HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Electronic Plotter Purchase i ._ , ,� . • � . ._..:�"�� � . M E M O R A N A U M DATE: Qctober Y3. 1988 T0: Adm�ini�tratar Jilk ' �'ROFf: Gi�y Enqinear/Pub11a Work�s Di.r�sctcar ti�ft 5UF3.J: E�.ectronie Plotter Purchase- '88 GIP The '88 CIP included the purchase of computer-aided drafting (CAA) software and a larqe size electronic pl.ott�r. BPcat.�se a£ new developments in the availability of geographical inform�tion system tGIS) software, I cannot ,ju�tify t}7e pur.•chase c�£ CAi1 software. The reason being that thP Gi5 syst�m will do everything the CAb system will do and more. I ciidn ' t fePl i.t was worth it to gp�nd 52,000 for the CAD so£twaz�e. fiowever, the GI5 saftwarP, which is the same as the county is using, requires a piottez-. As lang as the plotter wa:� gtill in th� budgPt, I am recommending purchasing a.t, Our spreadsheet s�ftware and PC's will be able to use the plotter right: n�w. Fur.•thErmore, there are very inexpensive graphic ss�ftware �rograms availahlE that aould b� purcha�sed for iander 510� that we c�u.ld �l.:�o us� with this plotter . In �horfi, I reeommer�d that we p�archase th� plotter and digitiz.ei• for thp fallowing reasons: 1 . we can use it when we qet a GIS softwar�/hardwar� 2 . wP can use it nnw with some of the �c�f_t�ware we have and in�xpen�ive software we can purchase A I r�ceived twb quotes from uendhrs, a c�py o£ which is attached. �, � 1 � � COPY EQUIPMENT, lNCORRORATED � 1000 WEST 79TH STREET - MINfU�APf?LIS, MN. 5542U � 6121884-35$1 / RECEIVED August 29, 198�3 �U� ;3 0 �9�g +"IT�� n� R81RFA�C�1��'" Ci ty of Rasemc�unt 2875 145th Street W. f2osemc�unt, MN 55�68 At.t.c�nt,i��n: Rich fleft.i 1 each CalComp ��1023, A-� size, 8-pen Plotter $�,295.(�0 t each Cal Comp �/2324(1 18 x 24 Drawi ng ��ard Tal�l et $1 ,975.(10 with pen stylus and 4-button cursor � � � . � � . � A � � � . � .. � . � . . . . . . . � . � � �R . � .. � .�. . � � . . . . .. 1 each CalComp �/91240 17 x 24 with ff91052 Power $2,750,�0 SuPP�Y, ��99004 Single Port, /{91041 Cable and �f99034 4-button cursor Prices include delivery. Si ncerelY,, , . 1 ,� /<' � � � �_. ^ % �� �_ , ohn Thalacker JT/ja � � �� " � , �, � ���� � � .,;,, � r i - f J' " ,� , , � � � � �::� , �_ f�� r-�� _ � � --__-- _... I " �IAZO—�achines Supplies Mstruments En ineerin Supplies QRAFTINCi—E u' SURYEYING— R�PRdDUCTION— g g q pment Supplies Xerox