HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. ISD 196 Presentationon on Bond Referendum � � ` � .. i.. . .. . . . . . //,�/ . . . . �. . . . � . . . . . � . . . . .. ���l ��)� :)��� . . /��� (j � 2ft�5 1A5f1�1 t t �W � �} ` /� F�C1SFMpUN7. MINNFS(�TA .5f?GH ��G�!l��� 61?_..4?3 dd 1 1 T-�-.�/'j� ' To: Mayor Hoke Councilmembers Napper Oxbozough Walsh Wipp�rman From: Stephan Jilk, Administrato Dates September 29, 1988 Re: Schoal Di�trict Presentati.on 1988 Bond Referendum Information Dr. John Hanson, Director o� speeial services for th� schaol district, and Margaret Gohman, a mernber of the schoal board, will be present to discuss information reg�r.cling the u�comii�g school bond referendum at our meeting on Tuesday. I expect this presentation ta take approximately one half hour, Though specific questions concerning siting issues far the sehools proposec� under this reterendum shoulc� not exeludec� from discussion at this presentation, I don`t believe these people will be able to give any specif3.� answers to your ques�ions i.n that regard. The sehool distarict has deterr�inPd that one sc:hool location should be the Mullery property i,n northwest RosPmount. Conc�rn was voiced by some $O+ residents fram �hat area that the pzoposed sight should be re-examined for its value �or the constraction of a school. These residents voiced concern about environmenta7. issues and to what extent the property would have to be "scarred" to be buildable. The residents presented a pe�ition to the school board on Monday the 26th in this regard. A similar pAtition wtll be presented to you for your consi.deration in this matter at our me�eting on Tuesday. Mr. Wayne Dahmes, one o� the residents, will be presenting this petition and asking to speak on the issue. sm