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . .. . . �. : i � � . . . � . . . - . . . � . . � � � .. . . . � . � . Page 2 i Since 1976, the City of Rosemount has been moet supportive of the ; � seniar club/center by providing funds for spece. In cooperatxon with iy Stuart Corpor�tion, the city hes now fulfil,led its obligstion of , the � lease. I •am asking your continued financiai support vf the senior program in cooper,ation with Community Education. In July, 1988, a survey was made of other seniar centers in Dakata Cou�nty. Attached are the findings. The centers are predominantly funded either by the city or the Zocal schoal district. Almvst all have eupport from both j entities; in-kind services , space or financial contributions. � j Janis Staven, Coordinator of Senior Citizen Fragrams � and I would like to meet with you to discuss this further: Please contact me at 423-9420 sa we can schedule en appointment. � Thank you. I,..� . . . . . . . � . . � . � .. . . . . . . � � . . . � � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � SincerelY� . � � � , I oAnne Fsllison � Director of Cammunity Tducation ; ; xX � ; ' � Attachment � '� xc: Janis Staven, Coordinator of Senior Citizen Progra�s ' ; i � . `` � . � � ;; ,� ; j .� dw3/dic8-4/2-3 � ._ , � •,, f ,i .�� . � .. �.� � � � �. � . .. � . . . . � . � � .� .� : .� �.. � . . � .. � � .. . . �. I�� � . . � � . � � . . . � . . . . .. . .. .. . .. ... . .. � . �. . � . ., � . . . . , . � . . � . . . . . . ' I I i I � , Vi � . ' i � � ��..i . . .. . . . . . ' � . .. . . . . . . �.� �.�. . . .. �� .. �.. . . . . . . . . . � � � � .. . � . � : . . �... .. � : � � . . . . � �� � � . � . � � . �. . : � � . . . . . . . � � .. . . . ... . i . .. . . � . . ,,,�- . . . . . . . .. . . ..... . . . . .. . . ..•.1:.. . . � . - � ... � . � � � , . � .. � .. . . � � . . ' DAKOTA COUNTY SFsNIOR CFSNTIiRS � Source of Funding � ' July 198� I . • ; � Farmington - (Caordinator is a city` �mployee) Funded by the city, fund drives and $1200 froro ; Community fiducatian. '• ; � , � � Hastings - (Coordinator is � Gommunity £sducatian emp�.oyee) � Joint powers agreement between schaol and city. � Also receive Flastings' ` United Way funds . Lakeville - (Coor�iinator is a city employee) � Senior center funds provided by city and Title III grant from Metropolitan Council . After `grant , ends, city will take over entire funding. i i Sioux Trail - (Caordinator is a Community Fducatian emplayee) f . Burnsville Funded by Cnmmunity Education. : The City �f ? � Burnsville pravicies in-kind funds; building, utilities, cleaning and repairs . So. St . Paul - (Coordinator is a Community Education employee) 1 School district provides in�ki�d fund�t; �pace, � administration, office support . The City of r So. St. P�ul provides 40� of the funds . The senior center generates 60X af th�e revenue. West St . Paul - (Coorctinator is � Community Educativn employee} Community �ducation funds the program along with a � Title III gr�nt (Metro Council) . The Community , . . `,' Education Department receives $I0,040 'each year i from the Cii:y of W�est `St. Paul as p�rt of its operating budget . � Seniar Citizen Soci.al Clubs � 7nver Grove - Cc�ordination is through Community Isducation, j Heights (meets three times a manth in a church. ) � Is'sgan - Coordinetion is through the city. (meets two times a month in a city building. ) dw3/dic8-4/4 �3/5/88 � ' � � . � � �I � � � .j Y � � . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . � � , ' INDEPEN�ENT SCHOOL biSTRiCT.196 14445 DIAMONQ PATH ■JOANNE ELLISON ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNiTY EDIJCATlON 612-423-9400 AND DISTRICT DEMOGRAPMER � Auqust 31 � 1988 ' ' , � Mr. Stephen Jilk f Administrator/Clerk j City of Rosemount , 2875 145th St. W. , Rosemount, MN 55068 ' � Dear Mr. Jilk: ,� : I This letter is a follow-up to our Au�ust 29 , 1988 mee�in� re�qardin� the Rosemount Area Senior Center. � We were pleased that you supported our recommendation of $500.00 � per month , or $6 ,000.00 for the ,year, to help fund the senior program. We anxiousl,y await �a hear the response of the Rosemount City Council and Ma,yor Rollan Hoke. District 196 Community Education and the many seniors who enjoy the services of the center thank yvu for your consideration. � � , "� Sincerely, � - � � -�z'y � p �� x � ;' , oAnn� Ellison � �' Director of Community Education . , ' /�� > � Jat�is M. Stoven � , � C,00rdinator of Senior Gitizen Pro�rams ,,; ., ;' xc: Dr. R. J . iZehwaldt, Superintendent ;� � . ; �, � 1 '�i ` , F� LTItJ I LK � '�; 8I30/88 ,; +I . . � ,; �� �, ;� '�..� � �� s���s�•�:�� �'s�.�" u� '���� , . .,. �- , - s. � , _ ,. . _ ._ �. : , . ^ , : � � • �a������f� ■l���f! � �� � � �� a � � � ��� ����y��� ewa,a�rer��s�avzra •,oti��e��e��se��e ar��eex�al:'� ■rr�asa,��i�o r . r � s • •r e� r � � � � � < � � � � � s� �� � � � , ,,.�....�.,��,,,�,�.�a w-�.�....��+....�-�,..,,.�.-�.-,�_.a,�<-��..�-._..,.�,.w« .__. ..r. �-�,�,,,.,�,., � � _,. .,.� _ ,. .. , ,,,,.�,�A,^,.�+s� ` R-O Fi(1X 51(1 ��i� o' 2a�s-r'sn� s r w • � • � 1 � FiOSEMOUNT, MtNNFS�TA 55t1f,A OSE'YYIU?.�Y�c s�2..nzs-�a�� 'I�O: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Na�per Oxborough Waish Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Adminiskrator/Clerk' . DATE: � September 1, 198;8 RE: 19$9 Operating Budgets 1989 - 1993 �IP Budgets Gentlemet�t Please find attached a 1989 'Budget Packet including: 1) a revised 19$9 Operating Budget 2j a 1989 - 1993 Capital Improvement Plan Budg�t 3) a proposed funding approach to the GIP Budget 4) required tax levy information S) r�quired debt servic� levy information for 1989 Revisions in the' area of estimated �revenues, salary total corr�ctions and ca�rtcil designated funds increases have been made per our discussion on August 23, 19$$. Explanation of the dactunents included herein will not be made in this writing as that has been reviewed with you already. I wauld refer to the attached letter shawing the highlights of this budget.' I reco�nei�d its approval and adoption of the included resolution: � "A RESOLUTION APPROVING TEIE 1989 OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1389 - 1993 CIP BUDGET AiVD TEIE 1989 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSFMOIJNTr� y���t, . � . . . . . . . �� .� � . . . .� �� ���,. i �� � . ~ b�+ � �;,tl r r� � „� �,� � � . �� � ,/ � . . , �;. , 1 rtr�s,r r,u,,,r�� r,t,i i,n „� � �, �� ,, � . �,C)5C'.Yl'�.Ott!?!. �:� � �� ,„� � a T9: Mayor Noke ; Councilmembers Napper �xborough wa ls}� Wippermann k'RUhL• Stephan Jilk, JldmittistraL-or/Clerk . UATr: Rugust 19, 19�3�3 RL; 1989 Operatiny �3udgets 19E39-1993 CZP I3uc]gets Gentlemen: Please find attachec3 a eopy of the prel:3:mirilr.y 19�i9 c����r.�kinc� t.�uc3c�et for all general government funds, and tl�e cap�.taJ. im�rovement pl��n � (CIP) for years 1989 thrvugh 1993. There are several documents maki,xic� up t,}73.s pr�lim3,n�tr.y l�tic3qet �����lc��gc�, and they incl�de« ( 1 ) A summary sheet shawing department kotals for exp�r�c3iturc�s, CIP, retirement, bonded ine�ebtedness, fire rQlic�f ar�d arm�ry levy r►eeds attd estimated revenues fvr 19a�3. `l'his sheet al.so shows ot�r total levy neec� aL $1 ,67�,252. (2) The 19£i9 budget spreac3shEet showing individtral lihe f tern neec�s for each department. ( 3) hn expianatian af the Qr.�qent anc� proposed £unci�,ncJ m��t��c�s fo.r the CIP budget. ( 4 j 'rhe 1989 CIP budget propos�c�. (5? A copy of th� LGS Form 280 which is requirPd by the state to report to them the levies Rosem�unt will. certify: �xplanation of all of these documents will be given to yc�u or� 't'E��sc3ay evening. It is worthy to note several items ahout tliis budqet; ( 1 ) The budget is balanced. 'I'��at is, n� clollar culs wozil.d r�c�cl tc� ue made in oriier to mn�t .prc��os�±d neecls wit.la prn-}ecteec3 rev�nues. ( 2) '1'he c�peratxng h�ac�c��t� r.efl�ci: ac3c3inc� f3v� n�w em��t�y��r including an enyir��er.ing tc�cli, fa E��rk f.oL��t_er, , a �;h�-�rc�ci secretar.y far ��ol.a.c� <-tnc� fit��-itit�t�r �a �nrtirit-.c�n��+r7c:� �rn�,lflyrc� c��ii! .�n c�conamic devQl�prner�t p�r�c�r�. ( 3) 7'he buc�gets r�yi�ire nc� Cllt:S :1.T7 5P_fiV1tGF.`S� c3t1(I .lil t�.-tct exE��-��it:)s service� in �om� �.re,�. _ � � 19$9 Operating T3udgets 1989-1993 CIP Budgets Page 2 i 4) The CIP budget is almost d4ubl.� wh�� was seL- in 19t3�i witfi � lesser ievy reguired b�cause of a more creditale furid.ing aPProach. . { 5) 2'hP CIP budc�et rPf lects same :�F300,000 in p�r.k c�euelonment funds. Parks R Recreati�n Depar.tmer�t furtic�s itself is a challenging position to attempt ta kee� u��, catch �ip �ficj develop to meet our devel�pment needs. This amount a€ mQney, �unded through CIP rather t#�an using a special bond shaulc3 k�e recognized as a real feat in ikself. Other departments should not suffer as thPir nerrls �-�r�, tat this juncture, heing adec�uatc�ly met by the ren�aincihr of t1�e C:[i� buc�get with replacement and ex��attc�ing equiPm�nt cor�� }3n�ny covered. In this time of growth and expansion, ar�di.ng per�onnel. wil.l. contint�e to confront us as a major issue. Most o£ the positians w� pro����e in thi� budget are staff to simply carry on exi.sting services in p�rlcs, maintenance and clerical support. Une posi�tion, hhe Fc�nomic development person, is new; and we pro��ose it so that� we cr�n �ut: int-o place a realistic, concerted effort to economic devel.apmFnl. I will hape to make separate presentations on that position �t the 5eptember 6 meeting bec�use of its im�act on the comrnunit�y and the commitment we must make to it. Also, it is important to remember that in considering these l�udc}ets'; that decisions on expenditures; i.e. personnel, CIP items �nd svme major general operating purchases will come to yau £or your zpproval; and the adoption of these proposed bucic�ets ar� re�l.ly th€� �ll.oc�t:ic�n nf-. funds for expenditures and the acceptance of saurces of revenues. � One key item will be the certification of the levy we wish tc� set�, and that is requfred to be made by October 10 t� th� cc�c�n#_y. 'I'hese buc�gets also reflect pro�ects costs far salary ad�ustments for 19�9 to r�flPct comparable worth and negotiated settl�menY_s. I cannot say enough about th� c�opnration T receivec� from my st.�Ef i.i� preparing these budgets, and they �ook forwarc� �o discussing �hem witil you. Please contact me or staff with your questions on these doc��m�rits. smj 1lttachments r � i 1989 QUDGETS EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS Cauncil Budgets 133,570 Administration Budget 162,706 Finance Budget 107,936. Insurance Budget 90,000 Community Development Budget ', 247,331 General Government Budget 106,60Q Government Buildings �` 76,75� Election Budget 14,700 Poiice Budget 510,078 Fire Department Budget 106,725 Maintenance Budget 287,017 Traffic Control 110,750 Streets and Roads 16,500 Street Lights and Sirens 32,100 Snow RemovaT 4,100 Parks & Recreation Budget 305,319 TOTAL BUDGETS 2,312,182 5 Year CIP Requirement 461,800 Retirement/Severance Fund #107 4,000 Bonded Indebtedness 171,000 171,000 * Fire Relief 16,906 11,341 * Armory Anticipatory Levy , 16,785 16,785 * ******INCOMfs***�** Local Government Aid 607,896 Internal Revenue Generated 685,120 1987 Positive Balance From Budgets 5,000 Anticipated MSA Maintenance Funds 9,405 --------------------------- TOTALS 2,982,673 1,3Q7,421 TOTALS TO lEVY 1,675,252 *Total Not Subject to Limit 199,126 Levy limit 1,47b,126 1989 BUDGET SPREADSHEET 1989 BUDGET SPREAOSNEET *43121 *43125 Totals Council Admin Treas ETect Com �ev Police fire Pub Wrks Park&Rec Gen Gov Cov Bldg St lites Sig Lites Insur � OBJC7 4111� 41320 41520 41470 41910 42170 42210 �3170 45T70 41810 41940 *43160 *43170 47240 1101 Fu19 Tire - -742,286 - 93,956 - - 222,371 -419,503 - -212,717 -208,119 - - - - - - 7,298,95? 1103 Part Ti.^e - 15,600 - - - 3,000 - 1,400 - - 55,900 - 14,fl00 - 23,000 - - - - - - 112,90q ' 2s�1 Jffice Supp & Acces - - - - - - - t,p00 - - - 6,400 - - - - - 7,400 2202 Duplicating & Copy - - - ^ - - - i00 _ - 1�450 - 5,000 ' - - - - 6�5�0 2203 Printed �orms - - - 1,000 - - - - - - 6,D00 - - - � - 7,000 2204 c'�vetopes & ltr Head- - - - - - - 125 - - - 2 000 - - - - Z 125 22Gi Training & instruct - - 300 - - - ' 4,000 - 2,500 - - 1,500 - ' - ^ - - 8,300 2"<Q9 Supplies-Oth�r - - - - - t,00d 7,000 - 30U - 2,000 - 600 - 3,500 - - - - - $,400 22i} L'leaning SuppTies - - - - - - - ' 100 ' - - SUO - - - - b00 2212 wotor �uets - - - - - 700 - 8,000 - 1,OQ0 - 9,000 - 1,500 - 600 - - - - - 20,800 2213 �utis & Additives - - - - - - 100 - - 1,500 - - _ _ - - - 1,600 2215 Shop Mtis/Park SuPP " - - - - - - - - 71,500 - - - - - - 17,500 22;6 Chemicals - - - - - - - - - ' - _ _ - 3,500 - 5,000 8,500 2217 General Clothing - - ' - - - - 6,000 - - - - - - - - 6,000 2219 Other - - - - - - 254 - - 3,004 - 750 - ' - - - - 4,000 2221 �quipment Parts - - 200 - - - 450 - 3,000 - 5,400 - 13,000 - 3,500 - 1,OOQ - 7,000 - - - - 27,750 2222 ?ires - - - - - - t,50D - 500 - 3,1{}0 - 500 - - - - - - 5,600 2.".23 31dg Repair & i4aint - - - - - - - - - 2,000 - - 8,000 - - - - 10,000 2224 Street Main�enance - - - - - - - ^ - - - - 37,700 - 1,200 - - 38,900 2225 !aodscape Materials - - - - - - - - - 5,000 - - 500 - 7,500 - - 7,000 2226 Repair 'r�aterials - - - - - - - - - 2,500 - - - 7,000 - - - 3,500 2"<27 System t4aintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - 500 - 2,000 - - 2,500 � 2�29 flther - - - - 2,OQ0 - 20Q - - 2,300 ' - - 100 ' - - - 4�600 2241 Small Toots - - - - 100 - 15Q - 7,SQ0 - 1,8�0 - 3,500 ' - 100 _ - - 7,150 2242 Winor Equipment - - 200 - - - - - ' 7,250 - - 500 - 100 - - - 8,050 3301 �uuit � Accountirg - - - - - - - - - - 8,000 - - - - - 8 000 3302 Architect's Fees - - - - - - - - - - 1,000 - - - - - 1,000 3�a3 Engineer?rt9 - - - - - - 2,040 - - 5,000 - - 2,000 ' - - 9,OOQ 3304 �egaL - - - - - 750 - 20,000 - - 1,000 - - 8,000 - - - - ?9,750 3305 Medical 3� �entai - - - - - - 7,000 - 2,000 - - - - - _ - - 3,000 3306 Pefsonnel Teating - - - - � - 500 - 1,500 - - - - - - - - 2,000 330? `^.anagement - 2,000 - 5,000 - - - - - - - - . _ - 7 0�0 3308 ynstruc�o N s Fees - - - 300 - _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - �300 3309 Mi;cell�neous - �,000 - 10�000 - - 1�750 - 3,000 - 9,500 - 2,400 - - S,OOp - t0,Q00 - 27,25Q - 67,050 - - - 144,550 3371 Contrac. lnspections- - - - - 5,76Q - - - - - - - - - 5,760 3321 Te?eohone - - - 300 - - - - - - 19,000 - - - - - 79,300 3322 ?�stage - - - - - - 2Q0 - - - 7,000 - - . _ - 7,200 3323 Radio - - _ - _ 1,700 - 4,000 - 4,000 - 1,500 - 600 - - - - - 11,800 3324 Messenge^ Service - - - - - - - _ SD - - - - - - - 50 3329 Cor,im. C_her - ?,000 - - - - - 1,500 - SO - - - - - - - 2,a50 ?337 Travei - 250 - �00 - 400 - - 3,400 - t,500 - 2,700 - 2,�04 3,500 - - - - - - a4,450 3?33 Freight - - - - - - - - 300 - 600 - - - - - - 700 3334 'ransQart Other - 300 - _ _ - - - 50 - ' - - - - 350 3341 Emoloyment - - - - 500 - - - 540 - _ _ _ _ - - 1,004 3349 Advertising-0t!^er - - - - - _ - - �0 ' 6,500 . _ _ _ . - 6,550 33SQ Prtg :S �ublishir,g - ' - - - 200 - - ^ - - - - - - 200 . 3331 Legal Notice _ _ . _ 75d - 950 ,, _ _ 7 100 _ 3352 �enerai ?Jotices - - - - - 200 - - ' - = 5,000 - - - - - 5,200 3359 Pr�g & 3ndg atte^ - - ' - 500 - - - - - - � - - SQO s36� ;ns Yor�mans Co.^.o - - - - - . _ • - - - � - 5� 00 SQ,000 ,Q � 2309 �nsurance 3ther - - - - - - - - a0,000 - 40,000 3381 £iec.. :c - _ - - - - - - - 5,000 - - 17,040 - 30,OOfl - 2,000 - - 55,000 3332 93ter - - - - - - - 550 - - 7,040 - - - - 1,550 3393 �;as - - - - - - - - - - 18,000 - - - 18,n00 3384 �eTuse _ , _ _ _ . _ . - - - 4,000 - - - r 4,000 399 ,_�:`fier _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 �391 �vmou..er "air.,_-.aece- - - ':,Q00 - - - 8,700 � - - � - - - - - 48,�00 3392 �omput=r �ccessv'i=s- - � 1,500 - - - 2,000 - - � - - _ - - - 3 S00 3393 Camouter ,ardl5�rt - - - SA0 _ - _ - - - - - - 'SOfl 3395 PC '�air:4:�,arce - - - 400 - - 800 - 50 500 ' 6Q0 - - - - 2,'t50 3346 ?C ,�ccessceies - 500 - - - . _ _ _ - - - 500 3391 �C Nardr'Scrr - - - - _ 450 - - 3y3D0 - 7��C}0 - 3�b00 8,850 3�+�34 4ach + _;,uio - - - - - - - - i,500 - - - - - - 7,500 344° �t�er R_� C,�rt - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 'S,flOf} - 2,�00 - - - �,SQO - - - 8,�00 3ui: WP �c�ui,_a:e.^.t - - 200 - - ' - _ _ - - - 6,000 - - - - - 6,200 3414 �ata ?r�ces� Re»�?, _ _ _ - - - - - - - 5,000 - - - - - 5,000 :479 Jr_he� �P�.at _ _ - - _ - 10,500 - - bOQ - 6,000 - 5,�00 - 200 - t,OOq - �,900 - - 26,'r'00 34�: �ues 3 ��osr�?t - - �i0 - ':30 - - u00 - ;iS - 300 - �Q0 - - - - - - - 2,Q25 3+z� :;onrtSer_�aars '_:. :,t50 - 5�0 - - 2,325 - 300 - i00 - ,,�CO - 500 _ - - 10,675 ��,. � _ „ _ _ 343� �onxs a ��Mor =cs - _ , _ _ . 4i5 - 300 - ' �t20 _ . _ _ _ - - 1,0�5 3s�35 �;.n n� . _ ce: _ - - _ 150 - - - - - - _ _ ;5Q �w3 t;s�a neous ^v ^.er - �,"v�� - - '00 - - 200 - 2,�J00 3,000 - �t?4 ��0 - - �Off 7,�00 - - 16,�00 5�3� ;.ao��a� :utlay .;ut3 - - _ _ = - 12,000 - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - 12 �00 ��61 ..aat ,z' ��_1ay ?u�n - _ _ - - - - 3Q0 - 750 - - 3,�00 - - _ _ - 4,050 5�7, ,�c�tce �cuipmen� - - - - - - - b00 - _ - - 600 Sr9 ?'an�tal �.:tiay r«�.o._�,4,a - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ 104,970 .58� 1`�e _,..iamer.� - - - 6,JOQ - - 7,3fl0 - _ . - _ - - - 13,800 -------- ----�-----' _ ---- ---- ----- ------------��------�- ------` ------'------'-'-- --------------'--- ------- --------------- ------- ' -- ---- - ------ -- � -_� ,3 " . '6�,,06 ;:36 74,,'64 - 2u',33t -57�,078 906,725 �87,017 -305,319 -106,5�0 - 76,750 -142,850 - 20,600 - �O,CdO - 2,312,i$2 � • �� .�. . . . . . • CITY OF ROSIIyOUN'T � RESOLUTION 1988 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF � MEl'RO CABLE, INC.; A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, TO STAR MID AMERTCA N, INC. A WISCONSIN CORPORATION, SAID FRANCHISE HAVING BEIIV ORIGIIVALLY GRANT'ED BY ORDINANCE N0. XI.12 WEIEREAS, the shareholders of Metro Cable, Inc. ("Metro") have agreed to sell all of their shares of Metro to Star Mid Elmerican IV, Inc., a Wisconsin corporation ("Star"); WH�tEAS, as a resuit of such sale �tar will controZ Metro; and WEiEREAS, at the request of Metro on behalf af Star, and in the best interest of the Mimicipality, it is de�ned that such sale is hereby aPproved; and WHERFAS, Resolution No. 1988 - 40 was adopted in May, 19$$ approving this sale requiring a response by Star Cab1e to aecept the Resolution by August 17, 198$ and as the company failed to respond but intends to do so, if allowed a shorteneci time frame, and the City is still agreeable to this sale to Star Cable; , �HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMUUI�TI'z SECTION 1. That Ordinance XI.12 (which is in full force and effect) which granted to Metro the right and franchise to erect, maintain and operate a CAZV system in, under, vver, alang, across and upon the "� streets, avenues, sidewalks, alleys, bxidges and highways and other public places in the Municipality for the purpose o€ transmission and distribution by wire or cable CATV programs, variaus c�mmunications and other electronic services for sale to the inhabitants of the Municipality, and any and all amendments thereto, remain in full force and effect and that the transfer of stock of Metro (the current hol.der of the Franchise) to Star, be hereby ratified and approved in all respects. SECTION 2. That Star may assign or otherwise grank a security interest i and �,ien upan the capital stock and assets af Star and any of the rights, title and interest represented by the cable franchise held by Star as collateral for their financing. SECTION 3. 'ihat this Resolution shall become effective and valid between t�icipality and Star when the sale cantemplatecl by that certain Stock Purchase Agreement dated June , 1988, by and among Star, Metro and each of the shareholders of I�tro is consunxnated and Star files a written acceptance this Resolution agreeing to cause it to Gontinue to adhere to and perfarm a11 of the terms and conditions of Ordinance No. XI.12, and any and all amendments thereof. If wr_itten acce��tance cjf th:i_s Resalution is not filed within twenty (20) days aEter �assage of this Resolutian, then this Resolution shall be void. �.._.., , __ ___ �. __ _..._.__._�._T......__.........�._..._ ,...... . . _ _.. % ..: . � � Resolution 1988 - Page 'I�ao �---- ADOPTED this 6th day of September, 1988. Rollan FIoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Ji k, �Administrator Clerk I � ' � • August 9, 1988 SUBJECT: Praposed CIP Funding Method PURPOSE: To determi.ne a policy to re�ulate the determination of Capital Improvement Ffan annt;al needs »nc� fundinF fc�r t:tic�4e needs by ciLy staff. Existing Method: ' Presently the CIP budgeting process is determined as foliows: A. t�ePartment Ileads review tlaeir department neecis for exi.sti.n�; �rograms and future programs far tlie next � year {�eriod. B. Department iteads meet to disct�ss major. pitrchases whi.e.h can hei:t.er be made thr.ongh sharing equi.pment or programrning p»reh�5es ancl equi�ment thraugh clepartments. Staff alsc� discusses tlte meri.ts oE proposed new projects Rncl reaah consensi�s �n wl�ich pr.o,Jects tc� fund and the time frame for funding these. C. City Administrator reviews prop�sed CIP an�i meets wit1� i:ncii.vi<inal dept. heads to further priaritize needs a��d work �ut cuts i.n �Y'Oj?OSA19 if necessary. D. An attempt is made to "smoatti" out, from year to year, the level of need. E. A fcmding method is ttien appliecl to the�e needs as Eollows: (years and amounts are picked for sitowin� examplP only) FLNANGI�TG % F'iJNI?7NG APIAUNT OF a.) XEAR NEED TftIS YEAR FUN'llING TitIS YR. 1989 365,000 1Q(J 3fi5,nU(? 1990 575,000 �� 460,00� 1991 4Cl2,�00 60 24l,2tic1 t992 539,bC10 40 21.5,f,�0 1993 428,000 20 $S,h�U . TOTAL $2,309,Q00 $1,367,4(?0 : � 1989 cIP FUNnINc N�En: $I,367,400 B.) Existing, nc�n-alloeated, cash < 420,000> balance in GIP Fund is t}ien used to reduce need c.) The remaincier wottld be lhe amount to Levy for $9�+7,4�0 � ` � � Proposed CIP I3udget Page Two F. Since, "in this case, the cl�rrent year (1989) neecis are leGs th.�n the amount levied for the remai.ncler wot�lcl be aPpli��l to t:lie: reserve bal�nce. ($947,40� - 36i,1��Q - $5R?,,fi0t)) G. If you follow this method and CIF needs continue t� increase, at :� fairly steady rate the reserve bal�nce and levy need �aoi�lct beenme quite irrePular. That is these tw� items w��ilcl fluctuate. ln some ye�rs the b�3lance may be low �nd levy extrFmeiy hin1� �r vi�r versa. Il. There is no set method to contr.�l levy increasPs, funclin�; nencl increases or reserve balances other than the city's overall levy l�.mi.t as contralled hy st�,�te statue. lj ' ' � � C I P 1iUDGF,TING/I'UNDING - The following CIP i'unding method is prc��osed to smookh out thP budgeting and fundinp, fc�r. a 5 year CIP and ee�ntin�ie to hui.lct ��p a reason�ble CZP rpserve funcl. l, Use 25� X NEFbS aPPr��cli; i.e. : 1989 365,�Q� X .25 = $ 9t ,25t� 1:990 575,000 X .25 = 143,75(1 1.991 4(�2,O�Q X .25 = 100,5�0 1992 539,OOfl X .25 = 134,750 1993 42$,(?�0 X .25 = l.(�7,000 Totals $2,309,(lfJ� $577,7>0 Preliminary CIP Funding for 1.9fl9 Wp111(j I)P $ 572,75Q 2, LGVY A� Maximum i,Pvy wo�ticl 1>� - 125� of current year needs ($3G5,�OQ x 1 .25 =$ 4''ih,7.5(7) or - 100� OF 5 year averap,e neecls ($2,309,t100/5 - $l+�il ,$O(?) which rver is prer�trr. B) Maximum Levy increase of Levy over preuious }�P.1C i.s 3Q�; i..e. : 19F3fl I�evy $4h9,52Q X 1.3� _ $fi1.0,37fi Maximum for 19�39 i�Pvy would he $G1Q,376 C) If excess resPrve r.egt�lts wi1:h T�evy decr.ense, currenl levy ic� iFicrer�se re9r.r.vF l�alnnce. � 3. RrSERVF REQU'IREMrNTS - Create two limiY.g tor. RP,.9P.YV(' R;►1:►nce A) Maximum Resetve - 150� of �urrenC 5 yr. Average Neecl D) Mini.mt�m Reserve - 1.�)0� of Curr.ent 5 yr. Aver��;e Need . , 4. CIP IT�MS TQ �3� INCLUDrn Any single purchased item, esti.mated to c�st more than $2i0Q should be placed in the CIP Au�l�et. This wi.l1. i.nclude r�ll purchases Pxcept service costs such as: A) Cc�nsultin�; - anless p�rt o.f. physi.cal ��rn.j�ct Tl) �n�oinp, exp�nses s�irh as rri.ntin�;, m�r.krti.np, ��lvert i4irir, �ccatmCinp,, etc. C) Gc►nsiat�nt re�lacFm�nf. �f v�lii.cl�s in finti��+ f1�+J�t . , � � CIP lludget Fun�linp Page Two S. MAXIMUM NFrb CNANGE Otte year's needs cannot exceed fi.vP year average hy more than 30% i.e. t $461 ,8�0 X 1.3 = $599,3�0 $461,800 wot.tld he O.K. 6. MULTI-YFAR FR(?JECT FUNDING Items, such as �'ire Apparatus, for whic#� multi-ye�r. £undi.np, i� necessary will have their currenY. funds put in r� resPrve accor�nF. for apeciel reserve bnilclup; i.e. : . Aerial Truck 1992 $100,00� 1993 200,O�Q 1994 2U0,000 T�tal $ 50�,000 1j � � . � � 1989 C I F' i3U0GET 1989 CIP Budget Presented for Gouncii Consideration -- ------- . ------------ . ---------------- ITEM . COST . : FUNDINr, NEEDS ------------------------------ F3-------- ----- 8--------------- 8-------------__- RECAP SHEET . . . ------------------------------10--------------10---------------10------- ---_____ ------------------------------17___-----------12---------------1?_---------- -- 1989 TOTALS . 365,000 . 25�, . 91,25Q r ------------------------------14--------------14---------------14---------------- ------------------------------16--------------16----------- ---lf-------------___ 1990 70TALS . 575,000 . 25� ^ . 1�13,75f1 ------------------------------1F3--------------1t3---------------1£i----------_-__-- ------------------------------20--------------20- - -----------2t1---------------- 1991 T07ALS , 402,000 . 25� . 1��,5�� ------------------------------22-------- -----22- -------------7_2------------ --- ------------------------------24--------------24---------------24---------------- 1992 TOTALS . 539,000 . 25:� . 134,150 ------------------------------26--------------26---------------26---------------- r^ . , ------------------------------28--------------28---------------2II---------------- 1993 TOTAL.S . 42F3,000 . 25� . i07,000 ------------------------------30--------------34---------------30---------------- ---------------�--------------32--------------32---------------32---------------- ------------------------------34----------- -34---------------34------ -------- ------------------------------36--------------36---------------36--------------- ------------------------------3€3--------------3H---------------3�i--------------- TOTAL . 2,309,000 . 470,250 ------------------------------�a--------------�o---------------Qo---------------- r � R'�t'I!' p 19f39 C I P fiUDCFi � 1989 CIP 13udget Presented for Councit Consicleration M1. I�F`('ARtt4FNI� - --------------- :---------- •------------------- • ---------------------------------------- •--------------- 1tEM • COST ; : !t(1'ARTt•1t"Nt ---------------- :---------- :------------------- -------------------------------------- :--------------- Roadside Mower (Replace) : 10,OQ0 : RQ(?�AGP. 1121i � : R„1, plrks -��Of, tor��-�-----`------------ 8---f- 8- ------- ------------------------------------------------ tf .._ - ------ --- - efwrr Pe+r17c�) . 3.a�Q00 r ll`�i}r.ulr. 1.�, Sl:.�ck Rr�l.nry 1„ Ii.m�lt�• Nr�w 1'ne k Arr.i: . �•��b,,' -------�------ -------------10-------- iU--- . , -------------------------------------------------------ltl ------________ Replace CMevette : 11,000 . Re�lace U�it : R�iiictinq -------------- -------------12----------12--- --------------- ------------------------------- 17--------------- Crack Filier Equipment : 1f3�000 : New�r Lechrinlo�y k.hnn c�nrc±nt rr���i�xn�nl. in �is�� ; P�il� Wrks ------------------------------14-------- 1+ _ -- �--------'--------------------------------------------------th------------ Computer Upgrade : 35,0�0 : ProgramJharciware re�ilacement ��rr.gr�m : fi���n�e ------------------------------16----------16------------------ -----------------------------•-----__-____�f,------______--- ENFORS Program Update : 5,000 : Police F',�ck�ge t'rogr�m u�xl�f:e • f'�iic� ------------------------------18----------18-------------------- • ------------------------------------.._-iR--------------- Grass Rig • 16,000 : Replace 197h hR4 : Fir� ---------------------------- 20----------20----------------- - ------------------------------------------20--------------- Grass Rig : 16,00t3 : Reptace Lower Pressure Pump • f'ire ------------------------------22----------27_----------------- • ------------------------------------------27--------------- Trans Vehicle/Command Car : 21�OOQ : Gommand Post - Chiefs Cir . � ��.,, ------------------------------24----------24----------------- . ------------..-----------------------------24--------------- Admin d� Registration Software ; 2,SOd : Proqr.ims Y.n rnn on rxisr.;n� rc�5 r,,.�,,.� . ------------------------------2K----------2H------------- ' ----------------------------------------------?�,--------------- Erickson Park • t0,Op0 : Raise (lut I"ieid Fence on Fiel�l� Nh h A5 fr�,m 4' Ic� R' : t'at�ka ------------------------------28----------28-------------- _ -- ----- ------------------- -------------=-2R--------------- Connemara Park : 15,000 : Irric�ati�n for At;hietic t'ieid : 1'arks ----------------------------- 30----------30------------ - -----------------------------------------------30--------------- One Ton Dump Truck w/ptc�w : 22,000 : Rdditic�n to Fiset : ��ih tUrks ------------------------------32----------32-------- ---------------------------------------------------32--------------- _Hot Mix Traiter : 10,000 : Keep Not Mis {lot until placed as patch : pub Wrks --------------------------34----------34------------- ----------------------------------------------3h--------------- Sander �220 • 3,000 : Replace 1917 Unit : Puh Wrks --------------------------- 36 ---------36----------- ' ------------------------------------------------3�--------------- Underbody Plow : 6,000 : For Tandem bump Truck • Pub Wrks ------------------------------38----------38---------------------- ' ----------------�--- --------- 3F3--------------- Caravan Wagon : 15,000 : Administration/SY.aff vehir,le-Front �rive Fassenq�r Uiiit : f,e��ei-a1 ------------------------------40----------40------------- � ----------------------------- -�--------------ht Parking Lot Blacktop • 15,000 : Finish Fast Half Perkinq Lot on Nori;li Sid� of Cit,y I1��11 ��(�nrr.il ---------------------------- 42-------- -- --42-----------------------------------------------------------h2- ---- ------ Video Equipment • 5 Ot}0 : Video Epuipmgnt - Meeting Taping Equi�ment : General . , ------------------------------1F----------44-------=-- -------------------------------------------------4h--------------- t Computer Networking : 7,000 : Hardware & Software to Network PC System : C,eneral --------------------------46----------46---------- -------------------------------------------------hf--------------- � Computer Networking : 8,000 : Supplement New Permit/DaY.a Base : C,omm hev ----------------------------- 48--------- 48-------------- ---------------------------------------------hF�--------------- Office Remodel : 10,000 ; F'ermanent b Movibie Part:it:ions-qcid'1 Off4c�•s : f,cneril ------------------------------50----------50--------------- --------------------------------------------`.;0--------------^ Pickup 1/2 Ton : �2,0�0 : n�i�t;r,i�,�, t:o fleet : f'iit, Wrks ------------------------------�2----------52--------------- '--_.--"_---'---_"-----------`-'-"-^-"--- �i�' '-'-----"'-'-- PJ Park Irrigation : 30,000 : Moved from 1990 : ���•ks ------------------------------5++---------- � Si-----------------------------------------------------------!i4--------------- JC Park Fencing : 15,000 : Moved fran 1990 : r�rks ------------------------------56----------56------------- ----------------------------------------------SFa--------------- Portable Dock : 2,500 : Schwar� Park Pond : E'�rks ------------------------------58----------SA----------- -_-�..________________________._____'____..a""'_ r ___.. Playground Eryuipment : 10,000 r Chippenda+te P<�rk -.��V--�------- : f arks ------------------------------60----------60------------ ----------------------------------- ---------^--(,Il--------------- ---------------------^ � � . --------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------F,2--------------- . • . ------------------------------64----------6h---------- ' -----------------------------------------------��-f,h-.._------------ tOtAL : 365,00� : hraft �+� 9u�c 6, 19Q8 ------------------------------66---------- • 66---------------------------------- -------------------------6G------- . • � 1990 CIP BUDGET 90CiP 1989 CiP E3udget Presented for Council Consideration ALL DFPARiMEN1S ----------------- :---------- t----------- ------------------------------------------------ •--------------- ITEM • COSt • : DEPARTMENr -------------------- •---------- :---------- • ------------------------------------------------- :------------ --- 02 truck (reptace) __ : 78,000 : Replace Truck with package (plow and wing) : Pub Wrks ---------------------------- 8---------- 8---------- ------------------------------------------------ 8--------------- �202a Plow (replace) :in above : for abnve : Pub Mrks ------------------------------10----------10----------- ------------------------------------------------10--------------- #202b Wing (replace) :in abvve : for a6ove ; Pub Wrks --------------------------- 12----------12------------------- ---------------------------------------12.