HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Adopt Assessment Roll / Deferment Policy CSAH 42 East � ' ` � � �- �) � � , � �,;���� «� . ��� . L'da": ;h � . , . Pr�r,.f.r,'r� . :� . � , � t : �!aS�C'YYt:fJ I.�t�'l� , , ,� , ,_ ; :�, Item 7c. TO: Mayor, Council, City Administrator FRpM: Dean Johnson, Uirector of Community Development DATE: October 14, 1988 SUBJ: CSAH 42 - Rechtzigel Assessment At the October 4, 1988 Assessment Hearing, Marlin Rechtzigel suggested that we reconsider the three assessment units proposed against his property, located at the southwest quadrant of the 52/42 intersection. He indicated he had access on 52, whie.h would suggest half of this property be removed fre�m lhe assessment disirict. Rich Hefti has� contacted MnDQT and they have con['irmed that [here is no access and wild b� no aceess granted on 52. Withaut any further - evidence to the contrary, we feel we must recomrnend thai the [hree assessment units remain c�n the assessment roll. 7he site in Question contains in excess of 30 acres and has a}�proximately 8�� feet �f frontage on 42. I spoke with Marlin after the October 4th meeting and he also requested considerati�n of dre�pping one oC the two units being assessed against the parcel on the immediate nnrth side of 42. That parcel contains in excess o#' 20 acres and has apprcrximately 4fl0 feet of frontage alpng 42, Marlin felt that the parcel coutd nok be divided because there is inadequate frontage for two residential lots (300 feet lot widths per lot). I indicated that Chere ate several ' • precedents of record where acreage requirements have been met [or lc�t divisions hut where similar varianr.es to lot frontagc wcrc granted. Dakota County must issuc access ncrmils ic� all properties. Thc existence of numerous exce}�tic�ns E� ae�ess spacin� or the provisi�n for eommon or shared access suggest thal access will be provided to the rna�imum number of lot divisions that cc�uid he requested c�n either parcet. In reviewing both �arcels in the field, we would note lhat there are presently !wo driveways serving the n�rth parce) and two driveways serving the south parcel. Based on the reciew made and the information nated herein, Rich Hefti, Steve Jilk and i feei that the original number of assessments �r�pc�sed [o he certi ficJ agains# the parcels must remain. This information has heen presented t� the Rechtzigels and a copy of this memo will be maiaed to them. � , � - �.-� � . ' ���� � CITX OF ROSEMOUNT ' � �, " RESOLUTION 198$ - �; ; A PESOLUTIQN ADOPTING ASSESSMENT RQLL ;, COUNTY ROAD 42 EAST IMPROVEMENTS , PR4JECT NO. 164 1 WIiEREAS � , pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Gouncil has � met, heard and passed upon all objectians to the proposed assessment for Count � Road 42 East Impravements af 1987, project No. 164, and has amended such pro�osed G assessment as it deems just. , ; � NOW THEREFOR� BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councii of the City of Rosemount, Aiinnesota, as fallows: (11 Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $100,0U(3.00, a copy of which is in Clerk's File �.98�-28 is hereby accepted and shall eonstitute the ' special assessment against the lands nameci therein, and each tract of ; land therein is herehy found to be benefited by the proposed � improvement. � ; (2? Sueh assessments which are not deferred shali be as follows: ; a. The assessments shall be payabie in ec�tial annu��i insta}.lments � extending over a period of ten E10) years, the €irst of said ___ instaliments to be payabie with general taxes for the year 1989, collectible with such taxes during the year 1989. b. To the first installment shall be added i.nterest at tt�e rat.� ��f � eight and two-tenths percent (8.2%) .per annum on the entire princi�al amount of the assessment from the date of tlxis: resoli�tion until � December 31 of the year in which such installment is �ayable. Tc� e,1ch ; subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid principal amount �f t1�e assessmei�t. � c, The owner of any property so assesseci ma at: an timc Y Y prior tc� t}�e certification of tlie assessment or the first i��stallment t_liereczf Co tlte , �' Gounty Auditar, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assPssment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be char�ed if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and sucit property�owner may at any time prior to Pdovemt�er l5 of �ny year flay fia the Coc�nty Auditor the entire princi�ai amount. af ilie assessme��t remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of ttie year in which said payment is made. , 4 �; Page 2 Resolution 19$8 - ; ' ; ' E3) Such assessments that are deferred shall be deferred �ntil January 1, � 1999; or until the property is platted; or until construction of any ° ' ! improvements thereon. Upon tercnination o€ the deferral, the assessmQnt shall be as follows: � ; a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annval installments ' extending aver a periad of ten (10) years, the first of said " � installments to be payable with general taxes for the year following ; termination of the deferment, collectible with such taxes during the ' year foliowing termination of the deferment. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of ' eiQht and two-tenths �ercent (8.2�) Per annum �ri the c��itirc princip,ll , am�irnt of the assessment £rom Jant�ary 1 unti.l 1)ecemher 31 <�C th� y�,�r in whicli such installment is payable. � c. The deferment of assessments is contingent on the owner of any property so assessed exeeuting an agreement with the city relating to the deferment prior to November l, 198$. If such ag,reement is nnt executed prior to November l , 1988, such assessments st�all not he deferred and shall be payable as provided in Paragraph Z above. , d. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment �, on such property with interest accrued to the ciate of payment to the i City Treasurer, except that no interest sha11 be charged if the entire j assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such ; property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to ; ; the County Auditor the entire �rincipal amount of the assessm�nt j remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. ' ' i (4) The Administrator/Cierk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate ; copy of this assessment ro11 to the County Auditor to be extencled an ' the tax list of the County. ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 1988. ' � Rollan Hake, rtayor ' ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk _ _ _ �