HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Wayne Dahmes Petition RE: School Site . , , Group s�ys Mi�llc;�-y sitc not suitable f��r Sc�ac�c1� l�se ity fi. Mnus Itetten�a fnicl 11i��rrnip fhhl II���li;�ls•irl i� Itl Iltf'(TI'OCt'4C ft(R�il(Iylt)�I�1C�il.e They came t.o profe,l. � deci- to delermine �vhc�tr�er sch�ls sion that hadn't been made, can hc h�iiil ihere. 'M�e W�►ld Neighbors of� �he ��'ormer Associat,ihn-Architects, chos�n � Mullery pro�erly off Cc►unty f�� c�c�i�n two �i' ihe rr�pc�.cc�i Ii.oad'3tt in noMhwc�t R�semc�tml elFmciil�ry sch��ls an Ihe Oct. told the I)ist.rict 1�t; fi�►ard of 1R b�n�l trf�re�ultl�r�, is ex}�ct�l Education M�nday ni�ht. Chey f�comrlete i(s reTx►rt on the sile were oppc�er]fo plans 1.�build an within t.wo weeks. elemenfary or middle schc�l on flnce ail I:he inf�rmati��n is � the 3&acre site. g�thered, llie ixiard will make� The dist.rict recenf.ly entered decisi�n, Srnilh said. "1Vhen we � into a purchase agreement for 75 get down fo the finai dc*ci5ion, � percent ownership ot the prn�er- we'1) ccrtainly he willin� t�� i ly which is near t.he Ix�rdcr of shar�puhlic rec�rd information � Apple V�iley, Ea��n and Rose- with yoa,,, he s�id. mount. A pretiminary archifec- "We're trying t.o get � t�ling � ttu-al study of the siE.e was done (rom you. . .We don't want in Ix� to detern�ine the ty�and size oE negative �boul this," bahtnt� � buildings, if any, cotild t�+ con- said. With the t�nd refer�icl��m structed on the heavily waxled appraaching, Uahmes s:�i�l a sit . neighbnrs di�fn't wanl t.� crFate � 1�Jayne Dahm�of R�emount negative publicity tar th� ` k pr�s�ntecl a pet.ilion si�necl t�y R� district. pebple opposed lo building "'Che issue is whelher fhe � setioots on the site. Neiqhbors v�ters c�f the districf.can dcricle � have serveci on district commit- whpf.her space is �bsolutely y� tees, sit.e cot�ncils and Parent ncrcicrci. . .To u�e Ih�t. �s � � Teaclier As.sociatio�r�, 1)ahmnc� hnsta��. . .Wel1 ,yot�'ll ,�fisl Ifavr n a.�id. "i wAnf tn qivc yoti Ihc im- to �M whnl yMi f�i is ri�;hl,,. �� 'p prc�sion th�l the pen��le out St�iilh c�ic1. m. t.here, in �encral, have sup- if a district wanis tn hus n pot'f.ecl the }x�ard. Rut on thi5 sti�denis w{m live cinser, iax- �� isstte, we do not support the p�yetk �mirst pick� rip 1h� dif� � � , ;.� � board." fPrence. Ttx�ixy�rcl is on rcrrn•�i '�' Twn other neighhors, Dan as saying thal it���uic�like to b��s O'Neil and George f3�mer,said fmm one-h:�H mite, Reh�ti�alcit �� building schools on the,,sit.e� �afr�. iic�wever, lf�e exir� l�vy ' � � �� � _ would destr�y the wellancls and was m�t a��rovcd f�r this schnnl � 2g, tre� which are home to man,y ye�r. AIS�, mnre txis cirivers � animals. Rerrioving tree� and w�ulri hav� tn i� iiirefl t�c�►ver � tiiling in fhc rnllin�irills in ordrr liie a�kliiian�l r��t�lr�. ('urri��dly, � to build nn the site wc�uid als�be ihe disi.rict is sl�rt. afx►ut. srx � expc�nsive, they said. clrivers, he saicl. � �oard Cl�.�irman E;ill .Smit:h _W _ � � � . .. ,. . ; , � , . ,,� ;%�+, .c �,, ., . : nt. & � • • T+�►�, 7 CHESTER & �HARUN ELLING��N, �II l��$ �an�iury �ay R,osemoUnt, Minnesota 550� day 423-112fi evening 423-1�52 9f28/88 Roaemount City Connci( Rc�aemtouat,Minnesota 55068 r�e:Prapc�ed L.ocation of new Elementary a�Middte Schoai Dear Mayor Hoi�aixi Counctl Mcmbet�, Encla�cd�a a cnpy af�kttcr I setit to thc Aoacd of Edac�atiat,Inc�pcndent School Dist�ict 19t►. 'I`hc pnopveod_ locatian for thc ncw school haa not takea into co�s�deratt�m the�tntcn�ta a�thc City of Ra�emrnmt,or i�s rcgidcnts. I am trot an cxpert rcgardi� aite preper�tkm for the b�ihting af a aehc�a►1,twt rnmmon�e telb cr�that yr�u do�t taWe a hilly.hc�►i1Y woaicd lac�ticm with ponda and n�tural dminagc,and try to turn it intv _ a pcvper location for a Elcmentary Sc�a�. Duri�ng the H�ard c�#Bducati�n moctin�af Se�ember?b�thcre aaa an air af arrc�ancc c�n tl�c part c�f Mr. �mith,Bt�rrd+�Educaticm Chairpc�a�a►n,to�►acd the'e�tiuns of Rt�actnount that attend the m�etin�. I dc�nat belicv�e that Mr.3mlth has the rlght�authcnity to dkKate to t2�e CYty c�Rasemount,or its clti�,that a� :chod should be co�tructed in a poor bcatia�. I hav�e hear�d mumemus corame�ts at�rt th�being thc "Token"achool far t6e clty�Raecm�n� Roeemount dces not n�ed'Tokeniam"fr�n the Baard of Ed�tion. Ras�mount noeds a�+�ell planned,vv�ett t6onght oat s#te Mcatio�n t'cro s achvoi!! A location th�t be,st setves the neab�of Roeema►unt,not the nceda vf Apple Valky and�n. I sincerely bape that the City Council�in a better pvsition to hold the Board c�f Eciurcation aecaunt�t�te,thAn the Raeemount at�cme tl�i a�ere in attcndanc�e at t6e scl�ot 6�aat+d mo�ing. [�ffi I�u�poct,the�ite a� County Ro�d 38�a a poor locati�,�t i�time far thc May�or and City Council,�lccxrg with tho cit�e ta"cin�e up the wago�"and�otoct cwr rity. (�m�rt6 ns a fact of life. I�►elc�pment in a w�ell tha�ght out manner is a positive aad desitabk goal. Poorty cot�aiv�d school aitc toe�tiona wiil�t bene�it or�ve the City�f Rosemount or its dt�. If aftcc a c1oHc caaminatian of th�eituatian,y�au fal ea I do,thaE thc cbo�n location ia itl connivcc!and not in thc best intcreat of the Cltp:Pk.n�e hetp t1re�her cot�atncd Rosemaant cit've�put a stop to th�pt+ocess. 'Thank yoa f your imc a�i ccmc�rn. � � ���%' ` l�j= �--�-��� . �...� �� �:��, Chcstet W.E1lingson,lIi C�-�}�r ♦ ,, . • • C�iESTER & SHARQN ELLIN�S�►N, III �2� �an�ury �ay Kosemount, �innesota 55flfi$ day 423--1126 �enin� 423-1452 9i�7/88 Ba�nd c�f Ld�u�a►tion - , Indcpc�dent Scltoal I?ietrict�96 14445 Diamoud Patb Roeemo�mt,A�Umaeota 55068 Dear Boani Membas and Supaintendent I s�e in ettcadaaoc at the ScLool Boatid a�oe�mg hc�d at Uianwnd Pat�Schaot cm Se�ptc�nbar 2b,1998. I a�m oonoaned abait the quatt�au raLod by the Rakmotent dti�rc�rding a Eie�cnta�y and Mid�e School 1a�tod in the nocthvhat ca�ner of Rc�emotmt on Cvust�Rc�d 38. Aa a dti�af Roeemouat,I do not fcel Wat the Bo�td af�3ducation haa adQr�eaod th�i�ne a►ith thc be�tt intereat of the ta�+n�Roeemount,or School Districit 146 bc�ng pmperly ca�derod, T6e varioua topica of rnnoern btought fat6 by Mr.Wayt�Dshmea,Mr.Dan O'Nal�and Mr.Baomer are lcgitimate�sura and oonoan�t�at ahcwl�d b�of�+ofound impartanac to the Bvend of Educ�tifon priar to the �rchase ot}and to be�d for a echooili . T6e folla�wing iteaia act an7l nood to be sddreaeed; 1. Crnst of thc puc�cl�a�od 1and,a>�icleriag the c�tra a�nac vf troc rcmo�val ac�4 k�ncling aite to facilitate bait use of t6e Purch�ecd aa'caBa L�,$t attY t�►�no bargain if il1�uited fa�the intaxkd purpose, Z. SuitsMlity af the land for thc lntaaded w�e. 3. Loc�ition of t1�e lsnd,to best�ecwe the oommunity snd the aommunity inter�ea� 4. Bm�ronmental oonoerna such as vv�tife habitat and naturn!watet�shed. � During the g�enct+ous amount of time allo�wod by the Bor�rd fa�public oomn�ant Mr.Willism Smith,No�a�nd (�ahpeiaon,indicatod t6at tt�rcpoct wbmittad bgr a Arc�hitatural fum�longe,t r�tainod by the Ho�rrcl,wa� nat valId;a had tw bearing on t6��Ca at hand, Th�i�aimpfy tmt true. Any t�epott to the BoaM by a profeaaional ia rdevant and muat be trestai aa�tx�. S`�a davment ahc�uid be av�aflablc to tbe pubflc,and abo ba put of the publie toamd.Anq c�thet poeiEio��uld be itn�pou�iWe. Tha ktter aavra the Bosid af&l�ation Di�trict 196�a f�mal t+oyt�xt for the r�eporta iasucd tnry any Ard�octural or Bngtnccring 6rm reg�ding thc�nvpa�od laad p�wrchsec on Cc�uaty Road 38. 'ISme i�vf thc �c. I roqucat tlwt th�infarmation be t+cicssod and fatwacdod ta me immediately. Thank You fc�Ya�r 11me a�l � � ��J� Sin�aa!ly.;/� . � " _ ___-----____---, '1 _.i-- C6ester W.�?tlingeon,III