HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.a. MPCA U of M Meeting - September 8, 1988 at 10:00 at City Hall � � . Minnesota Pollution Confirol Agency R ��� IVED SC�' (� 2 �588 September 1, 1988 GLE��ZK'.� UFFIC:� GITY aF ROSEMQUNT 'I�D: Rosemcjunt Area t"yov�err�nent Officials (See fol lawin9 Pac�) RE: Meeting on RQs�nount Resea�ch Center Cleanu� C;riteria You may recall that in a meeting on June 23, 1988, staff €ram the Minnesota Pollution Control Ag�ency (MPCA) made gresentations to area officials regar�iing the status of various p�.�ajects. Tf�e subject of cleanup criteria at the Rosemount Research Center was discussed; because of time constraints during the meeting it was recanmenc�d that the discussion be continued at a separate follaw-up meeting be held to explain the eleanup p1an. The follawing meeting for tt� Rosgnount Research Center cleantiip has been scheduled for 10:0U a.m. an September 8, 1988, at the Roseriount City Hall. MFCA staf€ will present the result� of the remedial inv�estigation in greater detail ar�l explain the decision making process used ta establish thP clearnap 1ev�el:s at the Rosemount Research Center. If ynu have any questions regarding this meeting yr�u m�y c�ll I�ureen Johnson at ' 296-7353 or myself at 296-7375. Sincerely, ��� c�-j �� .......r- - . �Y�'� bale B. on��(1 � IiydYnlogist Responsible Party Unit I Site Response Section �` Ground Water and Solid Waste Divisian DBT/jmh Phone: __ _ ,. ___ ______ 520 �atayette Roaci, Sf. Paui, M►nrie�ota �5155 � � � Regionat Oi�tices • DuI1�t1itE3rainerdiUPtrait LakestMarsf�afUFic�c;F�est�r � � � � � � � � � � � Equal Opportunity Emplayer � � � - Ros� � . . maunt wants incinerator bonu s BY�ichard Chin Z' The meettng was held at the� s�aEr w�f�er "°'' Minneapolis Marriott City Csn- Rosemount officials are pro- tec hotel. It preceded a dinner posing Ehat Dakota County help hosted by Combust{on Engineer- . them ereate a port authoritg �ng Inc., the Windsor, Conn., _ and a iocal �tility campany if firn�that has been awarded the the county builds a garbage-to-� conEraet ta build and run the energy incinerator ln the city. garbage ,incinerator for fhe. The praposats are part of a county. • . _ Itst of incentives Kosemoqqt af- Hoke said the city wants po- . fic�als suggested that the'city 1ltical and financial help from , receive Erom the coonty It� re- the conaty to get special legisla- turn for being the host cominu- tion ta create a port aulhority, nity; for the j1Z6.8 miqiun �t�ich eoutd use additional tax- project. �; ' !ng power and bonding authori- Ttie county is planning to In the clty.���ne�development build the �00-ton-a-day praject at one of two siies in eastern �;ake also said the city wants Rosemount n�ar ihe Pine 13end heip from the county to create a ' � area. �:� publie utility companq. Hoke Rosemount�jMayor Rallan said the city conld use a utility Hoke said the c�tp has taken no COmpany to try to lure new de- � velopment by offering cheap en- otflciat positlo�, fo� or against the project $ut`at a�oint meet- �h��arb ge ptant. ��u�d by ing 6etween the:�lty coe�cii and county board Tuesday, Hoke Noke said the utilIty company said the city shauld get some- also migbt act as a broker for thing in return �f the project fs �nergy from a natur�l gas-fired to be successful and publIcly ac- ���ctricity generator project cepted. t Please see flosemaun#15D , , • , �; fMursdaY.Sept. 1, 1988 SI.Peul Pioneer ProBa Dispalch + 5�' U � ` � �oSemo�.� / � Incinerator n bo us e Y ed CoMtnued trom Paye 1D Hoke said he could not estimake held a meeting af an Eagan bowl- agreed to the concept of providing being proposed by a prlvate part- �'hat the total costs of the pra tng ailey Tuesday ta dlacnss the!s- the city �ith somc 1�entives #or nership in the area. posed incentives woaid be. Ne said sue. She said recycling and other aceepting the projeet. But at Tues- ; city officfals also want to get more melhods of arbage disposal will day's meeting,county officisls satd �Hoke proposed thaf the county information from the tounty about create more�obs than the incinera- they could not respond to the city's pay lhe city a (ee to rEplac.e prop- the possible envlronmental risks of tor. specific requests for incentives, prty taxes fcom the lite ot the the prnject, saying they would be diseusse�l in project. He said the colnEy shou}d Michaei Orange, an inciner�tor luture negotiation�. aa for ublic im ravement costs Opponents to the inclnerator op��ent who�attended�the Eagan �nd ather expenses inc�ding we11. Pruject have said it wiA create alr meeYng,said, We didnPmeet in a kfEer the roeeting,about 15 city esting for fiomes near the a� P°��ution and generate toxic ash. fanc hotel,but I would redict our and ca�inty officials and their lnformaiion is better than thelrs." BPouses got tree drinks and dInner Nhere the county chooses to bury County board candidate i�ee at the Combustion Engineering re- ish from the incinerator. Richards, who opposes the proyeet, County officiais have previously ception. � �.... .,...,._... , �..__ � � I, — -- � . .....,.....� �.,.�....,.b.'.w�.... � � � • �IJV�V N.�� �'!' ���� • � l�.cinerator bon us y By Richa�d Chin �s° The meeting was heid at the sia�i wrper ' Minneapalis Marrk�tt City Cen- Rosemount offlcials are pra ter hotel. It preceded a dlnner �posing that Dakota County help hosted by Combustlon Engineer- , them create a port aathority fnB ;nc., the Windsor, Conn., and a local utitity carnpafty iE firn�that has been awarded thc the county buiids a garbage-to- contract to build and run the energy incinerator ih the cily. 8�rbage ,incinerator far the The proposals ere part of a CO���Iy. ,.� . llst of incentives Rosemouqt of- 1�oke said the city wants po- tieials suggested lhat the°city litieat and financia! heip from receive from lhe coanty It� re- the counly to get speclal tegisla- turn for t�ing tl�e Most commu- tion to create a part authority, nity; tor the 5126.6 mtiliun which couid use additional tax- project. � ` � ing power and bonding authori- Ttie county is planning to ty to promote new devetopment build the 800-tan-a-day project jn the eity. at one of two sites in eastern Noke also said the city wants �tosemount near ihe Plne Bend help irom the county fo create a � area. �;, public utility company, Hake Rosemount�YMayor Rollan sa�d the city could use a utillty Iloke said the c�t h�s taken no C°mpany t° trp to hree new de- ' �� velopment by offering cheap en- off[cial positlotl or or against eTgy #rom steam produced by the project.Bat„at a�oint meet- �he garbage ptant. ing between the.�lty councii and county board Tnesday, Hoke ��oke said the utility company safd the city shanld get some- also might act as a broker for thing in return if the project is �e�gy from a natural gas-fired to be successtul and publlciy ac- �iectrieity generator praject cepted. f'feaae see Rosemount/5b , � . . , �; _ ,,, _ -_,_...�,w,,,..�.,__,.,�,_.... -- _ fhursday,Sept. i, 1988 SI.Paul Pioneer Press Oiepatch _ a 5D � • � osemount IncZner r ato bon us e ed Y Continusd irom Paye 1D Hoke said he could not estimate held a meettng at�n Eagan bowl- agreed to the concept of providing being proposed by a prlvate part- �'hat the total costs of the pro- !ng alley Tuesday to discuss#he is- the cit�► wit6 some incentives tor nership in the area. F�ged Incentives would be. Ne said sue. She said recycling and olher accept�ng the projeet.But at Tues- city afficials also want ta get more methods of garbage disposal will day's meeting,county officlals said �Hoke proposed that the county 3nformation from the countq about create more jobs fhan the inclnera- , they could not respond to the city's �ay it�e city a fee to rfpiace proEr- the possible environmental risks of tor. specific requests for incenkives, �rty taxes from the site ot the the project, Micbael Orange, an incinerator $�3`j�g they vuould be dlscussed in �ro,}ect. He said the colnky should future negotiatlons. �ay for puhlfe improvanent costs Opponents to the tncinerator opponent wha attended tfie Eagan- �nd ather expenses,includin well- ��0��� have said !t wil}cc�ate afr mee�ing,sald,"We dicin'p meet in a After the meeting,about 15 city �s�1fl8 ta' homes neai fhe area p°l��tion and generate toxic ash. fane hatel but i�vould redict oer e�d cannty officiafs and their vhere the �ounty choo�s to bur Counl board candidate nee information is betEer than theirs." �Poases got free drinks and d'snner Y Y at the Combustion �ngineering re- �sh fco�t�the incineratvr: Richards, who oppa�es tl�e project, Caunty officiats have previously ceptlon. �.�.,.„...,,........ ` .._. '',_-- � • (. ,� ��.�..�..�. � ~ � • �2os�unt �ea GaveY-r�nent Officials Pac�e 7� 7'he Nonorable t�nnis Ozment, Minnesota State Representativ�e The Honorable Lis Ann Stoffe, Mayr�r, City of Hastings 7'he Honorable Rollan Noke, Mayr�r, City of Rosesnount D�rui.is Wippern�ann, Rosgt�ount Council.me�nber Richard Hefti, City of Rose�unt Dames Staats, Rosemount Scott Aker., Rosemount Fire Department Stephan Jilk, Cit�: of Ros�wlt Dean Johnson, City of Roserraunt Ron Wasmund, Rasemount euilding Official George O'Connor, City of Coates Georc�e Kinr�y, Dakata Caunty Gave.rr��ent Center Donna Anderson, Dakota County Gav�errgr�ent Center Jeff Hari:hun, D�lcota County Gav�xYm�nt Center �3randt Richardson, D�akota County Gaverr�nent Center Lyle V�hay. Dakota County C�v�errmient Ceiiter Ricl�arci Frickson, This Week News Jerry Stezel, E�ire Township Chair