HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. MnDOT TH3 Snow Removal Agreement a_ � . • • � /r �fm � <� �***�**************,t�x***�*****�*******ttEPtO*******************�:�*************�r*�*� DATE: OCTOBER 7, 1988 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILI`tEPtBERS C/0 ADAtINISTRATOR JILK FROri: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR �iEFTI RE: ITEMS FOR THE OCTOBER 18, 1988 COUNCIL PtEETING _ CONSENT AGENDA JOINT SNOW RErtOVAL AGREEI�tENT ON 'TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 We have received our annual letter from the Aiinnesota Highway Department asking that we jain in an agreement to remove snow from the downtown area on Trunk Highway 3. Attached is a copy of the resolutian, rental fQrms and otir insurance th�t must be submitted, upon your approval, to the State as soon as possible. Recommended action for Council to take would be to ap�rc�ve the rental rates for i, snow removal on Trunk Highwsy 3 and adopt the attached resc�Iution. � < Mn/�O1 !717 !10 77) � Minnesota Departm�f Transportation S7'/2tlf:77t�N,t tu .�i.prr�r r�r hrc,�rn�r�a t;n. r�rarP 4 i�',irc: Ori�in�rl lc�:1rri�A/urntrvt,trtrr� /�rr��i�urr' l�rrsl r����y l��lns��nn�rr t'>>rr���,my� � EQUIRMENT INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ,�����+,�t�����y <<�,-t����� � 'l'lttrr/cnry tn t)u�rt�r This certificate is required by the Minnesota Department of Transportation before �ayment will be macle ior equinment rer�tals. _.— �_v------------------ __ . ___..�___- ------� ` Name of Insured Owner Address o(Insured OwnPr � `_CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2f�7i 145th St . W. , 12c�sem��u�t , PIN iSnCiFi - _ __ _. �._.� . TYPE OF �QUIF'MEN7 MANUFACTURER'S YEAR&MODEI 5�����OF3 S12E,CAI'AC,ITV,OR MINNEC(TTA tICENSE Nf). NAME MOTOR NO. SICKIE BAR LENGTH Snowblower SNOGO 1987,rtP-3D 3388 2�0 ttr No�r nrrLtcnnLE Loader Fiat/t111is t985,i'R15 R15AZTY57fi0 3 3.0-3.5 C�iY�I NO't' �Pt'i,1CA1�f.T; Gracler John t�eere 19F36,670A DW(�70TiX5122 4 1 "3i IIi' Nf�'1' A1'1'I,ICARi�F. ' TYPE OP INSURANGE POI.ICY NUNFBER E�FfI;TIVE DA7E EkPtRAT10N dAT� I.IMITS OF L1ARIt.ITV _ ___ . _ ...___ ___ _ . __ .. _,.�_. __...__� WORKER'S GOMPENSATION••• As required by MINNFSOTA STATUtES CNAPTER 176 --------- --- _...----- --- . ____._.___----�_�._, PUBLIC LIABIIITY: � COO,000 GSL pr�h persoh BODILV INJURY MCM S74J-8 11-1-88 1i-1-89 a each accident PROPERTY DAMAGE � INCLUDEQ aA�h,�����pn� — --_ _--- ------ -------_ _._. .._____�_.____� **II'r)PF.'R�7�Ii U B}' f)IVNfi R ONI,Y, fVOR k 1:"R S COAf/'li'N,S�177fJN lNSfIR n NC7i !.S N07'R 1�l tllti 1:1�: Thit ccrlifics Ih;il Ihc ahuve ilcscril}cd cqnipmcnl is insnrccthy sai�i fncnrancc t'r�m�,:►np �i+��l Ihat Ifi�� ins�nanrr �,nlirirs�Ir^riila•�I hr�<-in ha��r I��v•n issucd I<� tlic li��nrril n;i�i�c4 :il�iivr,an�l Il�al su�•li insniancr i�in i'urc�•��n Ilrt'datr Ihis r�•t1iliralc i�; ise�i���l. I hi�; fnifh�i cril+lit�c 11i:U cai+t Inc�r�an�r (!ompany will n��tify Ihc ('nmmissi�ncr of'frhraeporf�Eion My rcKistcred Icllcr�1 1casl 1cn(fU},l:►ys ir}:�dvan�•c+,{nny ii�ic•���Ic•,1 c:nt��•Ii:�ti�Fn�{atr This ccrtificatc is not valid tinlcss si�ned by a dtdy at�tliorizcd rerrescnlalivc of said i�i.ruranrc c'��m�r;�riy. ---,. . ___----__ __._._ ------- - -- -- . _ _ -_... .. ___ _ _ _._ . -- Nmne of Insurarice Cc»n��any . /td�lrpss ol Insu��nc�(:��nq,any / 1Fi3 l7nivetsi 1 y Avc�i}i�� E�Gt. League of riinnesota Cities Insurance Trust SC, Paul, A1N 55101 --_--- -- --- --- -- -- -- _ __ _-- ----- ----- -- _�� ---- --- ___ _ __.._ _.___ _ __._._ �_._._ Signa e yr�Authorited Agent Uate AdclrPss of AuEhc�r�7�Aqent „'� � f,�." ,_�fs r � N�rLh .,t�r Ri.sk Sr+rvi��s, Tr��. �i� �p •�`. 9/27/88 l�t(11 W�st. 7C�IJt Sircc•1 Si�it�� ''i�iO ``"` „� � �� *c:i'd�.�i��z..,4:�,_"----------___---.-- __---- -- A1 i r�ne:��x>I i.s, P1N i''i/�'L� ----- � `f�orward Ori�;i�ial c�ipy 1��: � 'I'ah, �,{Iti�l� N�,. t l�rca M;�iFi��•naii��• (�.i�f;i�u•�•� , �111I1CSY.>1:1 �)l'��:�It)11Cttl tr� ��.'f:ItICl7ftr(:It�lritt . � � . � . . . Mn/DOT TP 01726•02(10181) • � INSTRUCTIONS: Prepene?co�ies for Minneaota Department of Tran:portstion eech unit bial. Send both copies ro the Area Maintenance Engineer." INFORMAL BID fOR RENTED EQUtPMENT THE UND�RSIGNED AGR�ES TO FURN1SH THE FaLL�WING EQUIPMENT AT THE FiATE BID ANQ ACCORt7IN{; . TQ THE FQLLOWtNG PROVtSipNS: 1. The rental rate shall inciude a competent operatar and ati suppiies necessary ta operate the equi�,ment and maintain it in proper working order, uniess specified otherwise in equipm�nt description space belowr. 2. TMe earnings under tMis bid are limited to a total of C7 $1,0�.00 in thirty (30} day period or �7 $S,OOO.OQ i�r ' com{�etitive bids (depending on type of bid requested). 3. The owner shall carry and maintain Public Liability and Property Damage t�surance to couer this equi�merrt. 4. The owner shall provide Workers' Compensation protection as required by State Law covering all operatars furn'rsheci by him. 5. The owner shall furnish a certificate of insurance evidencing Pubtic Liability and Property Damage coverage and coverage under the Workers' Compensation Law o# the State of Minnesota ta the Area Maintenance Engineer on forms supplied by the Minne�ta Department of Transportation. Payment wilt not be made for equi�ment rental until this certifieate has been fumished. DESCRiPT10N OF EQUIPMENT TYPe Size .�... Grader 135 HP Make Model Year Manufaciured John Deere 670B 1986 Additional Description � � � 1Attachmentst Size or Capacity) v Name Uate � CITY OF ROSErtOUNT BID RATE PER HOUR $ 55.00 � Address � Phone No. M E 2 5th St W. , osemount, P1N 55068 423-4411 _ R Si Titie -e�-- � FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONIY Name of Person �Title Date � So(iciting Bid Location of Work Where Equipment Will Be Used Expiration Date Accepted by A.M.E. Date ilnitials Oniy) �� "Send both copies to the Area Maintenance Engineer. Se�and copy will be returned to the successful bidder after apprc�v..�l. Mn/DOT Tt�p1776�07(10lA1► � . � . . �� � . � ` INSTRUGTIONS: Pr�nrn?col�ins/e„ � Minnesota� Department oi Tran�portstion each unfi bid. Send hoth cg,ni�s te�thn Area Mnintn,nanr.e Engineer. ' -__ _� INFORMAL BID FOR RENTED EQUtPMENT THE UNDEFiSiGNED AGREES TO FURNISI-1 THE FO�LOWING EQUIPMENT !1T 71�C RATE Eii[) �iNU /iCCt7Fif)INt; TO THE FOLIOWING PROVISIONS: 1. The rentai rate shatl inciude a competent operator and all supplies necessary to operate the equi��mrnt and rnaintaiF7 it in proner working order, untess specified otherwise in equipment descri�tivn sp�ee below. 2. Tt�e earnings under this bid are limitc�d to a total of CY] $1,p00,Q0 in thirty (30) ciay �,eric�d or [ l $5,OQ0,(1t� �„� com��etitive t�ids {depending on type of bid requestedj. 3. The owner sha11 carry snd maintain Public L.iability and Property Damage Insurance to cover ttiis e�uipment. 4. The owner shall provide Workers' Compe�xatiort protection as required by 5tate Law c�verinc� all �E»rators#urnisl►ccl by him. 5. The owner shall furnish a certificate of insur�ance evidencing Public Liability and Property Damage cr�veraqe ai��i coverage under the Workers' Compensation Law of the State af Minnesota to the Area Maintenance Engineer on forms supplied by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Paymer�t witi not t�e madP for�uipment rental uri�i! this certificate has been furnished, . DESGRIPTION OF EQUIPMEN7 -- �" - Type — — --- : Size -- Loader 3.0-3.5 Cu Yd Make Model — Fiat/Allis FR15 Year 9gi5 tactured Additional Description -- _�.- __ (Attachments: Size or Capacity) O Name t)ate '._,......' CITY OF ROSEriOUNT �_� _._ _---- -._�-- -- ---_ -------------_._.__ BID RATE PER HOUR $ 43.00 N Address !'hnr�e N��. Sth W. emount, PiN 55068 423-4411 E Signe b —___ R Title : Gity Engineer/P. W. Directar FOR DEPARTMENT USE QNLY Name of Person Title � —��'"-� Soliciting Bid t Date� Location of Work Where Equipment WiH Be Used ��--�- ---- Expiration Qate - -----�____�_�_` __.__ ' Aceept�d by A,M.E. Date t�nic7�►►s only) -----. ___----_�._.. *Send both copies to the Area Maintenance Enqineer. Second capy will he returne�► ir► thP scir.cP�sf��t hif��ier �itrr ti�,�►rc�v:►1 Mn/DOT TP 01726-U2(10l81) • � lNSTRUCTlONS: Prepere 2 copies fnr Minnesota Qepartment of Tran:poKation each unir bid. Send both capies ro the ArBa Maintenance Engir►eer." r .�. INFORMAL BID FOR RENTED EQU{PMENT THE UNDERSIGNED AGREES TO FURNISN THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AT TNE RATE BID AND AC�4RDlNG TO THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS: 1. The rental rate shall include a competent operator and all supplies necessary to operate the equipment and maintain it ` in proper working order,unless specified otherwise in equipment description space below. 2. The earnings under this bid are limited to a total of O $1,t3Q0.00 in thirty (30) day pe�iod ar C� $5,OQ0.00 for competitive bids (depending on type of bid requestedy. 3. The owner shall carry and maintain Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance to cover this equipment. 4. The owner shatl provide Workers' Compensation protection as required by State Law covering all operato�s furnisheii by him. 5. The owner shall furnish a certifica#e of insurance evidencing Public Liability and Property Damage coverage �nd coverage under the Workers' Compensation Law of the State of Minnesota to the Area Maintenance Engineer on forms supplied by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Payment will noi be m�ie for equipment reritat i�nti! this certificate has been furnished, DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT TYPe Size Snowblower 200 HP Make Model Year Manufactured M SNOGO PtP-3D 19$7 Additional Description �� (Attachments: Size or Gapacity) O Name Date �� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BID RATE PER HOUR $ 24.00 N Address PhQne Na � 5th S . W os mount, MN 55068 423-4411 � Sig b Title City Engir�eer/P.W. Director � FOR DEPARTMENT t�E ONLY Name of Person �Title Date Soliciting Bid Location of Work Where Equipment WiH Be Used Expiration Date Accepted by A.M.E. Date _._ (Initials�ly) - *Send both copies to the Area Maintenance Engineer. Second copy will be returned fv the success#ut bidder after appraval. . ,� „ � . GITY OF ROSEMOUNT — RESOLUTION 1988 - i A RESOLUTION IN CQOPERATiON WITH STATE FOR SNOW REMOi�AL ON TRUNK HIGHWAY NITNtBER 3 ; i WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has been approached by o£ficials of the rtinnesota ' State Highway Department to enter into s cooperative Agreement far the cemoval of snow on Trunk Highway Aiumber 3 within the City aE RQsemount in Dekot� County, �` Ptinnesota. I � NOW THEREF�RE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rosemount City Council heret�y authorizes iand instructs its officers and employees to provide trucks as required by the � Tiinnesota State Highway Department for the removal of snow from Highwa� Number 3 I within the City of Rasemount, the Agreement being that State equipment will plow, iwindrow and load the snow, and the removal and disposal wi11 be by means of £ully operated trucks furnished by the City of Rosemount, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the riayor and Administrator be and hereby are authorized and instructed to execute twc� certified co�ies c�f this Resolt�tion and deliver same to State Highway officials for this Atairtten.�nre Di.strict ; ancl a3so to execute any additional instruments for this purpose 11i�1#= may be, rec��iired by the riinnesota Highway Department. ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 1988. Rollan itoke, rlayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/G1erk � A