HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Set Public Hearing for Siemers Planning Commisssion Appeal � • • F.O. BOX 510 ������ � 2N7F-14�,TM ST W �+ y��� R05EMOUNF. MINNESOTA 558f+A �J�i!'�'Du�� 612-d23-A411 TO: CITY COUNCIL '�`�-Qx�r � ( FROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1988 SUBJ: NOVEMBER 1, 1988 - REGULAR MEETING REYIEWS SET HEARING FOR AN APPEAL Tp PLANNINC'r G(JMMI5SI4N DENIAL �F A BUILDING PERMIT TO CRATG & JULIE SIEMERS At their Oetober 18th Meeting the Planning Commissi4n denied a Building PermiE request from Craig and Julie Siemers for a 40' x 60' sq, ft. accessory structure ona lQ-acre parcel, zoned AG Agrieulture, on Akron Avenue. The metat-sided, metal-raofed poie building was proposed to store three semi-truck/trailers which the Siemers lease tca other companies. Staff recommended to the Flanning Commission that storage of these trucks for purposes other than personai use should be cansidered as a comrnercial trucking operation which is not a permitted use in the AG District. To consider this use as a horne occupation would require Chat lhe Siemers own and operate their own truck. This praposal was further ' compticated by the fact that there is presently no principal structure on the 1O- acre parcet. Mr. and Mrs. Siemers stated they plan to bui}d their home on this property and will be submitting their application for their residence in the near � future; however, presently ihey are string their trucks in an R-1 Single Family Residential area with limited space and no provisions for proteetion of the vehicles. The Planning Commission denied the request based on finding that the use is I interpreted as a cotnmercial use and not allowed in the Agricultural District. The applicant has proceed to request an appeal to this deeisian with City Council (see attached letter). Staff is requesting that City Council set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, November 15, 1988 at 8:0� �.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. . . • /� ��� "�'�f � J n ��:�t ��i'L�l r� � 7�'r� ��<_ . � /� ...�� ,� � � '� . .�._/�� vu �;�� ^....�- - /���,�� C�_l .�C' l t � <� , J ��� - .c.E..,f��' 2 c �1�, ��� �,c�:�- � , (" � ` , : 1'� /Yt.._� �5�� j f l�U�� ' �C/ (� -,� CI�.eJ l��Zc�1� lu.�.�/..�� rx.� �t�..c�,� �.� �c� .., . •�i'�� r r� .fT ` c_c ,�_. .a��� �;�� f�-�.; ���..�t� �a ��1�-c ��(� � t��la r�lr c ,�flc,�Lf: ���5 �`;��� .� f'c� :l� �.� , C 7�? (_.�P�t t C��.c �v � �t..� �_,�,c_,�a� �� �� C1�� <t. '� � t. `2E.�.C.�- �t. t? l% ? � � �G t c�, � /1� f: � (_tJ:��• , - � � (�71 L;��LE'_ /L% �l� c_�t -.1 t'J "_t /'� �� /�'r I / tr � (' , �-( ���; l_p r��Z.,�.�.�.� l_.._� Gtl.'�e....r _. L.O ,�•�.�_�t.�.z� � � �, � / �f�/��J '�'G' ��lc�� G���zyr/J,C• R �C�: IVCC� � oc� �x ��BB c��K�c�s UrF�rc;� . c►t� o� rtos�n�ouN r � � � � � .,,���i ��. *****************�***�************�e*****PtEPtO***��*�****�******��*�***,��********� DATE; OCTOBER 27, 1988 T�� MAYOR & COUNGILAtEriBERS C/0 ADPiINISTRATOR JILK FROrt: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT R�� ITEAi FOR NOVEMBER 1, 198$ COUNCIL rtEETING CONSENT AGENDA '� A rove Application for Payment l�4 for Valley �ak Addition Phase III, City Contract 1988-1, City Pr�ect I80 Because the total amount earned under this application for payment exceeds the totai eontraet amount, I am attaching this memo to this payment to offer a brief explanation. In reviewing the application for payment, it appears that the $5,47$,17 overrun (5%) is basically the result of the Contractor having to construet additional quantities over what was originally estimated by our Consulting Engineers on the propasal form of the bid document. This is not uncomman when you are dealing with working araund previously construeted utilities. These overruns are ai1 xsses�able eo3t and we are still well within the estimated eonstruction cost presented at the publi.c hearing for this improvement. Recommended action for Council to consider is to approve applicat�.on £car p�yment �4 in th� amount of $iG,021.24. ' � � CITY O#� ROSE�IOUNT JIpPLIChTION FpR E�AYMENT NO. �- �I`I'X PPOJECT NO: f Sd SEF� FI[.� NO: ����i��__..._ P�o�ecT: Va,lle •_� �d,=fio�, - T-'��s� CONTRACTOR: /�t 05�r �pyct'�1'vc.fio�. �D __�_ cor,Tr�ncm dr�Tc: -��5�� ��__ .. .____ ��Ol pc�}aow�� /�vcjw. A�f�LIC1�Ti�N i)11T�': (} Zo � , ---------------- -- ---f_(_.__ .1�,� �� �_____�__SS`�/Z_..__. FOR t�CEtInD ENDIN�; ---- � � � � , - _f_c�/z a/�s � 'i'otal C�ntract Amount S ,O�j� 140 �9 'I'oi:.� t 11►n��iir�t l�.,�rr�rcj ; � 'S Lj�� G6 Mr3t:c�ri.a1 Suitat�ly Stor�d on SiLe, Not Incarporated into Work S Coritrac� Change Order No. E�ercent Cnm�Ic�te �b090 - ---- _+ --I---- . - _--- S Z z./3 'S3 -------- Cor�tr.��ct Change Qrc�er No. , ___._. I erc�rit Com��l r.t,e s __ � (:�n(�r.act Chang-e Order No. , ------- --- _ __ } ercent Con�plete GE20SS AMOUN'I' UU� , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s_. _116,/az. �g LESS Z- $ R�TJIINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . • • s Z3z� a4 AMC)UNT dUE TO fl�TE . . , _- ._ _.. __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S If37go �s -----.-. _ — LESS PR£VIOUS APF'LICIITI�NS . . . . . . . . . . S__.__9-5�, 7s8 �� AMOUNT DUG THIS AppI,ICATIOPJ Z4 • • . . . . S iq, oZf ; � �; : � � �� Z? 8 � �S ichard M. N � City EngineerJ irector of Public Works - , , � . APPLIGJITION �'OR P7�YMENT ---------------- (UNIT PRICE CONTRACTj NO. 4 . t�WNER: RCIS�MQUNT, MIIVNESQTII� OWNER'S PEtCIJGCZ' N(�, -__-_____s_,.._.._.._.. ENG�I+tEER'S PROJ�CT NQ. 88131 LOCATIQN; RC?SEMOUNT, MINNESOTA �" -' "--- --- CONTRACTQR MQSER CONSTRUCTION CO. CONTRACT DATE -------------- ----'------ CONTRRCT` 11MOUNT SIO$, 140.49 CONTR. FOR ---vALi,EY OAK�ADDITIQN - "�_- PHASE III - RQSEM�UNT, MTNNESOTIi APP�IC.D11T� __--_aol2o�s�_l------------------------ ---_�-_------__�..