HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Downtown Redevelopment Plan _ �r .� • • '� P.O. BOX 510 ��� � � 2875-145TH ST. W. �������� ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA 55068 612-423-4411 ..��`'�='m � �-. To: Mayor Hoke Cauncilmembers Napper Oxbarough Wa1sh Wippermann rrora: Stephan Ji].k, Ac�ministrator/�lerk � . �; , Date: Octob�r 14, 1988 � ✓ Re; Dawntown RedevelopmenC Plan Mayor Hoke has met with repreaentatives of the Urban Design Cen�er-Univeraity of Minnesata. This graup, aided by a private grant from the Dapton Hud;son Corporation, provides a consulting service to loea�. communities i.n their effort tn deffnP .�ust what the community might conside� in the develapment scheme o£ their citq. Copies of two different articles on this sub�ect are attaehed. The Mayor has presented an averview of th3s service ancl how he envisioned it would support the efforts o£ the citp' s HRA and the citp council ia planning for the development of vur dawntown to the HRA Board at a special� HRA meeting on Thursday, this last we�k. The HRA Board supgorted the idea and authorized the expenditure of the funds far the work. Mayor Hoke and HRA Chairman Wa1sh wi11 have comments on this information and wish to gresent it for pour information and support. sm�j : Attachments � � • f�.0. BaX 510 ��i z- t 4 2875-idSTH ST. W. i ��� 0 ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55088 g 12-423-4414 oservr.oun� , ; , October 11 , 1988 Michael Willard, HRl� 14825 CanadM��55068 Rosemount, Dear Mi.ke: October 13, 1988, the HRA wi].1 be As you kn4w, on Thursdayr ible futu�e , � a raisai report of the estirnaogs marl�et value of , reviswing a PP = parcel.s wi�hin the tax raisal�information i.� a valuab�.e tool in � development. While app ment in �. determi.ning ths future visi4n a� downtown diecespof the downtQwn ' R��Qm����,, 3,t seents to me that many other p ' r�develapment puzzle" need to be put in p lace. i ortunities to I'm concerned that we do valu�s�randkuniqueness that we Zace that identify the pri.nc�.ples, downtown to refiect. Someday Qur do�rntown �hould We still have ou a feal a shared sense of v��e�tena downtown�about �hi.ch w� �' the opportunitY to design and � ��thi� i� our p].�ce . � can say '� les th2�t aceompany this �.etter sp��k more to the Th� two artic ` i issue T am raisi�g. , esting is the need for a The general recommendation I am sugg i.�. : � design plan that tc�tal. vision for downtown Ro��m°unt, s�dewalks, �na other wauld include everything from g�,anters, e�� out the cultural, � esthetics, to a lana use plan that would sp tainment, service, retai]., and commercia� ehar�uTtd�stination � enter ust makes sense �o "have y � a �uture downtown. Tt � determined before the train leaves the station`� - f M Wi.ttl futur� deY�lopment eminennd�theh���ix�ho£e��"eGI R�1 to move ; � flighway 3 and County Road 42 a it is imper�.tive ttiat we act forward with downtown redevelopmentn £or downtown• T�� � now in develop3.ng an over all desig " �����s o� this recommendation makes even more sense in light t�'�e ci.tizen attitude survey, imPending of our Town Meeting, Cammittee. If the reco�mendations of the Citizen Adv�s�mm��s�on i5 �hat anPo��Seaof ; consensus of the HRA and Planning �a�� to tap the exp ' desi.gn plan would make sense we may o� Minnesota (see the new URBAN DESIGN CENTEpwn�Mike Wozniakitwho has a degree in ar�icJ,e attachea) and our land�cape archi.tecturP. •t�r�en snr�Fn.t�vc�r rJt�vPmp i.�r� 2�Hfi I'o��TerencP. rivCT tit'efl tvil�i F1 i.�1et11P. Cc�ncPn- ' Ftnr1K f,n 1,�tfi itrrl��,y I'fiFTil� �ninra t.r:iLin�; on thc d�wnl,own nrcr+ firSL, '�')je sniti t,he tininlier nf sirit;i� pi.ry F,;irk�, ntic) �ra�1�7n ni�ci -- f�mify �)f.i'tT11L.S irr t�;lk I�ivcr h.�s rr�;i��r�:il��7�rks. , ��. �.. . y � � . . . . • . � � . .� .- . . . Page 2 Resolution 19$8 - ' (3) Such assessments that are deferred shall be deferred untii J'anuary 1, i 1999; or until the property is platted; or until construction of any ; improvements thereon. Upon termination of ttie deferral, the assessm�nt I shall be as follows: � ia. The assessments shall be payabie in equal annual iristallments ; extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said � installments ta be payable with general taxes for the year fc�llowing jtermination of the deferment, collectible with such taxes during the � year following termination of the deferment. i b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of ' eip,tit and two-tent#is �ercent (8.2�) �r.r ann�.nn �n the erit i rc r�r i nc i���l amount of the assessment from Jant�ary i unfi.i.l i)ecernl�er 3) c�E the ye,�r i in which such instRllment is payable. i c. The deferment of assessments is contingent on the owner of any property so assessed exeeuting an agreement with the city retatixlg to the deferment prior to Novetnber I, 1988. If suctr zgreement is not executed prior to November 1 , 1988, such assessments stiall not be deferred and shall be payable as provided in Paragraph 2 above. d. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certifieation of the assessment or the first installment thereo� to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of pa�rment to the ', City Treasurer, except that na interest shall be charged if the entire � assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and such j property owner may at an� time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 3I of the year in which said payment is made. • (4) The Administrator/Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate copy of this assessment roll to the County Audit�r to be extended on the tax list of the Gounty. ',' ; ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 1988. � ATTEST: Rollan fioke, Playor Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Glerk L ' `. . � . . . • . � � � � . .. � . .� .. s Agreement THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of � , 19$8, by and between the CITY O�' ROSEMnUNT, a Minnesota municipal cor�nration ("City") and ("t?wner", wheiher one or more). WHEREAS, Owner is the fee owner of the property in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, the legal description �f which is c�n Exhihit "A", attacl�cd hcret�; and WNEREAS, the City, as part of City Improvement Project , has levied special assessments against said property in the amount of $ ; and WHEREAS, certain �lans and policies of the City discaurage development on commercial agricultural land and the C;ity is willing to defer said special assessments to prevent premature development and the instaflation of public improvements; and ,� WHEREAS, the �wner has requested the assessmenis be d�ferred. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the f�regoing and other gc��d and valuable consideration, the �arties agree as f�llows 1. The assessments on the �roperty described an the attached Exhibit "A" in the amount of $ shatl be deferred until January l, 2999, or until the property is platted, or until construction of any irnprovements thereon. Upan the termination of the deferment, the assessments shall be payabie annually in equa# installments of principal, plus interesi on unpaid � + installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, with interest at the rate of 8.2 percent (8.2%) percent per annnm, in the amount annnally required to pay the principal over such period at such rate, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year following termination of the deferment. tnterest on the assessment to IIecember 31 of the year before the fir�t installment is payable is forgiven by the City. � . ' ! , , • • 2. Tl�c Owncr ws�ivc� <►ity �ti�ci ��II ��i�nrr<lural .incl �ttf,tl;���livr objections to the installation of thc �tablic xsscssments and thc sprciai assessments, including but not limited to hcaring requiremcnts and any claim the assessments exceed the benefit to the pr�perty. The nwner waivcs any appeal rights otherwise availat�le pursi�ant to Minn. Stat. 429.OF31. 3. This Agreement shall run with Ihe land and may be rec�rded against the title to the property and shail be binding upnn the }�artics hcrclo, their successors, heirs or assigns. ,, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement t.he day and year first above written. ' CITY OF R�SEM(IUNT By Rollan Hoke, its Mayor By Stephan Jilk, its Administrator/Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss ' COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged he(ore me this day of , 1988, by Rollan Hoke and Ste�han Jilk, the Mayor and Administrator/Clerk of the City of Rosemound, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behatf of said municipai corporation. N�tary Pubtic . STATE OF 1�INNESOTA ) } ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA } The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 19$8, by Nolary Puhlic 4�� • • . �Y � � � � � . P O 8QX 510 Z�� � 2875-145TH ST. W. � Oc��^�M� ROSEMOUNT. MtNNESOTA 55068 J � t t, 612-423-44t i I f October 11 , 1988 Michael Willard, HR1� 14825 Canada Avenue Rosemount, MN 5506$ Dear Mike: As yau know, on Thursday, October 13, 4988, the HRA will be reviewing an appraisal report of the e�tim,ated tnarket value o€ parcel.s within the tax inerement area for poss3.ule future devel.opment. While appraisal infarmation is a valuabl.e tool in determining the future vi:sion of downtown devel.opment in Rosemount, it se��ts to me that many o�hear pieces o£ '"th� dawntawn redevelopment guzzle" need to be put in place. I'm concerned that we do not overlovk the apportun�.ties to identi£y the princ�.pl.es, valu�s, and unir�ueness that we want our downtQwn to reflect. �orneday aur downtown �hould be a place that you a Eeel a shared sense of value and identity. We still h�ve th� opportunity ta des3.gn and create a downtvwn about which w� ca� say "thi� �.s e►ur p].�ce". The two ar�ticles �hat aceampany this letter speal; mare to the issue I am raising. The gen�ral recommendatian Z am suggesting 3s the need for a tatal. vision for downtown Rc►semc�unt, i.e. : a design plan that would include everything from glanters, sidewalks, and other estheties, to a land use plan that wou�,a s���.i out tne cultural, entertainment, service, retail, and commereial, eharacteristics af a £uture downtown. Tt �ust makes sense ta "have yc�ur d�stination determined before �he train leaves the station". Wit�l future deyelopment eminent on the narth west c�rner af Highway 3 and County Road 42 and the d�sire of the ��R1� to move� forward with downtown redeveloptnent, i.t is imp�z�tive tt�at we act now in dev�laping an over all design for downtown. The timeliness of this recommendation makes even more s�nse in ligh� of our Town Meeting, c3.tiaen attitude survey, impendi.ng recommendations of the Citizen Advisory Committee. If the consensus of the HRA and Pianning Commissi.an is that an over all design plan wou�d make sense we may want to �ap the ex�aerrise +�f the new URBAN DESIGN CENTER a�t the University of Minnesota (se� ar�icle attached) and our awn Mike Woz�niak, who has a degreP 3�n landscape architecture. � ' � • T3owntown Development Qetober 11 , 1988 Page Two I would have rather talked to each of yau personally about these issu�s but the �ast pace of events this fall just doesn`t aZl�w it. I look forward to hearing your reaction ta these and ather issues surrounding downtown redevelopment. Sincerely, _---- /� Rollan Hoke, Mayor . lj Fnclosures . cc: S�tephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Dean Johnson, Community Development Mike Wozniak, City Planner � r � i � �`; � � . �. �.�` ��� I�. IV� �.�, �� ��. � � �� � � S (� . . � outside of a house re€lact the nome inside = ' Gro��th challengew: �� �� r , C in a semi-pub�ic v�a�� that corr:municates . _ ` ia the nei h�o�s.Ge said. � -'��� � ' � , � g '< _:�.�, .� t x-' � � �� iF� �C��g�I. �.�,`C E��: :� talces more than individuai effon ,f ,: � � .. , ;,. "�'-��` :i� ' ���:- to mai:e a saburban tract a neighbornood, '� , �� 4 � By Artn Baker �� S'j ��y-!i ti�or*ish said. It needs connecting linl:s '. � "S k`�-�-,��" � ' r� �r.' : �_ � ; „ tt�a� can onit- be formed b�• a community ,, ��'' . ,_� Si2., 1+�,.,.!E�r � ` - w ,,;,��..�, .,�s��+ aar v�, �' _:;� ,} .. f , uortiing togetner uit�a common vision. 4. ~„���, :_�, ���.�`t :� •t. ---"� , ( ''It'� nice out here. quiet a ,� secu-�.' �-� =�..,. �^<< � : f .-"� '�- �''_ Tal:e. for P�ample. the park�ca��s in Si. � ,,., �� �R �. ,„, .-. j. ' � : -� � $ili �10�rist said. as tne ca -olled ���: � � Paui ana '�Zinneapoiis that linl: the cities' 4 , , � �`"� .� 3� ��",:. ,f `�'�--�' elaQo�a�e�200.000 homes in�h��ne���c�- * #j'�� , parks for pedestrians, bicycles and auto- �..,�.� �� �` �" �'4:" ,� Y ,�:t;r I� nais Hei[�nts su:ad:�•ision c2:ied Ro:•a. �obiies. �-= .� t C !�' Y�'. �I` M � . Gaks. '•But as ic g:ows, anc the3 ct�op � -._ " ' y • ' �Y� dow::cne iorest,vou iose your amenite." Morrish sa�s tne vision that developed '' - ` ,� . � � .� � . � }` ' y_' ttiase linl�s is?he kind oi communit�� lan- "'"� �' �* ``} . _ t ,. m P : �`' ��' +� •�" . 3`'�c'•.�4.,. ;Vionish. who�s iust moved co the .c�ir. �-�� Cizies �o establish �ne ne�r urban design �g that's missing in many suburbs, not ,� , c�nte: at the liniversitr af ;�dinneso�, °�3'around the Tarin Cities but across the ._�'� - _=--�' -.�`�� N: linited States. '�" Ras caking ar informal tour of aortnern -_ � - : - Ramser Countc and commencing on .�e "a'e ean see the demographics." he - gluses and minuses oz suburhan living. �d. "You`re going to get more people. �.. � Peo�le m�'v;ng to the suburbs, he said, �'eople can't �:eep moving because the ' �"` � �- ` often don't reaiize that the same na�ure P?'ice af housiag is going up;land is appre- #� *- r- - � and ooen space thar attract them to an ��ting too fast. So are we goin� ta get outi�-ing area soor. brings others wanting �Pressed about it,or can we make it bet- n ���r �- - ,� the same thing,and the place starts to get Morrish intends to rovork on making it - croaded. . � "Oh. look at the heron," California- better, and the founding of the new arhan desi center in the universit s archite�- :���_ ~` reared Morrish exclaimed as the ear ture�school, shows there is a�group of as- w�ent by Birch Lake in White Bear Toccn- 5���who�ant to cooperate. }`_ � � a :_ �,,;� � i The ceater. aided by a grant from the _ - �_ Cantinuing along, past the;uniformly � I I , I'll � ' "��'�"- gra� buildings of the Pratt Townhomes Daqton Hudson Foundation, will develop - � = � � � .. , , courses for aduare studPnts and �21 � " ��� - �eve,opment. :4Sorr�ish admirEd individual � ��-: � �-�` e .•`�' � _ y .. touches here and tnere, a ciu.•ng of fir Provide cor.sultants to locai governments 4 -. :� �,� � � t:ees. a c�ine-entu�ined doorwa�. a plot of and private conapanies. - ` . ' 4 �-. : _�-_ �,�; " ,„ fiou-ers. Those personal stamgs make the Piease see Cen#er/2 '���.. _ :� �� : ; °� . _- � ' i� .^- - � �; °� : , �.: _-�._ � �. - `�, .,.,,,`.�;�,,� � " � _ , g' -.� _,______ � � �_� # f ,� { ''"''� .. � � � _.�� ' � „ ,-- ,` - � ... . �. ' i � � f _ . . . . � � . .. . ��*a��:.� . �-7� �,v '..� �� � � � �� : � . ; . � � �� � _ t r � �. . � , ��'�`—•., ; . .� -�a . .tv..� � �i . . 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' . . `� . . ._ .. _�r ,_`'�:�. .. . .�..:e=' , ' . : '• z' ;s���:� '���". � rian or a relative tc, unt3erstand andJ�be tnere las: summer. Manr mod�rna�oiisned ,..f � �. _��a,`�' . Y•�� „ ,�, " , :.;,,,,: ,'� touched bS the presence oj the pasi con_ granice stones sit fulIc engrared witc the ' ta:�ed at St.Marys. names and dates of birth missmg onl�• :he Spence Hoiistadt/Staff Photographer dates of oeath. If need be, th�ce:neter�•�an St. Mary�g Catholic Ghurch and cemetery, New Trier. �`npone can absorb tne sadness distilled in be expanded into the comfielas as tntc�ears oorner of the cemeterp known as Hol�� go bE•. • � ��.���� �'`� . . �. �.��.��-s �o ���� � � �- a� s�.���-��.� � ����� :�ntinue; from Page ? suc�: aues�ians as �chetbe: socie:�� c.acs d;�•rne� br inde aaent de- � Fe . in S:. Pau3. It's no accident tne�'r� style i�stead o: recre� inE tzzi� car. an� snoulc pu� some i:ame- velocers. �no are compet�ng vvith �a� �, �p �ban szvIe shops at former :rontier iook. hauc.a;-�sG. �n�� a iew universities in the �orl:s oA grocrth. And if sc. jus� each other. HoR- do vau combine Ca'_houn Square and Grand Avenve. Wis., ca.is itself "ti,e c ; o. coz�t.�• hac� a department for ur- hocr do communities �an: that tne separate eiements? T• , � ` bar ,.esig�.. '"his one mar be uniQue gromth to turn out' `' nere's a crommoa space it s?I homes' d�manding crar^- �;,r.-s,- bec use M�rrish ccants it to oac as Marrich said. "�ou move to sub- A���'e`re going to tn- to teach stu- �r��� �- p�ple can be in ta� stituuonai designs ir.ali rQsiae:,ial r.iu�a a.tea�ion to the suburbs as to urbs so escape tne citv and its d_nts ta think this a�ay. that a cor:��unitv and see each other. constructior.. the^�ntrai cit�•. problems — manr people do. But ��ii�� or gat'den is connected to �o� ��l Iike vou have a sbared The sideccalks kose�•ille :as thE larger commutiitR. Yov want a �Sa of value.You can belon to a nn� t�a:�cas one reason the uni- eventuallr the problems come to g sia�ted requiring deveioaers ast re�si.c ccanted ta hire Mor:zsh. !�Qu—safetr,transportation. ., safe communitp. It'c better w ��n� Yflu �an say, `This is our ir, frant of nev� cammercia�ld- };now your feilo� citizeas than to F�C°�' p�p�e waat to get ovt into ings may Iead tha; �a�, too, . o:r- saic Dal� hiulfinge:, the associate "For securits, suburbs put in throw� up fences, and it takes �� i��P�• it'S Wh�E v0u ITi�ke isb s ulated. p�Q:essar of architecture who dead-ead streets and gates.Ther..'s W�rk yoa:citv out of. � heatieC the search committee for a strange paradeg. A cul-de-sac « Loaking at the sid�asalks, tr�es the center's director. can be more dangerou� no ane �O�' 40, whfl gre� up ir� It`s difficult to do that in the and boulevard that were jus: in- "All over the countrs, we're not �q aotice the burglars wha come ��a°' ��'° � ���t and de- suburban area. When childrea go stalled in front of Har ;�iar :�;aIl, building ceAt�l cities," MuLfinger in �vhen someone's awav on vaca- �1� ��ldings on bott► coasts, ��ewhere,you have to bus them. Morrish predicted the rQw ,� most recently in i,os 4ageles. In go vcith tbem er ta#e them.It's got- Z�y�ap�g �itl change Har hiar sa�d. We're buildiag snburbs that tion.I think that isolakion and sepa- ���� he's found le who �n so compiea." are turning into cities.I and manv ration increase insecuriip. P�P from an anonymous. California- have time w cansider his favorite One way to star# deveIoping the stvle, "parking IoY' type of shop- o;.hers feel there's a tremendous "There's a conflict and contra- y�u� �,�� b� hopes time to try links and common spaces,Morrish ping center into a cozier place that need for us ta lc�c�k at this aggrega- dictiou. People �ant cammunity, n� a roaches. In Cali#o tion of buildin s, because this yei the re afraid of e�ch other. A �p � he �ey���for every communitc to welcomes pedestrians. g 3'' felt manp people have givea up, find an identity of its own, or cre- �� subvrb should s,.and out growth is auz of controL" suburb is aot designed as a city,it's Ae thinks Mianesota's cities a�°�• ,� from its neighhors in same �ay, He said the center will study a series of individual hornes oa �ave a rvonderfui resource ia t�eir Ask, for urstance, what makes Morrish said. parks, spacious, tree.filled, �ra�y Little�anada uniqne? if you could °tPeople cvuld drive across a Qj�QT'A W/E$� eapaases that are unknown in de.scribe that, you could use it as a boundary and knoc� thev were i:: a places Iike Arizona and aouthern set of priaciples to design your different communin•," he said. California. city." "That wauld be stnking.>, Editor:Pa#rick Sweeney day for pubiication the failowing , Assistan4 editor: Key Harvey Wednesday.Please send news �d h��9� lt S IIO 3CCid�Dt t.�t8t Th�t's beea done in other places. � Gopy editors: items to Neighborhoods, S2. Paui Pi- P�PIe,evea suburban people, love After an earthquake leneled Santa � —�— Jim Nagel oneer Prgss Dispatch. 3a5 Cedar to walk around Lake of tbe Isles in Barbara, Calif„ 60 vears ago, citi- ; Norman Visner St.,st. Paui,Minn.55105. M1nIIE'.ap012S and Summit Avenue zens decided to rebuiid it Spanish I Staff writers: News telephones:22&5462, Richard Chin 22$-5475 �� ': � Mich$!e Cook � � � - �� : Advertising sales representatives: �� ; ; : � Jeann Linsfey Tim Abbott j � �� - - 4 Bruce 4rwail Kathy ingutsrud (a � � � � � �. � � A � i� , .� � News Gerk:Tirn Carey Joe Schoenig , .- � � � �lerk rypts!:Caroiyn Meyer Advertising tefephone� 225-5333 ;� ! � �� � � �n � �►+ � News deadiine: Noon Wecnes- Circuiatiort: 291-1g$g I � " I� �`"� r� +� � �i � . . � 11dAr-((� .�. � �`'� .i1 r � R � • � � � t � � ' .. . . . . . � � •}���`#{. I � � I �'". � . . �. R!►3 � � ,� ��� *� �,_�fl � � � $6 �� � ... �M � � � ��Z � �. .�� � � . ! � , �� � .� . � , ! ��r„�,� ,� ; ( �. , . . / . � �� �'�s-� � � � rk�rl � . �. + '�/ ii ��i1..'' �. . ; . .: �'^�. � ��. , � � t�`� � � ;��� � .. � /. � r•.� Er � �..� . ���i�i��� �.�� .�� i.�...+.� �.. �_ �._ hy Dan 3einzman Editor ,�".�„"�-ir � =a`"'"'�,yz '., � x � Z'he �eveiopment of' aownu�u�: � ,. _ a„ � :�,�-_" � � - � ; Elk River and the bSi�s��� .;r: � �g' ��' ���= � � ' - � � � � Riverfront in that area capt�..�4. ,, w,� r: ,-6 - ��� �,,,,, ��'' ��` , � :� .,,,,�,.�'.� * mest or the attentior �-,� -� �,t,�� -;: ;� „�s a�-;, imaginavior. of t?�ose �°ho a.:.:en,.�� � .a.�� � ��� . . ��,, �.. = � 4; ,- '�""�`�" the secon3 2UUl Go�.;erer.cE _,,�, � � �� '�� ��,�. "�' �� Saturda�• in P.iverv,•oo� Cor.. � � � �: �-�;� . �: - : ference Center in Otsegc T��.r,- � ��j �'°` � `� ;;= �y ship. . �e �. �� ` : `'� `� � ,��� :,�A�� �- � � � Even thougn the Lhree top�c4 ti.e-- � ,�= ;# �� ,; �.':.- � a the downtown, green space � .: �:, ,� ,,� -�,,� F � rivers and economic developmen.. � � _ � . , �. � r - the downtown area kept po�p.n� u;. �-� � r���- �� �:: z in the br�instorrrzing session: a:;c� : ' �v � � - „� � ., �,' = recamrnendations. � ` * final ���� � �x ,,j' , " ,r A hi�hlight of the canfere:jce, � < -- F which was attended by a�ou: � ' ,� _ , �.-�`� '� � � - _ � community }eaders, was a �od�: _ - - ,, ;. of a city center, to include cir• �:•, - 'Y _ :: = � , ' g� governmental offices, pre�er,ted � � � � � �` - F� by Architect Kobi Ka.rp, who hac � , � �: been a member of the �verno-': � .H ' � ���' � `' Aesign Team which visited �ik �� � � � � � :� Rawer last year. � �� � � ; Kasp's multi-purpose, civic ��� ��`' ; centeT would be located on the river�.. - ��,, ''� � � bank by the new Elk River-Otsego � �:. ` e ; �� � Bricige across the Mississippi �, -_:�� , 1 � �. ., � � River and cut off the entrance ta �� _->,�-.,,,_-� - ' , �. ,,, ' Main Street He proposed tha: it . � 1 �_ .... ... ,.. �` �- � �yV� �, ��: `� have underground parking, an . - •�" ^--t ���� '.�« •� ' obsen�atory overlooking the river, � l� t �� _ ��, ^ and a caf'eteria ;_.,,_� " ' S�,,. ,. �,. - �� That model set the tone for the �r � : discussion that foIlawed and its � �' . � ,� _+�, ` � � } location i�as one of the few� �; •. `` �.: . ��� a �,�_ s�-= y�� eontroversies at the end ofthe day�. �' ;. ���- ;.. � :-� � ��` � � A vote by the participants settled � � �`�` .� � � � ~ the issue of nnt suggesting to the ..����� �.� �� � � _ � � � Elk River ' �� ` " . City Council where znF _ � � � ' ' ` new cit �hall should be locate�'. _ s ' �:� 4 � �' �� Dunng the dav, one sma11-�rosr� ds�...� Y� �� � c#. b Y _ �� ���,. ^' -� � �•; �'�' �1 � session on dovmtown devel�pmen: ,_-� � �- '�' � � ,c had as one of its prior�ty sugges- «- ;_ r� �.,� - ��:�,._ � � � �. rt : � �E � �` � tibns that the city eauncil imrr,e�- � �:: ,�+-`�" ' �`'�r,Y,��� * �. .�x �.: �; � � � iately sell the c}d city hal; � ' � , ��: � ' �`�.� � �� {the creameryi anu tur;7 it ::: ' �,��` � : �,.�' � ; �"�-_ �` .,� � : ., some other use, preferably �a "` �����'• � �""�: �� 'a restaurant. T'ha� s �� i � � ' � � �'L� t uggesL on, - �' however, never made it in the final � ^, ' recommendations: * a , �; , ,� �>repnrin�; t� nti��i�;�filc rivrr, ,tnd �tt from 2 t it� 1�)�;O i.rt 1 CrO itt 1�3ftG �icveh,�>i��g c�mpin�; �n�l rc�crrsi- nl'Rf Ix�,yc�►acl t:hs�t nlr�n�lv i.h'rc yr�r. tion nrn�e �}1C saluteti thc fi,lk I�iver •fJ�wnt.nwn clevrinfimeni,I�orri�:�- i3�iilcicr� /lssc►cir�i.i�rrt,q .,very lize a l�nd-use pinn £or the clown- s►�ccessful l'strr�cle of iteii�eg." town ar�ta, u�ing idens frc►m fihe sni�i she 's working t.o�et the 'Karp's p�an, inclucling n river- Fi1A lc►nn limit for house� raified town theme, usin� the city hnll And from �fi8,50� Eo ti�e �9U,t)0(i limit riverfront as foctt) points, builciing �iven t.o iGs�nti t:otmt.v. on Governor's I)esign 'I'eam iden4; Growth is nf!'ectin� the cl�rnnnds using planters anr# cnirt�iner oti cit.y services. She c�id t.he ciEy is � � �r�rcicnin�, nciciin� l�er�clies tin�l i�� 1,1i� �rocecs �f hirin� n r,iti� st tnn�,nirt t,o tlrnw p���tte I�,y (;«n�rtiu��ify t)evelr,p�nr•t�t, })irec- � I.or,. whorn she ho�x�� to hs�ve� hired l,y Jnn. I. � , . �he cni�l t.he ciiy 5 (;r�;�•th Mt�r►- ��lE." C1�� 15 �?l1 �:1 ��en�ent: '1'nsk t�orce is revitswin� � � � � � tbe �;os�l� (c�r I,l�e raexl, l�i y�nrs�ant1� fast track. �-�l.l.c`�.IIG is Gt,u�l,viri�; t,}►P. fi�Q�Vt1I.Olt�n �r�n, Tr.uO ���5�;� �vith n sF�Fcinl focta5 an i.l�e rivcr. J[i/. � j;ven ImfnrF Itnr�i t�t�vril�rl his mo�l��l fo�• » civic ccnl�•r ��rt the so��l,h��st rc�rner �f tl�e if�tersection . � e ...� . .«.....M.. ..�., ........ .. „ wrw+ea�e�-iu.w� �.�f„ 1 t+(� t; ;:�•�:'� i���i��j'tr tli�ti �'ii{�1�1 � . FtreR4in� the cult,urnl, ��nt�r- :;�rF�c�L, (.t�nkel ah�wet) €� �li�l.r, of I;he tninment, �service, ret.nil, com- �nme nrnfl, au�*��*etir�;! il, w����l�l he r� mercinl t�nci ��peei,g (�ti fin�ncecl �;ooci��l�cr.i��bcntii:ify,sr�ul�1ei•e*to��. �.___.. _. __,_-..------ city-wicl�). (,urtk�l saici Ghe ei�y hns R��etit, People at the conference did en- Followin� the votin�, those �f0,0At) ta irn�rnve t)rono I'nrk, dorae the idea of a multi-purpose �ttending �i�nec� up t� work an th� wit:h new plt�y equipment being ci+vic center� �imilt►r ta Kz�rp's. v�►rious pro�ect�. lluri�a� thc tln,y, i►�stnlleci ac►�n. wl�ich he dicl �� his project for a they macle A cammitr�►er►t t� vne Sn�n nn s��r�r.m�nt, wiil tx� degree in Architecture nnd Envir- activity. si�n�ecl �n a ]Fi3-nrre Wilclerneaq onmental Desigr� from the Univer- Elk River St.ar News Publisher pnrk. Next yenr she hc�pes to have n sityofMinnesotn. Elmer L. Mdersen, formcr gaver- n�w en4,rs�nce nncl name for i.he Such un endorsement of a civic nor oC MinnesotA Rr�d boarcl ��rk. center overlooking the river chnirtnnn �f the II. Ii. Fuller I)u�r�e Itropuenske, vice �re- clashes with the city council's plfln Comp�ny, drew n pmlor��ed ap- sident of t}�e First Natiena) T3nr�k to eventually mave its oti'�ces into �������e followin� his l.alk �n £111fI t� men�ber of the Elk River the county administrative builtl- ��fl�ershii�, ('l�nr�in� Cntramission �nd �ng• Anciersen snid everynne c�n �nd t.rowth M�nn�e�r►ent 't's�sk F'arce Delegates �t the 2Q01 Conference �hould be a lencler. Ile stressecl Lhnt snicl"'I't�e cit,y is�n a fs�gt trnek." agreed on three short-range pro- a leader must have faiEh in the Ite r�vieweci sc�mc vf the jects to be started immediately, and �dea, must h�ve a �crc�cl nttitacle, recnntmr.ndntions of the G�ver- three long-range ones in the main Al1tI F1C @flt}1U91fl3I.1C. T10T S DCSt�,Tfl TPRi1'1. IIP snici the topic nreas. Tr�cing the ori�in of i,he �vorrl nre�a +cl�r►tilic��1 fi►r cievelc�{�ment The short-ran�e ones And their eni,h��sie5m, l�e snid thnf, it ecmr�s in i;l�e I.r.F�rn'a sta��ly were ttie topicst►re: from i;he (�reek word "eliu�s;' �l�i�vnl.oLv�a, I.he sehoel cnmpue, •Cconomic development—Est�- which menns "(aocl wif,hin," ��:�rk n+�d i,he m��ll, nr�ii t.he blish A locnl foundal,ion for fiind- "t�otl within" ��um{�i���; oui. s� exl.r•n;�i�+n of t,1►e coir�merr.ir�) in� ecomic nncl communiLy end- Q��;rit, thnt's ef�l:t�usin�m, Aiuler- k�u4i�irsa. eavors, assuming Elk River wilt Sen Snid. 'Pl�e �lewnl.nwn, Che le�rn anicl, hAve a community develoUment �e difi'erence in thc €;reat s}i�t�l<( l�e lhe focug c►f the corn- coordinatar hired. ' (The city is 1eft�ers, he said, is their willin�- munity. interviewing candidates fo�� that �ess to st�ty wiLh someEhin�. tlmon� other recommends�t.ions positionrightnow.} "I,ife cs►n be led witii he cit.ecl wcre inst,�llin� � t�ont •Green sE>ace-rivers—L.nndsc�pe enthusinsm,,, he �t.r•esGE�d, „We're l,�nrlin�; lei�tlin� fr�m iCin� �trerf., focusing on the downtown and atlja- l�lessed with enE�rmn�a4 um�sed h;rvin�; n hrid�;e extFi��lin�; t.� t.he cent t�re�s. ���t,r,i�l;it�L 'I'hcre iGn't n+i,yt.hin�; i5lrir�cis in t,lic I�'�1SRIfiCt�l�)� �ZIVt`1'� •Downtown tlevelo�ment-Deve- t»�acl�i;l►t�l wt�cnn'l.de." t�awin� :i c�,vr,��,d wf�lk�v,�y lo;�the spoce involving the olcl depot "Z'he r5sence nf I�n�l�r�hi�� is tn <imvi�ln�vn, n ►�naGi1�{e holel, r��njnr sil,e, lnnclscnpe ancl mnke it use- deeide w}�nt nrecls t.E� 1i� rioF►e �nd c,�{rj,��r clirlr, nn�l n tivic binck, ahte for p�rking• then c10 it."l�e cooic)�rde�i. i�tcludir,�;tl�e(�,Ik I�iv�r City IIs�iL 'Che long-term projects decided: Flk Itiver M�ty�r I�;stelle (,ti,ik�rl, 'I'i►e �ir•si�Trr (.c�rim nlso fiii�rectecl •Ecottomic cleveFopment—T}e- ���e of E?�e canference's �IISt(lpllt�; a rlo�vt�tmcii s<��i�re �vit.h n velop an r+g�resaive m�rketing commil,i.ee me�nt►ers, �.�ve t�n 1,:��r�lsi�F�1t� )l,ll'�CS nwt) trnils, n �nd ts►��d develo ment 1Rn for • , P P illuSf.rAt.eci �v�rview nf �vlti:rt:'S I,�;�r�tu°:►lk lestd�n�, fll�n� #;}�e river in�lustrialandecon�micnro{,*resg. ht�p��r•��c�l �'r� I;��c� �:i4.,y si1�c�• �1��� fir�:t. l�:�nr! I�r�,rn tl�n i�ircL Nnti�a;�l •f�r�t�n srnce-river--I)evel�p t;lre �tN)lOoi�rt�rence. Ii;rnk i.n i,he (it�fl���� (�;�rrn, Cf't#��ft river rirea with n theme, concen- �he a�ici i,?jc� n�iinher �f SiiiF;l� �>l:t�� },t�rk., n�iri iir�E��t� tt�icl 1:►:iLit��; on i,he ctownt,own nrc� first, ('���ily pertnil,s in I;7k l�iv��r lr.�s r,•�;inn:rl pairk�.