--------------- 'Chippendale Trail • 8,500 : Traii c�mpletian 155th souY.h to tfiOth : ►'�rks --------------------------14----------14---------- -------------------------------------------------ih-�------------- North & South Hockey Rinks : 13,OOQ : Mate�i�t For Upgrading • i'arks ----------------------------- 16----------16---------------- . " ---------------------�---------------------18--------------- _R�place '83 Ltb • 12 000 : '83 L7D entered Motor Pooi from Police in hpril oE 1Fi7 : f'tanning • , ---------------------------18----------18-------------- ---------------------------------------------tA--------------- New Reel for Ladder 5upport : 9,000 : Replaced hose reel and piace it on f�rass Riq linit : Fire -- --------------------------20----------20---------------- • -------------------------- -----�_---------20-----------___� Highpointe Siren s 8,50Q : To be insY.ailed o� Shannon Parkway in 5th or 6t;h Addition : Generai -- -�-----------------------22----------22--�------------ --------------------------- ----------------?.2--------------- C�ty Natl Area • 85,Q00 : Shetter and Rest Rooms between Rinks and f�rage : Gener�l -------- ------------------ 24----------24---------- ------------------------------------------------- - Sweepster Droom 3 000 1�� � ' : Replace H215 Liroom fc�r [3obcat : t'i�b Wrks • , -------- --------------------26----------26---------------- -------------------------------------------26--------------- Camfield Park : 10,000 : t3askethall Court and Landscaping � : f,eneral ------------------------------28----------28------------- ----------------------------------------------26--------------- New Vehicle • i1,OQ0 : Administr�itive/Staff Vehicle : Gen�rai . ------------------------------30----------30--------------- --------------------------------------------30--------------- City Halt Lot : 15,000 a West Half of Narth �ot + Storm Sewer : General ---------------------------- 32----------32---------- -- -------------------=-----------------------------32--------------- Radios/Pagers • 3,000 : New �nd replacement : Comm nev ------------------------------34----------3b------------- ----------------------------------------------3+�--------------- _Highwey 3 : 90,0(l0 : F;rst of two Instailments for City Share � Ceneral --------------------------=36----------36-------------- . ---------------------------------------------3fi-------------- JC Park-Rink b Lights : 15,000 : Park �evelopment : F'arks ----------------------------- 38----------38------------------ -----------------------------------------3R- --------- JG Park Sheltar : 100,000 t Park Deveinpment • P�rks -----------------------------=►+0----------40----------- . ------------------------------------------------h0- ------------ Playground Equipment-ballara : 10,000 : Park Impr•ovements : Parks • ----------------------------- 42-------- 42--------------------- " --------------------------------------42------------ - ___ Rescue Van : 95,000 : Replace Existing - Keep Old one for eq�iipmenY. h<�uler : Fire ------------------------------44----------44--------------- --------------------------------------------��h--------------- Erickson Pk Nockey Rnk lites : 8,000 : Replace lighting System : Parks ------------------------------46----------46------------ -----------------------------------------------46- ------------- . ; ------------------------------48----------48--------------- . --------------------------------------------48--------------- . • � ------------------------------50----------50--------------- • --------------------------------------------50--------------- ------------------------------52----------52-----------------------------------------------------------57.- ------------- ------------------------------54----------5�a-------------------------------------------_------------_--5h-_-__-_--__ - ----------- ------------------56----------56----------------------------------------- ------------- -SG--------------- . . , ------------------------------SS----------58---------- , -------------------------------------------------Sfl----------- ------------------------------60----------60-----------------------------------------------------------f�------- ----- ------------------------------62----------62--------;�--------------------------------------------------62------- ----- , . . ------------------------------64----------64-------------_ • -------------------------- --�------ t TOTAL : 575,000 : ---------- 6F--------------- ,_ . ------------------------------66----------66----------- ' ------------------------------------ ------------6fi--------------- . .� � � . � � , . � .. � ... .Sr��f�� . .. . �. 1991 C J(' F3U�Gf_T 1989 C}P E3udger Presented for Council Gonsideration hi.i (ttt'/1Rif4FNi5 - :---------- e----------------------------------------------- :--------------- 1TEM t COSt ------------ : Itft�nnirtrrar -- --- :---------- :----------------------------------------- ---------- --- :--------------- Road Shnuldering Machine s 3i000 : New Equih for Maint.aining Rur�l filackt;��p S1'.rret. Sfirnrltl�rs : i'�ih Wrke ------------------------------ 8-�-------- 8----------- - - tt---------- ---- Gomput;er Ffardwate Repl�ce : 18,Q04 : Re(�lar.e Fxist.inq t'nlrce f)ep.�rl:menl. Gnmpr�Cc.r ll;rrriw�re �^ ; C�ili�•r ------------------------------10----------1(�-----------------------------------------------------------IO----------_.._.._ Tandem Dump Truck 80,000 ; Additionai 7andem lruck for Fleet : t'�r{� Wrks ------------------------------12----------12--------------------------------_--__----------------------'1`2--<,_-__...:.._.._ City Hall Expdnsian : tOQ,t�00 : Cit:y Ilall Fx�xansion funclin� : Grnrr,71 ------------------------------1►�----------iM--�------- --------------------___ _ ___------ --�----- ---i+�-- - -- -- h X ►f Pickur . 1p,Q00 Rcst:�F.inn �,f Trucks . ! :ir�,^ -- . , �-----------------------------tfi----------16--------------- ----------------=------�--__-._______-•-—-ffi -----________ Pl�yground Fquipmeni: : 10,(�(.)(1 : Wifl[IS Xinq R Kiricl�•r• P,irk : 1';�rkr. ------------------------------t£3----------18-----------------------------------------------------------113--------------- JC Park - General l:ighting : 35,Q00 : Continuine� Park Develormeni; : t'ir•i<s ------------------------------20----------20-------,�.__-_----------�---------------------_---------=-----2(?--------_--____ Shannon Park North - Land : 80,�Of1 ; Cc+htinuinq Park Plinned nevc}n�rm�nY. e Firks ---------------------------22----------?T_-----------------------------__-_____-__-_-------__--------77---�..___------- Park Shelter hQ,000 : Twin Pu<idles Park ; t'irks ------------------------------24----------24--�---------------------------------------------__--______-?��--------�------ Sprinkie Fire Nall 18,000 ; Fire , . ------------------------------26----------26-------------- ---------------------------------------------26- ------ - ---- . , ------------------------------28----------28-----------------------------------------------------------2fl--------------- . , ---------------------------�--30----------30-----------------------------------------------------------i0--------------- . • . ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- . ------------------------------34----------34-------------------------------------------------_-_-----_-3h--------------- . , . ------------------------------36----------36------------- -- --- __ �' ----------- ----- ----------- - ----- -- .6-- ------- ---- , ------------------------------38----------38---------------------------------------�-------------------3R--------------- . : : ------------------------------40----------�t�--------------------------------------------------=-------..ryti--------------- . . ------------------------------►�2----------h2-----------------------------------------------------------h2--------------- . . . ------------------------------44----------44----------------- ------- -------- rr ------- --------------- -----��--------- . . . -----�------------------------46----------46------------- . ----------------------------------------------hG------- . . ------------------------------48----------i�8-----------------------------------------------------------+�R--------------- , . �_���..____�____�..__-____�_.__�..Sa____.__.___S�_..�_______.___�____________�___..___�^.__-_.•__�_____^^___•.____r���'__�_.'____..____ . � . , � . .... . �. , . .. � . . . "_..".."'_"'_�"""'�"__"J�"'.^"^."'JZ"'_'.".__""""""__"""_"_'..'_"""'_""'__"'..�'_rt�"'__,^'_"""' �����..���--���..�..�..-....��..�..���r�l#......��..-'_'JI�-��-'-�^' --`�-�----'-^`--__-"""-'--- _..'--"-"------rill-•--`_`--- ' - . . . . ------------------------------56----------56--------------------------------------------------=-------,G--------------- ------------------------------58----------58---------------------------------------------------=-------�,ti--------------- ------------------------------6U----------60---------------=__-----------------------------------------f,0--------------- ------------------------------62----------62-------�---------- : -----------------------------------------f,7_--------------- ------------------------------64----------64-----------------------------------------------------------61�------------'--- TOTAL : 402,000 . ------------------------------66----------66---------------- ------------------------- 56--------------_ , � � 92CIP 1992 CIP BU�GET 1989 CIP Qudget Presented for Councit Consideration ALl CIEPARtMENiS --------------- :---------- ;-------�---------------------------------------------------- :--------------- ITEM : COST : ; bFPARtMfNfi ------------------------------ :---------- .----------------------------------- ----- ---------- -- ------- -- Replace #206 ?andem Axie : 80,000 , replace existing equipment :^Pu(r Wrks ---------------------------�__ 8---------- 8----------------------------------------------------------- 8--------------- Replace #508 Toro ; 15,000 : Regular Reptaceme�t Scheclule � Pub Wrks ------------------------------10----------10-----------------------------------------------------------10__--------_---_ Additional Pickup e 15,000 : ; P�ib Wrks -----------------�_-----------12----------12----------___----------------------------------------------12--------------- Nose Truck • 18,000 : Replacement Unit ; fire -----------------------------=14----------14------------------------------------------ ---------------1�►--------------- Office Equinment : 15,000 : Update Office Equipment Inetucling Wnrd Processing : Poiice ------------------------------16----------16--- -- ---- -------- -- --- -- --- -ih- -- --- Inspection Vehicle • 13,000 : Add�tion to Fleet • C�mm tlev ^ -----------�------------------18----------18---------- --------------------------------_---------------18- ------------- Aerial Truck : 100,040 : $100,000 1992, $200,000 1993, $300,000 199�+ : Fire --------------------------20----------20---------- -- -- --- -- --- -- --- 20- -- ---- 4 X 4 Pickup ; 1$,D00 : Replace '86 Unit 227 - • Pub Wrks ------------------------------22----------22-----------------------------------------------------------22--------------- Erickson Park • 45,000 : Shelter for Soccer Field �1rea : pi�ks . ------------------------------24----------24-------------------------------------------------------- ---21r--------------- Highway #3 : 100,000 : Second Part of State Reconstruction Project �unding : f,enerai �Park^Shelter��---------------26--45,OQ0--2b-Gonemmara Park+peveltapment- _-_-_-..___-------- ---- ----1fi----___- - __ _.... : F�arks -- --- -------- ----28----------28------------------------------------------------------- ---7_8-------- ------ Shannon Park North-trrigation ; SOr000 • Continued Park Imnrovement . P,�rks Shannon Park�North-Sad � '-+30--25y000--30}Continued�Park�improvement~---}-�----�-l-^^-'--- ----- R3�-Parks�--'----- ------------------------------32----------32-----------------------------------------------------------32--------------- ------------------------------34----------34------------------------------------- -__---- -------------3►r---- --------- ------------------------------36----------3G--------------------------------------------------- -------3{--____-- - __ ---------------- --- -------38----------38____-----____----------- -- ------___- ,- --------- _-__--38-- - --- __ : --- --------- - ------- ----------40----------40-------------- ---__-_______----------------- - ---- -----h0__ _--__ _ _ , - ------------------�-----------42----------42-------------- ---------- -- ------------------------------h2--------------- , . , . , ------------------------------44----------44------------- ___^� ------------------------------------------ ih--------------- --- --------------------------��6----------46--------r------------�------------------ - -- ___------- --46- -- -------- . . , ------------------------------48----------48---------------------------------------------------------'--4f3----------=---- ' , ; . ------------------------------SO----------50----�----- , ---------- -- -----------------------------------5�---- ---------- -------------------------- ---52----------52--- ------------------------------------------------ ----52- --_____---- , . ---------------------- ' • . --------54----------54-----______ , -------- --------------------------------------5h-------- ----- --------------------------�_--56----------56---------------- ------------------------------------------SC,--------- ----- ------------------------------58----------58--------------------- ---------------------- --------------58-------------- , . , ------------------------------60----------60----------�------------------------------------------------bQ--------------- . . , ------------------------------62----------62-------------------------------- -------- -h2----------- , . . ------------------------------64----------6�+-----------------------------�-----------------------------F��--------------- TUTAI. : 539,000 . . , ------------------------------66----------66-----------------------------------------------------------6K---------------" � . � � ���ir ���z cir rz�rnr,FT 19U9 CI1� It��dgr.l: nreseni:ed for Council Consideratinn AIi. It(t`Al2(f1tN1S ------------------------- ---•---------- -- ------------------ - ------------------ ------ -------------- ITEM . C051 ! - --- -- -- --- s ftf!'AltiflENt ------------------------------ ----------�-------- -- - ----- ---------------- ----- -- -------- -- Aeria) Truck : 200,00� : Rept�ce 20 Ye�r illcl truck -- -- - _: fitre -- ------------------------------ 8------___- ti----- --------------------------- ------___--- ---- ------- R-- - ------ - Siren t 10�Ot1Q ; Complel:c Sire InsF,nlinl:fc+n Northrnf US itc�m�s ni; 17til.h : (�rnrvr:+F ------------------ -----------10-----__-__10---__--------------------__-____________--------____ _ __ -Itt�- -----__--_ - Shannon t�ark North 25y000 : i_ightinn of At1,letic FScids : P�rks ------------------------------12----------12-----------------------------------------------------------12--------------- Mower Replacement 15,000 : itehlicr.menl: Prnqrim Sr.ticd��lo - Jahn l)eer� ltni! : f"��ks ----""--- � --'---'`-'-Y--- -- � ---------- _-�-�_--"-_-'-'_" � {"..'----'-��1---------'--------------'-----'-------- --- � t----' Rcar MounCed Utac.le t 5��00 : Movetl Fl•nm 'A�3 d 1'�ih Wrks ------------------------ ---------------------------- ------- ------------ ------ ------1F,----------tti--------- - If.--------- Repiace '87 tempo 13,OQ0 : Replace �ns�iect.ion Vehiclr, ar.q�iire�i .princ� ��f 'f�1 : ('.nmm ilev ------------------------------ifl----------18---=-------------------------------------------------------i�i--------------- �� X �+ Pickun . 20�OOQ : Rr.pl�r.e f�rass Riq Unit:-shift oltl �mit to RF�h Wr•ks . f�rr ------------------------------20----------20-----------------------------------------------------------�7ft--------------- 5hannon Pir•k North-Shelter s 1h0�000 :C,ontintiinq Pirk Im�irnvemenl:s ; P.irles ------------------------------22----------72---------- ?9--------------- ------------------------------------------------- . . ------- ------------- � ----------- ------------------------------2�F----------7.h------------------------------------ --- JE---- ------------------------------26----------2Fi-----------------------------------------------------------2f>--------------- . , , ------------------------------28----------28------- ------------------------------------------?f�-=------------- a--------- ------------------------------30----------3t1-----------------------------------------------------------�tt--------------- ------------------------------32----------32--------------------------------------------------------�--32--------------- � ------------------------------3h----------3��-----------------------------------------------------------3t�-------------=- T ------------------------------36----------3ti--------- --- --- -- - ZG------------- ------------------------------38----------3A-----------------------------------------------------------3fl--------------- . . , . . ------- ---------------------- ' . __ ------------------------------h0----------►�0-------------------------- --- -ht1------------- � , . . ------------------------------42----------h1.------------ --- -h2------- . . . ---- -----=-- ---- ------ ------------------------------4i�----------hh-------------------------------- ----- --- ---�r��--------- . • . ------- ------------- ---_� . ------ ------------------------------��6----------��h------------------------- ----- ----- �fs--------- � . . -----------� � � ---- ---- ---------------� ---- ------------------- i8----------iA------------------------------ --- --- rfi----=------ , , . ------------------------------50----------5�---------------------------------_--_----------------.:<-_--r,n___-----------_ ------------------------------52----------52--------------____-----------------------------------------:2-----------'--- . . • ------------------------------5h----------5��------------------=____-----------------------_------------•r�_-._----------- . ; . . ------------------------------5f----------56-----------------------------------------------------------5k----------..____ . . . ---=--------------------------58----------5f1-------------------------------------=---------------------5fl------�-------- . . • ------------------------------60----------60-----�---- ------ ----- 6(1---------- s s . ------------------------------62----------62-----------------------------------------------------------f.2--------------- . . • ------------------------------6h----------f���-------------�---------=-----------------------------------t,h--------------- TOthL : ►i28,d0(1 . hrafi: N4 Juri� 6, 19t�fl • . ------------------------------66----------b6-----------------------------------------------------------�,6--------------- . _ � � AUGUiT 1l� 19a8 PAYASI.E 1989 IEVY CIMITAtION C�ILCUl11tI0N FOR TtfE CITY Oft 70t�N OF ROSEMQUt�T 1. TOTAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR Pl1YABlE 1988 * S 1,�i28,132 2. PAYliBIE 1988 SPECIIIL LEVIES FROM FpRM 2.80� A. PRINCIf'AL AfJD INTERGSt OM DONDS AND CERTIt'ICA1[S tlF INbEBTEnNESS (SCNEbItIES D, C, D, & E) S 187,087 fl. UNFUNbED ACCRUEb LIABIIITY 0� PUBtIC PENSIQN fUNDS S 7,852 C. t07A1 (2A+�g) S 19�i,934 3. PAYABLE 1988 kEVY FOR OPERATING CQSTS OF PUBLIC LIBRARY 5YSTEMS $ � 4. 1988 STATE PAID AinS! A, 1988 LOCl1l GOVCRNMENT AID � 5G7,2?_l D. 1488 TACONITE AIb S 0 C. TOi'AL (4A+4D) S 567.7_7.7 5. DEGINNING L€VY IIMIT BASE FOR PAYADLE 1989 (1-2C-3+�iG) S 1,8UO,�i?_0 6. INFLA7ION ADJUSTMEN7 1 ��� 7. INFtATION ADJUS7ED i484 LEVY LIMI7 BASE (5X6) S 1.872.437 8. ADJUSTMF_NT FOR GROt•!TH IN POPULATION OR NOUSENOLbS (USES THE LARt3ER 0� THE FOLLOWING RATIOS) PQt'UlA7I0N NOUSEtt�LDS A. 1988 r� 7,420 ----2,358 B. 1987 6►8��7 2,i�9 C. RATIO (1988i1987) 1.084 1.1i3 D. ADJUSTMENT FOR GR04JTH tLAKGER OF POPULATION OR HOUSENOLD RATIO) 1 .113 �** 9. POPULAYION�HOUSENOID ADJUSTfD 1989 ,LEVY LIMIT BAS� t7X8D) 5 2,D84,022 10. LEVY LIMIT BASE AbJU57MENt BY t1PPLICATION APpROVEU BY THE COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE . g 0 11. REFERENDUM LEVY LIMIT BASE AbJUSTMENT g p 12. FINAL ADJUS7ED 1989 LEVY LIMIT BASE t9+10�11) S 2,l�R4.�22 13. 1989 STATE PAID AIUS: ' fl. 1989 `LOCAI GOVERNMENT AIfl S Gt)1,8�G d. 1989 TACONITE AIb $ 0 C. TOTAL (13A413$) S 607,A76 14. PAY�1BtE 1989 LEVY LIMITATION (12-13G) S 1.<r�6,1?6 . * TOTAL CERTIFIED L�VY FROM IINE 1 OF THE CI7Y OR TQGJtJ'S 1987i19A8 FORM 2$O. fiHIS INCLUDES TNE CITY OR T041N'S SF'ECIAL LEVIfS �OR Pf1YABtE 1988 AS t•IELL AS I7S i_EVY SUBJECT TO 7H� OVERAIC �EVY LIMITATIOtJ FOI2 F'AYA$lE 1488, If fiNE CITY OR 7ptdN L�VIED LESS TNAN ITS OVERALL IEVY LIMITATION FQR PAYABIE i988. TNE �1t�i0UfJ1' ENIERFD NERE REF[�CTS THt►7 UNDERIEVY. ALSO, IF TNE GITY OR TOt•!N EXCEEi�Eb ITS (?UER11lt l.EVY LIMITATIt?N FOR PaYABLE 1988, THE EXCESS LEVY IS NOt INCIUDED ItJ THE AMOUNT ENTERED HER�. �* IF THE RATIO IS LESS TNAN 1.00U, IT HAS BEE'N CNANGEn TO THE NUMtI[R 1 .d00. � !; . . �.�� ���ar� �a _ u ; .: � �a��i1 � ���+�IA�. �.�v��S ����IM���;: iar� ... . COMPIETE ANb Department ot Revenue-locai Gaver�tment Se�vices Division RETURN t0: MaA Stallon 22d0 St. Paui.Minnesala 55146-2240 Tele{�hone: (612)296-2286 N e of Governmental Unit Name of Person Filling out Form SY.enhan �lilk, lldmin/C1Pr•k Maiting Address Tele hone � P. 0. Bvx 510, 2875 145th St W, Rosem�unt, Minn 550G� ( 61?_p) �123-4�J11 1. Total Levy Certified to County Auditor. 4Do�Qj Inciude Local Govarnment Aid or Taconife Aids in this A�nount.) . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1��7'�?'2 �, 2. Totaf Special Levies (from bottom of page fi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 199,1?_f 3. Levy SubJect to Levy Limitation (1 minus 2j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,�llEi, 12G 4. 1988/1989 Levy Limitation (see page i af#he instructions.) . . , . . . . . $,,�j�,!����__1��p :. , , . :_.. :. _ :°. .....:: ': . . :>::>:<:>:. .:.:... ...... ::. ..... .,. ..:;�,:;<;: , A Social Services and Pubiic Assistance* . . . . . . . . . . . $ _� � B. Bonded indebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I 1,UUo � C Certificates of lndebtedness . . . . . . . . . . . . , � Principal and interest on Armory Bonds . . . . . 1 F,,1�35� E Payments tor E3onds of Another GovernmenEal Unit . . F ' Auditor's Error of Omission . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Clerk's Error of Omission . . . . . . . . . . . . . N � Unfunded Accrued l.iability of Publie Pension Funds . . . . 11 Z 3!f l� I : State Costs a#Commissioner of Revenue 4rdered Reassessment . . . . . . . . , . . . J bebt Senrice on Tax increment Financing Revenue Bonds To Covar Shortage of Fievenue REFERENDUM Additionai Levies �Approved By Aeferendum . . . . . . . . LAWS 1988 Minnesota Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To#at Special L�vies . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 199,1?_6 " Appllea onty to county governments I, #he �udget representative of ft�e above mentioned county, city or town, certiiy ttiat ttis fc�reg�ir�� fig��res are accura#e to the t�est of my knowiedge. SIGNATl1fiE 4F C�IInG�T n�t"iCEfi ' TI�Tt_E -----t3A1F: y Administratc�r/Clerk t11ic� 19�3£3 �cN�.�U�,: sa�ra�,���tnc ..:.... . ... ... �'�II� �1N��INr�UF�S��1 �'U�LlG IS�'ANCE pAYMENTS :.:. . . .:.;.: ......:: ..�...:. : :� ......... .......:. ;:: . ; � ...:.:.. .:...:.. .. . ::: ... � , � ��1���1fl% M�xim�m Ir�SC�gSg (1) Social Services and its Administration . . . � . . , . , , . . ,ti� $ (2} Public Assistance a) Minnesota Suppiementat Assistance . . . . . . . . . .$ b) Aid to Fami{ies with Dependent Chiidren . . , . . , . {: . c) Medical Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , d) Total Pubiic Assistance (a a•b+c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(2�j$ (3) Totai Levy SubJect io 18°� Maximum tncrease (1 + 2d) . . . , . . . . . . . .{�� g (4) Maximurn Levy (See eertification of 18%0 levy rirnitation enclosed with this form.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) $ (5) Certitied Limited Levy (Lesser of 3 or 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(�) $ Exemot from 189�o Maxim�m Incre� (6) General Assistance (Medical/Non-Medical Care) . . . . . . . $ (7) Nospitalization af Indigents Not under a Public Assistance : Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $ (8) Total Levy Exempt from 18%Maucimum tncrease (fi + 7) . . . . . . . . . . . (g) $ ., TotalSpeciai Levy A (5 + 8) . . . . . . . . . . $ �ot Efi�ible for SReciat I Rw Public Assistance Administration . . . . . $ S�NE�?' �!� �: �C�t�#p � N T j'y■ ��rY! �>�, �� ., < ti , t , }y � ��!1T���S�T.�`IT��6 y'�} .+� } � � y. ....,.:� . .. ....:.: . .....:.r� t .,.,.:{.. ......�.... . T�� ��a r �r �Y+.'3., s`:L`' :..i.:... � > .....�..�.,; .,....,f., '. : y . . . . . .:.,�.:,3 ..!:#.,... �....?. ,. , ,.Y.?..,, r t r .., . Ty e of 8�� 1988i1989 ----�'r�iLs_e CeL!1�5� LQ�ry (1) - $ e A .t��� Sehedule ��8�� �ij � 171,OOD �2) ��� � � �3) ��� $ t4) ��� � •. Totai Special levy d (1 thru 4} �....__],1.�.,.QQ_Q_� 2 _ .�-lE��.�' C�hTI�iG�t�'� iNq���'��1N�S� ' .::: .: , .. . :. . . :,.�;. >:: .: : . ... - � Auti�ori�inc� 1��3�3/t�f39 ___,_�t��lZ��41_.1 d_W___�.----- ��ICPQ�� �er titiGi�_l;�YY__ fi) (�� � __..._ ��} (2) � . - _--. _ Total S���ciat levy C (1 -�-2} . . . . . . $ : .. � : . ����..C�. �!#fN�1�+A�.�i�IC� IN�"���5�`t�N At�N�It��iY' �dNb� , , ...:> .... . .: ...:. � ..: . Amount for this scheclule is entered ardy on page i. .. �M���/n1114.�R�k�•T t..t�ry.y+�. (�,y'� {,� (�^j�/y� (]y� Ni� .W■ y{=� i�/`y{,,�� �w} +ni` /i� : ... � . . ' . t...:: �.....:.:. . '.�1\� �V� LJ��M*Y M��t\�!���.• ��j 14.��i..�.'•�f1�:���� :. '� .. ..... ..�:....... . .. . .... .... . � ,..:s: � • , ,.,.... .. . . . . ....:.�.. . ...�.-:o. ......:�..�� . .:'..;.;. ,.,,:. .. ,.�.,:' . .�,�.�: .,:��. .�: :: Politicai 19�3f3/i9E3� .______S�t�uti�I�n.eaisi.`.� P_urpQs�— �_Cv[tifivd t�evy��. �1) (�) �...�._�----------- �2� ____ (?) � _.___. _r_.._ roi�l Spnci��l 1_c�vy f� (i ► 2j . . . . . . . . '�_ .._,..__..._._. _ 1 ;, . . .�:��1��.1lL�..F: AUDtTU�i'S �nl�Oti �?�I�MIfiSIpN :: ' , , �mount for tt�is schedule is entered only on page�1. }IowevQr, clocumentation stivuicl�t�e nroviciecf. Se� the instructions for more information. _ ` �S�l�.�l.��..�a?S CI.E�i�'S.EtifiCl�i OF C,��Ii1�aS�q�'�1 ; : Amount for this scheclule is entered onty an nage 1. 1 towevar, cior,ument�lie�n shrn�l�i l�e �r�vicfecf. S�r� if�e instrtictions tor moro irtft�rmation. � 3 . scti���; urv�uNa�a Ac ��► �.rll��i.r�1r�r- pua�.�c t��Ns � �uwr�s ' .. . �:' . . . . _ . _ . :>� !�) (2) ��� ��� 19E3f�/19f39 1976/f 977 Certifi�d Gertitied t976/1977 Ditferenr,e (1) P E RA _`L�qf �l�@Yy �4YY�i�°ls.� �?�._� a) E3asic $ � $ � b) Cvordinated $ $ + � �_ . c) Police and Fire Fund (ff there is a dsficit) $ � � �^ . This should be listed'under (3) d) Total (a��-t�-�-c) $ $..�.,:�,�..�� $�_��.c..��� (��)$ (2) t'olice ancl Firefigtiters' f�elief Associativns (Uncfer Guicielines Actj � $ $ � ��� g (3) Voiunteer Firefigt�ters" Reliet Associations � 16,906 $ 5,25Q � 5,565 11�341 - �3) � �4) Volunteer Firetighters" Reliat Associations (Mtnimurn obligatiort under l�aws i979, Ct���tar 20 i j. a special levy may be ciaimed under (3) or (4) t�ut not under both. (q) g`_Z��3r�L Total S�eciai Levy H (1 d-N 2-�-3) or (1 d+2-f-4) g�11,3�t i �i • _. , , . . �_ F.�l1.�1 h�d�E�#tY'�AX A�At�K��Nt� �#�S�Ut.tING;�h�JN� CdN1�li���ON��o�` t���t�t�U�:. � :t?�i���t�p ��A�S�SS(N�N'�8 ' . . ' : ' Amount ior this schedule is entered oniy on page �. . �C�1.1�..�: b���'S�pV���:�dN�'�Uf 11����IVi�N1`:.�It��t��i�� �#�V��iU� �t��t#�S ' _ .� ...:::{..TCt CQ1/��,S�U�iTAt�� Ot� Ft�'V�f��1�3 � > ', . .....$. .....:... .... . .. ..... � �,.::':..,,,, '' .�....�,.::: .:..-;. r ��•:S. . � ; ............. ...:.� } . Narne/Number Year District 19f1n/19a9 oI�t1E.I2i�t�i�L_.___—� �stat�ti�t��ci- .�.�tti(i�ci__�.�vY:� (�) $ (2} _ � -------_---- _� t3) __ � .. 1'otat Sr��cifii I.�vy ;c;l�et}c�i� J {f � ? � 3) �__—.�.�:__._._ _ 4 , r�iiENaUM: At�DI`�IQtJA�,�. �� p�'pF�qV�p !�Y�#���it�t�tpt� . , ,::....... :. .::...: ....... .._ �.: .. � - Date tieterenclum 19E3U/19�9 P �rt�asQ _._.dRRC4Y�.d.� �.��.l���-t,1_�.�.vY____ t1) �1� $ � t21 t2j $ � t�) �3� g Total netoronclum Levies (1 -H 2�-3) $ � , ; . t,�W�. 1�08 MINN�S�`�b t.�1VuS : :.::.:>: ..... .... . ..:. .... ...-.:..:. :.:.:.::.. ......: .... :::: .... ...:: . �.. ...:. 19E1t3/19D9 �R:L@C18Ctl�lQL.��li2[L_ P�(t?9s8 ._G��.1l�i�t1��YY_� (1) C.719, A.14, S.3 City Special Serv�ce District �ervice Gharges� (1) $ �2) C•��a Operating Costs of Put�lic Lit�rary Service ior Qualifying Counties and Cities {See the hayak�le 1989 LGS �orm 2a0 instructions.) ` (2) $ fiotal Sp�cial Levies by 1�t3t3 laws (1 ;�-2) $ �, . . � . ,i'•,�.,d� � �J � '`�� I,i�* ,I�� � J�{,��." . . � � ���1 l� �) . ..n;r. 11' 11t"I ' ��'�,. • n���;rr.ani�r�i. �+rrnii •.��ir �,�.:,, • " s,, . � i,�.� �,.i ,�,r� '� ,���. �v��c.�a�{�t�t�tl UI I98l3i19�9 SPECIAL LE ES SCHEDULE B: Cost of Rrincipal and Interest an f3ondecl Indebtedness C�rtified to the County i1��ditor DESCRIPTION OF QOND 1989 Required 19�39 Levy 6604-305 $210,000 GO Park [3onds of 1976 $62,000 -0- 4630-306 $ 90,000 GO Bonds of 19�31 $14,605 -0- 308 $1,200,000 GO City F#all Qonds of 19II6 $135,525 $135,525 312 $4,995,000 GO improvement Bonds of 1987A $35,415 $35,475 t TOTAL GO FUNDS REQUIRED FOR 19�39 $247,605 TOTALS OF BONDS REQUIRING ZERO tEVY $76,605 TOTAL LEVY FOR BOAlDED INDEBTEQNESS REQUIREO FOR 19F39 $171,000 , P Q F�OX 51f) • � (�i�� � � 2R7ti 14;Tti 4T W " ROSEMOUNT, MiNNF`=O7A 55�iGR osernou�z� fi,� ���.��,, , CERTIFICATE STATE OF MINNES4TA ) GOUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CTTY OF ROSENIOUNT } r, Stephan Jilk, duly appointed, acting anci qualified Administrator/Clerk of the City of Rosemotmt da hereby eertify that I have examined the CiCy of Rosemount reeords and the Minutes Book of said City for the meeting af October 1} 1985 and hereby certify that the atkached c.opy of Resolutian 1985-50, A RFSOLUTION ADJUSTING SPECIAL LEVIES FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON BONDE� INDEBTEDNESS CERTIFIED Z'0 THE BAKO'I'A COUNTY AUUITOR, is a tru� and correct copy of the City proceedings relating to said Reso],ution. IN WIZNFSS WHERFAF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed the seal of said City this 10th day of September, 1988. �. � , � �r '"S ep Ji k / Admi istrator/Cle+� City af Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota r i / v � � • � C I TY Ot" ROSCMOUHT , RES(?LUTI�N 1�05-50 h RESOLUTION ACIJUSTtNG SPECTAL tEVTfS FOR i'It1NCIt'AL J1NU INiEREST ON tiQN��A INtlEt3TTtlNCSS � . CERT I F I ED fiQ T11E UNCOTl1 C(H1NtY AUf)t Ttltt � , - NIfEREAS, various General Obtigatlon 6onris of the C1ty of Rasemount liave in 'lhe past been deficient in functing clue to unpaici snecial assessmerits . anct taxes on im{�ravements; an� NHERFAS, the C1ty Councll of tl�e City of Rosemo�int dici autl��rize an anni�a'1 levy to offset the shortage vested by non-(�ayn�ent of sE�eciat + asssssments and taxes; ancf 1#IICREAS� t{iese Uack #.axes anc! snecial assessments are now t�eing �,aici and received by the City of {tosemo��nt, creattng excess funcls in varic���s boiid f��nds of ltie City of ttosemouttt. NpN TitEREFORE t!E tT RESOLVCp, that tt�e City Couneit of the C1ty of Rosemount dc�es I�ere�y direct 1.#��t al� #uture ge��eral ot�ligatic�n levfes for thoserGond funcis i�avinc� excess funcis Ge el iminated from tl�e sneG<)at levies; and { UE IT FURTIIER ftESOlYEO. tiiat all 429 �ra�eGts recelving mo�►ies tlyro��cah speciaJ levies shall receive a {�ortion of the excess funcls from otlier 429 �anci funcls; ancl 13� IT FURTNE� RCSflIVC[l� that all c��nerat outtgation Uonds receivinc� � monies tl�rough special levies sfiall reeetve a partion of the excess ' funds fro�n other c�eneral ouliyatlon Uonc1 funds; and . E3E IT FURTtiER RfSOLYED� that this resolution be a �art of tfie rattonale � � for special levies far lr�ndecl in�lebledness. ACXlPTEO ti�is Ist day of Octol�er� 1905. _� ' ����������� I . Le�ai�c�� S-. Ki�utson� l�layor . AT E-�fi. � .._.. � . � � ��� � � � `� �..- �.-c--ti�---- bon Fr:�ar1 in`g, ��IminisCraFo,r� � �� ; , ......,.,..�: .- ---. � _--� - -__ __ _ _ __ --- ___.__.. �. , 1 (�{), Bf)X 51() • �ZL Q " � ?875 tA5tH cT W. . . � � � � � �r�r . . OS�/t`l��Z���� ROSEMOUNT.MINNFSC�TA „1..�2 � 61?—A2�-44�i C E R T I F I C A T E STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUI�l.'Y OF DAKOTA j SS CITY OF ROSEMQUNT ) I, Stephan Jilk, duly appointed, acting and qualified Administ�ator/Clerk of the City of Rosemount do hereby certify that I'have examined the City of Rosernount records and the Minutes Book of said City far the meeting of September 6, 19$8 and hereby certify that the'attached copy of Resalution 1988- , A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 19$9 OPERATING BUDGEI', THE 1989-1993 CIP BtIDGET AND 'I'EI� 1989 IaEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF RC?SIl�UN'T, is a true and correct copy of the City proceedings relating to said Resolution. IN WITiVESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hancl affixed the seal of said City this 10th day of September, 1988. Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � i CITY OF ROSEMQUNT c"" RESOLUTION 1988- � A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1989 OPERATING BUDGET, THE 1989-1993 CIR BUDGET AND THE 1989 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY Of RQSEMOt1NT WHEREAS, the Gity Council of the City of Rosemount has determined that Budgets and Special Needs for the year 1989 wi11 be in the amount of $2,777,982; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for Bonded General Obligation debts, Fire Relief fund and Armory Funds total 204,691; and WHEREAS, the City CounciY has determined that actual incomes, fund transfers and anticipated aids wili total $1,307,421; and WNERfAS, the City Council has determined that Special Levies for Bonded Indebtedness, Fire Relief Association and Armory Sonds of $199,126 are outside the Levy Limit; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised that the 1�evy Limit €or : 1989 for the City of Rosemount is $1,476,126. NOW THEREFQRE BE IT RESOLVED, that the total levy certified �o the Dakota County Auditor shall be $1,575,252; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $1,476,126 of this levy is subject to the levy limit; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that departmental budget figures shall be iine item budget amounts as indicated as Exhibit I of this resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 1989 through 1993 (Five Year CIP Program) as indicated as Exhik�it II of this resolution is made part of the 1989 budget package. Adopted this 6th day of September, 1988. Rollan Hoke, Mayor A7'Tf ST: ;..... Stephan Jilk, Administrator \