__--- ------ - PERIOD END. ------------ ' ------10�20 $8 : --�----------- _ APPLICATI�N FOR PAYMENT DESCRIPTION CONTR�ICT QUANTITY UNIT ------------------------- UNIT QUANTITY TO DATE PRICE TOTAL I. SRNITARY SEWER ------------------------- . ----------------------------_ 0256.408 f3" PVC. 10' -12' DEEP L.F. 672 783 12.Q0 5939G.00 0256.701 STANDARD MH, 8' D�EP ERCH 4 _q 900.00 S 3600.00 0256.702 EXCESS DEPTH STD MH L.F. 15 15.3 55.00 $ 0256. SO1 �341 ,50 8" X 4" PVC WYE EACH 14 ' �4 2fl.�Q S 280.00 0256.803 4" PVC SERVICE L. F• 95Q 1_ p13 5.75 55824.75 0256. 900 CONNECT TO EX SEWER EACH 1 1 100.00 $� II . WATERMAIN . 1QQ,p0 Q257. 406 6„^DIP WATERMAIN, CL. 52 L.F, • 120 226 13.OQ S 293�3 t 00 ' FAGE 1 OF 4 SHORT-ELLzdTT-tIENDRICKSQ N, INC. : , , � � 025?.60fi 6„ R.S. GATE VALV� & BOX EACH � -- .�� 360.Q4 S 72U,UO Q257.630 T"ITTINGS LESS THAN 12" bB, 100 -],�� 1.50 S 204.QQ 0257.64Q FIRE FiYDRANT EACH I _!� 1ClOG1.00 $ 10(30.40 Q257.710 1" COPPER SERVZCE L.F'. 1250 137g � ?.�O $ 9G9C�.OQ 0257.730 1" CORPORATI4N STOP EAe�i 27 � 3�.001 S 94�,OQ 0257.?�0 1,� CURH STQP AND HOX EACH 27 =--_-?�?,,,. 75.Q0 $��5_�Q�� 4�5�•g�� CONNECT TO EX WATERMAIIV EACN III. STt7ttM SEW�R � -_____-_2__,., 10�.�t} $ ZQO,Q0 Q258.412� �12"wRCP STQRM SEWER, , cz�. v . . �..�. �s� �oo�� �.�.�o s ��o-r,�s Q25$.427 27" RCP STORM SEWER, CL. II L.F, 262 �_ 25.00 $ G525.0� 0258.6Q3 MANNOLE, TYPE H L. F'. 10 -8.2 � 120.Of1 $ 98�.00 0258. 605 MT�NHOLE, TYPF D - L.F. 5' �.7 12�.Q0 S 5G4.OQ Q25$.304 CATCH HASIN� TYPE X L.F, 15 �1,5 ___________ 1Q0.QO $ 1150.00 0258.705 CATCN BASIN. TYPE Y L. F. �� ��_ 120.00 S 1272.Q0 0258.801 R 1642 WB MH CASTING EACH 3 _____.� 1 iQ.00 5 330.00 0258.808 R 306? CB CRSTING EACH 7 ___ 7 _ 20d,00 $ 1400.OU 0258.932 CONNECT TO EX MANHOLE EACN � � ._.2 2QC1.aQ $ 400.�0 IV. STREETS . 2105.501 �COMMON EXCA�ATION C.Y. 5QQ 854.9 1. 50 S 1281 .6Q 2].01. 5 21 �'- GRANULAR 80RROW {L.V. ) C.Y. _ 500 _ 46 U1 2.00 S 92,02 2111.501 TEST ROLLING R.S. 13 19 6 ].0.00 $ 146.00 2211.503 AGG. BASE PLACED CLASS 5 �.Y. 825 g__-�_ 9.00 $ 7949 70 2112. 501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION �.�. 13 14.G 3.00?.00 S 19bp.ppy_ 2341.504 $IT. NIATERIAL FOR MIX Tp� 50.5 5_ 1_�6 146.00 S 75F36.16.._ 234�1.5Q8 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 436 4�q6.q2 9.75 S 9352.G0 2341. 510 BINDER C�URSE MIXTURE T�N 436 q! 5g�p3 9.75 S 4465.79 PAGE 2 Ok' 4 SNORT-ELLIOTT-NENf1RICKS�N, INC. y � � � 23`i7.502 BIT. MAT F�R TACK COAT GRL. 265 _�^ � .QO $ 250.00 25Q4.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE B�X EACH � 2 80.00 $ 160.4U 2506.522 1�DJUST FRAME AND RING EACH CASTING � � I04.t?Q $ 70U.OQ 2531.501 CONCRETE CUR9 & GUTTER, L.F. D�SIGI+I D4i8 2?5� 29�_ 5. 20 S 15314,00 ---------.;_-T 2554,5�1 PERM�#NENT BA�t�ICADES L.F. �2 �___64__-_ 2�.OfJ S 128Q.40 V. LIGHTING 2545.552�T FEED POINT EACN 2 _------�-.._. 60�.Ot? $ 1 U � 2545.511 LIGHTING UNZT, TYPE A ��'`� EACH 1 � �}� 1450.40 $ 14SO.Q0 2545.S11 LIGHTING ,iJNIT, TYPE B EACN � 3_ lf 55.33 S 49f5.99 2545,532 UNDERGROUND CONDUCTOR L.F, 720 __ 7-�1 g_,_____ 2. 20 $ 15$1.8U P11�I: 3 OI' 4 StI�RT-P:L,T�Tt?TT-f1T:N1)EtTCKSC?N, INC. . ' , tiPPLICATION FG�t PAYt�lENT' - Conti Total Contract Rmvunt $ 10��0. 49 Total Amount� Earned $11388a.6G Material Suitably Stared on Site, Not Incoporated into Work Contract Change Order No. � $ __________ Perc�nt_CompTete ipp Contract CF�ange Order No. � 2213.53 . ______._,_ Percent Complete Cantract Change Order No. �` $ Percent Complete � GROSS AMOUNT OUE. . . . . . . . . . $ ?1G102.19 LESS V'� RETAiNAGE. .. . . .. .. $ 232?_.t�4 ' A�UNT UUE TO DA�E. . . . . . . .. $ 1i3780.15 LESS RREVIOlJS APPLIC�#TIQNS.. . . . $ 99758.9� C4NTRACTQR'S AFFIpAYIT . AN�UNT DUE TN�S APPLICATION, .. . $ 14Q21 .2� he un ersignec ,a�ctvr hereby swears under per�alty of pe�'u� payments received frem tMe (lwner on accou►�t of work perfarmed underathe�contract referred abQve ha�re been appiied by the undersigned to discharge in full ai1 obl previvus pragress, sign�d incurred in c4nr�eetion with work covered b �� cantract, Y Rrior Appifcatians fvraPay�nt�under�saidM material and equipment incorporated �n said Project or othenyise �n� f2) atl Application for Ra i ym�nt are free and clear of all iiens, eTaims, securityninterestseand� th#s encumbrar►c�s. Dated ��.�,� 7 l , 19�i�S'� Moser Construction Contractor $y z°C'.�. `�: ��,�..,�, ; �-„�..- �t'••.i �;..✓� COUNTY OF �__�. - } SS ._ Name and Title STATE QF •�'}'I:� ) : Before me on this �ce day oF ��,,.,� /.J<;/Y �(: ,,ry;;;r�� � 19 •S�~ persarraliY �ppeared and say that he is the known to me, w o befin u ca��,y�-,� g c�Ty. swern, dfd depose Office af the Contractvr above mentioned; that h -.,��esu�ed�•��e�.ebov�e��� and th�t �� af � PP���tion for Payment and Affidav�t on behaif of said Gon , l�l� ,S;t�tem�ttlt�i�or�tained theretn are true, cvrrect and cvmpiete. �ractor, d ..� '` r.or f°� s�4��r�;.,�,,,�� My COmrtI1S�A�d�� Fx{���'�'��''^t,A rr,,'iT�E.,G1A � , \ ! T,'/ .,i t��. 1•' �t�. G,.1 1'1 4",�'? ' «...............^.. w..,,,..,,,,..-„�...tr.. ,. , # .� �C�'� c:.�t�O.�.Z.,/ � . ,.,,. . :.. Natary Pubt ic The undersigned has checked the Contractor`s Application for p this Application is the Contractar's Affidavit statin that ali under this Contract have been applied b a�'�a�nt shown above. �i part af 9 previous payments to him connection with the work cavered b aily fi�m ��pp�s�harge in full all of his ob?igations in"� Y priar A lications fvr Payment. In accordance with the Cor�tract, the undersig�ted approves payment td the C An�ount Due, antr�ctor of ti�e Qate fC.��Z�S�$$ SNORT Ei 1 TT I� DRIC Sti INC. -_____ _._� _... -����E�� , Pag� q $y �_ o f � '.,,�- _ . r