HomeMy WebLinkAbout4, Lot 12, Block 3, Borback 5th Addition Easement Vacation Hearing a� . ,. � • ��� � **************�****�***x�*�r**�r�***�r*�**PtEP10*�r***�************�****,t��r**,��r*****,t,� DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1988 TO: MAYOR & COUNGILMEMBERS C/0 GITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK .,��� FROM: GITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE QCTQBER 18, 1988 COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Vacate Utility Easement, Lot 12, Block 3, Brobaek 5th Addition Plr. Robert Olson, the owner of this parcel, petitioned for the City ta vacate the 10 foot utility and drainage easement adjacent his south line of his lot. The � reason for the vacation is because in his attempt to refinance, the title company discovered an encroachment of his garage withi.n the 10 foot drainage and utility easement along his side yard. We have researched this situation and found out there is no buried utilities within this easetnent. Furthermore, should the need arise to place any utilities underground adjacent the raadway, we still have a 14 foot wide bou2evard. Therefore, Staff does not see any problems granting ptr. Qlson his request to vacate the 10 foot drainage and utility easement adjacent his south property line. The appropriate legal notices have been posted and published regarding this vacation request. In addition, we have contacted all private utility companies servieing the City and have yet to receive any negative input regarding this matter. Recommended action for Couneil to take would be to grant the vacation request and authorize the appropriate documents be recorded with the County Recorders offiee. � ..::, � • ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT --- RE50LUTION 1.988 - ' A RESOLUTION CAUSING VAGATION OF A PpRTION OF ' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON LOT I2, BLOCK 3, I3ROBACK STII ADDITION � WHEREAS, the City Council at its Regular Pieeting of September 20, 198$ received i a petztion for vacation of a portion of drainage and utility easement on Lot 12, � Blrack 3, Broback 5th Addition described as follows, to-wit: i � Westerly 140 feet of the southerly 10 foat drainage easement on Lot 12, Block 3, Broback 5th Addition in Dakota County, fifinnesota. i � WIIEREAS, a public hearing was scheduled and held on the 18L-h da� of October, 1988 after due publication as required by law, and all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard; and � WHEREAS, it appears that it will be for the best interest of the City of Rosemount to vacate said drainage and utility easement as it does not serve a gubiic purpose. ' NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESdLVED, that the following street is hereby vacated, to- � wit: Westerly 140 feet of the southerly 10 foot drainage easement an Lot 12, ' Block 3, Brobaek 5th Addition in Dakota County, Atinnesota. � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Gl.erk shall prepare a nokice of completion of the proceedings which shall contain the name of thP City, identification of the vacation and a statement of the time of completion thereof, and shall present the same to the County Auditor and then file a copy with the Register of Deeds. j ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 1988. Rollan F�oke, Atayor ; ATTEST: i t Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk