HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Recycling Update / Grant Application � A a= • . 1 F'O fif?K wi(� ,ilt# O �a�5.,�st�is, w O�Q�AO1 j,�� RnSEMOkINT. MtNNF.50TA .�nr•s? 1G►�"!f (ii, fit? 423 ��111 '��" �� � �( TO: M�yor, City C�uncil, City Administr.�tor FROM: Dean Johnson, (lirectar of Community !)evelnpment DATE: September 30, 19Rfi ti1iBJ: Recyclin� Prngram I would like to update the C'ity Council on the status nf the city's recycling program in a brief }�resentation at the Octc�ber 4, 1988 meeting. . The lack of time prevents m� frorn g�ing into details in this writing; however, the merit:s of a pilot program versus a ci[y-�=ide program have disappeared. I will discuss this issue in detail and explain how we �ro�ose tc� irnplement a city-wide �lan and maximize the grant prc►gram forn�ally approved by the county. Atlached is a biank �rant a�pticatic�n fc�rm, ���hich I will prohably not have completed prior to the meeting. I a�ologize that other priorities have �ut this project �n hold fc�r so long; hou=ever, delaying final action may have been a blessing in disgaise. . � � • r i �AKOTA COUNTY CUM�{tfP1I TY LANOFILL AQA�TEMENT PROGRAM GUIDELINES Dakota C+�unty lanclFill ai�at��rient fura�jing is available to communities in Dakota County. All �pE�lications �nd revisi�ns tc� those applications which would result in increased costs will require final C�unty Qoarci ap�roval. 1� carununity requesting fund�ng must detnonstrate that an office recycling pragram is currently in 0�)�'rdt1011� or wi11 be operatianal in city or townsl�ip affices by ueceii�ber 1, 19t3£3. Dakota Cuunty f3oar�f Resolution t�o. t3f3-651 states that the County's portion of fundir�� of recycling i�n��l�mentation and operating costs ineurred by cities and townships wi i l be throuyh �erformar�ce-based funding. It further states that the County`s source of long term funding for recycling programs is to be fram a coriit�ination of sources with priority treinc�: 1) Landfill Surcharge Fee; and 2) Ftesou►-ce Rec�very f=acility tipping fee. Consideration is aiso to be given tu a recycling assessment as {�art of a future source of funding. The County will accept the responsibility for coiranunity recycling programs anci will assess th� residents of the cor�nunity for costs �ncurred (including the County 's administrative, mo��itaring, and �ublic education costs) in the event that: 1. A c�in�nunity does Eiot begin dev�lopment of a program by July 1 , 1989; 2. A community does not complete im{�lementation of a program by January 1, 1990. ELIGIBLE PROJEC7S Pr�jects that are eligit�le fow funding must be consistent with the approved Dakata Count Solid Waste t�aster Plan, as amended. To obtain a copy of the lan p ease contact the Da ot�County Department of Planning and Program Ma�ac�ement (431-1258) . o ��lulti cc�mnunity projects are eliyible €or funding. Applications for fanding of such projects must identify the role of each carr�nunity, incluciing the lead agency for the project. o Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: - Education and promotion activities - Qrop-off collection of yard waste and recyclables - Source collection �f source separated materials, includir�g yard was te - Yard waste compast sites - Collection of househald hazardous wastes Pro�notion af commercial/industrial source separation - Office paper recycling in public sector facilities - Special wast�s handling and/or processing 1 a a. t1� � 4�; 1 � � n, +�, ELIGI�LE PROG{���i COS�fS �fu 1�e �ligible for r•eiirik�ursement, a �relifninary budyet must be submitted as part uf the aE�plication procedure described herein. Revisions of the �7=' applicat.ion may b� made before July l of the fundin� year. The funding year wi11 be January 1 - December 31. . ;�; �unding Cateyor�r/Activit�+ Fundi��g Allacation '" o Administrative Costs - 1989 : Co�t�nunities over 5fl00 population, �. ;,i' and/ur Consultant Cqsts $SQOq or $.90/hausehald, whichever ' � is greater ,; �.� Direct salary of Corr�r►unities under 5000 population, � �'� e�nployezs ��orking. $500 base plus $.90 �ousehold � �;, �art time o�� fu11 _ , , ., ti►ne on eli��ible 1990 : Comnunities aver 5000 population, �' ;� projects $3�88 or $.70/householci, which�ver �'�� is yreater � �� ���-` Consultant servl��s Communities under 5000 population, ��� on eligible projects $388 base plus $:70 household �� r� , �� `� � � � � � � 1991 : Comm�nities over 5a00 population, � � � � � $27�7 or $.50/household, whichever �� is greater � � ' Communities under 5000 population � ' $277 base plus $.50 household � � uE' 1„� ��` � � - Thereafter not eligible ,: ,, ,; o Capital Costs ** - Maximum allocation of 5Q� of total � capital cost not to exceed $l0lhousehold ,�.. ���� r,�. ' based u�on i99Q household estimates ��..�,, �y�� - Above amount may be requested by a ' f�: �ommunity over 3 year period ��' _ , Purchase of land is not an eligible �� : N�, reimbursable cost. �; ' � �� - Equipment, supplies ar other materials must be used primarily for abatement ; activities. �y� � � � � � �� � � � 4 3�{ .. . � � � �. � � � . �.�;;, - Not eligibTe for paymertt after i991 �.1�. �.�,' � :; � '� f� � i'.::. � � � � � � � � .� � � . � � . � � . . . . � �. a 'k' _ .� � ���� . .. . . . ...,:...�;:'.�. . . . . . . .� ��. . � . � . � . � � . . .a.,,.,t: . . . . . e' ;- . . . . . . . . . . � � . � . . � . � ; � � s � ` . � �� . � . . . •, t, � �,,.{�. . � � . . � � . . . , � . i� ; � Venciofi� Service/ Operations - 100% eligible up to the maximum amount and Maintenance in residential programs (see Attachment 4: P1aximum Reimbursement Schedule) ;" - lOQ� eligible up to $10,000 for ' �j co�mtuni�ies with a�proved applications �3' for corr�nercial/industrial programs . �, .�I }�, o Other (eg. license f�es) - Subject to application approval �� ',' ** Co�rrnunities that oE�erate targeted coirmunity pr4grams on or before tlpr. l, 19t39 will be eliyit�le for funding of 100% of total capital costs or �, ,� $?_0/i�ousehald, whichPver is less. Pux�ci�ase of land is not an eliqible -�� reimbursable cost. Equipment, supplies or other materials must be useci ��� E�rimarily f�r• abaternent acl;ivities. ,�4 . . . . . � � � . � . . . i�� 4;�', � . . . . . . . ��'' �i�P�rcnr�orr p�zucEnuEt� _______________�_ ,* �; A{�plicatiuns fc�i� fui�ciinc� ' of locai landfill abatement activities must be �::_.. subrnitted no later than Octuber 1 of each year. (In 1988 the applicatian deadline shall be November l. } i�pplications sutxnitted after the specified #� �' deadline will not be considered. � ; >� .� � �' Application wi11 consist of the following: �'��' et 'on of Attachment 1: A l ication Forin o Compi i pp �r � �. . . . . : . . . � . � . . . . . . . j'�: o Sup�ort documentation as specified on Attachment l, inctuding a �� description/documentation of the affice recycling program operated };a' in the city/tow�shi� affices. �,;: ;Y :` o An official r�solution from the governing body requesting the funding allocatian or a certified copy of the official proceedings at whieh the request was approved. �`�� Any changes or revisions in the request for funding must be submjtted no later �, th:an July l of th� fun�iing year. This chang� must be requested on Attachment �? , 2: Revision Re uest, and 'must be accompanied by the official resolution ar �;�; certi �ed copy o the proce�dings appraving such change. !M � . . . . .. � . . . . . . �" . . . �. � . . . . . . . i' „l,. . . . . . . . � . . s �.' . � � . . .. �� . . . � � . . . � . . . �� �, .. �� .. �� . . . . . . � . . . 6�r i''� � .. � . . � ... . . . . . . . . � .. x��;� . . � .. � , . � . . . .. .'" s' �.;:. . . . . . �A � �rV: . �. � � � . � . . �;. � � . . . . . . . . � � � i-dl � � � � . . . . ;., . . . . � � � � . . . � `,A . . . . . . � . . �.,. . . .. . . . . . . . .. C�+��� � � f�� ` � � ;s � ; ;, ; ' RE II�iE3UR5EMENl� PRt10EDURES - (19II9 �nly) �.5 . �._. . � � . . �:..3�:.�. . � . . � . � �;' Reirnburseinent �roceciu►�es for 1990 and thereafter wi11 be developed at a later ' date. Comrriunities with an awproved application for 1989 funding will receive i� 100�/ of the approved costs which wiil be distributed in four installments �" , according to the following schedule: v 3..� � � � � � � � � � � � Nayn»r7� Date to Corrnnunity Pragress Report Due �"' o February 1 None Required �y � � t4ay 1 , if March 15 develop- By Apri1 1, 1989 ;,; ment objectives are met, or t �s` at such tirne as f�larch 15 ;; objectives are met �� ¢ ;�;; , �;t o Auc�ust 1 , if June i5 develup- By July 1, 1989 :�; ment objectives are met, or `�`� at such time as June 15 � objectives are rnet �`�' � , .�. o tJovember l, if Se{�te«�er 15 Qy October 1, 1989 developrnent object�ves are ��� , met, or at such time as y � September 15 objectives are met. �34 �� ° Progress reports must compare the actual schedule with the schedule in the �� application and should be submitted to: �� Comnunity Landfili Abatement Program �? Department of Planning and Program Management 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 503 �� APPIe Valley, MN 55124 � �'� A 1989 .Comnunity Annual Re�3ort and a request for final evaluation must be made � no later than January 30, 1990 and must include a completed At�achment 3: tf P4onitoring Report. Costs incurred prior ta January I , 19$9 are eligible for �� , re mbursement, provided such costs are incurred in the development or �� implernentation of ti�e targeted community �rogram. Nowever, in no event will the total amount given ta a community exceed the amount shown on Attachment 4. I�laximum Reimbursement Schedule - 1989. ' Based upon the Community: Annual Report, the Manitoring Reports and the ����° formulas identified in Attachment 5, a final evaluation of each community's � perforrnance wi11 be Fnade. The performance results for the year will be used .,� ��} ` to acijust the first c�uarter payment of the following year, if required. t� .� � � .� .. � � � � . � � �� ' ��� . . . . . . � . � � . � . ,�s. ' a-t-abate2 �.{ �; � , 4 ��� , ��3€���� � ` � � � ATTACtiM�IVT I � },:; 1�38� FUt�DING APPLIGATIOk �: ; � , � �: City/Township: Date Sut�rnitted: �;�. � � � � Adciress: Program Period: i/1/89 ,.��� �' �"��� � � to � 12/3I/89 � � � t�;? �: �``'' Contact Person: y Phone: t�,��� ;F ;; ,: ,, ,; `� I . If this is a r��ulti-community project, please list all participating ��` c�rnrnunities and the lead comnunity or agency for the project, and ��� attach a capy of the Joint Powers Agreement. ,�������� � � � � � � � � � , � ,. . {,�'��� � � � � � � � � � � � i`�� rw;� � 'G II . Please indicate �hether you p1an to take advantage of the County's �: early operation iricentive (program in full operation by 411/89) . .�r r ,., � Yes No _ ��. "�' III . Please provide a brief overview of 1989 abatement activities; �� indicate r�hett�er these are a co�tinuation of existing programs or new � `;; programs: {If more space is needed use extra sheets. ) �, ::� � ,3 ,, � t < ki ;' � � . . . � . � .. . � � . . . . ay� . . .. . _ . . . . ��4:.� . . �� . . � . . . . . . . '.� . . . . . � . . . . . . .. � . . . . . � �.. . � . .� . . . . . �;� . � . .� � � � . � � . . . . .. . .���.�:� �� . . � . . � � .. . . . �! '#��� . . . . � � � . , . . . . . .. . . {� � . � . . � � � � . . . . . � ��� . . . . . . . . . . . - : . .. � � . . ;� � . . . � . � . . � . . . .��, ��. . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . �' . . � . . . . . . � . . i' � � � � �. . . � � . 5. . . . :� � � . . f � � � 1 _1 . . . . � . � � a�f !" .,� #�; '� , , t � � k� . 4 t � � . . � � . . . . . �, � :i����: . . . � . � . � . I� IV. Com{�l�te the following section for ail applicable activities , whether A�. a continuation of existing activities or new activities in 1989: ; � � �; : t�. Curbside Co1lection of recyclables : Yes No 3� �3 ( If more than one coliector, use a separate sheet; please �j;: provide the same information for each collector. ) ��,_ ` �Ii ' l. Anticipated Start Up Date: :I :i 2, i4umber of households to be served: ,: , � , � 3. Frequency of cofilection: (circle one) 4; !; weekly, twice monthly monthly ather i� ' 4. Containe'rs to be used: Yes No 9� '� 5. Number of containers per household: �,� '� 6. P�iaterials eollected (circ]e all that applY) : t �;� ne�ls�aper mixed paper aluminum steel beverage cans ��Jy glass Wlastics used oil other (specify) N C . . � , . . . . . . . $ �� � � . �. . .. . . 7. Name of collector: �� �.�.F , Addressr ��', #� '� �: B. Cost of ,collection: ���; � � � � � `' 9. dates of collection contract: to 10. Anticipated participation level : li. Anticipsted abatement in 1989: tons per '�r��� B. Orop offi Genters for Recyclable Materials: Yes t�lo 3; �5<r: . . � � . � . 1. For eacfi drop-off center please provide: 4(5%.'�.. . . . . . . . � � � . � � � . . . . . � ` a. �peratorc �'�#�� �"�': Add►"ess: � ���R ,`` Cos#;s. per p`��.: . ..._ � . � . . . ��� � � � Sta�'t Up D�ate: � � � � � � �.�4'. . � . . . . E �`� � . � . . . � . . . � ,: Days7Nours of Operation: � �� - ���� �€ , 1-2 . �� ' " � � � � � , ;'; + Materials Collscted: i�,, �..:E.. . . . i:'�.. �j . . , . . . .. ��:.�.. fs;'. � . . . . . . �.,.�','l:.,.� � . . . . ,.. ��. ; b. Operator: AcidresS: ' � Costs: per , , ; i. i Start llp Date: Days/Naurs of Operation: r + Materials Collected: ,, ��}� . . . � . .. . '�`� . . � . . . � . � ��R.. � . . � � . �`t, � �� c. Operatar: �� ; ���� � � � � � � � _� �� � Address: �� � �� � � � � � �:� �; Costs: per �� �.��� "' Start Up Date: DayslHours af Operatian: 3` Materials Callected: � , i:�. . . . . . . d. O�erator: Address: ,�..� � �� Costs: � p���' � � � � � � � � ,; ", Start Up pate: ��, �� Days/HoUrs of Operation: � . Materials Cailected: ;. � �' � �.; 3. Anticipated abatement from all drop-off centers in 5�; I98�3: tons per 4"` � � 3t ;� . . . . � . . . . . . .. . � � . . � � . . � . . . . . � . . . . . . . y��., . . . � . . . � . �! ,k ... . . . . . . 5�+ . . . . � . .. . � �; i 1-3 .a ;��, ,.� , � • ' � . � . � . � . . . . . . � � .. . � � � � � � I� cti n onl if a se arate ro ra+n C. Multi Farnily ; compl�te this s� o y p p g , ii l. Ll�scrib� the m�nner of callection: ., t, � E. i� � � � � �� , , ' ' 2. Total number of units ser•ved: ;; ;; 3. Materials callected (Circle all tf�at apply) �..I � � . . . � . ,! newsprint mixed �aper aTuminum ��,;; , � '� steel beverage cans ylass plastics ,:; �; �i oi1 other , , 'a 4. Casts: per 5. Anticipated abatement in 198�3. tons Per Q. Yard Waste Co' lection 1 . Anticipated start up date (must be na later than August 1 , 1989) : 2. Curbside: Yes No Taken To: 3. Drop off: Yes No Loeation: Nours : 4. Cost: �:, E. Describe the activities you will undertake to promote and � r encourage commerciallindustrial recycling (Apple Valley, �'� Burnsville, Eagan, Farmirrgton, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Mendota Heights, Rosemount, South St. Paul, West St. ;��� Paul must cam{�lete this section� ��� �';' ,F, , :�� ', t�; ,� . :�� � � f. , � :,;; 1 -4 . � � F. Describe put�lic educationlpro�notional aetivities that will be '� undertaken in 19II9. ;,� , , , , , > , i � � ., ; � .