HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. CR42 & CR38 Turnback Agreements s • • �--��e� ��� *********�****�r******�r************+��*�*xPiErtO��**�r********x*****t***�r�*******,t*�* DATE: AUGUST 31, I988 T0: MAYOR & COUNGILPfErt$ERS C/0 CITY ADl`IINISTRATOR JILK .-� , 1 FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT� � RE: ITEPtS FOR SEPTErtBER 6, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING OLD BUSZNESS County Road 42 Highway Design and Construction Amendment As Council will recall, several weeks ago I brought this amendment to Couneil for their apprvval. This amendment was to turn back the secti�n of Gounty Road 42, also known as Emery Avencie, between County Ro�1d 38 ��nci thc r�ew <�li.�;nmeiit of County Road 42. The ori�inal amendment was to restc�re k1�is section �� raac]way to " County standards for rural gravel surface raadway prior to turn back to the Gity. However, we requested the County to trade off the work they anticipated on doing on that segment of County Road 42 and apply it to the segment of Emery Avenue south of County Road 42. Our reasoning far ttiis was beeause tiiere is a very ���c1 possibility that this segment of �mery Avenue between the new County Roacl 42 and County Road 38 would be vacated in the near future. What we wanted the County to do was to add some gravel and a chloride treatment on the section of Emery Avenue south of new County Road 42. In discussions with tlle Cotxnty, tt��y felt Ch,�t Llie arnotir�t: �L wor�k �iccessr►r.y tci upgrade the section of Emery Avenue that they are going to turn back would not equal adding gravel and chloride to the section of Emery Avenue soutli of County Road 42. Because the gravel on �mery Avenue is in pr�tty gooci stiape, I tolcfi the County I could support the turt� back if the County would place the fal.l chloride application on Emery Avenue south of County Road 42. They agreed to rhis and have noted so in the amendment. Action for Council to eonsider is to adopt this amendment to the Agreement far Highway Design and Construction for County State Aid Highway 42 and authorize the rtayor and City Clerk to execute the related documents. • DA K A �O UN T Y oav,a �. ��ERos, p.E. � CO�1N�Y FNC;iN[J-R NIGHiNAY DEPARTMEN7 (6t2) 43i—it5t� , 7300 WEST 147th STREET. SUITF H�102 �PPLE VALLEY, MtNNESOTA 551?A � .,..yE��. ;; ,;;� : � ��,. � � �a �_ � � � � August 26 , 1988 Rich Hefti, Public Works Director 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Amendment to Agreement for Highway Design and Construc�ion State Project Na. 19-642-21 County Project No. 42-10 Dear rich: Enclosed p�.ease find three copies of the above referenced amendment to agreement. The amendment has been revised to re�lect work that is to be COttt}?�.E��f� in lieu of u�grading the turnback segment. Please have these signed by the appropriate City officials and return all three copies to me for executiot� by the Gounty. Thank you. Sincerely, t ,�� ��� David M. Robley Transportation Engineer DMR:cIj Enclosures � � AN E9UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER � ' . � r COUNTY OF DAROTA DEPARTNENT OF BIGHWAYS AKENDHENT TO: AGREEMENT FOR HIGHHAY UESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION .� THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT for Highway Design and Constructiqn of State Pro�ect No. 19-642-21, County Pro�ect No. 42-10, dated August 25, 1987, is made and entered into by and between the County of Dakota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Rosemount� hereinafter referred to as the "C3ty" . The County and City agree that Paragraph No. 11 shall be zncluded and read as follows: 11 . The City agrees that the existing al3gnment of County State Aid Highway 42 (Emery Avenue) between 145th Street and CoUnty Road 38 is acceptable for turnback to the City upon completion of the construction of State Pro�ect No. 19-642-21 , County Pro3ect No. 42-10 and the County applying a chloride application (to County maintenance stand�rds) to the segment of Emery Avenue between C.S.A.H. 42 and G.S.A.H, 4$ in lieu of upgrading the turnback section to meet City Standards for a gravel aurfaced rural raad. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the City of Rosemount and the County of Dakota have caused this amendment to be executed by their respective officers. ' I . . . � � . � � . � . � � . . � . � . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPROVED AS TO FORM: By ty ttorney gYor RECOMMENDED FOTt APPROYAL: tSEAL) �y rector o u c or s ty er Date Date DAKOTA CQUNTY RECOMMENDEp FOR APPROVAL: By County ig way Eng neer a rman o t e oar tSEAL? $y ounty u tor APPROVED AS TO EXE�UTION: COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION . ounty ttorney No. Date r •-.._� i. . . � . � � . .. �. .� . � � . . . „��,e�i .�'�. ��**********�*************x******�******A1EAi0**************************�c********* DATE: AUGUST 31, 1988 T0: r1AY0R & COUNCILPiEA1BERS C/O CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROPi: CITY �NGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEAtS FOR SEPTEPtBER 6, 198$ COUNCIL PtEETING OLD BUSINESS Agreement for Turn Back of County Road 38 between i25th Street and Trunk Highway 3 This turn back agreement originated from the County late in 1987. They were going to turn back County Road 38 to us with little if any improvements. During the interim we did get the County to place some more gravel and with this agreement they will improve the drainage in several key areas. With this, I would recommend that Council approve of the agreement and authorize the riayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. � . � • �� /'� ��� � � y DAVtD L. EYERDS, P.E. � � �� �� ����� / COUNTY ENGINEEH HtGNWAY DfPARTMEN7 i612) 431-1150 7300 WEST 1471h STHEET, SUITE #402 APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 August 26 , 1988 Rich Hefti, Public Works Director Rosemount City Hal1 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount , MN 55068 RE: Agreement for Revocation of County Raad 38 Between 125tfi Street and TH 3 Deat` Mr. Hefti: I have enclosed three cogies of the above referenced agreement. Please have these executed by the appropraite City officials and return�d to me for county execution. Thank you. Sincerely, .. �� ���1 � � ___._- ----.___,� David M. Robley Transportation Engineer DMR:clj Enclosures AN EQUAL OPF'ORTUNITY EMPLOYER � � . ! AGR�EMENT FOR RF.YOCATION OF COUNTY ROAn � TtITS AG[tEF..M�NT, made and entered into by and between the County of Uakota � hereinaEter reEerred to as the "County" � and the City of Rosemount, hereinafter reEerred Co as the "City. " WTTNESSETH: WEl�REAS, Minn. Stat , 163.11 . Subd. 5, authorizes the revocation of a County Road by resolut3on of the CounCy Baard; and WIiE[tEAS, the County I3oard intends ta pass a resolution revoking that porkion aE Caun�y Road 38, described below; and WElEREAS, as a result o€ said revocation oE that portion of County Roed 36 , said raadway as described below wi11 revert ta the City; and WHER�AS, the Caunty and the City desire to define the responsibilities and obl,igations which wi11 resulC Eram said revacation; NOW� THEREFORE� the parties hereto agree as follows : 1 . Description of Roadway The County Board intends to pass a resolution revaking that portion oF County Road 38 described as follows: County Road 38 between 125th Street and Trunk Iiighway 3 as shown in Right of Way Map Number 9, as recorded in Document No. 758603 on file in the Dakota Caunty Recorder' s Office. 2. Effective DaCe � Revocat3on of County Road 38, described in paragraph 1 shall be effective upan resoluC�on of the County Board except as otherwise provided by law. Page 1 of 3 ' � � 3. Condition of Road � The City agrees tha� when the County has completed the repairs and improvements to County Road 38, as set Eorth below� the �oeaway w�.i1 meet county standards for a '!, comperable road in the County snd wi11 be acceptable for turnbAck to the City. Improvements will consist af the following; The County wi11 improve the ditches along both sides of County Roed 38 immediately west of Trunk Highway 3 and along the west aide of County Raad 38 approximately one quarter mile south of 12Sth Street. The County will also install 8 culvert under the en�rance to the Apartment Building ,�ust west of Trunk Highway 3 at sucii time as the C3ty is able to have the in-place fiber op�3c cable relocated. G . E'uture Repairs and Maintenance Upon the efEective date of revocation the City will be responsible for all maintena�ce� repair, reconstruction, � treEfic control devices including signals end such other matCera concerning County Roed 38, which are implied by ownership. Page 2 oF 3 . � � IN WITN�SS WHEitEOF, the partiea hereto have caused Chis Agreement to be duly execuCed. Recommended for A�proval ; COUNTY OF DAKQTA By ounty ng neer Date teven . oe ing, C airman Board oE Commiss�.flners AttesG Nnrma Mers , uditor Date Approved es to execution: Assistant ounty Attorney Date Approved by Dakota County Board Res. No. Dete CITY 06 ROSEMOUNT By ayor Date ' sy m n atraCor erk bate Page 3 vE 3 � �_ �, � � � � I3UAItI�:' COUNTY CQMMISSIOtV� S DAKOTA COUNTY, M/NNESOfA DATE November 17� 198? RESt�GUTION NCt. 87-894 Motion by Commissioner fiarr is ••Secundecl by Commissioner MAhe t• ' WHEREA5, the D�kota County 8oard passe�� Resolutian No. 84-447, adoPting a turnback program of County Roads; and WIIEREAS, the Dakot� Counky Aoard has indicated that it desirea to enter into an agreement with the raepective local units of government prior to the County Raads bein� turned back. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Engineer be authorizec� to achedule the agreed upon road im�rovements or compensation on the followiny roads: Governmen�al Estimated - Road Se ment [lnit CosC CR 38 �t - TH 3 Rosemount 2, 00 CR 63A Tfi i49 - CR 63 Eagan 6,620 ; and ;, . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appropriate Caunty Officials be authorized to exeeute the Agreement for Revocation of the above described segments of County Roads 38 and 63A with the respective local units of government following approval by the County Attorney. YES NO Harris X Narris Mehec _ X Maher Voaa X Voss � Loedin8 X Loeding Strcefland _ X 9treetland State of Minnesota County oi Dakota !,No�m�B.M�rah,duly elacted,qu�lified and�cting County Audltor oi tha Gounty of Drkots,St�te of Minaeaot�,do hereby certity tA�t t heve compered the(oregotng copy ot� reaolution with the originet minutes of the proceedi�gs ot the Boetd at County Commiaeioners, palrot� County, Minneeot�, at thets seesion heid on the 1'f th d�y o� November }e 87 ,now oo f3le in my offlca,�nd have found the same to be�true and corrcct copy thereoL . . . . � r. J� . �....� Y Witaeu my h�nd�nd oflici�l�erl at Hutin�e,Minneeote,thla�(.L_�.dsy of ,�� ��J �, '':'�� .,,� �,� �;• � ��.��.._,,,� ..� �G �.. Connl�Audltar