HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Shannon Parkway Excess Right-of-Way Vacation Hearing , .� • • U �� �? � *******�r******�r**********�r*�t**��*****�*PtEi`t0*****��**��***�**�r*��***********�t**�x� DATE: QCTOBER 12, 1988 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEM$ERS /♦r� C/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK ; FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR tIEFTI�� RE: ITEMS FOR THE QCT�BER 18, 1988 GOUNCIL rtEETING PUBLIC HEARING V:►cate Slt�nnon Parkway T:xcess Ri l�it=-of-Wn� 'I'hi:; publi.c laearii�g is � restalt of the prc>��erly c�wn�r rj<I,jacei�t t.o Shru►i�vn f'arkw�y petitioning for the vacation of excess right-of-way alottg tile west side of Shannon Parkway that abuts the Evergreen Acres AddiE.i_ori. Attacheci is a c�py of my review for the meeting at which the Council accepted the petition to consider ttie vacation of this excess right-of-way. All required public notices have been publistted and {�osted. In actciiti.�n, private utility companies operating within the City have been n�ticed of this vaeat.ion request. As of this date, we have received no negative responses from anyone. Recommended aetion for Council to consider is to vacate the exeess right-of-way for Shannon Parkway along the Euergreen Acres Addit.ion anci a��th�rize the preparation of the appropriate documents far recording with the County. n 1 / � - � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION i988 - 1 j i A RESOLUTIQAt CAUSING ERCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION I 4N A P�RTION OF SHANNON PARKWAY ; � � WHEREAS, the City Council at its Regular rteeting of September 6, 19$$ received a II petition for excess right-of-way vacation on Shannon Parkway described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1� Block l , Evergreen Acres Addition as recorded in the Registrar of Deeds Office, Dakota County, I riinnesota; thence North $9 degrees, 48 minutes, 59 seconds East (assumed bearing) a computed distance of 21 .90 feet (not a surveyed distance) to a I point on the old and incorrect East line of the Southwest Quazter; thence � South 1 degree, 00 minutes, 55 seconds West (assumed bearing) , along the a1d i and incorrect east line of the Southwest Quarter a computed distance of ; 260.53 (not a surveyed distance) to a point known as the northeast corner of Outlot 1 of Broback Second Addition; thence South $9 degrees, 45 minutes, -� 07 seconds West along a platted line o� Shannan Park ist. Addition a distance ; of 19.72 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block l , Evergreen Acres; ; thence Narth Q degrees, 31 minutes, 57 seconds East aiong the platted east � � line of Evergreen Acre a distance of 139.98 feet to the point of beg�.nning. I ---- WHEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled and held on the 18th rlay of OcCober, 19$$ after due publication as required by law, and all interested persons were giuen � an opportunity to be heard; and i � WHEREAS, it appears that it will be for the best interest of the City of Rosemount to vacate said excess right-of-way as it does not serve a public purpose. i � NOW THEREF4RE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following street is 13ereby v�cated, to- wit. -j Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot l, Block l, Evergreen Acres ; Addition as recorded in the Registrar af Aeeds Office, Dakota Gounty, � Atinnesota, thence North 89 degrees, 48 minutes, 59 seconds East tassumed bearin�) a computed distance of 21.90 feet (not a surveyed distanc�? to a I paint on �he o2d ar�d ineorrect East line Q£ the Southwest Quarter; ther�ce South 1 c3egree, OO minutes, 55 seconds West (assumed bearing2 , along the old I and incorrect east line of the Southwest Quarter a computed distance of � 260.53 (not a surveyed distance) to a point knowt� as the northeast corner of � Qutlot 1 of Broback Second Addition; thence South $9 degrees, 45 minutes, i 07 seeonds West aiong a platted Iine af Shannon Park 1st Addition a distance of 19.72 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 1 , Euergreen Aeres; thence North 0 degrees, 31 minutes, 57 seconds East along the platteci east line of Evergreen Acre a distance of 139.98 feet to the point of beginning. i �, . 1 .-. ., . . � . . � . . � � � � � . . . . . . . . . � RESOLUTION 1988 - � j — PAGE 2 � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Gity Clerk shall prepare a notice of completion of the proceedings which shall contain the name of the Gity, identification of �: the vacatian and a statement of the time of completion thereaf, and shall present ithe same to the County Auditor and then file a copy with the Register of Deeds. � � � ; iADOPTED this 18th day of October, 1988. � � ; ' Rolian Hoke, Ptayar ; i ATTEST: � ; i ; Stephan Jilk, Administrator/C1erk ; i i i � ; j � ; I i I f i . � � . . � . . . . . . . j . � . � � . � .� � . � �. � I �. � . . . . . . � � . � . . � . . . . � . � . . . . .. i .i . . � � . . . � � � . i � � . . . . � . . � . . . . I � � .. � . . � . � . . i I � � � . . . . � . . i . . . . , . . . . i t � I i . . � . � � � � � � . � . ; � . . � � � . . . � . - . � I j . . . . . . . . . 1