-. � . � . � . . � ,�:':i. . . � � . � . . •,,'��� , � . . . ..:,{ . � � � � � � � . . � G. Describe your City 's in-house recycling program (Must be �perational by Uecember 1 , 19$8) . r H. Oescribe completely any other abatement programs for which yau are requesting funding (eg, operation of compost site, special wast� hanciliny, hoUsehold hazardous waste collection} . Include E�r•�ject�eci abatement. . '�, ��: �;, �r' �r s.�; a , f�� , x`y.. .. . . .. � � � � . . .. . � � -5 f�. . . . . . ' . f. ' . .� � .� . . . � . � � . . . � � V. Work Plan Dakota County will distribute any approved funding in four equal payments, provided cornmunities� ►neet specified development objectives . Please provide a work �lan for developing and/or ` impleinenting tl�e targeted community program or a comparable program in 1989. Please highlight the objectives to be met by the following dates: o i�larch 15 o ,)un� 15 � Sept�mt�er 15 � , � � ; � f.�.. .. . . . . . . � � . . . . ( ...�. � .. . . . � . . . � .. � . f �':.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. � � ��... . . . . .. . . . �. � . . . � ��e�� � . . . . � � � . . . � . . . . �i � . . . . . . . . . .. � . . k .'. � � . . . .. . � . . � .. � 1-6 � • . . . . 7 . . � � . . �. . . � . V I . lit�(1c�e�t ,29 to Uecc��r�er 3I , 1989 , P r oc�am Arnou n t Ad►ninistrative Costs : �;' Salaries , Cor�sultant Fees Capital Casts (specify) : ,� ,� .� P.esidential Operatiuns & �4aintenance: • Contracted Services� ' l_abor Equi�m�nt Rental Space Rental Ut�lities P�stage Printing Other t ;, �' Coi�nercial/Industrial Aetivities: Other Pragrams. r Tota1 : l�nticipated Revenue: Co�nunity Share �;; Other Funding (specify} ° Reyuesteci Fundiny * � ' F'���ir� Co�inty: ' ' ��_�� � � � � � � � � � �� a ; � ;� �, ' * F2equest may nQt exceed that amount shown on the Maximum � 4 Reimbursement Scbedule. ,, �.. , . � r . � ` a-t-ak�ate5 1 -7 , � ATTaCMMENT z � REYISION REQUEST City/Township: Date: Address: Pragram Period: to Contact Person: Phone: l. Describe the revision to the original application that you are requesting as well as the reason for such revision. Use extra pages if necessary. If budget changes are included, please 1 attach a revised budget. � �- 2. Attach the official resolutian or a certified capy of the proceedings af the appropriate governing body approving this revision. a-t-abate7 2-1 • • � ATTACNMENF 3 � MONITORING REPORT CitylTormyhi�: Date: Adc�ress: ` , Report Perio�i: To: Con�act Person: Phone. l. If this report covers a multi-community program, list all participating con�»unities. ;, , 2. �escribe the residential recycling aetivities that occurred in 1989 including: (Use separate sheets if necessary) * Current status of each activity; * Participation rates and a description of the methods used to . calculate these rates; * A justification for the program being described as being in full operation; * Prornotion and �ublic education undertaken (attach examples of inaterials) . 1... . . . . � . . . � . . . . .. .,., . . . � . . . . . . . � .. . � , . . . . .. . . . . . S u ..'� � . .. . . . . . . . . . 4! .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .� i � . . . . . .. t : ��:: . � . . . . . . . Yy .. . � � . . . . � . . � . . � . ��� .. . '' � . . . � . . . ;I R .: . . � . � � . �. �� � . . �' . . . . . . . . . . � � � � . . . � . . � " � � . . � � . ( 3- i � � . 3. �escr�ibe the status of yard waste coliection in your comnunity: 4. Describe the efforts made to promote or encourage co�nercial/industrial recycling. 5. Describe any additional abaternei7t activities that occurred in 1989. 6.� Dakota County has established a 1989 residential recycling goal of 9� for each co+�nunity. Please provide the fod lowing information for all known residential abatement activities: (Use separate sheets if necessary. } A. Program: Type of Activity: Mat�rial Tonnage Total: 3-2 . . : � • !3. ('i'u�}i'�i��: jYPe of Activity; Material Tonna e Total C. Prog��am: TyPe of Activity: , ��IaC�ri�l Tonnege Tota1 �. Program: TYPe of Activity; P�laterial Tonnage Tot a l E. Program: • � TYPe of Activity; Material Tonna e Total 3-3 � � �► i F. Proy ra�i�: Ty{�e of Activity. (�taterial Tonnage Total 7. Please �rovide data on corranercial/industrial recycling in your communit�+. trtatc�r ia� Tonnage y Total 3-4 � � _ � 8. Ex�enditures f:ep�rt: PROG{ZA11 AP�OUNT Administrative: Salaries Consultant Services ,� Capital Costs (specify) : I:esicienti�l OF�tration & MaintE�nance: C�»�traf:Cecl ServicE�s tabor Equipment Rental Space R�ntal Utilities Postage Printing Other : Comnercial/Industrial Activities : Other Programs: Total Proyram Revenue: Comntun i ty Funds: ' Other Funding: Total Funds Received From County: ti a-t-abate6 3-5 AT(ACHMENT 4 � �IMUM ftE IMBUitSEMEN7' SCH�QllLE - �89 A[IMINl CRPITt�l2 0� � M� COt�tUNITY GUSTS COSTS Resid Camm/Ind TOTAL p�p l�e�U a Tl ey ����� ��,�bb� $3�� $1��5 t3urnsville i4,8�0 165,000 53,118 �32,968 Castle Rock Twp 905 4,500 � 2 ,518 6,923 Coates 572 8Q0 249 1,621 Dougl'as Tarp 662 1,8Q0 b72 3,134 Eayan 14,40U 160,00 51,912 226,312 Ernpire Twp 923 4,700 1,626 7,249 Cureka Twp 932 4,800 1,62f 7,358 Farminyton 5,004 20,300 6,639 31,939 Greenvale Twp G98 2,200 159 3,657 Ham�tan 608 1,200 369 2,177 Hampton Twp 710 3,000 1,191 4,961 Nastings 5,Oa0 49,000 17,142 71,142 Inver Grave tlei�hts 6,H40 76,000 25,353 108,193 . Lakeville 6,120 68,000 24,747 98,867 Li lydal� 74t3 2,75� 567 4,065 t�larshan 1-wp 995 5,500 2,061 8,556 �tendota 590 1 ,000 303 1,893 Mendota tleights 5,000 30,000 10,866 45,866 Pliesville 5�5 5,000 195 5,740 New Trier 536 4,004 162 4,698 Nininger 7wp 725 2,500 921 4,146 Randolph 608 1 ,200 390 2,198 Randolph Twp 635 1,500 529 2,654 Ravenna Twp 950 5,000 2,061 £3,011 Roser�unt 5,000 23,000 a,814 36,814 Sciota Twp 581 900 303 1,7$4 South St. Paul 7,290 81,000 24,144 112,434 Sunfisl� Lake 613 1,250 435 2,298 Ver�nillion 658 1,750 606 3,014 Vermillion Twp 797 3,3d0 1,3Q2 5,399 Waterford Twp 658 1,750 529 2,927 West St. Paul 1,470 83y0OQ �1,369 111,839 $�t,b�� ��,�'b�i �0,� �,��,�7� � �Zoo,oaa �i,�23,�72 Assumes following administrative costs: a Comnunities �ver 5000 population: $5,000 or �.901household, whichever is greater o Comnunities ur�der 50Q0 population. $500 base plus $.90lhousehold 2 Assumes $10/1990 household based on Metrapolitan Council 's Forecasts of Population, Households, and Empioyment - October 1986 Some or all of this arnount ma� be deferred to 1990 and/or 1991. Some coirrnunities may have programs in full operation by April l, 1989 and will be eligible for up ta $20/household. 3 Assumes cc7�nunities achieving 9% abatement at $30/ton for residential programs. 4 Rssumes $l0,OQ0 per co�nunity for those with approved applications for con�nercial/industrial programs. C-F-Abate6 4-1 . . . A rrac��r�Er�7- � � PERF�t2M�h,NC� E3ASED FUNUING FORMULAS - 19�39 ONLY These formuTas will be used �o make a final evaluation af a comtnunity's perforrnance in i�II9. The results 1ai11 be used to adjust the first quarter payments far 1990. Forir�ula 1 ,� � Applies to the followiny communities: 1lpple Valley Inver Grove Neights Qurnsville Lakewille Eagan Mendota Neights Farmington Rosemownt I�astings So. St. Paul West St. Paul o Fu1l operatian of targeted carr�nunity program or County approved alternate by 1-1-90 50 pts. (yarci waste compo►�ent in place by �/1/B9). o A1et a 9°�o residential abatement goal (4.4 points per 1� of waste abatedj . 40 pts. o Comp]eted corr�nercia]/industrial activity as outlined in application and approved 10 pts. by the County Farmula 2 Applies to the following communities: Coates Nampton Lilydale Mendota Miesville f�ew Trier Randolph Sunfish Lake Vermillion Castle �ock Township Douglas Townsh�� Empire Township Eureka Township Greenvale Township Hampton Township Marshan Township Nininger Township Randolph Township Ravenna Township Sciota Township a VermiTlion Toa�nship Waterford Township `£ o Full operatinn of targeted cor�nunity prograrn or approved alternate by 1-1-90 60 pts. ; '` (where applicable, yard waste component , � in {�lace by 8I1/89) o Met 9% residential abatement gaals 40 pts. f��r�;:�' � � (4.4 pts per 1� of waste abated). 5- I ' • � � A�ijusta»ents tu coii�nunity payinents will be based upon the ft�llowing P�rfurmance-Qased Funciinc� Schedule: 50 pts. = 50fo of net eligib]e costs reimbursed 51-75 pts = 75� of nc�t eligible casts reimbursed 7G-90 ��ts = 9t�% of net eligiule costs reimbursed 91-100 pts = 100� of net eligible casts reimbursed Ne� eliyible costs mtans .project costs after deducting: - Other grants received fiar the �roject from government units or general - I:evenues from the sale of recyclable materials and/or com�ost. a-t-abate8 5-2 ' ' � f�T CACttMEN7 5 • PERF(�RMt�NCE BASEt? FUNDING FQttMULAS - i989 QNLY 7h�se formulas will be used to make a fina] evaluation af d COITUIIUtII��/`s perfor�iiance in 19t3�3. The results wfll be used to adjust the first quarter payrnents for 19y0. Formula 1 Appl ies to the fol lowing cor�ununities: /lpple Valley Inver Grove Nei9hts Qurnsville Lakeville �a9�►� Mendota Heights Farmingtor� Rosemount liastings So. St. Paul West St. Paul o Fu11 operati�n of targeted corr�nunity program a� County approveii alternate by 1-1-9Q 50 pts . {yard waste compor�ent in place by 8J1/89) . o i�tet a 9% residential abatement goal (4.4 points per i% of waste abated) . 40 pts. o Completed com�nercial/industrial activity as outlined in application and approved 10 pts. by the County Formu la 2 Applies to the followiny communities: Coates Hampton Y� Lilydale Mendota Miesville t�ew Trier Randol�h Sunfish Lak� Vermillion Castle F:ock Township �ou��las Townslii� Empire Township Eureka Township Greenvale Township Nampton Township Marshan Township Nininger Townsl�ip Randolph Township � Rave�na Towi�ship Sciota Township � Uerrni i 1 ion Tor�nship Waterford Township 7 o Fu11 operati�n of targeted community program or ; aPProved a}ternate by 1-i-90 60 pts. ``,�`� {where applicable, yard waste camponent in �lace t�y 8/1/II9} �;; • t o Met 9� resi�iential abatement goals 40 pts . t {4.4 pts per l� of waste abated) . 5- 1 . i � Adjustnients to community payments will be based upon the following Perforrnance-Based Funding Schedule: 50 pts. = 50� of net eligible costs rei�ursed 51-75 pts = 75% of net eligible costs reimbursed 76-90 pts = 90� of net elig�ble costs reimbursed 91-100 pts = 100� of net eligible costs reimbursed Net eligible costs means project costs after deducting: - Other grants received for the project fran government units or general - f�evenues from the� sale of recyclable materials andlor compost. r a-t-abate8 5-2